Why isn't Silver Surfer more popular? I think he's an incredibly cool character.

Why isn't Silver Surfer more popular? I think he's an incredibly cool character.

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  1. 11 months ago

    He just doesn't fit in the modern marvel universe no mo'

    Silver Surfer is a tragic and somber character, modern marvel is a universe of cheap laughs and ""shock"" deaths without real meaning, none of the writers want to seriusly approach his themes

    • 11 months ago

      >only notable adaptation outside of comics in the last 20 years was a movie that wasn't very popular
      >only notable run within the last 20 years of comics that wasn't just a mini was basically Slott using Silver Surfer to write Doctor Who fanfiction

      Also, is right about him just not fitting into modern Marvel, nor with the sensibilities of modern writers, he's not a character you can get by writing through quips and pop-culture references.

      He's also one of those characters some people will complain about as being too OP to use as a protagonist, and simultaneously the type of OP character bad writers like to have /theirguy/ beat up to show how powerful he is, which means a lot of comic appearances and conversations about him degenerate into moronic death battle-style arguments about who'd beat who.

  2. 11 months ago

    jobbed to T'Challa

  3. 11 months ago

    They used him as a measuring stick for other cosmic threats too much, now that's all he is to some people.

  4. 11 months ago

    >make a "hero" who's job is to prep the bull
    >Wonder why no one likes him

    • 11 months ago

      He always looks great, but I feel like half of how cool he looks is owed to how cool people draw the world around him too, especially Kirby and his "sons."

      Made me giggle

    • 11 months ago


  5. 11 months ago

    >muh serene unknowably beautiful depictions of the cosmos
    Died with the space program.

  6. 11 months ago

    Dayum, that's a pretty good image

  7. 11 months ago

    He's not on Earth.
    He's doesn't have rogues, really.
    He's too powerful.
    He's too peaceful.
    He doesn't have a whole lot of interperonsal drama, and capes do have soap opera elements.

    • 11 months ago

      I love Norrin personally, but he's not accessible to normies for all these reasons:

    • 11 months ago

      >He's too powerful.
      This is a problem right now at least with the movies because they're wholly aware of how pissed people were about his depiction in that shitty FF movie. He has to be like this ethereal glowing godlike being that swoops in and dwarfs everyone as a glimpse of the cosmic shitstorm to come with Galactus. You can't have a dude with a frickin bow and arrow knock him off his board.

      • 11 months ago

        He's not on Earth.
        He's doesn't have rogues, really.
        He's too powerful.
        He's too peaceful.
        He doesn't have a whole lot of interperonsal drama, and capes do have soap opera elements.

        >He's too powerful.
        >He's too peaceful.
        These are the reasons for me. When you look up all the stuff Silver Surfer can do, it makes you wonder how he ever lost to the FF. And peaceful people are boring
        Those people are the reasons cosmic superhero films are so shitty. Enough with the power levels.

        >too powerful
        I can accept this opinion only if you don't like Dragon Ball, if you do than give Surfer a chance

        • 11 months ago

          Surfer is not a combat addict pushing himself to the next level. DB is martial arts aliens hurling lasers at each other. If Surfer was that, then people would be more interested.

          • 11 months ago

            He fights all the time, he just doesn't go looking for them

          • 11 months ago

            What if he could turn his board into different weapons?

        • 11 months ago

          Can't Surfer reform matter into whatever he wants?
          Or was that just in the cartoon?

          • 11 months ago

            Yeah, that's one of his main powers.

        • 11 months ago

          surfer can literally freeze time like dio phase himself out of existence entirely making himself invisible and intangible and turn goku into a box of ramen noodles.
          its not even a remotely fair fight.
          in character would he actually do any of this?
          probably not but the potential is always there.
          its in the same way any fight with galactus is only a fair fight til the writers realize he has no business even losing.

    • 11 months ago

      >He's too powerful.
      >He's too peaceful.
      These are the reasons for me. When you look up all the stuff Silver Surfer can do, it makes you wonder how he ever lost to the FF. And peaceful people are boring

      >He's too powerful.
      This is a problem right now at least with the movies because they're wholly aware of how pissed people were about his depiction in that shitty FF movie. He has to be like this ethereal glowing godlike being that swoops in and dwarfs everyone as a glimpse of the cosmic shitstorm to come with Galactus. You can't have a dude with a frickin bow and arrow knock him off his board.

      Those people are the reasons cosmic superhero films are so shitty. Enough with the power levels.

      • 11 months ago

        He's not on Earth.
        He's doesn't have rogues, really.
        He's too powerful.
        He's too peaceful.
        He doesn't have a whole lot of interperonsal drama, and capes do have soap opera elements.

        Ah yes the classic criticisms by people who don't read comic books.
        >it makes you wonder how he ever lost to the FF.
        He didn't you non comic reading goon. He only turned on Galactics because someone else managed to reawaken his more human qualities because the stories were about more than just punching shit.
        >And peaceful people are boring
        Cosmic existentialism is classic. Absolute goon.
        >Those people are the reasons cosmic superhero films are so shitty. Enough with the power levels.
        You're no better.

        • 11 months ago

          You're damn right I don't read Silver Surfer books. He's got nothing going on.

          • 11 months ago

            How can you say that if you haven't read them?

        • 11 months ago

          >Cosmic existentialism is classic
          Yes but you need to add some flavor to it or else it becomes generic considering it has been done for hundreds of time.

        • 11 months ago

          Funny how you ignored the biggest issue from his comment, he's too powerful, he can do literally anything.

  8. 11 months ago

    Thought this said Silver Ghosts.
    Anyways picrel is of the funniest morons in the Xeelee Sequence
    "I’m going to die. I haven’t done anything yet. I haven’t even had sex properly—"
    "Nor, as it happens, have I."
    – A Silver Ghost trolling a paniced human explorer

  9. 11 months ago

    Who says he's not popular? He was always very popular. The problem is what used to be popular meant being popular with readers. Now it's appealing to countless masses of movie only morons.

  10. 11 months ago

    No pants

  11. 11 months ago

    Zero good comics, and he's been turned into a jobber by shitty writers.

  12. 11 months ago
    • 11 months ago

      I'd say this list should get updated, but there hasn't been much to add since the last update. Silver Surfer Black and Rebirth were pretty good at least.

  13. 11 months ago

    Yeah, Surfer is one of those characters that they've fricked themselves out of being able to write a challenge for him because of the godlike stuff he's done in the past. I mean lets look at one of his most recent antics because there aren't many examples from recent years. Silver Surfer Black book is basically
    >surfer falls into a black hole while saving the guardians which doesn't hurt him but he finds Knull at the dawn of the universe
    >he 1v1s Knull, creates a star to drive him back, becomes the origin and creator of his own home world and every world he later destroys
    >almost kills Galactus as a baby at the beginning of the universe but The Watcher talks him out of it.
    >waits for time to catch up back to his period
    >comes back like nothing ever happened
    This is the kind of shit Surfer gets up to. Its wild, its abstract, its incredibly over the top. Its not super relatable without a pile of weed maaaaaan.

    • 11 months ago

      Frick relatable. Just make the writing good and art amazing.

  14. 11 months ago

    He's always been popular, or rather well regarded by fans, but I never understood the appeal.

  15. 11 months ago

    You either write a comic where he's fighting a nearly omnipotent character like Knull and Galactus or force him to job to a character infinitely weaker like Black Panther and Captain America

    and it's hard to write hundreds of stories about a character who can do anything, not impossible but takes a lot of skill

  16. 11 months ago

    Its always been a stupid ass pull to me that Thanos can beat Surfer or even Thor.
    >muh Lady Death literally won't let him die because he's a creepy simp
    Its stupid. Thanos is a shit villain.

  17. 11 months ago

    Serious question, what do you like about him? All I know about Surfer is from the cartoon show... He was really powerful and fought strange space aliens. I remember thinking that it all felt unrelatable and even pointless at times. Not deliberately trying to dog on him, it's just the limited exposure I've had. Curious to know what his good qualities are.

  18. 11 months ago

    I feel like a Silver Surfer comic should play out like an episode of Star Trek TNG. Both macro and micro scale dilemmas, either ethical or philosophical in nature. Instead of being solved by a crew of compassionate explorers staffing an advanced starship the dilemma is solved by a lonesome wanderer with powers beyond the scope of most mortal's imagination.

    • 11 months ago

      I mean you just described typical Silver Surfer. Trouble is there hasn't been much of it lately. Surfer's struggles are often more internal and philosophical because there is so very little that can challenge him physically. Guilt is a big deal as he used to serve Galactus in destroying worlds in exchange for the salvation of his own home world. He also struggles with what he should do with the power he has. He wants to atone for what he's done but he's powerful enough that he could pretty much save everyone from everything, everywhere minute by minute. BUT if he does that is he letting mortals live? Is he a tyrant? Is that wrong? Is it worse than letting them die and kill each other?

      • 11 months ago

        Hear me out: future Silver Surfer story with him as a God Emperor Leto II figure.

        • 11 months ago

          There was a "what if" story where Surfer snatched the infinity gauntlet from Thanos and became a sort of benevolent and just god king of the universe.

          • 11 months ago

            I’ll check it out. The version I was imagining would probably be a bit darker in that he’s doing things for what he perceives to be long term benevolent reasons but are unknowable and somewhat horrifying to the average person subject to his power.

    • 11 months ago

      I haven’t read surfer stuff since childhood and even then it was the classic collected stuff, but this seems like a pretty obvious and sensible approach to take with the character. Is this not how they’ve handled him?

  19. 11 months ago

    I don't think Silver Surfer should be a protagonist, he should be Galactus sidekick and that's it.What can you even explore on this character? Nothing they have no premise without Galactus.

    He's fine as Galactus straight man sidekick and voice of the reason, Galactus needs someone to share his thoughts with and Norrin is perfect for that, like Batman and Alfred or Captain Kirk and Spock, Galactus is also a far more interesting character than Norrin, he's a scientist, he's arrogant, he's cursed, he's even a little foolish. Just give Galactus a grimdark series and let Norrin be his side character.

    • 11 months ago

      This wouldn’t even be hard to do it. Set it during the years before Galactus comes to earth and confronts the Fantastic War. “The lost years” or something and set the seeds of the Surfer’s betrayal

      • 11 months ago

        >the Fantastic War
        Did we win that one?

    • 11 months ago

      He can have some miniseries from time to time, but yeah you'd need a very good writer for a good ongoing title, and even then I doubt it would sell very well, which makes it very unlikely why would marvel take the risk?

  20. 11 months ago
  21. 11 months ago

    OP is correct

    but Silver Surfer is ignored for stupid bullshit like Fantastic Four

    we could have a silver surfer / beta ray bill movie but no, we have to watch FF bomb at the theaters so shitty articles will end up in our cell phone feeds claiming "comic movies are over" or some such

    • 11 months ago

      >silver surfer / beta ray bill movie
      That would bomb too

  22. 11 months ago

    Silver Surfer died with Kirby. He's the only artist who really captured the aesthetics that made his book such a joy to read

  23. 11 months ago

    God I hope they don't try to do live action Silver Surfer. It needs to stay animated.

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