Why do modern action movies suck?

Why do modern action movies suck?
You can always tune in to some 80s/90s action flick and have a great time because of the stunts/fights but modern films are just so fricking boring.
John Wick is literally the only exception.

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  1. 12 months ago

    For me it's largely the lazy CGI shit they're doing. I though John Wick was rubbish. I don't watch many modern action movies simply because I've lost my expectations for them. I've mostly watched the popular Indo ones but they're extremely repetitive and lack any stakes because their protagonists are invincible.

    • 12 months ago

      there are no stakes when everything looks like a fricking video game. same with monster movies, that shit is not scary when its a PS3 monster awkwardly imposed into the scene. frick outta here

  2. 12 months ago

    >Punches a snake

    • 12 months ago


      Why do modern action movies suck?
      You can always tune in to some 80s/90s action flick and have a great time because of the stunts/fights but modern films are just so fricking boring.
      John Wick is literally the only exception.

      Let me flip your question: why wouldn't modern action movies suck? Or movies from Hollywood in general? Let's say you make a list out of factors that could contribute to a movie's quality in a positive way then another one that collects the negative ones. Then you would start putting check marks in front of those that exist in current day Hollywood. Which list would have more? I don't think it's really up to debate.

  3. 12 months ago

    There's no talent left in Hollywood

    • 12 months ago

      America is a post-talent society

  4. 12 months ago

    i love hard target so much

    • 12 months ago

      It's so good

  5. 12 months ago

    Many modern movies have a mismatch between the tone and the plot. For example, they'll have a really serious drab tone as if it was some kind of philosophical drama, but then the plot is ridiculous bullshit out of a cartoon. The classic 80s/90s movies were better at matching tone with content. So for example, The Terminator has a serious horror tone but the content lives up to it. Stuff like Commando and Hard Target is cheesy and it knows it, it doesn't pretend to be anything it's not. Stuff like Predator and Total Recall is somewhat in between - mostly serious but with entertaining cheesiness too, and again the tone and the content match, there's never a sense that the movie is breaking its promise to you, no matter what the promise is.

    • 12 months ago

      I was just going to say this. The obsession Hollywood has with making everything somber and grim is awful. Its literally tricking the low IQ general audience that the movie you're making is somehow good.

      Not all action movies are like this but enough are to make it a problem. The Extraction movies got it right by actually having them make sense.

      John Dick movies are an example of tricking stupid people into thinking they are badass movies. Its shot like he's about to rescue a bunch of African sex slaves from a rape camp when really its just some guy trying to kill some generic bad guy and a dead dog.

      • 12 months ago

        >Its shot like he's about to rescue a bunch of African sex slaves from a rape camp when really its just some guy trying to kill some generic bad guy and a dead dog
        You completely missed the tone of the film. Did you need it spelled out more than it already was?

  6. 12 months ago

    I don't really like John Wick but I also don't like Van Damn movies. I like action movies with a little bit more meat, like Cop Land or The Crow (just to name a couple that are not the most obvious ones like Terminator 2).

    • 12 months ago

      I haven't seen The Crow but in what works is Cop Land an action movie? You mean you don't like action, you like dramas.

      • 12 months ago

        Cop Land is a drama

        You guys are totally right, my bad. I wanted to emphasize that I like the build up that some action movies have and I went a bit overboard with that one. What I liked of Cop Land is that the tension starts building slowly, but in an interesting way, and then there's a final showdown where the protag redeems himself. Although I also like From Paris with Love so I don't know. Maybe the actor has a lot to do with it too.

    • 12 months ago

      Cop Land is a drama

  7. 12 months ago

    It's because of CGI. Everything is like some shitty looney tunes cartoons. I think it's also the fault of Fast and Furious and capeshit.

  8. 12 months ago

    Van Damme is a colossal homosexual but Hard Target is based thanks to John Woo

    • 12 months ago

      >Van Damme is a colossal homosexual
      you shut your Damme mouth

      • 12 months ago

        >known for getting a hard on on a talk show while dancing with a hot chick
        Pick one.

        He tried to re-cut the film behind Woo's back to make himself look good. He's an egomaniac. Stop mindlessly worshipping celebrities.

        • 12 months ago

          I... are you for real? Are you that oblivious?

          • 12 months ago

            Van Damme blows.

            • 12 months ago
            • 12 months ago

              nobody cares Black person

              • 12 months ago

                >act like moron
                >get owned
                >act like bigger moron

                based moron

              • 12 months ago

                >everybody is the same person
                lol. and van damme is the narcissist.

              • 12 months ago

                >not that anon but...
                >actually am that anon

              • 12 months ago

                Just give up Jean-Claude.

            • 12 months ago

              Based Raimi

            • 12 months ago

              >Raimi saved Hard Target
              Is there anything he can't do?

          • 12 months ago

            why is he oblivious

        • 12 months ago

          Read between the lines homosexual

          • 12 months ago


            lol fricking autist

            • 12 months ago

              you dumb homosexual. see how this works?

              • 12 months ago

                >wait an hour
                >come back for the last word

                you really are an autist, lmao

              • 12 months ago

                What is this phenomenon where autists must have the last word? Like look at this poster, he clearly got butthurt and he's then waited around til the other anon was hopefully gone to post a rebuttal. Why? We're all anonymous here, no one is ever going to know it was you that got bootyblasted on some taiwanese bird watching forum.

                Is it ego? I just don't get it. You just end up wasting your own time.

              • 12 months ago

                honestly it's the best kind of own

                >get into argument with some anon
                >anon waits around seething before posting some stupid seething reply hours later
                >probably sits there refreshing the thread for another hour or two in case you reply again

                basically you've just made some poor homosexual waste half his day

              • 12 months ago

                Yes but why would you wait around to post a reply to someone after they've left the thread? You can't debate someone who's not there, so it's not like you actually won the argument. And it's not as if every other anon on the board is reading the thread and going "wow that guy got epically PWNT." No one cares. It just seems to me like people only do it because their precious ego got bruised.

              • 12 months ago
              • 12 months ago

                >has never met an autist
                lucky you

    • 12 months ago

      >known for getting a hard on on a talk show while dancing with a hot chick
      Pick one.

  9. 12 months ago

    You know literally shit about movies. Koreans and Indonesians have made top tier action films lately.

  10. 12 months ago


    I don't hate John Wick, but this whole gun fu is just some moronic nonsense.

  11. 12 months ago

    Firstly, CGI has caused stunts to escalate so far that suspension of disbelief goes out back for a piss. Practical, for all its limitations, gives an anchor to reality, since setting up the scene can let a director get a feel for how fricking stupid it looks if they go too far.
    Secondly, villains now have a list of approved evil traits and all feel the same. Can't have them be problematic, right?
    Most crucially in my eyes, leading men look like they couldn't handle their shopping, let alone a weapon, no matter how many roids they take.
    Finally, there's the Whedon cancer that makes movies constantly fricking wink at the audience out of insecurity. And no, an Arnold quip or campy James Bond pun is not the same, because those aren't directly addressing the audience and telling them that the writing is moronic, but it's ok because they're in on the joke.

  12. 12 months ago

    >Why do modern action movies suck?
    Watched The Covenant last night and it was surprisingly good

  13. 12 months ago

    80s were cold war, you had to do masculine propaganda
    90s were b movies still doing the 80s tropes, he AAA ones were already subverting those (Demolition Man, Last Action Hero, True Lies etc.)
    00s had war on terror, so you needed action heroes again, but they needed to be nonwhite
    10s were the zoomer era, total demoralization, so the only action heroes were old (John Wick, Taken, Death Wish etc.)

  14. 12 months ago

    John Wick and Raid are the best modern action movies and anyone who disagrees is a moron

    • 12 months ago

      John Wick is honestly among the most boring action films I've seen

      • 12 months ago

        How is it boring? It’s just nonstop action for like what, 8 hours? The choreography is fresh and innovative, great cinematography, cool car chasing scenes, great gunfights, great action stars from all around the world. I genuinely don’t understand how someone who enjoys action movies could dislike the JW franchise.

  15. 12 months ago

    >reloads fist in your direction

  16. 12 months ago

    Watch extraction 2

    • 12 months ago

      I just put it on and

      For me it's largely the lazy CGI shit they're doing. I though John Wick was rubbish. I don't watch many modern action movies simply because I've lost my expectations for them. I've mostly watched the popular Indo ones but they're extremely repetitive and lack any stakes because their protagonists are invincible.

      nails it with the cheap cgi explosions everywhere just ruining it

  17. 12 months ago

    There isn't any one thing. It's everything from plotlines, fighting scenes to film grain and cinematography. John Wick is actually an example of a bad action movie imo - it's way too clean, all the locations look the same, it doesn't have a memorable antagonist or protagonist, etc. Compare it with Mel Gibson and Danny Glover from Lethal Weapon, the *retire in two days* is a trope that's still ongoing, as is the *I'm too old for this shit* catchphrase. What's John Wicks catchphrase? Why is Darth Vader still quoted while nobody gives a frick about Kylo Ren? Why does Rambo exude small town America, while movies like Expendables feel generic af

    • 12 months ago

      Nostalgiagay cope. John Wick owns those old moronic movies and his “yeah I’m thinking I’m back” is more famous than any catchphrase from those oldgay movies

    • 12 months ago

      You're unironically too old to make sense of modern trends. Kylo Ren is the one popular thing from the sequel trilogy, John Wick is Chuck Norris tier with how much stupid shit gets posted about how badass he is, and nobody watches the Expendables cause it's boomer nostalgiabait. You don't see any of this cause the circles you run in are for your age group.

      • 12 months ago

        Nobody cares about Kylo Ren

  18. 12 months ago

    Its CGI, shit actors, and lack of talent in making good action.
    Hollywood just really lost most old school professionals that knew how stage the good action scenes.
    Back in the day everything was shot on location, so you could almost smell the place. It felt natural. Explosions were natural. Hits were natural.
    Now you just subconsciously feel that the gun the character handle isnt real. Explosions arent real. Car chase isnt fricking real. Buildings around arent real. Streets arent real. All of this is a fricking green screen.
    And color grading fricking matters. Back then the color were more natural and warm.
    Now its mostly cold, grey and bliue, generic soulless shit.
    Actors are shit. Realistic action movies are almost dead because of capeshit and remakes and sequels. Most charismatic actors that have left out there just dont want to do action movies. They are either do some Oscar bait or go to capeshit.
    Nowadays actors are just charisma voids, fricking primordial tadpoles, you cant even remember their face the moment movies end.
    Obviously, scripts also matter. Back then they knew how to write campy and cozy plots and shoot them right, so it feel cool and full of soul.
    Nowadays they just dont know how to write it.
    Even deviates like John Wick felt pretty soulles action flicks. Yeah, action is not bad, but it lacks of campy feeling when emotions were more sincere and MCs felt like a living beings instead of a robots who are good at shooting and talk in capeshit quips.

  19. 12 months ago
    • 12 months ago
  20. 12 months ago

    >John Wick
    have a nice day unironically.

  21. 12 months ago

    In the heyday of action cinema, the keyword was "excess." You could get away with over-the-top violence by passing it off as stylization. Then a couple of kids shoot up their school, and parents" groups begin handwringing, and the MPAA suddenly begins paying closer attention to exactly how many squibs are being popped in a movie. Theaters start carding moviegoers for R-rated action movies. Filmmakers try to give us the same kind of action minus the bloody consequences, but it doesn't land the same way with audiences. The same violent action movies that used to be summer staples get relegated to video store shelves and later, streaming services. Today, action cinema is about precision: how many people the hero can kill using as little firepower as possible. Maybe it's more realistic, but it lacks the gleeful chaos earlier action movies evoked. Now you only see glimpses of it in sci-fi action movies where the enemies (and sometimes also the heroes) are non-human.

  22. 12 months ago

    In regards to the action scenes.
    It's not just that CGI has taken over.
    It's that the studios and labor unions generally won't allow for super risky stunts and there is WAY more studio oversight in movies being made in 2023 than there was in 1980.
    A lot of the shit movies pulled back in the 70s and 80s cannot be replicated by modern guild/ union workers. Not because of lack of experience or understanding, but because they will literally be kicked from their union, fired, and blacklisted from the industry and have to resort to nothing but indie self made films.

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