Why didnt they just shoot him with a gun?

Why didn’t they just shoot him with a gun?

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  1. 10 months ago

    because he couldn't be killed until the horcruxes were destroyed, moron.

    • 10 months ago

      What if, and hear me out, they cut out his tongue and cut off his hands? Get fricked, loser.

      • 10 months ago

        You dont need to use a wand or speak to cast spells. Wands are just an easy focus for children to bond to.

    • 10 months ago

      Surely blowing a hole through his chest with a AR15 would slow him down

    • 10 months ago

      I don't know if the books do, but the movies never really go into what that entails. Like, let's say you put the barrel of a shotgun to the roof of his mouth, and pulled the trigger. Would his head just T-1000 back together?

      • 10 months ago

        I assume he could be brought back. But I don't think he can heal like Cell.

        • 10 months ago

          Even if he could it would be no different than when Frieza was revived as little bits.

          Plus it’s shown he feels pain and stuff so he’d be just in unbelievable agony constantly.

      • 10 months ago

        i believe he is so dark and evil that he'd become a spirit-type being like he was in the first 4 movies before he got revived at the end of 4

      • 10 months ago

        because he couldn't be killed until the horcruxes were destroyed, moron.

        Surely blowing a hole through his chest with a AR15 would slow him down

        If his body gets destroyed he goes into creepy poltergheist mode and possesses people until he grows back. I think his magic can block most shit but Harry’s mom’s spell obliterated his entire body and I think part of his soul too so he had to possess tiny woodland creatures in Russia until the professor from 1 found him and he latched on to the back of his head. Blowing him up with a tank or missile launcher would probably stall him for a few months or maybe a year but the thing is no one knows wizards are real until he would have taken control of a country or two through his group’s machinations. The took over the wizard police and government in like one day, there are probably wizards planted in every nation’s government. But yeah, a tank could probably take his physical body out for a while.

        • 10 months ago

          This is why they should have just shot him. There's no way he could have reacted. Problem with these books is that they're set in England. They really hate guns out there. There's a reason there was no Voldemort in America. Some muggleborn from Texas had been shooting since he was a little tike and he could off any wizard like JFK. They'd have to run a permanent bubble spell to combat it.

          But this point is lost on potter fans. His "death" had to be poetic. Took him like 15 years to even attempt mind controlling something as simple as a snake. Needed constant care to grow into something lifelike. Then to truly revive he needs to have bone of the father which continues to deteriorate, and blood of the enemy, which fades in the years of his passing. Then convince someone to be his servant? Wormtail only did it out of cowardice in that he might have a better life under V than in prison.

    • 10 months ago

      Isn't it funny how most of these scenarios can be solved with enough ingenuity? Like what if you just strap Voldemort's physical body to a rocket and launched him into space? And yes, for the same reason the eagles should have been able to fly into Mordor.

      • 10 months ago
        Naggers Tongue My Anus

        Voldemort was mega powerful, can move things almost like the equally homosexual, juvenile jedi knights.
        V doesn't need a wand to move things, in the later films - after he's reborn he rag dolls this one fool with hand gestures which causes the rat man to fly in which ever direction Vman motions too.

  2. 10 months ago

    Why the frick was Harry Wizard Jesus? He didn't even really do anything in regards to the prophecy.
    Malfoy may as well have been the main protagonist.

    • 10 months ago

      There's an argument to be made that he was always just a decoy.

      • 10 months ago

        Make it, I'm curious.

        • 10 months ago

          It's Neville.

          • 10 months ago

            What does Neville do again?

            • 10 months ago

              Beheads Nagini

              • 10 months ago

                Could've been anyone, what matters is that it's the sword that did it.

              • 10 months ago

                Yeah but no one else had the balls

              • 10 months ago

                A contrivance. Neville finding his scrumf was hamfisted.

                Basically what I mean is wizardry seems more like a hobby than anything, but it's treated in-universe like higher form of existence. Fricking Comic-con isn't a secret, why is Hogwarts? Are wizards really more insecure than furries and trannies? Because that's fricking hilarious.

                >Are wizards really more insecure than furries and trannies?
                They are.

    • 10 months ago

      my wife is huge fan of the series and I always point this out and it's 100% true he can't even use magic beyond some gay homosexual disarm spell he relies entirely on the help of everyone else

      • 10 months ago

        something something Unconditional Love something something Mom something something Voldemort is edgy wizard hitler and Sacrificial Mom Love beats him
        Harry’s a stupid homosexual and so was his dad. James Potter was a humongous butthole and ruined people’s lives and I thought it was dumb that JK Rowling thought she could redeem him by saying “he got nicer :)”

    • 10 months ago

      my wife is huge fan of the series and I always point this out and it's 100% true he can't even use magic beyond some gay homosexual disarm spell he relies entirely on the help of everyone else

      The series was written by a woman, so Harry is a woman's view of a hero. Everything goes good for him because he's the hero and he's actually better and specialer than everyone else in his starting normal life.

      • 10 months ago

        he definitely becomes a gary stu later but I’d say that his backstory kinda sucks since he was barely fed and forced to live in a closet for most of his life lmao

    • 10 months ago

      Shut up

      • 10 months ago


  3. 10 months ago

    I think the Horcruxes meant hat he'd always just become a spirit and have to try to be ressurected into a physical body again, which as we all saw took quite a bit of effort and time.

    It'd be an extremely efficient way to deal with him to just destroy his physical body every time he came back, instead of gambling it all on trying to hunt down the Horcruxes.

    Besides, nothing is stopping you from hunting down the Horcruxes WHILE he's a spirit.

    • 10 months ago

      It was actually pretty easy to rebuild his body, he just needed his dad's corpse, flesh from a follower and blood of an enemy. He just needed the whole keikaku for the fourth book because he wanted Harry's blood specificially to counter his mom's sacrificial protection. But if he wanted he could just abduct some random wizard and be back quickly every time.

      • 10 months ago

        I think the Horcruxes meant hat he'd always just become a spirit and have to try to be ressurected into a physical body again, which as we all saw took quite a bit of effort and time.

        It'd be an extremely efficient way to deal with him to just destroy his physical body every time he came back, instead of gambling it all on trying to hunt down the Horcruxes.

        Besides, nothing is stopping you from hunting down the Horcruxes WHILE he's a spirit.

        I was always under the impression that getting revived consumes a horcrux, it doesn't?

        • 10 months ago

          nah, the horcruxes just basically make it so that his soul(s) are still tethered to life or whatever. as long as at least still exists he can exist as a demented spirit that possesses things (like the animals and professor in eastern europe) and eventually grow back. it’s basically a Lich that made extra phylacteries, except you get even more fricked up each time you make one. Voldy looks ugly like that now cause he’s split his soul so many times that he’s barely even still human, his soul is so thin that it’s actually pretty crazy that he’s even still alive by that point.

          • 10 months ago

            *at least one

          • 10 months ago

            before someone asks why every dark wizard didn’t make a horcrux, it’s because the few people who even know what it is also know that you basically sentence yourself to Eternal You-Dun-Fricked-Up punishment for splitting your soul. I think only one other wizard ever did it and he wasn’t a nice guy either.

      • 10 months ago

        blow Tom's head off. burn daddy's corpse and scatter the ashes in the sea or some shit

    • 10 months ago

      plus no creepy rat pedo to cut his hand off for the resurrection spell and with Harry and other wizards knowing where Tom's dads grave is so they can destroy or hide the bones somewhere else.
      12 gage and destruction of even one necessary spell ingredient and he won't have physical form again

  4. 10 months ago

    What does being a spirit even mean in the Wizarding World? Like Voldemort technically isn't dead, he's just in limbo or whatever. So what the frick is stopping some better and badderer wizrard from releasing him from limbo?
    This shit sounds no different from some generic manga written for quantity over quality, like DBZ or Bleach. Remember when Aizen helped Ichigo fight Whack-A-Mole or whatever the frick his name was? God forbid a character ever die. We can't bring back a dead character to sell toy variants of him later on if he's DEAD.

    • 10 months ago

      Limbo isn’t a typical “afterlife” and you can’t be brought back from it (lil homosexual Harry doesn’t count)
      You can’t just wish him back with Dragon Balls. Hell, not even the magic mirror thing to the afterlife that kills you when you touch it would be able to connect to Limbo. It’s like, the will of the universe or some shit. The only reason Voldy could reconstruxt his physical body was his horcruxes. You don’t return from death in HP (there might be force ghosts or some shit though I’m not sure. Or you could be cursed to be bound as a toilet ghost forever)

      • 10 months ago

        There's a typical afterlife in the WizWorld? Why? Why isn't Voldemort just dead?
        I don't get it.

        • 10 months ago

          He got sentenced by the will of the universe or something to be a flayed infant in Limbo for all eternity for not only splitting his soul into so many parts to commit genocide but also for never feeling any remorse in his life. Harry tells him in the last fight to “be a man” and feel bad about at least one thing he’s ever done wrong but Voldy lashes out and refuses. Dumbledore mentions something to this effect when he has his last final chat with Harry and they talk about Voldy’s ugly skinned baby body.
          The HP afterlife is meant to be pretty mysterious and not understood. The most protected wizarding place in Britain/EU or whatever, the Ministry of Magic, has a door to it sealed away in their basement but anyone who ever touches it is instantly killed so no one knows how it works. This is how Sirius Black died.

          • 10 months ago

            So is Dumbledore a Warwick Davis version of himself?

            • 10 months ago

              nah voldy’s the only one that it seems like still “exists” in the next life, it’s part of his eternal punishment. dumbledore’s ghost or something shows up to drop all this exposition on harry at the very end for some reason though, probably because he’s a magical gay

          • 10 months ago
  5. 10 months ago

    Illegal in UK to own guns

    • 10 months ago


  6. 10 months ago

    why didn't they like make a giant antenna to amplify spells and use accio horcrux to make all horcruxes get there and then avada kedabra the horcruxes all together?

    • 10 months ago

      Avada Kedavra can’t kill horcruxes. Maybe they could load Gryffindor’s sword into a sword launcher

      You dont need to use a wand or speak to cast spells. Wands are just an easy focus for children to bond to.

      This, good wizards can cast spells without words or their hands.

      • 10 months ago

        It worked on Harry.

        • 10 months ago

          Harry doesn’t count cause he’s like a faux-horcrux or something, and they hit each other at the same time. My theory is that cutting him up would kill him and the tiny sliver of Voldy would just cease to exist or float away back into him or something but that Harry would be dead if someone random killed him. We’re never told about that though

    • 10 months ago

      Creativity is illegal for wizards

    • 10 months ago

      For all their power, the top wizards were never very imaginative.

      • 10 months ago

        remember they are hiding from humanity. implies to me during the war that made them decide to hide they got btfo'd by muggles with guns, possibly longbows, don't know when it was stated the war happened

        • 10 months ago

          I forgot there was a war.
          There’s probably like 10,000 muggles for every 1 or 10 wizards. Like how we think there’s a lot of Jedi in the prequels because we see them so much but they’re actually extremely rare and most citizens never see one in their lives.

          • 10 months ago

            don't think wizard numbers would matter that much when they can enchant statues to attack, erect force fields around a large location, can teleport, fly on brooms, enchant plant and animal life to do their bidding, almost instant healing, use potions or charms to poison water sources or just make the muggles complaint. literally imagination is the limit. wizards lost because they are incompetent low iq cowards.

            • 10 months ago

              I think the lack of innovation is what would get them long term. Humanity would eventually adapt and overcome them with tech even if magic was stronger 1 on 1.

            • 10 months ago

              They could use polyjuice to control every faction on the entire planet if they were smart

              • 10 months ago

                should of learned from the israelites.

                in fact wizards in hp could be an allegory for them.
                we are superior in everyway
                we have to hide from the muggles(goyim)
                if they found out about us they would wipe us out
                muggles are jealous of our special group
                half breeds are accepted as long as they are magical(israeli from mothers side)

                I may be behind the times. Is Rowling a israelite?

        • 10 months ago

          Most likely they just thought it was annoying and not worth it to turn the world into a mageocracy. Muggles are useless, wizards have no use for unskilled (in magic) labor, and muggles are no threat to wizards. Much better to just live in apartheid and ignore them.

    • 10 months ago

      I don't recall there being any rules about not being able to turn a 300 foot redwood tree into a mega wand ampflying totem and using a team of wizards to levitate it and cast a spell in unison.

  7. 10 months ago

    Why didn't america send wizarding black ops machine-gunnin avada kedavras from their top of the line factory fresh military graded wands? Was Voldemort ever even a threat outside england? Or did the rest of the world look at it the same way we look at a nigerian coup happen?

    • 10 months ago

      I might be wrong but I’m pretty sure Voldy had influence in most of the EU and Russia and shit but places like the US didn’t think of him much. US prob has their own version of him. Haha le Donald Trump nazi wizard, anyone?

      • 10 months ago

        >but places like the US didn’t think of him much.
        Because they know they’d blast him with their guns

  8. 10 months ago

    Harry Potter lore is fascinating because it's both incredibly developed but stupid as frick. It's like if you were talking to a 5 year old playing legos and you just kept asking him how his lego fantasy world worked and every time he'd just make up a new explanation on the spot that contradicts 20 other things you just asked him, only it's not a 5 year old's playtime, it's a top-grossing media franchise people have dedicated their lives to.

    • 10 months ago

      Yeah that’s how I feel lol, it seems to me that all deeper lore was just came up with her as she went but it’s still a fun world to theorycraft with.
      I remember really enjoying the Beedle the Bard book.

  9. 10 months ago
  10. 10 months ago

    I want to go to wizard high school and knock up a cute goth witch and we drop out and get a small shitty wizard cabin and do wizard heroin together and live happily ever after

  11. 10 months ago

    It's a book series for kids, it makes very little sense if you examine it slightly.

    • 10 months ago

      So is Star Wars and those threads hit the bump limit all the time. Actually now that I think about it, most media is either for kids or an advertisement for additional products, DVD sales, etc.

  12. 10 months ago

    >After seven novels and eight film adaptations, the story quite literally ends on a "it was the will of the force" note
    What's even the point of being a wizard? It sounds fricking lame, especially considering you all just end up in loveless marriages working 9-5, same as muggles.
    Has a wizard ever flown to the moon?

    • 10 months ago

      that image reminds me that dark wizard magic and horcruxes and all that shit is basically the exact same as sith sorcery in star wars and the extended universe kek

    • 10 months ago

      >Has a wizard ever flown to the moon?
      After googling it just now it appears not. Unless an astronaut was secretly a wizard. They have no possible way to get there, not even a top-tier apperator (the teleport spell) could realistically get there. Crossing the Atlantic ocean was already hard enough (part of the reason Voldy had no influence in the US) and the first broom to cross the Atlantic was just invented. A wizard claimed to have been to the moon and brought back “moon-frogs” so he was either lying or high.

    • 10 months ago

      >It sounds fricking lame, especially considering you all just end up in loveless marriages working 9-5, same as muggles.
      Yeah it’s just typical British society but the newspapers can move like gifs. Even with magic Britain is still a hellhole kek

    • 10 months ago

      >It sounds fricking lame, especially considering you all just end up in loveless marriages working 9-5, same as muggles.
      Yeah it’s just typical British society but the newspapers can move like gifs. Even with magic Britain is still a hellhole kek

      I bet the American wizards are having fun with enchanted ARs

  13. 10 months ago

    So the Ministry of Magic and the Muggle British Prime Minister are in contact, how the frick does that work.

    • 10 months ago

      >how the frick does that work.
      Have you not read the books?

      • 10 months ago

        Of course not.

        • 10 months ago

          Well it's this simple:

          Prime Minister takes charge.
          Minister for Magic visits and explains everything to him.
          Minister for Magic tells the Prime Minister, "Nobody will ever believe you if, so don't waste your time ratting us out, you'll just ruin your image."
          Prime Minister accepts this reality.
          If something magical impacts the muggle world, Giant Attacks covered up as extreme weather for example, the Minister comes out of the fire place and tells him what happened and how they're handling it. I'm not making this up btw.

          • 10 months ago

            >Giant Attacks covered up as extreme weather for example,
            I completely forgot about that fantastic beasts shit

            • 10 months ago

              Homie that's Half Blood Prince.

              "“So I suppose you’re going to tell me he caused the hurricane in
              the West Country too?” said the Prime Minister, his temper rising
              with every pace he took. It was infuriating to discover the reason
              THE OTHER MINISTER
              for all these terrible disasters and not to be able to tell the public,
              almost worse than it being the government’s fault after all.
              “That was no hurricane,” said Fudge miserably.
              “Excuse me!” barked the Prime Minister, now positively stamping up and down. “Trees uprooted, roofs ripped off, lampposts
              bent, horrible injuries —”
              “It was the Death Eaters,” said Fudge. “He-Who-Must-Not-BeNamed’s followers. And . . . and we suspect giant involvement.”
              The Prime Minister stopped in his tracks as though he had hit
              an invisible wall. “What involvement?” "

              • 10 months ago

                oh yeah fantastic beasts had magic rhinos or whatever, I forgot voldemort had giants in his army.
                do you think the giants got benefits like health insurance?

          • 10 months ago

            >Nobody will ever believe you if, so don't waste your time ratting us out, you'll just ruin your image
            I mean he’s right, I’m starting to believe in aliens less now that The Feds are saying they’re real.

    • 10 months ago

      the US president knew aliens exist but he never said anything (le top sekrit confidential)
      wizard CIA would prob shank a tattletale

    • 10 months ago

      Phones, I guess.
      Seriously I don't understand the purpose of magic. Like it's theoretically cool, but it seems to be predominantly used to do things that can already be done, just in different fashions, and less efficiently.

      • 10 months ago

        The same can be said for most modern technology.

  14. 10 months ago

    The irony of him being killed by a muggle weapon would be kino and an objectively better ending for him than we got

    • 10 months ago

      >The irony of him being killed by a muggle weapon would be kino
      That actually would be pretty badass, for lack of a better word

      • 10 months ago

        >final battle at Hogwarts
        >Harry and Voldermort waving magic dicks at one another
        >SAS troopers appear
        >ventilate Voldermort
        >target down
        >climb rope back up to helicopter

  15. 10 months ago

    Wait, do muggles generally not know about wizards/magic? Why?

    • 10 months ago

      Because the muggles would find out and kill them all with guns.

      • 10 months ago

        So invent wands that shoot bullets or something what the frick? Can wizards not use guns? I don't get it.

        Why what?

        >do you think the giants got benefits like health insurance?
        At the very least they seem to have been given safe passage to places where they can frick things up.

        Why don't they know? or why are Wizards so secretive. Like Wakanda in Black Panther have a motivation that's clear and present in the form of Unobtanium, but what do wizards have? Magic, as ambiguous as it is, seems to be horribly inefficient compared to muggle inventions. So... why would anybody want to be a wizard, other than on the weekends?

        • 10 months ago

          Wizards are so secretive because, canon answer, muggles would want them to solve all their problems with magic.

          • 10 months ago

            So invent wands that shoot bullets or something what the frick? Can wizards not use guns? I don't get it.
            Why don't they know? or why are Wizards so secretive. Like Wakanda in Black Panther have a motivation that's clear and present in the form of Unobtanium, but what do wizards have? Magic, as ambiguous as it is, seems to be horribly inefficient compared to muggle inventions. So... why would anybody want to be a wizard, other than on the weekends?

            That and they could want to kill them. Like I said earlier, what if Black folk could da whitey kill just by looking at them? We’d be even more terrified of them.

            • 10 months ago

              >Black folk with wands
              Even Rowling kept that to a mercifully low number.
              >AYO GANG GANG GANG BLUD!
              >*spells shoot in every direction, injuring and innocent grandmother*

              • 10 months ago

                imagine the destruction trying to do a set of spells entirely in ebonics

              • 10 months ago

                A hilarious concept that I'm not funny enough to realize.
                >FINNA PATRONAM!

    • 10 months ago

      Why what?

      oh yeah fantastic beasts had magic rhinos or whatever, I forgot voldemort had giants in his army.
      do you think the giants got benefits like health insurance?

      >do you think the giants got benefits like health insurance?
      At the very least they seem to have been given safe passage to places where they can frick things up.

      • 10 months ago

        So invent wands that shoot bullets or something what the frick? Can wizards not use guns? I don't get it.
        Why don't they know? or why are Wizards so secretive. Like Wakanda in Black Panther have a motivation that's clear and present in the form of Unobtanium, but what do wizards have? Magic, as ambiguous as it is, seems to be horribly inefficient compared to muggle inventions. So... why would anybody want to be a wizard, other than on the weekends?

        Basically what I mean is wizardry seems more like a hobby than anything, but it's treated in-universe like higher form of existence. Fricking Comic-con isn't a secret, why is Hogwarts? Are wizards really more insecure than furries and trannies? Because that's fricking hilarious.

        • 10 months ago

          Furries and trannies can’t (usually) kill you with a look or levitate your car or ignore traffic laws

          • 10 months ago

            Can wizards? I mean sure, some of them can, but I always imagined it as being similar to Jedi. You know, how they're conceptually badass and it all sounds cool and shit, but then in reality they get blow the frick out when an entity with an actual vision uses practicality to achieve it comes along.
            Youngling Jedi ain't gonna do shit, and your standard Jedi were easily overwhelmed by droids, the frick are students at Hogwarts gonna do? One average wizard gets pulled over by an average cop, even some homosexual Brit with a security baton and no gun, my money's on the bobbie. Magic is recreation for 98% of the wizard population it seems, and the rest are all up their ass trying to market it to the Peter Pans of the world as if their lifestyle is something mystical, when in reality all you're likely to end up as is no different from a muggle, except with no practical skills to utilize for monetary gain.

            • 10 months ago

              Wizard delinquent teenagers could easily wingardium leviosaaaaa~~~ the cop and smash their head into the car repeatedly. Or one of those pranks that turns someone into an animal. One that age would probably need a wand to focus the spell though which the cop would see and be like “HE’S GOT A GUN” and light ‘em up. Not defending wizards, I think all should die.

    • 10 months ago

      It’s like Vampire the Masquerade. If humans found out they would get all their guns and tanks and blow them away, We already hate Black folk, what if Black folk had the ability to kill you with a single word?

  16. 10 months ago

    It would be uncivilized and they were better than that.

  17. 10 months ago

    >rest of the world doesn't even bother helping
    Scale-wise, Voldemort was basically just a school bully, which makes Harry Potter even lamer than it already is with its homosexual little wands.

    • 10 months ago

      yeah Hitler was based cause he didn’t bully kids

  18. 10 months ago

    Question for Lore Heads.

    Grindelwald was worse than Voldermort, but he didn't have Horcruxes. Why is the story presented as though Voldermorts return is the end of the world when he has never spread his control outside of the UK?

    • 10 months ago

      i dunno i didn’t watch that dogshit fantastic beast movie

      • 10 months ago

        I'm not talking about the movies I'm talking about the book lore.

        • 10 months ago

          was grindelwald mentioned in the books? it’s been a long time

          • 10 months ago

            Not sure of the books myself, but he's in part of one of the movies, isn't he? Voldemort kills him or some shit.

          • 10 months ago

            He's mentioned in Philosophers Stone and Deathly Hallows

            His physical appearance: originally blonde, handsome, with a somewhat mischievous face that reminded Harry of Fred and George, but by the end of his life thin and weak with a skull-like head. No mention of his heterochromia iridum, though.
            He was extremely intelligent and magically gifted. His brain and powers were almost equal with Dumbledore’s. No mention of his being a seer, though.
            He was expelled from Dumstrang for using Dark magic and subsequently stayed with his aunt Bathilda Bagshot at Godric’s Hollow for some months, where he met Dumbledore.
            Grindelwald was obsessed with the Deathly Hallows to the point of adopting their runic symbol as his own and carving it on a wall at Dumstrang.
            Grindelwald came up with the plan of subjugating the Muggles to the wizarding world “for the greater good,” a phrase that eventually became his motto.
            He wanted to find and use the Hallows in order to achieve his political goals: the Elder Wand for its power, the Resurrection Stone to create an army made up of Inferi-like creatures and the Cloak of Invisibility, which he never paid much attention to, just to complete the triad.
            He and Dumbledore became friends, exchanged letters and made plans together for a couple of months, but eventually they broke up when Aberforth refused to allow them to take Ariana with them on their quest. Grindelwald revealed his true colors by torturing Aberforth with the Cruciatus Curse, at which point Albus intervened and a clash ensued. A spell from one of the three killed Ariana.


            • 10 months ago


              At some point, Grindelwald attacked Gregorovich, the famous wandmaker, and took the Elder Wand from him. Rumors started circulating about his newly acquired powers.
              Grindelwald built a prison for his enemies called Nurmengard and put the motto “For the Greater Good” above its gate.
              He went on to amass an army of followers, with whom he committed countless atrocities, but didn’t meet with Dumbledore until 1945. Dumbledore himself was afraid of confronting him, because he didn’t have the power to face the truth about Ariana’s death.
              At their duel, Dumbledore won, imprisoned him in Nurmengard and took the Elder Wand.
              Rumor had it that Grindelwald felt some remorse later in his life.
              When Voldemort realized that the Elder Wand was once with Grindelwald, he broke into Nurmengard and asked him about it. Grindelwald laughted at his face, called him ignorant and refused to share any information, although eventually Voldemort figured out the truth by himself. It’s unclear whether Grindelwald didn’t want Voldemort to have the wand due to the great powers it offered or because to do so, Voldemort would have to desecrate Dumbledore’s tomb. Perhaps both.
              Grindelwald was then killed by Voldemort.

  19. 10 months ago

    I've fapped to a fanfic where Hermione gets eaten alive by Nagini.

    • 10 months ago

      Proud of you anon

    • 10 months ago

      Reply to me if you ever fapped to Hermione+your fetish

      • 10 months ago

        But I just said I did.

      • 10 months ago

        >futa hermione giving herself a self footjob
        one of the best faps of my life, quality content

        • 10 months ago

          Gib sauce.

      • 10 months ago

        Omorashi porn of Hermione and she would use magic to clean up, this was many years before JK tweeted about how wizards could shit themselves and then magic it away so I feel kinda validated.

  20. 10 months ago

    Goodnight anons.

    • 10 months ago

      I will kill you in your sleep

    • 10 months ago

      goodnight anon. don't worry I'll protect you from

      I will kill you in your sleep

      and give you tender forehead kisses

    • 10 months ago

      Goodnight and sleep tight.

  21. 10 months ago

    Because Harry Potter started out as a children’s fantasy set in a world that wasn’t supposed to make a lot of logical sense. Then Rowling decided to make it a dark and gritty thriller but it was still set in the kid friendly universe from earlier, so there end up being a lot of things that don’t make sense.

  22. 10 months ago

    it would be easy to kill a large part of the wizards, it's a hierarchical society, find an angry guy like a mudblood or a powerless dude like the janitor, frick his brain with some mkultra like the feds do to get guys to do mass killings, you send him to Diagon Alley to take pictures of the sky and you get the location with the stars, do the same in every magic "city" like the village next to hogwarts and just bomb them

  23. 10 months ago

    >rated R
    >3 hrs
    >no action
    >pure drama dialogue
    >in post COVID era
    >Released in middle of writers strike

    It’s a miracle this broke even, much less net 400 million

  24. 10 months ago

    Why didn't dumbledore enchant a GAU-8 with the bludger spell and that spell which made the treasure in gringotts self-replicate and tell it to kill everyone who has ever been in Slytherin?

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