why don't they make cartoons and comics to encourage young men to be fit like Baki Hanma

why don't they make cartoons and comics to encourage young men to be fit like Baki Hanma

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Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

  1. 10 months ago

    It's a personal attack on plus-size creators and viewers. They should be treated as if they are a minority group.

    • 10 months ago

      Can't believe it, there's a woman in here!
      Contrary to what Cinemaphile says, men don't suffer mind breaks when seeing fitted men, much less those in fiction; it really feels like is women's nature to envy and be jealous of other women.

      because you get fricked by men and pegged by women?


  2. 10 months ago

    Because being skinny is the best of two worlds

    • 10 months ago

      because you get fricked by men and pegged by women?

    • 10 months ago

      How is being a weakling better than being strong?

  3. 10 months ago

    The creators can't relate to a healthy person.

  4. 10 months ago

    because american artists hate martial arts, look how they turned shang chi and Iron Fist into wizards, Daredevil and Batman never need to train harder to improve their skills

    • 10 months ago

      >Daredevil and Batman never need to train harder to improve their skills
      American Comics aren't as autistic about showing training as Japs are. Either way it doesn't mean they don't train, you constantly see Batman and Daredevil train it's just that it's not part of the story. Hell the X-men are fricking famous for the Danger Room which is all about training

      • 10 months ago

        >American Comics aren't as autistic about showing training as Japs are.
        And that's a bad thing.

  5. 10 months ago

    I like that there are literally zero women in the baki verse who have taken up fighting since if they did Yujiro would probably just go rape them for fun

    • 10 months ago

      Yujiro rapes dude too though

      • 10 months ago

        I can't believe he sucked that bros dick.

        • 10 months ago

          The strongest suck in the world

      • 10 months ago

        That's because there's no women for him to mating press, he's gotta get his fix somewhere.

      • 10 months ago

        You don't get it. His testosterone is so high that if he seriously fricked a woman, and not just as a funny prank, he'd just end up killing them.

    • 10 months ago

      Because there is nothing healthy about Baki

      Yujiro rapes dude too though

      I can't believe that Baki seems to have forgotten that Yujiro killed his mother, right in front of him as well.

  6. 10 months ago

    Western superheroes and action heroes tended to that ideal.

    • 10 months ago

      Would you describe cape fans as fit?

  7. 10 months ago

    Baki is a fricking schizo. Also superhero comic/cartoons exist.

    • 10 months ago

      Alien, Rich, Robot, Mutation man =/= Lifting weights.

      • 10 months ago


        • 10 months ago

          I can respect that attitude and so does Clark his dad was a fricking farmer you bald frick

      • 10 months ago

        Meatheads aren't writing comics, or reading them, for that matter. The industry and the culture that formed over decades recognizes the necessity of violence, but doesn't worship masculinity, especially to the ridiculous extent Baki does.

        • 10 months ago

          >Meatheads aren't writing comics, or reading them, for that matter.
          Is this implying that meatheads are lining up to read Baki?
          Shit dude, even wholesome romcoms written by women will still reference Baki.

          • 10 months ago

            >Is this implying that meatheads are lining up to read Baki?
            There's more of them reading Baki than comic books, that's for sure.
            >Shit dude, even wholesome romcoms written by women will still reference Baki.
            Such as?

            • 10 months ago

              >Such as?
              The Dangers in my Heart

              • 10 months ago

                >some niche manga
                Any pop culture stuff that's relevant outside Japan?

        • 10 months ago

          You can't be a successful martial artist if you are an idiot. Simple as

          • 10 months ago

            I doubt a lot of martial artists are reading martial arts manga

        • 10 months ago

          >explains exactly why all western comics are all dogshit
          wow I haven't seen a good post on Cinemaphile in fricking years

          • 10 months ago

            t. meathead

  8. 10 months ago

    I seen some of this shit on youtube, author is unironically mentally ill

    • 10 months ago

      Basically terminal dbz gay's fetish fanfiction

    • 10 months ago

      It's fricking insane, the fact that his daughter made Beaststars, the fact that he loves American lefty shit enough to fill his life's work with it, it's so bizarre.

      • 10 months ago

        >he loves American lefty shit
        Source: your ass.

    • 10 months ago

      >author is unironically mentally ill
      Why? Because it's overthetop? Baki is basically a parody and he's pretty open about how it's supposed to be silly, his other works are focused on other silly premises as well and making fun of manga tropes.

      • 10 months ago


        It's fricking insane, the fact that his daughter made Beaststars, the fact that he loves American lefty shit enough to fill his life's work with it, it's so bizarre.

        literally the main reason is because he leans left and his daughter created a furry anime

        • 10 months ago


          >he loves American lefty shit
          Source: your ass.


    • 10 months ago

      It's fricking insane, the fact that his daughter made Beaststars, the fact that he loves American lefty shit enough to fill his life's work with it, it's so bizarre.

      >author is unironically mentally ill
      Why? Because it's overthetop? Baki is basically a parody and he's pretty open about how it's supposed to be silly, his other works are focused on other silly premises as well and making fun of manga tropes.

      early baki though a bit wild isn't as insane as any exaggerated martial arts shonen manga, but it was during somewhere around the Prisoners arc where the insanity began, I assume he somehow got permission to write whatever he wanted without oversight.

    • 10 months ago

      Shut your prostitute mouth, this man is a chad and could kneebar you to death at age 60

      Who cares if his daughter is an autistic furry

      • 10 months ago

        i want jack's tournament now

      • 10 months ago

        I've only just realized Yujiro is an idealized self-portrait.

      • 10 months ago

        And we accept and love her and her weird horniness.

      • 10 months ago

        Paru is an angel

      • 10 months ago

        His daughter wants to frick a 7ft white man/santa. She's not too interested in the furry stuff outside it being what made her popular.

        • 10 months ago

          Damn old man fetish

    • 10 months ago

      >author is unironically mentally ill
      That's what makes it so great.
      Schizo manga are almost always fun.

  9. 10 months ago

    Because Baki Hanma already exists

  10. 10 months ago

    Fitness is fascism

  11. 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago

      >Castlevania is a Japanese game franchise but the show is written by Americans...NOOO IT DOESN'T MATTER THAT IT WAS ANIMATED IN JAPAN
      Meds now.

  12. 10 months ago

    >100+ years of comics that glorify men in Olympian condition

  13. 10 months ago

    Baki isn't encouraging people to get fit. It encourages people to get fit, do some ancient rite of passage to unlock your brain's hidden knowledge of past fighting memories inherited by your ancestors and training so hard that your muscle soreness turns into a benefit.

    • 10 months ago

      and imagine so hard that your imaginary friends turn real and kick your ass

      • 10 months ago

        >imaginary friends turn real and kick your ass.
        Isn't that just tulpamancy?

  14. 10 months ago

    Sports comics would be boring because comic writers never focus on the action itself for too long. Rather than have intricate play by plays of clever action sequences they would rather have characters punch each other out immediately so they can get back to expositing or getting caught up in drama.

  15. 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago

      me on the left

    • 10 months ago

      >The best Baki fan art comes from Tamers12345 threads on Cinemaphile

    • 10 months ago

      why would someone make this ?

      • 10 months ago

        there's a lot of narrative overlap in tamers12345's rendition of sonic underground and the baki series

      • 10 months ago

        They're a lot more similar than you think

  16. 10 months ago

    because the American government doesn't want a population of fit, determined, and confident men walking around I'm society. They want soft fat homosexuals that can barely cope with getting an incorrect coffee order. That's why American male role models look like this, and Japabese male role models are actual males.

    • 10 months ago

      Nobody wants to be an anatomical failure like a Baki character.

      >Japabese male role models are actual males
      Least delusional ESL

      • 10 months ago

        >Nobody wants to be an anatomical failure like a Baki character.
        Yeah, they want to be like their totally anatomically correct superheros

        • 10 months ago

          nobody wants to be that either
          and baki is made for homosexuals, everyone knows that

          • 10 months ago

            >baki is made for homosexuals
            nice project.....
            nevermind, why is Baki so fricking gay??, holy shit

            • 10 months ago

              that pic is close to how bears and other large carnivores fight each other

              • 10 months ago

                but those bears are clearly trying to bite each other's neck not their jaws

              • 10 months ago

                >Baki characters are "fighting" like Bara bears
                How does that make it less gay?

              • 10 months ago

                It's gay as frick, Baki always was crypto-gay and it became more and more proeminent as time went on. Musashi fellate Pickle finger. It just ditched the "crypto" part eventually as Yuijiro french kissed and raped a bara hairy canadian.

            • 10 months ago

              That whole arc is gay as frick. The part where Retsu goes on and on about what he wants to do with Pickle was funny though.
              >I can't stop thinking about him
              >I just need to hold him
              >Feel him
              >It's a passion
              >I'm burning with passion to fight this man
              The whole thing had to be an allegory for gay sex, right?

              • 10 months ago

                I wanna frick Fred Flintstone so bad.

              • 10 months ago

                no. itagaki likes to make comparisons between the sentiment you feel when you're about to fight a strong opponent and the sentiment you feel when you like a girl. one of the earliest examples of this is when kosho tells baki he feels like a young boy about to lose his virginity because he's about to unleash his deadly karate moves on him.

                95% of the characters in Baki look like muscular abominations.

                they have beautiful personalities and itagaki is very meticulous when depicting impact and physicality. there is beauty to the rippling muscles of the main cast in baki the grappler.

                You could just explain it, but I'm going to hazard the guess that the scene is ULTRA moronic and that's the main appeal, so words only do it so much justice.

                I get that, and I can respect it. But I'm still going to say Baki is an inconsistent, boring, frick-mess and everything good about it seems unintentional.

                the context of that scene and phrase is that baki just won the maximum tournament, an underground fighting tournament with competitors from all around the world. baki defeated his brother, jack hanma, becoming the strongest person at that tournament. it's a beautiful thing to feel strong. it's a beautiful thing to be strong. that's the sentiment the characters carry with themselves throughout the series when they muse about strength

              • 10 months ago

                >It's a beautiful thing to be strong
                In reality it's a bear-like thing to be strong. Kind of a doughy-looking thing because you have to eat so many calories. Kind of an expensive thing because you need so much protein and that's not cheap.

                There's a precision and beauty to real combat sports, but Baki is not that. Baki is a grotesque mockery of that thing and he draws horrific body-builder bodies on all these guys. Horrific, dehydrated show horse spectacles with unspeakable, gnarled hands and feet.

              • 10 months ago

                i like it when i look in the mirror and see vascularity. i also like it when i lift something heavy. you have got to stop being this much of a petty b***h

              • 10 months ago

                >everything has to have sexual motivations
                t. Freud

                It was a joke you gays

              • 10 months ago

                >everything has to have sexual motivations
                t. Freud

                Baki is BL for men. BL isn't about sex it's about passion, love and beauty.

                BL will direct feelings of passion around sports or every day life and take feelings of love and make them between boys that are naturally beautiful but Baki will direct feelings of passion around fighting and take feelings of love and make them between combatants reveling in the beauty of their opponents bodies crafted through dedication and skills honed through experience.

                Yujiro literally fricked a man during the sumo arc because he was horny don't give me any of that it's not gay bullshit
                There is literal gay rape that happens
                >inb4 yujiro sees everyone as female so it's totally not gay

              • 10 months ago


              • 10 months ago

                He didn't only rape him, he french kissed that hairy canadian guy.

                It's gay as frick, Baki always was crypto-gay and it became more and more proeminent as time went on. Musashi fellate Pickle finger. It just ditched the "crypto" part eventually as Yuijiro french kissed and raped a bara hairy canadian.

                it was not just release, it was lust for hairy man ass.

              • 10 months ago

                >everything has to have sexual motivations
                t. Freud

            • 10 months ago

              There is a Japanese tv show called “is baki the grappler bl(boys love)” where the main thinks her bf is gay for being a Baki-tard he is gay

              • 10 months ago

                ummm Baki bros... how do we answer that?

              • 10 months ago

                By wrestling in the nude while smooching

              • 10 months ago

                she's cute, does she enjoy anal plugs

            • 10 months ago

              That whole arc is gay as frick. The part where Retsu goes on and on about what he wants to do with Pickle was funny though.
              >I can't stop thinking about him
              >I just need to hold him
              >Feel him
              >It's a passion
              >I'm burning with passion to fight this man
              The whole thing had to be an allegory for gay sex, right?

              Baki is BL for men. BL isn't about sex it's about passion, love and beauty.

              BL will direct feelings of passion around sports or every day life and take feelings of love and make them between boys that are naturally beautiful but Baki will direct feelings of passion around fighting and take feelings of love and make them between combatants reveling in the beauty of their opponents bodies crafted through dedication and skills honed through experience.

    • 10 months ago

      Capeshit movies still have buff dudes with traditional male heroic qualities and those are more likely to be seen by young males then Steven Universe

    • 10 months ago

      they tried the same shit with Shinji from Evangelion to subvert Japan 20 years before SU attempted the same thing

      • 10 months ago

        To be fair Shinji is literally just a normal kid, he's not like Steven that is the author political and social views personified.

        • 10 months ago

          he is literally a vessel for Anno to project onto and what popularized these betamale homosexuals in fiction. Steven is what you get 20 years later viewed from an American lens
          they are all the same

          • 10 months ago

            Why start with Shinji? Why not go all the way back to Peter Parker if you're gonna get assmad at your heroes showing weakness?

            • 10 months ago

              good try but Peter Pan was a chad

              • 10 months ago

                Nta but Peter Parker was a b***h in the ASM issues he's literally a chud who's like "Damn you Flash just you wait you don't know my who I really am", he's literally that el paso shooter kid

              • 10 months ago

                hmmm, no wonder Japan was crazy over him

              • 10 months ago

                Pic related is from ASM #7.

              • 10 months ago

                why'd they turn him into a pretty boy?

              • 10 months ago

                As if chuds can't into meeting and interacting with femoids

              • 10 months ago

                That was only in Amazing Fantasy #15. Pic related is how he was in the actual series.

              • 10 months ago

                A spider bite can change a homie

              • 10 months ago

                Nice try Devil my israelite, but if Peter didn't receive radioactivity coupled with guilt made of solid indefeasibility, things would go down Very differently in that school. Starting With "I like you, Liz, you were only one who was ever nice to me. Please don't come to school today" Note.

    • 10 months ago

      People who actually believe this are the dumbest human beings on the planet. The failures of our society aren't a CIA plot, it's just a natural conclusion of a coddled population.

      • 10 months ago

        you are glowing

        • 10 months ago

          You wish

      • 10 months ago

        >The failures of our society aren't a CIA plot
        The CIA was captured by the same political ideology that seized cartoon producers, so yes it is.

        • 10 months ago

          Classic Pauline Dano has let herself go!

    • 10 months ago

      I really hate the scratch nostril design. It looks like a pig nose but worse, like their nose was bitten off instead. Why.

  17. 10 months ago

    Pretty sure every superhero you can think of is fit.

  18. 10 months ago

    It's time for cartoons to get EXTREME again!

  19. 10 months ago

    Why don't they make manga to encourage young women to be fit like she hulk?

    • 10 months ago

      They do.

  20. 10 months ago

    I watched the Netflix series until the scene where Baki has clumsy, selfish sex for the first time with the grotesque Picasso painting they said was a woman, and he powered up from it like Goku unlocking Super Sayain.

    I'd have kept going if it was funny, but honestly it just felt like a pure concentrated core of stupid and I realized the show wasn't going to get smarter.

    • 10 months ago

      >Anon is put off by the main character losing their virginity
      Couldn't relate anymore, huh?

      • 10 months ago

        Baki's depiction of sex and deriving a higher power from it is the most virgin shit I've ever seen in my life.

        On top of that Baki looks like a completely indifferent, dogshit lover. He makes the girl do all the work, then just rolls her over, goes outside, and declares losing his virginity is a power-up like her vegana was full of experience orbs or some shit. Like how does someone idolize pussy that much while not really acknowledging any aspect of the woman it's attached to if they've had sex before?

        • 10 months ago

          >Baki's depiction of sex and deriving a higher power from it is the most virgin shit I've ever seen in my life.
          I didn't see it, but isn't it just a version of the old "having something to protect makes you stronger" shtick? He's "married" to his love interest now (via his dick)

          That's weird and exagerated but that's in keeping with the story's style.

          • 10 months ago

            It's not that. He fricks a girl, walks outside, and everyone's like, "Wow, Baki, something is different about you. I can sense how much more powerful you are."

            I think it's implied that having sex increased his maturity and made him a man, which now makes him a better fighter. He does not give a frick about the girl, and he really has nothing in common with her nor any chemistry with her. The sex scene is even awkward in that it feels like an obligation to the girl, like something she doesn't want but think Baki is owed it because they've been together long enough or something, and then the sex scene comes across as cold and objective. Baki is given the sex, and it's for him - it's not really something shared with the girl.

            Whilst true, it can’t be because the author is a virgin because he clearly has a kid.

            I assume whoever he had sex with isn't a person the author has a lot of human connection to. I don't know. The whole scene comes off as something written by someone who's never looked in a woman's eyes to see another human inside. It's creepy and it feels like a total virgin wrote it, because, again, it idolizes the act of sex but treats the girl as largely irrelevant to the event and not the source of Baki's motive or power.

            • 10 months ago

              I think I don't trust your judgement.

            • 10 months ago

              >Baki is given the sex, and it's for him - it's not really something shared with the girl.
              Bro, Baki litteraly has a epiphany in the middle of sex and go "Sex is like a fight - except you do what the other want instead of the opposite, to give as most pleasure as you can". For Baki, comparing something to a fight is a high compliment.

              You can make a argument about Kozue role in the story becoming less and less important as the crypto-homosexual themes blow into straight up homosexual themes.

              • 10 months ago

                >See, if your protagonist is insanely autistic and thinks of sex as being similar to his hyperfixation, that means Baki doesn't come off as a weird and creepy ultra-virgin

                Look, I understand it'd be a "high compliment" if Kaiba from Yugi-oh said "sex is just like dueling. Except it's the opposite of depleting your opponent's life points"! But I wouldn't watch that scene and think, "Yes, the author has a firm grasp of what sex is".

                It's turbo-virgin stuff. Someone idealized sex so much that it somehow became compared to jui jitsu except you don't TKO your opponent. And again he wasn't like, "Oh, I see my girl has these following feelings" or whatever, he turned sex into a competition and then leveled up from that to become twice as powerful.

              • 10 months ago

                quit having opinions and just enjoy stuff. just read it and accept that it's cool.

              • 10 months ago

                It's not cool, though.

                Before the Baki sex scene, they defeat one of the world's strongest men essentially by telling him, "this statement is false", and the paradox causes him to revert to toddlerhood. His deal was that he was seeking to be defeated by someone and had thus far failed, so another guy goes, "Wait, so doesn't that mean you lost EVERY fight since you failed your obejctive?"

                His opponent goes, "Oh, no, I better not think THAT through!" And is defeated.

                It's stupid, but also not really set up as a joke. If you explain Baki to anyone it SOUNDS like a comedy, but then it's this very dry show that seems to be taking itself very seriously and the pacing is a frickawful mess. If I turn my brain off, all that's left is the spectacle of gore, but there are other gory anime that have more consistent plots and stuff if that's what I wanted.

                >But I wouldn't watch that scene and think, "Yes, the author has a firm grasp of what sex is".
                I mean, the guy has 3 or 4 kids, so this is a weird thing to say regardless.

                I don't know the author. From the scene in the show I off-hand assumed he'd never seen a vegana, because it didn't sound like it.

              • 10 months ago

                >If you explain Baki to anyone it SOUNDS like a comedy, but then it's this very dry show that seems to be taking itself very seriously and the pacing is a frickawful mess. If I turn my brain off, all that's left is the spectacle of gore, but there are other gory anime that have more consistent plots and stuff if that's what I wanted.
                Sound like a you are a uninitiated. You have yet to recognize that strength is beautifull.

              • 10 months ago

                Motherfricker they draw Baki characters looking like Joy mutants from Lisa the Painful. Muscles all twisted up and every toe detailed to hell and back.

              • 10 months ago

                95% of the characters in Baki look like muscular abominations.

                I hope Netflix makes a flasback to this scene so newfriends get what people are talking when they say strong is beatiful.

              • 10 months ago

                You could just explain it, but I'm going to hazard the guess that the scene is ULTRA moronic and that's the main appeal, so words only do it so much justice.

                I get that, and I can respect it. But I'm still going to say Baki is an inconsistent, boring, frick-mess and everything good about it seems unintentional.

              • 10 months ago

                Something you have to understand to get into Baki, is that the cast isn't made up of normal people, and I'm talking both physicly and mentaly. Even in universe. They are absolute fricking weirdoes who embody virility and manliness and dedicate themselve entierely to it. The "Initiated/Uninitiated" meme is every real in universe, either your into that weird world or not.

                Best description I ever had of Baki is something like "Every boy, at some point of his life, will eventually dream of being the strongest man in the world. Most move on with their life. This is the story of men who never gave up on this dream."

              • 10 months ago

                EVERY Shonen and fist-fighting anime is a childish power fantasy. Naruto is about a dumb lazy kid who's the strongest because of birthright happenstance and all he has to do is realize his potential. It's hard to name a fighting anime or manga that isn't focused on childish power fantasies. That's not bad, necessarily, that does get popular for a reason.

                What makes Baki interesting is the lack of self-awareness, though. It's really bad but doesn't seem to realize it, and it makes it hard to want to watch it as an anime. It's easier to digest as a comic because you can skim the boring sections, but you're a slave to pacing with an animation. Watching an evil Street Fighter villain cut Barack Obama's table in half with his knuckle is amusing, but you have to sit through so much dull and obtuse shit to get to those moments.

                >But when Baki has sex and goes, "Oh, I realized sex is the same as Muay Thai only you're not allowed to use knees," nobody tells Baki he should consider visiting a therapist. It'd be fricking hilarious if they lampshades it, but they play it straight and the character bets better at fighting from his weird-ass sexual experience.
                Again, much as I'm not a fan of Baki, this is tongue-in-cheek and in-line with the overall tone of the story.

                Yeah but the tone of Baki is, again, lack of self-awareness and power fantasy. Just because it's always frick-stupid doesn't mean it isn't frick-stupid. I think Baki is just earnestly, unironically frick-stupid. I see where there's fun in that, but it's not like you look to the show and say it's clever or the writing is good. If the writing were good it'd be a different thing entirely.

              • 10 months ago

                You obviously didn't read Baki if you think the absolute insanity fetishation of combat is anything like a normal shonen.

              • 10 months ago

                Most Shonen are more self-aware than Baki, is what I'm saying. Baki has no self-awareness. It takes a full leap into the power fantasy and never stops to ask if it's being too obtuse or too stupid, and somehow at the same time stays grounded enough to not wind up on Namek.

              • 10 months ago

                I find it's sincerity charming

              • 10 months ago

                >Naruto is about a dumb lazy kid who's the strongest because of birthright happenstance and all he has to do is realize his potential
                I'd argue that wasnt the case but the manga basically ends with him and sausage essentially being reincarnations of ninja jesus and his brother jimmy and being destined to win.

              • 10 months ago

                You don't need to go that far.
                >Chapter 1 he would have died if his genetics didn't give him infinite chackra to waste on his sloppy technique
                >couple of chapters later we learn he didn't pay enough attention in schhool to learn how chakra works
                >Ninetails saves him against Haru
                >Ninetails allows him to win against Neji
                The list goes on.
                Pretty much every archievement is due to the demon or his superior genetics.

              • 10 months ago

                The ova is already there tho and it still holds up somewhat this scene with jack was great their relationship is really good despite barely talking to each other

              • 10 months ago

                95% of the characters in Baki look like muscular abominations.

              • 10 months ago

                >If you explain Baki to anyone it SOUNDS like a comedy
                because it is
                >but then it's this very dry show that seems to be taking itself very seriously
                Have you been tested for the auts? the old 'tismerino?

              • 10 months ago

                Baki is what people thought jojos was in the 2010s

              • 10 months ago

                >But I wouldn't watch that scene and think, "Yes, the author has a firm grasp of what sex is".
                I mean, the guy has 3 or 4 kids, so this is a weird thing to say regardless.

              • 10 months ago

                Everything in Baki is idealized to an almost divine extent. A guy makes a funny fist and the author goes on a rant about baby hands and Bodhisattva statues. Don't really get why are you so hunged up on this.

              • 10 months ago

                >a weird metaphor in a weird exagerated example of genre that's commonly exagerated to begin with?
                >the author must be insane

              • 10 months ago

                Welcome to the mindset of the average comic reader.
                Now you know why the industry is so sterile.

              • 10 months ago

                It's not cool, though.

                Before the Baki sex scene, they defeat one of the world's strongest men essentially by telling him, "this statement is false", and the paradox causes him to revert to toddlerhood. His deal was that he was seeking to be defeated by someone and had thus far failed, so another guy goes, "Wait, so doesn't that mean you lost EVERY fight since you failed your obejctive?"

                His opponent goes, "Oh, no, I better not think THAT through!" And is defeated.

                It's stupid, but also not really set up as a joke. If you explain Baki to anyone it SOUNDS like a comedy, but then it's this very dry show that seems to be taking itself very seriously and the pacing is a frickawful mess. If I turn my brain off, all that's left is the spectacle of gore, but there are other gory anime that have more consistent plots and stuff if that's what I wanted.

                I don't know the author. From the scene in the show I off-hand assumed he'd never seen a vegana, because it didn't sound like it.

                I don't particularly enjoy Baki or the autistic culture around it but idealizing sex in stories is fine. Why is it okay to idealize other things but not sex? Because yadda yadda hypocritical American morals.

              • 10 months ago

                It's not idealizing sex that's the issue.

                It's idealizing it in a way that proves you're not good at sex or have never had it. Like I remember this scene in Game of Thrones where two women are having lesbian sex, and a guy is sitting there guiding them through it. Afterward they're like, "wow, that was the best sex we've ever had. How'd you know we should do all that?"

                And the guy says, "Oh, it's because I'm a virgin and I think about sex ALL THE TIME."

                I think the author of Game of Thrones is also not a virgin, but that scene was as on the nose with that shit as it gets. Like really? A guy is good at lesbian sex because he thinks about it a lot?

                You can also idolize and idealize fist fighting, but most authors know to show the fighters lifting weights or training somehow. They have to explain they did something, practiced, experimented - anything. I'm not bothered that a man in Baki turned suction-cup hands into a weapon because the author acknowledges it's a weird premise and walks you through it.

                But when Baki has sex and goes, "Oh, I realized sex is the same as Muay Thai only you're not allowed to use knees," nobody tells Baki he should consider visiting a therapist. It'd be fricking hilarious if they lampshades it, but they play it straight and the character bets better at fighting from his weird-ass sexual experience.

              • 10 months ago

                >But when Baki has sex and goes, "Oh, I realized sex is the same as Muay Thai only you're not allowed to use knees," nobody tells Baki he should consider visiting a therapist.
                See this?
                This is why comic nerds have the reputation they have.
                Because they say shit like this.
                This level of autism should get you institutionalized.

              • 10 months ago

                >But when Baki has sex and goes, "Oh, I realized sex is the same as Muay Thai only you're not allowed to use knees," nobody tells Baki he should consider visiting a therapist. It'd be fricking hilarious if they lampshades it, but they play it straight and the character bets better at fighting from his weird-ass sexual experience.
                Again, much as I'm not a fan of Baki, this is tongue-in-cheek and in-line with the overall tone of the story.

              • 10 months ago

                >nobody tells Baki he should consider visiting a therapist.

                I'm imagining Yujiro Hanma on a therapy couch, and the doctor is the King of the Beach, Flex Mentalo.

            • 10 months ago

              >He does not give a frick about the girl
              Which is based, girls get in the way of beating the shit out of other dudes in increasingly homoerotic ways.

        • 10 months ago

          Whilst true, it can’t be because the author is a virgin because he clearly has a kid.

    • 10 months ago

      >I realized the show wasn't going to get smarter.
      Expecting baki of all things to be smart is on par with expecting will-e to catch the roadrunner.

      >baki is made for homosexuals
      nice project.....
      nevermind, why is Baki so fricking gay??, holy shit

      Gay doesn't mean the same thing as gay in america.

      • 10 months ago

        baki's a smart series. itagaki clearly put a lot of thought into some of this stuff and the series is so creative because of it

  21. 10 months ago
  22. 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago

      Luther Strode is Baki after a stint at rehab.

    • 10 months ago

      The girl friend getting more and more plot armour as the story progresses was dumb, otherwise great read.

    • 10 months ago

      Needed more interracial muscle inseki.

      • 10 months ago


        • 10 months ago

          Two of the minor antagonists are sexually active step siblings.

  23. 10 months ago

    kenpoists mogging roman gladiators so hard they stopped doing pankration was the biggest historical wishfulfilment crap I have ever seen, even worse than afrocentric movements wewuzzing about ancient egypt

    • 10 months ago

      Off the top of my head, I think the backstory for the 1991 Godzilla vs. King Ghidorah movie is more absurd Japanese nationalist wish fulfilment.

  24. 10 months ago

    Because Baki's exercise routines would be horribly detrimental to actually being fit IRL due to overexertion and horrible form.

    • 10 months ago

      Good form is for pussies.
      If you're not lifting with your neck you're doing it wrong anyways.

  25. 10 months ago

    Because cartoons aren’t being made for boys anymore

  26. 10 months ago

    They don't?

    • 10 months ago

      I found the name of this movie, but is there any where I can download it with english subs if they exist? It looks quite interesting.

  27. 10 months ago

    Because encouraging young men and women to be fit is what socialist realism did and glowBlack folk have spent way too much money fighting it to allow anything like it to creep back into American culture.

    • 10 months ago

      Cringe opinion, American anti-health culture exists at the intersection of low corporate health standards and American libertarianism (Not libertarianism the ideology, libertarianism the belief in individual liberty and free choice). The logic basically goes "I KNOW THIS GARBAGE IS GARBAGE, THEY TOLD US IT'S GARBAGE, NOW STOP TELLING ME I SHOULDN'T EAT IT, IF YOU DON'T WANT TO EAT IT, YOU DON'T HAVE TO!", these people fail to realize, however, that these foods are very potent and addictive not unlike alcohol, tobacco, caffeine, and other such drugs.

      • 10 months ago

        The government pushes anti-health stuff like the food pyramid, seed oils, and avoiding meat.

        • 10 months ago

          The food pyramid has been out of fashion for 20 years, the seed oil meme is moronic (it's the new onions meme), and the government does not promote avoiding meat nor does it promote vegetarianism, in fact, official government guidelines give special advice to vegetarian mothers because they are at a higher risk of iron deficiency.
          >inb4 entire post is ignored because I called seed oils a meme

      • 10 months ago

        The government pushes anti-health stuff like the food pyramid, seed oils, and avoiding meat.

        My theory is the lack of need for conscription, there is not the soviet union as a constant threat,

        I blame capitalism. Fat people are more profitable. They consume more and they are less healthy, leading to more medical expenses. Same reason why trannies are pushed - HRT and surgeries are fricking expensive. After all, it was John Money, not Ivan Dengi.

        • 10 months ago

          >I blame capitalism.

          • 10 months ago

            >Any and all critique of capitalism and the free market is invalid
            Never forget your orthodoxy training comrade! We mustn't attempt to change the system, lest it fall apart!

            • 10 months ago

              I wonder why a tyranical government would want people to be dependent on a medical conplex that it controls?

          • 10 months ago

            No, it's obviously a secret communist cabal doing inscrutable things for nebulous reasons. Pay no attention to the israelite IN FRONT of the curtain!

            • 10 months ago

              It's not israelites or communism or capitalism or the government or sadomasochist sex fiends, in fact it's all way above your head, and mine, and everyone's, especially over the heads of the government. The world is very deeply interconnected and is also only one piece of historical timeline, every person and every group is attempting to do its own thing (sometimes goals line up with each other, so they work together for a time) and these groups often bump into and collide with each other, sometimes patterns emerge before stopping, etc. It's all just math applied reality and the formula is too complex to make sense of. My advice, reject ideology, reject what anyone tells you and think for yourself, your gut instincts are better at navigating the world than your brain.

              • 10 months ago

                you get it, it's a bunch of people screwing with each other.

              • 10 months ago

                Frick you, it's all your fault, and when we get our way first thing we're going to do stop guys like you and then take away everyone's autonomy so we don't have to do all that gay shit you wrote.

              • 10 months ago

                Nah, it's capitalist israelites controlling the government. I'm pretty sure of it. The capitalism is the lynchpin that holds everything together, if we remove it then the israelites will disappear and government will be obsoleted eventually as society switches to communism.

              • 10 months ago

                You are moronic

              • 10 months ago

                Frankly, I did not expect you to write a coherent rebuttal of my points, not while you're obviously suffering from cognitive dissonance.

              • 10 months ago

                I wasn't that anon you were replying to. I just wanted to say that you were moronic cause I saw conspiracy theory nonsense.

              • 10 months ago

                How is that a conspiracy if they aren't even hiding? All the conspiracy theories fail because they can't state a clear goal for the supposed conspiracy. Like, what's the point of covering up the flat Earth, compared to effort needed for said cover-up? No one will tell you, aside from vague religion-related stuff. Here, the goal is pretty obvious - more money.

              • 10 months ago

                Clearly you don't understand why you are moronic. Seek therapy or a bullet homosexual.

              • 10 months ago

                Not an argument.

              • 10 months ago

                >what's the point of covering up the flat Earth, compared to effort needed for said cover-up?
                they want those elephants for themselves

              • 10 months ago

                Unfortunately, the modern Flat Earth theory doesn't even involves elephants or whales or turtles. Earth just flies upward at constant acceleration.

              • 10 months ago

                >if we switch to a system where power is centralized to an even greater degree, israelites will stop acting like israelites and cease all manipulation of monetary and economic systems!

              • 10 months ago

                Would've worked for USSR if not for the israeli Golem that is USA.

              • 10 months ago

                You are moronic. Thanks for derailing this gay off topic thread though.

              • 10 months ago

                >communism can totally work if we just delete half the planet from existence so they can't interfere with our glorious authoritarian oppression!

              • 10 months ago

                Or you can just, you know, not interfere with it?

              • 10 months ago

                No one is entitled to uphold your commie shithole country that can't support itself, comrade. You can blame the CIA or trade embargos, but that doesn't change the fact that centralized planning and giving the government more power inevitably leads to corruption and death. Frick off. Eat shit. Go join an ag commune and do some actual labor if you believe in communism so much.

              • 10 months ago

                Then why are you sending truck load of moneys to Israel?

              • 10 months ago

                Also you literally can't name Any major city that are as shithole as Michigan, San Fran, Cali, israelite York.
                You literally can't

              • 10 months ago

                Obvious bait

              • 10 months ago

                >Nah, it's capitalist israelites controlling the government
                This, but unironically.

              • 10 months ago

                Frankly, I did not expect you to write a coherent rebuttal of my points, not while you're obviously suffering from cognitive dissonance.

                How is that a conspiracy if they aren't even hiding? All the conspiracy theories fail because they can't state a clear goal for the supposed conspiracy. Like, what's the point of covering up the flat Earth, compared to effort needed for said cover-up? No one will tell you, aside from vague religion-related stuff. Here, the goal is pretty obvious - more money.

                Not an argument.

                Go leave.

          • 10 months ago

            >oink oink!
            Like pottery. It rhymes.

    • 10 months ago

      The government pushes anti-health stuff like the food pyramid, seed oils, and avoiding meat.

      My theory is the lack of need for conscription, there is not the soviet union as a constant threat,

    • 10 months ago

      So awesome that woman has thiccer legs
      If only she was twice as big as man in general.
      We must somehow create future society in which women are all beautiful and larger than men in size, but men very strong and can lift larger women (easy)

    • 10 months ago

      Yes, goy. Never blame capitalist pig who own the banks! Useful, useful b***h!

  28. 10 months ago

    Have you had any physical activity today?
    Yesterday I did a 5 mile walk in the morning and did a 5k speed walk on the treadmill at 4 mph and 20 minutes on the bike. I'm planning on doing 5 miles today and maybe some basic light resistance training with the elliptical afterwards. Even 20-30 minutes of exercise can make the difference. Get out there anons and move!

  29. 10 months ago

    Only anime watchers make threads this moronic you ever notice that?
    Baki sounds like a terrible show made for manbabies.

  30. 10 months ago

    If this had a longer run and focused on the training aspect a bit more, it could've been a Western Baki equivalent

    • 10 months ago

      Why did deedubs immediately introduce Cain and then end it? It was a fun FIGHT'N book

      • 10 months ago

        because he had to be better

  31. 10 months ago

    Baki actively discourages people to get in shape

  32. 10 months ago
  33. 10 months ago

    I will say, Baki is impressive for having 2 of the funniest fricking rape scenes I've ever seen in my life.
    That counts for something I guess.

  34. 10 months ago

    Baki is for homos

    • 10 months ago

      homosexual sapiens yes

  35. 10 months ago

    Do you think the "badass normal" character is nonexistent in the west, OP?

  36. 10 months ago

    That would be enabling people with OCPD.

  37. 10 months ago

    >Cinemaphile goes into politcal argument about governments and economics with the usual scapegoats and buzzwords because America can’t make good action animation and comics.
    Absolutely grim.

    • 10 months ago

      It's just 2 schizos like the ones inside every/ co/mrade's head.

  38. 10 months ago

    Jews don't have fitness culture. And what do you know. Mainstream media doesn't either. They hate it so much they made up the stereotype of the mean buff guy that has never been true

  39. 10 months ago

    You (/co/) want gay representation so you can celebrate being a weak-willed, milquetoast cloutchaser.

    I enjoy Baki because it is absolutely shameless about the most primal, intense passions of humanity comingling into something beautiful in it's unabashed purity.

    We are not the same.

    • 10 months ago

      Those are the longest lower legs I've ever fricking seen

      • 10 months ago

        Pickle used to do this to dinosaurs since he is the oldest example of a human https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0-3UsAP1-6E

      • 10 months ago

        In Pickle's case, that's just how he's built I guess. Started out as a quadruped youth and later became erect. Jack's limbs are so long because he got limb lengthening surgery

    • 10 months ago

      >You're gay because your a homosexual
      >I'm gay because I want to fight off the strongest rapist in the world
      >we are not the same
      No I do not mean metaphorically

  40. 10 months ago

    Because modern writers view masculinity as toxic.

    • 10 months ago

      just imagine having to live with fear of having your favorite character falling into the hands of some cuck fetishist writer that will project his degeneracies into the comic book he is writing. That's the reality capeshitgays have to live with.

    • 10 months ago

      How is This fricking toxic masculinity?
      If anything it is true to how Clark Kent part of Superman originally and initially was.

      Sure, he warmed with Lois later on, but as of Action Comics #1 he was really just a loner chud that would rather solve problems peacefully, even getting cucked (because there are 3-4 guys while he is only one and "not" bulletproof) while Superman was his an absolute aggressive psycho side, which new52 also showcases accurately too.
      It only lacked killings from Superman, but that's okay. "We" don't want boomers to shit their own guts into pants from getting glimpse of Real Superman he always was, don't "we"?

      • 10 months ago
    • 10 months ago

      Why do people keep posting this? This version of Clark wasn't ever in a relationship with Lois and this moment was the catalyst for him hooking up with Wonder Woman.

  41. 10 months ago

    Being fit is racist or some shit.

    • 10 months ago

      Some people actually believe that lifting and working out means that you are body shaming yourself. No, I'm not making that up.

  42. 10 months ago

    Animated Musashi Arc when?

    • 10 months ago

      we'll see if they tease it after the father son fight which is coming out later this month

    • 10 months ago

      Probably year or two from now if Father Son arc does well which it should

  43. 10 months ago

    Baki? Hokuto No Ken instills better ideals on getting in shape, growth as a person, and a code to follow.

    • 10 months ago

      Is Fist of the Blue Sky any good? I heard the cg anime sucks but what about the Manga?

      • 10 months ago

        The manga is great. Also as a bonus read City Hunter and Rokudenashi Blues

    • 10 months ago

      i prefer the way baki bodies are drawn especially more grotesque characters like yujiro and musashi. also impact, baki is possibly the consistently best manga at visually conveying impact

  44. 10 months ago

    so baki is going through what jojo went though right now im guessing

    • 10 months ago

      What do you mean?

      • 10 months ago

        Influx of popularity because of recent anime I guess? Though Baki has been popular for a long time

  45. 10 months ago

    Baki is kinda hard to watch because I do not like watching cartoon men bare asses

  46. 10 months ago

    >be fit
    Humans do not have baki skeletons

  47. 10 months ago

    The art style of this is very gay, and not in a fun way like Jojo, but an uncomfortable way.

  48. 10 months ago

    Johny was my childhood ideal. Never understood why women were so mean to him it made zero sense.

    • 10 months ago

      Modern women fear and envy healthy masculinity. They are drawn to mental and emotionally damaged males like Batman but find Superman unappealing and, on a subconscious level, intimidating.

      • 10 months ago

        Superman is much more emotionally damaged.

    • 10 months ago

      It's like this, also remember the episode where he comes across a guy who doesn't have the looks like Johny but he could still pick up ladies because he knew how to lie to them?

      Johnny might have the looks, but he doesn't have the personality

      • 10 months ago

        Johny's strategy of straight walking to ladies and offering sex would work eventually though.

        • 10 months ago

          Yes but if you go
          >Hey girl, want to frick?
          And they say yes then chances are you want to stay away from them

          • 10 months ago

            You may recall that whenever Johnny DID snag a girl with his methods, he would usually panic and realize he made a mistake, or the lady was being sarcastic and would slam his head in a car door.

            One memorable episode is when Johnny meets that fat foreign girl and is trying to evade her attention, only to gradually become smitten with her, put the Johnny moves on her, and then lose her.

    • 10 months ago

      Because Johnny Bravo is a Gargantuan cope from lardass and dyel animators.

      Funny isn't it how Jerry Siegel, a MASSIVE fricking nerd and israeli chud successfully manifested himself a literally Lois Lane as a wife in real life. Because he wrote Superman from first person What If (I was fricking badass and pyjama underneath my clothes was actually super costume and not because I am late to the school and didn't have time to undress), he was so pathetic that even teacher didn't allow him to take a pee.
      And yet, in the end he succeeded.

      Though, shame that Joe Shuster was less lucky. Although they say he was still cool uncle.

      We all gonna make it.

      • 10 months ago

        >snydergay comes out with ESL drivel

        • 10 months ago

          Seethe more dreamcel.


  49. 10 months ago

    Escaped Criminals > Maximum Tournament > Musashi > Raitai Tournament > Pickles > Anything that involves Oliva >>>>>> Everything else.
    Tokyo Revenge can't come fast enough, my boy Doyle got done dirty.

    • 10 months ago

      How is your taste this bad, Criminals had a good start but got worse as it went along. There is a sharp drop in quality after Specs got defeated and the ending to the arc was a massive joke

      • 10 months ago

        You know, thinking about it more you are right. I liked Spec, I liked Dorian and I loved Doyle, but Sikorsky just outright sucked except for his final fight inside of the underground arena and despite the most satisfying Yujiro moment to ever be made, Yanagi just fricking sucked ass. I'd bump it down yeah.
        Honestly though, what you described is every Baki arc since Alai Jr.

  50. 10 months ago

    >Cinemaphile - Comics & Cartoons

    • 10 months ago

      OP mentions both comics and cartoons, moron. Seethe more. Thread has been up for over a day now.

      • 10 months ago

        If we made this thread on Cinemaphile but with a cartoon op it would be deleted

        • 10 months ago

          We're not on Cinemaphile are we? Different boards are more lax on moderation

        • 10 months ago

          We're not on Cinemaphile are we? Different boards are more lax on moderation

          Cinemaphile is the only moderated board on Cinemaphile. Not jannies, moderated as in moderated by mods.

          Cinemaphile mods spend all their time jerking each other off on discord, for some reason Cinemaphiles mods ar either anti social boomers that don't use discord, they don't like each other or they have the same problem but it's supplemented by one or two autists moderating the board constantly.

          • 10 months ago

            Posts like these give me hope cause if there's someone out there who wants to suck anime jannies dicks this bad then we're all going to make it.

            • 10 months ago


              Jannies are explicitly not mods, jannies are extremely limited in what they can do and mods have to do everything else but they don't do any of it.

              • 10 months ago

                unless i say Black person on a whim of course

  51. 10 months ago

    There are few things more pathetic than trying to prove a fictional character you self-insert as "is a total chad".

  52. 10 months ago

    Why are the fights in this show so awful

    • 10 months ago

      This arc in manga got one of the most iconic and well panneled fight in the entire manga. Peak Baki.

      • 10 months ago

        That fight was so good. My favorite part was that combo pickle did that just destroyed Jack's jaw. Shit was chilling the first time I read it.

        • 10 months ago

          Body damage in Baki can be downright gruesome, but never in a edgy, shock value way, it's great.

  53. 10 months ago

    Americans don't understand what it means to be strong

  54. 10 months ago

    Actually, OP related but are there any cartoons that promote exercising to avoid being fat?
    I imagine promoting the fact that being fat is unhealthy is a huge no-no in the states right now

    • 10 months ago

      Knowing modern America a show like that would end up getting banned for hate speech or some shit.

  55. 10 months ago

    Baki doesn't make me wanna be fit. It's about martial arts history and surpassing your father.

    • 10 months ago

      >It's about martial arts
      Baki is about strength in whatever form it may come, not just martial arts.
      The narrative goes multiple times out of its way to point out, sometimes even outright say, that if martial art doesn't help you get stronger it's useless.
      This is literally what the current arc concluded on.
      How can people miss something so obvious about le dumb meme manga?

      • 10 months ago

        This. It's a martial arts manga mainly, but it isn't strictly about martial arts, it's about trying to become the strongest that you can be, and the different ways some go about that. There's characters who try and use their environment, some that rely on their brute strength, some that master weaponry, and of course those that dedicate their lives to mastering a martial art. Their fights are them putting their way of life and becoming strong against one another to see who comes out on top.

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