Why do people still act like he wasn't the hero?

Why do people still act like he wasn't the hero?

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  1. 8 months ago

    did you even read the comic or do you just think his design looks cool

    • 8 months ago

      he's the most heroic one in the story

    • 8 months ago

      It's just that one homosexual making yet another Watchmen/Rorschach/Moore bait thread

  2. 8 months ago

    guys i hate Rorshach. did you know that Rorshach is actually just an incel chud. there is no depth to Rorshach. modern culture is not degrading. i am not becoming stupid. you are a toxic nerd who likes Rorshach, who i wrote, and i am a genius. Worship my snake god. Bob Dylan.

    • 8 months ago

      this baboon man is scary makes me afraid of the dark

  3. 8 months ago

    Name one crime he prevented, one life he saved

    • 8 months ago

      Is that all a protagonist is supposed to do?

    • 8 months ago

      did you even read the comic or do you just think his design looks cool

      >create octopus monster
      >kill millions
      >say it was aliens
      >create a rootless global elite with unlimited power and no allegiances
      Billions must die to protect your power of child raping demon worshipping cannibals, all because a psychopathic billionaire wanted it to happen, on the backs of millions of people.
      Ror was the hero and was right about everyone but him being vapid soulless homosexual. He was only wrong about the blue one not being the biggest homosexual all.

      • 8 months ago

        >create a rootless global elite with unlimited power and no allegiances
        Schizo, it was to prevent a nuclear war

        • 8 months ago

          schizo, ozy was smart enough and manhattan was powerful enough to stop that nuclear war years before it happened. instead manhattan encouraged it by allowying himself to be a tool and ozy allowed it to happen through negligence

          • 8 months ago

            >powerful enough to stop that nuclear war years before it happened. instead manhattan encouraged it by allowying himself to be a tool and ozy allowed it to happen through negligence
            manhattan was becoming more and more disillusioned with humanity and the earth, that's why he left at the end, and on top of that Ozymandius tricked him.

            The Nuclear war that never happened in real life.

            and the US didn't win Vietnam and superheroes don't exist. Your point, moron?

            • 8 months ago

              >and the US didn't win Vietnam and superheroes don't exist. Your point, moron?
              >The US beat the Soviet Union in our timeline.
              >that means a theoretically stronger US will definitely lose

              • 8 months ago

                >that means a theoretically stronger US will definitely lose
                it's not about losing its about the death toll for everyone, moron.

              • 8 months ago

                >Russians don't fear death
                >Mutual assured destruction except that your opponent has a god that restore most of their power and infrastructure in an instant thus getting everyone else to hate you and your opponent the rule of what remains of the world.
                A lot of incentive to push that button.

        • 8 months ago

          The Nuclear war that never happened in real life.

          • 8 months ago

            Nixon also didn't serve four terms in real life. It's possible the nuclear war was never going to happen in the comic, but referencing how things ended up in real world history is kind of pointless.

          • 8 months ago

            Real life also doesn't have Dr Manhattan....

            • 8 months ago

              Nixon also didn't serve four terms in real life. It's possible the nuclear war was never going to happen in the comic, but referencing how things ended up in real world history is kind of pointless.

              >The Soviet Union would have been militarily stronger if the Americans have won Vietnam and have a literal god with them.

              • 8 months ago

                The Soviet Union purposefully made more nukes in escalation due to Dr Manhattan existing and as soon as he was out of the picture they tested the waters by invaded Afghanistan. They weren't "militarily stronger" they were more panicked into esclated the arms race even further and having even more of an itchy trigger finger.

              • 8 months ago

                >why would a country that feels hopelessly outgunned by a literal god feel pressured to launch the nukes?

                >trying to rule over the ashes of civilization
                >the other side could easily rebuild cities in a blink of an eye
                >everybody will just hate you for starting the nuclear war

              • 8 months ago

                You're not making any sense now

              • 8 months ago

                >Mutually assured destruction
                >wait the other guys instantly rebuilt civilization

              • 8 months ago

                Dr Manhattan couldn't stop all the missiles and admits this.

              • 8 months ago

                Some people will survive even without his intervention. He will survive. That is enough.

              • 8 months ago

                Point flew over your head.

              • 8 months ago

                >Some people will survive even without his intervention
                not enough

              • 8 months ago

                As long as Dr. Manhattan survive, they will lose.

              • 8 months ago

                >why would a country that feels hopelessly outgunned by a literal god feel pressured to launch the nukes?

      • 8 months ago

        That's how world war 2 ended, no?

      • 8 months ago

        he's the most heroic one in the story

        He's a homicidal moron who just so happens to be obsessed with playing super hero. Ultimately he can be a net positive, but everything he does is out of autistic spite, not any sensible rational or noble cause. If he says your life you're just lucky his brain was broken in such a way to make him do that instead of accuse you of having information and breaking your fingers or worse.

        • 8 months ago

          >homicidal moron
          So Ozzy.

    • 8 months ago

      There was a woman getting mugged in one of the chapters that he saves (that was probably killed by Ozymandias' "alien").

      >create octopus monster
      >kill millions
      >say it was aliens
      >create a rootless global elite with unlimited power and no allegiances
      Billions must die to protect your power of child raping demon worshipping cannibals, all because a psychopathic billionaire wanted it to happen, on the backs of millions of people.
      Ror was the hero and was right about everyone but him being vapid soulless homosexual. He was only wrong about the blue one not being the biggest homosexual all.

      Rorschach didn't actually save those people. The villain won.
      Nite Owl II and Silk Spectre II saved people from a burning building (people that were probably killed by Ozymandias' "alien") and sprung Rorschach the minute they put their costumes back on. They aren't seen as heroic only because they complied.

      Why anons who dick ride him only have one image of him. What you didn't read the book so you only have google search images on your phone?

      Leftists also only have one image of him. Both are wrong.

      I hate Dr. Manhattan, he is just a whiney homosexual

      Manhattan was the most head-fricked character out of all of them.

  4. 8 months ago

    Why anons who dick ride him only have one image of him. What you didn't read the book so you only have google search images on your phone?

  5. 8 months ago

    I hate Dr. Manhattan, he is just a whiney homosexual

  6. 8 months ago

    because they don't want to admit that a conspiracy theorist was right, or that the guy that believes in his country is allowed to believe lies by his peers. when silk spectre tries to tell him that comedian was a rapist, manhattan just stands in the background, not saying shit, when the comedian murdered a pregnant vietnamese woman.

    because they don't want to admit that it's the correct thing to do to kill people who murder or rape kids.

    because the most powerful characters, ozymandias and manhattan are filthy and negligent for not using their power and intellect to change the world.

    because deep down many people are cowards who would rather kick the can down the road, claiming an interdimensional squid will unite humanity, not thinking that such a scenario will only last until a capitalist society teaches humans to be at each others throats again in the very near future

  7. 8 months ago

    >Why do people still act like he wasn't the hero?
    Firstly, people take this Alan Moore quote out of context and feel attacked by it. He was specifically attacking a certain type of smelly weirdo fans.

    Secondly, Watchmen was meant to be this big thing about the psychology driving these characters. Rorschach does some heroic things but he is also an absolute weirdo too.

    Thirdly, people who worship characters are weird. Post The Dark Knight loads of edgy teens worshiped Joker. People have at one point or another also worshipped Dredd. It is fine to like a character or be entertained or discuss them. But the whole "basing yourself" off a character is weird.

    People take the wrong lessons from Watchmen or take a surface level take that ends up spoiling it.

  8. 8 months ago

    I miss good Alan Moore shitposting

  9. 8 months ago

    No one says he's not the hero, just that he's also a smelly weirdo whose final package to the New Frontiersman will have absolutrly zero impact

  10. 8 months ago

    He died opposing the main villain's plot and killed a murderous pedophile. He's been considered a hero by most for a good chunk of the book's history. It's only until people became obsessed with WOG on the internet that his presence was answered with "UHM ACTUALLY". People thought him being stinky and eating beans were endearing quirks at worst.

    • 8 months ago

      You keep saying this because your have /misc/ brainrot but there's nothing in the source material indicating Adrian is a pedophile. There are some heavy handed hints he might be gay, but that's it.

      • 8 months ago

        >Adrian is a pedophile
        He's talking about the actual pedo Rorschach killed, you're the one with brainrot, swallow lead

      • 8 months ago

        moron... He means the guy who was feeding dead little girls to his dogs.
        Did you misremember him killing Veidt?? Your interpretation makes no sense.

  11. 8 months ago

    He was obsessed with the truth even if it made the world worse in the short run because he believed that in the long run things would be better off that way
    Heroes are only determined by public opinion and he never would have attained that even had he lived
    He wasn't a hero but that's the whole point of the story
    There are better things to be than a hero

    • 8 months ago

      >make the world worse
      >by exposing the israelite who wants to puppeteer the world

      Also, Rorschach is literally me.

  12. 8 months ago

    Daily reminder that Manhattan did it because he was cucked by Silk. I would have done the same thing btw

  13. 8 months ago

    >idolizing Rorschach
    >in the year of our Lord 2023


  14. 8 months ago

    These threads are always the dumbest possible takes, usually filled with irrelevant modern politics.

    You kids are hopeless. A new lost generation.

    • 8 months ago

      I don't see the modern politics. You can talk about Rorschach purely with the content of the book. He's not obscure or irrelevant.

  15. 8 months ago

    I'll keep asking this question in Watchmen threads until I get an answer.

    Why is Rors considered a hypocrite because he supported Truman atomic bombing Japan while Ozy killed NY with a artificial monster?

    They aren't even remotely comparable. Truman's action is known throughout the world and had lasting political consequences, and Truman accepted it was a horrible deed that needed to be done and it will haunt his reputation.

    Ozy did everything he can remove every trace of his involvement regarding his plan, he will benefit 100% from the results and was quite happy thinking that he saved the world...until Dr.Manhattan clued him that his plans might not be foolproof, even his Rors' diary potentially being a threat.

    • 8 months ago

      To outline how Ozy's motivations were more pure. The idea of being idolized and having things named after him, being a momument, what at the forefront of Ozy's mind but then he realized that that dream would be erased by nuclear war. Secretly bringing peace, never getting the recognition of significantly impacting the world. And someone with the power and resources like Ozy can make it through nuclear winter. You can call him psychotic and delusional, but what he did didn't really benefit him in the way he typically wanted to benefit. He hardly benefited from what he did beyond personal satisfaction of protecting people. Rorschach isn't heroic, he's autistic and insane.

  16. 8 months ago

    he is a vigilante.

  17. 8 months ago

    I too think he is edgy and cool, but he had no real positive impacts on the world.

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