Why nobody told me this shit existed?

Why nobody told me this shit existed?

POSIWID: The Purpose Of A System Is What It Does Shirt $21.68

Ape Out Shirt $21.68

POSIWID: The Purpose Of A System Is What It Does Shirt $21.68

  1. 5 months ago

    is this made by the internet gas guy? the one that looks like irl basedjak?

    • 5 months ago

      This would actually be funny if it were a shitpost. Just like the "muh internet gas" shit would be funny if it were a shitpost. Whoever this dude is he's a master of writing satire that would be great if it were actual satire and not earnest.

      • 5 months ago

        I asked him if a kibblesmith made artisanal dog food in a leather smock and he didn't laugh

  2. 5 months ago

    Because nobody knows it exists

  3. 5 months ago

    We sent out a mass email. Check you spam folder.

  4. 5 months ago

    >We're not coming for your kids!

    • 5 months ago

      You think children even knowing about gay people is going to somehow make them gay when they were not before ?

      • 5 months ago

        Kids can end up with the weirdest fetishes from random shit
        A random episode of the super Mario super show turns on a lightbulb in some kids brain and bam, he's a frickin footgay
        Check out Cinemaphile if you need proof

        • 5 months ago

          Anyone that tries to deny this and ask for evidence simply look at where the frick we are.

          • 5 months ago

            People being idiots online is not evidence. They got it from cartoons or what comics.

            • 5 months ago

              So people openly admiring that they got their fetish from a specific episode of a cartoon isn’t evidence? Or are you just going to ignore all of the inflationgays created by Willy Wonka?

          • 5 months ago

            Kids can end up with the weirdest fetishes from random shit
            A random episode of the super Mario super show turns on a lightbulb in some kids brain and bam, he's a frickin footgay
            Check out Cinemaphile if you need proof

            the fact that only a tiny minority of people "end up" with the fetishes already shows that the shows have nothing to do with it, they just happen to be the ones that person saw that made him realize he does have that fetish.

        • 5 months ago

          Anyone that tries to deny this and ask for evidence simply look at where the frick we are.

          Keywords are Some Kids and Random Awakening; this is a stretch, cartoons were filled with tons of attractive men with big muscles and yet most anons in here are straight.

          By this logic, then cartoons should only feature objects and no families, nor romantic relationships.
          I started to feel attracted to men when I was 13 when watching softcore porn and saw the actor's balls; a cartoon didn't make me gay.

        • 5 months ago

          >A random episode of the super Mario super show turns on a lightbulb in some kids brain and bam, he's a frickin footgay
          Wrong way around. That brain is already fricked and it's just seeing it that makes them go 'oh shit that's what I'm into' the show doesn't make you a footgay, you were born one. Just like how some people are into anal or asians or some shit. You've always been into it, you just learned what it is.

      • 5 months ago

        as a gay, yes. gay is influenced by both nature and nurture so it wont automatically turn them gay but it will increase their chances of having a sloppy bear fetish when they reach puberty.

      • 5 months ago

        "Gay kids" were an unheard of concept until the 2010s so yeah. Kids are moronic monkey-see-monkey-do creatures.

        • 5 months ago

          You think they would tell the parents about it when it was illegal or when they didn't know what being gay was that they were gay? Also where did you get the idea it's unheard of until the 2010s ?

          • 5 months ago

            You can't "be gay and not know it." That's just gaslighting and grooming.
            >it was illegal
            "Being gay" was not illegal; the worst that could ever be said was if the act of gay sex was legal or not, and kids do not know what that is.

        • 5 months ago

          >homosexuals didn’t exist until I learned about them

          • 5 months ago

            >gay kids existed once anon became aware of stories and experiences posted online

            Yeah man, these gay adults just materialized out of nowhere. I think they were like, magic clay or something.

            I'm not talking about gay teenagers, I'm talking about literal eight year olds being groomed into calling themselves gay and trans and shit which never happened until very very recently.

            This is a porn comic, it's CLEARLY not for kids.
            Gay shotacon doujin existed in the 2000s and 1990s.

            >but what about this Japanese child porn
            Is that seriously the best you could do

            • 5 months ago

              >eight year old is straight
              >Aww, you're sweet.
              >eight year old is gay
              >HELLO, HUMAN RESOURCES?

              • 5 months ago

                Pretty much. Child sexuality is recognized when convenient. Even the word "sexualization" meant to describe the difference between Looney Tunes and furry porn to mean "making kids aware of the existence of same sex couples" or "Gonzo wearing a dress". It's not meant to mean anything consistent or real, just a feeling and a convenient suspicion. It's a way to present yourself as wronged because the more honest framing is that there are parents who want their kids to hate gays.

              • 5 months ago

                Eight year olds do not have any sexuality in any direction you fricking groomer.

              • 5 months ago

                then why do parents and teachers keep pushing kids to be straight, anon?

            • 5 months ago

              >which never happened until very very recently
              I'm going to need a source on that completely baseless claim

            • 5 months ago

              >my son only told me he was gay when he could move out of the house therefore he wasn’t gay before then

              • 5 months ago

                I'm not talking about gay teenagers, I'm talking about literal eight year olds being groomed into calling themselves gay and trans and shit which never happened until very very recently.

                >but what about this Japanese child porn
                Is that seriously the best you could do

                I'm pretty sure it's entirely we go in a number of places to kick your not even illegal adult child out for being gay in the United States.

        • 5 months ago

          >gay kids existed once anon became aware of stories and experiences posted online

        • 5 months ago

          Yeah man, these gay adults just materialized out of nowhere. I think they were like, magic clay or something.

        • 5 months ago

          I would much rather have a "gay kid" than a closeted adult who marries a girl then cheats on her repeatedly with his secret double life of going to the YMCA.

      • 5 months ago

        that's such a moronic take I love it

      • 5 months ago

        theoretically no, but then again, why are the zoomers the gayest generation of all time?

        • 5 months ago

          I came back to the thread before bed. I'm going to assume we both had fun nights and are just now checking back. Thanks for continuing to show you're avoiding posts.

          That's what happens when there's so much acceptance and LGBTQBRAAAAP++ is described as a vague spectrum you enter by having any sort of non-straight thought. Now any inclination to jerk off with your bros or any prison gay situation is "LGBTQ". I don't think people are getting gayer, the language and what's considered gay has broadened.

          >people aren't getting Matthew Shepard-ed anymore
          >more people mysteriously come out
          It is a mystery.

      • 5 months ago

        >take a literal saint with a tradition of having a wife
        >give him a black husband
        >this is definitely in good faith and not just to hijack a cultural icon

      • 5 months ago

        watch it recoil in terror as you name it

        • 5 months ago

          If children can become gay by seeing gay people, are they more likely to become violent by playing violent video games? They aren't just seeing violence at that point, they're playing an active role.

          • 5 months ago

            the games are not teaching "violence is cool, everyone who teaches peace is a bigot and their ideas need to be erased and considered harassment if expressed at work"
            they're teaching "violence is bad and that's why it's fun to watch in fiction" which is also how any gay content used to be.

    • 5 months ago

      You think children even knowing about gay people is going to somehow make them gay when they were not before ?

      Kids can end up with the weirdest fetishes from random shit
      A random episode of the super Mario super show turns on a lightbulb in some kids brain and bam, he's a frickin footgay
      Check out Cinemaphile if you need proof

      This line of thinking is never consistent and the suspicion of "grooming by knowing the existence of gays" is meant to overshadow more likely cynical reasons someone would want gay characters in children's media: showing gays makes it so kids are more likely to see them as normal and vote to let them keep marriage and adoption rights. The long game of making media and then hopefully coming across some kid who got hypnotized by the thought of Santa's white ass getting rounded by BBC then coming to you at your second job as a creepy uncle or a PE teacher is insane. The more simple explanation is rejected because often those rejecting it understand why it would be necessary; they're trying to groom their kids into hating gays and voting against their rights. They don't want to have arguments with them in the future. This disagreement they'll come to based on gays being depicted as normal in media messes with what they want for their family. People existing and making what they want feels like an attack.

      • 5 months ago

        Explain the necessity of a child knowing about homosexuality

        • 5 months ago

          Explain the necessity of them no one gets straight people exist? Why does it need to be a necessity for them to know in order to allow them to know about something in the modern day? Is the necessity for kids to know about restaurants or SpongeBob or black people or Native Americans? Why does it need to be a necessity to be allowed in children's cartoons ?

          • 5 months ago

            You’re not really explaining the necessity since if they exist and are as common as your other examples then they can just be explained through every day interaction and the need to make media especially media like OP is utterly superfluous.

            • 5 months ago

              The gay couple who lives down the street your friend who has two parents of the same gender dad has a brother who is married to another man .Just because it's not a necessity doesn't mean we need to ban it from being run by children do we teach children at man and woman get married followed by an in-depth discussion about how sex and reproduction Works no so why is it so big of a leap to allow them to see the gay couple?

              • 5 months ago

                Sex Ed isn’t taught in elementary schools and in many places it’s not taught at all, not to mention there is a biological necessity to teaching it given that one little whoopsie and a teenager is stuck raising a kid for 18 years minimum. And like I said there is no need to make media specifically targeted towards children if they’re so common as you say.

              • 5 months ago

                We got millions of fish in the sea do we need to make a cartoon about life underwater? And why do we need to ban something if we don't need to make it available to the children? And not teaching sex ed and abstinence only can have kids having sex without knowing them making babies.

              • 5 months ago

                I don't see how that's an argument about children shouldn't be allowed to know about gay people by seeing them in cartoons or popular media?And just because someone made up a story about a stalk doesn't mean that children don't come from sex usually in the real world.

                Why are you samegayging? Are you that desperate to try and prove this point?

              • 5 months ago

                I'm pretty sure it's not samegayging when you reply to two separate comments one time.

              • 5 months ago

                It is when you reply to the first comment twice, but please let’s hear more excuses

              • 5 months ago

                Except I never reply to the same comment twice, I reply to a comment once and then you link to another one where I commented once.

              • 5 months ago

                Are you new here? Like a tourist or something?

              • 5 months ago

                This just circles back to why do characters need to be single and Chinese. It's a ridiculous you'd never ask at every instance, you'd understand any reason one may have while accepting they don't need reasons beyond what they want to do. And intentions aren't ever clear or required in these cases. Suddenly asking why these particular types of characters are needed now doesn't make sense beyond trying to make a nonsense case against having them at all.

            • 5 months ago

              >every day interaction
              But every time there's a gay character in anything, you b***h about it.

        • 5 months ago

          Characters don't "need" to be anything. There was a pregnancy in The Emperors New Groove and we saw that the baby was born. Kids were exposed to the evidence and results of sex. This isn't just a marriage or union, people living together who love each other, this is proof that the characters frick. It's more graphic than what you want to imagine a gay marriage is and it's harder to explain than just people who loving each other making vows to each other.

          But if you for some reason need an answer now, you can even chalk it up to multiracial friends in media; you're just showing kids these type of people exist and you can work with them. If you see being gay as a disability, those 90s cartoons had wheelchair bound characters. It's more traumatic to show kids fire fighters and then explain what they're for.

          • 5 months ago

            >Kids were exposed to the evidence and results of sex
            You’re assuming that the parents would tell their children the truth about that. This is the groomer mindset here people, it’s basically thinking in terms of sex and using it as the crux of the argument since it’s the whole reason they’re doing this shit in the first place. Do you know what my parents and good number of my friends parents told them about where babies came from as children, they made up some magical bullshit about storks because children shouldn’t be exposed to that shit at such and early age.

            • 5 months ago

              I don't see how that's an argument about children shouldn't be allowed to know about gay people by seeing them in cartoons or popular media?And just because someone made up a story about a stalk doesn't mean that children don't come from sex usually in the real world.

            • 5 months ago

              I'm sorry, I'm too used to arguing with people who say showing a gay couple existing is wrong because gay couple have sex and now straight Christian parents need to tell their kids about gay sex. I forgot you can worm your way into a "showing pregnancy and birth is okay because parents can lie to their kids about storks". You aren't making sense.

              • 5 months ago

                The fact that you can’t stand behind your own argument and need to make it seem like there are more people here and split up the replies like this is extremely telling.

              • 5 months ago

                The fact that you can't reply and need to assume that you haven't been talking to multiple people is what's really telling. It's also not surprising that you'd do this, you function off weird assumptions rather than anything substantial.

              • 5 months ago

                It’s not a weird assumption, especially given that poster count is barely rising yet all of a sudden their are apparently several people arguing with saying the same shit yet none of them have given any actual proof not to mention so far I’ve accused three yet it’s just you and the “other guy”

              • 5 months ago

                What proof are you looking for? You want people to prove characters "need" to be straight or gay?

              • 5 months ago

                Not the guy you just responded to but you went to two of my comments when I get what connected to only one comment each and said I was same gayging for that. That's how you started it so you started out accusing someone of Same gayging by having them linked to two comments they did make but not to the same comment and yes I have Asperger's.

                Did you actually bust out your phone/computer? Seriously are you that desperate. Also you know what I mean by proof and you know I’m not talking about the gay shit so stop being obtuse.

              • 5 months ago

                Have you go.

              • 5 months ago

                It’s funny how you did this now instead of at the very beginning almost like you had to get a different device to reply like I said in the previous comment.

              • 5 months ago

                I couldn't have done it at the very beginning because you linked to two separate comments I made that will connected to two separate comments before that. also look at the time you can't make 2 comments in less than a minute.

              • 5 months ago

                >also look at the time you can't make 2 comments in less than a minute
                He's going to accuse you of having 3 different devices with three different IPs.

              • 5 months ago

                Two separate comments that lead to one comment this one

                Explain the necessity of a child knowing about homosexuality

                which you decided to reply to twice and samegay and when called out you started this tantrum to confuse shit further. Seriously are you done now you’re making it abundantly obvious that it’s just you. You even tried dualposting to cover your tracks.

              • 5 months ago

                You mean it leads to it after 4 in one case and five in the other case times.That's like saying someone has to be same gayging because multiple people link to the original OP comment..

                Seriously follow the chain up those comments it's more than just one time .

              • 5 months ago

                You replied to three people, I replied to you, I get two replies for that comment which creates two separate chains both saying and arguing the same shit while posting one after the other. Despite the fact that the poster counter is barely moving and there is little to no activity. Then when called out not only do you not post a screencap immediately but only one person ends up replying until you start dualposting in which all of a sudden for some reason you’re very adamant to post one. You’re samegayging you can argue semantics or larp as another anon to say that we’re getting off track but ultimately that won’t change anything. You did this because you can’t argue yourself and need to have others to back you up (or at least make it seem like you do).

              • 5 months ago

                You connected to two of my comments with both what commenting on different things if you look at the comment above those two comments you notice that comment only has one comment for it.

              • 5 months ago

                Two different things to the same reply, that’s samegayging and it’s pathetic given that it shows that you can’t argue on your own and need to make it seem like others are behind you.

              • 5 months ago

                NTA but you derailed a thread because you can't substantiate what you believe. As I've said, you don't believe in anything.

                >I'm sorry, I'm too used to arguing with people who say showing a gay couple existing is wrong because gay couple have sex and now straight Christian parents need to tell their kids about gay sex. I forgot you can worm your way into a "showing pregnancy and birth is okay because parents can lie to their kids about storks". You aren't making sense.

              • 5 months ago

                You’re the one that started samegayging instead of arguing your point like a normal person, if you actually had confidence in it/believed in what you were saying you wouldn’t have done that in the first place
                >inb4 I’m not that anon
                Yes you are just because you say NTA doesn’t hide that you’re repeating some shit you said before.

              • 5 months ago

                I haven't been samegayging and I'm not going to keep up with how many anons you're replying to. You were ignoring posts from the start because you'd rather be pedantic about what qualifies as a need for a gay character in something, asking a question not asked of anyone but gays. All because you didn't want to reply to

                >This line of thinking is never consistent and the suspicion of "grooming by knowing the existence of gays" is meant to overshadow more likely cynical reasons someone would want gay characters in children's media: showing gays makes it so kids are more likely to see them as normal and vote to let them keep marriage and adoption rights. The long game of making media and then hopefully coming across some kid who got hypnotized by the thought of Santa's white ass getting rounded by BBC then coming to you at your second job as a creepy uncle or a PE teacher is insane. The more simple explanation is rejected because often those rejecting it understand why it would be necessary; they're trying to groom their kids into hating gays and voting against their rights. They don't want to have arguments with them in the future. This disagreement they'll come to based on gays being depicted as normal in media messes with what they want for their family. People existing and making what they want feels like an attack.

                You've been avoiding my posts from the start.

              • 5 months ago

                >comes back hours just to say “nu uh”
                Your desperation is palpable, seriously you have done everything from samegayging to dualposting to just straight up deflecting and now this shit. If you can’t argue your point normally don’t make it.

              • 5 months ago

                I came back to the thread before bed. I'm going to assume we both had fun nights and are just now checking back. Thanks for continuing to show you're avoiding posts.

                theoretically no, but then again, why are the zoomers the gayest generation of all time?

                That's what happens when there's so much acceptance and LGBTQBRAAAAP++ is described as a vague spectrum you enter by having any sort of non-straight thought. Now any inclination to jerk off with your bros or any prison gay situation is "LGBTQ". I don't think people are getting gayer, the language and what's considered gay has broadened.

              • 5 months ago

                Bullshit you’ve been here on and off for hours.
                >Thanks for continuing to show you're avoiding posts
                You acting smug isn’t going to hide that you’re samegayging, you’re only harping on this to deflect away from it. Whats next are you going to comment to yourself again saying “it’s not worth it” in an attempt to run off. This thread is dead it’s been barely alive this whole time so no one but (You) is going to just comment and it’s especially obvious when you just come in and say NTA and immediately start going on a tirade and continuing the same bullshit you did before. Just give up, if you wanted to actually argue this point you would have done so hours ago normally. But instead you chimped out and started samegayging and when you were caught you went into fricking overdrive to save face and make everything into a cluster frick but failed due to your own ineptitude and inability to actually subtly post.

              • 5 months ago

                You're avoiding posts by assuming everyone who posts at you is the same person. You'd rather post about that than respond to or defend positions because you know you're ridiculous. "Why do kid a need to see gay characters" was shown to be a ridiculous question and it was even answered. You asked for proof we were different people and we gave it to you and you revealed there was no condition you were going to believe us. All you have are tangents and derailments.

                I'm not talking about gay teenagers, I'm talking about literal eight year olds being groomed into calling themselves gay and trans and shit which never happened until very very recently.

                >but what about this Japanese child porn
                Is that seriously the best you could do

                It's the same answer. Sexuality isn't perfectly gay or straight so since straight is a narrower category while "LGBTQ" is a vague spectrum, most people fall under that spectrum. The concept of "born this way" is an old one, it's always implied gays were gay as kids. The concept of everyone being a little gay is also old too, and now that people are applying these categories more, there are less "straight" people. Sexuality is unpredictable in a lifetime, it's complicated throughout, and straight is often not the most accurate description of most people having considered that. It's dumb to categorize people like this as a study because it's just a show of self identification rather than some sudden change, biological urges hijacked by the thought of Santa having a black boyfriend.

              • 5 months ago

                You didn’t the second I called you out for dualposting you went to arguing semantics about how you replying wasn’t samegayging and I had to tortuously explain it before you fricked off and came back acting like a different person. Which is moronic given that there has been barely any activity and the poster count hasn’t even reached fifty. Like I said you’re only calling this derailment to get away from the fact that you’re being called out for samegayging. You’ve been chimping out and timing out your post between hours just for the hope that you can get the last word in. Stop being pathetic.

              • 5 months ago

                You don't believe in anything. The more time you waste, the more clear that becomes.

              • 5 months ago

                Just wanted to narrow it down. Thanks for clarifying that you don't actually believe in anything.

              • 5 months ago

                Not the guy you just responded to but you went to two of my comments when I get what connected to only one comment each and said I was same gayging for that. That's how you started it so you started out accusing someone of Same gayging by having them linked to two comments they did make but not to the same comment and yes I have Asperger's.

              • 5 months ago

                Thank God for the autistic.

            • 5 months ago

              >This is the groomer mindset here people, it’s basically thinking in terms of sex and using it as the crux of the argument since it’s the whole reason they’re doing this shit in the first place.
              Are you talking to a mirror?
              >gay people exist

        • 5 months ago

          Because gay people exist.

      • 5 months ago

        i'm not reading all that shit liberal.

      • 5 months ago

        I'd give anything to rape a lesbian in front of her girlfriend/spouse while she's tied to a chair watching in anger, horror and tears as she's powerless to do anything about it.

        • 5 months ago

          >I'd give anything to rape a lesbian in front of her girlfriend/spouse while she's tied to a chair watching in anger, horror and tears as she's powerless to do anything about it.

        • 5 months ago

          >I'd give anything to rape a lesbian in front of her girlfriend/spouse while she's tied to a chair watching in anger, horror and tears as she's powerless to do anything about it.
          Dangerously Based.

        • 5 months ago

          Amity Blight's wet dream

      • 5 months ago

        You’re basically doing the exact same thing but in reverse: assuming the best motivation for your side and the worst for the opposition. It’s no different than the other side saying,
        >I am against it because I just don’t want my 5-year-old to learn about sex from tv and you are for it because you just want to have sex with kids

        • 5 months ago

          That's a good response! I shouldn't assume their motives too much, but I prefaced the more charitable assumption to make about motives as the one that is most likely. I'm saying their going out of their way to be incorrect because the more clear and stated motives of people who ever put gays in children's media as a liberal agenda thing do so because gays like marriage, work, housing, healthcare, and adoption rights. The politics of "grooming" your kids to support gay rights or at least not see gays as monsters comes with the fact that there are parents who want to raise their kids to not support gay rights and want them to see them negatively. The "need" for activism in media, if you're going to assume that's why any gay character would be in a cartoon, is made clear.

          So rather than having the discussion of "I don't want you putting gays in cartoons because I want to raise my kids to be against gays and the simple act of showing them in a cartoon gets in the way of that" the more convenient conversation is "gays in cartoons are an attempt to sexually groom children from people who want to rape them".

    • 5 months ago

      If Santa’s husband is all it takes to make you gay than it was already over for you

    • 5 months ago

      You think children even knowing about gay people is going to somehow make them gay when they were not before ?

      >make Santa black
      >also make him gay
      What’s their endgame?

      Actually Santa's the black man and the usual Santa we see depicted in most media is the black Santa's husband. It was basically from a joke the bookmaker did telling kids get Santa was a black man and when they asked about the white guy they usually see he's just say that was Santa's husband.

      This is a porn comic, it's CLEARLY not for kids.

      "Gay kids" were an unheard of concept until the 2010s so yeah. Kids are moronic monkey-see-monkey-do creatures.

      Gay shotacon doujin existed in the 2000s and 1990s.

      • 5 months ago

        >sees two gay old men
        >immediately think of porn

        • 5 months ago

          OP did post a cover to gay porn.

        • 5 months ago


      • 5 months ago

        No this

        We got millions of fish in the sea do we need to make a cartoon about life underwater? And why do we need to ban something if we don't need to make it available to the children? And not teaching sex ed and abstinence only can have kids having sex without knowing them making babies.

        is porn.

      • 5 months ago

        The cover does not indicate that at all. People in this very thread instantly jumped to defend this as being okay for kids not knowing this. The presentation is intentionally very misleading and you surely see the problem here.

        • 5 months ago

          Porn comics tend to look clean on the cover but are dirty on the inside.
          Pic related.

          • 5 months ago

            The cover does not indicate that at all. People in this very thread instantly jumped to defend this as being okay for kids not knowing this. The presentation is intentionally very misleading and you surely see the problem here.

            This is a porn comic, it's CLEARLY not for kids.
            Gay shotacon doujin existed in the 2000s and 1990s.

            Santa's Husband is a children's book written by Daniel Kibblesmith and illustrated by Ashley Perryman Quach.

            Santa's Husband "tells the story of a black Santa Claus and his white husband who both live at the North Pole. Santa’s spouse frequently fills in for his husband at malls."[1] The book highlights various activities Santa and his husband experience, such as playing games and dancing. [2]


            • 5 months ago

              they don't MEAN it, anon.

            • 5 months ago

              Says nothing of the sort.

              >Santa's Husband is a hard core gay porno book written by Daniel Kibblesmith and illustrated by Ashley Perryman Quach.

              >The book is about Black Santa getting a raging boner after taking some old guys "blue pills" and White Santa rips his cloths off with just his boner and they start fricking each other and covering each other with their cum.
              >4 hours past and they're still hard, .... Lets just say they frick the elves and reindeer for DAYS on end and if you're not gay it's not a pretty sight.
              >It has even turn bi men STRAIGHT it was that disturbing.

            • 5 months ago

              I gave him the Wikipedia article and then he rewrote something else..He's just crazy or trying to troll people. Oh he's just lying for the sake of being anti-gay.[...]

              This is a Famicom thread, report and ignore.

              • 5 months ago

                Thanks for warning me that this was a FRICKING FAMICOM THREAD!!!!! Delate this fricking thread and range ban this butthole.

                Legitimately asking what's Famicom?

              • 5 months ago

                A local moron who constantly posts bullshit. Lots of people do that, but all of the other ones will change the argument or use some kind of deflection tactics when they're proven wrong. Famicom is the only one who's brain-damaged enough to try and lie to you about something that's literally right in front of your face.

            • 5 months ago

              Oh Santa is the black one? I don't really get that that changes anything narratively but if it pisses off racists then go for it.

              • 5 months ago

                It's not real, it's fake.

              • 5 months ago

                Yeah...just like Santa.

              • 5 months ago

                Oops, sorry, wrong thread...


          • 5 months ago

            ...is that Laura from Hamtaro?

            • 5 months ago
            • 5 months ago


      • 5 months ago

        >This is a porn comic, it's CLEARLY not for kids.
        tell it to kids

        • 5 months ago

          It's not for kids, it's only sold in adult stores in the gay section.

          I'm not talking about gay teenagers, I'm talking about literal eight year olds being groomed into calling themselves gay and trans and shit which never happened until very very recently.

          >but what about this Japanese child porn
          Is that seriously the best you could do

          Shotacon =/= cheese pizza
          Get that through your thick skull.

    • 5 months ago

      >"Hey kids, we want to teach you it's okay for us to exist so you don't wind up like this butthole."

    • 5 months ago

      Yes, he's Santa. He brings gifts to children, you should know this by now.

    • 5 months ago


  5. 5 months ago

    Because it it irrelevant. We all already know Santa's lore and any attempts to change it will be met with a snort of derision and nothing more.

    • 5 months ago

      I'm pretty silly in one country. It's common folk that Santa has a black Man as a slave and that's not in continuity with Santa most of the other places.

    • 5 months ago

      Santa's lore has been nothing but subject to changes over history

      >Started out as a Saint, a man who was rich and gave money through a window to three women needing Doweries
      >Then became some kinda slezebag
      >Then worked with Krampus
      >Then became more Father Christmas
      >Then got commercialized by Coca-Cola into the Santa we know today
      >Soviet Union didn't do Religion but kept the Santa image as "Father Frost"
      >The Coke Santa is the one that sticks with popular culture today

      And it'll probably change well into the future as time moves on.

      • 5 months ago

        If anything they're retiring Santa and replacing him with Donald Trump.

        >BLACKED Santa

        Christ the jokes write themselves

        >So that's where the Coal comes from
        >I know Santa handles Coal alot but THIS IS RIDICULOUS
        >So White Santa handles the Nice kids and Black Santa handles the naughty kids
        >No wonder Santa is fat, his husband makes Soul Food
        >Someone's stocking is getting stuffed.
        >When he needs a pride flag he called Lucky the Leprechaun on St. Patrick's.

        This idea originated from Family Guy by the way.

      • 5 months ago

        >Then became some kinda slezebag

  6. 5 months ago

    What's the big problem with it for certain people?

  7. 5 months ago


  8. 5 months ago

    Santa never had a husband or wife he was a bishop

  9. 5 months ago
  10. 5 months ago

    Okay. That got a good laugh out of me. It gets a pass.

  11. 5 months ago

    Lol. He's black. Does he climb down chimneys too and break into people's houses?

  12. 5 months ago

    Nobody cares.

    • 5 months ago

      I actually considered storytiming it for the SOP series, but didn't think it was the fun kind of terrible.

      This thread will probably get to bump limit, and it's inclusion in k-3 curricula was something that helped trigger the shitfest between disney and Florida man governor.

      Someone on /x/ made a post about this earlier, but it got deleted with no replies. It's almost as if he's spamming this...

      A post or three isn't spam anon. But keeping good discipline and not getting stupid is a good idea.

      • 5 months ago

        It's hardcore NSFW yaoi content, a few people here were caught lying with shopped images and stolen art from DeviantArt but the comic is hardcore NSFW yaoi porn.

        And porn is 18+ years old; NOT K-3!!!!

        In fact... Fixed.... https://exhentai.org/g/2787057/ce2998f845/
        You WILL thank me later.

        Now THAT's the christmas spirit! Also one for the Party Chairman of the CCP.

        >Video from a church.
        I know it's the unitarians, but still.

        Theres no church, only memes, a badly shopped title card and SiIvaGunner remixes.

        • 5 months ago

          Neat, heres the Japanese original with it's textless version.

          • 5 months ago


  13. 5 months ago

    >make Santa black
    >also make him gay
    What’s their endgame?

  14. 5 months ago

    Arius is responsible for this, St.Nicholas needs to give him a good slap again.

  15. 5 months ago

    >so Santa has a black boyfriend in this book

    • 5 months ago

      Actually Santa's the black man and the usual Santa we see depicted in most media is the black Santa's husband. It was basically from a joke the bookmaker did telling kids get Santa was a black man and when they asked about the white guy they usually see he's just say that was Santa's husband.

  16. 5 months ago

    It's just garbage meant to provoke a reaction first and foremost. This was not a story made out of sincerity

  17. 5 months ago

    i like it, frick you

  18. 5 months ago

    Someone on /x/ made a post about this earlier, but it got deleted with no replies. It's almost as if he's spamming this...

  19. 5 months ago

    What a Cinemaphilemblr thread, I always forget how full of unironic fujos and trannies this board is

    • 5 months ago

      It’s been that way since tumblr banned porn.

  20. 5 months ago

    Why would you want to know?

    • 5 months ago

      It's gay porn.

  21. 5 months ago

    Who gives a shit? Christmas is over. Stop /misc/baiting.

    • 5 months ago

      >"Hey kids, we want to teach you it's okay for us to exist so you don't wind up like this butthole."

      Because gay people exist.

      Yeah man, these gay adults just materialized out of nowhere. I think they were like, magic clay or something.

      >every day interaction
      But every time there's a gay character in anything, you b***h about it.


      Lmao way to show where gays come from, you feel the urge to make young people online feel like they're being screamed at by a bunch of men to get off on that.

      Animation communities could be a place to help youths develop in their creativity and lives but that wouldn't help your disgusting sodomy sessions

      >This is the groomer mindset here people, it’s basically thinking in terms of sex and using it as the crux of the argument since it’s the whole reason they’re doing this shit in the first place.
      Are you talking to a mirror?
      >gay people exist

      Protestants are lame but they are less likely to go to hell than a moronic groomer homosexual.

  22. 5 months ago

    >BLACKED Santa

    Christ the jokes write themselves

    >So that's where the Coal comes from
    >I know Santa handles Coal alot but THIS IS RIDICULOUS
    >So White Santa handles the Nice kids and Black Santa handles the naughty kids
    >No wonder Santa is fat, his husband makes Soul Food
    >Someone's stocking is getting stuffed.
    >When he needs a pride flag he called Lucky the Leprechaun on St. Patrick's.

  23. 5 months ago



    • 5 months ago

      Gays are basically all about sex, it’s in all of their culture and permeates basically everything they put themselves with.

      • 5 months ago

        So it isn't possible to be romantically interested in the same gender and not frick?

        • 5 months ago

          If it is you should tell the gays considering that their subculture is unhealthily horny.

      • 5 months ago

        Ironic considering how the rightoids here in Cinemaphile are always preaching how having sex with women and bearing children is the #1 purpose in life and how not following is being a cuck or whatever.

        • 5 months ago

          Since when has Cinemaphile represented the general populace? Because I’m talking about gays and gay culture in general.

          • 5 months ago

            Straight normies can be degens too. We normalize a lot of straight sex stuff because pregnancy is just a clear sign someone has been fricked.

            Except it’s neither since you’ve just been desperately sperging out for hours going from desperate tactic to desperate tactic all to try and save face and get the last word in. You’re most likely just going to do this until bump limit where you will time out every post so you can get the last word in. Not to mention you did admit earlier that you were an actual autist.

            I guess posting from 2004 does make me autistic. I'm glad you believe me now.

            • 5 months ago

              Oh so you are just the one commenting to most of these, I mean why the frick else would someone go back and comment to something I said hours ago out of nowhere.
              >I guess posting from 2004
              Just repeating yourself while ignoring everything else isn’t a good sign, it just shows you’re desperate to reinforce the idea that I already put out.

              • 5 months ago

                >instantly gets off topic with stupid question
                >gets further BTFO'd
                >starts calling people samegay
                >gets mad when I try to help him keep track of who he's responding to
                >gets mad that I'm here to reply to other anons

              • 5 months ago

                >instantly gets off topic with stupid question
                You started samegayging and only started b***hing about things being off topic after you outed yourself
                >gets further BTFO'd
                “No u” again isn’t going to work
                >starts calling people samegay
                Which you already showed to have been doing
                >gets mad when I try to help him keep track of who he's responding to
                See the top
                >gets mad that I'm here to reply to other anons
                That was me you moron, they both were, which is why I’m calling you out for it.

              • 5 months ago

                >I'm sorry, I'm too used to arguing with people who say showing a gay couple existing is wrong because gay couple have sex and now straight Christian parents need to tell their kids about gay sex. I forgot you can worm your way into a "showing pregnancy and birth is okay because parents can lie to their kids about storks". You aren't making sense.
                You can at least tell me how you think you're making sense because right after this you accuse me of being someone else in this thread. Which even if I were, you're avoiding explaining yourself.

                All because you can't disagree with this:

                >This line of thinking is never consistent and the suspicion of "grooming by knowing the existence of gays" is meant to overshadow more likely cynical reasons someone would want gay characters in children's media: showing gays makes it so kids are more likely to see them as normal and vote to let them keep marriage and adoption rights. The long game of making media and then hopefully coming across some kid who got hypnotized by the thought of Santa's white ass getting rounded by BBC then coming to you at your second job as a creepy uncle or a PE teacher is insane. The more simple explanation is rejected because often those rejecting it understand why it would be necessary; they're trying to groom their kids into hating gays and voting against their rights. They don't want to have arguments with them in the future. This disagreement they'll come to based on gays being depicted as normal in media messes with what they want for their family. People existing and making what they want feels like an attack.

              • 5 months ago

                >nooo please engage with me and stop calling out how I had to stoop to pathetic desperation tactics in order to argue my point
                No, like I said from the beginning if you wanted to argue this you should have done it properly instead of samegayging and all the other dumb shit you’ve been pulling. You trying to veer off now is only an attempt to obfuscate the shit you’ve pulled to salvage the thread.

              • 5 months ago

                You veered off with your samegay accusations and we gave you proof we were different people and you made more excuses. You've been making excuses to not back up your bullshit or engage on any meaningful level because you're really bullshit.

                Ans this fits the pattern of people trying to play the "groomer" accusation game against gays in media; it's a search for a way to consider yourself as wronged to derail discourse to just be about your feelings and everyone needing to explain to you how fricking stupid you are if you're not just being dishonest. Maybe it's a combination of both.

              • 5 months ago

                >gets mad that I'm here to reply to other anons
                You didn’t since after being called out for dial posting you fricked off until I made your other larp look moronic by having to explain what samegayging is and then you came in doing exactly what I said you would and you’ve been just going in circles and acting moronicly desperate for hours, for frick sake you didn’t even post it until I had to call you out for it. But this has already been said. This has all been said you’re just going in circles to waste time hoping that regurgitating the same shit over and over is going to make you look less guilty. Also I did answer the questions you gave and you still have yet to actually explain the necessity and instead resorted to samegayging to make it look like you have numbers on your side but again I’ve already said.

              • 5 months ago

                You're the one who got BTFO'd in the first place.

              • 5 months ago

                How so?

                >Explain the necessity of a child knowing about homosexuality
                Is a non sequitur and it was explained.

  24. 5 months ago

    This is a book from 2017. Are outragegays ok? What other old shit are they gonna dig up


    ok the newest citation on this image is 1994 so clearly they just like moving through time slower than everyone else

    • 5 months ago

      Hey anon. This book would be a more than reasonable choice for the SOP series. Lighten up.

  25. 5 months ago

    Santa put the new forgis on the sleigh

  26. 5 months ago

    Show me the early life!
    j/k I don't even need to look it up to know

  27. 5 months ago

    It's not a comic.

    • 5 months ago

      Yes it is, a porn comic.

      • 5 months ago

        How is it a porn comic? It's cringe and lame.

        • 5 months ago

          You drew that you wing nut, and it's pretty bad.
          Read and learn from the Preston Blair book before showing your face here and shitty art here again and keep this shit to /y/ where it belongs.

          • 5 months ago

            I just did a search. You can search too. Why are you so convinced it's a porn comic?

            • 5 months ago

              Thats just stolen pictures from DeviantArt.
              Seek help.

            • 5 months ago

              I gave him the Wikipedia article and then he rewrote something else..He's just crazy or trying to troll people. Oh he's just lying for the sake of being anti-gay.


              Santa's Husband is a children's book written by Daniel Kibblesmith and illustrated by Ashley Perryman Quach.

              Santa's Husband "tells the story of a black Santa Claus and his white husband who both live at the North Pole. Santa’s spouse frequently fills in for his husband at malls."[1] The book highlights various activities Santa and his husband experience, such as playing games and dancing. [2]


              • 5 months ago

                Says nothing of the sorts.

                Says nothing of the sort.

                >Santa's Husband is a hard core gay porno book written by Daniel Kibblesmith and illustrated by Ashley Perryman Quach.

                >The book is about Black Santa getting a raging boner after taking some old guys "blue pills" and White Santa rips his cloths off with just his boner and they start fricking each other and covering each other with their cum.
                >4 hours past and they're still hard, .... Lets just say they frick the elves and reindeer for DAYS on end and if you're not gay it's not a pretty sight.
                >It has even turn bi men STRAIGHT it was that disturbing.

              • 5 months ago

                There's even a YouTube video of a lady reading the book from 3 years ago.

                Yea, if anything you're the one with a ego issue.

                NTA but how is that an ego issue?

              • 5 months ago

                >There's even a YouTube video of a lady reading the book from 3 years ago.
                Someone upload the YouTube video.

              • 5 months ago

                There is none, (s)hes lying.
                The read along is on PornHub however.

              • 5 months ago

                No YouTube video exists as port is against YouTube TOS, there is a PornHub video that a gay porn star read the book naked and hard as a rock however.

                There is none, (s)hes lying.
                The read along is on PornHub however.

                It's right here.

                You didn’t the second I called you out for dualposting you went to arguing semantics about how you replying wasn’t samegayging and I had to tortuously explain it before you fricked off and came back acting like a different person. Which is moronic given that there has been barely any activity and the poster count hasn’t even reached fifty. Like I said you’re only calling this derailment to get away from the fact that you’re being called out for samegayging. You’ve been chimping out and timing out your post between hours just for the hope that you can get the last word in. Stop being pathetic.

                You never called me out for dualposting. I'm replying to others here. You might be too actually moronic to be a troll, too much time your wasting.

              • 5 months ago

                Shopped title card and that video just a collage of memes and SiIvaGunner remixes (including Grand Dad/Flintstones), you just posted from a shit posting channel.

                Also thats a guy; Now kindly frick off.

              • 5 months ago


                Shopped title card and that video just a collage of memes and SiIvaGunner remixes (including Grand Dad/Flintstones), you just posted from a shit posting channel.

                Also thats a guy; Now kindly frick off.

                Thanks for warning me that this was a FRICKING FAMICOM THREAD!!!!! Delate this fricking thread and range ban this butthole.

              • 5 months ago

                I did here

                >comes back hours just to say “nu uh”
                Your desperation is palpable, seriously you have done everything from samegayging to dualposting to just straight up deflecting and now this shit. If you can’t argue your point normally don’t make it.

                Did you actually bust out your phone/computer? Seriously are you that desperate. Also you know what I mean by proof and you know I’m not talking about the gay shit so stop being obtuse.

                Or have are you just going to go full moron and try to take advantage of the distance between posts hoping that I’ve forgotten in all this time.

              • 5 months ago

                Thats a YouTube Poop video of memes and SiIvaGunner music, 100% unrelated to the topic.

              • 5 months ago

                >gets btfo so has to make it seem like he’s been shitposting the whole time
                Just stop, this is the saddest shit I’ve seen in a while. The fact that you have to frick around and degrade yourself is pathetic. What’s next are you going to post as some third party and try to say how we’re both being moronic to deflect so you can slink off?

              • 5 months ago

                You're the one who's been BTFO.

                Yes, he's Santa. He brings gifts to children, you should know this by now.

                By next year he WILL be replaced with Donald Trump.

                I got distracted by that more clear call out with the other guy, this didn't register as a call out, just the same weird accusation and distraction. Not much to do other than tell you you're still incorrect and avoiding the topic.

                But the YouTube video is real and from 3 years ago.

                That YouTube video is a YouTube Poop video of memes and SiIvaGunner music is the thing.

              • 5 months ago

                >You're the one who's been BTFO
                “No u” on top of samegayging that’s another to the pile of desperation tactics,

              • 5 months ago

                You posted a YouTube Poop video, I'm going to fix this.

              • 5 months ago

                frick I love that version

              • 5 months ago

                >doesnt deny samegayging
                >just pretends to be shitposting again
                It’s like clockwork

              • 5 months ago

                I got distracted by that more clear call out with the other guy, this didn't register as a call out, just the same weird accusation and distraction. Not much to do other than tell you you're still incorrect and avoiding the topic.

                A local moron who constantly posts bullshit. Lots of people do that, but all of the other ones will change the argument or use some kind of deflection tactics when they're proven wrong. Famicom is the only one who's brain-damaged enough to try and lie to you about something that's literally right in front of your face.

                But the YouTube video is real and from 3 years ago.

              • 5 months ago

                There is no other guy, it’s been you this entire time and you’ve just been alternating between different larps whenever you frick up.
                >Not much to do other than tell you you're still incorrect
                Which you’ll never be able to actually back up given you already outed yourself twice and even tried acting like you were shitposting after sheer desperation. All you’ve been doing is trying to appeal to some hypothetical onlookers as well when the only people that are actually here have been calling you out as well. Go back to wherever the frick you came from and stay there.

              • 5 months ago

                I've been here since 2004. I find you fascinating in that I can't tell if you honestly believe anything you're putting all this effort into posting. Either way, you refuse to return to any topic I present, deflected from the start, and you make me feel like I'm getting my good points across just fine. So thank you.

              • 5 months ago

                >I've been here since 2004
                That has nothing to do with what’s going on here but I know it’s bullshit since you think that if you just larp as an oldgay you think that somehow that’s going to make me baulk. You’re not even being subtle about it you picked the year after the site was founded since saying 03 straight up would have been too obvious. Also you’re the one that’s been spending hours samegayging and doing all of this shit all to save face.
                >you make me feel like I'm getting my good points across just fine. So thank you
                You already tried acting smug and it just highlighted your desperation further, if you could put you points across properly you wouldn’t have needed to samegay in order to argue them. Also why should I argue with a samegay? It’s like getting into a debate and your opponent starts chucking apples at you and the second you tell them to stop they start saying how you’re going off topic and that it’s not happening.

              • 5 months ago

                You're telling me you wouldn't believe it even if it were true. You're consistent with that.

              • 5 months ago

                Except it’s neither since you’ve just been desperately sperging out for hours going from desperate tactic to desperate tactic all to try and save face and get the last word in. You’re most likely just going to do this until bump limit where you will time out every post so you can get the last word in. Not to mention you did admit earlier that you were an actual autist.

              • 5 months ago

                No YouTube video exists as port is against YouTube TOS, there is a PornHub video that a gay porn star read the book naked and hard as a rock however.

              • 5 months ago

                Says nothing of the sorts.
                Read [...]

                Yea, if anything you're the one with a ego issue.

              • 5 months ago

                This is what the page says.

              • 5 months ago


              • 5 months ago

                His early life tells all.

              • 5 months ago

                Is there any problem with Oak Park and River Forest High School?

              • 5 months ago


  28. 5 months ago

    How do you explain the difference between two friends of the same sex and a homosexual couple without talking about sex?

    • 5 months ago

      Commitment and the difference between platonic vs romantic love. You can frame it in that they're working towards a marriage, for spiritual or legal reasons.

      • 5 months ago

        But a kid doesn’t know what commitment or romantic love is either

        • 5 months ago

          You could say that same thing about the kid looking at his parents or any other heterosexual couple. The kid just sees a man and a woman who are really close friends.

          • 5 months ago

            But I guess that’s more of the question for a kid.
            >I have a friend
            >I’m really close to them
            >does that mean we’re whatever this thing is?
            >what’s the difference?

            How do you explain boys and girls who are just friends? You can explain the different types of love easily, they understand the concept of friends and girlfriends/boyfriends, and marriage.

            At an early age, I don’t. But then to me it sorta defeats the point of going out of your way to show a different pairing to a kid if I on the other end I am just going to wave it off as a
            >don’t worry about it

            • 5 months ago

              Anon, they said "really" close friends. You can be close friends with your family. At thar point you might as well be more confused by love shown at all in fear that kids think that wanting to marry their parents is normal. Your concern doesn't make any sense.

            • 5 months ago

              >But then to me it sorta defeats the point of going out of your way
              You don't need to go out of your way in most cases, the issue here is just their existence, not a whole character arc or episode about them. Also if you avoid the topic with your kid, they'll likely assume it's just another marriage. Marriage isn't descriptively about one man and one woman, it's not like they go blank and stop all thoughts when you decline to answer something.

              • 5 months ago

                Right, but you have one side suggesting creators and show runners should go out of their way to demonstrate it. If every new show for a decade featured no non-hetero couple for no other reason than the team behind it just didn’t envision such a couple as part of the story they wanted to tell, would not the LGBT community ask for more representation?

              • 5 months ago

                You're asking on hypothetical and semantics about what it means to include and "go out of your way". You're telling me shows go out of their way to show blacks or Indians. Getting into the liberal Californian heads of writers and people involved into the creative process isn't productive and it's not relevant to the post or conversation.

              • 5 months ago

                The kicker is tho, I don’t have to run a hypothetical. We got to this point because we already did have a situation where there were no gay couples on television and the LGBT community asked for more representation.

              • 5 months ago

                The kicker is you're trying to define "going out of your way" as if homosexual Californian writers, borders, and show runners didn't already like the idea of including gay people.

                The kicker is your ignoring most of that post, the part that related to the point you were trying to make:
                >Also if you avoid the topic with your kid, they'll likely assume it's just another marriage. Marriage isn't descriptively about one man and one woman, it's not like they go blank and stop all thoughts when you decline to answer something.

              • 5 months ago

                I ignored it because I don’t care what conclusion a kid draws on his or her own. The rubber meets the road when I’m meant to explain it. And if they’re too young I’m just going to dodge the question like I would if they ask me where babies come from. Which sorta brings up what the point of including it for the sake of including it is anyway?

                I actually don’t care so much if the writer had a story they wanted to tell and it happened to include gay people. The issue with the way things are now is that there’s no way to know they didn’t do it to push for some social engineering thing because that’s where all the incentives are.

                I can feel fairly confident that they didn’t make Barret black in FF7 to check off an ESG score. I can feel fairly confident they just did it because that’s the character they wanted to make. Because back then there wasn’t some concerted industry push for inclusion

                I know gay people can be fine people because my brother is and I love him. But if you somehow showed me that actually my brother was always acting the way he was for the sole purpose of influencing me to be okay with gay people, my opinion would change immediately.

              • 5 months ago

                Then this is just about your feelings and suspicions. You're going to accuse a homosexual Californian just doing what they want of social engineering.

                And where do you stand on marketing? You let your thoughts on ESG influence how you feel about Americans, a country with a lot of black people, including black characters, but a few in Japanese games isn't ESG. Is it marketing?

                This comes down to your feelings, there's nothing to really talk about. In fact, you were being disingenuous when you tried to reduce the issue to just

                >How do you explain the difference between two friends of the same sex and a homosexual couple without talking about sex?
                And then post about how your kid is immune from understanding gays because you assume kids don't figure anything out if you decline to answer their questions.

                Why didn't you just start with your suspicions? Was there some more neutral appeal you were trying to sneak in?

              • 5 months ago

                Because the innocent defense to
                >you’re coming for my kids
                (which is what kickstarted this all off) is
                >I’m just trying to show people of different backgrounds

                But that doesn’t work if ‘showing a gay person’ requires a follow-up explanation that I cannot or will not have with a 5 year old. Which then brings up the
                >ok so what’s the point then?

                I’ll admit I sorta springboarded off of that to rant about market/social engineering meddling but it all goes back to I could believe you were not coming for my kids if I somehow knew you were doing what you were doing not for inclusion’s sake but just because that’s the story you wanted to make. But at present I have no way of knowing that

              • 5 months ago

                And at it's most nefarious, the "we're coming for your kids" is to say that they're going to show gays as normal. The idea is that if they see them they are less likely to vote against gay rights.

                At it's most neutral, yeah it's just people making what they want.

                The conditions you introduce and how you think kids don't see gay couples unless they are explained don't make sense and are negligible at best. It's like the point of this conversation is for you to tell me you're a contrarian with loads of suspicions and invested in a certain narrative.

              • 5 months ago

                At it’s actual ‘most nefarious’ it would be
                >I want little kids to know about sex
                And while such a person is not limited to gay people, the worry is that this is just the best Trojan horse for such an individual to accomplish their goal

                You’re first example is illustrating the cynical reason. But the thing is, that is
                >we’re coming for your kids
                And I don’t like that either for the reasons I mentioned earlier. If I know you are just doing something to accomplish an ulterior motive, it sours it for me. Especially when that motive is influencing kids

                >It's like the point of this conversation is for you to tell me you're a contrarian with loads of suspicions and invested in a certain narrative.
                Somebody put that on a banner

              • 5 months ago

                >I want little kids to know about sex
                Kids have parents and don't need to know they have fricked. Kids see pregnancies in cartoons and that is more "I want little kids to know about sex". From the start this is a ridiculous accusation.

                The first example isn't just cynical, because it's reasonable for people to know that parents are trying to raise their kids to hate gays and vote against their rights. Also parents aren't the best educated themselves and often aren't the best educators. So it's fine to teach kids fire safety, waiting in line, raising your hand, respecting religions, gay couples happen, Peruvians are people, and the sky is blue (unless it's night in which case it's black if your little shit wants to be a fricking homosexual about it). It's fine to influence kids in some cases.

                >Somebody put that on a banner
                lol thank you.

              • 5 months ago

                >Kids have parents and don't need to know they have fricked. Kids see pregnancies in cartoons and that is more "I want little kids to know about sex".
                Because a kid doesn’t know that that is how pregnancy happens. And as mentioned I wouldn’t explain that to a kid because they don’t need to know that at a young age. The only way to truly understand what a sexual orientation is, would be to understand what sex is. I can dodge both questions. But the point is, I’m not seeing a big call to show pregnancies in children’s television

                And as for your second point, who makes the decision? Yesterday’s obvious moral good is today’s abhorrent evil. The best standard is that the parents decide what is right for their kids. Because the
                >well we as slightly more than half of society will decide
                Only works when your half is in the majority. If the other side eventually takes over, you’re going to wish the standard was still
                >hey it’s my kid, I choose what they learn
                if the state were teaching as part of their curriculum ‘gays are evil’

                That does mean that people can choose poorly and indoctrinate their kids to hate but that’s the way it goes. You have to make the argument to the adults and go from there. Not the other way around

              • 5 months ago

                >Because a kid doesn’t know that that is how pregnancy happens.
                Then teaching kids about sex through showing Santa with a boyfriend is a complete non sequitur.

                >The best standard is that the parents decide what is right for their kids.
                It's not and saying "well majorities can be wrong" isn't new information, it was already considered. Leaving people to their own devices when it comes to a lot of things yields worse outcomes easily prevented with education. At this point, it's not about "gay good" it's just about their existence. You're framing their existence as breaching some parental right.

              • 5 months ago

                Thats not a kids book.

              • 5 months ago

                You're just talking about grooming kids with Marxist ideology. I prefer raising standards so kids grow up to be better people instead of more accepting of your failures.

                Gays and people supportive of gay rights at the very least were okay with gays, so you got more gays. The entertainment industry is very gay and liberal, they didn't need to be bribed to put gays in shows and actually Disney and CN actively pushed against their inclusion.

                The entertainment industry needs to attack my Catholic art projects which directly connect to things like Steven Universe to dispel the LGBTQ association with things like fusion.

              • 5 months ago

                If you can explain straight relationships, you can explain gay ones. If you can't, you shouldn't have kids.

              • 5 months ago

                No, that was ESG that wanted more representation, normies wanted none of that.

              • 5 months ago

                Gays and people supportive of gay rights at the very least were okay with gays, so you got more gays. The entertainment industry is very gay and liberal, they didn't need to be bribed to put gays in shows and actually Disney and CN actively pushed against their inclusion.

              • 5 months ago
              • 5 months ago

                What debunked that? Hirsch and Sugar both reported having trouble with S&P and execs for what they wanted to put in their shows and the pattern of lesbians being confirmed at the end of a show's run is so that they don't need to consider the execs apprehension towards including gays in a kids cartoon because they aren't going to need to ask for another season.

        • 5 months ago

          How do you explain boys and girls who are just friends? You can explain the different types of love easily, they understand the concept of friends and girlfriends/boyfriends, and marriage.

    • 5 months ago

      romantic love. You are kind of tipping your hand that you have never really loved a spouse and think that a wife is a hole that lets you cum in it.

    • 5 months ago

      The same way you explain the difference between two friends of different sexes and a straight couple without talking about sex

  29. 5 months ago

    >"Black people can't marry white people"

    • 5 months ago

      >see gay couple
      >get mad it’s biracial
      He’s Californian alright

  30. 5 months ago

    Pick one of the following corrections:
    > Why has nobody told me that this shit existed?
    > Why did nobody tell me this shit existed?
    > Why didn't anybody tell me this shit existed?

    • 5 months ago
  31. 5 months ago

    Christmas is ruined Chr

  32. 5 months ago

    I know who the Top is, but which one is Santa?

  33. 5 months ago

    Just storytime it already

    • 5 months ago

      Can't, Very NSFW gay porn comic.
      >In before that fricking asshat post his DeviantArt cringe in this thread.

  34. 5 months ago

    You weren't watching Fox News

    • 5 months ago

      It was never on Fox News.

  35. 5 months ago

    Now we need to have Moses's Husband or Mohammad's Husband made.

    • 5 months ago

      Now THAT's the christmas spirit! Also one for the Party Chairman of the CCP.

      It's right here.

      You never called me out for dualposting. I'm replying to others here. You might be too actually moronic to be a troll, too much time your wasting.

      >Video from a church.
      I know it's the unitarians, but still.

  36. 5 months ago

    Kids of gay parents are literally more likely to be gay than those with straight parents. There's your proof that environment and exposure can impact a child's sexuality.

    • 5 months ago

      Gay is the default, having gay parents just makes you less afraid to come out.

      • 5 months ago

        Your brain on Twitter

  37. 5 months ago

    >expecting storytime of pain
    >get screen after screen of /misc/ gayging

    • 5 months ago

      This entire site is becoming an endless pool of /misc/, it's been happening for at least the last 4 years.

  38. 5 months ago

    Cause it's dumb. It's a dumb thing. It was a dumb thing to get mad about, it was a dumb thing to b***h about. It was just really stupid.

  39. 5 months ago

    Why always Black?
    Why never chinese or something?

    • 5 months ago

      China has a war against Christmas as of late.

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