Why is there so much bullying in south korea and japan?

whenever i watch some asian movie show cartoon or comic theres always bullying like very cruel bullying
whats up with that

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  1. 3 months ago

    Part of their culture, like that girl that was put into a barrel and filled with cement by her bullies

    • 3 months ago

      what the frick?
      no one stood up for her?
      like here in the states people stick up for people who get bullied

      • 3 months ago

        Yeah maybe that's the problem though, bullying to some degree creates stronger people while ruining others for life.
        It's nature, look how awful America has gotten when it's only Black folk bullying whites

        • 3 months ago

          >It's nature, look how awful America has gotten when it's only Black folk bullying whites
          tho a lot of people wanted justice for that one white girl who died to that evil Black person girl and wanted the Black person girl bully to be locked up for murder
          americans have a sense of justice
          japs n koreans for some reason don't

          Even adults gets bullied at work, there’s some shit where they just stop handing you work to do and kinda just ignore you until you get fed up and quit.

          the way asians bully is more fricked up tho

      • 3 months ago

        Even adults gets bullied at work, there’s some shit where they just stop handing you work to do and kinda just ignore you until you get fed up and quit.

        • 3 months ago

          >there’s some shit where they just stop handing you work to do and kinda just ignore you until you get fed up and quit.
          That sounds awesome. Imagine getting paid to do nothing while everyone leaves you alone.

          • 3 months ago

            but it's like Milton from Office Space. One day you turn up and your desk is gone and you just have to stand up all day.

            • 3 months ago

              Just sit on the floor/lean on the wall and play one of those cell phone games that Asians love so much all day.

              • 3 months ago

                >Just sit on the floor/lean on the wall
                Just go to the shitter and sit there

              • 3 months ago

                That’s a good way to get piles.

      • 3 months ago

        Yeah maybe for females you white knight prick. I choked a guy who got involved in that shit.

    • 3 months ago

      what the frick?
      no one stood up for her?
      like here in the states people stick up for people who get bullied

      she wasn't bullied. she was basically kidnapped, raped, tortured, and killed by a group of young gangs like 30 years ago
      it would have been forgotten in a few years if it wasn't Japan, probably

      • 3 months ago

        Just a bit of trolling

    • 3 months ago

      Haha bullies are cowards. If she just stood up to them that would have never happened .

  2. 3 months ago

    >whenever i watch some asian movie show cartoon or comic theres always bullying like very cruel bullying
    the biggest reason of it is it's easy to make, doesn't need much money for it. don't know much about korea, tho

  3. 3 months ago

    it's always impressive how stupid people in any country can't see things fairly at all

  4. 3 months ago

    Japan is all about see no evil hear no evil. Their main worry is about keeping up appearances, not whether shit's happening or not.

    • 3 months ago

      could it be because they have a conformist culture

  5. 3 months ago

    There's that sort of stuff in Western fiction as well.

    Basically the people who write this stuff feel bad because they weren't popular in school but if they portray those events realistically they'll just come off as whiny and pathetic. So they invent some ridiculous overblown scenario like their bullies literally trying to murder them and write that instead.

    • 3 months ago

      Basically anyone who actually works as a writer is an ultra-nerd. Y

      ou don't see too many jocks putting pen to paper and writing for 16 hours straight.

    • 3 months ago

      this isn't the case for Korea, just last year there was a big crisis because 3 teachers killed themselves in a week, this is related to how harsh the conditions are in schools

      if teachers can't do anything to stop the bullying, even less the kids themselves

  6. 3 months ago

    no guns

  7. 3 months ago

    They just can't handle any bully or bants

  8. 3 months ago

    Why are baki faces so fricking weird?

    • 3 months ago

      That's what faces are supposed to look like. You're the one that's weird.

    • 3 months ago


  9. 3 months ago

    Korea is a hyper-capitalist hellscape, unironically

  10. 3 months ago

    Asians take things like bullying way more personal that other races.
    Same thing with cheating, its why they invented NTR

    Like if someones calls them a dork they think its the equivalent of being beating up.
    Being beat up is the equivalent of dying

    • 3 months ago

      well in the states you can fight back
      in japan you can't for whatever reason because apparently you will be subject to more bullying

      • 3 months ago

        Fighting back against bullies in Japan gets the victim labeled as a violent psychopath. There is basically no winning once you become a bullying victim in Japan. There’s a reason that “the nail that sticks out gets hammered down” is part of Japanese thought.

    • 3 months ago

      Cheating is basically normal in asia. Almost expected. Like only a little b***h doesn't get some side pussy with the boys after work.

      • 3 months ago

        Apparently asian women cheat a lot too

      • 3 months ago

        yeah but theres a lot of ricecels and lonely virgins over there.
        It stings more to them. Also they have a "don't ever fail" culture

        • 3 months ago

          never fair

        • 3 months ago

          Remember that yearbook quote from Asian guy that gets posted here every once in a while: It’s not enough that I succeed; others must fail?
          Imagine growing up in a society like that.

          • 3 months ago

            >It’s not enough that I succeed; others must fail

        • 3 months ago


  11. 3 months ago

    Basically most Japs think bullying or something like racist abuse is far harsher and more common in the west just like most gaijins think it's harsher and more common in Japan
    That's pretty natural. Everyone is more or less biased. I'd say Japs have a bit more realistic views on this one, though.

    It's also one of the most popular coping mechanisms that the west has been using against Japan.
    You don't need to prove anything to claim like:
    >''It might be less violent but ACKSHUALLY it's harsher in Japan. I can feel it. I only know 8 Japanese words but I know it's their culture. I saw several Youtube videos on this too''

    It's also about how easy for the western media to manipulate the narratives on Japan without getting called out in general and not the other way around.
    Pls feel free to cope.

  12. 3 months ago

    There's a few things you need to understand about Korea.

    The most important one is that the Korean Peninsula had the longest unbroken history of slavery on the planet. There's no debate that there was 3000 years of slavery, and most estimates are as high as 6000 years of slavery. There was probably slavery in the Korean Peninsula as long back as early civilizations like Sumer.

    They are the most mentally warped group of humans on the planet from 6000 years of Slavery. Koreans have a uniquely cold, evil streak in them. All of the super exaggerated bullying in their media is not exaggerated, that's how Korea is.
    Their society is also dead. Their birth rate is extinction. Men and women absolutely hate each other.
    South Korea is also completely controlled by a handful of families. The truth is that they are not far off from North Korea. There is a fake veil of capitalism on their country, and a fake veil of free politics, but everyone knows they are ran by the few elite, and that there is extreme wealth discrepancy and castes in their country.
    There are also insane religious cults everywhere in Korea.

    • 3 months ago

      This is correct. And the slave exist to this day and slaves are not human. Young women won't marry now because to do so is to become a slave to the husband and if the woman doesn't do as told he gets to "correct" her. In the workplace your superior can beat you on the regular and by superior all he has to be is older than you by a day.

  13. 3 months ago

    There's a few things you need to understand about Korea.

    The most important one is that the Korean Peninsula had the longest unbroken history of slavery on the planet. There's no debate that there was 3000 years of slavery, and most estimates are as high as 6000 years of slavery. There was probably slavery in the Korean Peninsula as long back as early civilizations like Sumer.

    They are the most mentally warped group of humans on the planet from 6000 years of Slavery. Koreans have a uniquely cold, evil streak in them. All of the super exaggerated bullying in their media is not exaggerated, that's how Korea is.
    Their society is also dead. Their birth rate is extinction. Men and women absolutely hate each other.
    South Korea is also completely controlled by a handful of families. The truth is that they are not far off from North Korea. There is a fake veil of capitalism on their country, and a fake veil of free politics, but everyone knows they are ran by the few elite, and that there is extreme wealth discrepancy and castes in their country.
    There are also insane religious cults everywhere in Korea.
    Koreans genes are completely destroyed by their history of Slavery. They have a primordial evil in them that seeps out everywhere in their society. They bully because it is in their genes.

    In terms of Japan, they also have an evil streak in their genes, but not as much as Korea. Japan has an incredibly pathetic culture of looking the other way though. You can't stick your head out in Japanese society, or you get hammered down. They will ignore, and pretend they never saw bullying. Bullies and psychopaths thrive in Japan because it is an inconvenience to confront them, and everyone pretends like it doesn't exist.

  14. 3 months ago

    Asian culture is very much hyper conformist. ANYONE who is different is fair play for bullying and torment if you are weak, weird, or different, or labeled "difficult" because you aren't willing to be a good conformist drone who does what they are told when they are told, even if the person gives you an order that is 100% wrong and will hurt you or others or the company you are working for.

    Adding to this, South Korea, due to what another poster mentioned as far as them being a country that has spent the bulk of it's existence under another country's boot, has the nationwide idea of silent suffering (they have an official name for it but I'm blanking on it). Basically, in SK, you grow up and go through life knowing that life is unfair, that unless you are 10/10 in the looks department or rich/powerful/well connected, you are fair game for torment and exploitation, and that rather than fighting back, you are expected to eat shit and be abused/tormented/fricked over and accept it as your lot in life.

  15. 3 months ago

    My mom tried to get into Korean soap operas but quit after a bit, claiming they were all "a bunch of women who, if they weren't breast feeding their bastard babies, were being chased through a forest by a masked rapist who turn out to be the father of their bastard brats" and asked me point blank, if South Korean women all have a rape fetish....

    Ironically, she switched to watching Turkish soap operas now but complains that everyone is a prude in them and won't even kiss.

    • 3 months ago

      do you know how i know you're lying? koreans dont even know the concept of bastard kids, it's practically non existent in their culture and doesn't feature in their dramas

      what a bizarre thing to make up

  16. 3 months ago

    Cultural differences.

  17. 3 months ago

    Few countries have experienced the wholesale trauma as Koreans have. The Vietnamese maybe. Certain areas of China.
    The only way to truly heal from such trauma is to have self-determination over your own country, reclaim your destiny, and to forge ahead. China did it with its cultural revolution. Mistakes were made but it was there mistakes free from foreign influence. Vietnam was able to do it and is now in the process of healing. But neither Korea nor Japan can really do it.

    Because neither of these countries have really earned their independence through violent bloodshed like China or Vietnam did.

    South Korea traded their Japanese masters for American ones and is still divided from the north so the conflict and therefore trauma is forever frozen. Japan as well never had a revolution so are still under rule from their royal family and under the control of foreign powers. You can't have national pride under these circumstances, which is necessary for healing.

  18. 3 months ago

    The thumbnail makes him look like pic related

  19. 3 months ago

    Superior and inferior shit in language, like senpai or kouhai.
    This leads to tower over others.

  20. 3 months ago

    manlet rage.

  21. 3 months ago

    I think it's a meme.
    Plenty of bullying in our fiction too.
    And plenty of real bullying in the West. Those things are rarely known or talked about.

    • 3 months ago

      no shit you fricking moron. didn't need to bump an offtopic thread to say bullying is something that exists.

  22. 3 months ago

    I'm fricking moronic asiatictard and no one bothered me again after breaking the face of bully when I was six, the bullying of Korea and Japan is just something they can't overcome because they are vulnerable, fricking weak, If you throw them all into Russia then they won't live for three days

    • 3 months ago


  23. 3 months ago

    >moron sees bullying on tv shows
    >why is there so much bullying irl?

  24. 3 months ago

    bug people have no soul

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