Why is nobody watching Disney anymore?

Why is nobody watching Disney anymore, Cinemaphile? Is it just strange american politics, bad movies or something else?

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  1. 6 months ago

    Disney doesn’t takes risk anymore and only focused on the money and what they think the audience wants instead

    • 6 months ago

      They've spent the last few years making movies and TV shows for women. So eventually men just stopped watching them. But it turns out women aren't interested in stuff like Marvel and Star Wars in the first place, so they have no audience left.

      It's kind of like pleasing the vocal minority when the majority aren't complaining because they actually like it. And just guess who b***hes the most?
      They b***hed so hard they had to get men become women just so that people will pretend to listen to their incessant nagging. But the wallet doesn't give a frick about harpeys droning on. People pay NOT to hear this shit.

      cope, cinema is dead

      • 6 months ago

        >Nolan’s meme-tier movie where Oppenheimer literally suits up with his pipe and cowboy hat like it’s TDK made nearly a billion
        >A FNAF movie in 2023 made almost 300 million on a 20 mil budget
        No it’s not

      • 6 months ago

        Napoleon was a shit movie for both historygays and historylets

      • 6 months ago

        I see Caroltrannies are going for this narrative now, must be desperate

      • 6 months ago

        Historical movies flopping is nothing new. Disney having a bad year is. Especially since it's its 100 year anniversary.

      • 6 months ago

        >Two historical dramas didn't do well in the box office
        And yet Oppenheimer and Godzilla Minus One did exceptionally well.
        "Godzilla wasn't a historical drama"
        It was far more historically accurate than Napoleon and deals with the tribulations Japan went through after the war. It counts.

      • 6 months ago

        >historical drama that shits on history

        it appeals to noone

      • 6 months ago

        >Make a movie about Napoleon
        >Napoleon is barely in the movie, by comparison he has more screentime in Bill and Ted than in his own fricking movie
        >Instead of the movie is about how his bottom b***h was "important" and is apparently the puppet master and big brain behind literally everything Nappy has ever done
        >It flops
        Wow, no kidding. That's the problem with these bait and switch movies, people will find out and then they tell everybody else about it.

        • 6 months ago

          >Ridley Scott needs to think of a way to show Napoleon conquering Egypt
          >'Durr have him fire canons at the pyramids!'
          Napoleon historically would rather kill himself than do that. It's like having a scene of Darwin torching the Galapagos or Caesar pissing on a statue of Alexander.

        • 6 months ago

          The frick are you smoking
          Napoleon is in the movie for the vast majority of the runtime and it fricking sucks anyway because Ridley Scott has zero clue what makes Napoleon interesting

          • 6 months ago

            >Ridley Scott has zero clue what makes Napoleon interesting
            >it was the hat all along

    • 6 months ago

      >Disney doesn’t takes risk anymore and only focused on the money
      Are you moronic? Had they focused on the money, they would've made movies that people actually would want to see.

      • 6 months ago

        >they would've made movies that people actually would want to see
        The talent from the past few decades is no longer there and "making movies that people want to see" now just means churning out endless sequels, as we're likely to see in the next few years

        • 6 months ago

          >The talent from the past few decades is no longer there

          must be a nightmare for production. anyways

      • 6 months ago

        are you moronic?
        hollywood has no idea what people want
        that's why they keep making shitty remakes cause they think nostalgia is enough to get people in the theater
        nobody wants live action remakes, and even though at least half of them have flopped, disney keeps shitting them out

  2. 6 months ago

    Shut up Buzz, I'll kill you.

    • 6 months ago

      sorry pal, but can we make amends?

    • 6 months ago

      This is the first time I’ve heard of this meme outside of an inside joke

  3. 6 months ago

    They've spent the last few years making movies and TV shows for women. So eventually men just stopped watching them. But it turns out women aren't interested in stuff like Marvel and Star Wars in the first place, so they have no audience left.

    • 6 months ago

      It's kind of like pleasing the vocal minority when the majority aren't complaining because they actually like it. And just guess who b***hes the most?
      They b***hed so hard they had to get men become women just so that people will pretend to listen to their incessant nagging. But the wallet doesn't give a frick about harpeys droning on. People pay NOT to hear this shit.

    • 6 months ago

      It really is this simple. Same thing killed magazines. When playboy and GQ and men’s health started to feature more women columnists and/or editors they began to die faster than they needed to. Sports media has lost numbers as they prioritize women wit social justice and human interest segments that used to be kept to the olympics coverage.

  4. 6 months ago

    The truth is often in the middle. But yes.

  5. 6 months ago

    Disney's winning formula stopped working but they are so committed to following it that they design movies that cannot possibly succeed. Its happened before.

    They're playing it safe, when safe isn't actually safe anymore. The losers wittering on about politics this and that are moronic.

    • 6 months ago

      >winning formula
      When was the last time Disney had a movie about s young white princess getting her dreams come true? Because that's their winning formula and as far as I can tell they have made money every single time they do it

      • 6 months ago

        Nobody said the princess has to be white in order for people to give a shit about her.

        • 6 months ago

          The box office would suggest as much.

          • 6 months ago


          • 6 months ago

            By your logic no one would have watched or cared about Aladdin, Mulan, The Lion King or Pocahantas. Instead of those being beloved Disney classics.

  6. 6 months ago

    I don't want to

  7. 6 months ago

    They bought too much shit, and lost focus.
    Also over saturated stuff.

  8. 6 months ago

    They’re writing films via committee. They’re chasing marketing ideals instead of actual ideas, usually you come up with a story and then figure out how to market it, but these days they’re coming up with a marketing strategy and then figuring out how to build a film around it. It’s not working but it’s almost like they forgot how to build a narrative.

  9. 6 months ago

    >literally state your goal is to indoctrinate children with lgbt content
    >make a public statement against a parental rights law in Florida
    >be shocked when parents (who are your main source of income) stop buying your products

    • 6 months ago

      DumbSantis is a giant moron

  10. 6 months ago

    I'm not watching the cartoons because I'm not one of the children they're supposed to be for, nor one of the lesbians they're actually for.

    I'm not watching Star Wars because almost everything they've done with it has sucked.

    I'm not watching the MCU because they did my waifu dirty and I ragequit.

    I don't care for their politics, but I could have just done my best to ignore it if they were making Star Wars things that don't suck, and if the MCU hadn't done what they did. For that, I'll happily watch them burned to the ground.

  11. 6 months ago


    Disney is inherited wealth at this point being squandered by people with no idea how it was amassed/kept up to now.

  12. 6 months ago

    >Muh politics muh racism
    It's simple, man. The movies are shit. They could make a movie about Hans Aryanson Gigachad and his harem of blonde girlfriends and it would still be shit.
    Because Disney doesn't care about quality or politics or family values or whatever, they care about monopoly and holding onto that. Any of the 'woke' shit is merely an act so they can pretend to be 'morally correct' while doing it, but as them rejecting Nimona proved, they don't have any sort of real lgbt agenda or anything, they just wanna pretend they care about the hispanics and the blacks and the non-binaries and whatever else they add to their movies by doing only the bare, least offensive minimum. Gotta sell those movies in China after all.
    Weirdo american politics and their moronic back and forth are clearly part of the issue but let's not pretend that agreeing with everything that is in a movie means it is suddenly good again, it is still a commitee-written, executive-approved, out-of-touch-boomer-led mess because Disney just wants to sell PRODUCTS to as many people as possible instead of making ART. Because they are the main force pushing the whole "animation is for the kids" angle, because that is their fricking market even if the morons up top know nothing about what kids want.
    They think well kids are stupid they will eat anything, but forget that parents won't.
    They don't make family movies anymore they make shit for the lowest common denominator, the kind of idiot who thinks Disney made Ice Age because it's animated and that you spell it "Mario Bross", the kind that falls for the most blatant pandering and still believes Disney equals Quality.
    And those people are all either getting old or too young to buy products.

    • 6 months ago

      But the thing is, the politics are the only thing that could save a bad movie. And yet, the official presentation is to alienate the main consumer demographics in favour of uninterested marginal groups.
      Stuff like inserting proud black lesbians into a Buzz Lightyear movie doesn't make black lesbians interested in Buzz Lightyear, but it does make parents uninterested. It's an active sabotage of any potential success.

      • 6 months ago

        How would a bad movie with bad animation, bad characters and bad performances be saved by a good political message

        • 6 months ago

          The same way every cable news channel survives? Politics sells.

        • 6 months ago

          Disney has been putting movies with bad animation, bad characters and bad performances that have been moderate to smash hits since Frozen.
          There's obviously more going on than just "well, Disney sucks now" since they've been sucking for most of the late 2010s when they were putting out billion dollar hit after billion dollar hit.

    • 6 months ago

      Even fricking Nintendo does a better job at targetting to guys.

  13. 6 months ago


    >Who is your waifu?
    They went full moron on copying things that happened in the comics, even things that were bad and hated by fans the first time around.

    >And about Marvel Disney has never been suited for male focused properties. They really are not suited for these.
    It's so odd that they literally bought Marvel and Star Wars to reach the male audience, then tried to turn them into female-centric properties. I'm not against female leads in Marvel or Star Wars stuff on principle, but don't try and remove or emasculate male leads entirely.

    >Which do you think is more popular Walt Disney's live action Zorro series or the Antonio Banderas Zorro movie? There you go.
    I didn't even know there were any modern Zorro movies or shows outside of the ones with Banderas.

    >And what I'm getting at is male properties? Should be illegal to have them sold to a Girl Company like Disney.
    The wider issue where all of media and entertainment is slowly getting consolidated under a tiny number of soulless megacorporations really isn't a good thing either.

    • 6 months ago

      All new marvel tanked the comics and they decided to go full steam ahead with it in the movies too. What did they expect

    • 6 months ago

      >don't try and remove or emasculate male leads entirely.
      Honestly not even sure who wanted this besides weirdo lesbian radfems.
      I'm [spoilers]a straight woman[/spoilers] and I know that as such no ones gives a frick what I think but you know maybe, just maybe, they should realize there's people who like strong masculine handsome heroes out there

  14. 6 months ago

    Nothing innovative.
    If Disney were to stay on top, they would have to make something fresh and new. They thought they could stay in too by being complacent.
    But for decades Disney is conservative and non-revolutionary creatively.
    And that finally hit them.

  15. 6 months ago

    I really don't think words can describe just how much Disney Star Wars has murdered the good will people had for this company. Even Andor can't save them from the tidal wave of criticism each of their shows gets from anyone besides paid shills.

    • 6 months ago

      Ridley wasn't that bad of an actor

      • 6 months ago

        She really wasn't, she was just given the worst material you've ever seen. Also she was coked out of her head during filming.

    • 6 months ago

      I would "employ" that ass deep in a heartbeat

  16. 6 months ago

    Because they lost Lasseter and made sure not to pick new people that was like him creatively.

  17. 6 months ago

    Growing discontent with extreme leftism, much of which isn't leftist politics, but enabled by leftist savior complex. The left has thrown in their lot with the mentally ill, grifters, liars, and censors.
    Disney, as a media corporation, is the most visible. I know it's not kosher to talk about /misc/ outside of /misc/. But it's impossible not to when Disney itself admits its current products are driven by /misc/. It can't be denied when their writers and their directors see their progressive messaging as the priority in their works.
    What has their ideology brought us? I'm not advocating, but if you want to sincerely understand why Disney is losing customers across all their businesses, not just movies, then you have to understand what those customers are asking themselves every time they see a Disney logo. Those questions are:
    -what has BLM done except to increase crime and poverty in the communities it claims to uplift?
    -what has third-wave feminism done for women except to reduce relationship opportunities, make work a necessity rather than a choice, and subvert the conversation around beauty without changing real preferences, such that everyone has to lie?
    -what has CRT done except to create more hatred between races?
    -what has DEI and ESG done except to flush investments down the toilet, lose institutional knowledge, and replace meritocracy with political nepotism?
    -what has placating transpeople done except suppress parental and women's rights, and decrease public trust in scientific and medical institutions?
    -who are being censored every time these topics come up for discussion?
    Progressivism is not abstract anymore. People are confronted with its consequences daily, and they're being confronted with it in Disney movies. Even if you're on the progressive side, is it hard to accept the opposition does not want this content? And if you believe the opposition is not the majority, can you still claim to be victims?

    • 6 months ago

      Go leave

    • 6 months ago

      Even if someone doesn't find Disney's political agenda objectionable- or at least not very objectionable- that doesn't mean they'd be comfortable bringing their children to watch Disney propaganda. Even if we leave aside the right and center, I feel like many moderate left-wing parents don't want to have conversations about sex, gay sex, gender identity, or climate alarmism with their young children yet... and they certainly don't want a mega-corporation demanding they have that discussion.

      • 6 months ago

        >with their young children yet
        But that part is inherently political, because that's baked into the ideology, is it not? Especially on social matters, the reason they became a flashpoint is because they're being pushed in schools (which they initially denied), being pushed on kids. If they weren't, then media capture wouldn't be necessary.

        • 6 months ago

          That's why I specified moderate leftists. They might find LGB to be okay and even the T to be morally acceptable... but they don't want any of that around their children. You need to remember that gay marriage was legislated by the Supreme Court- even California couldn't get a majority of voters to go for it. I think the polls were something like 60-40 against? Sure, that was roughly a decade ago, but the "groundroots" support for the LGBT block has always been hard carried by the media... explicitly so the left can be distracted away from actual economic issues.

          • 6 months ago

            >That's why I specified moderate leftists
            As did I, when I said at the start these are the views of the extreme left that often aren't even congruent with liberal thought. But the moderate left does enable it. The loudest talking heads of leftist thought leaders in the media preach it. Moderate leftists in that space are shunned.
            Most people at Disney are probably moderate left. Yet their biggest headache right now all stem from their extremist stance on Florida state law, which involves your main concern - the indoctrination of children. So even the moderates have to take ownership of this. This is something you have to fix. It's like the transwomen in women's sport issue. If women who oppose it aren't willing to solve it, what can the men say? Nothing. All we need to do is not participate in that at all.

          • 6 months ago

            It doesn’t matter what Disney shows or what they teach in schools, because some classmates of your children ARE LGBTQ.
            I’ve seen in. You can’t hide it from them, especially when there is commotion at your kid’s school because one of their classmates has to pick the right restroom.

            • 6 months ago

              Lmao it's a trend caused by things like Homestuck 10 years ago. I'm publishing how my Catholic creativity was exploited for such works - Helluva Boss too!! - helping end the trend. Shut up NPC

  18. 6 months ago

    Zootopia was their last good film

    • 6 months ago

      >Judy discovers the knot.

  19. 6 months ago

    they just put everything on disney plus so there is no incentive to actually pay for their movies.

    everyone complaining about muh woman needs to kill himself

  20. 6 months ago

    American politics caused Disney to make bad movies.
    ...Well, insofar as those politics are brainrot infecting Disney's creatives and managers.

  21. 6 months ago


    women with actual skills are ok. its the ones who build their identity around showbiz are all mental cases

  22. 6 months ago


    You don't have to false flag anymore. We know who the real Nazis are.

  23. 6 months ago


    It's been disheartening to see a Japanese company completely subverted by its' american division.

  24. 6 months ago

    Kids watch unboxing videos and tik-tok and whatever is beamed directly into their skulls via smart device.

    Adults are FINALLY aging-out of watching ANY movie, not just Disney.

    • 6 months ago

      Kids went to see Barbie and Mario Bros and I think FNAF did well too.
      It could be just that kids are tired of the Disney formula.

      • 6 months ago

        it's because movies and TV are not special anymore. the internet let's anyone who's creative leap ahead of the old school institutions

  25. 6 months ago

    Disney bends too hard to Twitter.

  26. 6 months ago

    Shitty company and writers seems obvious, but it's also the weird cultural shift. Disney used to be family friendly or at least markets itself that way for right-tards, but also advertises to left-tards with their LGBQT stuff and first time gay kiss or something. Instead of both sides being in to it, both sides see how shitty and fake the company is and they've kinda lost their standing with many people because of this. There is a cultural war going on and not choosing a side isn't always a good option for companies.

  27. 6 months ago

    Disney turned (mostly) boy franchises into raging icons of feminist empowerment in Star wars and Marvel, while just completely forgetting how to make a good animated fantasy movie as evidenced by Wish.
    Bob Iger seems to think it's the creatives' fault and wants more direct executive involvement in the creative process which is going to be like subbing out burning oil for spoiled milk in your recipe.

  28. 6 months ago

    nu-disney is a propaganda tool of the gay west, people are sick and tired of gay american politics shoved everywhere and they sure as shit are sick of seeing it in their entertainment

  29. 6 months ago

    Same reason they went to shit in the early 00s. They just keep doubling down on what was proven to work in the past, oblivious to the fact that everyone was starting to get sick of it. Except Pixar's fallen into the same rut so it isn't carrying them this time.

  30. 6 months ago

    Bad movies. Simple as.

  31. 6 months ago

    The majority of America is straight and white. The majority of film goers are straight men 18-40. They specifically make films that DO NOT cater to these people and have PR campaigns seemingly based on baiting them.

    • 6 months ago

      Why the frick would straight white men be the target audience for a Disney Princess movie?
      Are you sure they’re straight?

      • 6 months ago

        >Disney princess
        Notice you had to specify princess film rather than Disney film? Because you’re a disingenuous homosexual

  32. 6 months ago

    I want to blame globohomosexual politics but none of their recent films have been decent either, politics aside so it could just be the latter

    • 6 months ago

      That doesn’t excuse soft openings. Quality only effects the long term box office, not opening weekend

      • 6 months ago

        Then how about a streak of poor quality films turning people off the brand? Wish isn't great but there's no reason why it has a poorer opening weekend than Lightyear

        • 6 months ago

          Sure there is, the main character was brown and Disney+ has conditioned parents more and more to just stay home and stream shit because kids are less interested in films than ever and taking them to the theater isn’t worth it when the film will be streaming within six months

        • 6 months ago

          Disney made their brand toxic to both their target demographic and to the people they so desperately wanted to pander to

          • 6 months ago

            >and to the people they so desperately wanted to pander to
            How'd they manage that?

            • 6 months ago

              Supporting Israel

        • 6 months ago

          Both are shit.

  33. 6 months ago

    Don't worry, kids. We're all going to say "goodbye" to the entertainment industry real soon...

    • 6 months ago

      Ah yes. The Government is going to send sharks to eat the internet cables underwater, and then false prophet elon will reinstall an internet where you can't talk about Jesus.

  34. 6 months ago

    People who watched Disney when they were young are older now and don't care for animated stuff.
    Kids are too busy watching 5 minute videos on youtube.

    • 6 months ago


  35. 6 months ago

    >Internet Age has been going on for 30 years
    >People can find their niche content made by niche content creators who they have an actual decent chance of talking with/becoming friends with if they're not a social idiot and being to share their favorite things with
    >Production costs for high budget movies and TV shows are still high, while the quality of writing isn't any better and executives think the answer is MORE oversight and MORE widespread appeal
    >People have easy access 90% of all media ever created to enjoy and reenjoy
    >Video games offer more value for younger people and more long term enjoyment and engagement

    It's not that Disney is woke. It's that the times have changed and the fossils in charge can't change with them. You can't fricking make a Brand Livestreamer work, because the appeal of a live streamer is to coom if you're a coomer or a surrogate friend if you're lonely and a company can't be a surrogate friend

  36. 6 months ago

    Thing of the past literally a time capsule

  37. 6 months ago

    fricking clickbait "journalism"

  38. 6 months ago

    Too many bad movies. People are tired of capeshit and the Frozen/Tangled style animation. They raped Star Wars hard. The last good movie was No Way Home which released in 2021 and technically also is a Sony product. Normalgays catched on to the atrocious CG. Boycotts because of writer's strike. Am I missing something? If they keep going with capeshit they need to make their output look high quality and different from the rest.

  39. 6 months ago

    >Makes a clear left leaning political stance whilst also trying to appease china, this alienates right leaning half of the country.
    >Easily cave in and remove any progressive material from their IPs when foreign countries request it. This annoys the left leaning side of the country who see Disney as hypocrites and corporate.
    >Starts using AI in their films which both decreases the overall quality and further alienates people against AI.
    >Majority of media produced by them in the last few years is from the same tired IPs that get more stale and lifeless the more content is produced from them.
    >What little new IP they produce is created using market research on what they think will sell well leading to absolutely no risk taking at all. This results in a bland Milquetoast product.
    >New CEO is a big failure so they bring the old one back who makes things even worse.
    >Covid, (x)phobia, (x)ism as an excuse for anything that goes wrong.
    >Major competition in the animation industry is at an all time high.
    >Star wars fatigue and Super hero fatigue is finally starting to properly kick in.
    >Focused too much on trying to increase and expand their monopoly, dipping their hands into every new big entertainment industry which has led to them stretching themselves too thin.
    >Production costs for nearly everything keeps increasing to the point where every new film / TV show costs 50-500 million.
    >Parks are getting more expensive for the average person to attend reducing their overall customer base.
    >Started a fight with the governor of their home base in Florida
    >Have tried to make series that were traditionally popular with boys also popular with girls, and vice verse, which had led to a decrease in popularity of the series overall and a large opposing vocal minority on the internet

    They aren't anywhere near dying yet but they are very much stagnating

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