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Homeless People Are Sexy Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago

    Why not?

  2. 2 years ago

    Whitey can't even keep his myths, only BIPOCLGBTGQGJ folx can have their ethnonationalist societies.

    • 2 years ago

      Namor was never white.

    • 2 years ago

      Atlanteans were NEVER white, from PLATO, inventor of Atlantis:

      Written in 360 BC, Plato introduced Atlantis in Timaeus:

      For it is related in our records how once upon a time your State stayed the course of a mighty host, which, starting from a distant point in the Atlantic ocean, was insolently advancing to attack the whole of Europe, and Asia to boot. For the ocean there was at that time navigable; for in front of the mouth which you Greeks call, as you say, 'the pillars of Heracles,' there lay an island which was larger than Libya and Asia together; and it was possible for the travelers of that time to cross from it to the other islands, and from the islands to the whole of the continent over against them which encompasses that veritable ocean. For all that we have here, lying within the mouth of which we speak, is evidently a haven having a narrow entrance; but that yonder is a real ocean, and the land surrounding it may most rightly be called, in the fullest and truest sense, a continent. Now in this island of Atlantis there existed a confederation of kings, of great and marvelous power, which held sway over all the island, and over many other islands also and parts of the continent.

      • 2 years ago

        Tell Greeks they're not white and they'll shiv you in the kidney.

      • 2 years ago

        The people of Atlantis in Marvel were originally blue with the weird very curved eyebrows. Namor is half that and half white human.

        • 2 years ago

          Actually, the Atlanteans in Bill Everett's original comics were really weird looking with bulging eyes, catfish whiskers and a general nonhuman aspect. They started looking more like regular humans much later.

      • 2 years ago

        They were Aryan. Related to the Red Ochre tribes that settled in North America.

      • 2 years ago

        It doesn’t work that way Cinemaphile sister. If you can lump Europeans, Slavs etc into one ethnic group by the color of our skin to claim we’ve all oppressed you, then we’re also allowed to claim characters based on their white skin color.

    • 2 years ago

      >created by israeli writers
      So are the israelites white now or not? Which is it?

      • 2 years ago

        Ignorant children! Sub-Mariner was created by Bill Everett, who was of Irish ancestry. This board is hopeless.

        • 2 years ago

          and those comic are surprisingly readable even today, I've been reading old golden age marvel mystery comics and the namor story are by far the most interesting.

          • 2 years ago

            Bill Everett was great, any way you look at it. I love the stories where Namor builds his own Jeep and drives around the Pacific Northwest looking for trouble. What a surreal image.

      • 2 years ago

        Depends on whether it's beneficial at the time

      • 2 years ago

        Ask Barbara Spectre.

    • 2 years ago

      They want us to believe in Wakanda and forget Waukesha.

      • 2 years ago

        There is an actual Wakanda in Illinois but its spelt "Wauconda" and its almost entirely white like nearly every Illinois locality outside the Chicago metro area

        • 2 years ago

          And of course it's a Native American/American Indian word, so having all all white population is a bit droll.

          • 2 years ago

            Natives should be lucky we let them fricking live. We didn't have to. Still don't.

  3. 2 years ago

    He was a Mckenzie. All celts must be replaced

  4. 2 years ago

    Didn't you just post this and it got deleted?

  5. 2 years ago

    Shit character anyway.

  6. 2 years ago

    Frankly what they're doing with Namor sounds surprisingly daring and thus interesting. Not sure if it'll work but I appreciate it that they're doing it

  7. 2 years ago

    >Wakanda was a hit, how about we give Mexicans their own utopian society without white people in the sequel?
    this pandering is blatant

    • 2 years ago

      It's going to backfire since they want to be white.

  8. 2 years ago

    So you fan of Namor now? Quick tell me 5 big events of him. You have one minute OP

    • 2 years ago

      I really liked him in Hickmans' new avengers and Gillen's uncanny X-men. He was the best part of AvX. I liked his mini that released a bit after civil war.
      He's generally a fun and entertaining character in most comic in which he shows up.

  9. 2 years ago


    >I swear this board has been taken over by /misc/. People get so strangely defensive over the color of skin on Cinemaphile.
    Fixed that for you

    • 2 years ago

      Cope. You're the out-group, moron.

      • 2 years ago

        Aww, he thinks he's a part of something. This is adorable.

        • 2 years ago

          Why are you talking to yourself, troony?

  10. 2 years ago

    To appease the Latinx, Disney's new demographic that they are attempting to pander to after China basically blacklisted Disney over gays and trannies.

    • 2 years ago

      Swear to God, I'm going to slap the shit out of any maricon I hear using that word.

      • 2 years ago

        Imagine how murderous you'd get over something that actually mattered.

        • 2 years ago

          >implying your not the catalyst and part of the problem
          Diseased disengenous scum

          • 2 years ago

            Ask to get an MRI of your head, sounds like there might be a tumor causing your attitude problem Do you get sudden nosebleeds?.

        • 2 years ago

          Linguistic genocide matters, butthole

          • 2 years ago

            You're silly. Word meanings change, new words are introduced and old words drop out of usage. You can't go through life foaming at the mouth because of this.

      • 2 years ago

        It's mostly used by white elitists and self hating yardBlack folk

        • 2 years ago

          You can fight change but it's going to happen anyway. Stand in your yard and yell at the leaves not to turn color in the Fall and see where it gets you. If Latinx catches on, it'll seem normal pretty quick.

  11. 2 years ago

    Op would you rather Nampre be an evil concureing white man who ends up kneeling befor the progressive poweres of shuri?

  12. 2 years ago


    It's not even made you moron. You have no clue of it's quality. You're just an outrage simp.

  13. 2 years ago


    >not naming a single big event of the character
    you dont give a shit about Namor you are just here to shitpost. Go back Black person

  14. 2 years ago

    because you're a perpetual victim OP

  15. 2 years ago

    I will now watch your movie, ocean daddy

    • 2 years ago

      The shit in his nose and ears really irks me more than I can say. Why couldn't they have taken inspiration from the calendars from a panderia in East L.A.?

      • 2 years ago

        Same. That's my main complaint with the design.

    • 2 years ago

      We don't like Tenoch Huerta in Mexico, so there's that.

      He's quite a reactionary public figure that always gets backlash from the left, the right, the government sympathizers and the opposition.

      It's like giving a gay republican actor a leading role based on a straight character.

      • 2 years ago

        >He's quite a reactionary public figure that always gets backlash from the left, the right, the government sympathizers and the opposition.
        How is that possible digitsanon? What does he do and say that pisses off everyone and anyone?

      • 2 years ago

        He's really not well known, usually playing supporting characters. So he can be nailed into a multi-film contract for less money than a big star would ask.

  16. 2 years ago

    yes clearly the importance thing is that we keep his design as Spock in a speedo

  17. 2 years ago


    >i just came to Cinemaphile to shitpost about a character i dont care about
    lmao ok moron

  18. 2 years ago


    This. It's perfectly normal, healthy alpha behavior to get legitimately angry over MCU designs. Anyone who tells you otherwise, anyone who doesn't let such things ruin their day, are betas.

  19. 2 years ago

    But is Namor vaxxed?

    • 2 years ago

      >shows up, announces war on entire surface world, wrecks 3 major coastal cities...gets sneezed on and dies.

  20. 2 years ago


    >that spacing

    • 2 years ago

      Correct spacing, like correct spelling and punctuation, amazes you.

  21. 2 years ago


    > "Hey, I'm one of the cool guys now, right? I'm part of the club now???"
    Ironic when a chud post this

  22. 2 years ago


    >people are now simping for this behavior
    >Cinemaphile's been buckbroken
    You should leave this site sometimes, the memes are infecting your cerebral cortex.

  23. 2 years ago

    >34 post
    >18 posters

    • 2 years ago

      >43 posts
      >20 posters

  24. 2 years ago

    This has to be a deliberate 4D psyop to turn people racist. There's no way they aren't' deliberately tone deaf.

    • 2 years ago

      These movies aren't aimed at you. There aren't enough comic fanatics to make a difference. Movie makers have to appeal to general audiences to keep their careers going. Satisfying comics fans is way down on the list.

      • 2 years ago

        Normies are going to eat shit up regardless, and even they are getting wise to the lessening quality of MCU products. But your argument ignores the fact that they would get the widest net of viewers if they are faithful and tell a good story. And each of those don't happen anymore because the prioritization of representation and hiring of people with no talent because they're diverse, cheap or parrot the message is put above making a good movie that is faithful to the comics.

        • 2 years ago

          Nah, being "faithful" to the comics isn't always a good idea. As you know, what works in a comic book doesn't translate well to live action. And again, there aren't enough comics fans to matter. Appealing to the mass majority of movie goers (who have never read a comic) is the only way to make successful movies. And honestly, it may be cruel to say it but "normies": in general have better taste and perception than comic book zealots.

        • 2 years ago

          >Normies are going to eat shit up regardless
          Normies are talking and shitting about She-Hulk, they are no longer swallowing the Rat's coom

  25. 2 years ago


    I think he looks fine, and the Mayan = Atlantean thing is fine too. But clearly it's been detrimental to you. So which of your husbandos would you have cast for this hunky role, anon? How should it have gone?

  26. 2 years ago


    It's just Mousedrones. There's paid ones and there's True Believers who do it for free like

    >I swear this board has been taken over by /misc/. People get so strangely defensive over the color of skin on Cinemaphile.
    Fixed that for you

    • 2 years ago

      sigh, your not wrong
      so how do we save this board?

      • 2 years ago

        GTFO you Reddit homosexual

        • 2 years ago

          Reddit is so much a better board than this snakepit of ignorance, it's not even funny.

  27. 2 years ago


    >Do you have to be such an obnoxiously disingenuous homosexual about everything?
    You should keep being this passionate about children's movies, I think it's healthy.

    >It's just moronic that they couldn't get a guy that has the most recognizeable features that Namor has.
    Could have sworn he had pointy ears and lil feet wings in the images I saw, but you'd know better than me. Anyway, hang in there man.

  28. 2 years ago

    >weeds in his ears and nose

    • 2 years ago

      Thank you, christ. Everyone's acting like i'm so out of bounds for critiquing the design but THATS your official art? It looks like a mock up. MCU can get away with anything to these shills

  29. 2 years ago


    Mousecucks can't handle real Mexican culture.

    • 2 years ago

      Outrageous Mexican culture Proportions

  30. 2 years ago


    Art is always an ideation. In this case, something made from pure artistic expression is going to be better than anything made by some woke MCU checklist.

  31. 2 years ago

    The character is crap and can't sell comics and they need a Mexican asap, that's why.

    • 2 years ago

      It is a little annoying they have to import Mexicans from the gay dimension or Atlantis because they have frick all actual Hispanic/Latino characters.

  32. 2 years ago


    Just having him take out the green shit in his face would be a MASSIVE improvement. And CG in the widow's peak.

  33. 2 years ago

    He literally looks asian for some reason in the comic lol.

    • 2 years ago

      asians are fish people, that's why

  34. 2 years ago

    Greco-Roman myths are played out. Ultra future looking Atlantis is played out. Also they want to avoid comparisons to Aquaman. Hence MCU Atlantis is basically South American Wakanda.


    I am in no way defending it, I just think the cycle of outrage is pathetic at this point. "Adaptation is bad! OMG!" Have people literally not learnt from the six hundred times previous? I find the complaints to be just as disingenous as the defence. Everyone on this site pretends to hate the MCU, talks about superhero fatigue etc and then they constantly talk about the MCU. Literally no one reads comics anymore, most people gave up a decade ago so all we have left is to complain about movies? I swear the reason so much stuff is successful is because people still buy into things they swear they hate. Only get the odd thread anymore where people actually talk about comics.

  35. 2 years ago


    You're right, I hadn't thought of that. Next some one will dig up a sign from 1911 that says, No Irish Need Apply.

  36. 2 years ago


    The best Golden Age comics are immense fun. Jack Cole's Plastic Man, Captain Marvel, the Spirit, Simon and Kirby's Boy Commandos, all worth giving a try.

    • 2 years ago

      >Simon and Kirby's Boy Commandos
      It's so fricking wild to me that one of DC's biggest titles was a comic about child soldiers

      >. I hate Namor, but I hate you even more
      You hate me, but your mother loves me.

      Tell me how the frick I am wrong, frickface. Is it not true that this board worships Namor and forbids anyone from criticizing the character out of loyalty towards Marvel/Disney?

      >This board doesn't worship shit you fricking lunatic
      Is that so?

      Who other than me says that Sue Storm being in love with the mass murderer that tries to kill her family is bad writing? Who? WHO?

      There's no one. This board would rather slit the throat of their own mothers than say that something about Namor isn't well-written and based and amazing and kino and whatnot.

      >They're actively making fun of Namor and Doom
      I am, quite literally, the only person in this site that makes fun of Doom.

      And all I did was saying "Doom becoming omnipotent every fricking year isn't creative or well-written".

      I became infamous site-wide, had people trying to dox me in multiple sites, had people threatening to kill me, or making shit up about me being a criminal, swatting me, got called all sorts of names just because I dared say that a repetitive story is, guess what? Repetitive.

      Anyone can say "I don't like Batman" here without any trouble. No one can say "I don't like Doom" without triggering hundreds of Marvel fans into trying to ruin your life.

      Same goes for Namor.

      I love how Tommy eventually just stops pretending it's not him making these shitty threads

      There are some nonwhite people who could have worked as Namor. Particularly those who are half white. I think some who are half Asian would have worked. Momoa would have worked and made far more sense than having him as Arthur. But I wouldn't have been opposed to Henry Golding, Lewis Tan, Daniel Henney, Ian Anthony Dale, and Avan Jojia. And there are tons of half Latino actors who look pretty white, but that would count to the representation weirdos.

      Momoa's very ride-or-die with WB after they made him Aquaman; apparently after Game of Thrones, casting people assumed he couldn't speak English, so him becoming Aquaman really gave his career a massive boost.

      • 2 years ago

        Yeah, the Boy Commandos didn't make much sense. Of course, in WW II, there were no computer checks and the enlistment board wasn't too demanding about IDs. They needed warm bodies to send overseas. Lots of 14 and 15 year olds enlisted in the armed forces, so Bucky and the the Boy Commandos weren't stretching it too far.

  37. 2 years ago

    The MCU head has an aversion to comics, so never expect anything valuable that respects the comic book
    About Carol Danvers Ms Marvel:
    >“If you look at the comics, the further you go back, the less clothes Carol Danvers seems to be wearing,” said Feige. “Oftentimes it’s a one-piece bathing suit basically, with outrageous comic proportions.

  38. 2 years ago

    >Literally wetbacks

  39. 2 years ago

    The funniest thing is namor is the worst fricking guy so racebending h will just make Hispanic/latino/south amrican people look bad like
    >check out our new latinex superhero "sea-rapist"!
    >he abducts white women and molests them because his dad did that to his mom!
    >here at Disney we love representation

    • 2 years ago

      Gotta love how much people bend over backwards to go "AHA! This means woketards are the real racists!"

      • 2 years ago

        That's because they feel guilty and want to pass the buck.

  40. 2 years ago

    You spend that much time out at sea, you get a suntan.

  41. 2 years ago


    He didn't imply "unflattering" he was blatantly painting Namor as a rapist and molester of white women (just like conservatives love to paint everyone south of Texas).

  42. 2 years ago


    >Then, ignore it.
    That's literally the point I am making.

    I was also lamenting the fact that Cinemaphile doesn't really talk much about comics anymore too.

  43. 2 years ago

    namo who? frfr right look bussin though no cap (kappa) on god shit lookin force rn

  44. 2 years ago

    Generic dude in undies
    An actual design with a motif

  45. 2 years ago

    Quick and easy way to differentiate him from DCs fish man.

  46. 2 years ago

    Even Spock, even the TV show Spock looks more like Namor than this shitty MCU version, WTF?
    The level of incompetence, lack of talent, lack of artistic vision in a place that has so much money is frightening.

    • 2 years ago

      You can say it's a lack of talent and incompetent but it's clearly not a lack of artistic vision to want to look different from a generic dude with arched eyebrows and a widow's peak.
      And that's basically what old namor is as you just proved if other non namor characters in entirely different franchises look so much like him.

      • 2 years ago

        Man, this fantastic face of Namor was created almost 100 years ago! Even today it's still fantastic to see, you see? The MCU is trading the fantastical for something banal and uninteresting

  47. 2 years ago


    Sometimes some directors and MCU actors come here to shitpost

  48. 2 years ago


    >No, I'm saying that to YOU.
    I know you were saying that, I get that completely, but it was also the point I was making. Now making one innocuous post is not the same as challenging the tides. That's all anon. Feels like you're just projecting some shit at me when that wasn't my intent. So fair enough I guess. Hope you're okay.

  49. 2 years ago


    >You've been doing this since at least yesterday, anon.
    First time I've posted in a Namor reaction thread, but okay.

  50. 2 years ago


    >Nothing about Namor's appearance is "generic".
    Interchangeable with Spock makes him generic, sorry that facts don't care about your feelings.

  51. 2 years ago


    >exact, near-verbatim phrasing and logic
    homie, every single Namor reaction thread has been, near verbatim, the same posts over and over again. I've seen the same complaints and counters over and over. This is just how the Internet is these days. Like every thread has had the "no one is a real namor fan" thing, etc.

  52. 2 years ago

    You forgot to make him a foot shorter.

    • 2 years ago

      Namor being medium height and built like a swimmer makes a lot more sense than having him look like a gigantic steroid-freak bodybuilder, I think.

  53. 2 years ago

    Classic Namor looks like frickin’ Spock, and they need to differentiate it from Aquaman’s Atlantis somehow. It’s not that complicated.

  54. 2 years ago

    I think "exotic" looking merfolk is more appropriate. Maybe Pirates of the Carribean brainwashed me.

  55. 2 years ago


    First doesn't matter, what's in the public consciousness does. They're not selling to nerds like us that know Namor came first because quite frankly we don't fricking matter. The wallets of people that would look at Namor, Spock, and Black Adam and see the same guy in different clothes are much more numerous and full, so companies have to differentiate between them.

    • 2 years ago

      It is the same pathetic reason for the MCU not to bring in blondes

      • 2 years ago

        >MCU not to bring in blondes
        Which blonde?

  56. 2 years ago

    Why the frick is Cinemaphile suddenly giving a shit about Namor? Why should I be upset over this? I don't even like Namor, nor am I likely to even see this movie. This reeks of Tommy autism

    • 2 years ago

      Frick you go die you rat bastard.

      • 2 years ago

        Answer the question, frickface. Or are you Tommy, pissed that I called you out?

        • 2 years ago

          You are a disingenuous rat who posts this every time anyone complains about mcu fricking with characters older than you. Frick you go die.

          • 2 years ago

            Who the frick are you even talking about you schizo? You can't play the shill card when I literally just said I likely won't watch the movie in the first place, dumbass. MCU is notorious for fricking up basic shit, but I'm not going to pretend Namor is some great character that was wronged either just for the sake of complaining

            • 2 years ago

              Suck my dick homosexual respect the original or frick off and die.

              • 2 years ago

                ....I actually agree with that sentiment you stupid frick. Are you illiterate too that you can't comprehend what the frick I just said?

              • 2 years ago

                You two are SO much in love, you need to meet up IRL.

    • 2 years ago

      >Why the frick is Cinemaphile suddenly giving a shit about Namor?
      Yhis shit board has always worshipped Namor for reasons beyond any logic.

      No one can name a well-written Namor stpry, no one can name a stpry in which Namor is more deep than "basic butthole", but no one here allows Namor to be criticized.

      I have never been able to make sense of this. Maybe it's just brand loyalty towards Marvel.

      • 2 years ago

        >Suddenly giving a shit about Namor
        Frick off newbie. Namor was the most popular member of the Illuminati until Secret Wars 2 fricking annihilated his character with the Thanos shit.

        So it IS Tommy stirring the pot. Frick you, autist. He and Doom live rent free in your sick head, and I knew this news would set you off. I hate Namor, but I hate you even more

        • 2 years ago

          >. I hate Namor, but I hate you even more
          You hate me, but your mother loves me.

          Tell me how the frick I am wrong, frickface. Is it not true that this board worships Namor and forbids anyone from criticizing the character out of loyalty towards Marvel/Disney?

          • 2 years ago

            >Your mom
            Wow, unimaginative too? Par the course for your dumbass what with your repetitive fricking bullshit. This board doesn't worship shit you fricking lunatic. You keep whining about some nonexistent cult homosexualry so you have an excuse to whine incessantly. I don't even understand what you get out of it

            • 2 years ago

              >This board doesn't worship shit you fricking lunatic
              Is that so?

              Who other than me says that Sue Storm being in love with the mass murderer that tries to kill her family is bad writing? Who? WHO?

              There's no one. This board would rather slit the throat of their own mothers than say that something about Namor isn't well-written and based and amazing and kino and whatnot.

              • 2 years ago

                >Who other than me says that Sue Storm being in love with the mass murderer that tries to kill her family is bad writing? Who? WHO?
                THOSE ARE SHITPOST/JOKES YOU AUTISTIC FRICKING MORON. You're seriously telling me you believe those posts are serious? This is why people fricking hate you and call you a moron. They're actively making fun of Namor and Doom

              • 2 years ago

                >They're actively making fun of Namor and Doom
                I am, quite literally, the only person in this site that makes fun of Doom.

                And all I did was saying "Doom becoming omnipotent every fricking year isn't creative or well-written".

                I became infamous site-wide, had people trying to dox me in multiple sites, had people threatening to kill me, or making shit up about me being a criminal, swatting me, got called all sorts of names just because I dared say that a repetitive story is, guess what? Repetitive.

                Anyone can say "I don't like Batman" here without any trouble. No one can say "I don't like Doom" without triggering hundreds of Marvel fans into trying to ruin your life.

                Same goes for Namor.

              • 2 years ago

                >And all I did was...
                have consistent sperg out whenever either character are mentionned, I don't however expect you to understand how you appear to other people due to your autism.

              • 2 years ago

                >I am, quite literally, the only person in this site that makes fun of Doom.
                Legit fricking autism as usual. You don't live in reality. Hell I poke fun at Doom all the time. You are a broken record, fighting windmills. That is your life on here, and it's pathetic. And the tragedy is that you STILL don't fricking get why people hate your guts. It's not what you're saying or who it's targeted at, it's the fact that you refuse to shut the frick up and waste our time with this repetitive exercise you refuse to let up on. That's literally it. It's the same thing over and over and OVER again with you. We fricking get it already. Now shut the frick up. But we both know you won't because apparently you have this compulsion to be heard. Hell you could say "I hate Hitler" and still have people hate you because of your repetitive annoying victim complex

              • 2 years ago

                >It's not what you're saying or who it's targeted at, it's the fact that you refuse to shut the frick up and waste our time with this repetitive exercise you refuse to let up on. That's literally it. It's the same thing over and over and OVER again with you
                If this board dislike repetitive stuff, it wouod never worship Doom and Namor the way it does.

              • 2 years ago

                >If this board dislike repetitive stuff, it wouod never worship Doom and Namor the way it does.
                Again you default to headcanon because surprise surprise you can't fathom reality. Crazy thought, but you ever stop and wonder why people hate you so much across the internet that they would go to such great lengths to attack you? Spoiler alert: it has absolutely nothing to do with Doom or Namor. Wake the frick up and get help. Then your life will be of worth and maybe you'll find happiness for once

                This board doesn't worship Doom or Namor, it just hates your fricking guts given how you act. It's your own fault, and just drive it through your skull again since you need it, it's not because of your opinion.

              • 2 years ago

                >This board doesn't worship Doom or Namor
                Is that so?

                Why don't you make a thread complaining about Doom's stories being repetitive as frick. Let us see how this board will take it.

              • 2 years ago

                Why should I? Nobody cares enough to b***h about Doom except you. Which again the point you seem to be unable to grasp is that those threads get hate BECAUSE YOU'RE THE ANNOYING FRICK WHO KEEPS MAKING THEM. It's literally just you, nothing about Doom or Namor. How many ways can this be conveyed to you? What more convincing do you need? Why can't you grasp why people hate you (and no it's not about the characters at all)?

              • 2 years ago

                >Why don't you make a thread complaining about Doom's stories being repetitive as frick. Let us see how this board will take it.
                I did,


                , and literally nobody cared

              • 2 years ago

                People hate you Tommy because you had old reddit posts talking pedo shit.

              • 2 years ago

                Post them, jilted ex-lover.

              • 2 years ago

                The only thing you love is children and cuckoldry, Tommy.

              • 2 years ago

                >no proof
                This is why Namor and Doom are shit. Its fans are bitter sodomites who will never have a bf.

              • 2 years ago

                Why would I want to save images of a freak like yourself?

              • 2 years ago

                Because that was the only time someone felt interest in you, loser.

              • 2 years ago

                This is how internet romances start. You two are obviously interested in each other, this flirting is the beginning.

              • 2 years ago

                >someone felt interest in you
                So you're saying I look like a child and that's why you were interested in me? What?

                This is how internet romances start. You two are obviously interested in each other, this flirting is the beginning.

                Tommy is a pedo and obsessed with cuckoldry. It is a weird mix.

              • 2 years ago

                >he's obsessed with a pedo

              • 2 years ago

                >calling someone out means you're obsessed
                Frick off nonce

              • 2 years ago

                >anxiously waiting for that anon to post about Namor/Doom so you can call him out means you're obsessed

              • 2 years ago

                You're projecting hard and it is weird at this point.

              • 2 years ago

                Every time "Tommy" isn't in the board, his former lover asks himself WHERE'S TOMMYYYY?

              • 2 years ago

                Not once have I said that.

              • 2 years ago

                And yet your parents are so tired of hearing your screams. Do you know how many times they've called me and asked me to talk to you?

              • 2 years ago

                >Who other than me says that Sue Storm being in love with the mass murderer that tries to kill her family is bad writing?
                that's just typical female behavior, so it' good writing.

    • 2 years ago

      >Suddenly giving a shit about Namor
      Frick off newbie. Namor was the most popular member of the Illuminati until Secret Wars 2 fricking annihilated his character with the Thanos shit.

    • 2 years ago

      White people are like the toddler that isn't playing with the toy, doesn't have object permanence yet and has forgotten the toy exists, but the second someone else tries to touch they toy that toddler has a meltdown.
      They don't give a shit about Namor, they care about the threat of Namor not being "theirs".
      Which I suppose is fair. Namor is one of the few superheroes not created by a israelite, after all.

      • 2 years ago

        Most white people don't care one way or the other. It's a handful of fragile anons here and maybe on Twitter who freak out. And I'm glad to see you acknowledge how talented and creative israeli writers and artists are.

    • 2 years ago

      >Actually no one cared for the character before now
      Every single FRICKING time.

  57. 2 years ago

    get a life you bunch of morons its just superhero movie stop making everything into policital culture war

  58. 2 years ago


    The MCU trained them? Not the many comic-innacurate movies that came out before it? Remember how many people thought organic web shooters were normal for Spider-Man?

  59. 2 years ago


    no its just cringe i get it if you shit on feminist movie like ghostbuster reboot but cmon now not everything needs to be outrage about leftwing rightwing altright dude its just film if you really dont like newest hollywood products watch their older ones

  60. 2 years ago


    The Raimi Spider-Man movies are beloved to this day and they're incredibly inaccurate beyond superficial stuff, same for most of the X-Men movies

    • 2 years ago

      It made a lot of money for its time but people at that time hated the organic webs and Mary Jane for not being hot like in the comics, Amy Pascal has been annoying Spider-Man fans for over 20 years

  61. 2 years ago


    An argument to what? We're not arguing, we're literally just name calling.

  62. 2 years ago


    >I'm pretty sure you are the first person in this thread to make it about that
    lmao bullshit i knew you just want another /misc/ bait thread
    see early posts

    Whitey can't even keep his myths, only BIPOCLGBTGQGJ folx can have their ethnonationalist societies.

    >Wakanda was a hit, how about we give Mexicans their own utopian society without white people in the sequel?
    this pandering is blatant

    To appease the Latinx, Disney's new demographic that they are attempting to pander to after China basically blacklisted Disney over gays and trannies.

  63. 2 years ago


    >I didn't realize MJ's entire personality was "superficial stuff".
    well now you know

  64. 2 years ago


    >A lot of people like to shit on them, especially on Cinemaphile. The "Mechanical vs Organic" arguments cause notoriously long and angry threads. You'd know that if you weren't a newhomosexual
    Cinemaphile will defend the Raimi movies over the MCU shit any day, arguing about mechanical vs organic doesn't mean they hate the movies, what the frick are you talking about? And that also has nothing to do with how normies still loves those movies
    >I didn't realize MJ's entire personality was "superficial stuff".
    Raimi MJ is nothing like comic MJ unless you just fricking hate comic MJ and see her that way

  65. 2 years ago


    I've been in those threads, people hate Raimi fans treating those movies as the definitive Spider-Man, it's never hating the movies themselves

  66. 2 years ago

    There are some nonwhite people who could have worked as Namor. Particularly those who are half white. I think some who are half Asian would have worked. Momoa would have worked and made far more sense than having him as Arthur. But I wouldn't have been opposed to Henry Golding, Lewis Tan, Daniel Henney, Ian Anthony Dale, and Avan Jojia. And there are tons of half Latino actors who look pretty white, but that would count to the representation weirdos.

    • 2 years ago

      Who was the Korean guy on HAWAII FIVE-0? He would work.

  67. 2 years ago


  68. 2 years ago

    Why not make the eyebrows and forehead entries? Namor's face is something like the A on Captain America's forehead I saw the first Black Panther in the movie theater and bought the bluray but I can't spend my money on it, I can't pay for it, it's like ordering a 5 star dish and getting a dish with shit on it

  69. 2 years ago


    You should try a little harder to make it seem like you're not screaming and crying about race.

  70. 2 years ago

    Why? Because the Marvel israelites are obsessed with minorities (sexual and racial)

  71. 2 years ago

    It was either brown-ish or asian and well..
    still should have been asian[spoiler].[/spoiler]

  72. 2 years ago


    Namor was created in 1966, Spock in 1966. But there's no connection between their looks. Spock originally was tried with reddish make-up to give him a vaguely Satanic look but the network censors objected. No one designing Spock was thinking about Sub-Mariner at all.

    • 2 years ago

      Namor debut was in 1939

      • 2 years ago

        Oh, you are absolutely right. That was just carelessness on my part.

    • 2 years ago

      Nzmor fans like to believe that everything in fiction was inspired by Namor.

      I suppose it's the way they have found to cope with the irrelevance of the character they worship.

      • 2 years ago

        >first marvel superhero
        >first comic anti hero
        >first superhero to fly
        >first aquatic super hero, years before aquaman

  73. 2 years ago

    I love how Tommy just stopped talking to me because it got too real for him

    • 2 years ago

      Yeah, reality cut in and showed me what a mess of a relationship you were. And you still cannot move on.

      • 2 years ago

        >And you still cannot move on.
        You mean like you, who has been a plague on boards for years?

      • 2 years ago

        You guys need to have a few drinks together and try to save your relationship.

  74. 2 years ago


    "Normies" read actual books by genuine authors and watch films by respected directors, all with subject matter relevant to functional adults. They are not that interest in adolescent fantasies of costumed men punching each other, although they will watch them the way they enjoy a circus act.

    • 2 years ago

      >They are not that interest in adolescent fantasies of costumed men punching each other
      If that is the case, why is the MCU the biggest pop culture phenomenon of the past 2 decades.

      • 2 years ago

        It's a fad, liker disaster movies of the 1970s or torture films like Saw... junk food for the mind. Consumed and forgotten. People still take serious, adult-themed movies to heart much more.

        • 2 years ago

          I took an american film history class in uni a few years back and at the start of the semester, when the teacher asked for our favorite movies, the most common answers were MCU flicks.

          • 2 years ago

            Must have been a shitty community uni.

          • 2 years ago

            The students were in the right place to learn better, that's for sure.

          • 2 years ago

            >The popular thing is the popular answer
            Only on Cinemaphile is this a puzzling concept.

            • 2 years ago

              It's also wry that these are students who want to learn about films. Hopefully, their opinions had been more refined and better informed when they were done with the class.It's like asking students at the Culinary Institute the first day what they like and they all say pizza and cheeseburgers.

              • 2 years ago

                I dunno man I got something similar when I tried taking writing courses in college. First day the processor told the class everything they liked lacked "literary merit" and so we all had to spend a semester playing a game of who can come up with the most depressing "realistic" nonsense to appease the c**t that graded us.
                By the time the term was over a quarter of the class had just dropped it and the rest of us realized that there was a reason people assume english majors are just there to learn how to teach it.

              • 2 years ago

                The opposite of my experience. I took creative writing and Modern American Literature and we grew to appreciate some subtlety and nuance. Pop fiction and comics and such spell everything out with big arrows explaining what's going on. I still prefer old school British writers because their word choices are so precise.

      • 2 years ago

        >If that is the case, why is the MCU the biggest pop culture phenomenon of the past 2 decades.
        Iron Man came out in 2008 the same year as the financial crash. People looked towards childhood nostalgia, spectacle and theme park rides to help fix their fears and anxiety. Companies, worried about losing money, turned to owned properties and avoided taking financial risks. Marvel created a general formula that worked. Other companies all began trying to do the same thing but failed due to general imcompetence, making Marvel look even better by comparison. Entertainment completely changed due to the Internet, attention spans changed, what people consumed and where, changed. Blockbuster tentpoles dominated the cinemas and got bums in seats.

  75. 2 years ago


    Race-swapping is racist.

  76. 2 years ago

    I want to get an honest answer/discussion here, when people say they are mad at an adaptation of a comic, do they not feel disingenous?
    >Comic character has been around for many decades.
    >Every new creative team changes what the character is, in-part.
    >Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't.
    >Being a fan of a character means accepting this and gravitating towards the arcs you enjoy and avoiding the ones you don't.
    >(Every kid picking a comic off a newsstand back in the day knew and understood this.)
    >So many people now shit the bed every creative team because every writer now wants some big definite WORLD ENDING arc that it is dumb.
    >They act like characters are completely ruined and canon is finished.
    >While I don't like many modern arcs, people did this all the time in the past as well, sometimes a new story was bad.
    >Isn't the issue thinking that an 80 year old character will never change?
    >Isn't the good thing about comics that it is all fixable if a writer cares enough and sometimes we get modern characters?
    >Isn't it a bit of restrictive thinking letting that all get to you?
    >Most Marvel heroes are like soap operas or James Bond.
    >I have my favourite James Bond, I like some of the movies over others, the thing goes through trends and changes, but all it takes is a good creative team to make a new one.
    Does anyone agree with this? I just feel like most of us as kids didn't mind picking up a story off a newsstand and checking out friends recommendations and dropping it if we didn't like a new artist or something where as now people massively hate every new take.

    • 2 years ago

      I don't think you can take the opinions on this board too seriously. Cinemaphile is not representative of any but a tiny percentage of fans. Talk to people at cons or at comic shoppes or on other message boards, and you'll get much better informed and reasonable opinions than you'll find here.

    • 2 years ago

      How do you not feel disingenuous asking that?
      Yes, long standing serial characters do have several interpretations. It is okay to have a preferred interpretation and to want to see more of that version or want to see new versions. But if an interpretation strays too far from the original, it ceases to be that character. It is perfectly acceptable to criticize something as an adaptation.
      The Constantine movie, good movie, poor adaptation.
      Catwoman movie, bad movie, bad adaptation
      Man-Thing movie, average monster movie, not a great adaptation,
      Green Lantern, B movie at best, poor adaptation of Hal Jordan.
      The 1998 Godzilla movie is in enjoyable, but for many Godzilla fans it wasn't really a Godzilla movie as it strayed too far from the character's core.
      But saying I'm not supposed to criticize the Catwoman movie or the Green Lantern movie, because they failed at trying something new, is absurd.
      Large changes in adaptations/interpretations do have to prove themselves, even in the comics as you noted, as less popular or entrenched concepts get retconned or forgotten, they don't get points changing something people already liked. They have to be good enough to be accepted.

      We have to wait and see if the movie will be good. But we can already see it has a poor adaptation of a character, and there is nothing wrong with saying so.

      After all, if you have a Black Panther reboot in ten years but Wakanda was Chinese and T'Challa is an ancient warrior there to fight Russia, it could be a good movie but it wouldn't be Black Panther would it?

      • 2 years ago

        >preferred interpretation
        >But if an interpretation strays too far from the original, it ceases to be that character.
        Of course, but like I said, this has happened a lot. Sometimes I feel like a lot of comics fans don't know this. Sometimes it feels like they are complaining about an integral part of comics: the fact that these characters and stories are ongoing. There is a certain level of people feeling like characters are completely ruined when it happens. Even though sometimes we do get good stuff come back around.
        >acceptable to criticize something as an adaptation
        No where did I say you can't criticize something.
        >They have to be good enough to be accepted.
        >We have to wait and see if the movie will be good.
        Pretty much.
        >How do you not feel disingenuous asking that?
        Because a bunch of posters on both sides don't feel honest anymore and it feels difficult to actually talk about anything without being called one name or another.


        No where did I call anyone a troll neither. Do you think I am a shill for just talking about how comic books are? You can criticize things, feel upset and do what you want to do. Just like I can question it.

        Just there is a certain level of outrage that goes along with these changes. A lot of people are suddenly fans and want to get mad. And some of these people have genuine concerns or criticisms. I saw someone make a good post about Death in the new Sandman aadaptation, talking about comics as a visual medium etc who made a few points as to why that casting wasn't great. And other times it can feel like they are doing it for the sake of doing it.

        Half the issue isn't shills but how these conversations all begin to sound the same because everyone repeats the same few talking points. It would just be nice if more people actually went beyond the same talking points and added some context.

  77. 2 years ago

    Rape is why

  78. 2 years ago

    Snyder and Momoa

  79. 2 years ago

    Ten years ago they'd have gotten Zachary Quinto.

  80. 2 years ago

    It makes a bit more sense when you realize that the "current thing enjoyers", like mcu fans kpop fans genshin fans etc

    they're all race fetishists.

  81. 2 years ago


    That's the hollow laughter of an empty head. Of course normal, well-adjusted people with real lives read books. Why would you think otherwise? Don't you know anyone?

  82. 2 years ago



    Going by what I see. Of course, I don't live in an undereducated redneck flyover state that is banning books left and right, so maybe I meet more people above the medium divider.

  83. 2 years ago

    Namor was really fricked over by Aquachad and I have no fricking idea why Marvel is even bothering to adapt him in the first place. Even if Aquaman had not come out first Namor will never escape his shadow in the modern age. He'll always be seen as Marvel's Aquaman by normies.

  84. 2 years ago


    also apologies for the fricked formatting here, the quick reply window can be misleading sometimes

  85. 2 years ago


    This is not a documentary. There's no reason for everything in a fictional society to be accurate matches for a real historical civilization. It's as if a movie about Kid Colt shooting it out with Wyatt Earp was criticized for getting the saddles and hats wrong ("Most cowboys did not wear Stetsons that early" and "Kid Colt would almost certainly have a droopy mustache stained with chewing tobacco") when we're there to see him shoot the gun out of someone's hand while riding on a galloping horse

    • 2 years ago



      >I don't think a superhero movie needs to be super authentic, but the designs to me read as being the result of ignorance and not giving much of a shit rather then an intention deviation from the source motifs for the sake of artistic vision, and certainly it's proving to be controversial for fans of the comics too.

      They're already going in a direction that is making fans of the original Namor mad, what's the point in going with a Mesoamerican theme if they aren't at least going to do it somewhat competently? Especially since doing some actual research would have enabled them to use ideas and costume designs that would have not only worked better for fans of the OG comics, but also would have meshed better with what they're trying to do with the MCU and it being a black panther film (IE going with Tlaloc rather then Tepeyollotl for the diety namor is tied to)

      The issue isn't that it's not highly accurate or authentic, it's that they clearly didn't do any research at all and they're shooting themselves in the foot by having done so from every possible angle.

      • 2 years ago

        Your idea of "inspired by" is more rigorous than is really necessary. I get that you absolutely love Mesoamerican culture but you're not going to get it in a super-hero movie. There's no reason for the filmmakers to research little details, they're telling a hopefully dramatic story. BRAVEHEART was wildly inaccurate but it's a fun exciting movie, which was the aim.

        • 2 years ago

          My standards really aren't as high as you think they are, i'm fine with The Road to El Dorado for example. I think you're just underestimating how shit a job they did. Like even as little as stuff from MCU thor resembles actual norse art or clothing or armor, at least there's a specific style and aeshetic they're going for which is neat as it's own thing.

          Again, there are things they could have done that would have both been a bit more authentic, befitted the story and themes they're trying to tell (based on the leaks we have), and been less a spit in the face to fans of the comic.

          • 2 years ago

            I don't know what else to say. It's not TRYING to be authentic, anymore than the Thor movies were or the old Steve Reeves Hercules movie were,. It's a fantasy super-hero movie. You seem to be looking for a different kind of movie and complaining this isn't it.

  86. 2 years ago

    Are the representation crowd going to get pissed if Namor is a massive prick like in the comics?

    • 2 years ago

      You know they would. No way they'll ever let him wreck Wakanda.

  87. 2 years ago


    And I'm not talking about the lowest possible dregs of society, I'm talking about average people I know. Maybe there's a selection bias, I might tend not to know people who zombie out in front of the TV until they fall asleep. My idea of average people might be a little more mental active than the actual statistical norm.

  88. 2 years ago


    Whedon's humor and style is controlled by his cynicism and negativity. You can see this really clearly in Avengers and Age of Ultron but it's true of all his projects. Age of Ultron is where it is at its worst. His humor is born from tearing down the characters and the situations they are in. Those moments that just scream "haha isn't it funny Captain America doesn't like cursing he's so lame." Or where the villain is a hammy jokester. But where it's most clear in his Avengers movies is how there is never once a period where these characters place trust in one another. They never feel like a team. A short party scene doesn't change that most of the run time is dedicated to everyone expecting the worst of one another. They fight, yell, and belittle until shit hits the fan and they have no choice. It shows the viewer Whedon's world view. It's also why Civil War felt so unearned. The Avengers had fought each other in every single Avengers movie who cares if Cap and Iron Man are gonna fight a third fricking time?

    This would be fine in a bubble, if it was just the MCU, but almost all of genre media after Buffy began to ape his style. His negativity infested everything as every hack tried to emulate his works. Whedon is single handedly the biggest piece of cancer to ever infest the film industry.

    • 2 years ago

      >Whedon is single handedly the biggest piece of cancer to ever infest the film industry.

      Say, thanks for letting Harvey Weinstein off the hook. I guess he's not that bad after all.

      • 2 years ago

        Frick off shill Weinstein is a pervert but he didn't turn every piece of "nerd" media into some ironic quipfest wetfart. That was Whedon's influence on the creatives working in the projects.

        • 2 years ago

          Idiot, stop misusing "shill" for anyone who disagrees with you. If you can how hyperbolic and juvenile your comments are, that's your flaw.

  89. 2 years ago

    Jason Momoa cucked them

  90. 2 years ago

    Why is it always schizos/racists b***hing about the MCU? Why is it never sane people?

    • 2 years ago

      You might want to frequent better forums. This board is a trainwreck.

    • 2 years ago

      Welcome to Cinemaphile:
      >Daily spam threads the mods do nothing about.
      >Autistic posters making the same arguments.
      >People who readily take the bait so fricking easily.
      >No one actually reads comics outside of 1 or 2 threads.
      >Same culture wars arguments everywhere.

  91. 2 years ago

    Beaner Namor is a direct result of Aquaman doing so well for DC. Now Marvel can't be the second franchise to do Atlantis without accusations of originality. The mouse is very sensitive. So they took the bait and went full moron.

  92. 2 years ago


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