Why didn't they get the death penalty?

Why didn't they get the death penalty?

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  1. 2 months ago

    You mean when they first tried to kill Korra? Probably some gay shit about following Aangs example of something.

  2. 2 months ago

    Another good setup for the new season Kuvira tries to execute them but Avatar family oppose and setup the conflict for the next arc but good setups aren't allowed in this series

    • 2 months ago

      >Good setups aren't allowed

      Amon is the biggest offender, he would have made such a great recurring antagonist if they had kept him

  3. 2 months ago

    >Why didn't they get the death penalty?
    Because they were part of a larger organization. They could provide information. How was the White Lotus supposed to know they'd never crack?

    • 2 months ago

      Seems like it would become obvious five, eight, ten years on.

      • 2 months ago

        And to add to that how no one ever showed up to break them out.
        They took on Zuko, Sokka, Tonraq, Tenzin, among others. That's threatening heads of state and politics - all to get at the Avatar. If Unalaq was able to get a judge to put Korra's father to death, then putting that many others in harms way should have had each of those Red Lotus executed.

        • 2 months ago

          Hell Unalaq was also involved in imprisoning them, and it seems like he'd either be
          A) Working to get leniency and eventually release them.
          B) Working extra hard to convince the conclave to execute them so they can't snitch on him.

  4. 2 months ago

    These guys and Kuvira seem really really cool. Do I have to sit through the first two season? Everyone seems to hate those

    • 2 months ago

      you could just skip to season 3 and be fine, really

    • 2 months ago

      season 1 honestly isn't the worst thing in the world, but it's rough.

      • 2 months ago

        >season 1 honestly isn't the worst thing in the world

        >captcha: VAXD

    • 2 months ago

      Kuvira and season 4 are the absolute worst portion of this show. Only season 1 and 3 are mildly engaging or interesting.

      • 2 months ago

        Agree, the best thing about seasons 1 and 3 are the "social" themes and the villains who embody those points

        Season two is just a political plot that only happens because Korra is an arrogant b***h who doesn't want to listen and everyone else is too stupid to speak clearly.

        And season 4 and Kuvira is just The Last Airbender rushed with a mediocre Ozai/Azula villain.

    • 2 months ago

      The Red Lotus aren't actually that cool. They have neat powers ig but the actual characters are kind of bland and Zaheer is just wrong about chaos and his black flag nihilist anarchism.

      • 2 months ago

        >black flag
        Lmao good one anon

        • 2 months ago

          Well regardless of what you want to call it, he's Iincorrect objectively. Setting aside his actual ideology, the natural state of the world isn't spirits running around messing with humans. The spirit incursions were a perversion by Rava(the black carpet demon thing).

          If Zaheer was actually dedicated to "muh natural order", he would be ANTI Spirit, not extremely pro spirit as he is shown to be. Korra doesn't even point out his inconsistency despite having first hand knowledge of historical events via avatar spirit shit.

          • 2 months ago

            Anon I thought you were making a joke about how Zaheer is voiced by Henry Rollins, lead singer of Black Flag I didn’t want a fricking dissertation

            • 2 months ago

              >Black Flag
              Isn't that one of those punk bands that got outed for having sex pests?

          • 2 months ago

            Is the Raava thing normal knowledge in Avatar or isn't that just something only revealed to Korra

            • 2 months ago

              No it's a dumb retcon they added in Korra. Idt she ever told anyone. So ig it would make sense Zaheer would be ignorant of the truth, but she has the chance to tell him while they are debating philosophy and doesn't.

              She's just like "lol you are bad"

    • 2 months ago

      I'd argue the whole show is worth watching in the end. You just have to really knuckle down for the love triangle being a pain early on and season 2 being a messy focal point of executive meddling not giving the writers a clear idea of how much story they actually had to work with.

    • 2 months ago

      watch all of it its rly rly good

  5. 2 months ago

    the charges, your honor?

  6. 2 months ago

    >How was the White Lotus supposed to know they'd never crack?

    Well, if they weren't moronic they'd have known after the first few days. Though I must admit it's pretty funny to me to think there's a White Lotus interrogator in charge of the whole deal sitting in his office still going, "ANY DAY NOW, THEY'LL BREAK ANY DAY NOW" after fifteen fricking years.

  7. 2 months ago

    >evil airbender
    >armless waterbender who makes tentacles
    >sparky boom-boom chick
    What's Mr Mustache's thing? I don't think I've seen any webms of him? Is he as cool as the rest of the crew?

    • 2 months ago

      I think he's just a good Earthbender, so he kinda sucks.

      • 2 months ago

        Lava bender

        That's pretty lame compared to the others.

        • 2 months ago

          He's actually the biggest gun they have

          His lava is like a WMD, no one seems to have any real defense against Lava in LoK and he can destroy the Walls of Ba Sing Se single handedly

          • 2 months ago

            It's still a lame power because it feels like an asspull being suddenly used by non-Avatars.
            The others are just cool stuff that could fit in ATLA.

            • 2 months ago

              Lava is literally just Earth in a heated state. If a firebender set a rock on fire and it melted, the Earthbender could still use it. In fact in the fricking show, he shows you how he lava bends by accelerating the rock as fast as possible till it catches fire and forms lava

              • 2 months ago

                >If a firebender set a rock on fire and it melted, the Earthbender could still use it
                And yet there are three times earthbenders had to contend with magma in TLA: none of them do so. Only Kyoshi and Roku (and also Roku while possessing Aang) were shown to render changes in lava while in the avatar state, and only once does it appear to be the intent of their bending and not a byproduct of other action. Not only is it clearly a retcon: Korra itself shows earthbenders lose the ability to control their rocks when they melt, so your point isn't even right in that context. Hell it kind of suggests lavabending is an opposed talent to metalbending which would only lead to speculating about what else is "technically earth but only for some people". But that's not here or there.

                >In fact in the fricking show, he shows you how he lava bends by accelerating the rock as fast as possible till it catches fire and forms lava
                Ghazan never does that when lavabending again. Bolin never needs to idle to charge up lava either. He clearly the three thumb-sized rocks together to make a rock boomerang then spun and heated it to make a superheated sawblade to cut through his wooden cage in quick order because Korra S3 was playing the hits of ATLA, and it took a good while for a handful of water to get Katara out of the same kind of cage.

              • 2 months ago

                It's a retcon in the same way that other people being able to learn Metalbending, Bloodbending or Lightning generation is. Or there being a Combustion Woman
                It's a big world and it's been 70 years, people other than the protagonists are able to learn and innovate

              • 2 months ago

                >It's a big world
                It REALLY is not. It can be circumnavigated in a few hours.

                >It's a retcon in the same way that other people being able to learn
                Except it's not that. Yes it's a new thing to show the audience. But it is not presented as an innovation or discovery in application of the same bending. It is presented as a talent. Bolin lucks into doing it when he wasn't trying to.
                Toph didn't magically bend metal one day. When given no other option she used the special sense developed as a blind earthbender to find impurities in metal that she could bend like raw earth. And it took her hours at the very least to breech even the level to somewhat move it. No one else did it, because no one else combined all of those criteria.
                Hama figured out how to sense and control water that's part of more complicated structures. Along the lines of what Huu did by bending plants. It took her years, and she was only able to employ it at the zenith of waterbending power.
                Lightningbending appeared in the 7th episode with Firebenders so... this is meets the definition the least. It predates healing. But it is eventually explained that firebenders at root just direct energy and figured out polarized energy to make an electrical discharge like lightning. We aren't shown its origin but when Zuko can't lightningbend it isn't suggested to be because he's not special and chosen. It's not because he isn't good enough at firebending. It's because he can't complete the mental requirements.
                No one questioned combustionbending because it was clearly just projecting energy in a similar but different way to both basic fire and lightning bending.

                But again what the framing in Korra suggests is lavabending is a talent. Some earthbenders are just the right ones that get to do it. If we accept it was an innate talent it should have occurred before. The only justification for it only occuring after TLA is suggesting the talent is from crossbreeding firebenders and earthbenders.

          • 2 months ago

            >He's actually the biggest gun they have
            NTA but hard disagree. Pli, the combustion-bender, literally acts as battlefield artillery for them and I honestly cannot see a way the group would have lost if she didn't choose to leave her flying sniper's perch at the air temple.

            Ghazan is amazingly powerful in concept but he really just makes a mess, and he's not pitted against any impressive war machines to make that a real contribution to their fights.

    • 2 months ago

      Lava bender

  8. 2 months ago

    does the white lotus even have any sort of legal power to execute zaheer and friends? they're really just the avatar's bodyguards.

    • 2 months ago

      I mean, ANYONE has the power to execute anyone if you're strong enough. Nothing really stopping the White Lotus from killing these guys after they're beat. Might makes right in the Avatar world.

    • 2 months ago

      >they're really just the avatar's bodyguards.

      They're not even supposed to be that. The White Lotus are a gentlemen's club of philosophers and philanthropists. It's like making all the rich Britbong fops down at the country club the Queen's security detail because some of them are really good at badminton.

      • 2 months ago

        >. The White Lotus are a gentlemen's club of philosophers and philanthropists
        they have a literal army to liberate ba sing se with

        >. It's like making all the rich Britbong fops down at the country club the Queen's security detail because some of them are really good at badminton.
        the white lotus was a pan-national organization with the political and material organization to create an army underneath the noses of the fire nation and dedicated to helping the avatar achieve balance
        they are literally the best choice to look for the next avatar

    • 2 months ago

      I mean Zuko was involved in their imprisonment so if he doesn't have the power to execute prisoners...

      • 2 months ago

        can't execute anyone other than combustion lady

  9. 2 months ago

    Most Cinemaphile media is produced by shitlibs who cry at the mere concept of death penalties.

  10. 2 months ago

    wouldn't the avatar inherit everything from their previous life? Aang & Korra should be rich.

  11. 2 months ago

    Too sexy.

  12. 2 months ago

    Because they and amon are the only reasons to watch that shitpail of a show, and are based by virtue of being enemies to korra, who objectively ruined being an avatar.

    Oh and eska, but that hardly counts because she only gets like 15 minutes of screen time the entire show.

  13. 2 months ago

    One of them did, just self-inflicted

  14. 2 months ago

    He's short. That's punishment enough

  15. 2 months ago

    Why did Zaheer shave his head when he looked cooler with the ponytail

  16. 2 months ago

    what is wrong with imprisoning them in custom-made prisons?
    they only got out because zaheer got airbending out of nowhere
    and zaheer never got out of his second prison at all

    imprisoning people is literally SOP, the one time we see someone just kill instead of imprison was explicitly against orders in ATLA

    • 2 months ago

      >imprisoning people is literally SOP, the one time we see someone just kill instead of imprison was explicitly against orders in ATLA
      There's a lot of attempted <or very logically performed out of focus> murder in ATLA.
      >The imprisoned earth benders drop fire benders that can't swim off their oil derrick prison.
      >Jet tries to blow up a dam to flood an entire town.
      >Zhao tried to blow up Zuko
      >Zuko seems pretty motivated to kill Zhao in their next fight, even if he tries to save him before he's drowned.
      >Azula shoots Aang and Iroh with lightning. Also tried to shoot Zuko with it.
      >Jet catches rock-in-the-chest disease.
      >Zuko hires a for real assassin to kill the Gaang in S3.
      >Every victim of Hama's kidnapping should be dead from thirst.
      >Katara's mom gets killed when she falsely outs herself as a bender.
      >Mai's uncle was down for murder-suicide.
      >Bumi didn't take any prisoners when he retook Omashu.

      • 2 months ago

        >The imprisoned earth benders drop fire benders that can't swim off their oil derrick prison.
        bringing up an example where an entire regiment of earth benders were imprisoned, and therefore captured?

        >Zhao tried to blow up Zuko
        zhao also tried to capture rather than kill aang

        >Azula shoots Aang and Iroh with lightning. Also tried to shoot Zuko with it.
        azula killing the avatar instead of capturing him is a surprise to everyone, since zhao and zuko were both out to capture him

        >Jet catches rock-in-the-chest disease
        this was after he was imprisoned rather than killed and then brainwashed

        >Every victim of Hama's kidnapping should be dead from thirst.
        hama was explicitly imprisoning rather than killing
        hama herself is imprisoned rather than killed
        and the previous water benders were simply put in a special water-proof facility rather than killed

        >Katara's mom gets killed when she falsely outs herself as a bender.
        the above-mentioned exceptional case
        he was under orders to capture her, not kill
        and he was explicitly disobeying

        >Mai's uncle was down for murder-suicide.
        he was also literally running a prison for POWs
        implying a lot of captured enemy personnel

        imprisoning people rather than just executing them is simply a widespread practice
        specific reasons may vary, zhao wont kill aang because he can be reborn, but its still the standard way they deal with enemies
        and its not odd that they would choose to imprison the red lotus

    • 2 months ago

      it's extremely expensive and inefficient to run 4 different custom built prisons for just 4 prisoners

      It's also inhumane to keep all 4 of them in what amounted to solitary confinement for over a decade

  17. 2 months ago

    >Why didn't they get the death penalty?

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