Why does all the UC slop retcon the OG Gundam shows?

I thought the Gundam was supposed to be unique in MSG and the Earth Federation didn't develop mobile suits until like halfway through the war but apparently at the same time the white base was doing its thing there was like a million other Gundams just destroying Zeon grunts everywhere.

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  1. 10 months ago

    All UC storylines not written by Tomino are fanfics. Not sure why this is so hard to process.

    • 10 months ago

      some that are written by tomino are fanfic tier too.
      honestly actual UC should be just 0079 and maybe Zeta and thats it. CCA too probably. everything else may as well be a spinoff.

      • 10 months ago


        • 10 months ago

          i cant bring myself to even finish it if im honest. its like its from alternate universe where the gods are clowns and want slapstick. not that i didnt laugh at it but its just jarring to go into it right after zeta

      • 10 months ago

        G reco is UC
        Turn A is UC
        F91 is UC

        • 10 months ago

          what UC means to me is: original gundam, no moronation.
          which is very few works.
          and everything that goes back to original gundam and tries to change it, like them ovies and the origin stuff and thunderbolt, it just cheapens the original.
          it doesnt need it.
          its like starwars, leave the original 3 movies alone, everything else just makes them worse. especially "expanded universe" garbage.

          • 10 months ago

            >no moronation
            >tl note: newtype shenanigans
            >editor's note: inb4 Dozle's spirt of hate is a-ok

            • 10 months ago

              Anyone would get a spirit of hate dealing with you moronic troons

            • 10 months ago

              its symbolism and or hallucination, moron.

          • 10 months ago

            >what UC means to me
            Nobody gives a shit what UC means to you homosexual you're an NPC not the main character rofl

        • 10 months ago

          >G reco is UC
          worst Tomino

        • 10 months ago

          >Turn A is UC

    • 10 months ago

      So true. So true.

    • 10 months ago

      you zoomers are legit the worst thing to happen since the israelites

      • 10 months ago

        't want a cool anime about GM Snipers

        the absolute state of Gundam fandom

      • 10 months ago

        >M-MUH ZOOMERS
        >When he can't pay attention to a series unless the ultra cool epic superhero robot is onscreen wiping out hordes of irrelevant mooks with his plot convenience powered flashy lasers
        There are plenty of Toku threads on /m/, frick off and go there.

      • 10 months ago

        I'm 32.
        have a nice day and stop wanting to ruin gundam.
        quality > quantity.
        I don't care about your sonic OC tier garbage.

    • 10 months ago

      >All UC storylines not written by Tomino are fanfics.
      So the TV series and the novel are both canon?

      • 10 months ago

        TV yes as it is the main basis of all, Novels more certain parts like Kuzco & Char's Rickdom
        sayla's pubes causing the death of amuro, not so much

    • 10 months ago

      Explains why G Gundam is still the best Gundam tv series to date then.

  2. 10 months ago

    So in the story we do have the following
    >The pixy which was intended to be given to white base
    >G4, G5 and G6 were being developed concurrently at jaburo using data from the gundam, the G7 was made a year later and the pale rider is a separate project
    >The ground gundam’s were as a side project using luna titanium parts that used the RX-78-2’s image but were clearly not as powerful or imposing, blue destiny and slave wraith units belong here
    >The gundam alex we all know about
    Say what you want but there weren’t as many variants as you think but I do think the gryps war would’ve been a better setting to explore which banrise is only realizing now. Also the mobile suit arms race is no joke

    • 10 months ago

      >there weren’t as many variants as you think b
      You forgot: Prototype Gundam, G-3 Gundam, Hidden Shadow of G, Heavy Gundam (plans), Full Armor Gundam, Ez-8 Gundam

      • 10 months ago

        The prototype was modified into the RX-78-2 eventually, vise versa with the G3. The EZ8 I put in the same boat as the other ground gundam units. Full armor variants need no introduction and hidden shadow of G is a gag series on “what if gundam was more feudal”

      • 10 months ago

        To be entirely fair on the FA Gundam and the Ez8, one is just Grandpa fitted with more armor and weapons and the other is a field modification of the Ground Gundam

      • 10 months ago

        Hidden shadow of G is obviously not canon in any capacity. It's supposed to be the G3 captured and modified by Zeon. As far as MSV goes, which is the closest thing to being canon, the prototype and G3 were virtually identical to the RX-78-2. The RX-78-2 was based on the updated prototype Gundam and the G3 was just a unit 3 that was identical to the RX-78-2 until later.

    • 10 months ago

      Part of it is also that Bandai has for a while now been moving away from more OYW Gundams and instead having GMs that look like Gundams. Stuff like the slave wraith and the riders.

  3. 10 months ago

    Feds spent those six months forging their own dragon balls to make a wish on winning the war through the tactic of mind games by creating fake variants that just use an iconic head like the ground type. This went to aqua area too.

  4. 10 months ago

    Just about everything in Gundam Thunderbolt is enormous power creep from the sub arms shields on GMs and especially especially that railgun the submersible Gundam gets.

    • 10 months ago

      even Zeta & ZZ do some pretty heavy retconning of the original series(mostly in regards to how heavily the Federation was affected by the OYW), so it's pretty much been part of the franchise since the beginning(plus we had the first additions to the Gundams around during the OYW as early as 1983 with the MSV line introducing the Perfect Gundam and Full Armor Gundam)

      to be fair Thunderbolt is explicitly an AU variant of UC and not part of the main continuity(though at the same time it honestly wouldn't be all that hard to kludge it in)

    • 10 months ago

      have a nice day, worthless frogposting scum.

    • 10 months ago


  5. 10 months ago

    I get where you're coming from when it comes to literally any other OYW sidestory, but isn't Thunderbolt the one that's explicitly meant to be its own thing and not part of UC continuity?

    • 10 months ago

      Anyone who thinks otherwise is actually moronic because it would just break everything if it wasn't true

      Why would the Feds develops the Asshimar if the Atlas could already fly in atmosphere? Why would anyone frick around with beam guns if some railgun just bypasses I-fields, coatings, luna-titanium, etc? Why does nobody else use the Reuse P device the Psycho Zakus do? This is like Gundam Sentinel tier issues that clearly require it to not be part of the canon for shit to make sense.

      • 10 months ago

        >Why does nobody else use the Reuse P
        I like having my limbs bro

      • 10 months ago

        >Why would the Feds develops the Asshimar if the Atlas could already fly in atmosphere?
        Flying MS were already a thing in the OYW, the Zeeks had the Dodai and the Feds had the Lightliner. The only thing the Atlas does is make the support craft permanently attached to the machine as well as being usable in a lot of different terrain without needing modification (space, air, land, sea). Asshimar has a different aim than the Atlas, it keeps the aerial mobility and flight but the capability is built internally into the body instead of relying on external equipment that can be damaged by enemy attacks or rough handling.

        >Why would anyone frick around with beam guns if some railgun just bypasses I-fields, coatings, luna-titanium, etc?
        Railguns already existed in OYW MSV and Zeta MSV and they're still treated as second-class to beam weapons. I-fields and anti-beam coatings aren't common enough to make beam weapons useless, they mainly show up on special prototypes or expensive mobile armors. Luna titanium doesn't even stop beams all that well unless you happen to be Cima Garahau.

        >Why does nobody else use the Reuse P device the Psycho Zakus do?
        Aren't they already fighting over it? Even then, not many normal-minded people will consent to amputation just to become an ace-level pilot if they can possibly do without it, and in theory they're still not as good as a proper newtype or cyber-newtype. Add in the fact that by Zeta there are half-control systems, quasi-psycommus, etc that allow regular people to operate incoms and reuse P doesn't look appetizing at all.

  6. 10 months ago

    All post 2000s UC side stories should just be in their own continuities like Thunderbolt

  7. 10 months ago

    So they can have more Gundams to sell.

  8. 10 months ago

    It's not easy to sell gunpla with such restrictions

  9. 10 months ago

    08th MS team's moronic Gundam retcons were because Bandai was too chicken to try making a show about GMs.

    • 10 months ago

      The 08th MS Team having Gundams gives the cast a more reasonable excuse to survive bullshit situations and encounters with tough enemies. If all they had were GMs then they'd have to be ridiculously lucky, skilled, or it would just be plain bad writing to survive all the situations that the team gets into. I mean, how many times might they have died?

      If Shiro had a GM, he would have gotten crushed into bits when Aina slams into him and grinds him against the side of the mountain valley testing course for the Apsalus.

      We know that Norris was able to take down the non-luna-titanium armored Guntanks with the unpowered heat sword by stabbing in certain spots, but it couldn't even cut into the luna-titanium protected arm of Shiro's Gundam. He caught both Shiro and Karen unaware at times and could have taken them out if they had generic armor.

      Karen's wienerpit door got smashed by the Acguy landing a surprise attack, if it wasn't armored with luna-titanium then she could have been injured far worse or even dead.

      etc etc. Sure Shiro's team were reasonably skilled, but none of them were considered aces and they all got demoralized when confronted by Norris who they recognized as being an actual ace not because he was famous but by the way he moved and outfought them.

      • 10 months ago

        Then the show already had stupid writing when Shiro's Ball tanks a bunch of Zaku machine gun hits while he's getting close. Eledore also manages to survive getting chewed up by bullet ricochets because he's too claustrophobic to close the hatch on the Zaku Tank. Plot armor is plot armor no matter what they say the robot has on paper. Even the actual Lunar Titanium armored trio in original Gundam sometimes jobbed just for the sake of action. Also my god Norris lost to Shiro during their first encounter and Shiro's face was literally full of Kiki's cooter at the time.

        • 10 months ago

          Yes, so now you can only partially blame it on bad writing. It could have been so much worse.

      • 10 months ago

        You speak as if GMs were much worse than Gundams. There's already little differing the normal Jim and Grandpa, meanwhile the ground Jim and Ground Gundam are almost identical.
        Hell, one of 'em even gets to work properly with a GM head

        • 10 months ago

          I'm pretty sure they mentioned ground gundams were made up from a bunch of random crap thrown together, they're practically GMs.

        • 10 months ago

          >You speak as if GMs were much worse than Gundams.
          I brought up armor which is maybe the biggest difference going from the RX-78 to the GM. If it were a standard GM with titanium armor in each of those scenarios, it would have turned out differently because the GM is absolutely not as durable as the RX-78. I already know Ground GMs have luna-titanium armor as well, which is why I mentioned GM instead of Ground GM.

          >There's already little differing the normal Jim and Grandpa, meanwhile the ground Jim and Ground Gundam are almost identical.
          Technically there's not a whole lot that's supposed to separate the GM and Gundam's performance, since they have identical mass/thrust/etc figures, but even in-universe they'll acknowledge that Amuro and the Gundam achieve a level of combat effectiveness that few GMs and their pilots can effectively pull off in the same way, and there's always talk about how it took until a certain GM variant or two (usually the GM Sniper types or the GM Striker?) to finally match/surpass the Gundam in most areas.

          • 10 months ago

            >If it were a standard GM with titanium armor in each of those scenarios, it would have turned out differently because the GM is absolutely not as durable as the RX-78.
            Do you honestly think anime writers are thinking about specific armor durability when coming up with this shit? They're thinking "Gundams sell and the heroes always use Gundams."

  10. 10 months ago

    The RX-78-2 is basically just a GM with Gundarium armor

  11. 10 months ago

    Thunderbolt has never pretended to be part of the larger continuity, even the mangaka said so.
    Bandai just won't say it outright because they are pussies who are afraid it might effect the bottom line. They are having the same issue with the Hathaway's Flash adaptation, deliberately tiptoeing around the exact circumstances of Quess' death since that would answer what continuity it follows.

  12. 10 months ago

    Japan doesn’t have a concept of retcon

  13. 10 months ago

    I'm not going to read all the whining in this thread but I just wanna say FRICK MOON GUNDAM
    Thunderball is 100x more entertaining and three times the Gundam story that Moon wishes it could be. Atlas would MOG Moon Gundam so hard it wouldn't be funny

    Of course they have to placate Fukui so it'll never be canceled but in your heart of hearts you know Thunderball > Moon

  14. 10 months ago

    regardless of canon, Tomino's work is the only genuinely good part of Gundam so none of the other stuff really matters

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