Why is it cool to hate The Boys (comic version) now?

Why is it cool to hate The Boys (comic version) now?

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  1. 1 year ago

    It always was

    • 1 year ago

      nobody gave a shit about it before newbie

      • 1 year ago

        That's because you weren't here when it was having it's run
        People shat on it here

      • 1 year ago

        Im sure that’s because it wasn’t as in the public eye before the show got real popular

    • 1 year ago


      The comic is so 2000s edgy it fricking hurts to read. It’s just too fricking dumb. The show is far better, at least it made the supes interesting beyond “marvel/DC character but fricked”.

      • 1 year ago

        And the TV show is 2020s edgy, which is even less inspired than 2000s edgy.

    • 1 year ago

      Based whoever the hell that is



      The comic is so 2000s edgy it fricking hurts to read. It’s just too fricking dumb. The show is far better, at least it made the supes interesting beyond “marvel/DC character but fricked”.

      >The show is far better
      ...No. They even decided to drop the WW2 reenactment scene just to exchange it for a cucked GRRRL POWER scene.

  2. 1 year ago

    Its always been edgy goyslop

    • 1 year ago

      In non-moron speak?

  3. 1 year ago

    Because the show did a few things better.

    • 1 year ago
    • 1 year ago

      People grew up, unlike Garth Ennis. And

    • 1 year ago

      People grew up, unlike Garth Ennis. And

      >mindless consumers spotted
      the show ruined what little good the comic had. without that, the show is nothing but hollow virtue signaling.

      • 1 year ago

        >Turned Lamplighter from a literal shitter into an actual person
        >Completely scrapped the atrocity that was M.M.'s daughter
        >Made Homelander a character with more depth and hateability
        >Literally everything about the Deep
        The show improved a lot on where the comic failed

        • 1 year ago

          Homelander has no depth in the show whatsoever.

          • 1 year ago

            That is objectively false. How does he have no depth? Because the show gives us a lot of insight as to the way he thinks, acts, and behaves like he does. As well as showing him being challenged more. The show doesn't make him out to be some misunderstood hero, it just shows us the mentality of a complete psycho like Homelander

            • 1 year ago

              The show's Homelander is a five star man, the king of the minions, and a golden god.

              • 1 year ago

                Comparing him to Dennis is a rather apt comparison, I like it

                >While basically a different character, it's a massive improvement than just adapting him as he was in the comic.
                It's not an inherent improvement because making him an actual character doesn't inherently mean anything. He served his narrative purpose in the comic as a shitty zombie.

                How does it not mean anything? Let me remind you of what purpose he served in the comic. The only relevancy that he had in the comic was to serve as a catalyst to kill Mallory's kids, be part of the blackmail, die, and that's it. The only relevant purpose he had as a shit zombie was to show how Vought tried to bring him back and failed, and that barely meant anything in the comic. After that, he was just a gross punishment for A-Train and Starlight and just ate and threw his own shit everywhere. There was nothing good about it. It was actual crap.

              • 1 year ago

                >How does it not mean anything? Let me remind you of what purpose he served in the comic. The only relevancy that he had in the comic was to serve as a catalyst to kill Mallory's kids, be part of the blackmail, die, and that's it.
                Because not every character NEEDS to be some big frickin thing. That doesn't inherently elevate the quality. Lamplighter was perfectly fine in the comic because he served his narrative purpose of introducing the history between the Boys and the Seven.

              • 1 year ago

                Perfectly fine? His narrative history was all he going for him. Ennis could've cut out the shit zombie portion and nothing would be lost from it. And yeah, not every character needs to be some big thing, but they at least have to be something. In the show, Lamplighter has actual relevance to the plot beyond exposition and contributes. The same cannot be said about the shit zombie Ennis put in for cheap shock value and whatever kind of gross-out humor might've been intended for.

              • 1 year ago

                >Perfectly fine? His narrative history was all he going for him.
                >Ennis could've cut out the shit zombie portion and nothing would be lost from it.
                No, that was the introduction to the mystery.

              • 1 year ago

                It's not like Lamplighter is one of the show's highlights. He's not particularly memorable, aside from the fact that he's played by Iceman from the X-Men movies. The fact that he's made a living person in the show as opposed to the comics is neither an improvement or a failure. It's just a change. He's a non-character in the original, and a forgettable minor character in the show

              • 1 year ago

                While true, I'm just saying that I appreciate the show not making Lamplighter the zombie he was in the comic. Plus we got to see more of him.

              • 1 year ago

                >While true, I'm just saying that I appreciate the show not making Lamplighter the zombie he was in the comic.
                But, the conversation wasn't about what you liked about the show--it was about how the show objectively improved as an adaptation compared to the comic. The Lamplighter change isn't a positive or a negative; it just is.

              • 1 year ago

                You seem to be of the mistaken belief that Lamplighter in the comic was intended to be a character. He was never a character, he was a plot point. It's unironically a feature, not a bug. Expanding on something that didn't need to be expanded on just for the sake of being different doesn't make an adaptation better, and can in fact be detrimental to the project as a whole.

              • 1 year ago

                >How does it not mean anything? Let me remind you of what purpose he served in the comic. The only relevancy that he had in the comic was to serve as a catalyst to kill Mallory's kids, be part of the blackmail, die, and that's it.
                Because not every character NEEDS to be some big frickin thing. That doesn't inherently elevate the quality. Lamplighter was perfectly fine in the comic because he served his narrative purpose of introducing the history between the Boys and the Seven.

                This reminds of that one guy saying some acclaimed series is not good because it didn't follow some basic storytelling structure he learned in college.

        • 1 year ago

          >a lot
          Three of your four points there concern the Seven, and one of them is irrelevant. Lamplighter being a character instead of a corpse isn't an automatic improvement, it's just different

          • 1 year ago

            Lamplighter was a literal shit-eating zombie. While basically a different character, it's a massive improvement than just adapting him as he was in the comic.

            • 1 year ago

              >While basically a different character, it's a massive improvement than just adapting him as he was in the comic.
              It's not an inherent improvement because making him an actual character doesn't inherently mean anything. He served his narrative purpose in the comic as a shitty zombie.

        • 1 year ago

          >The show improved a lot on where the comic failed
          >fricks over the dynamic between the boys--especially hughie and butcher, who were essentially the main characters of the comic and the main draw
          >Made Homelander a character with more depth
          Different does not mean "more deep". Original Homelander has plenty of depth.

    • 1 year ago

      Sure but the only thing that was good about that comic was the ending and that was ruined at the end of season one

    • 1 year ago

      >homelander is le heckin root of all evil!
      the comic mad it clear that homelander was expendable as shit and vaught was ten times more dangerous than he was because they could make as many homelanders as they wanted the show making homelander the main villain was fricking stupid

      • 1 year ago

        >comics Homelander is in the pocket of the company that made him, and even he is scared of them
        >Vought is the real end-all-be-all threat, but Homelander is still the main antagonistic force
        >show Homelander is in the pocket of the company that made him, and even he is scared of them
        >Vought is the real end-all-be-all threat, but Homelander is still the main antagonistic force
        Where did we lose you?

        • 1 year ago

          when homelander literally took over vought

    • 1 year ago

      For all the comics flaws. The twist at the end with Homelander and Black Noir was easily the best part, and it's a shame how that won't happen in the tv show.

      • 1 year ago

        The ending with Hughie and Butcher is gimped too if they try it. They didn't put enough focus on their relationship.

    • 1 year ago

      >Black Black Noir
      This wasn't one of them

      • 1 year ago

        >homelander couldn’t see his own clone under black noir’s mask because…he just couldn’t okay!!

  4. 1 year ago

    I hated the comic when it came out because it was Ennis's edge at it's worst.

    • 1 year ago

      >it was Ennis's edge at it's worst
      until Crossed

      • 1 year ago

        Crossed is so fricking bad. I was constantly questioning how anyone allowed that shit to be printed. It's mindless gore and rape. It's fricking moronic and I say that as someone who genuinly enjoy dark and gory comics. It does not help that the art is shit as well.

    • 1 year ago

      Try a walk through hell on for size

  5. 1 year ago

    >what if supeheroes were...
    >...le bad

    • 1 year ago

      But that’s not the premise at all. The heroes from Super Duper weren’t evil at all, and Hughie went out of his way to protect them.

      • 1 year ago

        Super Duper is the sole exception and they are entirely a pathetic joke. The entire premise is literally just shitting on super heroes. Both figuratively and literally

        • 1 year ago

          >Super Duper is the sole exception
          Hughie's girlfriend is just fine as a person.

  6. 1 year ago

    I think there was a youtube video that told normies that the show is better then the comics, or something

    • 1 year ago

      All it takes to hate the Boys is reading the Boys comic.

      • 1 year ago

        this. I first read it before the show had been announced and while the premise and some of the plotlines is cool, it's also so tryhard edgy it's cringe in a lot, -a lot- of places.

      • 1 year ago

        But normies don't read comics.

    • 1 year ago
      • 1 year ago

        I think I just hate YouTube in general now. No creativity. Everyone just makes the same rantsona opinion puff piece.

        • 1 year ago

          go watch some pre 2012 youtube videos the difference is night and day

        • 1 year ago

          Either that or generic, mainstream friendly clickbait.
          >They DO WHAT with their HAIR in Iceland?!
          >I created a quantum computer (it almost destroyed the universe)
          >All the times John Smith lost his cool at the World Championship
          >Can You Survive On Peanut Butter & Jelly for 3 days???

          • 1 year ago

            Don't forget:
            >X did Y, and then this happened!

        • 1 year ago

          That's what you get with monetization and algorithm gaming.

      • 1 year ago

        >[Thing] was kinda terrible/great
        This has been a pet peeve of mine lately. If you hate the comic, just say it sucks. You're gonna get angry fanboys anyway. This "kinda" shit just makes you look insecure and desperate for imaginary internet points. Same thing goes for gays who preface their opinion with "hot take" or "unpopular opinion but...".

    • 1 year ago
      • 1 year ago

        Oh yeah, it was AltHistoryHub

        The thing is, I wouldn’t even call that dude woke. He’s like a centrist.

        • 1 year ago

          I like how he told Hawaiians their flag sucks.

          He is wrong tho, the Hawaiian flag is based

      • 1 year ago

        >“The original The Boys comic is that guy who stumbles on the stage on an open-mic night, says they’re a master of satire, the says the n-word” one of the truest things I’ve ever heard
        Big oof

    • 1 year ago

      You fricking morons, there are threads on this board from 2012 about how bad the comic was

  7. 1 year ago


  8. 1 year ago

    Most Americans cannot handle bantz culture. they take things too heart too much. the irony is, well, they love irony culture, but that's a veneer of security

  9. 1 year ago

    It's too edgy for zoomers.
    They tend to get very offended by edgy shit instead of just laughing at when it's bad enough.

  10. 1 year ago

    The Boys was always edgy and moronic with exactly zero soul, why anyone would read (and like) it when Hitman exists is beyond me.

    • 1 year ago

      The show is a cleaned up, mostly defanged version of the comic. Normie-friendly, but with a little "edge". Not a good show, not worth watching.
      As for the comic, Ennis should have used that EXTREME juice and exposition in moderation, and the art should have been much better. It also didn't use the medium all that cleverly. I can't call it a good comic.

      It actually has quite a bit of soul, surprisingly, mostly in the character department. The ending with Hughie and Butcher is touching.
      I've read wholesome comics that have less soul.

      The Brat Pack was a better deconstruction of capes than whatever the frick Ennis was trying to say with the Boys.

      Sure, if you haven't read either.

    • 1 year ago

      then why did you gays keep reading it? i dropped it after the first issue came out back in the day

      • 1 year ago

        Because storytimes are fun even if the comic is shit

    • 1 year ago

      >zero soul

      • 1 year ago

        i dont get the hate for the boys, theres some fricking lovely moments in it inbewteen the shite
        like frenchie caring for female, MMs journey looking for the kincaid family and his fathers death
        the gmens systemic torture of kids that get wiped out
        your pic related,

        • 1 year ago

          hate to be that guy but uhhhh hitman

        • 1 year ago

          I said it before in another thread, but yeah the comic does have some genuinely good moments that, in my opinion, make it worth the read. I can understand why most people wouldn't be willing to sit through all the garbage in the early issues to get to the soulful moments, but I wish they wouldn't dismiss it entirely.

          The show is different enough to almost be its own thing, and I can't say for sure if it'll have an ending that's as good as the comic's. I hope we can get something almost as emotional as Billy and Hughie's final conversation, but considering what their relationship is like in the show, I doubt it.

      • 1 year ago

        God I really like this ending
        I honestly can't think of many other comics that have as surprisingly good an ending as this

    • 1 year ago

      >The Boys was always edgy and moronic


      >with exactly zero soul

      Completely FALSE.

      The Boys comic is actually very emotionally resonant, particularly the final arc after the homelander stuff is sorted, primarily because it's a critique of the superhero industry and how it ruins how people should perceive "true heroism".

      this is what zoomers and the show completely misunderstand; by jerking off about the superhero angle over and over again, they don't understand that the whole point of the comic is that superheroes are stupid, people triumphing through their regular lives is more genuine.

      Now, I'm not saying its genius or even that good, but it's way better than the disposable schlock that the show is with no actual valuable things to say about anything. The show IS everything the show critiques; a vapid, consumerist drivel version of heroism for cynical clicks and appeal. The Boys show is the Rick and Morty of superheroes. The Boys comic was the Johnny the Homocidal Maniac of superheroes. Edgy, immature, very stupdi, but it actually does have a lot of soul.

      • 1 year ago

        >superheroes are stupid, people triumphing through their regular lives is more genuine.
        Garth Ennis is a soft frick who never served but still touches himself to operators operating operationally.

        • 1 year ago

          >draws a year's worth of Captain America comics before going to war
          >gets dangerous recon missions because he can draw well and draw quickly
          >returns alive and well and still finds the time to create a while list of characters that are popular to this day
          Kirby was on a whole other level.

  11. 1 year ago

    >Why is it cool to hate The Boys (comic version) now?
    Because 2000s edge is seen as cringe.

    Also everyone thinks it's about superheroes when it's basically a parody of USA TV culture.

    • 1 year ago

      >parody of USA TV culture
      It's not tho. Ennis has admitted himself that he made the series because he hated superhero comics at the time.

  12. 1 year ago

    Eh, it's always been overly edgy schlock, just with a relatively cool premise. Now that the show is around to show how the premise and some of the edginess could have been handled, it just highlights the comic's faults

    • 1 year ago

      Its just fun to make fun of what you enjoyed when you were younger. That and the boys being one of those cases that making fun of it is more fun than enjoying the actual thing.

      Also this.

  13. 1 year ago

    Numales can;t handle Ennis.

  14. 1 year ago

    It's subtly. In the show, Starlight is pushed into having sex with just the Deep. In the comics she's straight up gang-raped. It's like comparing Breaking Bad to the Sopranos. Walter tries to kill some guy so he plans this elaborate meeting between two rivals where his homemade pipe-bomb would kill both of them vs Tony just doing like a real criminal would.

    • 1 year ago

      It's not even just about Starlight, it's that the comics go out of their way to be overly, needlessly grossout ultra edgy with extra rape (or sex) at every possible turn, to the point where it starts to work against the comic. Starting from how Butcher likes to order his dog to rape other people's dogs for laughs or how all of the boys don the cringe ankle length black leather coats just like in the Matrix.
      Also comics Hughie is a whiny hypocritical self-centered entitled c**t.

      The show in contrast is a bit edgy, but somehow not in a cringe tryhard overly grossout way, and it just points out how the excess edge in the comics is a negative that weighs the whole narrative down.

      • 1 year ago

        >but somehow not in a cringe tryhard overly grossout way
        Until that one dude explodes out of that other dude's dick.

        • 1 year ago

          Right, but the thing is that even with those moments, compared to the comics the show isn't on the same level of cringe tryhard grossout. Like the show has adapted many of the edgy grossout elements of the comics in order to be faithful to the source material or whatever, but they've toned it down a bit, and the show's much much better for it

    • 1 year ago

      >Starlight is pushed into having sex with just the Deep. In the comics she's straight up gang-raped.
      Wait, what?
      It's been like a decade since I read the comics, but didn't she just suck them all off?

  15. 1 year ago

    >Homelander isn't into femdom
    >Butcher isnt a cuck
    >"Black" noir isn't black
    >The muscular blonde nazi isnt actually a flabby israeli woman
    >Racist characters say the n word
    >The cute japanese girl doesn't have a israeli boyfriend
    >The racist characters didnt get dragged through concrete at high speed by a black man
    >The expies for the x-men (who represent lgbtq folks) were shown as a gay pedophilic rapist cult
    Basically, it's for chuds

    • 1 year ago
  16. 1 year ago

    It’s funny, if they do the comic ending on the tv show, everyone will just think they’re doing January 6

  17. 1 year ago

    Because The Boys was always trash to begin with that only appeals to edgy 14 year olds? It's not a clever deconstruction or satire, it's Garth working off shock value while having nothing interesting to say about the genre

  18. 1 year ago

    I only like how that Slipknot mv made the show feel.

  19. 1 year ago

    Because it's edgelord trash that only chuds unironically like. You cannot refute this

  20. 1 year ago

    The Brat Pack was a better deconstruction of capes than whatever the frick Ennis was trying to say with the Boys.

    • 1 year ago

      Read Marshal Law

    • 1 year ago

      Brat Pack is so fricking good, I'm glad Veitch is getting to self publish and possibly finish the story

    • 1 year ago

      This! Brat Pack is what The Boys wants to be and was not written by a 15 year old in an 40 year olds body.

  21. 1 year ago

    >Why is it cool to hate The Boys (comic version) now?

    I always hated it. I also always hated LOST and Game of Thrones.

    • 1 year ago

      >I also always hated LOST and Game of Thrones.
      Because you're sane

  22. 1 year ago

    YouTubers told normies to even though some aspects of the comic are better. One of the showrunners of the show refuses to kill off Queen Maeve because he thinks it is "anti-LGBT" to kill her off since she is bisexual. However in the comic her death is a heroic sacrifice to stall Homelander. Instead we will get a Mary Sue who will not suffer that much and will have plot armor.

    • 1 year ago

      >One of the showrunners of the show refuses to kill off Queen Maeve because he thinks it is "anti-LGBT" to kill her off since she is bisexual.
      God, western writers are so fricking autistic nowadays.

      • 1 year ago

        i like that you took his statement at face value with no source or anything

        • 1 year ago

          Here's your damn source, don't forget to thank me for the spoonfeeding: https://collider.com/the-boys-season-3-finale-does-maeve-die-showrunner-interview/
          >From the beginning, we were never going to kill her. We were always going to give her a happy ending. We're well aware of the super irritating trend of killing off queer characters, and we're dedicated to not doing that. So then it became about, 'Well, can we explore that from a meta way and play with the audience's expectation a little bit and present that big sacrifice moment that happens way too many times?
          >It is right narratively for [Maeve] to exit stage left because she was too powerful, and she solved too many of Starlight's problems for her. For Starlight to truly flower into the powerful character she is, she needs to remove all of her life preservers. So it's right for all of those reasons, but I was really, from the beginning, really committed to giving her a happy ending.

          • 1 year ago

            >asking for a source is spoonfeeding

            • 1 year ago

              I wasn't the anon who originally brought it up or who you (You)'d, but you could have easily searched for the source yourself and you asked about it like a smug prick so yeah, I'll say it's spoonfeeding

        • 1 year ago

          Damn homie, you got BTFO.

  23. 1 year ago

    It's a power fantasy for fragile straight white males

  24. 1 year ago

    The show does the "What if Superman was EVIL" schtick that a lot of superhero parodies do, but took out the raw Garth Ennis edge that filters so many people. While this was probably necessary for the show to get greenlit in the first place (Amazon wouldn't want their hit show to have nonstop racial slurs and graphic rape every other episode), it also likely emboldened the showrunners to take more creative liberties with the main story. Most normalgays are going to think of even the worst story changes as positives, because they associate it with the removal of "icky" things like Homelander calling the Deep a Black person.
    This is an issue because, while I do believe that half the comic was Ennis jerking himself over how much cooler Special Forces are than superheroes, it also has a pretty tight narrative and decent main cast, and an underlying plot about corporate intrigue and the struggle to stop such a massive entity so thoroughly ingrained into the world.
    As it currently stands, I don't think they can actually have the same ending as the comics anymore, and I doubt they'll deliver something anywhere near as satisfying.
    Also they'll never adapt Super Duper and that was my favorite arc.

    • 1 year ago

      I honestly don't understand the people that say the comic is bad because it's edgy, when the show is 10 times edgier in more juvenile ways with even more gross out humour than in the comics.
      The comic is not perfect but I completely hate what they did to all the titular "Boys" in the show. Hugie and Butcher specially. Their relationship and friendship wich was the strong point of the comic is none existent. Butcher looks and acts more like a wacky comic book or cartoon character in the series than in the comic. His complete character is gone replaced by a incompetent cuck that can't seem to make one single good plan and ends up being saved by supes or someone else most of the times. He's neither charming, inteligent or scary like the original Butcher.
      >Also they'll never adapt Super Duper and that was my favorite arc
      Same I specially love how it ends.

      • 1 year ago

        >the show is 10 times edgier in more juvenile ways with even more gross out humour than in the comics.
        That's not true though.

        • 1 year ago

          Watch Season 3 and come back. Actually, just watch the first 10 minutes of Season 3's first episode and your mind will immediately change.

          • 1 year ago

            I've read the whole comic a couple of times, and watched all of the episodes of the show.

            The show does not come anywhere near the levels of juvenile edginess or grossout crap of the comics. I'm sorry but comics Butcher with his side plot of fricking whatsherface and all the "badassery" is also way more cartoony than show butcher. If you fell in love with the comic despite all its edginess I can see how you're unhappy with the show, but most people felt the comics were overly edgy and the show is a case of the adaptation improving on the original

            • 1 year ago

              The show is made for the same morons who love the MCU and DCU. The comic is made for people who appreciate the deconstruction of the superhero genre and actually doing something different.

              It's Watchmen if instead of actually trying to dig into the idea of why the concept of a superhero was bad decided to just turn them into basedjaks and then murdered the frick out of them with a bunch of Marty Stu's who are totally not like those dork superheroes because we wear trenchcoats.

              Watchman is good, but takes itself too seriously at certain points. The Boys comic is just pure fun because of how absolutely insane it is.

              • 1 year ago

                Opinion discarded.

              • 1 year ago

                I get it, you're cringe and thought all the edge and the matrix jackets and the endless rape was like, super daring, man.

              • 1 year ago

                We get it, you’re a rape victim

              • 1 year ago

                >The comic is made for people who appreciate the deconstruction of the superhero genre
                There are like hundreds of other comics that do it way better. Brat Pack is literally the same thing as the boys but just way better and without all the fricking edgy cringe.

              • 1 year ago

                >Brat Pack is literally the same thing
                It's not. Neither is Watchmen, neither is Marshal Law.
                Learn to read and then we can have this discussion.

              • 1 year ago

                Enlighten me. What is the difference in the message?

              • 1 year ago

                Learn to read, and then we can have this discussion.

              • 1 year ago

                >Learn to read, and then we can have this discussion.
                Really Black person? Kys.

        • 1 year ago

          >little dude running inside someone's urethra to punch the inside walls of his penis to make him cum then growing big again exploting the other dude into a million pieces.
          >monitor showing us a camera from inside a toilet pointing to someone's anus while they are shitting
          >we see love sausage's wiener. Wich is longer and now works as some sort of tentacle

          The comic is also really edgy and stupid but this narrative that the comic is "edgy garbage" while the show is not is completely moronic.

          • 1 year ago

            ok now list all the overly edgy crap from the comic?

            the thing is that while the show is also edgy compared to other tv shows, its edginess does not come even close to the endless pointless edge of the comics. You know it to be true.

            • 1 year ago

              Nah. The comic never did something as moronic as all the things I already listed.

              • 1 year ago

                >t. Ennis

              • 1 year ago

                you didn't read the comic, did you

              • 1 year ago

                >dog rape
                >monkey rape
                >fetus joints
                >literal circlejerks
                >shit zombies
                >anal hamster
                >blood and semen pool
                >Black Noir randomly raping Hughie

              • 1 year ago

                Don't forget
                >prostitutes being fricked till they bleed >and one of them exploding because Homelander came so hard into her in a cover image
                >Homelander pulling a bait and switch with Maeve and Black Noir
                >photos of the Legend and Maeve
                >Tek Knight
                >gmen frathouse shenanigans
                >MM's mom
                Anyone trying to argue the show has more gore or edginess than the comics is just delusional

              • 1 year ago

                Have you even read the comics?

      • 1 year ago

        Show Butcher doesn't look as cool me honestly.

        • 1 year ago

          It's the beard, I think. And probably all the Hawaiian shirts, too.

          • 1 year ago

            I feel like Ray Stevenson (RIP) would've been a better choice.

            • 1 year ago

              I feel like his face is too kindly.
              That being said, I would sacrifice all of

              >got rid of the worst of the filler
              I only watched season 1 but there's a literal WHITE PEOPLE BAD filler episode that does absolutely nothing for the plot. Fricking filler in a seven episode season.

              Game of Thrones and The Boys to have gotten more Rome, even if it would never be as good as its first season.

              • 1 year ago

                I dunno, he was good at this kind of "smarmy and threatening" that fist comic Butcher, tbh.
                >ignore Showtime thinking "douchebag" is some nasty word

              • 1 year ago

                I'll go back to sleep now.

              • 1 year ago

                Maybe. Either way, I wouldn't have wanted what happened to Karl Urban to happen to him.

              • 1 year ago

                god I miss rome, such a good series killed way too soon.

      • 1 year ago

        >10 times edgier in more juvenile ways with even more gross out humour than in the comics.
        There is no way you actually read the comics and think this.

    • 1 year ago

      The ending to The Boys is fricking moronic. What are you talking about?

      • 1 year ago

        The ending with Hughie and Butcher is great. What are YOU talking about?

        • 1 year ago

          Myabe if you are 12 and have severe brain damage. What are you slurring about?

  25. 1 year ago

    The comic is way better, the only people who disagree are minorities

    • 1 year ago

      The comic is edgy garbage

      • 1 year ago

        >le heckin rape scenes are le bad and le wrongthink and must be le censored

        just another NPC meta

        • 1 year ago

          I know you are playing moron but the Boys was never anything beyond edgy garbage despite some good character moments

          • 1 year ago

            That's kind of why I'm annoyed it's so fricking popular. It's only going to lead to more shows like this who only do it even worse with shittier jokes that even a 14 year older may consider childish.
            We don't need anymore of it, but the public has spoken, and that's what this decade is gonna be full of. Buckle up buckaroos.

            • 1 year ago

              If edgy shows becoming popular meant anything, we'd have 100 Dexter clones by now.
              I wish we did. The concept is cool enough and deserves better writers.

              • 1 year ago

                Dexter actually took creative writing to pull off.
                Now edginess is just uncensored erect penises and saying "frick" a million times, which anybody is capable of putting into their stories.

              • 1 year ago

                Dexter actually took creative writing to pull off.
                Now edginess is just uncensored erect penises and saying "frick" a million times, which anybody is capable of putting into their stories.

                Dexter sucks because of shit writing and a moronic premise. Not all that gruesome either.

              • 1 year ago

                The premise itself is fine. Just the right mix between cheesy pulp antihero shit and serial killer-based horror to make it work. The first season had a lot of dismembered and blood-drained hookers, but I'll agree that the show got lighter on gore after the first season.
                The writing is the real issue and it gets worse with each season.

              • 1 year ago

                And by the way about the gruesomeness, I wish they didn't chicken out on adapting the books, at least the second one. (Moloch shit from the third is moronic and got me to quit the books because of how bad it was.)
                By that I mean, they should've kept Dr. Danco in some capacity and not a half-assed, sanitized pastiche like Skinner was. Maybe not adapt him completely faithfully, but at least keep his "yodeling potato" shit.
                Danco's methods are straight-up body horror that would make a vast majority of edgy shows look like child's play.

    • 1 year ago

      The comic is one of the weaker Ennis' works, but it's still miles better than the trashy show.

  26. 1 year ago

    Because it's the narrative pushed to prop up the godawful show.

  27. 1 year ago

    Because people are literally incapable of grasping subtext, this is not a new phenomenon sadly.

  28. 1 year ago

    I don't get why the show is even as fricking popular as it is. It's only going to lead to more edgy drivel full of uncensored dicks cumming and saying "frick" as many times as you can, from people trying to ride its success.
    Wow, you can show uncensored penises on TV now. Doesn't mean you should put them absolutely everywhere to prove how "edgy" you are.
    I'm looking at you too, Euphoria.

    • 1 year ago

      The Boys is on Amazon, so I imagine they can do whatever they want.

      • 1 year ago

        This trend is being seen on multiple streaming platforms, and apparently "streaming is the future". Euphoria is HBO Max for example.
        I think edgy humor like I said could be funny, but if you're just putting it there just to say "look what we can do now, aren't we edgy", with little to no context behind the penises and fricks, then it just comes off as a middle schooler coming straight out of his first sex ed class.

        • 1 year ago

          >it just comes off as a middle schooler coming straight out of his first sex ed class.
          So, it comes off like a Garth Ennis comic?

          • 1 year ago

            Pretty much.
            I'm not offended by anything this new trend is doing, I just find it pathetic more than anything.
            And they're gonna keep on pushing it one way or another. The problem is, what was once edgy is boring a year later, and there's a limit with "how far" you can go. Edginess has a ceiling, they're going to reach it, and then ask "now what?"
            Also, I thought The Boys season 1 was alright. Season 2 got worse and 3 went completely off the rails with trying to be edgy rather than telling good stories. You just know 4 is going to go even more in that direction.

    • 1 year ago

      >edgy drivel full of uncensored dicks cumming and saying "frick" as many times as you can
      Blood Drive was much MUCH better at being exactly that. In fact I think it was too good at being that, hence why Blood Drive is canned yet thus show is normie-bait.
      And I miss Slink.

    • 1 year ago

      Season 1 was a relatively fresh take on superheroes that took one of the main themes of its source material and adapted it to the late 2010s landscape.
      Homelander and Soilder Boy are cool characters thanks to their actors.

      Any comic with the cliche gay moronic "bruh this guy was.... hes a total badazz... who had a wife... who was soothing him... but now.... dat shes gone... he became a demon..." shit deserves to get dragged.

      Garth Ennis only knows how to do Punisher, His "The Shadow" run was just 40s Punisher, and that's a problem because The Sadow is not the Punisher and the Punisher is not The Shadow.

      • 1 year ago

        Yea Season 1 was ok. Nothing super fricking amazing like the fans will preach, but I enjoyed it and felt I didn't waste my time.
        But who am I to talk? Herogasm is portrayed as the greatest tv to have ever existed in the history of the medium by the fans, with a 9.7 on IMDB. It's clear they found something that works, and they (and other shows) will keep pushing it further until they hit the ceiling.
        Maybe it's something I'm not getting, but this approach isn't interesting. It's not even offensive. It's just boring and trite.

        • 1 year ago

          Normie capeshit fans will hype up any mediocre or outright trash show/film that gets made these days, for some unknown reason. I reckon it's because they see one or two aspects they like in the film/show, like say Starr's Homelander, and then they won't think about it any further. Even something like Quantumania had people defending it because they liked Kang or whatever, and that was enough to make it good to them
          I hate the low fricking standards most normies seem to have these days. Or maybe my own standards are just too highx and I should hate that instead. I don't know any more.

          • 1 year ago

            Maybe I'm desensitized. I was exposed to a lot of fricked up shit in my early adolescence years in the early 00s. From sites like Newgrounds. Normies might not have been desensitized like me, making this stuff shocking and exciting. But I've seen far, far, far worse two decades ago at age 12, stuff that would make "The Boys", both the comics and show blush and say the content I saw was "taking things too far". So it's just boring to me.

            • 1 year ago

              I've seen so much guro anime pictures and real life murder/accidental death webms that movie gore does nothing for me. I watched Terrifier movies with a blank face whereas normies piss themselves over how gruesome they are.
              The only kind of gore that still gets any emotion out of me is "artistic" and that's more of juxtaposition of human corpses with something as beautiful as art + general surrealism of it all.
              Ed Gein was a true inspiration for the kind of horror that clicks with me.

              • 1 year ago

                Yeah I'm the same. I don't mind seeing that stuff in media either. The problem is if you remove the shock factor, there's pretty nothing of substance there. Then the producers and writers pat themselves on the back for being so "groundbreaking" for being edgy, when it's just a midler version of the edgy stuff I already saw 20 years ago.
                It's not a substitute for a good story. I'm sure normies will latch onto this for a while, but there's going to be a point where they can't go any further and the public finds already done edgy stuff boring. It's a temporary solution to get attention at best, but nothing long term.

          • 1 year ago

            I noticed that with Marvel Netflix when people praised Jessica Jones as if it's some 2000s HBO series and not trashy Lifetime-tier drama ashamed of being capeshit.
            Reading all the praise made me question if I was watching a different show from everyone else.

        • 1 year ago

          I haven't watched Season 3.

  29. 1 year ago

    Cinemaphile use to shit on the comic too long before the show even aired.

    • 1 year ago

      And Cinemaphile also b***hes constantly about but muh the Boys when the show makes sensible and necessary changes in the adaptation process.

      • 1 year ago

        Only in the first season

  30. 1 year ago

    >what if superman but he rapist
    Wow, how riveting

  31. 1 year ago

    Any comic with the cliche gay moronic "bruh this guy was.... hes a total badazz... who had a wife... who was soothing him... but now.... dat shes gone... he became a demon..." shit deserves to get dragged.

    • 1 year ago

      Nah, that's a cool trope.

  32. 1 year ago

    At the time, it' was all of Ennis' excesses at their absolute worst. He still managed to outdo himself with fricking Crossed.

  33. 1 year ago

    I always hated that dumpsterfire

  34. 1 year ago

    >Why is it cool to hate The Boys (comic version)
    Anon do you believe people only dislike things to be cool?

    • 1 year ago

      >people only dislike things to be cool?
      Most people do. On the internet at least. It always comes down to validation seeking on the internet and a constant dissolution of individuality

  35. 1 year ago

    Because the comic was fricking ass?

  36. 1 year ago

    Because the popular e-celeb said so and millions ate it up. Even though the TV show is overly cinematic garbage on par with Marvel movies, it has no real coherent story and constantly censored/changed shit. Such as refusing to kill off Queen Maeve because she’s a lesbian or turning the Homelander into Trump but as a supervillain. The comic’s cartoonish edginess is what made it iconic. It was hilarious and it pissed everyone off. But since we live in a culture that won’t even say “moron”, we can’t have nice things

    >b-but old Cinemaphile hated it!!!
    I don’t give a shit what the oldgays think, most of them are leftist troons or deceased now. Just because someone has been on this shithole site the longest doesn’t mean they are wise. It’s the exact same thing with boomers

    • 1 year ago

      >Just because someone has been on this shithole site the longest doesn’t mean they are wise.
      It means the exact opposite.

    • 1 year ago

      >It was hilarious
      Imagine being enough of a drooling moron to actually think this. It was fricking crap.

    • 1 year ago

      It's Watchmen if instead of actually trying to dig into the idea of why the concept of a superhero was bad decided to just turn them into basedjaks and then murdered the frick out of them with a bunch of Marty Stu's who are totally not like those dork superheroes because we wear trenchcoats.

    • 1 year ago

      Imagine being PROUD of the fact that you're a newbie tourist, Jesus fricking Christ.

      • 1 year ago

        Imagine being that guy that b***hes about newbies

      • 1 year ago

        The comic started off pretty shit, with Ennis being as obnoxious as possible (he was going through an extra-edgy phase during this time) but Ennis started to take things seriously about halfway through and managed to pull a decent ending that actually worked... mostly.

        These stupid fricking kids are the goddamn worst. Entitled little morons...

  37. 1 year ago

    Because unlike the show the comics were conservative in political slant vs the shows woke slant
    Fans of the show absolutely hate the source material because it makes fun of them

    • 1 year ago

      The original comic was neither conservative or left wing, it existed solely to make comic book nerds angry because it depicted Superheroes as incompetent fools who were no different from everyone else

      >It was hilarious
      Imagine being enough of a drooling moron to actually think this. It was fricking crap.

      >Uh actually it was fricking crap!
      Enjoy your little furgay show, Anon

      • 1 year ago

        >it depicted Superheroes as incompetent fools who were no different from everyone else
        It's more than that. They were also horrible, malicious people and hid that from the public for the most part.

      • 1 year ago

        >Enjoy your little furgay show, Anon
        What the cum-gargling frick are you even on about?

    • 1 year ago

      >the comics were conservative in political slant
      Imagine unironically thinking this when the comic's Bush analogue is a literal drooling moron.

    • 1 year ago

      >the comics were conservative in political slant

      • 1 year ago

        Morons always self identify with satire in place of reality. See also the Colbert Report

    • 1 year ago

      I also think the new show has a lot of woke garbage but you can't possibly think the comic is conservative.

    • 1 year ago

      >the comics were conservative in political slant
      Montana Bob and Vic the Veep are the least subtle depiction of Republicans in a mainstream comic book in recorded memory, and I'm counting Richard Nixon as the villain in an issue of Captain America

      • 1 year ago

        Dakota Bob, and I assume the guy you're replying to is one of the morons who thinks that because he was portrayed as "corrupt, but just the normal amount instead of being in the pocket of Satan Corp." it means Ennis was endorsing Bush as best president ever.

    • 1 year ago

      >It’s conservative because le edgy jokes

  38. 1 year ago

    brown people think its cool because they're brown, i mean, do you really want to go through the whole rigamaroo of explaining why subhumans don't appreciate good things?

  39. 1 year ago

    comic butcher is ten times more likeable than whatever show butcher is

  40. 1 year ago

    >did you fictionally depict a character raping someone instead of depicting the character committing mass genocide in [current year] oh you sweet summer child

  41. 1 year ago

    people who thought they were edgy for watching the show being upset by finding out the comic made the show look like PG-13 shit

    • 1 year ago

      this lol my normie friends would brag about watching it then read the comic and completely shit they're pants when one rape happened

      • 1 year ago

        >my normie friends
        If you had any of those you wouldn't be on Cinemaphile.

        • 1 year ago

          Not everyone who uses this website is incapable of hiding they're power level anon

      • 1 year ago

        Homelander isn't a smexy tumblrman and the center of attention is about Butcher trying to change Hughie.
        TB The Show is "How Bad Can I Be"

  42. 1 year ago

    I am not gonna sit here and say the boys comic is good but the show is ten times worse, the comic is like "lets take iconic super heroes and make them super edgy" the show is like "here is a bunch of super heroes they are basically celebrities though some are good some are bad, we won't make fun of the mcu or the dc universe though because we might get to be in it one day"

    • 1 year ago

      >we won't make fun of the mcu or the dc universe though
      When they outright stated The Legend wouldn't be in the show we knew it was sanitized no matter how much AfterEffects gore they added

      • 1 year ago

        they actually put the legend in the show but he is an old hollywood producer, they could easily have had him be the guy who makes capeshit films like "Payback, yeah I took a bunch of hasbins and b list capes put them in a movies building up to a team up against some evil aliens, no one thought it would work but it sold billions thats why they call me the legend kid I can turn anything into gold"

        instead we got "I am a israelite producer I make movies"

    • 1 year ago

      The comic is also comparing superheroes to celebrities

      • 1 year ago

        yeah but they actually parody the super heroes. Nothing in the show really feels like its making fun of these heroes they are just celebrities with super powers. An easy one like the easiest fricking one to do is soldier boy, you made him pretty much just modern captain america where he is a man out of time, and you don't even do any racist or homophobic lines. Youtube skits from 8 years ago did a better dick head captain america

  43. 1 year ago

    how much Cinemaphile wanks off the show despite it being objectively worse than the comic is such an example of why this place is Cinemaphilemblr.
    people on praise the show because it's less offensive. the comic is a far better narrative despite how juvenile it is.

    • 1 year ago

      Who thinks the show is good? It's an awful adaptation of am edgy comic.

      • 1 year ago

        >Who thinks the show is good?
        a lot of posters on this board apparently. i was here when the show started too; they've been praising it as some great thing since the beginning.

        • 1 year ago

          Same with Cinemaphile

      • 1 year ago

        MCUtards who just want MCU but with swear words.

  44. 1 year ago

    It's cool to hate it because after like 5 issues you realize that the writer clearly never gave a shit, and will never give a shit, about character progression, so all the batshit edgy trash you've been reading really has just been surface level nonsense. Who cares about all the darkness and the cocaine and the hookers and the X-men expies or Herogasm or whatever bullshit Ennis is talking about, none of it even matters to him.

    The comic is like looking into the journal of some edgy teenager who like NIN, Columbine, trenchcoats, and Special Ops who also hates mainstream comics and comic book characters.

    • 1 year ago

      >It's cool to hate it because after like 5 issues you realize that the writer clearly never gave a shit, and will never give a shit, about character progression
      >clearly did not read The Boys
      your criticism is actually null and void when it's just objectively wrong.

      • 1 year ago

        No one progressed at all in their motives, Ennis just reveals stuff that was already there.

        • 1 year ago

          >No one progressed at all in their motives
          that is not the qualifier for character progression. also, butcher definitely progressed in his motives.

  45. 1 year ago

    If you don’t like the comic than you’re a gay hating ass homie who sucks off other men.

  46. 1 year ago

    Here's my thoughts on the comic. The TL;DR is the comic is pretty flawed, but has enough good that makes it worthwhile, and the show started off good but is now somehow much worse than the comic
    >almost everything to do with Hughie and Butcher
    >all the non-supe characters are interesting (the rest of the Boys, Stillwell, Mallory)
    >Butcher's backstory and characterisation throughout
    >interesting worldbuilding
    >most arcs are at least entertaining, if not high art
    >the Boys fighting supes is always great (the Stormfront arc is a highlight)
    >at its best, Ennis's portrayal of superheroes as a combination the worst of 00s American pop culture and the worst of 00s capeshit is a genuinely interesting take
    >under all the edge, Ennis still knows how to write a satisfying story with characters you get invested in
    >strong narrative arc throughout that finishes in a genuinely great ending which is surprisingly heartfelt and tbh that ending is a big reason I like the comic as a guilty pleasure
    >the first few issues are pretty bad
    >the artwork mostly sucks throughout, in large part due to the ugly digital colouring (Russ Braun is the best of the lot by far)
    >a lot of the edginess is just in poor taste rather than being funny or shocking (Starlight is forced into a full-on blowbang, super kids who were molested are thrown out of a plane by the govt, the baby-eating)
    >the backstory/worldbuilding is all done in big exposition dumps
    >almost all the supes are incredibly two-dimensional
    >Hughie and Annie's romance is dragged out way too long and overall poorly done; it takes ages for them to find out about one another, and there's a bunch of unnecessary drama
    >Highland Laddie
    >the Homelander/Black Noir reveal is silly and comic-booky in a way that the comic was previously making fun of

    • 1 year ago

      And on the show:
      >Antony Starr as Homelander
      >Soldier Boy
      >Season 1 is genuinely great TV and a good adaptation; got rid of the worst of the filler by focusing on the Seven and speeding through the Hughie/Annie romance
      >plane scene
      >Homelander, the Seven, and all the supes in general are given way more focus and actual development than they ever got in the comic, mostly for the better
      >surprisingly good costumes for the supes
      >good production values in general, especially for TV capeshit
      >far too up its own arse; it thinks it's some brilliant satire of both politics and capeshit, when it just bashes you over the head with its political stance and dives head-first into all the usual capeshit tropes
      >terribly unsubtle; show Homelander is just le evil not-Trump, every male character is toxic masculinity made flesh. Ennis shits on Dubya a lot in his comic, but he didn't do something as stupidly blatant as directly making Homelander not-Dubya
      >doesn't make as much fun of capeshit as it pretends; the subplot with the Seven movie is as far as it goes
      >been spinning its wheels ever since the end of S1; it's very clear that Amazon are dragging it out, since it's their only real success
      >far too reliant on Antony Starr to keep people watching
      >the Boys, Starlight, and all non-supe characters are done much more poorly done than their comics counterparts (both Becky and Starlight are genuinely ruined, for seemingly no reason)
      >the edginess is even more bad taste than the comic, partially because it's now in live action, but also because it's somehow even more immature (i.e., "no slurs, no T&A, but we'll show you plenty of dicks and violent gore because haha penises!")
      >the writers' politics gets in the way of narrative sensibility, e.g. Maeve not dying because she's bisexual, Starlight turns into a b***h just because Hughie wants to save her
      >it's clear now they'll never adapt any of the good bits from the comic
      >"girls DO get it done"
      >"my wife's son"

      • 1 year ago

        Nothing about it being a live action adaptation and everthing terrible that comes with being one?

      • 1 year ago

        you forgot about how we get shittier versions of characters (like Stormfront and Stillwell) becuase of "muh politics"--all the while the show is pretending to be above partisanship in its "commentary".

      • 1 year ago

        >>it's clear now they'll never adapt any of the good bits from the comic
        Which would you say are the good bits?

      • 1 year ago

        >got rid of the worst of the filler
        I only watched season 1 but there's a literal WHITE PEOPLE BAD filler episode that does absolutely nothing for the plot. Fricking filler in a seven episode season.

    • 1 year ago

      I absolutely hate commies IRL, but I'm appalled you didn't mention Love Sausage as a highlight.
      One of the truly most likable characters Ennis ever created.

      • 1 year ago

        he says "Black person" casually for comedic effect, so we have to pretend he's too offensive and over the line.

      • 1 year ago

        Shit yeah, I should've mentioned him in the 'non-supe' category. He's just a fricking fun dude. I really hate how the show did him, and I've no idea why they thought that was okay.

        Nothing about it being a live action adaptation and everthing terrible that comes with being one?

        That's far too general a criticism. Good live action adaptations are possible. The problem with the show is that, beyond S1, it didn't try adapting anything at all

        you forgot about how we get shittier versions of characters (like Stormfront and Stillwell) becuase of "muh politics"--all the while the show is pretending to be above partisanship in its "commentary".

        Like I said, most all the characters are done way worse in the show. The show's Seven are the only ones who are good characters, better than they were in the comic, but even then it's debatable how decent they are by S3
        Also, I don't think the show was every really pretending to be above partisanship. The closest it gets is saying "big corps are baaaad and not truly progressive, m'kay?"

        >>it's clear now they'll never adapt any of the good bits from the comic
        Which would you say are the good bits?

        Off the top of my head:
        >Butcher and Homelander's meeting (which tbf they already did pretty well in S1)
        >the Stormfront arc
        >the Super Duper arc
        >Butcher, Baker, Candlestickmaker (though I can understand why they can't easily make Butcher a Falklands War vet)
        >the climactic supe rebellion/mutiny/massacre is decent fun, aside from the silly clone twist
        >Butcher and Becky's relationship
        >Butcher and Hughie's brotherly relationship is the focal point of the comic, but practically negligible in the show
        >all the specifically British touches, like Butcher's speech about Americans all being American, the lampooning of Frenchie, and all the song references in the titles and yes, I know Ennis is Northern Irish but it's the attitude and cultural POV I'm talking about, especially compared to the show being so terribly fricking American about everything
        >the whole ending arc
        There's probably more I'm forgetting but the basic gist is that I reckon the show has missed out on a lot of the points that made the comic at all worth adapting in the first place

        • 1 year ago

          >I reckon the show has missed out on a lot of the points that made the comic at all worth adapting in the first place

    • 1 year ago

      You forgot the biggest CON. It's a terrible story that makes no sense and it's soley made to be goreporn and ragebait.

  47. 1 year ago

    The comic is utter shite didn't watch the series but i doubt it would be worse because ennis is not in charge

    • 1 year ago

      i swear, anti-ennis zombies like this are just superhero fanboys that were eternally btfo'd by ennis making a career out of mocking the genre.

      • 1 year ago

        Ennis isn't going to rape you just because you defend his edgy garbage

        • 1 year ago

          >only criticism is "muh edgy garbage!!!"
          what a thin-skinned pussy you are.

          • 1 year ago

            >only praise is "muh edgy garbage!!!"
            what a thin-skinned pussy you are.

            • 1 year ago

              The boys are back in town
              The boys are back in town
              The boys are back in town

            • 1 year ago

              there's an entire thread worth of specific praise for the show, and you haven't refuted any of it.
              you just cry like a b***h that some people aren't as sensitive as you.

  48. 1 year ago

    >Nothing Happens: The Comic
    You could read volume 1 and skip all the way to volume 6 and you would miss barely anything.

  49. 1 year ago

    It is too edgy for modern Zoomers and Millennials.

  50. 1 year ago

    Love him or hate him, Ennis has a terrible sense of humor.

    • 1 year ago

      maybe if you're a pussy, sure.

      • 1 year ago

        Nah, his sense of humor is dogshit.

    • 1 year ago

      Ennis is good when he is on a short leash. As soon as he got big enough to do his solo projects all he did was shit like The Boys and Crossed.

  51. 1 year ago

    Because the comic makes the show look like the Simpsons in terms of edgyness. And Zoomers can’t handle that level of edginess.

  52. 1 year ago

    The boys is an entertaining concept unfortunately written by Ennis. Simple as.

    • 1 year ago

      The concept is shit.

  53. 1 year ago

    This is probably my favorite moment in the entire comic.

    • 1 year ago

      Based. I hate how he got cut from the show.

      • 1 year ago

        Shame. The comic had quite a few funny moments like

        I wasn't the anon who originally brought it up or who you (You)'d, but you could have easily searched for the source yourself and you asked about it like a smug prick so yeah, I'll say it's spoonfeeding

  54. 1 year ago

    Show acts the villians better and makes howie a smidge more respectable. Homelander hard carries the weaker parts of the cast.

    Show also overdevelops side characters who, frankly, are uninteresting. Starlight in particular just sucks.

    Show needs to end sooner rather than later. Writers have an easy W with homelander fan escalation. Pull a jan 6, military supers shut it down, escalate with Butcher. writes itself.

    1000x better than supers coup and butcher plot in comic.

    • 1 year ago

      Anon there is literally a spinoff series in the works this shit isn't ending anytime soon

  55. 1 year ago

    Ya want gum?

    • 1 year ago

      Any gluten free gum?

    • 1 year ago

      I assume he was supposed to be a mockery of the quirky superheroes who are supposed to be funny.
      With how MCU quips are a meme at this point, it's weird the show never did anything like this.

      • 1 year ago

        >it's weird the show never did anything like this.
        They are not self aware enough and if they were they would be offended.

  56. 1 year ago

    The comic is ltierally just Ennis self-fellating himself over his hatred of superheroes and his lifelong fetish for shallow shock-value edgy shit. The only people who genuinely like this shit are 2000's edgy teenagers and said teenagers who never grew up after that phase.

    Which is what you people who unironically like this comic literally are.

  57. 1 year ago

    We've been over this; Normies don't like comics.

  58. 1 year ago

    my mother has bought me these every christmas since the show came out
    i was genuinely annoyed the little amazon thing wasnt a sticker
    same fricking shit with my invincible omnibus 3

  59. 1 year ago

    People always shit on The Boys. It was only ever decent for the spectacle and the ridiculousness of it. It was a dogshit from day 1.

  60. 1 year ago

    If Ennis hates superheroes, why is he a favor Superman and Wonder Woman?

    • 1 year ago

      He doesn't. He only likes Superman to the extent he can self-insert into the Superman-as-immigrant motif.

  61. 1 year ago

    You can look on the archives and find people shitting on this comic nonstop since it ended. People clowned on it for being super edgy and Ennis lacking self awareness. He wanted to prove how childish and naive super hero stories were that he wrote his story in such contrived and edgy way it went full circle, becoming childish slop

  62. 1 year ago

    What if professor xavier was a pedophile!

    • 1 year ago

      >What if

    • 1 year ago
    • 1 year ago

      >What if

  63. 1 year ago

    the comic is bitter and hates superhero comics. the show loves superhero comics and loves ragging on them. like friends ribbing eachother.

    • 1 year ago

      >the comic is bitter and hates superhero comics.
      lmao. another post proving my point

      i swear, anti-ennis zombies like this are just superhero fanboys that were eternally btfo'd by ennis making a career out of mocking the genre.

      I always wondered why Cinemaphile was so butthurt about Ennis when there are so many shitty writers out there. Took me so long to realize it's just butthurt fanboys.

      • 1 year ago

        look i read the comic when it was coming out and i liked it a lot. its just that the show recontextualizes a lot of stuff that makes it so interesting to me. i love both but you cannot deny the comic is a bitter angry rejection of big 2 super hero books. the show and comics are fascinating circus mirror looking at itself. that said Terror erasure in the show is criminal. the moment with Billy and Homelander about Terror is still in my top 3 moments in comics of all time

        • 1 year ago

          >that said Terror erasure in the show is criminal.
          the everything erasure is criminal. instead of just toning down the edge, they needlessly changed a bunch of shit that made adapting so many of the good parts impossible.
          showrunners are just another classic example of big-ego hollywood gay thinking he can haphazardly mutilate a narrative and have it turn out well. i mean, brainless normies love the show so it doesn't matter, but i'm talking about actually quality rather than popularity.

          • 1 year ago

            i dunno man, when it comes to adaptation i like seeing a different interpretation . i already read the comic, it'd be boring to see the same thing play out but with karl urban and not-simon-pegg. i think the big plus the show has is getting the chance to change the black noir gaslighting homelander twist. i always felt in the comics that was an ambiguous cop out, like it put homelander on the edge of "well he believed he was this person so he just became this person"

            • 1 year ago

              >i dunno man, when it comes to adaptation i like seeing a different interpretation . i already read the comic, it'd be boring to see the same thing play out but with karl urban and not-simon-pegg.
              oh, joy.
              another western-adaptation drone.

  64. 1 year ago

    ennis has a hard time reigning it in
    he gets in a mood and everything and everyone becomes shite
    he's really one of those creators that's best with a bit of editorial oversight, but since he's an auteur and not broke he only writes without it

    that being said, why are you going to twitter to find out what's "cool"? why do you care about what cringey black naruto likes or doesn't like?
    stop embarrassing yourself

  65. 1 year ago

    What if martian manhunter had a secret fetish for trannies!

    If i had to choose between re-reading the boys or re-reading cerebus id probably just kill myself

  66. 1 year ago

    I'm watching this rn and it's kinda gay
    >Superheroes are celebrities and zomg celebrities are evil
    The show

  67. 1 year ago

    And this shithole shills Dan Slott's She-Hulk as "Good".

  68. 1 year ago

    I have no idea why people like show Homelander so much.
    He is a boring, one-note butthole who the show desperately tries to convince you is scary but falls short on any sense of dread.

    • 1 year ago

      Show and comic Homelander is based. It does a terrible job at making his views hateable

      • 1 year ago

        It certainly does a terrible job at making me care about "the best villain OMG" bullshit that normies push.

  69. 1 year ago

    it always was. i was surprised when i started hearing good things about the show

  70. 1 year ago

    I feel overall the show is better but the comic is far far more consistent in its themes and message. The handling of stormfront was fricking jarring.
    >the entire point of him in the comics is to show that radical ideology just serves corporate greed
    >show portrays her ideology as a legitimate concern
    Not to mention the entire thing with butcher betraying Soldier Boy. The show can't decide if it's anti corporation or trying to send another message entirely.

    • 1 year ago

      >The show can't decide if it's anti corporation or trying to send another message entirely.
      One of the funniest/stupidest unintentional bits of the show is how they have Homelander going live on air to talk about how there's a secret 'deep Vought' who are secretly running against him, because show Homelander is just an unsubtle Trump parody and they want to mock him talking about the 'deep state'. But then show Homelander is entirely correct that Vought is going against him.

  71. 1 year ago

    >Find the boys comic before it got big, was interested by the idea of hunting heroes abusing their power
    >Literally all the heroes are buttholes, not even using themes just making them all the most cartoonishly hedonistic buttholes who kill and rape on a whim
    The comic just wasted the idea completely man, show isn't better on that regard but it seemed to at least have an idea it wanted to point towards by making them more akin to celebrities

  72. 1 year ago

    Because it's bad and always have been.

  73. 1 year ago

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