Why would they cancel the most kino thing adult swim has ever aired?

Why would they cancel the most kino thing adult swim has ever aired?

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  1. 8 months ago


    as long as nostalgiabait works, futurama is here to stay. people love watching shit that should have ended years ago for some reason

  2. 8 months ago


    Season 6 and 7 was a much needed soft reboot of the series, that had some of the best parts of the entire show. Blue morpho arc especially

  3. 8 months ago

    so they can reboot it in 3D

  4. 8 months ago

    Because it wasn't popular and memeable, took forever, and wasn't funny or good

    • 8 months ago

      Why did you call yourself gay

      • 8 months ago

        >this is just like [obscure goth band from the 80s]
        >dude, who are you, [obscure character from an unpopular xmen run]
        It's Family Guy for nerds but it doesn't even have cutaways

        • 8 months ago

          I partially agree with this. Though the earlier seasons at least had better pacing and deliveries so even if you didn't get the reference it was still funny. Later lines were just references.

        • 8 months ago

          I didn’t get 80% of the references on my first watch and I still loved it. Skill issue bozo

    • 8 months ago


      Why would they cancel the most kino thing adult swim has ever aired?

      It was extremely popular in the beginning but the loooooooong fricking breaks between seasons made people forget about it and move on with their lives. Especially after Season 4 when I stopped watching because it almost took 4 years for season 5 and it was only 8 episodes.

      • 8 months ago

        the breaks were insane but also apparently why the seasons were so good.

        can anyone fill me in on some gossip around them? the artbook says jackson was going insane around season 4.1 (and boy did the writing reflect it). Do we know exactly what happened with him? Divorce? Loss?

        Oh and I want to be filled in on Doc Hammer breaking his fricking spine or whatever?? What happened?

        • 8 months ago

          if you have the artbook jackson already said why season 4 went the way it did, he just couldn't handle the episode load and burned out. Not that I care, season 4A has some of the best episodes in the whole series.

    • 8 months ago

      >Because it wasn't popular and memeable,
      >Dude stop wailing on my junk!
      It peaked before memes were a thing.

  5. 8 months ago

    I watched the series post film since I heard how good it was.
    It really didn't disapoint, it was great comedy before slowly smoothing you in with a more mixed comedy/drama style that many [as] shows also do but far better. It wasn't this complete 180 swerve out of nowhere like Moral Orel (which I like but the tonal shift is pretty jarring) and it isn't the current clusterfrick of Rick and Morty which seemingly isn't sure what it wants.

    The movie was a good send off but you can really the whole thing was a Frankenstien monster of season 8 episode ideas they had to water down. The show overall feels like it just needed 2 or 3 season's to finish and paint a complete story. The ending reveal of Monarchs/Rusty relationship and the Morphic trilogy as a whole really painted the image the show was leading up to Jonas being the endgame boss.

    Also a neat thing about binging the whole thing is seeing how the creators evovle the show. Like in season 1 you can really tell Monarch was just meant to be either a one-off or a minor side character and they wanted Undherbeit to be the main rival, which is baffling to imagine now. It's especially funny since for a show where 90% of the side/gag characters are great in their own way the one that was initially meant to have a larger role was by and far the worst character in the show. Undherbeit fricking sucked, legitimately worse than the Moppets. Thank God the writers had the sense to sideline him early on.

    • 8 months ago

      No one was worse than the Moppets.

      • 8 months ago

        The Moppets weren't bad, as characters, if for no other reason than everybody on the show hated them too.

      • 8 months ago

        Shut the frick up. I’m gonna fricking kill you. With a knife.

  6. 8 months ago

    Because it required actual effort instead of being cheap, mass produceable garbage you can hire a bunch of $1/hour third world sweatshop animators to make.

  7. 8 months ago

    The Blue Morpho stuff was fun but the pacing for the ending trilogy was fricked. Doc and Jackson grew apart and their writing suffered big time during season 7. Lots of missed opportunity for the cleverness we've grown to expect from them.

    It's good that it's over. People who disagree are the kind of comic fans who want their series to go on forever and then act surprised when it sours.

    • 8 months ago

      This. There’s nothing worse than a great story that just takes too long (narratively and in terms of production) getting to where to where it was obviously always going to go, to the point that it wears thin. Steven Universe is a textbook example of this.

  8. 8 months ago


  9. 8 months ago

    This was the exact scene that got me into the show way back when it was new.

  10. 8 months ago

    all good things must come to an end. season 7 was kind of a weak season all things considered, maybe they mightve gotten it back together for s8 but im happy with the way it ended for the most part, i only hope that hammer and publick do two things, do a commentary for heart of the baboon, and keep doing shit now that the venture bros is over

    • 8 months ago

      Oh yeah season 7 wasn’t very great the moronic trilogy was alright but the pacing was iffy and it’s honestly carried by part three and then after that it’s just a mess of scattered ideas and has that unfortunate burn out vibe where like half the episodes just have this sense of exhaustion also it felt like way too much was happening off screen still only the second weakest season since season 5 had like two good episodes

    • 8 months ago

      >do a commentary for heart of the baboon
      they already did that on the special features

      • 8 months ago

        oh. cool.

  11. 8 months ago

    I don't know why they cancelled The Brak Show.

  12. 8 months ago

    But Mao Mao wasnt on Adult Swim

  13. 8 months ago

    it got too talkative by the end of its run, the movie that came out this summer is an example of why the show is no longer worthwhile.

  14. 8 months ago

    I think ATHF was more kino but i think I'm just bias'd

  15. 8 months ago

    Venture Bros was awesome but it was one of those rare things that could only exist on adult swim and maybe only under Lasloe. The funky way the channel was ran allowed off-ball stuff like the crazy long waits between seasons to be okay. Adult swim now has been absorbed and the old leadership retired. I have a feeling we won't have any more of the weirdness that made Adult Swim so awesome and successful in the first place with the new leadership they will probably be like the typical suits that ruin most good things unfortunately.

    • 8 months ago

      This. Adult Swim genuinely feels like a shell of itself at this point, constantly rerunning their old shows and failing to introduce anything new and interesting. Pibby not being greenlit is pretty much proof of this. The channel as we knew it is not the same channel anymore.

      • 8 months ago

        Moving totally outta Williams Street means it's fricked. Executives will be voicing their "opinions" on products and you'll get more Hollywood connected people like Roland.

      • 8 months ago

        Pibby was the most uncreative shit ever, kys.

        • 8 months ago

          True but

          This. Adult Swim genuinely feels like a shell of itself at this point, constantly rerunning their old shows and failing to introduce anything new and interesting. Pibby not being greenlit is pretty much proof of this. The channel as we knew it is not the same channel anymore.

          is still right

  16. 8 months ago

    >Normal answer
    Takes too long to produce and too costly for its audience returns
    >Conspiracy time
    Execs are creatures with big egos, like a new lion killing all the old lion cubs they clean house when they come in so that no old project from a previous executive is seen as successful in their tenure, there's probably some of that involved somewhere

  17. 8 months ago

    Nothing lasts forever.

    • 8 months ago

      Except Aqua Teen

  18. 8 months ago

    A quick skim looked like you were only getting opinions and quality-based answers, so here's the real one: Lazzo.

    Doc and Jackson were good negotiators and got an abnormally large piece of the pie from the show's profits (including, and especially, merch). It was still profitable for [as], but there was a soft cap on how profitable it could be because of this. It being slow-to-make and expensive didn't help, either. The saving grace for the whole thing was that Lazzo was in love with the show from the beginning. Remember, for all the hate we've given Lazzo over the years for some of his more bullshit choices, the man loved cartoons and loved weird homages to the oldies. Venture was basically his dream show, and if you listen to the commentary on the early seasons, you can tell from how Doc and Jackson talk about him that he was highly invested. That's why it lasted as long as it did and ended when it did.

    The finale movie, post-Lazzo, was a fluke. The Streaming Wars are the only reason it happened; along with Metalocalypse and ATHF, the new execs had a gameplan to drag the entire cross-section of old [as] viewers to Max, at least for one month whenever the movie(s) they cared about was available. (DVD sales are fine, too).

  19. 8 months ago
  20. 8 months ago

    I watched the earlier seasons and they were ok but when they started throwing in that gay and ntr cuck shit I knew the creators were homosexuals huffing their own farts going straight to Redditland. All they had to do was do a decent Jonny Quest/Silver Age comics parody but I guess their mental illness couldn’t handle it. It felt like a Fantagraphics comic series animated by Daniel Clowes which is the best critique I could give it. If you wanted this series past season 5 then frick you OP you’re the type of homosexual that supports this crap, frick you. Glad it’s dead finally. More deserving animated series didn’t get the number of episodes that VB got. So frick you again.

  21. 8 months ago


  22. 8 months ago

    I love this show but they should've never dragged it out the way they did.

    • 8 months ago

      On one hand I feel really sad about the Force Majeure plotline never being fully realized with season 8 being cancelled, but on the other hand, frick them for not just telling that story in season 7 instead. Is there legitimately a single person who liked the PP belt thing? It was uninteresting, unfunny, had no real conclusion and ultimately just wasted a lot of valuable time. Even I won't defend that shit

  23. 8 months ago

    Did anyone else want Dean to become a vampire? It would have been more interesting than yet another anticlimactic "haha the boys are idiots" gag.

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