Why is Azzarello's WW hated by?

Why is Azzarello's WW hated by Cinemaphile?

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  1. 7 months ago

    Ignores most of her established cast and villains and lore etc and does its own thing. Tweaks her origin. I love it though personally.

    • 7 months ago

      Isn't that every run of WW lol.

      • 7 months ago

        Exactly why the hate makes no sense to me. They legit resent her one truly great run simply for doing the same shit writers have always done, but better.

        • 7 months ago

          I don't care how good you think it is, it's not wonder woman.

          • 7 months ago

            That's fine. Literally no one will ever seriously discuss any other run she's had, so what's the point of hating this one so much. Diana is well written in it, so who the frick cares if Etta Candy isn't there.

            • 7 months ago

              Why are you so WRONG about fricking everything moron? Is Azzarello fricking your Dad? Your inability to talk =/= Cinemaphile inability to discuss runs

            • 7 months ago

              >Diana is well written in it.
              Wrong, Diana had zero agency in Azzarello's wonder woman.

          • 7 months ago

            It's Wonder Woman for people who didn't care about Wonder Woman before, which is fine for what New 52 was trying to be(for new readers) but it's always going to be at odds with her past interpretations.
            Plastic Man, Captain Marvel, Wonder Woman, all of them are fundamentally hampered by the fact that they thrived with audiences DC does not want anymore. Wonder woman is most popular when girls actually like her. It's why they liked her as a tough but ultimately romantic character in her solo movie who falls in love with a man. They'd feel nothing for a cold b***h Xena-expy, but that character appeals to comic nerds.
            It's like if you decided to make Captain Marvel appeal to comic audiences now more so now he's a child abuse victim who lives in a gritty world and Sivana is a predator and he punishes his bad guys lethally.

            gatekeepy hipster bullshit, do you find every other elseworlds/ish story just as problematic?

  2. 7 months ago

    It has Wonder Woman in it.

  3. 7 months ago

    What makes you thinkCinemaphile hates it?

  4. 7 months ago

    I like but it feels like an Ultimate Universe style take on the character rather than a mainstream incarnation

  5. 7 months ago

    I kinda miss when WW was just a standard superhero and not this Amazon warrior thing she been since like DCAU also wish she was more feminine again.

    • 7 months ago

      Being feminine is demeaning to women, somehow.

  6. 7 months ago

    It's Wonder Woman for people who didn't care about Wonder Woman before, which is fine for what New 52 was trying to be(for new readers) but it's always going to be at odds with her past interpretations.
    Plastic Man, Captain Marvel, Wonder Woman, all of them are fundamentally hampered by the fact that they thrived with audiences DC does not want anymore. Wonder woman is most popular when girls actually like her. It's why they liked her as a tough but ultimately romantic character in her solo movie who falls in love with a man. They'd feel nothing for a cold b***h Xena-expy, but that character appeals to comic nerds.
    It's like if you decided to make Captain Marvel appeal to comic audiences now more so now he's a child abuse victim who lives in a gritty world and Sivana is a predator and he punishes his bad guys lethally.

    • 7 months ago

      >They'd feel nothing for a cold b***h Xena-expy, but that character appeals to comic nerds.

      I honestly don't think that appeals much to anyone, I think the "generically stoic and nothing else" interpretation of Wonder Woman only exists to avoid accusations of sexism. It's a safe way to write her, not safe as in "guaranteed sales" but safe as in "it's unlikely I'm getting canceled over this".

    • 7 months ago

      >They'd feel nothing for a cold b***h Xena-expy, but that character appeals to comic nerds.
      no, it appeals to clueless execs and male feminists

  7. 7 months ago

    Azzarello's kind of a shit writer.

  8. 7 months ago

    Imagine a Superman comic without Lois, Jimmy, Lex, or the Kents. He wasn't sent as a baby to Earth in a rocket built by his parents to save him from a dying world, instead Krypton is an evil intergalactic empire that wants to enslave humanity. None of his old villains exist, instead he has all these evil family members to fight. Kryptonite doesn't exist, and neither does Metropolis - he lives in like, Denver or something. He isn't a kindhearted good samaritan, representing the good inside all of us, but he isn't a bad guy either, he's just kind of a douchebag. Also, he carries a gun.
    That's essentially what Azzarello's WW is.

  9. 7 months ago

    Because even back in 2011 Cinemaphile or more accurately what Cinemaphile had become was supremely moronic.

  10. 7 months ago

    Cinemaphile in general has very bad taste.

  11. 7 months ago

    White women problems

  12. 7 months ago

    Isn't this the story where the Amazons get turned into rapist man-eaters to retcon their lesbianness out of existence?

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