Why isn't Jubilee more popular?

Why isn't Jubilee more popular?

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  1. 7 months ago

    Footgays both need, and deserve to be beaten to death with their own amputated legs, but until the day of their much deserved genocide occurs, fulfill your civic duty by reporting them en masse for grotesque imagery(Global rule 3), extremely low quality(Global rule 6), and off topic(Cinemaphile rule 1)

    • 7 months ago

      You are obsessed

    • 7 months ago

      Good post. Phonegay threads and template threads should be deleted on sight.

    • 7 months ago

      The only way you're getting rid of us is by getting rid of feet altogether. Footgays have existed for eons. You will never eradicate footchads. Cartoon girl feet must be coomed to. Cry more homosexual.

      • 7 months ago

        you will be defeated

        • 6 months ago


    • 6 months ago

      rent free. i'm not even a foot person

      if you want to actually complain, it's a lewd /aco/ post

  2. 7 months ago

    I get it, the image is blurry to imply her feet smell so bad they're knocking you out. Very clever.

  3. 7 months ago

    Good feet are rare, good non-white feet don’t exist

    • 7 months ago

      Aren't the chinkanese feet deformation the original footgays though

      • 7 months ago

        Is the point that they think feet look attractive like that, or that they liked the idea of their women being crippled and unable to run away?

        • 7 months ago

          Who knows? It wasn't even something all Chinese people did. Just the Han.

          • 6 months ago

            Like 95% of Chinese are Han, so it's a pointless distinction.

        • 7 months ago

          Pretty sure it was more like "walking? What are you, a PEASANT!?"

        • 6 months ago

          They think wealthy women shouldn't have to rely on walking anyway, they should be carried by servants. So having tiny dainty feet is ideal.

        • 6 months ago

          Aren't the chinkanese feet deformation the original footgays though

          Reading about foot binding, one of the most attractive features allegedly is that women who were foot bound had a distinct way that they would walk that apparently made chinese men's boild peanut wieners stand on end

          can't even picture what it looks like

  4. 7 months ago

    She's popular enough

  5. 7 months ago


  6. 7 months ago

    She wasn't in MVC

  7. 7 months ago

    Bratty Kid with superpowers isn't a big seller. What even is her power? Creating fire work tier explosions? That's lame. Jubilee looks like she would be fun and interesting in real life but in the comics she's just underwhelming. Try giving her more personality if you are pushing the character.

    • 7 months ago

      He is quite popular for what is a very late arrival addition to the X-Men compared to most of its big names especially considered she's not legally related to anyone else. how many X mentalities can you name between her debut and Wolverine? Also her superpowers can go quite dangerous like when she first activates them which is why she goes pretty light on them.I'm pretty sure she was the audience so I get for what X-Men cartoon or the protagonist or whatever replace it a f not picked up extra cartoon pilot Shadow cat in that cartoon.And when I did a 3 part volume story time based around when she got the baby it seemed popular enough on this website.

      • 7 months ago

        Her popularity is mostly a recent thing. For a long time people hated her for being a replacement Kitty and having "lame powers." She had basically no role in the movies beyond cameos and got relatively little usage during the 2000s. She was in XML1 but didn't come back in XML2 even as an NPC and I assume was only in the '90s cartoon because they wanted a lineup that more reflected the then current lineup in the comics and she worked as the kid POV character while also adding diversity. If Kitty was still on the X-Men and not in Excalibur then it probably would have been her instead.

    • 7 months ago

      He is quite popular for what is a very late arrival addition to the X-Men compared to most of its big names especially considered she's not legally related to anyone else. how many X mentalities can you name between her debut and Wolverine? Also her superpowers can go quite dangerous like when she first activates them which is why she goes pretty light on them.I'm pretty sure she was the audience so I get for what X-Men cartoon or the protagonist or whatever replace it a f not picked up extra cartoon pilot Shadow Cat in that cartoon.And when I did a 3 part volume story time based around when she got the baby it seemed popular enough on this website.

      the 90s cartoon is a big reason why Jubilee sticks out for many

    • 7 months ago

      Jubilee's power is that she's a walking nuke. She creates 'fireworks' to avoid causing mass destruction.

    • 7 months ago

      Her 90's adventures as wolverines sidekick were peak comfy.

  8. 7 months ago

    Because throughout the 2010s Marvel tried their best to shove her into the shadows along with everything else X-Men and Fantastic Four related.

    • 7 months ago

      The X-Men always had multiple ongoing series even at the height of the screw do live action abilities to make movies.

  9. 7 months ago

    She's not Kitty Pryde. A lot of current writers waifu her. Jubilee wasn't popular long enough to get as many generations of people to waifu her.

  10. 7 months ago

    I'm going to ignore your shitty attempt at making a fetish thread and answer seriously: she came around at the wrong time. She was a replacement for Kity except Kitty was the gawky nerdy yet cute girl next door who would totally fall for someone like (You) so all the fans had crushes on her and didn't want New Kitty, even though Jubilee is an entirely different character in terms of personality.

    After Generation X ended nobody had any idea what to do with her because she was too much of a veteran to stick with the then current crop of kids yet still in their age range so felt out of place with the "big boy" X-Men. Austen had her on his Uncanny roster near the end but barely did anything with her and then in the post-Morrison shakeup she just fell by the wayside. Way had her get hospitalized in his Wolverine run, her solo went nowhere and sold so badly it got cancelled and retconned into being a miniseries (and all of it ignored because Kirkman's ideas were dumb). She was a '90s character in a time where there was a large backlash against the '90s at Marvel (Gambit was also a victim of this) so come HoM she became probably the most high profile character to be depowered and stay depowered (it's either her or Dani Moonstar).

    At some point in the last decade she's started getting more popular again but her personality has been shifted into this weird headcanon version of herself where she's the chill, laid back, cool older sister figure for all of the younger mutants but "chill and laid back" was never really her personality either. She's head strong, impulsive, and bratty but also arguably has the biggest heart and most empathy of any member of the X-Men. She's a highly emotional tomboy who will butt heads with others and tends to have an inferiority complex towards her female teammates who are more overtly feminine and/or attractive but at the same time she's about as loyal a friend and teammate as you could ever want.

    • 7 months ago

      And while I don't think "cool older sister" is the worst role for her, I feel it also makes her a little more boring. The fun of Jubilee is that her powers more or less matched her personality: she was a loud, colorful firecracker but she was also fairly clever even if she wasn't some kind of super genius. That's what made her fun. Cool Big Sis is fine but it's a step down for me from being the type of character who winning a fight and save her team simply by being as intentionally annoying as possible towards the villain.

    • 7 months ago

      Sorry, where's my head these days.

    • 7 months ago

      And while I don't think "cool older sister" is the worst role for her, I feel it also makes her a little more boring. The fun of Jubilee is that her powers more or less matched her personality: she was a loud, colorful firecracker but she was also fairly clever even if she wasn't some kind of super genius. That's what made her fun. Cool Big Sis is fine but it's a step down for me from being the type of character who winning a fight and save her team simply by being as intentionally annoying as possible towards the villain.

      Love these kinds of posts on Cinemaphile cause it makes me realise how insane it sounds to hear Gambit was disliked and couldnt find a place to fit in when he is preety much the original X-Men for anyone who grew up with the show or atleast decades old reruns of it.

      • 6 months ago

        Gambit didn't quite disappear for long stretches the way that Jubilee did but they tried to do everything they could to keep him away from the main X-Men. He got turned into a Horseman and then was a Marauder in the Messiah era. He got a short-lived solo, he was in All-New X-Factor. They basically just kept him off to side books and/or guest star roles until, I think, Soule's Astonishing X-Men book.

  11. 7 months ago

    I want to cum on her glasses

  12. 7 months ago

    Basically Jubilee probably would have benefitted a lot in the 2000s if she'd kept her powers and been part of the Young Avengers where she could have been the mutie rep (ala Wanda, Pietro, or Hank) and it would have even worked with Wolverine, her surrogate father, being an Avenger at the same time. But then you would have run into the problem where nobody could really do much with them because everything was waiting on Heinberg and Children's Crusade/v2.

  13. 7 months ago

    I always thought this was a good look for Jubilee. In fact I kind of like all these costume arrangements

    • 7 months ago

      > She's head strong, impulsive, and bratty but also arguably has the biggest heart and most empathy of any member of the X-Men. She's a highly emotional tomboy who will butt heads with others and tends to have an inferiority complex towards her female teammates who are more overtly feminine and/or attractive but at the same time she's about as loyal a friend and teammate as you could ever want.
      That's Kitty Pryde though

      That's Rogue.

      • 7 months ago

        >That's Kitty Pryde though
        They're vaguely similar but also intentionally contrasted. Kitty grew up in a wealthy suburb with a supportive family and has always had that support available to her. She was always kind of babied and protected and wound up getting a chip on her shoulder and always seems desperate to prove herself as a tough badass which also makes her prone to b***hiness.

        Jubilee also came from a well off family but her parents were murdered so she spent a lot of time having to learn how fend for herself. Her relationship with Wolverine is much more father/daughter in comparison to Kitty's master/apprentice one because of it. And while Jubilee can grouse she never really developed the same need to prove how tough she is because she'd already hit rock bottom. It's why, even if I prefer her '90s characterization more, I can buy Jubilee having evolved into the cool, laid back girl as she's gotten older. She's already been through a ton of shit that would break most people and survived so there's no point in sweating everything.

        • 7 months ago

          Or I guess put another way, Kitty is more of a fighter while Jubilee is more of a survivor.

          Jubilee's power is that she's a walking nuke. She creates 'fireworks' to avoid causing mass destruction.

          There's a part of me that's had an issue with that. It came from Generation X but the "she detonates things at the subatomic level" deal has always felt like a bit of unneeded pushback against the idea that her powers are just sparklers and thus useless. I'm fine with the idea that that she's powerful enough to blow up a building when she's upset without needing the "also she's a walking nuke" add-on. Sort of like the whole omega mutant thing where oh, Iceman actually isn't useless see he could basically freeze the world if he wanted to.

          But power wanking bullshit is a problem in comics in general. I prefer the approach that writers had with Skin where objectively he's a discount Mr. Fantastic but through his own cleverness and practice he's able to get a lot of utility out of his power.

          • 7 months ago

            To be fair, writers don't have Jubilee go all out that often.

            The Iceman is useless argument never made sense to me. Even before the Omega reveal, he was pretty powerful.

            • 7 months ago

              Iceman for a long time was the guy who just made snowballs and ice ramps.

              • 7 months ago

                So people thought he was weak because the writers were lazy with his powers?
                That's like thinking Spot has weak powers because writers have him job all the time.

              • 7 months ago

                People did think that.
                They were wrong, but they thought it.

              • 7 months ago

                I mean, even a dummy like me can think of
                1) drop a car through 2 portals until it reaches terminal velocity and then direct it at your enemy
                Works with bigger weights, but I'm trying to stick to street-level
                2) Portal at the bottom of a large body of water -> high pressure water cannon (or laser depending on portal size)
                3) Chucking someone you can't deal with somewhere they're not an issue, ex: dump Hulk in the spot-o-verse

                That's three really basic-b***h ideas but they're all fairly powerful. And that's without knowing what happens if Spot closes a portal with something inside it; does it cut or does the portal stay open until the object passes through one-way or the other?

              • 7 months ago

                Power level shit is cancer I agree but it's a thing. I'm not saying that I thought Iceman was lame because of that (I just think he's boring) but he was always portrayed as the weakest of the O5 and it wasn't until the '90s where they started powering him up starting with the Emma body swap story.

              • 7 months ago

                Weaker than Beast and Angel?
                I mean, you don't have to scale Iceman up to controlling the movement of atoms for him to be powereful/useful. Creating physical barriers like walls or freezing enemies is already powerful on its' own. From there you can also do shit like making a makeshift catapult or other creative things.

              • 7 months ago

                >Weaker than Beast and Angel?
                Yes, originally in the O5 days all he could do was throw snowballs hence why he was white, lumpy and featureless (it was all snow). That got changed over time to he can turn into ice and freeze stuff and make ice slides to travel. Then Emma stole his body for an arc and did all kinds of fancy stuff and suddenly Iceman was all powerful and wasn't making ice but draining heat and he could mess up the earth and make everything absolute zero but mental blocks or not understanding his powers and blah blah blah.

                Angel was never powerful but was virtually unmatched as a flier. There was that Thunderbolts issue where he curbstomps the entire team solo and that was after he'd lost the metal wings and didn't have the wings of light. Beast was basically Spider-Man Lite.

                Anyway I like Jubilee.

              • 7 months ago

                Power levels are necessary to stop spider-man from punching out thanos

              • 7 months ago

                I don't like how Spiderman is never portrayed as the heavy hitter that he is. Much of his rogues gallery is one good punch away from never bothering him again. He wouldn't be able to solo Thanos or Hulk but he should be able to give a good account of himself.

              • 7 months ago

                There's no reason why Spider-man shouldn't be allowed to punch out Thanos if that's what the story requires.

              • 7 months ago

                power levels let you properly set up tension if they're used consistently.
                in a realistic story if someone pulls out a gun you immediately know the stakes. In a superhero story if a buff guy shows up you have no idea if he's gonna be able to punch our hero's lights out or not because maybe he's just a buff dude and maybe he can throw people into orbit.
                if you know that Thanos can tank a cruise missile to the face and can punch through mountains while Peter's strength caps out at throwing a mid-sized sedan then it adds an element of danger when Thanos shows up and Pete's the only one around to keep him busy.
                Now this doesn't mean that you need to outright tell the reader "Thanos is level 50, spidey is level 12" but if you always show Peter struggling against level 20 threats, suddenly having him able to punch out Thanos breaks the internal consistency of the world and suddenly all the tension is out the window.
                thanks for coming to my ted talk

              • 7 months ago

                >while Peter's strength caps out at throwing a mid-sized sedan
                Acshually more than a train wagon.

              • 7 months ago

                Anime swilling power level gay not knowing Pete's "actual" power level is really very funny.

              • 7 months ago

                There are several reasons.

              • 7 months ago

                Because that's not where he is power-wise, at that point, it'd be just as believable as Black Widow being able to punch out Thanos, just because. Thanos can make Hulk his b***h, if Spider-Man tries punching him square in the face, he's breaking every bone in his hand.
                So, like what

                power levels let you properly set up tension if they're used consistently.
                in a realistic story if someone pulls out a gun you immediately know the stakes. In a superhero story if a buff guy shows up you have no idea if he's gonna be able to punch our hero's lights out or not because maybe he's just a buff dude and maybe he can throw people into orbit.
                if you know that Thanos can tank a cruise missile to the face and can punch through mountains while Peter's strength caps out at throwing a mid-sized sedan then it adds an element of danger when Thanos shows up and Pete's the only one around to keep him busy.
                Now this doesn't mean that you need to outright tell the reader "Thanos is level 50, spidey is level 12" but if you always show Peter struggling against level 20 threats, suddenly having him able to punch out Thanos breaks the internal consistency of the world and suddenly all the tension is out the window.
                thanks for coming to my ted talk

                said, there need to be defined limits or else there's no sense of tension or sense how utterly outmatched the character is in a fight. Even if we know that the hero will win because of the nature of the medium, there should always be a sense of consistency with what characters can and can't do, so writers (who aren't stupid or just plain hacks) can think up of something without it being "and then the hero just punched harder and won."

    • 7 months ago

      >In fact I kind of like all these costume arrangements
      You could make a case for Jubilee. Maybe touch the design up a bit, but the rest? You must be high.

      • 7 months ago

        Jorts are a great look for Beast

    • 7 months ago

      I love how crazy Cyclops looks.

    • 7 months ago

      The mismatched colors aside, these are pretty great. The headsock on Rogue looks wonderful, and Cyberpunk player character Scott looks cool. The women's tall boots are good looks on the guys they're on, too

  14. 7 months ago



    • 7 months ago


  15. 7 months ago

    Stupid Burger King kids design and shitty powers. Maybe if she was older, more attractive, and didn't have shit powers.

  16. 7 months ago

    Because you're opening with a foot thread and you need to die.

  17. 7 months ago
  18. 7 months ago

    Requesting someone to draw Amy Wong from Futurama wearing Julibee’s outfit.

    • 7 months ago

      Use AI

  19. 7 months ago

    she's chinese

  20. 7 months ago

    I love her.

  21. 7 months ago

    Jesus christ did the image really need that many fricking filters.

  22. 7 months ago

    Boom boom > Jubilee

  23. 7 months ago

    I remember her being made a bit bad in Spider-Man with RYV.

  24. 7 months ago

    "I throw fireworks" isn't enough of a character concept to run with, and neither is "The new one so people coming in have someone to sympathize with when they don't know what the frick is going on." She worked in the 90's X-men cartoon for that reason, but never really transitioned to seasoned team member, and the comics turned her in to a vampire or something

    That's also more or less the long form problem with the X-men. Its hard to sell a story about teens awakening to fabulous yet dangerous powers when every new class gets tossed in to the latest whatever-the-frick-the-x-men-are-doing-now and ground down in to nobodies so the same fricking cast can do the same fricking stories decade after decade.

    Shit man, has she even GOT a design out there that doesn't involve a yellow trenchcoat and pink visor sunglasses?

  25. 7 months ago

    Looks like a dude.

  26. 7 months ago
    • 7 months ago

      The artstyle is kind of bad but whoever drew that had pretty good taste in feet.

    • 6 months ago

      These feet look deformed. Like they're mid werewolf transformation.
      I mean if that's your bag then god speed but these feet are definitely not normal.

      • 6 months ago

        Post better ones then.

        • 6 months ago


      • 6 months ago

        Fun fact: Your feet are roughly the length of your forearms.

  27. 7 months ago

    >spend years as a vampire after the 90s ends
    >literally forgotten about
    >some newcomer came along and undid your vampirism
    >nobody cares about you

    Gee, I don't know what happened?

  28. 6 months ago

    I still ship them.

    • 6 months ago

      Jubilee's a lot like Steph now that I think about it. Jubilee hanging around with her and Cass would probably be fun.

    • 6 months ago

      Jubes is too good for that homosexual.

      • 6 months ago

        That's Tim Drake, slightly autistic ladykiller. Not Tim Wayne, dick sucking bottom b***h.

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