Why was she Finn's most successful partner?

Why was she Finn's most successful partner?

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  1. 1 month ago

    Just luck, sorta. FP might have worked if Finn had been more emotionally mature when he met her. But let's be honest, HW is best girl anyway.

    • 1 month ago

      >FP might have worked if Finn had been more emotionally mature when he met her
      FP might've have worked if the writers weren't moronic.

      Granted, I could honestly I could see Finn losing FP but the way they did it was fricking stupid, to have Finn act so callous and clueless out of nowhere, trying to paint it like he somehow wouldn't understand what he did was wrong, a character who's moral compass was always painted as being too astringent, if anything.

      • 1 month ago

        >Granted, I could honestly I could see Finn losing FP

        Yeah, if I was the one writing that, I would've had it be that after time moving her moral compass towards good and having a better idea of her powers, decides to overthrow the Flame King and become the new ruler and get Finn to join her, so they can make the Flame Kingdom a better place, but Finn's not on board and tries to sway her to run away from it all because he thinks becoming a ruler will "ruin her", causing them to break up.

        >the way they did it was fricking stupid, to have Finn act so callous and clueless out of nowhere, trying to paint it like he somehow wouldn't understand what he did was wrong

        What's more egregious is that Finn already had this moment in "All the Little People", the writers for that episode just wanted to find a lame excuse to break them up because they were SJWs, especially Adam Muto if some of his interviews are anything to go by, who hated Finn for being a cis white male.

      • 1 month ago

        Just luck, sorta. FP might have worked if Finn had been more emotionally mature when he met her. But let's be honest, HW is best girl anyway.

        I disagree, FP was always a shit and forced idea to begin with. Hey everyone, remember young PB? Well let's make young PB again but worse because she needs to make Finn act like out of character beta simp for them to meet up in the first place and make the the whole relationship retroactively a humiliation ritual.
        Not to mention how they later on tried to forced her back into the show after she outlived her usefulness, you call when a writer doesn't give a shit about a character when the best they can come up with to justify their screentime is some unfunny rap gimmick from a 5 sec joke, stupid Sugar OC

        • 1 month ago
    • 1 month ago

      I disagree, FP was always a shit and forced idea to begin with. Hey everyone, remember young PB? Well let's make young PB again but worse because she needs to make Finn act like out of character beta simp for them to meet up in the first place and make the the whole relationship retroactively a humiliation ritual.
      Not to mention how they later on tried to forced her back into the show after she outlived her usefulness, you call when a writer doesn't give a shit about a character when the best they can come up with to justify their screentime is some unfunny rap gimmick from a 5 sec joke, stupid Sugar OC

      FP could have been great if they actually built upon her. First three episodes were making the foundation for her character but then they just kept adding her more foundation like more powers each episode.

  2. 1 month ago

    There wasn't enough time left in the show to ruin the relationship.

    • 1 month ago

      I stongly lean towards this.
      After S4 the show seemed to work very hard to torment Finn with little or no reward for him and then shift all focus away from the former main character.
      I may be reading too much into it, of course, but that was my general impression.
      Feel free to prove me right or wrong.

      • 1 month ago

        The tormenting of Finn was only really for the middle period. The break up with FP all the way to breezy, as you also had his angst with his dad. In the latter half of the series they didn't really do that anymore, outside of I guess angst with Fern.

  3. 1 month ago

    umm, what? What evidence do you have for this wild ass claim?

  4. 1 month ago

    because muto finally got some pussy again after his years long dry-spell meaning he could stop projecting onto a blonde haired, pale skinned, teenage boy. she wasn’t on his “make finn suffer” radar by then.

  5. 1 month ago

    chill as frick and she digs him

  6. 1 month ago

    Because she was specifically assigned to make sure Finn is deserving of suffering, so when she breaks up with him in fast-forward in finale, it isn't as painful. His previous girls were retconned to be lesbian or ntr

  7. 1 month ago

    She wasn't? She's bland and boring and has a wooden(heh) personality. Zero standout.

  8. 1 month ago

    Finn had to go through two (2) arcs where he learned to get over a rejection and mature. The first was dealing with his crush on PB and the second dealing with his break up with Flame Princess. At this point in the series it would have been redundant for another bad relationship (although I'd argue it was redundant when they did it with Flame Princess anyway)
    For a watsonian interpretation you can say his past experience with relationships and him being older and mature meant he knew how to not mess this one up. And it helps they are both pretty chill and enjoy hanging out and hunting monsters and shit. PB and FP never really got into the adventuring lifestyle, there was even an episode about FP being bored in a dungeon that Finn took her to.

  9. 1 month ago

    Because it was forced to be so.
    And Finngays ate it all up.
    Finn's most successful partner was Marceline

  10. 1 month ago

    She wasn't, she's a nothing burger of a character that was only promoted to main status because one of the writers was venting his failures in relationships into the show but changed his mind at last second and made up a pity ship as result, they took traits from early Marceline latched them into her.

    • 1 month ago

      >one of the writers was venting his failures in relationships

      Oh? Which one? Is it that pretentious SJW, Adam Muto?

  11. 1 month ago

    Moss breasts

    • 1 month ago

      Would their kids have leaf hair or blond hair

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