Why is Terry McGinnis hated so much less than Miles Morales?

Why is Terry McGinnis hated so much less than Miles Morales?

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  1. 8 months ago

    >Twitter thread

  2. 8 months ago

    Real answer, it was a completely different setting with an actually old version of the prior character who was respected. It wasn't a character assassination to appeal twitterpeople who don't even read comics.

    • 8 months ago

      This isn't also why mayday and Miguel are liked. Kind of wild miles fans can't uh understand this simple truth

    • 8 months ago

      >old version of the prior character who was respected
      In what way is turning Bruce into a lonely old man with 0 fricking friends respectful? Everyone who ever knew him outright abandoned him because he was insufferable.

      • 8 months ago

        It's not the ideal end for the character, no. But as people have mentioned above, it's mollified by essentially being its own thing. It's true to the character, even if it's a more tragic end than fans might want. More to the point, it still allows Bruce to be his own man who made his own choices and mistakes without having to do anything to prop Terry up. They're literally reduced to infecting Peter with Goblin Sin Juice to somehow try give him any drama. Or, christ, making him believe you have to LET PEOPLE DIE, or maybe even ACTIVELY KILL THEM, to save universes. Just completely ridiculous premises.

        It's not even like you can't do something similar with Peter as was done to Bruce. It's not a usual end for the character, but the whole responsibility wankery and his usual normal life problems provide an obvious avenue towards "Peter becomes alone in his life with nothing left but Spider-Man and eventually he can't even do that any more." Then along comes a new kid to give him a chance to rebuild things a bit. Some people will still complain, at this point any way, but some people always will. That's just how things are gonna be. But I can assure you such a theoretical story would have more fans and get more respect for the writers and the premise than any of the junk they're trying to peddle now where they need weirdo mind altering nonsense or completely fantastical moral dilemmas to try and get Miles to seem different from Peter.

      • 8 months ago

        >In what way is turning Bruce into a lonely old man with 0 fricking friends respectful?

        Respecting the character doesn't mean a happy ending, it means being true to the character. Bruce ultimately driving away the people around him in his paranoid obsession and ending up bitter and alone is certainly a believable fate for him.

    • 8 months ago

      This isn't also why mayday and Miguel are liked. Kind of wild miles fans can't uh understand this simple truth

      didnt a comic book author write this exact thing about poisoned and tarnished legacies? She was basically saying that tearing down old heroes to prop new ones were self defeating as the mantle became less valuable.

      >old version of the prior character who was respected
      In what way is turning Bruce into a lonely old man with 0 fricking friends respectful? Everyone who ever knew him outright abandoned him because he was insufferable.

      Because that was the logical conclusion of his character development, he wanted 0 friends he got 0 friends.
      Superman was brainwashed by a parasite, Wonder Woman was in another universe, Talia taking over by her father. He lives in an field where friends die young as well. It was perfectly reasonable to see that happen to him

    • 8 months ago

      Peter wasn't disrespected in the original Miles comics. I'm pretty sure their 2012 crossover was respectful, no?

  3. 8 months ago

    Terry exists in a setting that is different enough from most of the main batman story, has traits that sets him apart from Bruce and isn't actively competing agienst his original like miles.

    • 8 months ago

      Neither are really hated. It’s a minority online crying about Miles. Most people like him and Terry

      The answer is somewhere around these two in my eyes.

  4. 8 months ago

    He's got the white stuff

  5. 8 months ago

    Terry is only occasionally called "not batman" in his world. Miles is called "not spiderman" all the fricking time and I'm sick of hearing about it.

    • 8 months ago

      He is called Not Batman only by the Joker who can't cope with the fact that terry can humiliate him with words the same way Peter Parker did to him in the past.
      Bruce was Batman all the way into his 50's until the Power Armor Batsuit injured his heart and left a strain in it.

      And by then Neo-Gotham became a cyberpunk crime alley due to corporate corruption and Barbara not doing a good job as commissioner due to her spite against vigilantism.

      Terry isn't exactly part of the main dc universe like miles is in marvel

      Also Terry is far in the future where Bruce is an old fart on a cane

      Miles is present alongside current day peter which makes it harder to take Peter retiring in his 30s seriously

      Terry is part of main DC universe now as Helena was hinted and Damian was addressed in it at Future's end new timeline.
      Bruce died thanks to Another Failsafe he made that became a Skynet AI again, and Gotham is now Neo-Gothic ever since the AI was shut down.

      Terry is an actual character made to explore Batman/Gotham stories in the future since the BTAS writers exhausted Bruce in the show

      Miles was made to be Spider-Man except black

      Even Worse, they made Miles to capitalize on Milestone comics popularity at DC after the merge, hence the name Miles and he having static shock "electric" powers.
      I may not be surprised if Dwayne McDuffie died of rage during the heart operation after he read about Miles the moment it came out a month before his death.
      Since Bendis and Quesada fricked him.

      It was always implied that Marvel and mainly Quesada Hated Milestone comics popularity alongside static because DCAU after Static came out exploded in popularity while Marvel's own animated department was limping ever since Arad and Fox had the fight that killed the Department and contract with FOX.
      While DC and Warner were always in good terms.

      • 8 months ago

        >Bruce was Batman all the way into his 50's until the Power Armor Batsuit injured his heart and left a strain in it.

        That's not what happened. He had a heart attack during a fight because he just got too old. That's what forced him to reach for a gun in desperation, which led to him quitting in disgust with himself.

        • 8 months ago

          Heart attack as a result of this since the power armor was the prototype of the Beyond Batsuit
          By that time alfred would had died and he became alone

          • 8 months ago

            No, heart attack as a result of being old. That's the whole point. He pushed himself well past the point he should have using technology. That last fight was the wake-up call that it was over.

  6. 8 months ago

    Why is OP such a homosexual?

  7. 8 months ago

    Terry is a different person that challenges Bruce's morality and how he views batman, puts to the test of Batman being a symbol and actively dons the mantle in a respectful way. There is an arc and reason why Terry exists.
    Miles may have certain different view points to Peter, but overall has the same mindset as Peter, begging the question of why this was done in the first place.

  8. 8 months ago

    Terry isn't exactly part of the main dc universe like miles is in marvel

    Also Terry is far in the future where Bruce is an old fart on a cane

    Miles is present alongside current day peter which makes it harder to take Peter retiring in his 30s seriously

    • 8 months ago

      >Peter retiring in his 30s seriously
      its jarring that Peter isn't at least in his 40s by now

      • 8 months ago

        God how much more depressing is the book of you see slotts pete as a 40 year old dude with no friends?

        • 8 months ago

          its already pretty pathetic when you read ASM and Peters entire supporting cast is getting married, having kids and moving on in life while Peter is still stuck in the same spot as when he entered College

          • 8 months ago

            We should have supported Mayday Parker Spider-Girl when we had the chance.

    • 8 months ago

      >which makes it harder to take Peter retiring in his 30s seriously
      Gee maybe its because Marvel has been trying their damdest to make sure Peter stays a single early 20's bachelor.
      The transition to Miles would have gone alot smoother if Marvel handt tried to destroy 30 years of character development for Peter and let his arc run its course

      • 8 months ago

        >Renew Your Vows
        I still can't believe that the follow-up series had the nads to extend beyond Spidey and go
        >yeah actually a lot of other shit in Marvel history was just straight up moronic editorial decisions to make money, so we're erasing/fixing those too
        And the fact that it tanked enough to get canceled really says a lot about how fricked up the general audience is.

  9. 8 months ago

    Because Terry is a completely different character separate from batman and because of that is able to shine as a result. Hell until a really moronic retcon Terry had literally no connection to Bruce or the bat family. Terry was fun because he used completely seperate tactics than Bruce and that was what made him fun to watch. He's the kind of guy that out laughed the joker and won because of it, something Bruce would never do.

  10. 8 months ago

    Because he’s not black.

    • 8 months ago

      Yeah if miles wasn't black I'd probably be cool with it.

  11. 8 months ago

    >twitter screencap thread

  12. 8 months ago

    Terry is a Legacy character done right.
    The role he takes is one that has been set aside already by the original who’s older and serves as a mentor figure, unlike Miles who’s origin was always as a replacement for Peter, who was still in his prime of his life and didn’t willingly set the role aside.

  13. 8 months ago

    Terry is an actual character made to explore Batman/Gotham stories in the future since the BTAS writers exhausted Bruce in the show

    Miles was made to be Spider-Man except black

  14. 8 months ago

    He's not living in the same time line as main batman, nor is he trying to replace him or be depicted by writers as the better batman for being half Asian, and unline miles, he was his own character with his own original villains.

    • 8 months ago

      He's half Asian?

      • 8 months ago

        Not in anything that matters.

  15. 8 months ago

    He exists in a setting where Bruce has a good reason to not be Batman--he's elderly and needs a cane to get around. He can still defend himself, but it showed he can't simply suit up and do it himself.

    There was also more thought given to Terry's character and stories than there were to the comic Miles for years (who also had the problem of decompressed storytelling stalling things). With Batman Beyond you get the feeling that there was thought put into it, to show how Terry was different from Bruce, to show Terry has his own distinct supporting cast. With Miles you get the feeling that his character and story development was barely there in the comics.

  16. 8 months ago

    Neither are really hated. It’s a minority online crying about Miles. Most people like him and Terry

  17. 8 months ago

    Miles is "the next generation" except not really, because much of the time he's dealing with Peter's secondhand villains and supporting cast. He was an attempt to replace Peter, at least in the Ultimate universe.
    There's more of a clean break in Beyond, with Terry having his own villains and more rarely interacting with old Bat-foes/friends. And while Miles quickly moves beyond needing Peter, Terry keeps Bruce on speed-dial and it's more clearly a mentor/mentee relationship.

  18. 8 months ago

    Terry is spider-man 2099 not scarlet spider pretending he's the one true spider-man

    • 8 months ago

      simple and to the point

  19. 8 months ago

    Terry was in a good show from the get-go while it took like 10 years for Morales to get anything good

  20. 8 months ago

    Terry took over after Bruce was old and retired. Miles was made to replace dead Peter in an alt universe, but didn't stay there so he leap frogged into the mainline and tried stealing Pete's thunder.

    • 8 months ago

      It's crazy how they did nothing to adjust his role after the move over. Couldn't even have given him his own city. Even Otto didn't stick around in New York when he had to share a world with Pete still in it, and his whole thing was doing Pete's thing but better.

  21. 8 months ago

    Peter Parker is Peter Parker.
    Bruce Wayne is Batman.

    So it matters less that another person is Batman, because Batman is always Batman. But you can't replace Peter Parker with another person that isn't Peter Parker.

    • 8 months ago

      Peter Parker will ALWAYS be Spider-Man as Bruce Wayne will Always be Batman
      Same Reason why Annie and May are his successors while Terry and Damian will always be Bruce's Successor, because it is called Legacy and Family.

      Ultimate Peter died out of nowhere just to be replaced by Miles
      Even Spider-Verse 1 changed this to a disposable alt Peter

      Terry is his own character on his own terms.
      Miles is not.


      We should have supported Mayday Parker Spider-Girl when we had the chance.

      That would require peter losing his leg, on which no one wanted it outside de-falco wanting a reason to retire him, they should had made Norman fry his nervous system with the bomb and have him deal with the Goblin Living in his brain and haunting him.

  22. 8 months ago

    Because Terry is white.

  23. 8 months ago

    Terry is a good charcter. Miles is not.

  24. 8 months ago

    >Bruce saved Gotham!
    >Years later in the future, Gotham is still shit. Just with higher tech

    • 8 months ago

      Well things would be a lot shittier if Bruce didn't stop any super villains.

      [seriously, why do people think like this.]

      • 8 months ago

        Exactly. This is the same line of thinking that gets you "why doesn't Bruce just donate all of his money". Because this is a comic book world where a clown man routinely poisons the town reservoir and there's a guy who kills people with crossword puzzles. This requires a ninja detective who dresses like Dracula and drives a rocket card to stop them. If you can't accept that, don't read capeshit.

  25. 8 months ago

    Terry had thought put into him when they made him and acts as a complete foil to Bruce while being his own character. Return of the Joker really made him stand out as a truly unique Batman based on him than a Bruce expy but XYZ. He's not really just basically a black kid's self insert in a what of scenario either, which is why Miles seems boring since it might just work in a one-off and that's it. Even Miles' second movie was almost eclipsed by Gwen half the time ffs

  26. 8 months ago

    Nobody knows who Terry McGinnis is, while Miles Morales is the highest grossing animated spiderman character.

    • 8 months ago

      And Sam Witwicky is the highest grossing live action Transformers character, Optimus btfo

    • 8 months ago

      >he thinks everyone paying to see miles morales means they like him.
      Next you're gonna say Taylor swift makes money because people like her too

      • 8 months ago

        Taylor is a gold digger, just ask Olivia Rodrigo

      • 8 months ago

        >Next you're gonna say Taylor swift makes money because people like her too

        They do? Miles isn't remotely comparable

        Nobody knows who Terry McGinnis is, while Miles Morales is the highest grossing animated spiderman character.

        >while Miles Morales is the highest grossing animated spiderman character

        Propped up by Peter and the Spider-Man brand

  27. 8 months ago

    >not considered canon in comics
    >People liked him because he had good stories
    >Doesn't have good stories
    Simple as

  28. 8 months ago

    Ultimate Peter died out of nowhere just to be replaced by Miles
    Even Spider-Verse 1 changed this to a disposable alt Peter

  29. 8 months ago

    Terry is his own character on his own terms.
    Miles is not.

  30. 8 months ago

    Batman Beyond takes place in an alternate future timeline that Batman fans can and do ignore. It's not even considered a "canon" future by DC. No one is going to argue with you if you say you don't consider BB non-canon and many fans who do support BB will probably agree with you that it probably isn't banon. It's just one the many countless examples of alternate universe that has no affect on the mainline one.

    Miles used to be something similar to Terry. He was from the Ultimate Universe, a non-canon alternate universe different from 616, where characters that died actually stay dead, for the most part. And Miles was simply one of the many countless variations of Spider-man that existed and where the Ultimate Parker was killed but they still needed superheroes to fill the iconic role.

    That's changed and now video games, cartoons, and comics are claiming and asserting that not only is Miles is going to replace Parker and be the next successor, but Miles the superior, real Spider-man. It just sounds all forced. Especially when you consider the fact that Bendis literally created Mles just to create a Black Spider-man and spite people who claimed Parker was the only one.

    • 8 months ago

      Except people complained about Miles constantly when he was in 1610 as well.

      • 8 months ago

        Everyone hated the replacements of the Ultimate Universe after Ultimatum. I don't know anyone who said they like what Loeb did to Ultimate after his emotional breakdown and decided to take it out on fans of the UU by having the majority killed off. Everyone hated Jimmy Hudson despite being the same race as Wolverine and was literally his son, because Jimmy isn't James.

    • 8 months ago

      Except people complained about Miles constantly when he was in 1610 as well.

      He was always meant to replace. Fricks sake Bendis literally killed peter off to shill his new creation

  31. 8 months ago

    Reminder that you can report this post for spamming because he does this all the time.

  32. 8 months ago

    >saved Gotham from crimes doing the complete opposite
    He made a harem of his enemies???

  33. 8 months ago

    If Terry showed up in the original BTAS and started doing everything Batman was doing but somehow better despite being way younger and they had Batman say "Wow, you really are better than me, I should retire." People would hate Terry too.

    • 8 months ago

      Which happened in comics and later at JLU and Terry never did "i am better than him" because Bruce always had tricks on his sleeve even when he was young and even when he was old

  34. 8 months ago

    Probably because it's more believable. Batman is a fit guy with access to gadgets, not a super powered hero. One fit guy getting old and appointing a successor is a lot easier to accept than Miles's origin, whatever one you go with

    Also, Miles is black coded to an obnoxious extent. Like the fixation on sneakers and rap music. Feels inorganic. Terry saying "schway" and his mannerisms inform us of the setting, rather than feeling like he's an irish kid transplanted into the setting

  35. 8 months ago

    how's the new beyond comics? I saw there's 3 issue, any good?

    • 8 months ago

      Is Good to say at least, but you need to follow up what lead to this, long story short bruce is dead, and Terry is alone and sent his family and the cast to safety in Metropolis alongside Dana. and the Girls.

      Only he is alone in Neo-Gothic alongside Ivy

      • 8 months ago

        what shoud I read before then? I really like terry but never bothered with the comics

        • 8 months ago

          read the entire post future's end run and then rebirth where batwoman Aka Dick's Daughter shows up

          • 8 months ago

            gotcha, thanks

  36. 8 months ago

    Billionaire playboy Bruce Wayne's son, Terry McGinnis? gee I dunno why people like that rich white guy

  37. 8 months ago

    Batman is still alive when terry stole his batsuit, didnt like it but starts training terry after a rocky start.

    1610-Pete had to die so that miles could take over as spidey, but it turns out pete faked his death which completely defeats the point to begin with

    • 8 months ago

      >1610-Pete had to die so that miles could take over as Spidey, but it turns out pete faked his death which completely defeats the point to begin with
      Not quite, he died, got rezzed, gave Miles his approval, then fricked off to who knows where with MJ.

      Only to then return as Spider-Man once Miles went over to 616, as part of the Ultimates (With Riri replacing Tony on the team).

      • 8 months ago

        And Riri is now a b***h ever since she became the new Mandarin

  38. 8 months ago

    >Bruce is a decrepit old man who can't be Batman in the future. He still acts as Terry's mission control. Due to it being the future, Gotham is a very different place than it was in Bruce's time.
    >When Miles becomes Spider-Man, Peter is either still active or dies relatively young. In the case where Peter is active, Miles wants to be his equal rather than a sidekick, yet still operates in the same city and doesn't do much to differentiate himself.

  39. 8 months ago

    The funny thing is that Sidey DID get exactly the good Batman Beyond treatment before BB in the Spider-Girl What If/series: after being reunited with his baby daughter Peter has a final climactic battle with the Green Goblin where he is badly injured. He sees it as a wake-up call and decides to retire and focus on being a husband and father. It's exactly the kind of believable send-off Bruce gets in BB.

  40. 8 months ago

    I think it helps that Terry is never presented as being better than Bruce was. He's often portrayed as being new to the whole superhero thing, still learning, still having Bruce criticize him, etc. He's not like a lot of the replacement characters you see in media today where they totally upstage the character they're replacing. Terry still relies pretty heavily on Bruce's intelligence, history, and experience. He's not better at being Batman than Bruce was.

  41. 8 months ago

    because terry mcginnis can't be a shoehorn when bruce wayne is literally too old and batman needs to be updated for a reason

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