why didn't the bad guys just shoot him in the mouth?

why didn't the bad guys just shoot him in the mouth?

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  1. 6 months ago

    A better question is why didn't the scientist remove his pain receptors.

    • 6 months ago

      A better question, if you have the money to make a fricking robocop and mecha why aren't you just doing coke and fricking teens on a tropical island

    • 6 months ago

      There's an anime like this where the only thing left of the cyborg cop is his tongue, so biting down on it is the one sensation that helps him feel alive. Plot twist he goes on an insane killing spree.

    • 6 months ago

      Because if it isnt bad enough being strapped to a machine, imagine being one with no access to your pleasure centers, and just being a numb piece of meat the rest of your life.

  2. 6 months ago

    Because it's not his mouth. It's his skin stretched over a metal plate.

    • 6 months ago

      How would random bad guys know that? Seems like specialized, insider knowledge to me. I mean, no one even tried. You'd think they would try.

    • 6 months ago

      What’s the advantage to this? Seems like a poor design choice tbqh

      • 6 months ago

        A policeman's job is not just 24/7 murdering. Most of their job is keeping the peace, non-violent crime, and interacting with the public. Robocop was supposed to be a friendly face and role model. ED-209 and Robocop 2 could never be that.

        • 6 months ago

          Yeah but he looks all creepy and shit. They could’ve just given him a teddy bear head or something, idk

          • 6 months ago

            he's not gonna take his helmet off to talk to bystanders you stupid frick.

            • 6 months ago

              The point is they need to keep that little bit of flesh alive unnecessarily when he could just have a cool metal face. OCP had shitty engineering, fact, but then I guess that’s what you get when you buy American

              • 6 months ago

                not sure if it was alive or artificial or preserved.
                he had no body warmth - remember he told his wife to touch it

        • 6 months ago

          The bit where they say Robocop 2, in Robocop 2.

        • 6 months ago

          >A policeman's job is not just 24/7 murdering.
          this is an american board GET OUT

      • 6 months ago

        Did you even watch these? They're very explicit about how Robocop needs at least some kind of human appearance for relatability.

        • 6 months ago

          tbf that was all in the sequels, not the original. Personally I liked Robocop 2 enough for what it was but I don't really consider it when I think about the themes and such of the original. Personally I like to think that the bad guys were trying to shoot his mouth but it's a hard shot to pull off when a murderbot is trying to kill you.

          btw the best part of Robocop 1 is in the final showdown where Robocop gets the drop on Clarence's gang, but instead of shooting them all he decides to shoot the Black person four times

          • 6 months ago

            >tbf that was all in the sequels, not the original.
            What does that matter? In Robocop 1 he was still a PR stunt for OCP, and they fully intended Robocop to be a public figure. 2 establishing that they kept his face for PR reasons was just spelling out what was obvious in the first place.

      • 6 months ago

        Yes. I'd say it's the best sequel since part 2.

        The bit where they say Robocop 2, in Robocop 2.

        It's a good and respectful transition between Robocop 2 and Robocop 3. It doesn't shit on a single aspect of Robocop even if it deserves it; really made with love, and that's hard to find these days. Really pleasant surprise and I'm glad I played the whole thing.

        Probably wouldn't have done much, unless they really concentrated heavy fire on that area.

        to me, Toy Story 3/4 dichotomy is the same as the Robocop 2/3 dichotomy. In both cases both of the sequels of their respective franchises were unnecessary trash, but latter gets disproportionate criticism.
        Robocop 2 made my skin crawl when I first saw how they were making what amounts to an R-rated kids film, but if you worship at the alter of RLM meme opinions, you can made yourself appreciate "muh over the top satire."
        RC3 in continuing tradition, was charming for its practical effects and the funny pimp scene and the funny robber in a cafe full of cops scene, yet people act like the fact that there's less blood and Alex Murphy's actor changed are a big deal.
        Makes me wonder if an AI voice dub of RC3 with extra blood realistically added in post would "fix" it.
        >You're actually defending the dogshit that is Robocop 3.
        Not really. I'm only defending it from homosexuals who say Robocop 2 is better than the original.

        • 6 months ago

          >people act like the fact that there's less blood and Alex Murphy's actor changed are a big deal.
          That's because they are, especially Peter Weller changing. It really hurt the movie overall.

          • 6 months ago

            They should make an AI voice dub of RC3 with extra blood realistically added in post would "fix" it.

            • 6 months ago

              Frick off, homosexual. Your underrated gem is shit.

              • 6 months ago

                >Frick off, homosexual. Your underrated gem is shit.

                to me, Toy Story 3/4 dichotomy is the same as the Robocop 2/3 dichotomy. In both cases both of the sequels of their respective franchises were unnecessary trash, but latter gets disproportionate criticism.
                Robocop 2 made my skin crawl when I first saw how they were making what amounts to an R-rated kids film, but if you worship at the alter of RLM meme opinions, you can made yourself appreciate "muh over the top satire."
                RC3 in continuing tradition, was charming for its practical effects and the funny pimp scene and the funny robber in a cafe full of cops scene, yet people act like the fact that there's less blood and Alex Murphy's actor changed are a big deal.
                Makes me wonder if an AI voice dub of RC3 with extra blood realistically added in post would "fix" it.
                >You're actually defending the dogshit that is Robocop 3.
                Not really. I'm only defending it from homosexuals who say Robocop 2 is better than the original.

                >>You're actually defending the dogshit that is Robocop 3.
                >Not really. I'm only defending it from homosexuals who say Robocop 2 is better than the original.

              • 6 months ago

                Somebody else ITT said this was moronic since nobody fricking says Robocop 2 is better than 1. I'm inclined to agree. You're defending Robocop 3 because you like it and hate that you're the only one.

              • 6 months ago

                >You're defending Robocop 3 because you like it and hate that you're the only one.
                RC 2 and 3 both leave a disgusting feeling that makes me want to take a shower, but RC3 doesn't do it any worse than RC2.
                My defense of RC3 exists on those very particular grounds.

                >Somebody else ITT said this was moronic since nobody fricking says Robocop 2 is better than 1

                >Robocop 2 may be better than the original.
                There was a Youtuber named UnknownArchive who made a video called Robocop Lime where he essentially said this. I can't find any of his old videos, and the channel that has the avatar might be the same guy since it has the same avatar (as far as I remember):
                The only evidence of his Robocop Lime review on Youtube is this defunct Newgrounds URL. He did a retrospective of the entire series as well as several others, and it's all gone forever as far as I can tell, since ddg, google, and yandex yield nothing, but he also said RC2 was better than the original.
                And I had a college film professor say RC2 was better than the original. I suspected he got this opinion from RLM. I obviously didn't put my phone in his face to make a video to prove it to you, but people like this exist, and they are who I am responding to.

              • 6 months ago

                >RC 2 and 3 both leave a disgusting feeling that makes me want to take a shower
                Try being less of a homosexual. I'm not even gonna bother reading the rest since you're clearly an oversensitive little shit who's ruining his own Christmas seething about Robocop sequels.

              • 6 months ago

                >The only evidence of his Robocop Lime review on Youtube is this defunct Newgrounds URL. He did a retrospective of the entire series as well as several others, and it's all gone forever as far as I can tell, since ddg, google, and yandex yield nothing, but he also said RC2 was better than the original.

        • 6 months ago

          >3's good and I'm saying this because 2 isn't as good as 1
          What the frick are you blabbering about?
          I fricking love 2 but I wouldn't say it's better than 1. 1's a near-perfect movie. It was gonna be next to impossible to top. Every Robocop 2 fan I know and have spoken to tend to agree.
          3's got nothing to do with anything.

          • 6 months ago

            >from homosexuals who say Robocop 2 is better than the original.
            Who are these people?

            They live exclusively in OPs mind, giving him justification for posting all that bullshit.

            RLM and a college film professor.

        • 6 months ago

          The loss of Peter Weller can't be overstated enough for Robocop 3. 2 is certainly a betrayal of many aspects of the first film, and it's well known what ended up on screen was not exactly what was written originally, but in of itself, it's a reasonably entertaining mean spirited weird film. 3 is just sort of a regular kind of shit.

        • 6 months ago

          >from homosexuals who say Robocop 2 is better than the original.
          Who are these people?

          • 6 months ago

            They live exclusively in OPs mind, giving him justification for posting all that bullshit.

            • 6 months ago

              I should have mentioned earlier. I'm not OP.

        • 6 months ago

          Nobody has ever said 2 is better than 1.

      • 6 months ago

        Those legs look ridiculously vulnerable

        • 6 months ago

          Say that to my face.

          • 6 months ago

            RoboCain scared me so much as a kid, he moved so erratically and inhumanly and seemed unstoppable.

            • 6 months ago

              He is on your side

          • 6 months ago


      • 6 months ago

        I don't know, he was pretty unstoppable in the film, Robocop barely overcame him after a lengthy battle in and out of the buildings and streets.

      • 6 months ago

        Those legs look ridiculously vulnerable

        As long as they can climb up and down stairs they're good.

      • 6 months ago

        Phil Tippet despises this thing, considers it one of the worst things they ever made.

        • 6 months ago

          It was cool when it was rolling up the elevator shaft.

          • 6 months ago

            That shot scared the FRICK outta kid me

        • 6 months ago

          Thats very ironic since it was stop motion at some of its finest. It works better in motion since it all these different ways to operate.

        • 6 months ago

          Shame because it's fricking cool.

      • 6 months ago

        "I wanted to do something that was more animal than human -like a Brahma bull combined with a locomotive. We went through a lot of animal shapes. But Tim Hunter -who was still on the film as director at that point -thought it should have more of a human appearance, because human beings are the biggest monsters of them all. That was his thinking and I think he was right."


        • 6 months ago

          >But Tim Hunter -who was still on the film as director at that point -thought it should have more of a human appearance, because human beings are the biggest monsters of them all. That was his thinking and I think he was right."

          So true, so true

      • 6 months ago

        All that was known at the beginning was that there was going to be a big battle at the end of the film between RoboCop and RoboCop 2. Craig Davies began developing the robot with the idea that it was something RoboCop would stand little chance of beating -a giant that could vary its height by way of gears and hydraulic rams. Craig began drawing sketches of the possible forms the Cain monster might take. The philosophy was that monsters exist primarily in our mind, that if you see something and get a chance to digest it visually, it is not scary anymore. So the idea was to put a bunch of stuff on this monster to kind of overload the viewers brain, so that there was no way you could really assimilate it all, You would never have a chance to get a fix on it because it was packed with so much. Davies' first ideas contrasted sharply with the anthropomorphic look of the original RoboCop.

        "I wanted to do something that was more animal than human -like a Brahma bull combined with a locomotive. We went through a lot of animal shapes. But Tim Hunter -who was still on the film as director at that point -thought it should have more of a human appearance, because human beings are the biggest monsters of them all. That was his thinking and I think he was right."


        With Hunter's edict to humanize the look of the monster, Davies took a new approach in its design. They came up with something that was upright and looked basically like a man. It had four arms, different types of tooling -the kind of thing you see in a lot of machinery. The idea was to show that this thing was capable of self-repair, something like a guerrilla Swiss army knife. The helmet design was just a conglomeration of a lot of things. from the front, it looks like an atomic bomb mushroom cloud; but it has the profile of a sort of stylized American eagle. And then the waist is very tiny -wasplike -so the overall im計ression is of a stylized bodybuilder. This robot is like a big, thick-headed American male butthole -the worst, most offensive thing you could ever have angry at you. from some angles, though, it looks like a medieval knight, which was a conscious satirical comment- it's medieval technology, showing that America is not in the forefront of this kind of stuff anymore.

      • 6 months ago

        Why the frick did it have a TV with a cgi face if all it could do to communicate was roar and screech?

        • 6 months ago

          Because it looked cool of course

        • 6 months ago

          I think he probably would have been able to communicate normally but degraded into a psychotic basket case like all the other Robocop attempts. The Nuke just kept him marginally stabilized so he didn't instantly self delete and could follow simple orders.

          • 6 months ago

            This. Faxx figured out that if Murphy was driven by his sense of duty, someone driven by a more *primal* instinct, such as addiction, could be easily made able to follow any orders.

            • 6 months ago

              Me, I would have picked a coomer to make into a robocop.
              >Go kill those guys and we'll top up your onlyfans account.

    • 6 months ago

      Why did they keep the whole face? Why not just keep the mouth part. This is all a terrible design flaw, if he did see his face and somehow remember who he was and he did. Why not just remove that chance all together?????!1?

      • 6 months ago

        Did you homosexuals never watched the movie ffs. Robocop's face was kept to help him maintain his sanity. Look at the other failed Robocop designs that were pure robots and they went insane immediately upon booting up. Except for Kain, that man was just built different. But he still had an animated face on a screen

        • 6 months ago

          Not true

    • 6 months ago

      >Because it's not his mouth.
      >It's his skin
      So, his mouth?

      • 6 months ago

        His lips. Everything else is gone. The skin is stretched over a [insert most durable, most bulletproof metal you can imagine, apparently "titanium-laminated kevlar"] skull. Shooting him in the mouth does no significant damage to the machine itself.

        Why did they keep the whole face? Why not just keep the mouth part. This is all a terrible design flaw, if he did see his face and somehow remember who he was and he did. Why not just remove that chance all together?????!1?

        "They did this to honour him" is what Murphy tells his wife in the secod movie to convince her of the death of her husband and no continuation between him and the machine, however, the first movie also establishes it as a precaution so the transfer into his new life isn't too traumatic for him. Of course, what you point out as a design flaw happens anyway, but not because Murphy sees his face. Rather, he sees Antonowsky's face during his first arrest and the criminal files he has access to interweave with memories of his last moments and set him on the course of self-discovery.

        Point of note, before he rediscovers his true self, he makes no attempt to shield his face - the robot part of his personality does not consider it important - but by the time of the final battle, when he considers himself Murphy again, he does indeed make sure to raise a hand in front of his exposed face during shootouts.

    • 6 months ago

      >Because it's not his mouth. It's his skin stretched over a metal plate.
      Do you think he still knew how to eat pussy?

      • 6 months ago

        He knew how to eat oreos.

      • 6 months ago

        He chewed pussy for breakfast and shat out brass for his big iron strapped to his hip

      • 6 months ago

        Officer Lewis reminded him how

      • 6 months ago

        Robo wants da pussey

    • 6 months ago

      Here's the thing; it doesn't matter. If they shot holes into his skin Omnicorp would pull him off duty because you can't have an officer running around with a mangled face.

    • 6 months ago


      why didn't the bad guys just shoot him in the mouth?

      I have a theory none of Murphys backstory was real and hes full cyborg, theyre just implanted memories to give him some connection with humanity. It makes no sense to stretch his skin over cybernetics because a few incidents in the streets and his flesh would be an ungodly sight.

      Hes all robot, simple as.

      • 6 months ago

        You're fricking moronic. Like actually moronic.

  3. 6 months ago

    It's stupid that a single Robocop can clean up the city. And drug dealers are replaceable. Did killing Pablo Escobar do anything to cocaine prices?

    • 6 months ago

      If you had an OP cyborg who can unrelentingly kill every new paco escobar who pops up effortlessly then yeah it would have an impact

    • 6 months ago

      Youd be surprised how well deterrence would work if a single cop could show up and kill every uppity Black in the area.
      Lynchings used to be enough to keep them in check but now we cant even do that

      • 6 months ago

        The majority of criminals in the movie are white, so shut up, moron.

        • 6 months ago

          I wonder why they bothered claiming the movie was even set in Detroit. It blatantly is filmed elsewhere.

  4. 6 months ago

    Mauler logic

  5. 6 months ago

    You try shooting Robocop in the mouth.

    • 6 months ago

      Robocop isn't real.

      • 6 months ago

        Where's your proof?

  6. 6 months ago

    is rogue city worth it?

    • 6 months ago

      oh shit, it's on sale

    • 6 months ago

      Yes. I'd say it's the best sequel since part 2.

    • 6 months ago

      I'd say for $50 no, but for $35, yes.

    • 6 months ago

      It's a good and respectful transition between Robocop 2 and Robocop 3. It doesn't shit on a single aspect of Robocop even if it deserves it; really made with love, and that's hard to find these days. Really pleasant surprise and I'm glad I played the whole thing.

    • 6 months ago

      I got it discounted for $40. It’s fun, but probably not worth more than that.

      • 6 months ago

        I'd say it's worth more than normal AAA games, but those aren't worth 70 dollars by any stretch.

    • 6 months ago

      I got bored of it by the second hub which is the first hib only day now. But K get bored of video game pretty easily especially nowadays with them being shit. This one is pretty okay if you're a Robert fan.

    • 6 months ago

      I like how they reused these for police bots.

    • 6 months ago

      Yeah. Don't take the social skill tree though. It doesn't unlock any new options, just highlights existing ones, and the public trust impact is useless.

      • 6 months ago

        Psychology unlocks a lot of new options, though. Get that to at least level six.

        • 6 months ago

          I did, it doesn't

          ...Or do the empathetic options not appear if you don't have the perk

    • 6 months ago

      There's a DX11 launch error that they refuse to fix

      • 6 months ago

        Make sure you have page file memory configured for the drive you've installed the game on. Mine was on a second SSD (D:) and by default, Windows does not set pagefiles on drives where it is not installed. That solved a LOT of the crashes for me. Also, use TAA, not DLSS.

    • 6 months ago

      It’s fun but probably not worth the full price

    • 6 months ago

      I'd buy it for a dollar

    • 6 months ago

      If you're a Robocop fan, absolutely. If you appreciate a solid FPS campaign, yes.
      Gameplay wise it's basically simplified Deus Ex: HR. "Open" world pseudo RPG FPS. Fight thugs, solve crimes and gather evidence to level up. Collect chips to unlock upgrade paths on your Auto-9
      Story wise, it's Robocop 2.5. Quality is slightly less than 2 thanks to the twist final boss battle. Slightly deeper dive into Robocop/Murphy than Robocop 1. Are his memories his? Or are they Murphy's? Is he Murphy or is he OCP's Robocop?

      >Peter Weller is back as Murphy/Robocop
      >Story is more engaging than most modern videogames/movies
      >Well optimized (can get steady 60fps on my aging RX480)
      >Gameplay and control is as solid as they come
      >"Serve the Public Trust" or "Uphold the Law" was an interesting "morality" system
      >majority of voice acting is bad
      >Robocop doesn't use his data spike for his melee attack
      >OG blue Robo is paid DLC
      >some other nitpicky things

      Overall, you'll forget all the negatives when you're in the middle of a firefight, closelining bikers while https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n4PQRpo2Wng is blasting

    • 6 months ago

      >mfw ED-209's take 3 shots from the Cobra Assault Cannon to defeat just like in the movie

  7. 6 months ago

    Why waste a bullet on a missed headshot when you could concentrate fire on a larger target?

  8. 6 months ago

    He has subdermal armour too. It's all bulletproof

  9. 6 months ago

    Probably wouldn't have done much, unless they really concentrated heavy fire on that area.

    • 6 months ago

      I wonder, how cognizant was of his actions. He doesn't speak a single word, yet every other cyborg other than Robocop went feral. His memory was clearly mindwiped as with Robocop but cyborg memories seems to be poised to return over time.

      Also was he ever programmed with the Robocop directives? It seems pretty reckless to program him without the whole "Serve the public trust", "Protect the innocent", "Uphold the law". Of course, everything about OCP scream that they are incompetence Inc outside of their start Robocop program.

      • 6 months ago

        Bob Morton and his team of scientists was greatly responsible for how RoboCop turned up. Despite Bob being portrayed as a sleaze bag corporate exec he actually had heart and followed some protocols. Meanwhile Kain was made with bad intentions from the start and headed by a woman exec who sleeps her way to the top and will do whatever it takes to climb ranks

        • 6 months ago

          >You're gonna be a BAD MOTHERFRICKER!

        • 6 months ago

          >You're gonna be a BAD MOTHERFRICKER!

          I wonder if Bob would have stood behind the Robocop program if he were still alive. One of the funniest reoccurring conflicts Robocop faces in alternative media is some new OCP executive wanting to shut down the Robocop project. Either as a cost cutting measure, because Robocop directly conflicts with their illegal projects, or they want to push their own crime fighting projects. Bob was a sleaze as the other anon mentioned, but it seemed like he actually believed in the project. He wasn't the one to put in Directive 4 into Robocop either. Dick Jones says that was his doing.
          I wonder if Bob would shut down the Robocop program at the slightest inconvenience or save it.

          • 6 months ago

            It was his pride and joy, his child. He was using it to further his career and snatch power from the more senior guys. I definitely think he'd have wanted to keep it going and get more Robocops out on patrol.

          • 6 months ago

            Bob was actually excited about the RoboCop program he would've fought to keep it running together with his team. Unfortunately his biggest downfall was his ego going against Dick, and of course coke and b***hes too

          • 6 months ago

            >It's a new OCP Executive hot shot episode
            >They brainwash children to increase profits and commit crimes
            >Prevents Robocop from arresting them since they're technically innocent

    • 6 months ago

      That part fricked me up as a little kid

    • 6 months ago

      >/LULZ/ regular gives dating a try

  10. 6 months ago
  11. 6 months ago

    Because it's not a human head, the only parts of Murphy that remain are his brain inside a metal head, and the skin of his face removed and placed on said metal head.

    • 6 months ago

      But didn't he had a functional mouth that could eat baby food?

      • 6 months ago

        Not really, it's goo that goes in a tube or chute to feed his human brain

  12. 6 months ago

    Because Robocop shoots motherfrickers in the dick.

  13. 6 months ago

    Harsh scene.

    • 6 months ago

      >this was a kids movie in the 80s

      • 6 months ago

        well, we've seen how kids have turned out now that all violence was removed from 'kids movies'

      • 6 months ago

        well, we've seen how kids have turned out now that all violence was removed from 'kids movies'

        Come to think of it, this is obvious in retrospect. A child gets exposed to injustice, existence of evil at an impressionable age so he or she actually cares about it instead of the now normal "lol who cares" and getting back to stare at their glowscreen. Plus at the time there were supposed to be responsible adults who could explain to the kid that injustice does happen, evil people do exist and one has to be prepared to deal with that in a way that doesn't drag him or her down to their level. Now it's just "here's your newest eyePhone, sweetie, it will rot your brain even faster".

    • 6 months ago

      The future the ACAB/defund the police crowd want for you.

      • 6 months ago

        >implying today's metropolitan police departments aren't 1 step removed from Half-Life 2's Civil Protection

  14. 6 months ago

    Both 1 and 2 are great, I can't be doing with the third.

    • 6 months ago

      It's fun for kids. It's not like there's more story for endless Robocop sequels that adults would enjoy.

    • 6 months ago

      >Melts a guys legs with the jetpack exhaust.
      >Gives little girl a ride on the same jetpack to fly away.
      I'mma call bullshit on this one.

    • 6 months ago

      How many people died in that explosion?

      • 6 months ago

        corporate drones aren't people

  15. 6 months ago

    doesn't work

    • 6 months ago

      Quick reflexes.

      • 6 months ago

        >that mode in the Terminator game that lets you play as an infiltrator

  16. 6 months ago
    • 6 months ago

      This dude looks and sounds just like Eric Idle. Prove me wrong.

  17. 6 months ago

    I wonder if they could have explored the implications of innovations with Robocop. They have technology to make cyborgs and replace whole body parts. You can bring someone from death. They have technology to reprogram someone's brain. Yet you never see it outside of Robocop itself.

    • 6 months ago

      There's an ad for the artificial heart

    • 6 months ago

      Cutting-edge biomedical tech usually goes through decades of both justified and contrived red tape hell before it becomes available to the richest of the richest merely due to absolutely prohibitive costs of manufacture (safety+miniaturisation+efficiency), maintenance, installation, upfront R&D costs, salaries for everyone involved at every stage of this process.

  18. 6 months ago

    Paul Verhoeven made it immediately clear that he didn't want anything on ED 209 to look cute. He wanted something really hard and mean. Verhoeven had a really severe vision in mind for this thing, a product of modern American design. They'd design it to look neat and then they'd worry about making it work. In other words, these futuristic designers would pay a lot of attention to the cosmetics of it in an attempt to market the thing on looks alone, just like an American car.

    The team took a lot of the current design trends into account and mixed them all together, adding things like oil coolers, radiators and heat exchangers, all of which are on the ED-209 robot if you know where to look. The question of eyes came up, but it was quickly decided that it was best to avoid them to show less emotion.

    Included were also stabs at current corporate design policy. For instance, there are four huge hydraulic rams on the legs, even though a creature like ED wouldn't need nearly that many. Complete redundancy, a true corporate product. There's also the grill area in ED's head. While some people would look at that and go, "Oh, it's a mouth" it's also a big, obvious, extremely stupid place to put an open area like a radiator on a unit like ED-209.

    • 6 months ago

      Then the thing can't even walk down a flight of fricking stairs. As if there are no stairs in the line of policing a city. It's a terrific "shit design".

    • 6 months ago

      In my headcannon, Dick Jones watched Macross on coke and saw the Glaug. But he fell asleep while Doctor Who was on and asked for a Glaug that has the staircase abilities of a Dalek.

  19. 6 months ago
    • 6 months ago

      The scene where Lewis brings his gun at the lava factory and helps him with his aiming was touching.

      • 6 months ago

        >everyone wearing safety glasses and hearing protection
        >Bob Morton with none and plugging his ears

        • 6 months ago

          >/k/, a magical place

          >second shot has no flash

          Also just noticed and will never be able to unsee.

      • 6 months ago

        >second shot has no flash

  20. 6 months ago


    • 6 months ago



  21. 6 months ago
  22. 6 months ago
    • 6 months ago

      Horrifyingly rad.

    • 6 months ago

      I like the one that shoots both of those guys and then itself.

  23. 6 months ago
    • 6 months ago

      holy shit that looks good and i hate board games

  24. 6 months ago

    Robocop if he Japanese.

    • 6 months ago

      I wonder if 8 Man is obscure enough for people not to know that it is to Robocop what Kimba was to the Lion King. I'd recommend watching 8 Man After if you're a big Robocop fan.

      • 6 months ago

        >I wonder if 8 Man is obscure enough for people not to know that it is to Robocop what Kimba was to the Lion King
        The frick do you mean

        • 6 months ago

          I think it means that he’s gay and likes gay things but that’s just like, my opinion man

          • 6 months ago

            That's our opinion anon

  25. 6 months ago
    • 6 months ago

      was he already possessed by bob here?

  26. 6 months ago

    it was plot-armored

  27. 6 months ago

    This thread made me remember how dogshit the 2014 reboot was

  28. 6 months ago

    Shooting Robocop in the mouth was the only agreeable scene in Robocop 3. What a stupid movie

  29. 6 months ago
  30. 6 months ago

    I liked the Robocop TV series
    Both of them

    • 6 months ago

      Wow, they gave the horse a USB spike too?

  31. 6 months ago

    Robocop 2 feels weird. Parts of it feel like they were pulled right out of some edgy anime OVA from the late 80s.

  32. 6 months ago

    Could ask the same of BATMAN!

  33. 6 months ago

    Did everyone know Robocop was a brain in a robot body or did they think he was a guy in a robot battle suit (like iron man)

    • 6 months ago

      I sort of assumed that his skull was intact. There’s the scene in the first one where they hack him apart at the waist so it was pretty clear that he was more machine than man

  34. 6 months ago


  35. 6 months ago

    Ever hear of the Cable maneuver?

  36. 6 months ago


  37. 6 months ago

    Isn't there a deleted scene where Cain and his girlfriend meet the doctor and see the prototype Robocop 2 body at OCP? I don't know if it was filmed or just something from the script though.

  38. 6 months ago

    >bad guys are expert marksmen
    Criminals are morons who spray and pray. Many gangland drivebys in LA ended up with the target gangbangers alive and well and some 12 year old girl shot in the head.

  39. 6 months ago

    And to think, Bob would still be alive if he'd just used the peep hole

  40. 6 months ago

    You're assuming the bad guys have the skill required to shoot at such a difficult area

  41. 6 months ago
  42. 6 months ago

    They did bring this up in the 3rd film. Uno the shitty one that didnt have peter weller.

  43. 6 months ago
  44. 6 months ago

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