>widely considered to be unadaptable

>widely considered to be “unadaptable”
Why? I just finished reading this and don’t understand what’s so unadaptable about it. I could see back in the day when streaming services didn’t exist so everything was made into a movie, but this would absolutely work as a mini series. The only part I could see being a bit challenging is the beta poets tale since it’s a lot of pretentious rambling and philosophy, but even then just have narration for that tale.

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  1. 8 months ago

    Why do you want to see a bad adaption of an semi-decent (I say that generously) book? Why? Why would you taint the memory of something you clearly enjoyed? When was the last time you actually saw a decent book to film adaption? I can name exactly two - A Scanner Darkly and The Exorcist. What do you think your chances really are of getting what you envision?

    • 8 months ago

      >was the last time you actually saw a decent book to film adaption?
      everything ever written by Steven King that received one

      • 8 months ago

        Jurassic Park, LotR, Fight Club, American Psycho MCU is garbage but it did a good job of adapting the comics to movies.

      • 8 months ago

        Pet Semetary was good???

        • 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      They managed to film The Lord Of The Rings. So It should be possible to film this as well. Come to think of it: The guy falls in love with a thirteen year old girl, so it should be right up Cinemaphile's alley.

    • 8 months ago

      >semi-decent (I say that generously) book
      thank you kind stranger for educating us with your 20-something year literary wisdom, now i won't have to read it and form my own opinion regarding the quality of that book

      have an upvote and gold

      • 8 months ago

        Seethe more, b***h

    • 8 months ago

      The Prestige movie is so much better than the book that I recommend people forget the book even exists.

    • 8 months ago

      >Why do you want to see a bad adaption of an semi-decent (I say that generously) book? Why?
      It's an enjoyable story that would work well in a visual medium
      >Why would you taint the memory of something you clearly enjoyed
      Nothing can taint that memory. Whether it's good or not it will exist in my mind as two separate things.
      >When was the last time you actually saw a decent book to film adaption?
      >What do you think your chances really are of getting what you envision?
      Depends on whos producing and distributing it but overall Id say like 60%

  2. 8 months ago

    Still waiting on the Scorcese adaptation...

    • 8 months ago

      Weet ik.

      • 8 months ago

        Wat nou???

    • 8 months ago

      ok so what did he said there

      • 8 months ago

        [...] The film adaptation, with Scorcese as the intended director, is in the works. This was from 2009 ...

  3. 8 months ago

    No one says this is unadaptable. But you really can't do kasaads story into sauls story without spoiling who the mystery woman kasaad has been fricking is.
    Im on book 3 now and so far its pretty bad, it basically ignored that ousters were living on hyperion at the end of the Fall and they are no where to be seen, and the little girl is so god damn smug she breaks all tension there might be.

    • 8 months ago

      aenea might seem smug, she isn't btw, but that's for a reason. You'll understand it later on, the pay off is worth it.

    • 8 months ago

      I couldn't finish book 2, loved the first, guess I dont feel so bad about it now

    • 8 months ago

      >Smug e-girl
      I will now read your book. Which reminds me I still need to read Cyteen too.

    • 8 months ago

      You first step towards wisdom is realizing, and admitting to yourself, that the first book was also bad.

  4. 8 months ago

    Dune is unadaptable but they keep trying

    • 8 months ago

      That first movie was quite shit. But you know, be patient, it felt like an appetizer and they are setting up for something big. Having never read the books, I'm curious about the next movie. I never got the impact of LOTR movies because I'd read the books before. I knew everything before it happened. I can still be surprised by Dune, because I don't know.

      • 8 months ago

        Its different from the books in a lot of ways, i read the books and went in knowing it wouldnt be a 1-to-1 and enjoyed the first movie even with the miscasts.
        Denis did a good job telling the audience what they needed to know, but all of the action isnt in the books, thats all to capture the capeshit audience

        • 8 months ago

          literally more than half or all dune books are just characters thoughts or internal monologues.
          there's no other way to bring this to screen than adding some artistic liberty. nobody's gonna watch a movie with a guy standing on a balcony thinking about the future of humanity. it's "show, don't tell" after all

    • 8 months ago

      Most sci fi is unadaptable in the way that it either needs constant characters explaining things outloud for what was just narrator descriptions and character inner monologue.

      aenea might seem smug, she isn't btw, but that's for a reason. You'll understand it later on, the pay off is worth it.

      Im going to finish it but i see a lot of people hating the second 2 books and i can see why. At least the set up for the third has been shitting on how book 2 ended and subverting the optimistic view that humanity was going to survive by being scattered and seperated.
      Also wtf Dan doing to my man Hoyte? The whole cruxiform thing is weird, im expecting him to have a reason to be cruciform maxxing.

      • 8 months ago

        Hoyts just tragic man, its such a sad story. But i wont give much away. Imo, Raul/aenea dynamic is incredibly special and should be treasured.

        • 8 months ago

          I know he ends up fricking her which is just weird because u just went past the chapter that he looked back at her and thought "i finally understood what it was like to be a parent."
          Seems like Dan man was writing some fetish shit with their relationship. Im aware she ages up somehow but still, he is 27 and she is 12 right now.

          • 8 months ago

            It makes a lot of sense after reading 1000pages of the endymion omnibus... You know she's shifting timezones and has lived so many lives, has been through so much and she's basically some type of messiah, but with him she can be herself

      • 8 months ago

        I only read the first two books and didn't see any need to go on with the Endymion ones, opinions of them were very negative and the 2nd book's ending is perfectly serviceable as a conclusion in my opinion.

        There was this thing where he was communicating with an AI God and they were speaking in Kaan or Koan. I forgot what it was. I skipped it. Just like I did with LOTR and those shitty songs.

        Ummon was funny as. It was refreshing seeing a take on futuristic AI that isn't a skynet/matrix derivative.

    • 8 months ago

      >Dune is unadaptable but they keep trying
      you can't neuve the Villeneuve

  5. 8 months ago

    it would be extremely expensive to adapt, a massive business risk, plus there's the moneta stuff, which they could get around but it would end up being weird anyway, maybe they only show her deaged already or something?

  6. 8 months ago

    Every single episode would have an entirely different setting and characters. So every episode would basically have the budget of an entire sci-fi movie.

    1. The dwarf things on Hyperion, have to set up the alien world, the labyrinths, the underground church, tesla trees, nuclear explosion.
    2. Recreate the battle of Agincourt, space battles, muslim planet etc.
    3. The poet, his early life on Earth, the mud planet, his publishing career, his house with twenty rooms on twenty different planets,
    4. The israelite planet
    5. Lussus, hive buildings, church of the shrike, all the different worlds they go to through the portals
    6. The tropical ocean world, basically Avatar.
    7. Plus the Hyperion capital city, the river, the field of grass, the mountain cable car, chronos keep, the poet's city, the time tombs

    It'd cost like 10 billion to do properly.

    • 8 months ago

      For me, having a toilet on a foreign planet was the coolest concept. The farcasters. Each room in your house was on a different planet. He said it was like scratching the toenails of a God.
      Nobody understood how it worked exactly, but everyone used it. I've seen the weightless pool scene in a movie with Jennifer Lawrence. I immediately thought of 'Hyperion'.

      • 8 months ago

        There was this thing where he was communicating with an AI God and they were speaking in Kaan or Koan. I forgot what it was. I skipped it. Just like I did with LOTR and those shitty songs.

        • 8 months ago



  7. 8 months ago

    I don't understand why this book is so popular. It's just a bunch disjointed scifi stories with an overarching plot.

  8. 8 months ago

    What's going on in this thread, guys?

    I've never actually read either of them. Which one's better?

  9. 8 months ago

    >The only part I could see being a bit challenging is the beta poets tale since it’s a lot of pretentious rambling and philosophy, but even then just have narration for that tale.

    So just cut that shit

  10. 8 months ago

    Possibly one of the worst books I've ever read. And I've read probably two to three hundred books, including dungeons and dragons and star wars slop.

    • 8 months ago

      filtered. stick to star wars buddy.

  11. 8 months ago

    The question shouldn't be "can it be adapted" but instead be "should it be adapted"

  12. 8 months ago

    All fantasy books written in 70-00s are hot ass garbage. Not a single one is good but millennials keep insisting that they are. The same generation that made Harry potter a success claims that Dune, Hyperion or neuromancer were good. Can you believe that shit?

    • 8 months ago

      >Akabur WEG screenshot
      Opinion instantly discarded

    • 8 months ago

      Not even chat gtp could come up with this level of homosexualry. You forgot to mention Warhammer.

      • 8 months ago

        Hit too close huh?

  13. 8 months ago

    >read “I, Robot” by chance a month or two before it becomes common news it’s getting a film
    >excited but confused how
    >hoping for a collection of short narratives like the book, especially “Liar”
    >it’s just some will smith sci fi film
    Cool… thanks…

    • 8 months ago

      It's one of his better movies.

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