Why is he so natty despite being just an old guy with powers that don't demand physical stress?

Why is he so natty despite being just an old guy with powers that don't demand physical stress?

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  1. 4 weeks ago

    Gay showrunner likes Grampa dick, reminds him of home

    • 4 weeks ago

      projecting that hard

      • 4 weeks ago

        yeah, that homosexual projects his gay issues on some children's cartoon about mutants

        • 4 weeks ago

          That was the Fox X-men movies

          • 4 weeks ago

            This is the same, the mayo already said he wrote a fanfiction when the movie came out and turn it into this cartoon. X-men is a brand for gays and pedophiles

            • 4 weeks ago

              damn you really forgot to take your meds didn't you

              • 4 weeks ago

                Sure thing, Black person. Only gays like X-gays

              • 4 weeks ago

                X97 does feel a lot like fanfiction, though. Sofie Alexander probably wanted to make the Magneto/Rogue scene more explicit.

              • 4 weeks ago

                Everything has been fanfiction since the OG authors pass on the mantle to other writters. X-men feels worse because only gays seem to gravitate towards the ip for some reason

        • 4 weeks ago

          Sure anon.

        • 4 weeks ago

          >some children's cartoon about mutants
          Cute how you think this turn of phrase works. Like, children's cartoons about mutants are so commonplace and wholesome.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Ninja Turtles and the 99 clones say otherwise, homosexual

      • 4 weeks ago

        Hes really not. Showrunner is gay, and alot of the shit between sinister and magneto is homosexual as hell.
        >let me shave you and put a collar on yoh and tie you up almost naked
        That shits gay.

    • 4 weeks ago

      but even in the comics he is depicted as being jacked since the first x-men issue

      • 4 weeks ago

        Jim Lee is a closeted gay

      • 4 weeks ago

        You don't run around calling yourself homosexual Superior while running aroind skinnyfat, Anon.

        • 4 weeks ago

          >The superior homosexual

        • 4 weeks ago

          Tell that to /misc/.

          • 4 weeks ago

            We're actually in a lot better shape than you might think

          • 4 weeks ago

            Isn't the average Cinemaphilenosieur fat, lazy and ugly?

          • 4 weeks ago

            >Gym Bros More Likely to be Right-Wing buttholes, Science Confirms

            We already are.


            • 4 weeks ago

              We're actually in a lot better shape than you might think

              Pound per pound, whether you go by total figures, or percentages of the whole, there are more overweight lard asses amongst the RW /misc/tard crowd than there are among gay nerds, or gay males generally.

              Granted there are probably more RW gun nuts or MMA types - who if push came to shove could cause more damage, but we're talking minor percentages that are in actual physical shape, versus the whole.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >, there are more overweight lard asses amongst the RW /misc/tard crowd than there are among gay nerds

                Wishful thinking fueled by propaganda brainwashing you to think people who tell the truth are your lessers

              • 4 weeks ago

                Thats because ALL AMERICANS are FAT.
                >no the right/leftwing is fat
                All of them are.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Imagine being a Cinemaphiletroony and thinking any other board is worse.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Lmao, such a simple post generated that much seething polcel turists can’t stop losing

            • 4 weeks ago

              It's always funny seeing them seethe in X-Men threads.

    • 4 weeks ago


      • 4 weeks ago

        Is Magneto polish? I thought he was german israelite.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Kill homophobes

      • 4 weeks ago

        homosexuals, the word is homosexuals

        • 4 weeks ago

          No, I got it right the first time

      • 4 weeks ago

        reminder that the human brain can't tell the difference between you and maggots

        • 4 weeks ago

          >cite studies never replicated
          You sample is too small, like so many other things about you

        • 4 weeks ago


      • 4 weeks ago

        >cite studies never replicated
        You sample is too small, like so many other things about you

        Lol disgusting homosexual. Seek help.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Kill homophobephobes

    • 4 weeks ago

      projecting that hard

      yeah, that homosexual projects his gay issues on some children's cartoon about mutants

      That was the Fox X-men movies

      This is the same, the mayo already said he wrote a fanfiction when the movie came out and turn it into this cartoon. X-men is a brand for gays and pedophiles

      damn you really forgot to take your meds didn't you

      It's literally called the 'X'-men what is there not to understand

      • 4 weeks ago

        yeah, X-men, not XXX-men

        • 4 weeks ago

          If that was an attractive woman in her bra and panties in that same position you cucks would say frick all

          • 4 weeks ago

            Isn't Val now in that position? With clothes, though.

      • 4 weeks ago

        I know a troony comics geek who calls herself Rini, short for Wolverine because she's an ex-man.

    • 4 weeks ago

      yeah, that homosexual projects his gay issues on some children's cartoon about mutants

      This is not disguised or hidden at all.

      Wasn't the Female senator all over his dick in the episode?

      • 4 weeks ago

        Val? I don't think she's a senator, but yes. They also made Rogue choose him instead of mega chad Gambit. It's someone's fetish, for sure.

        • 4 weeks ago

          >They also made Rogue choose him
          Are you speedwatchin? He proposed to her and invite her to be a queen by his side and she still went "Gambit was right" and refused him.

          • 4 weeks ago

            NTA but she did that after cheating on him behind his back emotionally and physically and then cried and acted like a victim
            "I HAD to cheat on you because I cannot touch people!"

            • 4 weeks ago

              She dated Magneto before Gambit AND they both said their thing wasn't "official". And after he break up with her, she still prefer him.

              • 4 weeks ago

                The cheating wasn't because she dated him before Gambit, but rather because she's been telling Gambit for years she can't touch anyone and turns out, she can. That's why Remy says she lied. She never told her that.
                Imagine a more mundane scene, your gf telling you she's a virgin who wants to wait until marriage and you are perfectly fine with waiting all time she needs, and then she dumps you for the man who took her v-card, who is your boss and former antagonist.
                Imagine she had actually told him "turns out there is one mutant who can touch me by making his powers to act like a shield to mine". Gambit could have worked a way around that and train himself for it, perhaps. So yes, she cheated highly.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >Gambit could have worked a way around that and train himself for it, perhaps
                He 100% was able to in the comics during his 98 run. It exhausted him so he was only able to do it for a few hours a day at best, but there is an established aspect of it there

              • 4 weeks ago

                There must be something about how the one who transform kinetic energy and the one who absorbs it can find a balance. But the thing is that, in the cartoon universe, Gambit didn't know it was possible and Rogue did know it was, but chose to keep it a secret. She didn't even have to say who was the mutant. I'm seeing a lot of people are missing this subtlety in episode 5.

          • 4 weeks ago

            I know that. But at first, she did choose him and he couldn't look like a decrepit old fart during their dance scene.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Yeah Val's not a senator she traditionally works for DARPA or DOD or something like that, I think.

    • 4 weeks ago

      posts like these are so sad because you know the ones who write it had really fricked up childhoods

    • 4 weeks ago

      It's funny that you look at an almost-naked man and immediately start having gay thoughts

  2. 4 weeks ago

    >so natty
    I don't think you know what that word means.

  3. 4 weeks ago

    Why is he wearing manties

  4. 4 weeks ago

    wtf co israelite didnt tlel me that magnito was AUSCHWITZED and BIRKENAUED for GORILLIONS of YEARS

  5. 4 weeks ago

    they aren't call Homo-superior for nothing

  6. 4 weeks ago

    Xavier is a Liberal Lunatic and will lead the X-Men/Mutants to a slave extinction.

    Magneto is Right
    Genocide the Normie Humans before they put you back in the oven again

    • 4 weeks ago

      >Magneto escalating shit turns into an utopia were all mutants are Bastion's slave b***hes
      he's right, all right

    • 4 weeks ago

      Magneto should try to do what he did in the first movie and make all humans into mutants by force. But this time he should succeed.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Which is actually logical because, like, Spider-man is a mutant in every way besides having the X-gene.

        >Got his powers as a teenager
        >passes on powers to his kids
        >Media fueled propaganda about him

        Not only that, most mutations are literally nothing that can be learned to fix, tamed, or are not an issue other than making you an uggo

      • 4 weeks ago

        Imagine the entirety of /misc/ getting super powers

    • 4 weeks ago

      >Magneto is Right
      Okay calm down there Moviebob.

      • 4 weeks ago

        MovieBob wasn't wrong here. Yeah sure that's more food than I'd ever eat in a sitting on my own, but I could easily eat everything there in under 90 minutes, and I'd do it for even just $100.

      • 4 weeks ago

        MovieBob wasn't wrong here. Yeah sure that's more food than I'd ever eat in a sitting on my own, but I could easily eat everything there in under 90 minutes, and I'd do it for even just $100.

        Give me a joint and I’d finish this is less than 15 minutes

      • 4 weeks ago

        Even though I'm American I'd probably get full before the second burger

      • 4 weeks ago

        He's partially correct.
        That really isn't a large amount of food to finish in 90 minutes as long as you're pacing yourself and you're going into it on an empty stomach
        If a skinny little asian man can shove 50 hot dogs down his throat in 12 minutes, the average american man can polish that shit off in 90 minutes for $3,500

        The real killer there is going to be the drinks. That is a lot of fricking carbonated liquid (Let's be real that shit is soda, not water) and you're going to bloat the frick up.
        You're also going to feel like fricking dogshit afterwards for all that grease and sugar. Especially if your body isn't used to all that shitty food.
        Definetly not something you want to do if you're not healthy, either.
        A healthy man in good physical health can shrug off the occasional moment of gluttony. But if you're already a fat frick or some malnourished Asmongold skeleton, just because you can do it, doesn't mean you should.

        • 4 weeks ago

          I think a lot of people miss that those are quarter pounders in the pic. The real point that sticks out to me is he thinks that is a "fairly small amount for the average person".

          Even if me, you, and him can do it, just saying that still shows a strange lack of understanding of other people.

      • 4 weeks ago

        I don't think I eat that much in a day

    • 4 weeks ago

      >self-loathing normie human hands typed this, craving his own extermination at the hands of the mutant he wishes he was

    • 4 weeks ago

      Mutants cannot produce healthy generations. They will die out without humans.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Then round up ideal breeding humans
        Put them in breeding farms
        Control the Opposition

        • 4 weeks ago

          Humans can turn into mutants. Bad idea.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Thats why you need a selecting process to choose those who can turn into one

            • 4 weeks ago

              They are all can.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Gay people need straight people to make more gay people. Lol. Its funny but true. If Bastion really wanted to eradicate all mutants, he doesn't need those giant hulking robots. He just needs to convince mutants to stop having babies, abort their babies, castrate their children via gender affirming care and make them think being gay or trans is the best thing ever. Couple generations later, no more mutants.

        • 4 weeks ago
  7. 4 weeks ago

    >Why is he so natty
    Stop using words you don’t know the meaning of.

  8. 4 weeks ago

    This is not disguised or hidden at all.

    • 4 weeks ago

      is 2024. homosexualry soon will be obligatory and state mandate

    • 4 weeks ago

      Neither were Chris' fetishes in his X-Men run anon.

  9. 4 weeks ago

    He looks average. That's how I look. You mean to tell me you guys don't look like that?

  10. 4 weeks ago

    Why is superman when his daily life demands the equivalent amount of exercise than the average shut in

    • 4 weeks ago

      Sunlight roids him up

  11. 4 weeks ago

    What’s taking so long? Where’s the Magneto porn?

    • 4 weeks ago

      You need fans to get porn

  12. 4 weeks ago


  13. 4 weeks ago

    Entertainment is now pandering to women (homosexuals).

  14. 4 weeks ago

    bulge should be bigger

  15. 4 weeks ago

    It's a comic book cartoon. Even the civilians in the background shots are jacked.

  16. 4 weeks ago

    Comic answer: Magneto was old then turned into a baby by a cosmic being then an alien used technology to turn him into the peek version of himself. This was also the justification for his turn to good as the old Magneto was evil from advanced age and ptsd.

  17. 4 weeks ago

    ... You know, it's so hard to tell this show was made by gay man with an only fans account, I sure can't see any indication of that in the show at all...

  18. 4 weeks ago

    Why does this feel so unnecessary and gay asf

    • 4 weeks ago

      >unnecessary and gay asf
      Basically the Xmen in the MCU in a nutshell

  19. 4 weeks ago

    It's not xmen without some magneto eye candy

    • 4 weeks ago

      My God, what was going on with comics in the 90's

      • 4 weeks ago

        Women and men both got to be hot because back then it was ok to have more idealized bodies on people like Magneto. I'm sure even Charles was ripped despite being a cripple

        • 4 weeks ago

          yeah it's not rare for paraplegic dudes work out on their upper body to overcompensate

    • 4 weeks ago

      I never did understand why comic artists in the 90's always drew men in half naked outfits even as a kid, made me kinda uncomfortable or like when Venom loses his suit, why he gotta be naked? I mean I get it..but come on...just put a shirt and pants on him.

    • 4 weeks ago

      The sexiness doesn’t really work on this page considering he just got all of his muscle mass and life energy sucked out of him by a caveman sorceress and once more looks like a concentration camp slave.

  20. 4 weeks ago

    israeli cum gutters

  21. 4 weeks ago

    Feels weird seeing seeing this show deliver exactly what I enjoy in my personal thoughts, I saw the trailer and somehow I knew it would upon seconds of seeing him. Very uncanny

  22. 4 weeks ago

    His powers keep him young and he tries to stay in shape for the ladies.

  23. 4 weeks ago
  24. 4 weeks ago

    Why wouldn't he be fit? He spends all day lifting iron

    • 4 weeks ago


  25. 4 weeks ago

    It's fun to stay at the y-m-c-a.
    It's fun to stay at the y-m-c-a.
    They have everything for you men to enjoy,
    You can hang out with all the boys ...

    It's fun to stay at the y-m-c-a.
    It's fun to stay at the y-m-c-a.
    You can get yourself clean, you can have a good meal,
    You can do what about you feel ...

  26. 4 weeks ago

    1. A common plot point with Magneto ia that he keeps finding ways to science himself back into a younger body. In universe it's so that he's always strong and can keep fighting his fight. The meta reason is that they made the man a holocaust survivor, and unlike other WWII superheroes where you can just claim a stupid long lifespan due to biological nature or scientific frickery (Namor, Bucky) or keep increasing the time they're frozen before thawed (Cap), Magneto doesn't have that. And imagine the shit show if they retconned the holocaust survivor part out of his backstory? So they need to manufacture reasons to keep deaging him every few decades.

    2. Magneto isn't going to be the type to rely 100% on his mutant powers. The man knows hard counters to his magnetism exist, and he knows there are means to shut down or block his powers out there. So of course the man keeps on shape. He's fricking paranoid about humans and knows that if he's ever his with some kind of "Frick your powers for the next 24 hours" dart or they throw that leech kid at him, he'll need to be physically fit enough to fricking book it. And sometimes, you just need to punch someone in the mouth. More muscle mass also means you can take more punishment and are more difficult to injure. Which probably comes in handy when the leader of the team you keep fighting shits concussive energy blasts out of his face.

    3. Magneto likes to have sex with women. Not only is it easier to get b***hes when you're in shape, but sex is also more fun and enjoyable when you're strong enough to casually manhandle a 130 pound woman.

    • 4 weeks ago

      You forgot the most important reason of all: most capeshit artists are so used to draw muscular bodies that they don't even ask themselves if it makes sense for a certain character to be ultra fit

  27. 4 weeks ago

    Holy shit how is that old man so well build wtf?

  28. 4 weeks ago

    He's not that old in the cartoon. IIRC he was radacalized during his Peace Corp. days, so he's at least 40 years old.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Mags is probably early to mid 60s, since the cartoon is set in 1997.

  29. 4 weeks ago

    Natty = somebody who doesn't take steroids, typically used in the context of somebody who is actively bodybuilding. In the context of your question, the appropriate term would be "jacked" or "built" or "buff," since you appear to be questioning why he has any sort of muscular physique at his age.

  30. 4 weeks ago

    because hot

  31. 4 weeks ago

    How do you watch a show with an allegory on minority and lgbt groups and be a homophobe? This whole ip is preaching something you don't believe in.

    • 4 weeks ago

      I mean, I'm a Christian and still enjoy playing tabletop as a necromancer. A media doesn't have to line up one to one with your own beliefs for you to enjoy it, dummy.
      That and there's more to the characters than being walking minority allegories

      • 4 weeks ago

        Yeah but the message isn't really subtle in xmen, doesn't get tiring? I know i would be sick of any media that keeps trying to convince me of something i don't want

        • 4 weeks ago

          The message of x-men, whatever Lee's vision was, is that mistreating people who are different only because they are different is wrong and that's not a bad message. That's what Xavier is trying to push for: humans or people have bad apples, that's it. You can't judge the entirety of a group for the bad ones. Most mutants are pacific.
          Then Magneto, who carries the trauma fo the Holocaust, sees himself again being the target of discrimination and goes full "never again!" and wants to get rid of the oppressors this time for good before it causes another genocide, even if he has to kill his original group as well. Xavier and the X-Men are against this because X-Men was created in the 60s, the time for peace and love shit.
          Now, you have full universities teaching you that all whites and all men are evil. This new cartoon is a product of this time where saying those things is seen as normal by the mainstream. It goes again the message what original X-Men wanted to portray.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >This new cartoon is a product of this time
            Alright show me a scene where they say ll whites and all men are evil

            • 4 weeks ago

              Don't be an autist and take it literal.
              I'm saying this is a product made in a time when it's fine to say that all members of the oppressing class should be killed despite most people are innocent of whatever wrong deed was caused by a few. Magneto just caused probably thousands of people to die after launching that EMP, just like how Fassbender Magneto also murdered perhaps more people than the Holocaust.

              • 4 weeks ago

                You referred something and I asked you for examples, It's not my fault you keep bringing up irrelevant stuff. Also this is pretty in character for magneto. He threatened to launch nukes if the global superpowers didn't disarm.
                >caused probably thousands of people to die´
                So know we're just using headcannon as an argument?

              • 4 weeks ago

                You really think nobody died after he shut off the whole world? There are people who depend on machines to live and that's just the most obvious example.
                And yes, i know it's in character for Magneto to do this, but he's not meant to be taken as the hero of the story or to be acknowledged to be right to do it. Or he wasn't supposed to. In current political context, he might as well be as such. He's just giving his enemies what they deserve.

              • 4 weeks ago

                So you are just using headcannon? Got it

              • 4 weeks ago

                You need things to be explicitly stated? Fricking autist.

              • 4 weeks ago

                Are you dumb? You realize there are millions of people who need electricity to just function? What do you think a doctor who needs a defibrillator to revive someone uses for it to work? Prayers?

                So even if they dont address this in the next episode I should still act like it happened and it was the desire of the showrunners to have Magneto cause mass death?

              • 4 weeks ago

                There is no way humans didn't die because of this. No way. If it's not addressed,either the showrunners want you to think he dindunuffin or you're a moron. Works both ways.

              • 4 weeks ago

                Beau DeMayo has already said that there would be innocent human casualties (people in planes falling out of the sky, people in hospitals on life support, etc.) because of Magneto's EMP. You'll probably see the fallout of his actions in next week's episode.

              • 4 weeks ago

                That's good. It'd be absolute ridiculous if he didn't. Alas,I hope they don't downplay it. Was reading some threads on twitter and some people were mentioning we can count millions of deaths.

              • 4 weeks ago

                Are you dumb? You realize there are millions of people who need electricity to just function? What do you think a doctor who needs a defibrillator to revive someone uses for it to work? Prayers?

      • 4 weeks ago

        I mean that's completely different. That's like saying that you don't believe in ghosts but still enjoy watching ghostbusters. The core message of the X-Men is that homophobes are terrible people and should change their ways. It's like watching child porn and think it should be illegal

        the x-men are an allegory to Stan Lee's lazyness at explaining how superheroes get their powers

        Stan Lee's "vision" got the book canceled. It's irrelevant

    • 4 weeks ago

      the x-men are an allegory to Stan Lee's lazyness at explaining how superheroes get their powers

  32. 4 weeks ago

    No way he is a natty with that physique at that age. He is totally on HRT.

  33. 4 weeks ago

    Anyone who wants censorship on things that doesn't appeal to him have no right to be angry about feminists censoring fanservice

    • 4 weeks ago

      Nobody is talking about censorship, theybtalking about this gay show made by a gay man looks gay. No shame in that, just don't try to call OP image straight because it isn't

      • 4 weeks ago

        Magneto ain't like this becuase the author is gay, but because the author is a progressive commie who wants to show that the genocide is in fact right.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Jewnosha had it coming, they claim to be independent but still want the UN resources without giving anything in return? Frick them. NEVER AGAIN

  34. 4 weeks ago

    Why is there Pulp Fiction with a Bruce Willis scene? Wtf?

  35. 4 weeks ago

    What is going on in here?

  36. 4 weeks ago

    Based x-men living rent free in subhuman /misc/acks heads

  37. 4 weeks ago

    They are really rubbing it in huh.

  38. 4 weeks ago

    Everyone in the 90s TAS-verse is in shape unless their power is specifically tied to them being fat, like the Blob.

  39. 4 weeks ago

    >drive a car to see the mansion destroyed
    >teleport back to the lair


  40. 4 weeks ago

    have a nice day

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