Why do you like/dislike Ian as a writer for Sonic.

Why do you like/dislike Ian as a writer for Sonic.

I like his dialogue which had a sort of wit to it and sometimes characters tended to have a bit of snark. His worldbuilding in Post SGW and Pre SGW. His large feeling sagas he used to write that lasted a long time and had a big feeling scale. His tightly compacted arcs are even better as well, at least his old ones and not IDW ones. He also has a tendency to make bold decisions as a writer, sometimes to benefit and sometimes to detriment. He made good use of the foundation the writers before him set when he wrote Archie, and was able to make something great with it.

What I don't like is his tendency to make characters say way too much and lack of subtlety in his writings. I also don't like some of Ian's bold directions he took the narrative in, although some of them were good. For example there was the whole redeeming thing Sonic has, which is very controversial with readers.

His newer stuff feels like it doesn't have enough of a direction feeling to it. It feels kind of inconsequential and filler like. I wish he wrote more of the kind of stuff he did for Archie.

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  1. 4 weeks ago

    Why do you keep trying to force this bullshit on Cinemaphile?

    • 4 weeks ago

      It's called wanting validation

  2. 4 weeks ago

    frick off, you've had this thread 10,000 times

  3. 4 weeks ago

    Nobody fricking cares about any writer or either main series. Go back to /vg/

  4. 4 weeks ago

    I don't like the fact he made blaze a jobber

  5. 4 weeks ago

    >Dr. Finitevus, Scourge, Geoffrey St. John, and Fiona are way better under his pen than previous writers
    >at least in preboot Archie his stories didn't stretch on too long. This is probably his editors' doing, but they were 6 issues max
    >a lot of his worldbuilding and the way he fit the different continuities together was pretty fun and interesting
    >postboot Archie Shadow was a really good portrayal of the character. Grim and serious, not too friendly like preboot Shadow, but not a jobber moron like IDW Shadow

    >endless lyric quoting in IDW
    >constant sticking to Sonic Heroes team autism
    >overlong arcs in postboot Archie (which was one long arc) and IDW (20 issues of Zombot shit)
    >IDW full of third-rate ripoffs of shit from Archie Sonic (Restoration, Surge, Starline)

    • 4 weeks ago

      >constant sticking to Sonic Heroes team autism
      This, damn... this. Sure, the whole fandom went nuts with the whole "Team OC" gimmick, but after a few years Archie Sonic was plagued with random 3 people Teams. Remember Team Hooligan? Later known as "The Hooligans", and now just "Fang's Gang"?

      Shit, the whole "Team Dark isn't a thing", originates from this. Sega's shit aside (we would be here all day), the point was that "Team Dark" isn't a permanent group like Chaotix or Babylon Rogues, like they were portrayed in Archie, instead Rouge, Shadow and Omega are allies (and friends, depending who you ask) that work together when their missions align, or when one needs help.

      • 3 weeks ago

        This and I LIKE the whole Teams thing. I just don't these characters should constantly be attached by the hip.

      • 3 weeks ago

        I really like omega, shadow, and rouge as a group but yeah the team thing is a huge annoyance, moreso from the fanbase rather than sega
        too many autismos get super caught up in trying to group characters into groups of 3

  6. 4 weeks ago

    Because he uses references in lieu of actual writing.

    If someone played Sonic Frontiers as their first Sonic game they'd be pretty lost because they explain everything via comparisons to past game plots and characters instead of actually explaining what's going on.

  7. 4 weeks ago

    He's way too attached to Archie-Sonic and his unwillingness to let go of it is how we end up with things like the Restoration as a replacement framework for the Freedom Fighters and multiple stand-ins for Sally.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Ian was on the verge of bringing back SatAM Robotnik when he first came on (the whole tease with "Anonymous"), but editorial wouldn't let him, so he's since settled for writing Eggman like SatAM Robotnik: an absolute monster who wants to genocide everything and somehow always gets away with it.

      • 4 weeks ago

        My one biggest issues with this in Archie was how he made the FF give a mind broken Robotnik to fricking Snively. The same Snively who has taken park in the terrible atrocities that his uncle committed. It seems like later on that Ian realized how stupid that plot point was through some dialogue between Sally and someone else (Naugus or Geoffrey?).

        Archie Robotnik also makes no sense in IDW or canon. Game Eggman did some crazy shit but he’s a cartoonish goober that usually doesn’t go on mass killing sprees for the fun of it. And no, Forces doesn’t really count, Sega couldn’t really pick a lane with that game in terms of tone. In the end, he’s just someone for Sonic to beat up and bully.

        Archie Robotnik is evil af, akin to Palpatine. He enjoys making people suffer and enjoys the killing. He, at the very least, clearly needs to be locked up in SCP Foundation-style containment for life or be killed.

        By adding this version of Robotnik in IDW, especially for stories like Metal Virus, it makes zero sense because after such events are over, everything goes back to normal. Just usual Eggman-Sonic dynamics. Like… HUH? It’s like the story tries to gaslight you into thinking that it wasn’t that bad… when in reality, Eggman decided to infect everyone with a horrific incurable zombie that would knowingly end all life eventually and he did it with a smile on his face.

        And what happens after all the death and destruction and psychological horror he committed in that story? Nothing. He’s just back to being silly goober Eggman. He doesn’t get to answer for these crimes against humanity causing a huge confusing disconnect for the readers.

        This version of the villain best fits in a different continuity, where things aren’t tied down by game logic. Ian doesn’t understand that though.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Forgot to add, this also makes the protagonists look like moronic buttholes by letting Eggman go and just acting like the Metal Virus didn’t happen.

          And this issue started all the way back in Archie. Again, remember when Robotnik got mindbroken?

        • 4 weeks ago

          Yeah Eggman is supposed to be an egotistical maniac who thinks life is cheap, but he's not a moron and understands if things go too far it won't be to his benefit. If he wasn't a character with his own standards and limits, the planet would have been destroyed by now through the story of multiple games.
          His characterization in SA2 should be used as a line in the sand for how far he would take things.
          Nuking a military installation he sees as a threat? Absolutely. Threatening others at gun point? Yes. Trying to murder Sonic with a cheap trick? Check. Letting the earth become a lifeless wasteland that's not worth ruling? Nuhuh. Killing his opposition in a way that doesn't make him feel superior to them? Why bother.

          • 4 weeks ago

            At least destroying everything in the end makes sense for Archie Robotnik. He’ll just go to another universe to beat Sonic all over again. It’s what he did in SGW anyway. Killed the old universe and everyone in it, arrived in a new one with different versions of his adversaries, started over, still retained at least some of his memories when everyone else lost it all.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Hell, the fact that he splits the earth apart in Unleashed while everyone on Earth is totally unfazed by it was a clear declaration from Sega on how you should take his character. He's not meant to be taken too seriously, his actions are cartoonish in nature. Anything with legitimate world ending stakes NEEDS to be reserved for original villains that can afford to be taken out in the same story, because putting that on Eggman's plate leaves too much of a disconnect that makes both him AND Sonic look bad.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >Yeah Eggman is supposed to be an egotistical maniac who thinks life is cheap, but he's not a moron and understands if things go too far it won't be to his benefit.
            This, it's his apathy towards life that makes him evil, not the raw sadism that Ian loves to write him with.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >Nuking a military installation he sees as a threat? Absolutely. Threatening others at gun point? Yes. Trying to murder Sonic with a cheap trick? Check. Letting the earth become a lifeless wasteland that's not worth ruling? Nuhuh.
            You left out trying to nuke a city out of petty spite.

            • 4 weeks ago

              Said nuke was also a dud that never went off, anon.

              • 4 weeks ago

                And that changes his intent how? If we're talking about standards, then he was completely fine with killing thousands just because he was annoyed.

              • 4 weeks ago

                And that changes his intent how? If we're talking about standards, then he was completely fine with killing thousands just because he was annoyed.

                I see the SQ nuke as him being a manchild and that being the equivalent of him throwing a tantrum. Like sure, Eggman is not an genocidal maniac that wants to kill people as an end goal but he's not above of trying to kill people if he becomes incredibly frustrated, that situation happened because he suffered a constant streak of losses that culminated in losing the Egg Carrier and Chaos, his master plan failed so now he's venting in whatever way he can.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Don't forget how they let him go after Nicole trounced his fleet.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Robotnik being this evil would be fine if everyone else in the story would react as they should to someone being that evil. Otherwise it just feels unbelievable or feels like you’re being gaslit.

            • 4 weeks ago

              Especially after the Egg Grapes. You'd think after something like that, there would be no question that this guy has to die. I get why people like Archie Eggman but at the same time when you have to come up with bullshit reasons as to why the heroes let him go (which makes them look moronic as a result) I'm just gonna assume the writer thinks readers don't care about the small details and don't think about what they're reading.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >You'd think after something like that, there would be no question that this guy has to die.
                Seriously, this dude literally killed Charmy's family and made Charmy himself moronic from the Egg Grapes. Eggman's actions had actual, permanent consequences, to a main character even, and everyone just acts like that's fine.

              • 4 weeks ago

                This is probably the worst thing he ever wrote and I'm shocked people don't give him more shit for it.

              • 4 weeks ago

                This is probably the worst thing he ever wrote and I'm shocked people don't give him more shit for it.

                I think people used to but it's been a while. I've heard it was because Sega said to write him in character but you know... you could just silently retcon his personality rather than come up with some grandiose idea that only adds to why it's strange they bother letting Eggman go. Readers would've absolutely understood if you told them the truth. It's not the first time character's have changed personalities (Knuckles from his own title vs what Knuckles was in the comic under different writers for example) and won't be the last.
                >Seriously, this dude literally killed Charmy's family
                Am I crazy in saying this was quickly brushed off? I barely remember this plot point tbh.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >'ve heard it was because Sega said to write him in character but you know.
                Ian has specifically said this is one time where that wasn't the thing. Sega didn't ask for anything, he was just sure they eventually would (which to be fair, they absolutely would) and thought he was being clever getting ahead of the request like this. Then a few years of people going "no, this is horrible", after, he admits it was a stupid idea and he didn't think.

                Which is overall his problem. He is very inflexible, and set in his ideas with barely a thought to context around them. He just thought "this would be a smart use of plot" and didn't consider how it would work tonally or thematically, and while he's gotten marginally better in the near 20 years since, it's only marginally.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >He is very inflexible, and set in his ideas with barely a thought to context around them.
                Thank you for putting this into words. This is exactly the problem I have with him.
                He's constantly writing subject matter into IDW that he can't explore in any meaningful way, but he pushes through anyway instead of trying something different.
                Prime example: the entire "wHY DOeSN't sONic kiLL EGGmAn?" bit is a faux-argument: The real problem is that Ian is trying to have characters call Sonic out on letting Eggman get away all the time, and nothing can ever come out of this, because Sonic is set in stone and cannot change. The natural conclusion to this storyline would be Sonic reconsidering his actions, and maybe trying to find a non-violent way to get rid of Eggman permanently. But because he's Sonic the Fricking Hedgehog he can't even consider this idea, because he has to be right all the time, because Sega said so.

              • 4 weeks ago

                I believe this is why they put so much focus and effort into the OCs, because they can't write Sonic and the other game characters how they want so they have to instead have the OCs vicariously perform the role.

                Unfortunately, the OCs suck, Tangle is an especially awful replacement for Sonic who only gets away with any of it because she's queer-coded in multiple ways and therefore invulnerable to criticism.

              • 4 weeks ago

                My extremely uncharitable take on Tangle is that she's just Whisper's personal Manic Pixie Dream-girl at this point. Which sucks because that's still more personality than Whisper the Trauma-Baby has.
                If Ian and Evan would just give Whisper something every now and then--a one-liner, a quiet moment admiring nature, anything--just to show she's got some kind of spark in there, that would sell the whole depression/PTSD angle a lot better.

              • 4 weeks ago

                Lesbian feels get more attention from the twitter crowd who advertise the comic for them.

              • 4 weeks ago

                Lesbian feels get more attention from the twitter crowd who advertise the comic for them.

                With bad characters I usually just wish they were written better, but Whisper is a character that I seriously wish they'd kill off.

                She brings down Tangle and pretty much the entire comic with her endless trauma and PTSD. Her tragic backstory never figures into the plot in any way except when Mimic shows up, so all her angst is completely irrelevant except to one character.

              • 4 weeks ago

                Tangle and Whisper are as inseparable as Bubblegum and Marceline now, they're soley a package deal.

              • 4 weeks ago

                Sadly, true. I don't even mind Tangle being a lesbian, I just wish she had a love interest who wasn't such a boring miserable black hole.

              • 4 weeks ago

                Whisper is fricking kino

              • 4 weeks ago

                if they explained that Whisper has Down Syndrome that would redeem all of IDW

              • 4 weeks ago

                I wouldn't go THAT far, as much as I'm not a fan of Tangle or Whisper. I'd rather them drift away from each other and do their own things instead of being codependant.

              • 4 weeks ago

                This is probably the worst thing he ever wrote and I'm shocked people don't give him more shit for it.

                I can understand that there was probably trouble with making the Archie version of Charmy like his game counterpart, but the brain damaged thing was definitely an odd choice; you even had his fricking wife being reduced his caretaker/wrangler because of the event. It's just unpleasant to see.

                Charmy could've just acted more silly to cope with the trauma over what happened to his people and lighten everyone's mood or just have it that Charmy was just pretending to be more mature than he was and maybe get a small character arc where he just decides to act like his real self.

              • 4 weeks ago

                ugh that espio

      • 4 weeks ago

        Was SatAM Robotnik even that evil?

        • 4 weeks ago

          Not really. The height of his villainy is taking over one single city and brainwashing most of its inhabitants. People really over exaggerate how “dark” Satam was. Both fans of it and haters of it are pic related.

          • 4 weeks ago

            And yet he still remained undefeated for all of two seasons, at most just taking inconvenient but ultimately irrelevant losses. That's more success than Game Eggman ever had.

            • 4 weeks ago

              SatAM Robotnik was completely overthrown and was planned to be reduced to a minion of Snively and Naugus if the show continued.

              • 4 weeks ago

                And odds are it wouldn't have been permanent and Robotnik would come right back to power for some reason or another.

              • 4 weeks ago

                Do you think SatAM would have just become preboot Archie if it kept going?

              • 4 weeks ago

                Minus the whole thing with Robo-Robotnik, pretty much.

              • 4 weeks ago

                Frick no, SatAM and Archie are fundamentally different despite the latter being a spin off of the former. Keep in mind that TV and comics are different mediums and the preboot wasn't even kept under the same scrutiny you'd expect from a normal licensor.

              • 4 weeks ago

                Frick no, SatAM and Archie are fundamentally different despite the latter being a spin off of the former. Keep in mind that TV and comics are different mediums and the preboot wasn't even kept under the same scrutiny you'd expect from a normal licensor.

                Plus episodes of a show take years to make.
                Point being if Ian/Penders took years to make a series of archie the other staff members would have the time to look at their awful story and go "frick no man you can't publish this shit"

              • 4 weeks ago

                They're people with experience over writing cartoons for one thing; they'd absolutely axe stuff like whatever the hell they were doing with Geoffrey (especially with Sally) and wouldn't even think of adding in too much game elements because they knew they were too different or at least put a spin on it without drastic changes to their setting.

              • 3 weeks ago

                I remember this issue, it was pretty cool, took me a minute or two to figure out how to read it.

                I was such an autist, though, that I remember writing Archie and letter because I was mad they were changing Sonic's appearance to match his Dreamcast redesign. I think most of my outrage was just because how how uniquely bad that particular panel of him was drawn. I think that's Steven Butler? God his art was an ever-present drag during the Penders years.

          • 4 weeks ago

            It was "dark" compared to the Saturday morning cartoons suburban American kids had been used to since the 70s. That's why it's seen that way. I came to SatAM after watching Gargoyles, Batman:TAS, and Fist of the North Star, and I thought it was the lamest kiddieshit ever. Go online a few years later and come to find out thousands of people viewed it as this groundbreaking piece of 90s animation for how dark and serious it was

  8. 4 weeks ago

    >Snark snark snark
    Ever realize people who ack like this in real life are dipshits no one likes? Sonic is suppose to be likable, the true Japanese vision of Sonic. If that's not why you like Sonic you never liked Sonic.

    End of Discussion.

    • 4 weeks ago

      I disagree. Fiction is different from real life, so of course there is a wider breadth of character types to make. People like Robotnik are very rare in real life personality wise, for example. If everyone acted in fiction like real world people, well it would be a bit more boring for a series like Sonic.

    • 4 weeks ago

      As if Japanese Sonic has not been snarky. What are you on about?

  9. 4 weeks ago
    • 4 weeks ago

      that second point is literally right though, the Master Emerald is a straight up burden for Knuckles as a character and his plot

      • 4 weeks ago

        It really isn't. The Master Emerald has been totally irrelevant for decades, if they don't have a use for it then they can easily just ignore it until they do.

        Same with Blaze's dimension. There's literally no reason to outright destroy either outside of the same extreme short sighted egotism that destroyed cape comics.

        • 4 weeks ago
          SONIC SPEED

          Fans.: we want knuckles where's knuckles

          Writer puts in knuckles

          Fans why he's not on island protecting the emerald and why egg man and Rouge us not stealing it

          In my opinion there should be a arc where Eggman mess with the chaos emerald and causes all Chao to mutate

          And the only way to fix it is to have knuckles permanently siphon all the master emerald energy into the Gia temples
          Also if knuckles had a game I would like for it to play like. Dead cells

        • 4 weeks ago

          I mean i'd actually like them to use and delve into Blaze's universe is the difference, the Master Emerald is a giant rock with vague never explored cause Sega doesn't want to powers at most, whatever history or narrative it has is essentially dried up beyond why it is on earth but the Chaos emeralds are from space. I'm fine with it gone frankly in a final hurrah for the thing

          • 4 weeks ago

            >I mean i'd actually like them to use and delve into Blaze's universe is the difference
            They did. Once. Nobody liked how it was essentially Waterworld except with dumb koalas and an obnoxious Aussie raccoon.

            • 4 weeks ago

              that's like one part of the setting and i don't recall anyone disliking it? again if it was actually explored there might be more to variety if it had more genuine expansion in either the comics or games

        • 4 weeks ago

          Ever since that one sonic racing game had the fire temple with cat hieroglyphs I've wanted a game where they reveal blaze's dimension was split from sonic's long ago for reasons and they merge together to disastrouse effect but it sticks in the end
          would be cool

          • 4 weeks ago

            So you just want Rush again but with the bad end?

            • 4 weeks ago

              yeah but it works this time and blaze can stick around no problem
              and let her cast of characters show up again

              • 4 weeks ago

                That's dumb, you're basically getting rid of the one thing that makes her unique for the sake of her being a glorofied background character. That's exactly what's being talked about, this incessant need for short sighted indulgence over long term stability.

              • 4 weeks ago

                Eh, the dimension isn't really that critical to her as a character aside from the departure angle that only every came up in her og games. She and everyone not named sonic are already glorified background characters as is anyhow, I just think it'd be neat for game plot.
                Her dimension is pretty much indistinguishable form the og dimension in terms of locale too, her whole dimension could just be an archipelago in the sonic world ez

              • 4 weeks ago

                She has a cast?

      • 3 weeks ago

        >I'll probably be on this floating island forever. Guarding the Master Emerald. I may not know why I was given this job...but maybe it's better this way. I am at peace once more.
        Go away, Ian.

        • 3 weeks ago

          don't act like him just having to guard a vague gem that is virtually worthless for the rest of his life is a good direction for his character

          • 3 weeks ago

            What do you mean "direction"? That IS his character since S3.

            • 3 weeks ago

              yeah and at some point you've got to move on from that, unless they actually delve into the Master Emerald further, otherwise it's just a useless object that is a pointless status que for him and if you ignore it then people will act like he's just being irresponsible or shit at his job

              • 3 weeks ago

                WE ALREADY MOVED ON FROM THAT. This thread already pointed out how the ME hasn't been relevant since SA2! If anything Ian's the one that brought back that status quo to begin with.

              • 3 weeks ago

                And onto what?

              • 3 weeks ago

                something worse frankly, rather argue about Knuckle's big dumb rock

              • 3 weeks ago

                >and if you ignore it then people will act like he's just being irresponsible or shit at his job
                We've been ignoring it for 20 years, and nobody cared before.

              • 3 weeks ago

                WE ALREADY MOVED ON FROM THAT. This thread already pointed out how the ME hasn't been relevant since SA2! If anything Ian's the one that brought back that status quo to begin with.

                people still bring it up but I dunno, I just want the thing gone or actually delved into more personally since it is such a major part of Knuckle. Maybe I'm just overthinking it I dunno

              • 3 weeks ago

                But that's the thing, if someone wanted to write a ME story, there wasn't anything stopping them. But prioritizing continuity from a series infamous for not caring about it before is not good storytelling. Its sheer fanboy pettiness that will inevitably be walked back because of how dumb it is.

                And onto what?

                Onto basically every game post-SA1 and pre-Frontiers.

              • 3 weeks ago

                I guess, it's just with how the storytelling has been before Frontiers that at least some continuity would be nice but suppose there's a balance between indulging in it and utilizing it well

              • 3 weeks ago

                >Onto basically every game post-SA1 and pre-Frontiers.
                So nothing?

              • 3 weeks ago

                Sonic Unleashed and Sonic Chronicles were weird as frick Sonic kino, so not totally nothing.

              • 3 weeks ago

                Chronicles was abandoned soon after and Unleashed had nothing to do with Knuckles. What did Knuckles move on to? Maybe people wouldn't have called for the ME being relevant again if there was an actual plot to it happening, not just simply being ignored like a lot of things in the series for years.

              • 3 weeks ago

                Chronicles was abandoned soon after and Unleashed had nothing to do with Knuckles. What did Knuckles move on to? Maybe people wouldn't have called for the ME being relevant again if there was an actual plot to it happening, not just simply being ignored like a lot of things in the series for years.

                Will always find it depressing that Sonic fans had and have been starved for good content for such prolonged intervals that they were brainwashed into thinking that Unleashed is anything above mid

              • 3 weeks ago

                Unleashed was good though

              • 3 weeks ago

                It was okay. The werehog segments, the main gimmick, were genuinely awful (the reason no one ever brings it up).

              • 3 weeks ago

                >and nobody cared before

    • 4 weeks ago

      I don't think he had control over the Sage storyline, it works in direct opposition of Belle having to cope with Eggman not being her dad and him generally making Eggman evil beyond human reason, even if it means Eggman fricking himself over.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >Eggman fricking himself over
        Not really. If he succeeds in taking over the world, Belle has no choice but to return to him. It's very much a case of "I can take her whenever I want but don't feel like" situation.

        Of anything, he is being too kind here.

        • 4 weeks ago

          I more meant the metal virus essentially turning the world into a solipsism nightmare where he's the only non-AI ego that exists.
          If he could be satisfied with that outcome he could have just let Biolizard+Ark do it's thing or destroyed the world with the power he had in games like Sonic Battle and Sonic Forces. The dude clearly has standards but his implementation of the metal virus seemed to ignore that.
          Meanwhile Robotnik Prime in Archie Sonic literally did wipe out his original world given the chance. I agree with that other guy, Ian shouldn't write these characters the same way.

          • 4 weeks ago

            The Metal Virus was originally an Archie idea. Essentially doing robotization again. Eggman being Archie Robotnik in that arc isn't a surprise.

            • 4 weeks ago

              Sure, but its an idea that should've either been dropped entirely or passed the buck to a different villain entirely.

            • 4 weeks ago

              Remember that the Pandemic forced IDW to bring that Saga to a screeching halt.

              • 4 weeks ago

                No it didn't, in fact it went on longer than Ian intended.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >If he could be satisfied with that outcome he could have just let Biolizard+Ark do it's thing or destroyed the world with the power he had in games like Sonic Battle and Sonic Forces.
            Except he wouldn't have an obedient immortal army to conquer other planets and dimensions.

            • 3 weeks ago

              There would have been nothing stopping him from just building an army from the Ark to do that same thing.
              Hell he wouldn't even need an army to conquer space with the range and fire power he has in Battle.

              • 3 weeks ago

                >There would have been nothing stopping him from just building an army from the Ark to do that same thing.
                Yeah there would, the same thing that's stopped him dozens of times before: Sonic and friends destroying his machines. The point of the zombots was to have a self-perpetuating, indestructible army that can build his infrastructure and conquer while working as a weapon against Sonic and his friends. You guys keep glossing over the advantages the MV had.

              • 3 weeks ago

                except Eggman had no actual plans as to how to utlize the virus beyond unleashing hell upon the populace, he openly had no contingency plans for the risk of his own exposure to the virus, there was no goal, no thought-out plan beyond "do bad thing".

              • 3 weeks ago

                >except Eggman had no actual plans as to how to utlize the virus beyond unleashing hell upon the populace
                Sigh, here we go again. He had command of the zombots and he did have goals for them. Stop making up things and actually read the comic.

              • 3 weeks ago

                Then how'd things go pear-shaped?

              • 3 weeks ago

                The virus mutated to the point that his command signal started to become ineffective. They find a new one later but Sonic destroyed the eggmobile before they could send it and then Starline got the Zeti involved and immediately fricked it all up.

              • 3 weeks ago

                Great, the Lost World excuse.

                I wonder if that was Ian's inability to write without references at work.

              • 3 weeks ago

                Utilizing series antagonists in a way that makes sense isn't a reference.

              • 3 weeks ago

                >in a way that makes sense
                You mean "in the most boring way imaginable".

              • 3 weeks ago

                >He had command of the zombots
                He never had control of them, they disobeyed him near immediately and he was totally fine with that. Eggman prioritized anarchy and suffering, while dragging his feet when it came to controlling them. He was as OOC as you could get.

              • 3 weeks ago

                >He never had control of them
                >posts a page explicitly saying he had control of them
                I'm tired of this merry go round you send me on every time on this because you didn't actually read the comic from the start. Sincerely, frick off.

              • 3 weeks ago

                NTA but This is why I love this version of Eggman. Goofy looking guy. Hallways has a smile on his face. At first glance he seems like a charming harmless fellow. Then he just fricking infects everything on the planet with horrific metallic virus and says “Be Fruitful and Terrorize” with that same smile on his face. Then he goes back to talking about making a theme park or some shit. Lmao

              • 3 weeks ago

                That's like the complete opposite of how Game Eggman acts, though. He puts up a threatening facade, taking over things far above his level through sheer bravado alone, only for it to crumble the moment someone actually decides to stand up against him.

                IDW would be fine as it's own interpretation, but claiming this is the same guy as everything that came before is just stupid.

              • 3 weeks ago

                But it is the same guy.

      • 4 weeks ago

        I think Belle and Sage could compliment each other really well.
        The golden and disfavored child, compared to Metal who he only sorts of cares about sometimes and only really when he needs him.
        That and their differing personalities and circumstances can be used to help flesh out Eggman.
        Belle compares him to Tinker which triggers some of his childhood memories of being compared to and feeling inferior to Maria which sets him off, even if he knows he should've grown past that he still has an emotional reaction. Meanwhile Sage has only ever known Eggman and her to he's the best thing ever.
        Sage immediately made herself useful to him and ingrates herself, while Belle only really pesters him.
        Sage is evil and even if she respects people she won't let them get in the way of herself and Eggman, compared to the wishy washy crying Belle.

    • 3 weeks ago

      >sega dindu nuttin dey is good bois

  10. 4 weeks ago

    >Brought the Archie comics to a better place with more consistent stories.
    >Is very creative when *he has a lot of previous material to work with*.
    >Sega Genesis arc.
    >Dude took a very small detail from the earliest Archie comics (devildogs), made lore for them, all just to provide a way to get rid of all of the echidnas in a very short amount of time. And it worked! Knuckles getting emotional in his fight also sold it even more. I will never not be impressed by this.
    >Worlds Collide finale. Preboot went out with a BANG.
    >Fixed Sally.
    >Made Rotor based (eventually).
    >Antione became Chadtwan.
    >Wrote Shadow really well. Maybe was a bit too expressive with emotions in preboot but eh, still infinitely better than what Sega has been pushing for years.
    >Megaman Comics were fun and arguably better to read as a whole than Archie Sonic.
    >Did what he could with Reboot, was still an interesting world and story to follow.
    >Sonic Universe arcs.
    >Sonic is not perfect and can be pushed.
    >Reboot's Unleashed story is unironically a better take than the games. Gave Sonic something to overcome, and to bond further with his friends.
    >Metal Virus Arc (best to treat it as a stand-alone story separate from the games).

    >Had a hate boner for Tails.
    >Charmy lobotomy.
    >Made the FF give Robotnik away to SNIVELY when he went insane.
    >Tries to make IDW/Canon too much like Archie. Robotnik going Archie mode makes no sense for the main continuity.
    >Has fallen off as of late, story writing no longer as compelling and now heavily relies on references. Dave Filoni syndrome. Might have given up due to his shit being reset twice and having more restrictions on top of that.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >Reboot's Unleashed story is unironically a better take than the games. Gave Sonic something to overcome, and to bond further with his friends.
      What the hell are you smoking, Reboot Unleashed was godawful. Reposting this greentext from a previous thread because it sums it up succinctly enough:
      >bloated to shit arc that lasted three whole years
      >Werehog was a superpowered evil side Sonic has to take control of with Day spirit bullshit, despite that being the OPPOSITE of how the werehog works in the game. Seriously, this ruins one of the best scenes in the game and fricks up the theme entirely
      >Chip gets spoiled of his identity immediately by fricking Tikal
      >Chip himself has zero room for development when he's constantly fighting for the spotlight with the freedom fighters, who just take up space like its Kingdom Hearts
      >It's so bad Chip has to have flashbacks of scenes that LITERALLY NEVER HAPPENED. Flynn just made shit up on the spot and pretended like that was character development

      It's a miserable butchering of a decent story, and highlights how Ian only takes in Sonic stories on a surface level. He has the knowledge, but completely fails to understand what makes them appealing and special.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Thank you for posting this, I couldn't put it into words why the Unleashed adaptation was lackluster.
        >It's so bad Chip has to have flashbacks of scenes that LITERALLY NEVER HAPPENED. Flynn just made shit up on the spot and pretended like that was character development
        That is hilarious and adds to why Chip's presence felt severely diminished. He felt connected to the Chaotix more than anything.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Ian said Sega changed their mind mid-arc about Chip and he had to fight to keep him in the book. I can't blame him for that.

        Getting the werehog completely wrong without doing anything fun with it, though? Yeah, I dunno.

        • 4 weeks ago

          >Ian said Sega changed their mind mid-arc about Chip
          But Unleashed was already being adapted with Dark Gaia and everything. How can you remove Chip? I need source on this.

        • 4 weeks ago

          He fricked up Chip from the very start, though. Not Sega's fault other than by letting him do it. Unleashed is a story about Sonic befriending Chip and travelling the world with him. It's a character story about these two in specific, and the role a comic would have would be to use the extra space to give that exploration more room to breathe. Instead Ian's autistic ass could only go "buuuh but where everyone else?" and shove in Knuckles, the Chaotix, etc, diluting the point and theming of the story for the sake of "fixing plot holes".

          • 4 weeks ago

            Also nobody actually gave a frick about Chip.

            • 4 weeks ago

              Letting that sort of fannish feeling get in the way of identifying what works in a story when adapting it and playing to its strengths is exactly the sort of unprofessional writing Ian falls into every so often. If no one gives a shit about Chip, Ian's job would've been to MAKE you care about Chip.

              • 4 weeks ago

                This applies to the Zeti, but people don't want to hear that.

              • 4 weeks ago

                He at least tried to make the Zeti work and didn't try to contradict their whole point and existence, which is an improvement on how he handled Chip's story

              • 4 weeks ago

                I meant beyond Ian. People would rather dog on the Zeti than think of how they could actually be fun.

              • 4 weeks ago

                He didn't do that at all though. He made them plot extenders that exist to add an artificial sense of stakes to a given arc. It was especially bad in Metal Virus, where they were literally just there to stretch out that bloated, miserable arc even further.

              • 4 weeks ago

                Disagree. He really did try.
                The problem is that making them extremely serious threats is boring.

              • 4 weeks ago

                But that's exactly how they're handled in Lost World, down to the giant monster form and all. Like, there wasn't even an attempt at a different angle with them, he just played them totally straight.

              • 3 weeks ago

                They're comedy villains in Lost World. The problem is the comedy sucked. Ian tries to pivot them into a self serious menace and it's kind of boring that way.

              • 3 weeks ago

                The Zeti are shit villains because Lost World couldn’t actually decide if it wanted to be a comedy or a serious adventure. One moment the Deadly Six are one dimensional punching bags for Sonic to make fun of, the next they’re draining the planet of all life and nearly kill Amy and Knuckles.

              • 3 weeks ago

                Kinda. Like, the plot could be the same and work if the jokes landed. The Zeti need to be funnier to function. They're like Crash Bandicoot villains. They're loud and ridiculous and meant to be funny.

              • 3 weeks ago

                they also just have flat out dogshit designs that don't fit sonic at all

              • 3 weeks ago

                The Zeti are shit villains because Lost World couldn’t actually decide if it wanted to be a comedy or a serious adventure. One moment the Deadly Six are one dimensional punching bags for Sonic to make fun of, the next they’re draining the planet of all life and nearly kill Amy and Knuckles.

                Kinda. Like, the plot could be the same and work if the jokes landed. The Zeti need to be funnier to function. They're like Crash Bandicoot villains. They're loud and ridiculous and meant to be funny.

                The fact that we've gone a decade without the gag of Zazz getting way too excited and Zavok casually conking him on the head says everything.

          • 4 weeks ago

            This. Unleashed was about showing the audience, through Chip, how you can find good in all parts of the world, and how all of it is worth fighting for. Ian totally missed that messaging in favor of focusing on the werehog as a tired Jekyll and Hyde archetype, while shoehorning in as much fanservice as he can throw at the audience.

            It's a perfect example why I've grown to not like his writing, because fanservice can only take you so far when you have nothing of value to say with it.

            • 4 weeks ago

              It's why I think the "everything is canon" thing can't be utilized all that well, sure it's nice to see things get acknowledged but what you'll end up with is too many characters fighting for the spotlight. Chip is a good example of this to the point where his bonding with the others (especially Sonic) was done through a flashback.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Ian didn't even write Scrapnik Island, that was Daniel Barnes. Also the Metal Virus arc sucked, easily one of the worst Sonic stories ever to be put out.

    • 4 weeks ago

      the parallel to filoni is pretty nuts in how close it mirrors him

      • 4 weeks ago

        Indeed, their paths are shockingly similar. Except I would argue that Dave has completely gone off the deep end in terms of replacing compelling writing with memberberries. It's even more nuts when you realize that they even wear the same kind of hat.

        Tamers12345 brings in the best shit

        People will say this stuff is cringe but in the end, this is Sega's fault. They didn't authorize a TV conclusion to Underground, then they didn't authorized a Sonic Universe conclusion. Someone had to do the job.

        It's very nice, friend.

        But it's a shame you bought into Flynn even though he was crap from day one. Ken Penders at least tried to World build instead of just borrowing shit from Sonic's older days. Both Ken and Ian are just shitty people with very obvious flaws. Just my five cent take. If Penders wasn't such a selfish butthole and learned to work with people instead, Ian wouldn't have ever been considered as a "Writer".

        But, hey, most people are dumb and nostalgia is a powerful enough magnifier that even creative hacks like Ian and his co-workers could be noticed.

        Oh please, drop the contrarian bullcrap. Ken only had some good INITIAL ideas which eventually went nowhere in his run.

        What the frick happened to Twitter and Cinemaphile? Yes, Ian has his issues but holy frick when did people start praising Ken this much? Sonic fanbase hivemind is insane.


        DAMN, who drew this?

        • 4 weeks ago

          Coasting on another man's ideas is not a sign of good writing or any kind of talent. Ken walked so Ian could run.

          • 4 weeks ago

            I'd rather praise someone who took someone else's failed ideas, improved them into beloved elements, then failed original ideas that went nowhere because the person responsible for them was too narcissistic to make any changes or listen to any criticism.

            • 4 weeks ago

              >I'd rather praise someone who took someone else's failed ideas, improved them into beloved elements
              b***h like what? Lmao
              All he did was turn edgy evil sonic green
              Turn Fiona the cuckshit melodrama into cuckshit melodrama the sequel
              Turn Mogul from superpowered Vandal Savage who was Tails’ archenemy into a boring casino nobody who sits around doing nothing and claims SONIC beat him all those times and that SONIC gets the credit for everything
              Turn Metal 3.0 who had his own incredible arc all in 1 (technically 2 issues) into just a boring snarky Sonic clone but in black
              At best you can say he “improved” Finitevus (who was not even a real character before) but the one and only thing Finitevus ever did was recycle the green knuckles plot beat for beat but this time he’s enerjak

              • 4 weeks ago

                >turn edgy evil sonic green
                And made him an actual threat instead of a moron who loses to Antoine.

                >Turn Fiona the cuckshit melodrama into cuckshit melodrama the sequel
                An evil minor character is more interesting than a Sally ripoff, and no I don't care that Tails got cucked.

                >Turn Mogul from superpowered Vandal Savage who was Tails’ archenemy into a boring casino nobody
                He turned him from a shitty wizard villain that was even more boring than Naugus into a unique character.

                Has never been interesting.

                Enerjak Reborn was kino. Flushed all of Penders' shit right down the trash and got rid of the Egg Grapes.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >I don't care that Tails got cucked.

                Whatever you think it means to get "cucked", I don't think you're right.

                To be fair, Sonic's plan of "if I date this girl that my little bro is into but she clearly isn't into him it means he'll get over her" was pretty moronic no matter how you slice it.

              • 4 weeks ago

                It was a shit arc, but Ian had to resolve that dumb plotline somehow. Maybe he should've had Tails get some other love interest, but whatever.

                I read Archie for the adventure arcs, not to see Tails plow some OC.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >I read Archie for the adventure arcs, not to see Tails plow some OC.

                Considering how relationship drama was one of the biggest backbones of most of everything that went on in Archie, you must have have to block out a lot. After Sonic and Sally broke up they literally couldn't share a single scene together without reminding the audience they used to be a couple and weren't any more.

              • 4 weeks ago

                There was romance, but the focus was on adventure most of the time in the better arcs. Sure, Iron Dominion has Sally have a fling with Monkey Khan, but the central arc is about defeating the Iron Queen. Enerjak Reborn has a few moments of Julie-Su feeling romantic toward Knuckles, but most of the arc is about beating Knuxerjak and Finitevus.

              • 4 weeks ago

                Ian didn't have to make it THIS embarrassing for Tails though. Honestly just as bad as "Sonic help me" in Forces.

              • 4 weeks ago

                Ian doesn't like Tails, so it doesn't surprise me.

              • 3 weeks ago

                I don't blame him considering the kind of people drawn to Tails lol

              • 4 weeks ago

                pretty assholish and douchebaggy, and it's clearly not even true either. At best I blame Ian's inability to write at worst I assume this was Sonic saying whatever lie would make Tails his doormat once more.

              • 3 weeks ago

                >it's clearly not even true either.
                Almost like that was the point.

              • 3 weeks ago

                a shit point. Tails should frick Sally in front of Sonic then give Sonic a noogie and say "hnyeh hnyeh, sowwy little bro, I just DO."

              • 3 weeks ago

                The "point" is that Sonic's a liar and just fricked over Tails because he's selfish and spoiled and a manchild?
                I agree, which makes Tails going back to being Sonic's asskisser even more confusing. He deserves a better friend than that gay.

              • 4 weeks ago
                Evil Reverse Ian

                Tails should've fricked and impregnated Sally with his BFC, for the reason that she's too good for Sonic's micropenis and Sonic needs to get over her.
                Then Sonic can bend over and kiss Tails' shoes and say he wishes he can be as cool and smart and strong as Tails one day and get a girl who likes him more than Tails, even though he will never.

  11. 4 weeks ago

    He cannot stop referencing things. Like he just can't fricking stop.

  12. 4 weeks ago

    I feel like Ian is good but because of the pending he's not able to add all the wacky lsd type stuff/adventures you'll usually get from sonic

    Also he was good at connecting concepts that never made sense or left unexplained in the world of sonic

    Anybody can say oh making sonic a comic is easy fans do it all the time. True but have them working for idw and sega and see if that same comic would even be allowed.

    Let alone more then 25% of their vision would be seen

    • 4 weeks ago


      • 4 weeks ago

        AIslop is here, son, the cat is out of the bag. Pandora's Box is open. The dick has entered the pussy. The Sun has set.

  13. 4 weeks ago

    I don't read the comics anymore but I hate how in Frontiers he uprooted all the lore with retcons to make it seem like the new villain was the evil force behind everything bad that ever happened, and added a new pre-pre-historic ancestral race that existed before all other life in earth, and seem to trivialize Chaos with the implications of their designs.
    Essentially saying
    >Here's my new shit, it's more important than everything else in the series.

    • 4 weeks ago

      That sort of shit is basically normal for Ian.

    • 4 weeks ago

      The End was a larping jobber, though.

      • 4 weeks ago

        That'd be easier to believe if Eggman and Tails weren't also hyping The End up to hell and back.

        • 4 weeks ago

          How does Eggman and Tails hyping it up mean anything?

          • 4 weeks ago

            Because it's a lot less convincing that his talk was all bluster when you have third parties confirming as such. If he really was full of shit, they should've been the first to point that out.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >to make it seem like the new villain was the evil force behind everything bad that ever happened
      That didn't happen, you made that up.
      >added a new pre-pre-historic ancestral race that existed before all other life in earth
      Sega made the Ancients, not Ian.

  14. 4 weeks ago


    >the supposed "best part of the game", feels like you're controlling a coke addict on a slip n' slide.

    Sounds like you're describing Shadow's game.

  15. 4 weeks ago

    The only worthwhile thing to come out of Sonic as a franchise is the porn. What the frick is wrong with you?

    • 4 weeks ago

      >The only worthwhile thing to come out of Sonic as a franchise is the porn. What the frick is wrong with you?
      I should be asking you that.

  16. 4 weeks ago


    This fanbase was rooted with autism since the beginning, come on now. This game might have exacerbated it (honestly think it might go to Sonic X) but we've had autistic weirdoes who've made wooden skeletons for their waifu doll.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >but we've had autistic weirdoes who've made wooden skeletons for their waifu doll.
      Forgot to clarify, the waifu doll was an older character than SA2 based off of the old television series.

  17. 4 weeks ago


    People who think this are very likely underage, Sonic had autism linked since 1991.

  18. 4 weeks ago


    >I honestly think Sonic Adventure 2 should have never existed and it's the main reason why there's so much autism in the fanbase, because they take the story of a bunch of antropomorphic animals with the same levitas as the Freeza Saga from DBZ.
    I kind of agree, but I'm of two minds about it. On the the one hand, yeah I think that SA2 marks the very clear departure from the earlier, lighter era of Sonic and took the franchise in a frankly kind of weird direction. I mean, the franchise that started with a blue hedgehog fighting a mad-scientist shaped like an egg...now has Kojima-esque government conspiracies? wtf?

    But at the same time, I absolutely LOVE the autism of the fanbase. I was raised on the shit. I watched SMBZ, Sonic Shorts, SpinDashPro plush toy videos. And if all that comes from how absolutely ridiculous SA2 is, then I'm thankful.

  19. 4 weeks ago


    >I honestly think Sonic Adventure 2 should have never existed and it's the main reason why there's so much autism in the fanbase, because they take the story of a bunch of antropomorphic animals with the same levitas as the Freeza Saga from DBZ.
    I kind of agree, but I'm of two minds about it. On the the one hand, yeah I think that SA2 marks the very clear departure from the earlier, lighter era of Sonic and took the franchise in a frankly kind of weird direction. I mean, the franchise that started with a blue hedgehog fighting a mad-scientist shaped like an egg...now has Kojima-esque government conspiracies? wtf?

    But at the same time, I absolutely LOVE the autism of the fanbase. I was raised on the shit. I watched SMBZ, Sonic Shorts, SpinDashPro plush toy videos. And if all that comes from how absolutely ridiculous SA2 is, then I'm thankful.

    The only time I personality thought SA2 took it too far was Gerald Robotnik looking like he came right out of a Marilyn Manson music video during the post mortem broadcast of his manifesto. But the implications of those visuals go deep. Did they literally chain the dude up cause he wouldn't stop scribbling on the walls? Who recorded this for him anyways?

    • 4 weeks ago

      Wasn’t this right before his execution?

      • 4 weeks ago

        The footage was, his execution already happened though.

        • 4 weeks ago

          That’s what I meant, anon was wondering why he was chained up.

          Especially after the Egg Grapes. You'd think after something like that, there would be no question that this guy has to die. I get why people like Archie Eggman but at the same time when you have to come up with bullshit reasons as to why the heroes let him go (which makes them look moronic as a result) I'm just gonna assume the writer thinks readers don't care about the small details and don't think about what they're reading.

          Or if they still don’t want to kill him, prison, immediately. And something out of the SCP Foundation.

          This will forever be my one main gripe with Ian. I love the concept of Eggman being this evil. What a goofy-looking guy, right? Imagine working under him. You think he’s not so bad but then someone near you gets blown up for being too defiant. You never would have seen it coming. And he still wears that same smile.

  20. 4 weeks ago

    >I like his dialogue which had a sort of wit to it
    I think dialogue's the thing he's worst at. Weird.

    I like his short stories and a lot of the scenarios he comes up with. I don't like his tendency to pad stories out instead of exploring ideas and I think he's built up an honest to god cult online, which makes talking about Sonic comics even harder than it already was.

  21. 4 weeks ago

    Brought the Archie comics to a worse place with worse stories.
    Is not creative and just steals and ruins shit from much more creative writers
    Sega Genesis arc sucked in a very typical nostalgiabait way
    Dude autistically retcons decades of lore from older writers with stuff like Golden Gamma or Mecha Eggman or the emerald fusion or mxyl just because he’s a homosexual who doesn’t like it. And it doesn’t work.
    Eggman and other characters at least once earlier remembering their origins just makes this worse. I will never not be confounded by his autism.
    Worlds Collide finale was shit. Preboot went out with a DUMBASS corporate shill crossover with le megaman.
    Turned Sally into Sonic’s asskisser
    Made Rotor useless and crippled
    gaytoine became BackgroundCharactergaytoine.
    Wrote Shadow really shit. Maybe he’s “good” if you want a generic edgleless hero, but Shadow from the games is not like that and he should respect the edginess that people actually like Shadow for.
    Megaman Comics were shit and arguably shouldn’t even count as a real comic but just a boring recap of the games.
    Did a shit job with Reboot, was not an interesting world or story to follow.
    Scourge (was cringe villain-sue trash)
    >Sonic is a mary sue and is never humbled.
    >Reboot's Unleashed story is unironically a worse take than the games. Gave Sonic “overcome” anything instantly by being a mary sue, and made his friends useless.
    Metal Virus Arc was boring
    Had a hate boner for Tails.
    Charmy lobotomy.
    Made the FF give Robotnik away to SNIVELY when he went insane.
    Tries to make IDW/Canon too much like Archie. Robotnik going Archie mode makes no sense for the main continuity.
    Has remained just as bad as ever, story writing was never compelling and heavily relies on references. Dave Filoni syndrome. Definitely is a hack and sega gave him a leash for good reason.

    I just had the best sex of my life today with a bit titted russian b***h

    • 4 weeks ago

      I know this is a troll post and you copied and pasted some of what I said earlier in this thread but…

      >Sonic is a mary sue and is never humbled.

      Seriously? Archie is one of the rare occasions where Sonic isn’t a 2D furry Jesus and actually has a limit that can be reached. Was pushed to a breaking point by Robotnik, for a moment he contemplated about giving up, and in Reboot he struggled with the werehog transformation.

      This was a good change. Why? Because for once after Sonic has been there to help his friends and give them hope for many years it’s now their turn to help him.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >for a moment he contemplated about giving up
        This counts as being humbled to you? Across the entire damn comic and all it takes is a full page of Amy and Tails (lmao at fricking Tails having to dicksuck Sonic after everything that happened) jacking him off and having to tell him how amazing he is before he says nahh “im actually not even phased at all im so keewl”
        Same shit with the werehog, he doesn’t struggle at all. Just gets a cringy le angwy form powerup, gets a page of mighty telling him how amazing he is, then not struggling with it at all as he effortlessly beats even his supposed “mentors” like Moss with it.

        Sonic’s the only character in fiction who is such a cringy mary sue that the self-inserting writer makes him effortlessly beat his “teacher” first try, because god forbid you stop jacking your self-insert off for one moment.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Sonic got his shit kicked in by Robotnik, got humbled af. Realized that he could not defeat him alone, but with the help of his friends.

          Sonic giving up hope is also a sign of being humbled. He realized that even with his super speed, he is not able to fix everything.

          Sonic straight up lost himself while in his werehog form. He couldn’t even understand what his friends were telling him, and the corruption made them sound and look like they were his enemies.

          He needed a beating from Mighty and teamwork from Sally and Amy and the others to calm him down, and Sonic from there on out still was in danger of losing himself in that form.

          Call it what you like, but this was at least a step in a better direction than what Sega and a lot of fandom have propped up for years. If I wanted Jesus, I’d read a Bible.

          • 4 weeks ago

            175 was a single issue of Sonic losing the fight, which is the only reason it’s famous, followed by the immediate next fight against the egg tarantula where he effortless beats it all by himself while the shitty friends cheer for him and he neeners at eggman how he’s not even trying, like the cringe mary sue he is
            Sonic getting dicksucked by Amy and Tails is not being humbled, it is getting dicksucked
            Sonic had a SINGLE PANEL in all of reboot where that happened, and even that was of Amy and Sally telling him he’s so cool and powerful and they love him so much, but now with spooky goblin faces
            He didn’t get beat up by Mighty at all, he beat the shit out of Mighty and Thunderbolt as well with zero tension because Ian mist constantly jack off his self-insert, then once again he defeats the werehog corruption himself permanently for the entire rest of the comic by Sally and Amy spending a whole page telling him how amazing and perfect he is

            • 4 weeks ago

              Sonic seeing increasingly surreal and messed up stuff as the Werehog could have been a great angle. Just a full issue near the end where everything is full Nightmare Before Christmas and he's struggling to determine what's real or fake.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >Sonic got his shit kicked in by Robotnik, got humbled af. Realized that he could not defeat him alone, but with the help of his friends.
            Wrong. Sonic was still laughing off his loss and boasting that he'd beat Eggman next time. It took Tails screaming in his face for Sonic to finally concede to the fact that he can't always win every battle by himself.

      • 4 weeks ago

        I think the movies and Prime are the only legitimate times Sonic as a character had to be humbled. Archie Sonic had his fair share of struggles, but nothing too drastic because the comic needed him to stay the cool hero.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >Wrote Shadow really shit. Maybe he’s “good” if you want a generic edgleless hero, but Shadow from the games is not like that and he should respect the edginess that people actually like Shadow for.
      Archie's OoC Shadow haunts the franchise to this day. So many Shadow "fans" want him to lack flaws and point to Archie as what he should be.

      • 4 weeks ago

        as hilarious as it admittedly is, edgy the hedgie blasting a gun in the opening of his first game trailer is what autistic kids fell in love with, not the sappy archie version who constantly talks about his origin like that’s his only personality trait

      • 4 weeks ago

        Yeah, it's very weird. Sonic Twitter basically wants Shadow to just be a black Sonic that's constantly monologuing about Maria. Even in Sonic X he was a bit of an butthole post-SA2 arc.

      • 4 weeks ago

        I have never seen this ever. Unless you mean the Reboot version.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Go on social media. "Shadow fans" point at stuff like Treasure Team Tango as what the ideal Shadow is.

          >Ian said Sega changed their mind mid-arc about Chip
          But Unleashed was already being adapted with Dark Gaia and everything. How can you remove Chip? I need source on this.

          God knows where I would find it, but at the time he said licensing people said "okay but he's dead? you can't use dead characters" when Ian asked to use Chip again after benching him for like a year.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >God knows where I would find it, but at the time he said licensing people said "okay but he's dead? you can't use dead characters" when Ian asked to use Chip again after benching him for like a year.
            I remember that. I think they were confused over it being an adaption, not some kind of sequel.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >So many Shadow "fans" want him to lack flaws and point to Archie as what he should be.

        You mean 06. Because shadow doesn’t have any there and that’s what they always points towards more.

        • 4 weeks ago

          It's not the flaws that bother them per se, just the fact he was retconned into being some Sasuke-wannabe loner who hates friendship when his whole arc was about friendship all because Sega badly misunderstands the nuances of the already simple Goku vs Vegeta rivalry

      • 4 weeks ago

        >So many Shadow "fans" want him to lack flaws
        They want him to lack flaws that reduce the interactions he can have to barely zero. Sega hates Team Dark but they're the only ones you can pair him with because he wouldn't bother with other characters outside of fighting.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Treasure Team Tango had him be too nice, but if Shadow's just gonna be "HMPH I ONLY CARE ABOUT FIGHTING STRONG OPPONENTS" then they should've left him dead. Those one-note Shonen Rival characters are boring.

          I knew this "ACTUALLY IT'S BETTER THAT WAY" shit would crop up eventually.

          No, Ian doing a lousy job with Shadow does not mean a boring ass noncharacter is better.

          • 3 weeks ago

            I'm not even talking about Ian. SEGA said that Shadow doesn't consider Team Dark his friends, and that he only cares about FIGHTING STRONG OPPONENTS, just like every other Shonen Rival character. That's the definition of a "boring ass noncharacter."

            • 3 weeks ago

              All that means is Shadow shouldn't treat them like his pals (he doesn't in the games) and he puts self interest above other goals most of the time.

              IE, "write him edgy." This isn't hard to do. Marketing guidelines exist to inform how characters present themselves, not the essence of the character. Sonic fans would have you believe "Sonic doesn't cry" means he's incapable of being sad.

            • 3 weeks ago

              all of those are distinct character traits. It's the opposite of being a noncharacter, you just don't like Shadow's actual character: an extremist edgelord who can have allies but only for an immediate goal. If you got rid of all that then he becomes nothing.

              • 3 weeks ago

                shhh anon, it only counts as "character" when Shadow acts the same as every other protag in the entire series. Uniqueness is bad.

              • 3 weeks ago

                Bet you defend Shadow 05

              • 3 weeks ago

                nta but I like the Black Arms, they're cool looking aliens and that's bout it

              • 3 weeks ago

                Yes. Shadow 05 was inventive, and took Shadow's character to multiple extremes with multiple routes.
                It was cringe and tryhard, yes. But that's what Shadow's character is.

              • 3 weeks ago

                A laughing stock

              • 3 weeks ago

                "oh no people are gonna laugh at me, better lobotomise everything that makes this character unique to make him as generic and innofensive as possible. Noone can laugh at a blank slate!"

              • 3 weeks ago

                >modern Shitga be like

              • 3 weeks ago

                Just like every other attempt to make Sonic serious.

              • 3 weeks ago

                >that's what Shadow's character is
                lol, no the frick it's not

              • 3 weeks ago

                his origin story is a mix of vegeta and some obscure edgy shoujo manga character grieving over his dead gf. He's tryhard and edgy as frick, and that's why he was popular.

              • 3 weeks ago

                Shadow the Hedgehog is Vegeta but less cucked by Beerus.

      • 3 weeks ago

        Shadow is pretty much just a hyper competent badass in 06 and Forces.
        Ironically Shadow the Hedgehog was one of the only games besides SA2 where you really got to see him struggle. But they made up for it by giving him just as many opportunities to live out a chuuni power fantasy.
        Usually he is ether absent or badass.
        I don't like that way of doing his character ether, and yes I feel like it ignores the whole scope of his characterization in SA2. But it's not fanon. Even in Prime he's essentially there to show Sonic how not to be a frick-up while looking cool.
        Ian's characterization of Shadow doesn't fix or balance out the ridiculous amount of favor the character receives in most stories. More importantly it doesn't give him a new role or niche to fill. It just feels completely reactionary, like he tried to make him incompetent in direct opposition to how he is depicted in the games. Instead of, you know. Making him interesting or giving him something important to do.
        Shadow needs to become more than "Hard mode Sonic", but making him an Idiot doesn't address his redundancy at all.

        • 3 weeks ago

          Bro caused the whole story by being a wienery butthole.
          Bro caused the whole story by being a wienery butthole.
          >Ian makes him stupid!
          Ian doesn't get that Sega wants him to be a bit arrogant and that his flaws prevent him from just being "better Sonic." He sees "No, he shouldn't just open up to people and explain how wrong he was" as "Oh so he should THINK it in thought bubbles!" A "Shadow shouldn't get owned just because he isn't strong enough, make it his fault" gets taken as "I need to find a way for Shadow to frick up here."

          All feedback is synthesized in a way that only allows for minor shifts instead of reworking the story. Dude's rigid, and the end result of trying to sidestep compliance is bad writing.

          • 3 weeks ago

            So what's Evan's excuse for doing the same things?

          • 3 weeks ago

            >Bro caused the whole story by being a wienery butthole.
            Mephiles got released while he was saving Rouge. How is that Shadow's fault? The only one to blame is Eggman for kidnapping Elise and causing Iblis to be released.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >Brought the Archie comics to a worse place with worse stories
      Stopped reading here. That's total bullshit. Or has Cinemaphile started to ironically love Penders since it's become cool to hate on him now? Anyway, you're a gay.

      • 4 weeks ago

        go suck Ian's dick on your "other site", consoomer. Ian is dogshit

        • 4 weeks ago

          Aww he's angry he got btfo on pluschan

      • 4 weeks ago

        It's the tailsgay schizo, ignore

      • 4 weeks ago

        >Or has Cinemaphile started to ironically love Penders
        There was unironically a time where people said they preferred him in comparison to IDW because he "made it interesting at least".

        • 4 weeks ago

          >people said they preferred him in comparison to IDW because he "made it interesting at least".
          I was one of those people. I liked Flynn's initial run a lot, and was sour when it had to be rebooted. The rest of Archie was just okay by comparison. IDW was so fricking bland I dropped it after a year. It felt so forgettable, and Sonic himself suddenly felt like a generic mascot who wasn't allowed to be an actual character. I won't say Penders was "interesting", but... at least his stupid bullshit was occasionally so bad it was funny.

        • 4 weeks ago

          >people said they preferred him in comparison to IDW because he "made it interesting at least".
          I was one of those people. I liked Flynn's initial run a lot, and was sour when it had to be rebooted. The rest of Archie was just okay by comparison. IDW was so fricking bland I dropped it after a year. It felt so forgettable, and Sonic himself suddenly felt like a generic mascot who wasn't allowed to be an actual character. I won't say Penders was "interesting", but... at least his stupid bullshit was occasionally so bad it was funny.

          Penders isn't better than IDW, but making fun of him during The Ride is.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >Sonic is a mary sue and is never humbled.
      Sonic is Sega's mascot. He can't not be ideal. Whatever Sonic does reflects Sega as a brand.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >Wrote Shadow really shit. Maybe he’s “good” if you want a generic edgleless hero, but Shadow from the games is not like that and he should respect the edginess that people actually like Shadow for.
      Archie's OoC Shadow haunts the franchise to this day. So many Shadow "fans" want him to lack flaws and point to Archie as what he should be.

      as hilarious as it admittedly is, edgy the hedgie blasting a gun in the opening of his first game trailer is what autistic kids fell in love with, not the sappy archie version who constantly talks about his origin like that’s his only personality trait

      Go on social media. "Shadow fans" point at stuff like Treasure Team Tango as what the ideal Shadow is.

      God knows where I would find it, but at the time he said licensing people said "okay but he's dead? you can't use dead characters" when Ian asked to use Chip again after benching him for like a year.

      Treasure Team Tango had him be too nice, but if Shadow's just gonna be "HMPH I ONLY CARE ABOUT FIGHTING STRONG OPPONENTS" then they should've left him dead. Those one-note Shonen Rival characters are boring.

    • 3 weeks ago

      >Golden Gamma

      • 3 weeks ago

        Isaac, the hype man for Satan Robotnik.

  22. 4 weeks ago

    Ian had trouble understanding that Archie Eggman doesn't work in a game-based universe not just because he's too evil, but also because he actually would've been killed or locked up/sealed. Notice how villains in the games who do go over the line suffer either of those fates?

    • 4 weeks ago

      The dijinn's fate comes to mind.

      SatAM Robotnik was completely overthrown and was planned to be reduced to a minion of Snively and Naugus if the show continued.

      You fail to keep in mind that SatAM Sonic and the other characters are a lot weaker in comparison. Someone said it best a while back but the game characters would've solved the reoccurring crapsack world much faster, with just Sonic even.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Meant to reply this to this

        And yet he still remained undefeated for all of two seasons, at most just taking inconvenient but ultimately irrelevant losses. That's more success than Game Eggman ever had.

    • 4 weeks ago

      As if main Eggman isn’t already deserving of death and locked away forever for the shit he pulls

      • 4 weeks ago

        0 body count.

        >But Forces!
        That was Infinite and he died too.

        • 4 weeks ago

          The guy simply shouldn’t be allowed to live for how dangerous he is.

      • 4 weeks ago

        If it were taken seriously and were real, sure

        But it's a fricking cartoon. Not taking it seriously is the point. If you want to take cartoons seriously, there's no end of anime and animated graphic novels nowadays. But the best part about cartoons is how you don't have to take "serious" things seriously. Whenever I see fans of childrens cartoons doing this, I always cringe.

        • 4 weeks ago

          people are really obsessed with killing villains now a days as if that won't just damage the stories when major enduring antagonists are now gone with no void to fill

        • 4 weeks ago

          >But it's a fricking cartoon. Not taking it seriously is the point.
          This is bullshit because we all know you autists take some aspect of the series seriously, otherwise we wouldn't have people losing their shit over designs, characterizations, canon, and etc. every time something came out.

  23. 4 weeks ago

    I'm sorry, people actually LIKE Chip?

  24. 4 weeks ago


    Sonic was always DBZ inspired. Tails was designed as the Gohan to Sonic’s Piccolo.

    • 4 weeks ago

      People who denied Sonic being inspired by DBZ when Sonic went fricking Super Saiyan in Sonic 2 are legitimately brain-damaged.

      • 4 weeks ago

        I first saw it before I even knew Dragon Ball existed and my mind went to Super Mario instead.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Sega themselves played into it. Yuji Naka denied it was an homage and for years, fans assumed he was telling the truth.
        I don't even know how. Classic Sonic was even more Super Saiyan like than modern Sonic— when he went Super, his eyes turned green.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Yes, but it wasn't it's ONLY inspiration. Genesis Sonic was a hodgepodge of radically different influences. Sonic was just as much inspired by Star Wars and Looney Tunes as it is Dragon Ball.

      Thing is, Modern fans would have you believe that this series was nothing more than a DBZ knockoff, and that it SHOULD be that. It does nothing but do a disservice to both franchises.

  25. 4 weeks ago

    >Ian's job would've been to MAKE you care about Chip.

    Well, he didn't.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Yes, we're in a thread where we're talking about Ian's failings. Congratulations, Anon, you know how to use an imageboard.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Maybe you should frick to your shitty general.
        Cinemaphile is not personal army.

        • 4 weeks ago

          >thread about what you like or dislike about Ian's writing
          >point something Ian did badly about the writing
          >you even agree with the criticism
          >yet somehow pointing this out is thinking Cinemaphile is a personal army
          Fricking go have a nice day already my man, come on

        • 4 weeks ago

          Nah, there's too much gay and lesbian bullshit in there now.

  26. 4 weeks ago

    He doesn't do any research which is really bad for a guy that wants to affect the status quo of the series.

  27. 4 weeks ago

    I dislike his characterizations and his dialogue has become overly verbose and filled with ill-fitting references. He also clings on to really stupid ideas.

  28. 4 weeks ago


    It's not real. It's just a shitty photoOP done as propaganda for the Restoration.

  29. 4 weeks ago


    Yet you still seething

    • 4 weeks ago

      Nah just happily pointing out how dogshit Ian's comic is while I laugh at his impending poverty

      • 4 weeks ago

        Do you think it's a valid perspective if some people enjoy his comics? For me personally I like his Archie stuff and find his IDW stuff to be more in the middle in terms of quality.

        • 4 weeks ago

          You can enjoy eating dogshit if you like, it's still factually dogshit though.

        • 4 weeks ago

          The problem with Ian as a public figure is he's in effect just a pawn in fandom wars. In an ideal world- well, in an ideal world he'd be a better writer, but that aside- he'd be able to more rationally be judged, both positively or negatively, because fans would have more context on what a good comic is, and a bad comic is, and would be able to point what Ian writes well or writes badly, and discuss what they agree on either point

          But instead, and especially as he gains more control of the franchise, "liking Ian's comics" means "liking and supporting the versions of Sonic that are overtaking the other versions of Sonic", and disliking Ian's comics means "wanting to kill American Sonic forever".

          Whoever was the moron that posted this thread there, good job dumbass


  30. 4 weeks ago

    I liked it what i read of the IDW comics. Sonic fans seem prone to crying about literally anything regardless so no one should take them seriously,

    • 4 weeks ago

      sonic fans are moronic and want sonic comics to be "deep" and edgy and filled with cuckshit, no surprise they're moronic

  31. 4 weeks ago

    Whoever was the moron that posted this thread there, good job dumbass

    • 4 weeks ago

      Its wasn't my intention to bring them here.....im sorry.....

  32. 4 weeks ago


    Shut the frick up. More shitposting solves nothing.

  33. 4 weeks ago

    IDW is dogshit, but the gals are alright and fit my headcanon better.

    Good vibes here.

  34. 4 weeks ago

    /sthg/ Black folk understand we don't care about your shitty games, this is a COMICS board.

    • 4 weeks ago

      I care about the comics almost as much as I do about the games. I'm not alone.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Well, you're a filthy homosexual, so who cares?

    • 4 weeks ago

      >He wants to talk about comics

      • 4 weeks ago

        >he wants to talk about shitty games

      • 4 weeks ago

        archie shouldn't even count as a comic, it has more in common with a blob of hot diarrhoea

        • 4 weeks ago

          well, like it or not, Archie exists and is superior to IDW, boy.

        • 4 weeks ago

          the worst diarrhoea in my life was constant across like three days. It was so constant I couldn't even think of getting medicine because in the time it would take me to get out of the apartment complex I would need it again. Nothing poop like actually came out of me, just brown water turned to clear water with chunks of undigested solid food that looked the same as when I put it in me. And it was boiling hot, untouchably hot, so hot that the pain of passing it fought with the ache of not passing it. But nothing compared to the agony of having to wipe with the gigantic rash it gave me all across and around my backside. So then I turned to the shower to get rid of it every time, but eventually even that got too painful and so I was forced to sit there all day nekkid with my ass unwiped because I couldn't bear the agony.

          That's what Ian's archie run is like.

          • 4 weeks ago

            That's what his IDW run as well. Just lesbians b***hing about something, shit and member berries.

    • 3 weeks ago

      the comics are worse than the games, both financially and quality

      • 3 weeks ago

        Not really

        • 3 weeks ago

          >because i say so
          How's the other sinking ship going for you, Ian? Need more critique from good ol Oda?

          • 3 weeks ago

            Im not playing your latest slop sonic team, go shill somewhere else.

            • 3 weeks ago

              >Im not playing your latest slop sonic team
              And yet you still write for it, curious.

  35. 4 weeks ago

    >some moron got so mad people were insulting Ian he went to cry somewhere else about it
    holy shit can you please die

    • 4 weeks ago

      What's wrong with that? Ian is one of my favorite Sonic writers so I went to Cinemaphile to discuss this here. Is there really that big a problem with that?

      • 4 weeks ago

        No, you moron, I'm talking about the guy who went to /vg/ to go cry there

  36. 4 weeks ago

    "Sonic, run! They've spotted you! Try not to engage"

    "Chill, Sal, I got this~"

  37. 4 weeks ago

    I hate how he failed to insert the legendary inspiration of the east onto the Relatable rebel of the west; he winds up replacing him.

  38. 4 weeks ago

    It’s simple really: He’s basically Sonic The Hedgehog’s Dan Slott. An uber-fanboy who very obviously writes the characters according to his own biases and tastes, he’s very much influenced by a lot of the American material.

    Which was fine in Archie, but doesn't jive well when trying to write for the main continuity (the fact they heavily reverse-localized his work for Japanese audiences speaks enough). He inserts needless references even when they make no sense in the story. He alters characterization to characters he doesn’t like, or flat out has them act out-of-character to suit the needs of whatever plot he’s come up with.

    Surge’s entire storyline makes no sense when you actually consider how Sonic, in the games does not care about Eggman reforming or particularly values his safety. The reason Eggman manages to stick around? It's because it's a video game series for children, by giving Sonic this sudden ‘moral code’ he has to preach about, Ian has fundamentally changed the character to be more annoying and less cool.

  39. 4 weeks ago

    Reboot Archie should have continued.
    IDW was a mistake and fricked up the fandom.

    • 4 weeks ago

      It was inevitable, friend, literally every IP has gone through a reboot or remake over the last several years so some mentally ill college grads could push their Woke message.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Blame Archie. They did something, kind of like not renewing some sort of license because they cared about Riverdale more than their comics then, and then the comics came to an abrupt halt. It was their fault.

    • 4 weeks ago

      The Freedom Fighters were already living on borrowed time by the time the reboot happened, I seriously doubt they would have been maintained this late in the game, especially after Forces shat the bed.trgr

  40. 4 weeks ago

    I loved Flynn. As a dedicated hedgehog autist who has been reading the Archie comics since issue 1, his take-over at issue 160 felt like a breath of fresh air. I had largely stopped reading the new issues I was buying toward the tail end of Penders' run because it was so bad; I was just collecting them to say I owned every issue and was waiting for the book to get shit-canned, basically.

    I heard there was a new writer taking over and decided to get caught up, and let me tell you: binge-reading 2+ years of Pendershit just to get to Flynn only made Flynn seem that much better. What did I like about him? Almost everything. Having a book I'd been reading for 13 years get revitalized like that made me feel like a kid again. I was particularly interested in whatever he was planning with Ixis Naugus assuming the throne. Everything felt fresh, but really what I loved the most was that he was a generally competent writer with a decent sense of humor. I even got into Mega Man and enjoyed that just as much, if not occasionally more than Sonic.

    Pretty much everything I dislike about Ian is the result of his original plans getting cut short. I didn't mind the first soft-reboot, and I was starting to get into the semi-new continuity, but it just felt like he lost his pizazz, and understandably so. Guy probably had a shit ton of story ideas he had to toss.

    I tried getting into IDW, but it was just hella boring and generic-feeling. I'm not gonna blame Ian for that either because there were obviously some heavy mandates put in place by Sega, and I get the feeling that by that point, his heart just wasn't in it anymore. But, a job is a job, I guess.

    Anyway, here's an old-ass scan of a Sonic and Tails I drew in 1999. I legit wanted to be a Sonic comic artist when I was older, back before I learned how soul-crushing it is to be a paid artist. You can very much see the Spaz inspiration in my work, lol.

    • 4 weeks ago

      It's very nice, friend.

      But it's a shame you bought into Flynn even though he was crap from day one. Ken Penders at least tried to World build instead of just borrowing shit from Sonic's older days. Both Ken and Ian are just shitty people with very obvious flaws. Just my five cent take. If Penders wasn't such a selfish butthole and learned to work with people instead, Ian wouldn't have ever been considered as a "Writer".

      But, hey, most people are dumb and nostalgia is a powerful enough magnifier that even creative hacks like Ian and his co-workers could be noticed.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Ian did well with what was already built. He did well with reboot as well, and did worldbuilding decently there too. But he just doesn't try that kind of stuff with IDW for some reason.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Dude, he fricking ran with Mega Man, Sonic Boom... He didn't "World build" he tried to do pull a Marvel and it ultimately sank Archie because it got so fricking moronic. He copy and pasted some bullshit from other franchises and tried to make a story with it.

          He's a hack. Also, of course he's not trying it with SEGA, why would SEGA want to deal with that Marvel-tier clusterfrick again??? Why would anyone want to put up with it?

          • 4 weeks ago

            It's been a while since I read reboot and I think I disagree. He did try to worldbuild there someone said that. And it was ultimately sank due to legal reasons rather abruptly, it got more game fans into it once it rebooted.

            • 4 weeks ago

              Right the marvel-tier crap sunk it because it dragged all the legal crap into Archie's front door. Yeah, some new fans came in, but it really wasn't worth it. It confused and frustrated the og readers and semi-recent readers and for what? To see Mega Man and Sonic pull a Smash Brothers? Just buy some actions figures and bang 'em together and not only would've Ian saved more money, but it wouldn't have gotten SEGA and Archie in trouble to the point where they were forced to scrap the entire comic line.

              Wow, brilliant and as you said he "tried" to World build, but ultimately failed because he lacks the talent, he's lacks that creative spark. He's a gay Marvel fan who wanted his lesbian OCs sprinkled into Sonic. Ken Penders? He's just an butthole who was too big for his britches, but had at least enough to talent to make Archie Sonic comics weird and interesting. I'd rather have the weird Archie back than know that this franchise is in the hands of a manchild and his special needs friends.

              I wish I could see the potential Ian has, but so far and from the beginning came off as a Sonic fanfic writer who got lucky because SEGA is ran by geriatric old men.

        • 4 weeks ago

          >Ian did well with what was already built
          Yeah, I really loved what he did with all of Penders' leftover crap. I used to write a lot in high school and college and, for me at least, it was always easier to craft something interesting out of pre-existing pieces than it was from the ground up. I always assumed Ian was the same way.

          Cool, and cool art. I think that a lot of his failings in IDW was not exactly due to mandates but partially it being his fault as well. I personally think there are failings with him as a writer but at the same time he did really well in Archie, because he was passionate and the foundation placed there by other writers gave for unique and interesting story ideas to last a long time for him. All of the problems just came to a head with IDW, with his tendency to take risks (Mecha Sally, Eggman going insane, Knothole destroyed) causing a failure with Sonic's redeemer ideology where he doesn't even lock up villains anymore and that made some parts of the fanbase angry. His tendency to give characters lots of dialogue and bend characters to fit a plot resulted in Sonic acting ooc in issue 50 and pissing off some fans in some scenarios. There is also the references, which are now more numerous than early on in his Archie run (especially the song references, which popped up sometime near the reboot starting) which is controversial.

          I think as much good Ian did for Sonic comics, he's just not quite outputting at the same level he used to. I wouldn't mind if the comics passed on the torch to Barnes instead as main writer, giving him a chance considering how acclaimed Scrapnik Island is. Barnes is also an Ian fan as well, as seen on his twitter, so hopefully his style will have similarities with Ian's should that happen.

          >There is also the references, which are now more numerous than early on in his Archie run
          Ian just doesn't give a frick anymore. Dude wrote for Archie for 10 years and had all his blocks kicked over by corporate bullshit TWICE. He's been gradually working his way down to the bare minimum ever since the IDW run started, and I don't blame him. Making shallow references is the easiest way to make the lowest-common-denominator cheer and clap, so of course he relies more on that than actual writing. I don't blame him; keep collecting that paycheck until they kick you out, Ian.

        • 4 weeks ago

          >But he just doesn't try that kind of stuff with IDW for some reason.

          >Q:What was it like building a new Sonic world from scratch… twice? How did each time differ? Were there any restrictions one time but not the other time? Were there things you wanted to implement but couldn’t?
          They were bittersweet experiences to be sure. The reboot was the more difficult of the two because it was done under more uncertain terms. They were trying to recreate the feel of a series that had gone on for over 20 years and the fans that jerked around by the change. It also had to be distinct for obvious reasons and it was an opportunity to make it feel more on-brand without doing mental gymnastics to make things fit. Not too new but not too old, accessible to new readers. It was a nightmare. He doesn't know if there was a better way at the time to do it and there were many questions on whether or not this was permanent or could they roll it back. With IDW, it was still heartbreaking because they got jerked out of plans they had for anniversaries and milestones. But because it was a new publisher with a closer affiliation with Sega, it was much clearer which path to take. Base it on the games, a new one just came out, there. The biggest decision there was how to approach the storytelling and after being burned twice on trying to tell long stories that unfold episodically, Ian instead opted for one shonen manga-esque arc in a year and done. If they get it done then fine he got to tell the story he wanted from start to finish. It was challenging but also fun to a degree because even after all these years and dealing with the drama and nonsense, Ian still loves Sonic. It's still a fun playground. As for things he wanted to implement, that varied constantly. The Metal Virus was originally intended as a plot for post-reboot so he repurposed it for IDW.

      • 4 weeks ago

        There is no universe in which Ken Penders' worldbuilding efforts are valuable. They were page filler. I can't say Flynn's material is better, but let's not say things that are blatantly untrue.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Cool, and cool art. I think that a lot of his failings in IDW was not exactly due to mandates but partially it being his fault as well. I personally think there are failings with him as a writer but at the same time he did really well in Archie, because he was passionate and the foundation placed there by other writers gave for unique and interesting story ideas to last a long time for him. All of the problems just came to a head with IDW, with his tendency to take risks (Mecha Sally, Eggman going insane, Knothole destroyed) causing a failure with Sonic's redeemer ideology where he doesn't even lock up villains anymore and that made some parts of the fanbase angry. His tendency to give characters lots of dialogue and bend characters to fit a plot resulted in Sonic acting ooc in issue 50 and pissing off some fans in some scenarios. There is also the references, which are now more numerous than early on in his Archie run (especially the song references, which popped up sometime near the reboot starting) which is controversial.

      I think as much good Ian did for Sonic comics, he's just not quite outputting at the same level he used to. I wouldn't mind if the comics passed on the torch to Barnes instead as main writer, giving him a chance considering how acclaimed Scrapnik Island is. Barnes is also an Ian fan as well, as seen on his twitter, so hopefully his style will have similarities with Ian's should that happen.

    • 4 weeks ago

      cool story, cool art
      I think that maybe, while it is an unsatisfying answer, it's possible Flynn has just simply ran out of his best ideas after all these years.
      I can't blame him for that, he had years and years of good stuff, but the well runs dry eventually, or at the very least you most interesting, catchy ideas are used up and the rest you have aren't so compelling usually.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >it's possible Flynn has just simply ran out of his best ideas after all these years.
        Possible, but I just think it's weird that, to me, his best ideas seemed to run out each time he got rebooted. I think he was just hella discouraged.

        I think his first run was best because he already had a huge established world that he was playing with, and that was one of his strengths as a writer. He obviously had some big long-term plans in place and he had to scrap them entirely because of legal bullshit that was completely out of his control. Considering this was basically his first big break in comic books, it had to be a kick in the balls.

        Then imagine that he had to do it AGAIN after he had been trying to build something new, essentially from scratch. I think his writing after that reboot was weaker, but he was suddenly stuck with a shit-ton more work to do, trying to rebuild a world from scratch. What happened to Ian was not only incredibly disruptive, but immensely discouraging.

        The fact that nobody can read this extremely obvious behavior tells me that not very many of you are actually creative minds, nor have you ever done something you were proud of.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Everything you described is somewhat irrelevant to the fact Ian clearly wants the SatAM/Archie framework back and isn't willing to stray from it. Maybe if he did we wouldn't be stuck with the Restoration/Knothole, the Diamond Cutters/Freedom Fighters and the other expies that are just dragging the book down.

        • 4 weeks ago

          >The fact that nobody can read this extremely obvious behavior tells me that not very many of you are actually creative minds, nor have you ever done something you were proud of.
          The fact you think you're bringing some brilliant insight no one has ever given of "Ian can only work when he's got other people's work as a jumping-off point, and he cannot write unless he's allowed to change other people's work to "fix" it to his liking" indicates to me you've likely never done much worthwhile either

        • 3 weeks ago

          >The fact that nobody can read this extremely obvious behavior
          People have been saying this for FIVE YEARS, you pretentious ass.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >Story + picrel

      Thanks for sharing that with us anon, how old were you in 99? That's pretty darn good!

      • 3 weeks ago

        >how old were you in 99? That's pretty darn good!
        12 or 13. And thanks!

        • 3 weeks ago

          Dang! Do any drawing nowadays?

          • 3 weeks ago

            Not really, no. I got very anxious about drawing and I lost the energy to do it after I started working full time. I really should just go pick up a sketch pad and some pencils and dive in again. It kills me to think how much better I might have gotten if I kept up with it, but I'm dead inside, lol.

            Off topic for the thread, but the last thing I drew was this Uncle Scrooge some years back when I tried to get into using a tablet.

            • 3 weeks ago


              I’ll say this, I’m realizing more and more how adulthood just sucks the creativity out of you. Or rather the will to make something with it.

              You really do have talent, anon. And I hope that you either become at peace with that fact or that life gives you the chance and the strength needed to wield it.

              I hope you are okay too.

              >Sally was a bawd
              But wasn't she a heterosexual bawd? Or was there some lesbian arc I never heard about.

              A bawd is a bawd, anon.

              It's still a moot point. Sally is still fricking a computer. "It" gaining sentience randomly doesn't make it less weird.
              She's programed to obey Sally.
              >How old
              If you have to ask...

              >Gaining Sentience randomly
              Preboot Nicole only had this issue. Reboot Nicole arguably had sentience from the beginning.

              >She’s programmed to obey Sally
              Again, that was an issue with early Preboot Nicole before she was fully unlocked. In Reboot, she’s literally just an uploaded consciousness that was given to Sally as a friend. However, she had no self-identity and it would seem that her true consciousness was locked for a while until Sally made it to Knothole. This wasn’t triggered by Nicole inhabiting someone’s body like in Preboot, this is of her own function. Which means, this Nicole may always have had sentience that was locked down, similar to Ben Hurst’s planned version of Nicole. Wouldn't be surprised either, since Reboot Nicole seems to take notes from Hursts’s old plans.

              >If you had to ask

              Yes I did because I have a bad memory. Now with all of that said, this ship will *only* be not that weird as long as Reboot Nicole is like Ben Hurst’s Nicole. An uploaded consciousness that had a suppressed sentience that was still able to function in the background. Arguably this would mean that Nicole was able to mature during the time between being given to Sally and being fully activated later on.

              If this is not what happened, which we don’t have enough details for, then yes, it’s weird. And it’s a detail that people who like this ship do not take into account. Nicole must be fully sentient, must have been from the beginning in some capacity, and must be of the same age range as Sally. Those are my requirements.

  41. 4 weeks ago

    >mary sue trannoid is already here
    Like clockwork
    Sonic Derangement Syndrome

    • 4 weeks ago

      get ian's dick out your mouth, self-inserter. Your comic doesn't stop being shit just because it sucks off your soulless harem avatar.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Trannoid sounds like an 80's action figure monster

  42. 4 weeks ago

    When will the schizo be banned?

    • 4 weeks ago

      Never. That's why the IP counter got gone.

  43. 4 weeks ago

    His dialogue has a "zoomer" feel to it. Which probably works for modern Sonic, actually. But it's not for me.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Sonic is a 90s shonen cartoon character, the zoomer crap doesn't mesh well with Sonic AT ALL.

      • 4 weeks ago

        No, it doesn't. But that's how modern Sonic is and it's been that way for a long time.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Well, it didn't do Sonic any favors obviously. Bring back the Sonic from the SATAM cartoon. Make Sonic an butthole again.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Sonic’s still an butthole in IDW, Prime, and Frontiers. Pretty much all the conflict in those stories are entirely his fault.

            • 4 weeks ago

              I completed Frontiers, he's just the SEGA brand Sonic. There's no real drama or sass from him. As for Prime and IDW, eh, they could've done better for sure. In Prime especially, Sonic came off more incompetent than assholish.

            • 4 weeks ago

              How was Frontiers his fault?

              • 4 weeks ago

                He gets easily manipulated by The End to unseal him despite multiple warnings to stop.

              • 4 weeks ago

                The End hold his friends hostage, Sonic had to Comply.

              • 4 weeks ago

                The only one who told him to stop was Sage and she offered no alternatives to save his friends.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Sonic’s still an butthole in IDW, Prime, and Frontiers. Pretty much all the conflict in those stories are entirely his fault.

            I dunno, I just preferred SatAM Sonic's attitude, it felt more like Sonic to me. wienery, overconfident, womanizing, you know, what you'd expect from an adolescent to young adult male.

  44. 4 weeks ago


    this notion is so stupid
    sonic autism has been documented to have independently evolved from multiple sonic sources

    • 4 weeks ago

      Case in point, Sonic Underground and Tamers12345

      • 4 weeks ago

        Tamers12345 brings in the best shit

  45. 4 weeks ago

    So you guys prefer Fleetway then?

    • 4 weeks ago

      Didn't read it yet maybe one day

      • 4 weeks ago

        Hope you enjoy Super Sonic Menace.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Hope you enjoy Super Sonic Menace.

      Fleetway is honestly the best Sonic comic. Sonic himself has a reputation for being a dickhead in it, but his dickery is at least intentional and gives him some personality.

      The comic itself is also completely focused on fun adventures, so there's none of the romantic drama of Dark Age Archie or the crying sessions that plague IDW. The OCs are mostly villains (like Brutus or Grimer), and since Team Dark, Blaze, Silver, etc. hadn't been introduced yet, the good guy OCs don't feel nearly as redundant.

      Sonic also takes his duties seriously and actually captures Robotnik, though this does lead to a bit of a dull period in the comic.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >The OCs are mostly villains

        So the rabbit, pig, squirrel-stuck-in-a-robot-suit and Amy's literal girlfriend aren't prominent characters then?

        • 4 weeks ago

          They're a big part of it, but as I said the later game characters like Shadow and Blaze hadn't been introduced, so the heroic OCs like Tekno didn't feel as pointless or redundant.

          Meanwhile, the Archie cast got so huge that Ian spend his first few dozen issues massacring all the redundant characters like Tommy Turtle and Sir Connery, and the IDW OCs are all totally boring and pointless to have around.

        • 4 weeks ago

          >Amy's literal girlfriend

          I thought Amy and Tekno being lesbians was just in the fan-created continuations of Fleetway? They seriously got away with that?

          • 4 weeks ago

            >I thought Amy and Tekno being lesbians was just in the fan-created continuations of Fleetway? They seriously got away with that?
            It's only in the fan-continuations, but some of them have been given the blessings of the original comic creators, so people treat TeknoXAmy as basically canon.

            • 4 weeks ago

              People can ship her with other girls all they want, Amy will NEVER love be in love with someone other than Sonic.

  46. 4 weeks ago

    I miss when the janny deleted Sonic threads.

    • 4 weeks ago

      He finally roped himself

  47. 4 weeks ago


    Not your boogeyman, get a life loser. Sonic's a mary sue and Scourge is just there to make Sonic look good.
    Fiona's only character is Ian using her for his shitty melodrama porn you want. A cuckshit character is SHIT and you eat up SHIT.
    He's not even the first mob boss in Ian's run, read Ian's first chaotix arc moron. He didn't secretly help villains either, he hired some bounty hunters to beat Sonic, they spent 2 pages quivering in fear of how amazing and powerful sonic is and how there's no way they can keep him in handcuffs, then Sonic predictably escaped and beat all them up like a mary sue. And that's the ONLY THING HE DOES. Yeah I think chaos vandal savage is WAY more interesting than that shit.
    You obviously didn't read the story I'm talking about then, as I've already concluded.
    Oh no not the dingoes, the absolute backbone of the comic. And I didn't say Penders' Enerjak arc, I said his Evil Green Knuckles arc. Learn to read before you learn to whine.

  48. 4 weeks ago


    I find it hilarious that the most autistic person in Sonic threads hates Sonic and shits his pants whenever he’s the main character.

  49. 4 weeks ago

    >Sonic Universe
    >His characterization of the FF
    >Fixing 90% of Penders Bullshit. Some genuine gourmet stuff from dogshit
    I personally always disliked the main Sonic the Hedgehog comic vs Universe. Sonic never felt like a character to me just a walking plot device that activated when Sally needed him. He barely had a personality and everything he did revolved around Sally. I don't really know how to describe it but Sonic never seemed like he was doing anything but busy work for most the issue until the finally of an arc were he'd lock in and one shot the threat. Like he wasn't nerfed exactly but they needed to be more issues so he just didn't win. Journey to the East is a perfect example, he's third fiddle to Sally and the Monkey dude and spends most of his time dealing with mobs.
    Flynn also doesn't seem like that good of a writer when he doesn't have very specific concrete pre-existing works to follow, the Nagus stuff before the reboot was melodramatic nonsense. And I guess Eggman as some super evil mastermind never worked becasue after losing they'd treat him like a goofy-goober villain instead of the supposed manic to explain away why he wasn't dead and buried.

    Can't speak for the IDW since I never got farther than the metal virus stuff.

    • 3 weeks ago

      >Can't speak for the IDW since I never got farther than the metal virus stuff.
      You're not missing anything.

      • 3 weeks ago

        All the best IDW stories are after Metal Virus.

        • 3 weeks ago

          Which is why no one talks about them

        • 3 weeks ago

          >Chao racing
          >Bad Guys
          >Imposter Syndrome
          >Perpetual Surge jobbing

          None of those were good.

  50. 3 weeks ago

    I think all of the Sonic comic's biggest fans and haters are 25+ and most of the vocal children online are just repeating what the adults say. Which is really funny when the big sticking point dividing people, at its core, is the refusal to do new things and challenge kids.

    • 3 weeks ago

      Sega’s official stance is to sanitize everything in really weird ways. We are not getting anything compelling story-wise for the foreseeable future.

  51. 3 weeks ago

    Too much eggman fanfic

  52. 3 weeks ago


    >i only played boostshit, sonic mania mods, and sonic.exe x fnf

  53. 3 weeks ago

    >This thread is still up
    Reminder that IDW isn't canon. They lie, they claim its canon but it isn't.

    The Marvel equivalent is the Marvel tv shows which were forced to line up with the movies but not vice versa. They they got wiped out when gaygie decided to make his disney+ slop.

    • 3 weeks ago

      Reminder Yuji Naka is still a criminal and anything other wise would have been brought up to court already and shot down.

    • 3 weeks ago

      I made a simple thread about Ian and it got deleted asap by mods. Lol

      • 3 weeks ago

        Yeah, the mods aren't a fan of Drogue.

        • 3 weeks ago

          is anyone?

          • 3 weeks ago

            Fair point

            Currently watching a livestream where a bunch of the old Crossgen crew talk about how the shipassploded. Would be nice if we could get an Archie version of this...And an IDW version whenever that finally dies.

  54. 3 weeks ago

    Sure, Ian's always cooking something up, which makes me intersted in following the story. Whenever there's a different writer you can get 4 issues about the girls going on a picnic.

    • 3 weeks ago

      I'd rather a picnic than another empty promise of world changing stakes tbh.

      • 3 weeks ago

        I sincerely doubt that. If so, I pity you.

        • 3 weeks ago

          >I pity you.
          For prefering simple but competent to false promises and ineptitude?

    • 3 weeks ago

      Evan has been writing the comic more than Ian though

  55. 3 weeks ago

    >Im not playing your latest slop sonic team, go shill somewhere else.

  56. 3 weeks ago

    Im glad he sued Bioware
    Comicnerds don't deserve video game royalties and no need to spread it through a western Jarpig

    A secretly based move

    • 3 weeks ago

      He's mad because orange pussy is better.

    • 3 weeks ago

      Fact is Sonic Chronicles was just a straight up awful game on its own.

  57. 3 weeks ago

    TailsGOD happy

  58. 3 weeks ago

    Toward the end of Archie's run, I remember thinking that, if Ian was gonna get upended by legal bullshit again and they had to do a full-on hard reboot and drop all the legacy characters, I wanted the new series to basically be Mega Drive. Those books were great even if they were shameless pandering to 16-bit era fans, and probably some of my favorite stuff from the entire series after Mecha Madness and Endgame.

    • 3 weeks ago

      IDW should have done that

      instead they wormed their way back into an Archie-style setup at the earliest opportunity.

    • 3 weeks ago

      If IDW sold better, they could have a 2nd book alongside the mainline title ala Sonic Universe.

      I hate how they put a #1 on the book despite it literally being a 2nd book. Lying shit like that is just gay.

    • 3 weeks ago

      >Mega Drive
      I was pissed as frick they cancelled the third and final issue. I wonder how much of it was completed, and I'm shocked that it's never been revisited. Maybe Ian pushed for it but IDW refused? Or maybe he didn't and it just ties into my theory that Ian stopped giving a frick once IDW got the license.

      If IDW sold better, they could have a 2nd book alongside the mainline title ala Sonic Universe.

      I hate how they put a #1 on the book despite it literally being a 2nd book. Lying shit like that is just gay.

      >they could have a 2nd book alongside the mainline
      Yeah, I was really hoping for that, especially after the main book kinda sucked.
      >I hate how they put a #1
      It's the first issue of Sonic Mega Drive: The Next Level. Of course it has a #1.

      • 3 weeks ago

        No, its literally a 2nd issue. Hell, it even ends on a cliffhanger. Marvel slop consoomers may fall for that fake #1 shit but I don't.

        picsreel, actually issue #3

        • 3 weeks ago

          >picsreel, actually issue #3
          But it has a different title and says #1. Seems pretty straightforward.

        • 3 weeks ago

          >Marvel slop consoomers may fall for that fake #1 shit but I don't.
          Guess who's their target audience anon

          • 3 weeks ago

            Who was the audience for the post-reboot Archie stuff? Pre-reboot was furry porn weirdos and SatAM pretenders.

            • 3 weeks ago

              Archie fans who rejected the post-Sonic Adventure story and needed the Freedom Fighters despite how irrelevant they'd become by then.

              • 3 weeks ago

                So Sallygays? Man, were they disappointed.

              • 3 weeks ago

                Unless they loved lesbians, then they were living it up.

                I thought it was funny that most ACTUAL Sally fans I knew personally didn't like her relationship with Nicole turning romantic, the term "weird" came up a lot.

              • 3 weeks ago

                >didn't like her relationship with Nicole turning romantic,
                Did that even actually happen or is it just autistic headcanon? I don't remember it happening, and coombrain morons love to frame everything as proof of sexual attraction.

              • 3 weeks ago

                The writers admitted they were "slipping it in".

              • 3 weeks ago

                Thank God their incompetence ended that quickly. Imagine Sally trying to fit this thing up her ass. No-can-do.

              • 3 weeks ago

                Nicole was solid so she wouldn't need to.

              • 3 weeks ago

                The Spark of Life arc was the foundation for that development but then the book got cancelled.

              • 3 weeks ago

                I don't think they actually intended to go full-on development with it, at the very least I remember Ian saying he knew he couldn't get away with it for real.

              • 3 weeks ago

                >I don't think they actually intended to go full-on development with it
                Him and Aleah were, they just didn't know how far they could go with it. But it doesn't matter because they only got to step 1.

  59. 3 weeks ago


    It's actually more because Nicole was like Sally's sister in preboot, just like how it was weird Nicole was a fully-developed character in her compact form up until she got her hololynx form and her development reset to 0 just for the sake of seeing a cute girl learn shit.

    • 3 weeks ago

      >Sally's sister
      This art by Tracy Yardley makes me think this was someone's fetish at Archie.

      • 3 weeks ago

        Sally was a bawd, this kind of thing was normal for her.

        • 3 weeks ago

          >Sally was a bawd
          But wasn't she a heterosexual bawd? Or was there some lesbian arc I never heard about.

  60. 3 weeks ago


    Nicole should never have been anything but Sally's overglorified Game Boy. Giving her that lynx body was a mistake.

    • 3 weeks ago

      >Giving her that lynx body was a mistake.

      It was something fans had been doing for years, a very low-hanging fruit of an idea.

  61. 3 weeks ago


    Yeah can Nicole even properly consent? I’m only good with this ship if Nicole manages to gain a full grip on feelings and emotions of full sentience. Though… Reboot Nicole is the result of a girl’s mind being uploaded to a computer, so arguably it’s a real consciousness and Nicole needs to time to adjust and figure out who she is. But wait… I have forgotten the timeline of things but how old would Nicole be right now based on the age of the dying girl?

    • 3 weeks ago

      It's still a moot point. Sally is still fricking a computer. "It" gaining sentience randomly doesn't make it less weird.
      She's programed to obey Sally.
      >How old
      If you have to ask...

      • 3 weeks ago

        Tell me I'm wrong, it felt like the only thing they were really giving Sally any focus for in the reboot was her relationship with Nicole.

        • 3 weeks ago

          You aren't wrong. It was a symptom of the cast bloat. Too many characters = limited time to each.

        • 3 weeks ago

          You aren't wrong. It was a symptom of the cast bloat. Too many characters = limited time to each.

          Sally just didn't have anything left to offfer by then.

    • 3 weeks ago

      Nikki was around Sally's age when she died and Ellidy gave Nicole to Sally. So either the same age or older timewise.

  62. 3 weeks ago

    What's your endgame?

    • 3 weeks ago
      • 3 weeks ago

        This fricking issue blew my mind when it came out. I remember seeing the cover and being like "Yeah, that's actually not gonna happen." And then it did.

        The writers admitted they were "slipping it in".

        Ah, so it didn't actually happen. Got it.

  63. 3 weeks ago

    Sally fricked like five dudes, dated half a dozen more and Nicole is a fancy flip phone with digital breasts. Nicole also happens to spy on all the males on Mobious so she can figure out how to get a desired male off so she can fan his seed so that one day, she too can have a cybernetic demon child.

    I mean LOOK at this filthy prostitute. Nicole can't even be bothered to wear clothes! Disgraceful!!

    • 3 weeks ago
      • 3 weeks ago

        I mean just look at this canon bawd-bag. She takes more dicks than she does disks. I be she pirates every movie and game online, based? Maybe so, but that still makes her a cheap little Windows '98.

  64. 3 weeks ago

    My main issue with his writing, and I think it just applies to Sonic IDW at the moment, is that we've had nearly 10 issues in a row where literally nothing has happened, or if it does happen, it's wrapped up in 3 panels.

    Like Issue 68 where Sonic and Tails get trapped in the cave. It's advertised as this mysterious place for them to explore, maybe a whole new adventure, but nope, they find a lizard that fights them, stops, and lets them out all in two pages.

    We've had Mimic and Surge infiltrating the Restoration, but that has gone fricking nowhere since it was introduced in what, Issue 62? They're taking way too long to get to the fricking point, while also spoiling the tension at the very beginning. They revealed Duo was Mimic in the first issue he's introduced, and they revealed Surge is actually working for Clean Sweep in the first fricking issue she returns.

    They keep torturing Whisper with her trauma instead of having her face it head on. The "crying lesbians" meme is more apparent now, and I don't blame people for saying it, because they've hardly gone anywhere with Whisper's character; every time she appears in the comics, apart from Endless Summer, she is constantly being traumatized, while having Tangle being there to be a shoulder to cry on. They're trying to push the lesbian thing as hard as they can, which would be fine if they actually developed their characters and relationship more instead of trying to make them the implied couple without the effort.

    I know they're gonna pull some bullshit with the big twist, some shit like revealing Lanolin is actually a double agent working for Clutch or Eggman and completely ruining her character. Or maybe they'll do some shit where she reveals she's evil and then reforms five pages later.

    I'm reading these new issues but there's no payoff. We're just reading dialogue bubbles upon dialogue bubbles with nothing happening, or something happening and resolving too fast. There's no impact anymore.

    • 3 weeks ago

      Nice quads

      >They're taking way too long to get to the fricking point,

      Technically barely any time has actually passed since that happened, just the comic went on break for the Fang mini-series nobody actually cared about.

    • 3 weeks ago
      • 3 weeks ago

        Smelly b***h.

        • 3 weeks ago

          "Oh gawd, that nerd called me a ""smelly b***h"", mmmm~ I want to take him out back and show him my dirt socks~<3"

          • 3 weeks ago

            You’re the guy who kept impersonating Boco some time back, aren’t you?




            As much I usually dislike Penders, Endgame was one of his better stories.

            • 3 weeks ago

              No, though I have seen some Boco posts. I'm just shitposting while I'm waitin' on this appointment. It's fun to tease fellow Sonic enjoyers though.

              • 3 weeks ago

                Gotcha lmao.

                There was this one guy some weeks ago who kept impersonating Boco and had an huge obsession with Surge and her feet, that’s why I asked.

              • 3 weeks ago

                Pfft, yeah, I've seen some of those 3d model pics. I love the absurdity of them.

              • 3 weeks ago


                I ain’t gonna argue with that, Surge…

                TAKE ME HOME WITH YOU

            • 3 weeks ago

              Endgame mostly focused on his OCs with the only redeemable part being the fight at the end.

              • 3 weeks ago

                It was at least more interesting than most of the Knuckles comics

    • 3 weeks ago

      >like revealing Lanolin is actually a double agent working for Clutch or Eggman and completely ruining her character. Or maybe they'll do some shit where she reveals she's evil and then reforms five pages later.
      You guys are so intent on this villain Lanolin thing to happen. You're going to be so disappointed when it doesn't.

      • 3 weeks ago

        I expect nothing from disappointment from Lanolin, especially knowing she'll never be knocked off her high horse and be forced to confront the fact she's way in over her head in a position nobody asked her to be in to begin with.

        • 3 weeks ago

          >she'll never be knocked off her high horse and be forced to confront the fact she's way in over her head in a position nobody asked her to be in to begin with
          That happened in her first arc and Tangle and Whisper already gave her the go-ahead to stay as leader.

          • 3 weeks ago

            That was before she went full GI Joe.

      • 3 weeks ago

        OP here. I really don't want it to happen; if it doesn't, I'll be happy because I actually like Lanolin and don't want them to just turn her into another villain.

        • 3 weeks ago

          Lanolin is a "villain" in the sense that she impedes the heroes by doing what she believes is right but doing it the "proper" way. Her intentions are right, but she's going about it entirely in the wrong way.

          Does that qualify as an anti-villain? I don't know.

    • 3 weeks ago

      All you're bringing up is Evan, y'know?

      • 3 weeks ago

        It may be Evan, but Ian is definitely one of, if not the main figureheads for driving the story and plot. Evan and the others are essentially filling in the blanks.

        • 3 weeks ago

          Ian hasn't been the main writer for years and he only does a couple issues here and there. How much of a puppetmaster do you think he is?

          • 3 weeks ago

            He is working on the games now and was involved with Sonic Prime, even if it's kind of implied he didn't like how the show turned out.

            • 3 weeks ago

              Which is why he's not the main writer anymore.

  65. 3 weeks ago

    Lanolin is in a franchise where any character who has criticism against sonic or his friends automatically result in two paths. Becoming a shitty friend like the rest of their cult or a bad guy that would make any good points she made go down the drain. She can’t be anything more than that

    • 3 weeks ago

      Or she can be like Belle and just frick off.

  66. 3 weeks ago

    >Evan writing
    >but muh Ian
    Lol, every time.

    • 3 weeks ago

      Evan usually only comes up with it's specifically LGBT-related complaints, because she can't NOT put it in.

      • 3 weeks ago

        Is Evan trans?

        • 3 weeks ago


          • 3 weeks ago

            and married

            • 3 weeks ago


              How does that even work? Just get hitched and do have kids? If you have the income or even if you're a bit short, having kids isn't a big deal, plus you have little "yous" running around. It's exhausting but fulfilling.

              • 3 weeks ago

                Not everyone is into having kids.

              • 3 weeks ago

                I suppose, but it's still a bit sad. But, if people like Evan want to go childless, that's her choice or their choice or w/e their self perceived identity is. So many people have gone weird, it's hard to tell.

              • 3 weeks ago

                Rather people who don't want kids to keep it that way than people who have no business being parents.

              • 3 weeks ago

                This. I’m telling you. People who didn’t really want kids that end up having kids tend to be shitty parents. This whole “everyone must have kids no matter what because it’ll make them happy” is bs and doesn’t apply to everyone.

  67. 3 weeks ago


    Beating up girls is not cool!

    • 3 weeks ago


      • 3 weeks ago


        • 3 weeks ago

          VORE HER


          The triality of Cinemaphile

      • 3 weeks ago

        VORE HER

      • 3 weeks ago


      • 3 weeks ago

        oh rad, never got to thank ya for actually drawing this dude, funny enough having a Mordred on Sally thing done myself, hoping to comm NSFW followup after it's finished

  68. 3 weeks ago

    Evan is anti-natalist?

    • 3 weeks ago

      No she's just asexual.

      • 3 weeks ago

        So we have something in common. I'm not sure I like that...

        • 3 weeks ago

          You're not asexual, just no one wants to have sex with you.

  69. 3 weeks ago

    I think he was carried entirely by the worldbuilding previous writers (yes, even Penders) did, because it's pretty clear he's flailing without having pre-Pendercaust Mobius as a setting.

    • 3 weeks ago

      Can't it be both?

  70. 3 weeks ago


    Not really, I find it pretty funny that just saying "Ian's cuck fetish makes this comic bad" mindbreaks you to the point of /x/-tier conspiracy

    • 3 weeks ago

      dude, you have been schizoing at a comic and a writer for 6 years, he's not the one mindbroken and booty blasted lol

  71. 3 weeks ago

    Tails is a shitty self insert character with no charisma.

  72. 3 weeks ago


    yeah of course there are other people who don't like it, they're just normal about it you dumb homosexual

  73. 3 weeks ago

    Tails is a creppy stalker and a parasite.

  74. 3 weeks ago

    I'm going to cuck both Ian and Whisper and frick this monkey for the purpose of procreation.

  75. 3 weeks ago



    Son, NTR is a trash-tier fetish friend, don't do it. I'm being you, Anon, don't hurt yourself like this.

  76. 3 weeks ago

    I like how frontiers has knuckles saying he’ll be doing the thing he was already doing for years. Knuckles didn’t progress at all.

    • 3 weeks ago

      >he’ll be doing the thing he was already doing for years
      Yeah, he 's certainly been...there.

  77. 3 weeks ago


    I'd adore if someone drew this

    • 3 weeks ago

      I have three requests I need to do, otherwise, I'd doodle somethin', maybe I'll draw that later, cause yeah, Tangle whining and cuddling into a bulky boi, sounds adorable.

      • 3 weeks ago

        I'm just grateful someone would even consider it. Thanks for replying, and yeah Tangle venting, cuddling into anon is pretty cute.

  78. 3 weeks ago


    I don’t get how people compare Lanolin to Sally when she is just literally Pre-Ian Geoffrey without the molesting minors bit

    • 3 weeks ago

      she's bossy, boring, and downplays the actual game characters and makes them look useless so she can look good as the "leader"

      • 3 weeks ago

        that isn't Sally either, that's just the flanderised negative image of her that is made up in people who dislikes her minds

        • 3 weeks ago

          no it's how she was for almost her entire existence. I still remember the days she would tell Amy she's not mature or good enough to be on the FF or treated Tails like a stupid baby who can't even use the Sea Fox or even radio Knuckles for help during Mecha Madness so she could be the smart one.

          • 3 weeks ago

            Amy isn't fricking mature though, plus of course the women who literally is an Aunt figure to him is gonna coddle him. She literally gets past those things anyway though also has some bad sidelining to once King Max gets saved

            • 3 weeks ago

              No she doesn’t “get past” those things, they actively retcon Amy and Tails as being dumb and useless all that time to make only Sonic and Sally look like a competent “le aunt” and to turn them into helpless stupid babies. It took decades and for Sega to smack their shit telling them to make it like the games before they ever fixed this.

              • 3 weeks ago

                Amy and Tails weren't even fully established in the 90's, Satam and Adventures had Tails as a more of a child sidekick then the kid genius he was meant to be, hell Sega lot of the time just left them to fend for themselves since they had to get a japanese copy of Sonic Adventure to even try to adapt the story. Sega barely gave them direction on the comic lot of the time

              • 3 weeks ago

                Yes they fricking were you moron, Tails’ first ever game was him fighting giant robots side by side with Sonic and all of Amy’s games after Cd are her going on adventures with everyone. Not to mention archie didn’t once make Amy competent until 2004.
                Archie and Satam just chose to ifnore this and make them both useless and stupid to jack off Sally and make Sally they them to their faces how useless and stupid they are and how much smarter and stronger she is. Fricking hell just read the Tails mini from Archie Triple Trouble if you want a taste of it.

              • 3 weeks ago

                I did read it, they didn't choose to make them useless to arbitrarily shill other characters. I'm just saying they weren't portraying Tails any different then how the other adaptions at the time did and Amy was a newly introduced character as opposed to Sally who was in the comic before, of course the gonna prioritize the one. Also the most Amy did in the game before Adventure was be an extra character in racing stuff. Also Ian Flynn was the only writer who really wanted or tried to use her so would agree on her being useful at 2004, though I can't talk about Amy much anyway since not a character I care or really like frankly.

              • 3 weeks ago

                >I did read it, they didn't choose to make them useless to arbitrarily shill other characters
                No you didn't, and yes they did. They even took Triple Trouble - a game where Tails invents the Sea Fox to beat Eggman - and turns it into a story where Rotor built the Sea Fox, Sally doesn't let him use it because he's stupid and not a "hero" like her, then Tails can't even fight a single robot and needs to be saved.
                >I'm just saying they weren't portraying Tails any different then how the other adaptions at the time did
                The games? Tails was competent. Shogakukan? Tails was competent. AOSTH? Tails was competent.
                Archieshit? Tails is weak and stupid and Sally tells him every time that he's too weak and stupid to ever help them, same with Amy.
                Amy was also a fighter in the Sonic Champions tournament, and Adventure 1, and Shuffle, but so convenient for you to leave those out.

              • 3 weeks ago

                what a shit character. Can't believe anyone wants SHITly to be ruining Game Tails and Game Amy too.

              • 3 weeks ago

                Amy fricking sucks i'm gonna be blunt and Sally has done nothing to ruin Tails when Forces and Lost World were doing the best to do that without her even existing

              • 3 weeks ago

                I literally mentioned Adventure which is the start of when Amy actually become a major character in the series as before she was as relevant as Fang. Again Archie was essentially ignored by Sega so the reason they didn't portray Amy or Tails more accurately is because they weren't told to. Tails is treated like a child by them is because he is a literal child, they could've made his growth and game elements more prominent for sure instead of getting wrapped up in Pender's shit but again this is before they had the internet to accurately get how to follow what source material was there or Sega being super involved in every element of an adaption, they wanted Ken Penders to adapt Shadow the Hedgehog while not giving him a copy of the game which is what caused him to quit. But this is a writers issue and not the fault of Sonic or Sally, characters who also get mishandled in several periods of the comic.

              • 3 weeks ago

                Adventure 1 was in the 90s, Adventure 2 came out in 2001, yet across both of those archie still made Amy useless and weak to shill Sally. Amy didn't become a "Major character" in archie until 2004 which is when Advance 3 was already happening.
                Tails is a child in the games and in AOSTH, they didn't make him useless and weak and stupid there either, they made him superfast and intelligent and able to fight robots. They didn't need the internet when they are literally referencing the game itself that had already came out like in Triple Trouble - then making Tails stupid and weak anyway to shill Sally and make Sally tell Tails and Amy to their faces that they're weak and can't be a "hero" like her. Such as in Archie Sonic 22, which is an entire story of just Sally telling Tails how he's too weak and useless to be a hero and he should just leave it to her and Sonic instead. Which you would know if you ever read her shit comic instead of jacking your dick to furry porn.
                Your character is shit and subsisted off of shitting on the actual game cast to make herself look good.

              • 3 weeks ago

                NTA but you convinced me that Tails fricking sucks, what a loser character being buttmad at everyone actually saving the planet

        • 3 weeks ago

          Oh no, thats definitely Sally. A bossy, b***hy Mary Sue that got more done than Sonic.

          • 3 weeks ago

            how does she get more done then Sonic when half the time Sonic is the one fighting the villains and resolving the plotlines? Sally helps out and does resolve the plots to but not to the extent where she overshadows Sonic?

  79. 3 weeks ago

    Ian is good and actually likes Sonic, which is the thing people hate about him.
    >muh pure nipnong canon
    is pure cope from morons who can't deal with the fact that Sonic Team are the least capable people of dealing with the brand on the planet.

  80. 3 weeks ago


    go away Ian you have another terrible comic to be writing

    • 3 weeks ago

      Shill a better character.

      • 3 weeks ago

        Ian Flynn is a better character? If you say so.

  81. 3 weeks ago

    why is it every time there's a discussion of the comic the people who worship Ian have never actually read the older issues and the people who say Ian is trash are the ones who have?

    • 3 weeks ago

      >people who read the thing know it sucks, people who are just part of the cult around it think it's good
      That's pretty simple anon, it's because it sucks.

      • 3 weeks ago

        Sonic in general was never good.

        • 3 weeks ago

          Sonic in general was always trash.

    • 3 weeks ago

      I mean I've read the whole run for most part except lot of the Knuckles stuff thanks to last ride but honestly older issues are mostly either gag stuff or weird. There are some solid issues and stories from the older stuff but there is also a lot of misplaced characterisation and sidelining of certain cast members for a writers preferred creation.

      • 3 weeks ago

        aw well at least it isn't cuckshit and jacking off his mary sue Sonic like when that obese landwhale Ian Flynn became the writer.

        • 3 weeks ago

          what do you actually like to read or watch? you are so god damn obsessed with this franchise despite hating it I'm genuinely curious?

    • 3 weeks ago

      Most people who started to read Flynn's run probably weren't born when the Earlier issues were out

      • 3 weeks ago

        also they're turned off by the weird artstyle of the older run, while Ian's run is the only one that looks like the game artstyle.
        The biggest reason for Ian's popularity isn't his stories, it's that when he came on was coincidentally the same time Tracy Yardley became the artist.

    • 3 weeks ago

      You literally can't argue for shit and go apeshit everytime you got countered.
      Eat shit.

    • 3 weeks ago

      Why is it every thread people like this have to come up with conspiracies to invalidate anyone who likes Ian?

      • 3 weeks ago

        Because the troony janny hates sonic and protects the schizo.

  82. 3 weeks ago


    • 3 weeks ago


      • 3 weeks ago

        never good.

        • 3 weeks ago

          ..in the shit archie comics.

          • 3 weeks ago

            ..especially in Ian's shit-tier run

  83. 3 weeks ago


    boohoo, someone doesn't simp for Ian's shitty house of cards fetish. Go cry to him about it on twitter or his podcast.

  84. 3 weeks ago


    can you imagine if people who liked Anguirus acted like this in the Godzilla fandom or Jimmy Olsen Fans in the superman Fandom? be absolutely comical

    • 3 weeks ago

      Who cares about Jimmy Olsen?

      • 3 weeks ago

        was the closest Tails equivalent could think of on the spot besides Anguruius

        • 3 weeks ago

          The closest would be Robin (every single one) and that sadly also is an autism magnet like my boy Tails

          • 3 weeks ago

            suppose so yeah considering how it encompasses 4 characters with wacky fandoms like Tim, Jason, Dick and Damien but wacky for different reasons, I'm more of a Batgirls guy mainly Cassandra and Barbara. First cause like her character quite a bit and the other for sexual reasons frankly

          • 3 weeks ago

            If you want Ian cucking Tails and Tails to go back to kissing Sonic’s ass afterwards; then he’s not your boy. You just self-insert as Sonic and want Tails to be Sonic’s spineless asskisser

            • 3 weeks ago

              Yeah, lets go back to brass tacks.

              • 3 weeks ago

                Say what you want about Sega, even they drew the line at cucking him lol. Ian is literally a shittier writer than sega

              • 3 weeks ago

                >even they drew the line at cucking him
                That would require pretending anyone would even entertain the idea of romancing him.

              • 3 weeks ago

                Have you looked at the guy? Ian’s basically a pig.
                Sega are old out of touch Samurai but they’re human beings, not pigs like Ian.

              • 3 weeks ago

                They cuck him every day instead

            • 3 weeks ago

              I'm going to level with you anon. I get it. I know how you feel, why you feel like this. Growing up having a favorite character that you identify with? Being promised greatness only for life to throw you a curveball and end up receiving whatever the frick is this? To witness those innocent hopes and dreams crash and burn. That must have hurt, you probably were a sad boy, I would know, was the same. Then there's the rage, that thing that has you here, it must eat you inside how many celebrate the same thing that hurt you so long ago, all that rage and you have to vent. But there's something more isn't it? You wouldn't be like this if it was all over, if there wasn't the slight chance of being hurt again, but there IS, or at least that's what you feel, deep down. Because he's still out there, in writers room and that must kill you. You are afraid, of being hurt again, to see the joy of others in the same place that brings you pain, that's why want everybody else to be miserable, isn't it?

              My advice is: let it go. You are probably never going to be happy or satisfied.
              Do you still love the same thing that brought you here in the first place? Or has your hatred and obsession become more important? It must be tiring, to have that hatred in the back of your mind, even when you try to enjoy what you supposedly still love.
              Let go and be free, learn to have joy again. Don't let that depend on the feelings of others.

  85. 3 weeks ago

    Reminder most of the replies are him and probably the OP too.
    The Ride broke him.

    • 3 weeks ago

      you're making up conspiracy how everyone on this thread who ever doesn't worship a frankly garbage-tier writer is the same person.
      If anything it appears "he", pretending "he" is just one person like you do, broke you. By just not liking Ian.

      • 3 weeks ago

        Why do you report people, pussy?

  86. 3 weeks ago


  87. 3 weeks ago

    can you imagine if anyone who didn't like Bendis ruining Jon out of his bizarre dislike of the character acted like this and threw thread-long temper tantrums because they themselves worship the worst author to ever disgrace DC?
    That's the difference between how DC fans act - accepting that a bad writer should be criticised for their bad comic - and how Sonic fans act - worshipping the ground the awful writer walks on just because he used and abused your corporate IP

    • 3 weeks ago

      You didn't even care about Sonic, capeshitter.

    • 3 weeks ago

      The difference between Ian and Sonic Team is that Ian likes Sonic.

      The difference between Ian and Bendis is that Ian is competent.

      • 3 weeks ago

        Lol no, just like Bendis his comic was trash and shat on beloved characters.
        Unlike Bendis, DC fans aren’t simps who excuse him ruining characters.

        • 3 weeks ago

          >ruining characters
          not aligning with muh pure nip canon, the most soulless and empty version of the characters, is not "ruining." Sonic Team are blithering incompetents who hate the brand with all their hearts and try to ruin it.

      • 3 weeks ago

        >The difference between Ian and Bendis is that Ian is competent

  88. 3 weeks ago

    You are a lolcow and make look cape fans really bad.

  89. 3 weeks ago


    >Rouge just cuddling him when she could be riding his BFC
    out of character

    • 3 weeks ago

      Rouge even wanting to interact with Tails is more out of character lmao your porn addiction is as canon as mine is

      • 3 weeks ago

        Nah they’ve interacted in almost every game they’re together

        • 3 weeks ago

          standing near each other isn't meaningful interaction, though I can't judge as I want Sally to bang a snake man she never even met suppose

          • 3 weeks ago

            No, I count dialogue and caring about eachother’s interests or eachother. That’s why I don’t think Tails and Amy ever interact. Tails and Rouge interacted in almsot every game they’re together

            • 3 weeks ago

              >Interactions only count when they happen in a scene in a game
              The notion that some think certain characters never talk to one another outside of what we see in game scenes is baffling.

  90. 3 weeks ago


    Good…now add Sally to Tails’ right and make Sonic squeal and cry like a manbaby piggy

    • 3 weeks ago

      Ooc, Sally would be on her knees between Tails’ legs. Saying she needs a real man for a boyfriend and not a spoiled manchild like sonic.

      • 3 weeks ago

        Good…now add Sally to Tails’ right and make Sonic squeal and cry like a manbaby piggy

        if you're gonna reply to yourself don't talk the same way, try to pretend to be different people you nonce

  91. 3 weeks ago


    What a great drawing, anon. Perfectly encapsulates the hierarchy difference between Shotachads - like the one who inspired SA2 - and flabby lowtestosterone Sonic self-inserters like Ian Flynn.

    • 3 weeks ago

      Ian and Chris Chan and dreamcastxd the dog fricker.
      If you think about it Ian’s literally just Chris if he got hired by Sega roflmao

      • 3 weeks ago

        Not true. Sonichu is way better than Other M.

    • 3 weeks ago

      Tezuka too, who was one of the most influential people in all of animation and inspired Sonic, was a Shotachad.
      Fatassed talentless self-inserters like Ian could never.

  92. 3 weeks ago

    I always find this cuck talk funny because it requires pretending Tails had anything to be cucked from.

  93. 3 weeks ago

    You know what I don't get? Penders was the one to pair Sonic and Fiona up. Why are we pretending Ian wrote that?

    • 3 weeks ago

      Penders wrote one single issue with it. Ian continued it on for years and made it way worse.

      • 3 weeks ago

        Take Ken wiener out of your mouth please

  94. 3 weeks ago

    Fiona is a based character

    • 3 weeks ago

      Shut up Ian, you have another shitty comic to be writing

      • 3 weeks ago

        Your shitty pedo character will never be respected, not even by Sega.

  95. 3 weeks ago

    Game Shitnic sucks and Sega was never good.

  96. 3 weeks ago

    Last one for Ian is based

    • 3 weeks ago

      Is he though?
      Not saying he is a bad writer... but wouldn't call him based either.

  97. 3 weeks ago

    everyone just go to sleep already

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