why dont they just mindrape everyone in the universe to do their bidding?

why don’t they just mindrape everyone in the universe to do their bidding?

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  1. 4 weeks ago

    That's kinda what they do. If you mean why dont they openly rule, there arent enough of them and their power is through subterfuge and manipulation which they achieve by keeping a low profile. If they were too obvious with their efforts they'd get killed off in a mass uprising. The great houses also are somewhat aware of their machinations, though they individually cant do much about it since the sisterhood is so influential.
    There are also parties they cant really control, like the spacing guild. And some planets probably keep them at arms length, like I doubt the weirdos on ix or tleilaxu are big on them

    • 4 weeks ago

      >there arent enough of them and their power is through subterfuge and manipulation which they achieve by keeping a low profile. If they were too obvious with their efforts they'd get killed off in a mass uprising.
      That sounds oddly familiar

      • 4 weeks ago

        The difference is that the Bennys genuinely want to bring the tide that rises all ships, so to speak. They just believe that their plan is the correct way to achieve it. The tribe just wants God's Chosen to prosper and see everyone else as mindless cattle.

    • 4 weeks ago

      The Imperium pre-paul is a delicate balance of power. The Guild could seize Dune with its own troops, but then everyone would band together against them. The Emperor could overthrow the Guild, but then everyone would rebel against *him*. The BG are the same: they can't just set themselves up as telepathic mind rape goddesses because enough people can resist their power that they too would be overthrown. Only a superhuman Messiah stands a chance of forcing the Imperium to submit to one will.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >doubt the tleilaxu are big on them
      anon, i…

      • 4 weeks ago

        I never read past children.
        I know they provide all the Duncan gholas and were conspiring with the bene gesserit to overthrow the atreides, I just meant I doubt they take them as concubines to sleuth around their planet, particularly before Paul's rise, since they're described as insular and xenophobic and seem to smart and informed for that
        Obviously after Paul, basically all other power blocks get forced together into trying to resist atreides rule

        • 4 weeks ago

          Anon, there is a reason why no one ever see a female Tleilaxu. Also the BG hate them for the fact that they using every female on their planet as incubation machine for their gholas, including any BG they could get their hand on.

  2. 4 weeks ago

    why is this movie looking so dull for 65% of the runtime

    • 4 weeks ago

      Because it's not capeshit. Sorry you can't be entertained without being eye-fricked with bright primary colors every eleven seconds.

      • 4 weeks ago

        kys you absolute pleb I hate capeshit dune is soulless shit

        • 4 weeks ago

          go suck your mother's wiener, moron

          • 4 weeks ago

            dune part two is absolutely sexless and bland for a vast majority of the runtime

            • 4 weeks ago

              >barren sand planet is ... sand coloured
              but beyond that, I would say that creates a better contrast against the last 1/3 of the movie.

              • 4 weeks ago

                bland acting and directing and shitty dialogue, worse pacing than the first

              • 4 weeks ago

                >look mommy I'm contrarian

              • 4 weeks ago

                the acting was so bad besides rebecca

              • 4 weeks ago

                keep your stupid comments in your pocket

              • 4 weeks ago

                i agree. She's the only well casted sort of main character in the second movie

                timmy was okay but holy shit everyone else is given nothing to work with almost

              • 4 weeks ago

                i agree. She's the only well casted sort of main character in the second movie

    • 4 weeks ago

      Just watch the SyFy version

  3. 4 weeks ago

    They do, just indirectly.
    If they were obviously calling the shots they'd be assassinated, since they aren't all powerful and The Guild has enough sway to brutally frick them if they were more overt

    • 4 weeks ago

      This. Before the events of the books, the Bene and the Guild were the two rival forces running the known galaxy, the Emperor being little more than a figurehead.

  4. 4 weeks ago

    because every single political figure that matters in the Duneverse has a small army of deaf-mutes who can read lips accompanying every bene gesserit, ready to frick her up if she tries something funny
    also the voice is not mind control

    • 4 weeks ago

      >the voice is not mind control

      • 4 weeks ago

        it literally isn't
        both in the books and the movies the guy who gets voice'd realizes what is up some seconds later

  5. 4 weeks ago

    the world building of dune is so awesome.

  6. 4 weeks ago

    The Voice doesn't work on everyone. You can be trained to resist it.

  7. 4 weeks ago

    They were waiting for their kwisatz haderach to do just that

  8. 4 weeks ago

    Even if they could, even if they could do it without drawing attention and risk being the next target of a galactic jihad, a mindraped man is of no real value. The Bene Gesserit are practical, they would never destroy a man if leaving him whole would better serve their purposes. Everyone looks down on a simp, making a king a simp just makes him weaker. Better to coerce and cajole him into doing the shit you want, and leave him, and all his subordinates, believing it was his idea.

  9. 4 weeks ago


  10. 4 weeks ago

    >Says, "have a nice day, homosexual."
    >You immediately frick a guy then have a nice day.

  11. 4 weeks ago

    because not everyone is susceptible to their influence, like members of the spacing guild

  12. 4 weeks ago

    that's literally what they are doing

  13. 4 weeks ago

    They do.

  14. 4 weeks ago

    i want lea seydoux to use the voice to make me kneel and worship her

  15. 4 weeks ago

    They're playing the looooooooooong game.

    Plus if the Emperor or other Great Houses suspected them of using The Voice to control them, they would be purged.

    Instead they make themselves useful, appear to serve and gather intelligence to be used in their breeding programs.

  16. 4 weeks ago

    they are

  17. 4 weeks ago

    Because they're ultimately powerless and their influence over the galaxy is an illusion. If anyone had any real control over the future in that universe they would not all be so afraid of it.

    • 4 weeks ago

      They're a organization of women with no standing army so they makes themselves useful to those who do.

  18. 4 weeks ago

    Unironically israelites control Dune universe

  19. 4 weeks ago

    Because they don't want to control the universe, the BG want to set on it's right course and they need a man for that

  20. 4 weeks ago

    Telepathy doesn't exist in Dune.

  21. 4 weeks ago

    Why do people even allow them into their homes to groom their children or heed their council? It seems like an open secret that they have ulterior motives, and they don't even seem to provide anything noteworthy. So what the frick? Maybe it's explained in the books, but in the films they seem incompetent and largely pointless aside from unintentionally providing Paul's plot armor.
    Why doesn't The Baron murder these b***hes?

    • 4 weeks ago

      the benefits of having a bene gesserit tutoring you (mostly) outweighs the drawbacks of them manipulating you or you owing them a favor

    • 4 weeks ago

      They are often integral for royal courts due to their abilities such as the voice and Truthsense. They also tend to be intermediaries between great houses and handle political marriages (to their benefit as well obviously)

      They are a reflection of the role of women in real life just turned up to eleven. Sex selectors, advisors and manipulators.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Yeah but I mean, in the movie at least, The Baron gets around the whole truth thing with the most adolescent phrasing ever, and the old hag is too stupid to realize it or question further.

        • 4 weeks ago

          She isn't stupid, she went there knowing full well the Baron wasn't going to spare them, she was just creating plausible deniability for her own culpability in the destruction of the Atreides bloodline

  22. 4 weeks ago

    So uhh what's their real, long-term goal? Just existing?

    • 4 weeks ago

      giving birth to the kwizatz haderach while controlling him through gaslighting and brainwashing, that's why they were mad at Jessica: not only did she disobey their instructions but she also didn't put any emotional meathooks in him.
      controlling the KH would let them tap into untold human knowledge

  23. 4 weeks ago

    Why are they bidding?

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