Why was Golden Age the only good Berserk arc?

Why was Golden Age the only good Berserk arc?

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  1. 1 month ago

    Black Swordsman and Conviction are good. Then it becomes capeshit.

    • 1 month ago

      Black Swordsman is even better if you read it right after Golden Age.

      • 1 month ago

        the anime had the right idea by opening with a single black swordsman episode, and then going low fantasy until zodd and then eventually the eclipse. i like the arc, it's just that it rubs the high fantasy in your face so it's impossible to forget, lessening the shock. wylde is fun too, but gives too much of a preview.

  2. 1 month ago

    Just finished this a couple days ago. I now understand the pain Berserk fans experience daily knowing the only follow-up to this is the janky 2016 stuff.

    • 1 month ago

      >I now understand the pain Berserk fans experience daily knowing the only follow-up to this is the janky 2016 stuff.
      or you could read the manga

      Such a dumbass contrarian take.

      Falcon of the Millennium Empire arc is gigakino

      I just recently started watching Berserk 1997 and I'm not enjoying it that much, aside from the first episode and the Nosferatu Zodd one. I like Casca as well but that's it, even Guts it's not that likeable. Should I just give up and don't even touch the manga?


      • 1 month ago

        The only kino part of the Millenium Falcon arc is the Ganishka storyline.

        Guts' storyline is just a bunch of random encounters without any payoff and it is fricking stupid that he sided with Zodd/Griffith against Ganishka. Schierke is a godawful character that does nothing but praise Guts, and Serpico and Farnese's plotlines started interesting but end up feeling aborted due to how little conflict and resolution they have. The arc also marked the start of Puck and Isidro being just useless, annoying comic relief.

        An arc that is only 30% kino, 70% shit is mid at best.

  3. 1 month ago

    mercenaries moving up the ranks of a royal army is a cool setting
    black swordsman is cool but in an over the top edgy way

    • 1 month ago

      >mercenaries moving up the ranks of a royal army is a cool setting
      I really liked how it gave a little focus to supply lines and didn't just handwave it as "now the two armies are facing each other".

  4. 1 month ago

    Lost Children, Conviction, Trolls, were all better than Golden Age. Golden Age is only considered "The Best" because npcs who never actually watched it see the 90's anime on meme 3x3 charts and say they like it because it's hip.

    • 1 month ago

      Such a dumbass contrarian take.

    • 1 month ago

      Conviction is the essence of Berserk, the material Miura was aiming to depict since the beginning, obviously him at his most impassioned with the most poignant symbolism and artistry
      being called a contrarian by a bandwagon homosexual for acknowledging this truth is hilarious

      • 1 month ago

        The comic relief shit during the conviction arc ruins alot of it. Makes it much worse than the golden arc

  5. 1 month ago

    Even if it is why have they remade it 4x without doing any others?

  6. 1 month ago

    It was basically the fact that most of the interesting parts was just a re-imagined animated version of Flesh+Blood (1985). A certified kino that was based on an old Dutch TV show. It was kind of like a Western, as was Flesh+Blood. I've noticed that many European kinos have this kind of feel, similar to a Western. Sharpe takes place during the Napoleonic Wars but it's another good example of this.

    If I were a European and trying to come up with a project, I would think in those lines. Write something during the iron age, rise of the Germanic kingdoms or the Renaissance that I could feasibly film with a micro budget and few characters, small armies more like bands (it often made sense in those times specifically). You don't need 400+ guys in full suits of war horses and armor to tell a story. There is plenty of kino potential there for indie filmmakers imo. Think light in material, heavy in theme like Flesh+Blood.

  7. 1 month ago

    I just recently started watching Berserk 1997 and I'm not enjoying it that much, aside from the first episode and the Nosferatu Zodd one. I like Casca as well but that's it, even Guts it's not that likeable. Should I just give up and don't even touch the manga?

    • 1 month ago

      the adaptions are garbage.
      The manga is readable.
      The only adaption worth watching are the 2012 golden age movies.

    • 1 month ago

      It's the only arc anyone is familiar with because that just happens to be the one that got turned into a low-budget shounen cartoon.

      The first 5 or so episodes are terrible. Then it gets better with some interesting """bromance""" between the 2 leads.... Then it just stops. It doesn't end or finish, it literally just stops mid frame and the credits roll and that's the end.

    • 1 month ago

      >I'm not enjoying it that much, aside from the first episode and the Nosferatu Zodd one
      neither of those are the best early episode. that'd be episode 2 where guts is meeting the band of the hawk and griffith for the first time and probably episode 4 as well. you're definitely a low IQ pleb and can drop the series. it doesn't get into the high fantasy low IQ edgy demon shit until episode 23 which you don't have the attention span to reach.

  8. 1 month ago

    Because you're a braindead contrarian?

  9. 1 month ago

    Miura wrote himself into a corner by making the enemies gods beyond reality and had to add a ton of nonsense like e-girl witches and dimension fusions to try to find a way in which Gthe story could progress.

    • 1 month ago

      Apostles became jobbers

  10. 1 month ago

    You didn't read the manga

  11. 1 month ago

    The manga "jumped the shark" when Guts' party was adrift at sea for literally years (real years, whenever they release an issue), before landing on Elf Island, and then everything became Disneyland, WTF.

    • 1 month ago

      You will wait 2 more years for more pumpkin panties and you will like it

      • 1 month ago

        >write one of the greatest manga of all time into a corner
        >make your apprentices draw your e-girl side-projects while you spend literal days cross-hatching a single panel
        >announce a hiatus after every chapter

        I know he probably didn't expect for his heart to suddenly explode but Miura's last few years were S-tier trolling

  12. 1 month ago

    Lost Children is best. There should have been more arcs where its just Guts angry and alone saying "Do you feel in charge?" to apostles

  13. 1 month ago

    only the art of berserk was good. everything else was trash.

  14. 1 month ago

    people should stop hyping up post-golden age.

    you're just setting up others for disappointment. obviously golden age with the character relationships, development, and eclipse is infinitely better than anything that comes after it.

    • 1 month ago


    • 1 month ago

      this tbqh
      the only remotely interesting thing after the golden age is falconia.
      i want to see the inevitable turn of events that'll make griffith the savior of humanity and guts an insignificant oppositor.

      • 1 month ago

        >i want to see the inevitable turn of events that'll make griffith the savior of humanity
        he literally caused all the issues humanity is facing.

  15. 1 month ago

    OP you are a troony homosexual

  16. 1 month ago

    I love The Golden Age but the more I read Conviction, the more I like it. Lost Children is a masterpiece in its own. And the art of the entire conviction arc is peak Miura. But I understand that after the extasis of Golden Age's ending, it might feel off for speed readers.

    The Millennium Falcon is also good, but I'll admit that witches were a fricking mistake. I'd say that the first 22 volumes are peak manga.

  17. 1 month ago

    Lost Children is the best arc in Berserk and arguably a perfect one, and I'm not even a Berserk meatrider that thinks its the best thing ever. It is when Miura's art peaked, the overarching themes that are introduced are executed perfectly, and the characters are all contained and reach a satisfying conclusion during the arc itself, it leaves no sense of lacking or need for more development.

  18. 1 month ago

    holy frick you moronic hipsters shut the frick up about lost children.

    the scope is too narrow and gay for it to be nearly as good as golden age. i don't care that the little girl wanted to escape her abusive parents or whatever the frick happened (i forget because it's a forgettable story next to something incredible like golden age).

  19. 1 month ago

    >you will never see Guts become the next Conqueror King that challenges the God Hand and cut Griffith head off
    >manga has been shit for years now

  20. 1 month ago

    I have no idea how this series can end. I just hope they don't destroy all the legacy like Shingeki No Kyojin.

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