Will MCU and SW ever become popular and well liked again?

Or is there no going back?

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  1. 1 month ago

    You have to retcon the sequels because they killed all of the Skywalkers and Solos.

  2. 1 month ago


  3. 1 month ago

    Star Wars as a 'prestigious' franchise or whatever is definitely never happening again. It's now going to forever feel like an over saturated Disney product, unless they maybe leave it alone for 15 years at least.

  4. 1 month ago

    Nah, it's done. Even if they cleaned house and fired all the bad writers and directors, the audience from Ironman to Endgame has moved on

    • 1 month ago

      >the audience from Ironman to Endgame has moved on
      I wish, but those morons will get right back in the slopline if they ever brought back their heckin favorite celebz

      • 1 month ago

        >if they ever brought back their heckin favorite celebz
        And will they?

        • 1 month ago

          You think RDJ would refuse to act as Tony Stark and increase his bank account?

          • 1 month ago

            >and increase his bank account
            This is why Disney/Marvel won't bring him back, he's too expensive for them.
            The overall MCU brand is no longer profitable enough to justify a quarter of a movie's budget going to RDJ's paycheck

    • 1 month ago

      >the audience from Ironman to Endgame has moved on
      same goes for star wars
      ep 1-6

  5. 1 month ago

    No. They are just a permanent IP porn that will always have a barely interested audience that watch them only because they "have to" and "it's a normal thing to do", but even them perceive it as a blur

  6. 1 month ago

    MCU is in it's heat death phase. All popularity and hype has been expended.

    Star Wars is pretty much only worshipped by Boomer/Gen X. Later generations are indifferent to it; they might enjoy it on occasion but they don't care about it.

    It's time has passed.

  7. 1 month ago

    Bad movies & tv fade into obscurity. Your average normie doesn't know much about the Star Wars Holiday Special.
    They just need to improve their ratio of good to bad content and then wait it out until most people forget the bad stuff exists.

  8. 1 month ago

    Disney needs to make people miss Star Wars and Marvel to get people to warm up to it again. It’s like a good friend that overstays his welcome at your house. Hard to miss these franchises when they never go away.

  9. 1 month ago

    No. The MCU is slowly dying because superheroes arent trendy anymore.

    Star Wars is being kept alive by autists who dont know when to quit and trannies.

    • 1 month ago

      >superheroes arent trendy anymore
      What will be the next big thing?

      • 1 month ago

        Video game movies are getting off the ground

  10. 1 month ago

    For the MCU, it's easier if they stop it with the forced identy politics and lazy dialogues. Its quality standard is lower, thus it only needs to be fun again (not dumb fun, just average fun).

    Star Wars is harder as it needs to get rid of too many stuff to actually be decent again, as it fell from a higher place than the MCU. At least, they have to get rid of the Disney canon AS WELL as any Lucas/Filoni slop from The Clone Wars onwards. Now, if they truly want to unfrick SW for real, they'll have to roll back to the statu quo of the franchise before the release of The Phantom Menace, and rebuild it from there.

  11. 1 month ago

    So long as the continue their practice of DEI and ESG there’s no chance of them ever getting back their conservative audience.

    • 1 month ago

      >no chance of them ever getting back their conservative audience
      Good. Don't give money to people who hate you.

  12. 1 month ago

    No it's over but they are going to keep trying. I genuinely think both IPs keep being made to be rage bait purposefully. Disney is creatively bankrupt they are still rehashing shit that was made even ten years ago.

  13. 1 month ago

    You know, I would really like to see Hollywood adapt shit from video games or anime and manga and be successful at it just to make the Star war and capeshit fans shut the frick up once and for all.

  14. 1 month ago

    Star Wars is fine.

    In fifty years, the original 6 movies (sorry prequel seethers) are going to stand the test of time as hallowed Americana. Disney is going to continue to fumble with their ownership of the IP until it goes into public domain in 2072. Long before that point however, the public will regard the Disney contributions as -at best- apocrypha like the old EU or more likely a sad mostly-forgotten joke with minimal cultural impact.

    The fandom is harder to predict. It's likely that the cultists of today will all die off/move on but there's a chance that Star Wars will turn into one of those things that young boys have phases of obsession towards like how some boys get into cowboys or knights for a few years. Sometimes those phases never end and those kids grow up to larp at renaissance fairs. There's a possibility something similar could happen for Star Wars. In which case you will see people playing dress-up as Stormtroopers until the day you die.

    Every so often a filmmaker will produce a retelling of the original story like any other popular folk tale or classic story. Star Wars will be iterated upon ad nauseum and with variable quality like Frankenstein or Robin hood.

    The only major caveat to all this is where tech goes in the next couple decades. It seems increasingly likely that you will be able to prompt an AI tool to generate the entirety of Return of the Jedi with Ewoks replaced by Wookiees and Leia is a nudist. If that happens, there's no predicting anything let alone the fate of Star Wars.

    • 1 month ago

      What a nice post, shame that it was ruined by saying that prequels are not trash.

      • 1 month ago

        I don't adhere to your gay liturgy.

        • 1 month ago

          >gay liturgy

          You think RDJ would refuse to act as Tony Stark and increase his bank account?


          • 1 month ago

            There is a tedious trend that if anyone says anything even remotely inclusive of the prequels, they are accused of heresy by some religiously obsessed homosexuals who cannot abide by their mere mention.

            • 1 month ago

              >prequels are trash
              >people criticize them
              it's really that simple

              • 1 month ago

                Yes, yes. Forgive me father for I have sinned. I have invoked the name of the prequels without spitting and tearing my garments.

              • 1 month ago

                >spitting and tearing my garments.
                Literally no one does that. Actually, I have noticed something opposite-people defend this trash movies for some reason.

            • 1 month ago

              Are you deliberately being ironic? Prequel zoomers get their tendies in a twist and squeal about RLM mind control the second anyone dares speak ill of the Prophet George

    • 1 month ago

      >He doesn't know
      Disney is gonna launch Episode X before this decade ends, they are gonna milk that cow even if it's dead

      • 1 month ago

        >Disney is going to continue to fumble with their ownership of the IP until it goes into public domain in 2072. Long before that point however, the public will regard the Disney contributions as -at best- apocrypha like the old EU or more likely a sad mostly-forgotten joke with minimal cultural impact.
        I fully expect them to continue churning out garbage that no one will like or remember fondly. They've already burned their bridge with the fans who actually care.

    • 1 month ago


  15. 1 month ago

    there is no going back mr prospective investor
    all goodwill has been squandered

  16. 1 month ago

    Star Wars is done. Marvel has a few blockbusters left in it, but it will never reach the point it was at in the 2010s. I think the theatrical movie format will be dead very soon.

  17. 1 month ago

    Remove women and 99% of joggers and watch them become popular again

    • 1 month ago

      they are going have more women and joggers and they will all be gay+ because frick you, they don't need customers to make money

  18. 1 month ago

    X-men were the top dog of marvel for decades and people want new x-men movies. It's been quite a while since they were popular though. Marvel tried to shuffle the brand aside since it was fox making the movies.
    There's a chance to revive marvel through them, and fantastic 4 and other big properties like spider-man and dr.strange. Avengers have been done, moving on to new stuff will excite people, MCU could come back.

    Star Wars leaned way too hard into nostalgia. The prequels may be divisive, but they were largely very successful. Kept the brand alive, sold toys, video games, and got spin-offs going. Disney tries to act like the ST is also divisive, but it isn't, it failed to do what the prequels did. Star wars is niche now. I don't think disney has the balls to save star wars. It would mean, bringing back Mark Hamil, doing the "force of the Whils" and exploring the "microbiotic" world Lucas talked about. This is all very not star wars, it's more John Carter in astral projection, and would be more Matrix meets Lord of the rings. It would be new stuff, and it would sort of undo the unneeded deaths that soured people. Disney desperately wants the normie mainstream audience, and will just re-sell you x-wings and OT stuff. People want NEW star wars, and disney just won't do it.

    • 1 month ago

      >Star wars is niche now.
      And that is a good thing. I miss the time when all my interests were unpopular nerdshit.

      As far as the microbiotic thing I'm not so sure that's the right call but something more heady like the Dune books would be pretty smart. He was already heavily pulling from Dune to begin with so to lean in on the political intrigue and the nature of the supernatural would be neat.

      • 1 month ago

        star wars was one of the highest grossing movies ever, becoming a huge media franchise. It was never "unpopular" and still isn't, it's just catering to "fans" and not a general audience anymore.

  19. 1 month ago

    marvel is fricked because they already burned through their actual popular characters and are now moving in to literally fricking who territory. they also already had an in-universe armageddon event that they undid and prevented from happening again, and there's not much that can really one-up that. this would probably be fine if the writing talent was there, but disney seems determined to spend 9 figures on the worst scripts possible. their only hope is a full reboot, and they will DEFINITELY frick that up because they'll do it too soon and make racially-based casting decisions for shock marketing purposes

    star wars is fricked because they've alienated their obsessive fanbase and are determined to acquire a new audience that doesn't really care about star wars but will watch it anyways. their strategy for this was to turn star wars into a fricking tv show brand, and my understanding is that the shows mostly suck and there are too many of them. the sequels were also written in a way to try and forge a new story, which is fine, but did so by running over the old stuff. i will forever maintain that if star wars 7 had just been jedi hogwarts featuring headmaster luke skywalker, theaters would have had to apply for residential permits in order to make it legal to house the neckbeards that refused to leave. they could have done whatever they wanted after that and would have been fine, because fans would always have star wars 7 instead of having grudges against disney

  20. 1 month ago

    Step 1: Wait at least 10 years, preferably 15-20
    Step 2: Sell the IP
    Step 3: Make a memberberry filled safe reboot that explicitly contradicts the shit nobody likes
    Step 4: Hire somebody competent and start making competent movies before the honeymoon period wears off, and everyone realises the first new movie was kind of shit

    There, enjoy your free money

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