Why doesn't he get invited on the JRE?

Why doesn't he get invited on the JRE?

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  1. 4 weeks ago

    >israeli ZOMBIE israeli ZOMBIE israeli ZOMBIE

  2. 4 weeks ago

    Catholic priest pedo jokes will never get old, much like the young people who died in 9/11.

  3. 4 weeks ago

    Because he's not crazy?

  4. 4 weeks ago

    Why did he refuse to tell Ben Shapiro that he needs baptism to be saved

    • 4 weeks ago

      Because God is not bound to the sacraments. He's hardly going to damn some Sentinelese natives because they didn't seek a dude in robes to dunk their heads in water. On the other hand, the Church has formally declared that it knows no other means of salvation other than baptism, so theologians have tried to shore up this discrepancy with the doctrine of "baptism by desire."

      • 4 weeks ago

        Which negates the need to get any of the sacraments. Which is why the church is dying.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Who would've thought the whole damn thing is logically untenable

        • 4 weeks ago

          If you know of baptism, then you should seek it. If you don't know it, then you can't seek it. Pretty simple to understand.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Shapiro doesn’t even believe in God regardless of his baptism status

    • 4 weeks ago

      Baptism is a symbolic act that carries no weight other than the psychological effect that it might have on the participant.

      The baptism of an infant (or any human who's unable to process the symbolism) is a meaningless act that's designed to make the parents and religious authorities feel good about themselves. Anyone who disagrees is a superstitious moron.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >Baptism is a symbolic act that carries no weight
        Lol imagine being this stupid hahaha

        • 4 weeks ago

          Context matters, genius

          • 4 weeks ago

            No it doesn’t dummy. Grow up

            • 4 weeks ago

              >grow up
              says the person who believes pouring some water on a baby's head while mumbling some words magically enhances the baby spiritually.

              And context does indeed matter. For example:
              >Baptism is a symbolic act that carries no weight
              Is different from...
              >Baptism is a symbolic act that carries no weight other than the psychological effect that it might have on the participant

              • 4 weeks ago

                Baptism saves because it's a work of God, not of man. The same is true with the Eucharist. It's objectively God in the bread and wine. He makes Himself real to us. It's not our faith or our psychology making material things Holy.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >It's objectively God in the bread and wine.
                ayo dis homie eating GOD

      • 4 weeks ago

        next you'll say Communion is a symbolic act that carries no weight.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Why would I think otherwise?

          Baptism saves because it's a work of God, not of man. The same is true with the Eucharist. It's objectively God in the bread and wine. He makes Himself real to us. It's not our faith or our psychology making material things Holy.

          Mumbo jumbo

          Everything is a work of the creator, not just the religious constructs you ascribe to it.

          Think harder

        • 4 weeks ago

          I cant help but feel like youre looking at tradition like a checklist of requirements that if missed, disqualify you from heaven. Christianity isnt works based and by saying you have to do these traditional rituals, you are technically framing christianity works based
          >oh you accepted me into your heart, accepted my forgiveness, OH BUT YOU FORGOT THE BREAD AND WINE BIT SORRY!!!!

          • 4 weeks ago

            To know of the sacraments and reject them is to deny God himself.

            • 4 weeks ago

              To indulge in sinful behavior is to deny God himself. youre creating a very slippery slope.
              Maybe to know God and not perform an arbitrary volume of works in his name is to deny God. Ive been baptised and take communion pretty regularly but those are not the things that save me. Christ dying on the cross for the my sin is

      • 4 weeks ago

        >grow up
        says the person who believes pouring some water on a baby's head while mumbling some words magically enhances the baby spiritually.

        And context does indeed matter. For example:
        >Baptism is a symbolic act that carries no weight
        Is different from...
        >Baptism is a symbolic act that carries no weight other than the psychological effect that it might have on the participant

        go back to r/atheism to discuss the amount of hormones you need to take to get sure your sex change operation is successful disgusting redditor

        • 4 weeks ago

          I'm not an atheist or trans, and I've never posted on reddit.

          0 for 3

          • 4 weeks ago

            doesn't change that you're still a dick

        • 4 weeks ago

          Not a Christian board nor website, Pedro. This isn't your safe space.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Because Shapiro is a israelite, and already cursed by his unrepentant nature. Also, the Catholic Church has invented several things that are absent from the Words of Christ

      • 4 weeks ago

        Catholic Church created the Bible

    • 4 weeks ago

      Because you need much more than that.

    • 4 weeks ago

      I dont recall Jesus telling the leper to go stroke his rosary beads and do 25 "hail marys"

    • 4 weeks ago

      I think the accepting christ part is quite a bit more important when talking to a guy like Ben. I prefer the other christian guy who hits Ben with the ole CS Lewis "Dont patronize Jesus by saying he was a 'good teacher'"

    • 4 weeks ago

      jews are saved by their genetics

  5. 4 weeks ago

    doesn't exist lol

    • 4 weeks ago

      Trannies are men in dresses lol

      • 4 weeks ago

        Everyone outside your discord group feels second hand embarrassement from your BASED christlarper phase kid

  6. 4 weeks ago

    Does he even do movie reviews anymore?

  7. 4 weeks ago

    >All these tradcath larpers saying baptism is just a meme

    LMAO y'all homies crack me up. I like Jesus he's a pretty cool dude who doesn't afraid of anything, but I don't consider myself a Christian because there are 2 things Jesus said in the Bible that I just can't believe. And one of them is that the only way into the kingdom of heaven is to accept Jesus/the Good Word and be baptized. It fits that you heathens decided to become Catholic. Do some rosary prayers then ask your Mexican priest to explain the Bible to you again.

    • 4 weeks ago

      t. baptised
      Jesus baptises you with the holy spirit. You SHOULD get baptised in the same way you SHOULD turn away from sin, but even the best christians will fail these having accepted Christs forgiveness.In accepting Christ you should feel a relational responsibility to do right by him and do things that glorify God.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Opinion disregarded

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