Why was she never the villain in the show?

Why was she never the villain in the show?

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  1. 11 months ago

    shit writers

  2. 11 months ago

    i can fix her

  3. 11 months ago

    She wasn't?

  4. 11 months ago

    Because the joke was that she was "evil", but she was also the friend of the heroes. She's doing some fricked up stuff in the background, but you're supposed to laugh at it because everybody is so completely unconcerned with it. It wasn't meant to be that deep, just a thing where Ooo was a weird place and a dictator with sociopathic tendencies was kind of just another weirdo in the pile.

    • 11 months ago

      I think the problem is that the show also expects you to care about and like her though

  5. 11 months ago

    I mean, that's like asking why jake or marceline wasn't the villain.

    • 11 months ago

      Jake and Marceline don’t run a surveillance state nor is there an episode that foreshadows them having an evil nature.

    • 11 months ago

      That's a stupid comparison. PB was shown conducting experiments on living beings. A creature that she used her own DNA to make turned evil

    • 11 months ago

      Marceline literally was the villain for a few episodes. Like frick, I swear you homies never even watched the show and just get your information from porn and a few wiki crawls.

    • 11 months ago

      Jake was a villain at least twice once as the gut grinder and the other time in card wars with his 20 year old self.

  6. 11 months ago

    I kinda always wished that Finn was more of a weird grug that thought city life was stupid and that most leaders are pathetic. More like Conan. The fact that he "loves" Bubblegum to an irrational degree for no reason when they are at complete odds is strange.

    • 11 months ago

      Opposites attract

  7. 11 months ago

    She was to me somehow. She's fricking annoying.

    • 11 months ago

      I see her somehow more of a selfish one, given how she treated to her people and to the others.

  8. 11 months ago

    She was the villain, and she got away with it. The reality is that Finn is actually a clone, made from the essence of what’s left from the humans that Bubblegum decimated in an earlier genocidal war she declared on humanity. Islands is complete propaganda, meant to pretend that humans were never around Ooo, same with Stakes. But these are just half truths and lies made by her propaganda arm, Licorice Hersheylls.

    PB had the foresight centuries ago to recognize that if the current humans on Ooo had respite from danger, they would eventually grow to become the majority population, and likely her budding kingdom would be devastated and destroyed. She came to this conclusion to wipe out the humans by studying their texts, her mother was a physicist and her father was a candy inventor, who owned many factories to produce these delights, before the mushroom war. PB is an amalgamation of her mother and candy, her father sacrificing himself and his food scientists to save her, lest they all die. Neddy is a byproduct of the unborn child within her mothers womb, and this is why she has a soft spot for him.

    By accepting that humans needed to be destroyed, but not having the power and arms to do so yet, she kidnaps and experiments on humans, learning how they function and tick. From this she creates her first generation of citizens, the original candies. But they were too intelligent, they had feelings and thoughts and ideas of their own, as all humans have the Divine spark, and so they eventually rebelled against her sociopathy and authoritarianism - at great cost. She wiped them out with brutal violence, and when that was not enough, she created plague and death by disease. A DUMBS disease, meant to erode their minds. Eventually she crushed the candy human hybrid rebellion, including the uncle and aunt and cousin she created. Over the next five hundred years she slaughtered full humans, until there was only the last source left, a pregnant young woman named Minerva.

    • 11 months ago

      Continued, though I can’t stay too much longer. If she found out I’d be a goner for sure. I need to be careful.

      PB carefully plotted the extraction of the child from the mother, and after taking Minerva’s own tissue and bio samples for further testing she readied to do so. But while she could adequately experiment and create candy human hybrids to various degrees of success by using candy sequences in human genome to fill in the gaps, she couldn’t create an actual human from scratch at the current stage of her understanding of science and information. So for this reason, she froze the mother and the child in cellular stasis, and although it preserved them for a time, the slow erosion of cell activity and health had eventually become apparent, and she realized the mother must birth the child before complete specimen failure. And so the first Finn was born, and Minerva disappeared, but not before PB extracted the reproductive organ of his mother, and to which, she installed into herself.

      For a time PB was happy. She cared and loved for this Finn as much as she could. She went on all the same adventures with him, had all the same conversations with him, and doted on him in all the same manners, and then some, such as experimenting with him sensually. But like all happy stories, they do come to an end eventually.

      I’m unsure how she exactly did it, her archives don’t specify this. But she boasts about creating human child from the “source”, and I can only fearfully imagine what has been done. At this point Finn is just a figment of her virtualized ideal, and I don’t know how many times we have been made to repeat this endless cycle of simulation by her, but it’s all we can do. She is obsessed with the “source”, and i

    • 11 months ago

      Continued, though I can’t stay too much longer. If she found out I’d be a goner for sure. I need to be careful.

      PB carefully plotted the extraction of the child from the mother, and after taking Minerva’s own tissue and bio samples for further testing she readied to do so. But while she could adequately experiment and create candy human hybrids to various degrees of success by using candy sequences in human genome to fill in the gaps, she couldn’t create an actual human from scratch at the current stage of her understanding of science and information. So for this reason, she froze the mother and the child in cellular stasis, and although it preserved them for a time, the slow erosion of cell activity and health had eventually become apparent, and she realized the mother must birth the child before complete specimen failure. And so the first Finn was born, and Minerva disappeared, but not before PB extracted the reproductive organ of his mother, and to which, she installed into herself.

      For a time PB was happy. She cared and loved for this Finn as much as she could. She went on all the same adventures with him, had all the same conversations with him, and doted on him in all the same manners, and then some, such as experimenting with him sensually. But like all happy stories, they do come to an end eventually.

      I’m unsure how she exactly did it, her archives don’t specify this. But she boasts about creating human child from the “source”, and I can only fearfully imagine what has been done. At this point Finn is just a figment of her virtualized ideal, and I don’t know how many times we have been made to repeat this endless cycle of simulation by her, but it’s all we can do. She is obsessed with the “source”, and i

      Honestly PB deciding to perpetually create a cute twink like Finn as the last remnants of humanity is kinda based.

      • 11 months ago

        She butchered millions of humans. She’s a monster.

        • 11 months ago

          But if she didn't she would have never mastered the twink creation possess. You gotta crack a few eggs anon.

      • 11 months ago

        but the based quickly eroded away the second she put clothes on him, cause if that pic is any indication, having a twink like Finn around is pointless if he's not completely naked

        • 11 months ago

          He can look good in cloths.

  9. 11 months ago

    All I wished was candy people going french revolution on her and marceline finally finding someone not crazy.

  10. 11 months ago

    I really like that picture of Bubblegum getting beheaded but she has a fantastic ass.

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  11. 11 months ago

    I don't need to be shown who the villain to know the heck it is

  12. 11 months ago

    I feel like the only people who like this idea are "le so subversive" hipsters and butthurt Finnceline shippers

  13. 11 months ago

    Can someone edit this to make it look like she's jerking off to the nightmare?

  14. 11 months ago

    I hate how the retconned PB from an eccentric ruler of a dynasty into a evil immortal being.

  15. 11 months ago

    >still seething over PB winning

  16. 11 months ago

    based Flame Princess just hit her with "you're a bad person" and sent her through a mountain of character development in 2 seconds.

  17. 11 months ago

    Would that even kill her?

    • 11 months ago

      Maybe for all we know she could just make a new head for herself doing some science bs

  18. 11 months ago

    She is the villain , she kill the fire people to protect herself .

  19. 11 months ago
  20. 11 months ago

    Same reason the Ultramarines will never be the villains W40k.

    • 11 months ago

      I think you mean the Salamanders.

  21. 11 months ago

    The show should have treated her like orochimaru instead of doing that moronic last arc. Just sweep all the evil shit she did under the rug, at least that way it's funny, trying to redeem her was never ever going to work.

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