Why didnt they just tell the cops a former crazy client of Saul named Lalo came back to his attorney and killed Hamlin?

Why didn’t they just tell the cops a former crazy client of Saul named Lalo came back to his attorney and killed Hamlin?

Did Mike secretly hate Howard?

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  1. 7 months ago

    Why didn't Howardo-kun just get a drug test and show it to Cliff?

    • 7 months ago

      Cocaine was in his system

    • 7 months ago

      Because he needed to act moronic so that Jimmy's convoluted plan would work

    • 7 months ago

      Because Cliff (who watched Euphoria) would suspect Howard asked his friend (possibly Saul) to pee for him

      • 7 months ago

        Cliff couldn't have watched Euphoria, but he could have watched Degrassi or Dawson's creek

  2. 7 months ago

    Because Lalo was currently buried in Gus's laundry business

  3. 7 months ago

    Because of the implication

    • 7 months ago

      Because Lalo was currently buried in Gus's laundry business

      Lalo could be thrown in the basement like what happened in the series. No need to further implicate Howard

      Because it would prove that Jimbo knew Lalo was Lalo and lied about it in courtypoo

      It was obvious to everyone Saul knew, its just not a crime knowing it if you are a lawyer. Bottom line nobody cares

      • 7 months ago

        >actively lying about the identity of a client in court is not a crime if you're a lawyer
        Yes it is

        • 7 months ago

          >actively lying about the identity of a client and paying people to pose as his family*

        • 7 months ago

          No, its not. If it was they would be building a case against Jimmy. But they can’t because they can’t provr Saul knew all along

          If your client is troony mtf and you call him a woman is it lying?

        • 7 months ago

          >actively lying about the identity of a client and paying people to pose as his family*

          There's no way to prove Saul knew Lalo's true identity. The DA didn't know who he was ffs and as far as Saul knows he was a referral from Nacho.

  4. 7 months ago

    Because it would prove that Jimbo knew Lalo was Lalo and lied about it in courtypoo

    • 7 months ago

      >I took a rash of shit from other staffers at the courthouse after I got my client off at bail, they told me he was Lalo Salamanca, a drug kingpin.
      >I recognized him from having represented him, but back then he was using a false name - he went by Guzman, as did all his paperwork at the courthouse.
      And any time they're like "you should've known this guy before" you just repeat "he was using a false name, and he had the documents to back it up. Where was this investigative curiousity when you had him in custody and YOU GAVE ME that paperwork?" because the frick-up reflects poorly on them too. It's in their interest to make this go away and the prosecutor's office probably would, too.

      They can't do that because Mike knows it's a bad idea to play this straight for their personal safety.


      Why didn’t they just tell the cops a former crazy client of Saul named Lalo came back to his attorney and killed Hamlin?

      Did Mike secretly hate Howard?

      Draws too much attention to Saul and his associates. The cartel down south wants this to go away cleanly, Gus wants this go away cleanly, Mike doesn't want the entire criminal world chasing them as loose ends, and right now, everyone is in good standing because Saul+Kim and Mike are valuable tools as skilled dirty lawyers Gus has leverage over and as extraordinarily good muscle. If they go to the cops, they won't have a single friend in law enforcement (who'll resent that they're stuck with them and try to dig into their lives in ways the underground REALLY dislikes) and they won't have a single friend in the criminal world (they'll have a reputation as snitches).

      Easier for Mike and friends to clean up their own mess and preserve the status quo, where Howard is an easy, already-set-up fall guy for everything.

  5. 7 months ago

    Because Kim is a b***h and had the hardest, wettest orgasm she's ever gotten watching Howard get shot

  6. 7 months ago

    Because the police already had a file on who Lalo was, he is a notorious drug lord after all. Chances are Mike couldn’t pass off his violence as a random outburst from some schizophrenic rando.

    • 7 months ago

      >couldn’t pass off his violence as a random outburst from some schizophrenic rando

      Thats literally what it was. Same with that post office dude

      • 7 months ago

        Not really, although Lalo is a complete psychopath, he very clearly doesn’t kill without intent and everybody probably knows this

        • 7 months ago

          Intent was that Howard did not have attorney client privileges with Lalo ofc

          • 7 months ago


  7. 7 months ago

    Howard should have been given a happy ending, instead they kill him like how they killed Hank. The writers didn't know what else to do.

  8. 7 months ago

    Because that would put Howard and Lalo in Jimmy's apartment on the night of the murder and would draw too much attention and too many questions. Granted, the story they ultimately went with was pretty bad too. They should have never admitted to being the last people to see Howard. That already raises too many questions. Should have just completely stayed out of it and said nothing

  9. 7 months ago

    Because Gus wanted to maintain the narrative that Lalo had been killed in his compound in Mexico you fricking moron.

    • 7 months ago

      What narrative? He did not know what Salamancas know and what they did not know

  10. 7 months ago

    Yeah that was a pretty bad one.
    >Yeah "Mr. Guzman" showed up and wasn't too thrilled about the way I represented him. He shot Howard (who happened to be there regarding the Sandpiper case) when he threatened to call the police. After killing Howard he bound both me and Kim in the bathroom. We thought he was gonna kill us too but he must have left the apartment at some point but we're not sure when. I managed to unbind myself pretty quickly but I didn't dare do anything since I thought he was still in the apartment. In the morning I peaked out of the bathroom, saw he wasn't in the living room. I set Kim free too and we made a run for it. We called the cops from the 7/11 across the street at about 6AM. That's why Howard's body is already several hours cold.

    • 7 months ago

      But the cat’s out of the bag, people already know that “Mr. Guzman” is Lalo

      • 7 months ago


      • 7 months ago

        US authorities didn't know Guzman was Lalo. Cartel didn't even know about Saul except Nacho (who was Gus' mole) and the twins who saw him like once. Nobody from the cartel ever investigated anything about Saul. If they had such connections that they could piece together that some Hispanic murdering some lawyer in another lawyer's apartment was actually Lalo, they could piece together thay Howard disappearing after a visit to Lalo's lawyer was in some way connected to Lalo disappearing himself.

        Shit he didn't even have to say it was Guzman, he could have literally blamed it on a random Hispanic doing a stick-up. If cartel thought Lalo was dead back in Mexico, they would never suspect that someone getting killed in Saul's apartment was actually Lalo's work.

  11. 7 months ago

    Because it’s a show and it’s already pre determined

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