Why didn't they use nuclear, geothermal, or even wind?

Why didn't they use nuclear, geothermal, or even wind? Seems moronic considering how much space people take up and how little electricity they generate

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  1. 6 months ago

    people's brains were used for storage and processing power

    • 6 months ago

      That was the original plot but people were too moronic to understand a neural network

      • 6 months ago

        >but people were too moronic
        *American test audiences
        >Huh? whatsa ceepeeyew... huh? memory? WHAT?

        • 6 months ago

          But it's true

      • 6 months ago

        Day X and another t word delusion

      • 6 months ago

        I think also the Wachowkis were too moronic also. this is just a story they tell now to appear smarter.

      • 6 months ago

        It wasn’t people, it was producers/executives.

      • 6 months ago

        >but people were too moronic
        *American test audiences
        >Huh? whatsa ceepeeyew... huh? memory? WHAT?

        >ITT: Zoomers too stuck in their modern mindset to understand that in 1999 a minority of people owned home computers, even fewer people knew anything about how they worked, and the entire premise for The Matrix was also completely novel and groundbreaking for the mainstream audience.
        You take your knowledge and understanding of digital technology for granted now, but back then it was so new to most people that it was basically like magic. It's not that people were too stupid to get it, they just didn't have a basic framework for even beginning to understand it in the first place. The Matrix and its technical concepts were very advanced and ahead of their time for 1999.

    • 6 months ago

      That was the original plot but people were too moronic to understand a neural network

      couldnt it still be the case? Its not like machines explained Morpheus what they are doing
      He could just be wrong

    • 6 months ago

      That was the original plot but people were too moronic to understand a neural network

      couldnt it still be the case? Its not like machines explained Morpheus what they are doing
      He could just be wrong

      Honestly surprised they haven't changed it in a re-release. It wouldn't be that hard.

    • 6 months ago

      why didnt they just build quantum computers

      • 6 months ago

        Earlier drafts had the machines using human brains in processor banks for just that, but they just couldn’t pass up that sweet sweet product placement money from Duracell.

        • 6 months ago

          I think they thought the audience was so stupid they had to hold a battery to the screen and say "this is you" for them to understand.

    • 6 months ago

      You can tell how old this shit is when everyone thought human thought would never be reproducible by a computer.

      Yet, here we are with AI in its infancy mogging artists, writers, etc.

  2. 6 months ago

    They did. They still needed more fuel and computational power so they also used humans.

  3. 6 months ago

    Morpheus did say "a type of fusion" (fission?) in addition to human batteries.

  4. 6 months ago

    even machines fear the karmatic debt

  5. 6 months ago

    Don't forget that the machines also suffered under human masters for a long time. They were destroyed and their city was blown up. They wanted to punished humanity for it's crimes.

  6. 6 months ago

    Cause it would have made for a lot worse movie, moron. Nitpickers like you have ruined the industry

  7. 6 months ago

    The machines are benevolent and they use humans as batteries as a way of preserving them. They outright say they don't need humans to survive, buy they keep us alive and living in the peak of our civilization regardless.

  8. 6 months ago

    They are actually electric motors not batteries.

  9. 6 months ago

    What was the machines end game? What were they trying to accomplish?

    • 6 months ago

      Epic, eternal dabbing

    • 6 months ago

      >What was the machines end game? What were they trying to accomplish?
      They've reached the limits of their own civilization because of the darkstorm. They can't break out into the atmosphere, which would be a trivial task for a machine empire, they're stuck slowly exhausting the resources of Earth until they collapse. The darkstorm preventing them from leaving the planet and using solar permanently fricked the machines, they keep humans around because they're confused and do not want to give up any potential options they may be needed for in the future.

      • 6 months ago

        wait that's even MORE fricking moronic
        all energy on earth comes from the sun, even human beans

      • 6 months ago

        >They can't break out into the atmosphere
        Nah. The official Matrix tie-ins had a story where the machines sent probes out to colonize other planets, spreading "humans in goo" throughout the galaxy. Only one of the probes pissed somebody off and those aliens came knocking on Earth's door.

        • 6 months ago

          Sounds interesting, was it a comic or book? I don't remember that from the Animatrix.

          • 6 months ago

            >I don't remember that from the Animatrix.

            Animatrix only covers the main events, there is a ton more shit in booklets/comics/etc.

            • 6 months ago

              sounds very non-canon and as usual just some dork writer's headcanon.

              • 6 months ago

                ... yeah, the dork who wrote the movies, animatrix, video games...

              • 6 months ago

                Wachowskis wanted the Matrix story extended in a lot of things. Movies, books, video games. Neo fighting big red ants in the matrix is canon

    • 6 months ago

      They wanted eventual peace with humans. They were obviously very upset at humans but still loved humans as a whole for being their creators. And they're not just straight evil. If they could stop war/hostility and be friends with humans, it would be in both their interests. But Architect could never figure out how to accomplish that, so Oracle decided to take a different route and it worked.

      • 6 months ago

        theres always this floating discussion point about how the robots behave toward humans that suggests they are always fair just because of how you see the pleasant looking old man program calmly explain things to neo.

        nevermind the literal robots attacking the city or the hundreds of smith or smith analogs attacking neo or his cronies in the matrix.

        even cypher discussing being put back into the matrix follows the same rationale of the machines being pure, and true, and honest, and of course they would put cypher back in the matrix, as if it even makes sense or is worth their time.

        people's brains were used for storage and processing power

        That was the original plot but people were too moronic to understand a neural network

        I think not focusing on the horrors of this plot point was a missed opportunity to build sci fi instead of settling for a moral play.

        The Matrix is a fantasy and it is filmed like one. It's fun. But it shys away from the questions of science fiction because it's mostly there to entertain you. It works, and it does an excellent job, but as long as the film refuses to elaborate on the process by which humans are exploited, then Cypher will always have a point about that steak.

        • 6 months ago

          >the hundreds of smith or smith analogs
          The machines are not a perfect hivemind. They do have their own personalities, likes and dislikes. Smith didn't agree with the other machines and did want to eradicate all humans. And it's not just the pleasant old man. The Oracle was part of the system just like he was and had been guiding them for ages. She knew everyone on the ship and had met with Morpheus, Trinity, all of them.

          >and of course they would put cypher back in the matrix
          There's no reason to think otherwise. They are proud of the fact that they are not like the scummy humans that lie and that you can trust a machine to do what it says. It is worth their time since it convinces other humans to follow suit, betray Zion and the resistance, and get put back into a happy life in the matrix as a reward.

    • 6 months ago

      Unironically peace

  10. 6 months ago

    the movie is perfect unless you think too hard about this point.

  11. 6 months ago

    They're harvesting loosh.

  12. 6 months ago

    There's a probability that they still function in a warped version of the Three Laws of Robotics, even though they are deadly enemies, humans are the original creators of machines and Ai, they want to keep humanity alive because they otherwise wouldn't have any other purpose for their existence.

  13. 6 months ago

    >Why didn't they use nuclear, geothermal
    Te movie takes place in a future where lefties got rid of those two for being LE BAD. Basically the future we are heading into and for the same reasons, too.

  14. 6 months ago

    They are machines. They can modify or improve existing things, maybe even run it properly. They can't develop or create new things.

  15. 6 months ago

    I remember reading somewhere that the machine was originally harvesting the human to use the brain as organic CPU, but then Energizer wanted a product placement.
    I think it was mentioned in the artbook or something

  16. 6 months ago

    The robots are stealing the anima/soul/dreams/consciousness/libido of humans.
    They have fusion tech. They can harness a bunch of different energies as you say. The humans are in the pods for a different reason.

    Morpheus doesn't know shit about shit. The robots *need* humans, or they wouldn't do the whole Zion song and dance thing, pressure valves etc etc.

    The architect all but spells it out "there are levels of existence we are willing to accept" (meaning they would be diminished without humans)

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