Why is Aang such an unpopular MC in his own show?

Why is Aang such an unpopular MC in his own show? It always seemed like Azula, Katara , Sokka or even Zuko are more popular than him.

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  1. 10 months ago

    That's neither new to nor unique to Avatar

    • 10 months ago

      a lot of shonen anime is like that

  2. 10 months ago

    He's basically just pacifism as a character

    • 10 months ago

      This, there is just so many things you can do with a pacifist monk without breaking character.
      And also the entire cast of atla was pretty damn good.

  3. 10 months ago

    He's the relatable protag for kids that were watching. Zuko's story is meant for the preteens and teens.

  4. 10 months ago

    Because he was one-dimensional as a character. People tend to latch on to characters that evolve and change over time, where we learn new aspects of their personality over time. Aang is the same person at the beginning of the show that he is at the end. Granted, sometimes a flat character can be a fan favorite, but it's got to be cool to make that work, and bald pacifist vegetarian monk isn't cool.

    • 10 months ago

      he was supposed to have to go through the moral struggle of weighing his personal desires and beliefs versus his duties and the greater good.
      While I dont think they were ever going to have a perfect ending, the ending they went with undercut that dilemma by giving him a way out from the dilemma. He doesnt change much because most of his arc is undone in the finale.
      I still like Aang, but it's true that he doesn't change much. We see the internal struggles he faces but it doesnt really amount to much. Zuko has such a drastic shift he ends up at the exact opposite of where he started.

      • 10 months ago

        We literally love Ang because he won against the world and the spirit powers are obvious

  5. 10 months ago


    >the other male characters of Avatar aren't that popular either
    They are though.

  6. 10 months ago

    Why the frick did Suki start sucking Zuko’s dick this hard by following literally everything he says?

    • 10 months ago

      She's his employee essentially there.

    • 10 months ago

      I don't know either, it's a pretty weird subplot that went nowhere. Her role as advisor could've been filled by Aang out of all people lol.

    • 10 months ago

      The guy who made that book wanted to force his own shipping fanfiction in to cannon.

    • 10 months ago

      I mean, technically he's her boss

      • 10 months ago

        Because Zuko has always worked best emotionally with female characters. The obvious choice is Katara to continue her pre existing bond with Zuko. But Bryke STILL fears Zutara years later, so I guess they chose Suki because since she’s with Sokka, she’s emotionally safe I guess? But then this dynamic just comes out of nowhere and fricks up like five relationships at once. Why? Cause Bryke is fricking moronic and whenever they have full power to write something they just make lame unsatisfying character drama

  7. 10 months ago


    >And to be blunt, the other male characters of Avatar aren't that popular either
    Bro what? Zuko is one of the poster childd for redemption arcs and Sokka is pretty well liked

    • 10 months ago

      >Sokka is pretty well liked

  8. 10 months ago

    He's very vanilla

    • 10 months ago

      >He's very vanilla
      People love vanilla one of the most popular flavors in the world

  9. 10 months ago

    He's not unpopular but he's not popular. He's a decent main character but he's competing with much better characters.

  10. 10 months ago

    He's the main thing I liked about the show
    I suspect the rest of you are mostly coomers

  11. 10 months ago

    Its because he's bald. Nobody wants to self-insert as Baldo McPacfism when Zuko and Sokka gets all the girls.

    • 10 months ago

      The only valid response

    • 10 months ago

      Please go outside functional people don't speak like this

    • 10 months ago

      Nice digits fella

    • 10 months ago

      Zuko had a pretty stupid looking ponytail so I don't think that's it.

      • 10 months ago

        Maybe for the first two seasons but after that he became the main heartthrob

  12. 10 months ago

    Main characters in action shows having to be overall 'good' results in them often just being bland. They are now allowed to have the fun negative traits

  13. 10 months ago

    I don't get it either. Aang was and still is my favorite character in Avatar. His personality is fun and is a pretty good and creative fighter even if he doesn't like violence

  14. 10 months ago

    Because Aang fricking sucks as a character. He’s already mogged by Zuko as a protagonist. But even beyond that Aang is a pretty shit character without growth or introspection who is forced into a protagonist role. Remember how his entire fricking people got genocided? He barely even thinks about that and it barely informs any of his character. Who actually embodies a character arc of hating the Fire nation for crimes against their people? Katara! So not only does Zuko have a much better multi season long arc, Katara does to. Katara engages with ideas of hating the Fire nation, but also how this hatred can consume her - Jet, Hama, etc. Does Aang ever do this? No. Aang isn’t even a good pacifistic character or paragon whose goodness makes him a Jesus that heals the world - iroh does that better. Aang fricking sucks, he’s immature, whiney, annoying, selfish, completely fails to engage with any of the ideas, philosophies, or themes. Bryke saw Aang as their self insert and they have no intellectual depth at all, all the kino stuff people like about Avatar was from the writings of actually intelligent people like Aaron and Elizabeth Ehaosz. Bryke didn’t have them in Korra and it showed with how all the characters fricking sucked.

    What is there to even like about Aang? He’s stuck in a really annoying stage of immaturity and whiney ness that fails to change; engage with the themes, or be a proactive character. The world has to actively be passive or bend to Aang’s will to make things go his way (Muh Katara, muh lion turtle) he never changes, he just exists. The show is fricking named after him but he’s no one’s favorite character.
    > not angry enough to engage in character development like Zuko or Katara. He’s not good or nice enough to be a healing character like Iroh. He has no emotional depth or character development whatsoever so people latch onlgto Zuko, Iroh, Azula, or Katara

    • 10 months ago

      Aang as a character is completely superflous since his traits don’t affect anyone or anything. Iroh and Zuko are the ones who do the most societal change by defeating the Fire Nation. Fricks sake why do you think there’s so many fanfiction where Aang either doesn’t exist, Zuko is the avatar, or the protagonist? Why wouldn’t any guy identity as Zuko who is more attractive, relatable, and with a better arc? Fricks sake Aang doesn’t even have the shota appeal. He’s an annoying ass bald homosexual like Cailou. Why would any girl even want to care for him? He’s an annoying ass whiney child that despite being the victim of a genocide, is so fricking annoying he only provokes feelings of annoyance and irritation rather than sympathy. He’s meant to be a kind compassionate monk but he doesn’t identity with other people feelings, he completely fails to engage with Katara’s problems in southern raiders, he has to make her uncomfortable with the stupid kiss he feels entitled to. He doesn’t have any of the kindness, niceness, sweetness, or compassion a young boy character would usually have. Who does? Iroh and Zuko! Aang is a plot device to overthrow the Fire Nation but the emotional development of Zuko and Iroh is the humanized, relatable aspect people relate to. Who the frick would ever self insert as Aang? Look at all of Zuko’s character development and quotes. “WHY AM I SO BAD AT BEING GOOD?!” He has incredible self introspection, suffering, awareness, development, which is created by plot and his actions. Aang…exists. For three seasons straight. Do you remember any quotes from him? Did he ever have a literally me moment? He’s so coddled and protected by the writers that in the end he literally just fricking whines until he pulls a Deus ex Machina out of his ass to spare Ozai, it’s not a culmination of character development or his own choice, because Aang fricking sucks cause he’s the writers stupid self insert.

      • 10 months ago


        • 10 months ago

          Sorry anon Aang inspires a deep autistic rage within me. Usually I am more eloquent and verbose with the vernacular I use and I structure more efficiently when I write, but that stupid bald headed homosexual Aang is such a shitty protagonist it just sends me into a blind blackout rage where I just angrily rant a stream of consciousness to get it out of my system

    • 10 months ago

      Aang as a character is completely superflous since his traits don’t affect anyone or anything. Iroh and Zuko are the ones who do the most societal change by defeating the Fire Nation. Fricks sake why do you think there’s so many fanfiction where Aang either doesn’t exist, Zuko is the avatar, or the protagonist? Why wouldn’t any guy identity as Zuko who is more attractive, relatable, and with a better arc? Fricks sake Aang doesn’t even have the shota appeal. He’s an annoying ass bald homosexual like Cailou. Why would any girl even want to care for him? He’s an annoying ass whiney child that despite being the victim of a genocide, is so fricking annoying he only provokes feelings of annoyance and irritation rather than sympathy. He’s meant to be a kind compassionate monk but he doesn’t identity with other people feelings, he completely fails to engage with Katara’s problems in southern raiders, he has to make her uncomfortable with the stupid kiss he feels entitled to. He doesn’t have any of the kindness, niceness, sweetness, or compassion a young boy character would usually have. Who does? Iroh and Zuko! Aang is a plot device to overthrow the Fire Nation but the emotional development of Zuko and Iroh is the humanized, relatable aspect people relate to. Who the frick would ever self insert as Aang? Look at all of Zuko’s character development and quotes. “WHY AM I SO BAD AT BEING GOOD?!” He has incredible self introspection, suffering, awareness, development, which is created by plot and his actions. Aang…exists. For three seasons straight. Do you remember any quotes from him? Did he ever have a literally me moment? He’s so coddled and protected by the writers that in the end he literally just fricking whines until he pulls a Deus ex Machina out of his ass to spare Ozai, it’s not a culmination of character development or his own choice, because Aang fricking sucks cause he’s the writers stupid self insert.

      Remember which episode came right after Aang learning about the genocide of his people? The Kyoshi island episode where Aang goofs off and lets himself be adored for being the Avatar.

      • 10 months ago

        Aang is a character that is deeply emotionally immature which is why it’s really hard for him to have emotional depth or character development. Characters like Zuko or Katara have much more consistent emotional tones. More characters like Iroh, Azula; even Sokka and Toph have episodes where they engage with their core traumas and insecurities. Aang doesn’t really do this - like yeah apps getting kidnapped sucks but it’s so isolated and it didn’t affect his development, does that make sense? Aang as a character is completely incapable of engaging in any deeper depths. It’s not even an intended character flaw, because you can work with that, the writers just never fricking bothered to give him anything to work with him. So not only does he not engage with anything, he doesn’t work well with anyone else either since he’s so vapid and shallow as a character they have to inevitably rely on someone else (which is why Zuko hard carried Katara’s arc)

        Aang is fundamentally childish…but he doesn’t have a sense of wonder or compassion that would make him a good contrast to a traumatized world. All of his “muh fun” is very childish and self centered in an annoying way since it doesn’t have a deep sense of compassion or love to make it deeper. Aang as a character is incapable of ever really being anything since by the next episode he’ll either be goofing off or Bryke will pull some last minute ass pull so Bryke doesn’t have to make a good character that is challenged or changed or has any self reflection

    • 10 months ago

      Yes, there are, but we aren't coomers, so we aren't polluting the internet

      Someone who didn't watch the series at all

  15. 10 months ago

    >even Zuko
    Zuko has always been more popular than Aang

  16. 10 months ago

    Subhumans look at principles and see weakness. They see ethics as rules you pretend to follow for appearances until they disadvantage self-interest.
    They think a willingness to chose forgiveness and mercy is fundamentally childish, a naivety to exploit, unaware of the irony that their own inability to understand and apply these concepts is why they are perpetual children maintaining a self-fulling prophecy with their narcissistic pretensions - inevitably dragging every civilization on Earth into a backslide.

    • 10 months ago

      Sure buddy but are you here to get a burger or not?

    • 10 months ago

      Unwillingness to kill a man planning to burn an entire continent to the ground is a level of selfishness that is almost evil. Even Aang knew this, and was going to finally suck it up and kill Ozai until the Lion Turtle bullshit.

  17. 10 months ago

    I like Aang and I think he is well written but I suppose you can call him "basic" relative to the others, who are more novel. Toph is a blind girl that kicks ass. Zuko is a conflicted prince. Sukko is a wise ass that grows to be an intelligent man with leadership skills and can fight well despite the fact he's a non bender. Even Katara, who's pretty archetypal, is resourceful and grows to be a powerful bender. Aang meanwhile, while he changes to become more mature and he does have slips up in his morality, is still a good guy that wants what's best for the world and has to shoulder that at age twelve.

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