Will this film flopping be a wake up call for Pixar?

Will this film flopping be a wake up call for Pixar?

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  1. 12 months ago

    I lost the count of how many movies were supposed to be the "wake up call" for Pixar, but I hope so.

  2. 12 months ago

    I'm pretty sure Lightyear failing when they desperetly asked Disney to have their movies back in cinema after being relegated to the Disney+ mines was the wake up call.

    This is more like a desperation gambit.

  3. 12 months ago

    No. They'll just stop pumping so much money into these films and just settle with making direct-to-vhs sequel tier shit

    • 12 months ago

      >just settle with making direct-to-vhs sequel tier shit
      Don't badmouth Disney Direct-to-Video sequels like this

  4. 12 months ago

    >Didn't wake up after Cars 2
    >Didn't wake up after the Good Dinosaur
    >Didn't wake up after Onward
    >Didn't wake up after Soul
    >Didn't wake up after Luca
    >Didn't wake up after Turning Red
    >Didn't wake up after Lightyear
    The studio is in fricking comatose

    • 12 months ago

      Why would they "wake up" after Cars 2?
      The movie sucked, but its entire purpose was to sell toys to toddlers.

      • 12 months ago

        >The movie sucked, but its entire purpose was to make an edgy Buzz Lightyear reboot

    • 12 months ago

      Soul was good though and Turning Red was considered amazing by non-chuds

      • 12 months ago

        Your furry pedobait literally got BTFO by

        >some "literally who" 9/11-obsessed autistic shut-in
        >a fricking wooden boy

        • 12 months ago

          You've been seething for a year over a cartoon.

        • 12 months ago

          >Didn't wake up after Cars 2
          >Didn't wake up after the Good Dinosaur
          >Didn't wake up after Onward
          >Didn't wake up after Soul
          >Didn't wake up after Luca
          >Didn't wake up after Turning Red
          >Didn't wake up after Lightyear
          The studio is in fricking comatose

          Turning Red was a streaming release anon; it did pretty well, actually. The only numbers you see of "box office" are of a few small functions that were made.

          Talking profit, obviously, I don't really care about the movie, I don't want to talk about the movie, I didn't watch it, but I know about this because Cinemaphile was very stupid when it came out and this was repeated a lot. A LOT.

      • 12 months ago

        You've been seething for a year over a cartoon.

        Your furry pedobait literally got BTFO by

        >some "literally who" 9/11-obsessed autistic shut-in
        >a fricking wooden boy

        This is Cinemaphile, not pol or fricking leftypol. Please behave yourselves.

        • 12 months ago

          ty anon

      • 12 months ago

        >Soul was good though and Turning Red was considered amazing by non-chuds
        cope and seeth.

      • 12 months ago

        >turning red was considered amazing by me and my friends on furry discord
        fixed that for you, homosexual.

    • 12 months ago

      Luca was p good

    • 12 months ago

      >the good dinosaur
      ...wait, that was a pixar movie?

    • 12 months ago

      >>Didn't wake up after Cars 2
      did nothing wrong

      • 12 months ago

        Didn't Cars 3 retcon/ignored everything from Cars 2?

    • 12 months ago

      >Turning Red

    • 12 months ago

      Luca is good though.

    • 12 months ago

      >>Didn't wake up after Soul
      It was okay.
      >>Didn't wake up after Luca
      Objectively a good movie.
      >>Didn't wake up after Turning Red
      Only chuds hate it because they're too autistic to understand cringe humor.

      But yeah, i agree the rest of your list is shit.

    • 12 months ago

      It's all Disney's fault. The only way it can be saved is if Disney were to sell it.

    • 12 months ago

      >Didn't wake up after Soul
      Good but meant for adults
      >Didn't wake up after Luca
      Good but European
      >Didn't wake up after Turning Red
      Good if you can empathize with early 2000 girls hitting puberty
      >Didn't wake up after Lightyear
      Target audience hasn't been alive during a manned space program, interstellar for kids was never going to work in the first place

      • 12 months ago

        they could have simply done a Pixar version of Buzz Lightyear of star command.
        but no. they decided to push shit that was clearly not going to interest anyone willing to pay to see it.

    • 12 months ago

      onward was fine and the good dinosaur was meh.
      but everything else was hot garbage.

      • 12 months ago

        Cars is Cars
        Good Dinosaur
        Onward was actually pretty solid
        Soul was good
        Luca was great
        Turning Red was way better than people give it credit for
        Haven't seen Lightyear

        They aren't in what I would call their Golden Years, but I don't think they're doing all that bad.

        Elemental looks mid af though

        onward sucked though
        the frick you people talking about?

    • 12 months ago

      Cars is Cars
      Good Dinosaur
      Onward was actually pretty solid
      Soul was good
      Luca was great
      Turning Red was way better than people give it credit for
      Haven't seen Lightyear

      They aren't in what I would call their Golden Years, but I don't think they're doing all that bad.

      Elemental looks mid af though

    • 12 months ago

      I think Disney/Pixar were more or less content with having one bad/mediocre movie and one/two good ones. The problem is, in this year all their movies probably will be flops.

    • 12 months ago

      i dunno. i have a family member who works at a public school and this is basically what all the students ask to watch. that and anime shows like hunter vs hunter and whatever. this is average town america, decent sized school. for shit that isnt "selling" somehow every fricking student has watched them all.

  5. 12 months ago

    Why do you think frozen 3, toy story 5 and zootopia 2 have been announced? They are just gonna fall back on their bigger IPs

    • 12 months ago

      >frozen 3, toy story 5 and zootopia 2
      Frozen and Zootopia isn't them, that's Disney's in-house animation studio

      • 12 months ago

        >Frozen and Zootopia isn't them, that's Disney's in-house animation studio

        it's still a break-glass-in-case-of-emergency tactic by Disney

        • 12 months ago

          I'll give you Frozen but IMO Zootopia was just begging for a full-on buddy cop movie sequel. I just hope all that nonsense about some guy getting kneeled on doesn't cause them to frick it up because man I am going to be so disappointed if it's shitty.

      • 12 months ago

        They're still doing two sequels in a row with Inside Out 2. So really, we have four soulless sequels, two from each company. Aren't you excited for the future, anon?

      • 12 months ago

        Frozen 2 and Toy story 4 were shit so their sequels will flop too, only Zootopia 2 has a chance

  6. 12 months ago

    I didn't know super pets did that bad

    • 12 months ago

      Super Pets had a smaller budget so it actually made its money back

  7. 12 months ago

    >check "source"
    >it's just a random homosexual pulling numbers out of his ass

    • 12 months ago

      You didn't even bother looking did you?
      >Initial gross expectations were around $3.5 million.
      >However, the movie came in lower than what rival distribution sources were expecting with a very low $2.4M.
      >Disney is hoping the movie gets to $35M. But we'll let this film breathe before we examine the corpse.

      • 12 months ago

        >Disney is hoping the movie gets to $35M.
        wew lad

  8. 12 months ago

    The next Pixar movies are Toy Story 5 and Inside Out 2. They do not care.

    • 12 months ago

      So, which soulless sequel will they greenlight to fill up their wallets again next? Discounting Toy Story 5 and Inside Out 2, of course.

      >Inside Out 2
      This is the one that worries me the most. I hope they don't twist the story into some kind of LGBT propaganda.
      Even at that time there were rumors that Riley was a troony because their emotions were not all female, like all other women.

  9. 12 months ago

    they dont deserve a wake up call, they deserve immolation

  10. 12 months ago

    >elemental is essentially a 200 million dollar romcom
    Who greenlit this idea. Very expensive romcoms tend to be giant ensemble casts of A-list stars, but this is just animated romcom. Who was this for?

    • 12 months ago

      They probably thought it's Pixar, it'll sell. Covid was a handy dandy excuse before but it's clear between this and Little Mermaid that their brand is dead in the water.

    • 12 months ago

      >elemental is essentially a 200 million dollar romcom
      Why not watch a cute SOL relationship comedy?

    • 12 months ago

      Its worse, its a 200mil romcom that the usual romcom audience will not watch due to it beeing animation, and the usual pixar audience, kids, will not like cause its a romcom and 10 year olds think thats boring

    • 12 months ago

      Not even the first time Pixar did a Rom Com and everyone loved that one

      • 12 months ago

        Wall-E had a hell of a lot more going on than just being a romcom and we all know it.

  11. 12 months ago

    Waking up means admitting you made a mistake.

  12. 12 months ago

    >This will sell our movie

    • 12 months ago

      >Chris Pratt and Zendaya are nowhere to be seen!!!

      • 12 months ago

        Chris Pratt didn't help Onward

    • 12 months ago

      >Celebrity castings are good now

      • 12 months ago

        Toy Story had Tom Hanks and Woody Allen who are famous. Even less important characters have this like Sarge being voiced by the drill instructor from Full Metal Jacket.

    • 12 months ago

      i got no goddamn clue who any of these people are. am i out of touch or something

      • 12 months ago

        They are C listers, not even normalgays know who they are

    • 12 months ago

      Wade's VA does not sound black in the slightest and I was surprised to find out he's black. Usually you can blatantly tell.

    • 12 months ago

      Joe Pera's in this? Booking a ticket now.

      • 12 months ago

        it’s basically a cameo, he has like two lines and the clip is on the internet

  13. 12 months ago

    I just now realized he looks like Ozzy

    • 12 months ago

      He looks like Ozzy's NEET son.

  14. 12 months ago

    Lightyear/Strange World were the wake up calls, they're what made Iger panic announce TS5 and Frozen 3. Pixar is off to the safe sequel mines for the forseeable future.

  15. 12 months ago

    Camrip when

    • 12 months ago

      I'll be out on Disney+ before the end of July.

  16. 12 months ago

    >Goddamn spiderverse in its 3rd weekend may very well beat Elemental's opening
    How many more layoffs can we expect?

    • 12 months ago

      Pixar needs a ground up restructure. They need to go back to getting talented animation vets who are eager to make something innovative. The fact they now have co-directed films with one "ideas guy" and one "the person who actually knows how to direct animation" sums up how fricked up things are.

      Stop giving films to people who make "emotional" and "personal" shorts that end up making films that huge portions of the audience can't connect to.

      • 12 months ago

        why would "talented animation vets" go to washed up Pixar when WDAS is just across the hall

        • 12 months ago

          The same WDAS that gave us Strange World?

          • 12 months ago

            Man i keep forgetting that existed

        • 12 months ago

          Ralph Wrecks the Internet is unironically worse than any Pixar sequel

          • 12 months ago

            remember when they unironically thought this shit would win best animated feature film?

            • 12 months ago

              They had the stickers and everything right?

              • 12 months ago
              • 12 months ago

                They used to put these mediocre sequels directly to VHS, not they expect them to win awards.

              • 12 months ago

                They picked the right face for Ralph there.

              • 12 months ago

                the sheer frickin' hubris of those gays.
                I bet they think TS5: the quest for more money, Zoot2: but we're sucking BLM's wiener like the good little ESG sissies we are and making it anti-cop propoganda, and Frozen 3: we have no fricking idea how to follow up the clusterfrick of the last film, so here have some more funny snowman are all gonna win massive awards too.

              • 12 months ago

                The academy doesnt even watch the animation movies they award. Yes those Disney movies will get awards and you know it.

              • 12 months ago

                it's probably more logistics than hubris. waiting until the winner is announced to produce and distribute those would mean a day or two without them on display, and they'll miss the sales boost. some retail worker didn't read the instructions, or didn't care, and put in on the display early.

          • 12 months ago

            Checked and frick everything about that Disney Princess section. Absolute worst, most smug meta-commentary I've ever seen.

          • 12 months ago

            Checked and frick everything about that Disney Princess section. Absolute worst, most smug meta-commentary I've ever seen.

            Reminder that Wreck it Ralph 2 had an entire section dedicated to advertising a website that doesn't even exist anymore.
            ohmydisney just redirects to another disney site now lol

          • 12 months ago

            Ralph isn't Pixar.

            • 12 months ago

              That is the point.

        • 12 months ago

          WAIDS is one of the main reasons Pixar is dead. Disney bought Pixar to improve its own 3D animation department, but WDAS was so bad it only rotted Pixar from the inside.

          • 12 months ago

            Nah, it's the Lasseter effect. When he joined WDAS, they massively improved and Pixar declined. When he was sidelined for a year before being fired you saw WDAS go to shit too.

            Really hoping Spellbound is great.

      • 12 months ago

        >Stop giving films to people who make "emotional" and "personal" shorts that end up making films that huge portions of the audience can't connect to.
        100% this. So many people still have this idea that they NEED to tell the story of THEIR PEOPLE and it's always the same fricking tired "I feel out of place in society" bullshit that we keep seeing over and over and over again. I'm a fricking 1st generation immigrant and I'm so goddamn sick of the immigrant story. It's the exact same shit for everybody, we don't need to see the "unique perspective" of "Person From Society X finding their place now that they're in Society Y" that we've seen a million goddamn times already.
        You know a good immigrant story I saw recently? East Side Sushi, about a Mexican mom who wants to become a sushi chef in LA. Latino and Asian culture clashing is something I'd legitimately never seen before, it was refreshing and fun. But no, we need another 50 million stories about how white people think foreign food stinks or some moronic shit like that.

        • 12 months ago

          There's very little Pixar can do in the immediate.
          You can't take a group of artists and tell them to "stop making crap." You can't take a group of activists and tell them to "come to the center." You can't teach the younger artists to become better when you've fired the most experienced personnel. You can't find competent people to promote because they all came from the same flawed hiring process that placed identity over merit. If you fire everyone and raze the organization to the ground to start anew, why bother keeping the Pixar name?
          You can't change individual persons, you can only change the composition of the people. Disney will not. They can fire everyone at Pixar and assemble a completely new crew, but that crew will be the same composition because of how they select for workers.
          The only real option for Pixar, aside from being absorbed into WDAS, is to slim down and accept the new reality that they make sub-$250 million movies, and budget appropriately for that.

          Why do these posts feel like the writings of someone mentally ill?

          • 12 months ago

            Probably because of your ADD and low IQ making you incapable of following posts that are expressed in more than 20 words.

          • 12 months ago

            They are perfectly normal and reasonable posts written in a salty tone.

            >Stop giving films to people who make "emotional" and "personal" shorts that end up making films that huge portions of the audience can't connect to.
            100% this. So many people still have this idea that they NEED to tell the story of THEIR PEOPLE and it's always the same fricking tired "I feel out of place in society" bullshit that we keep seeing over and over and over again. I'm a fricking 1st generation immigrant and I'm so goddamn sick of the immigrant story. It's the exact same shit for everybody, we don't need to see the "unique perspective" of "Person From Society X finding their place now that they're in Society Y" that we've seen a million goddamn times already.
            You know a good immigrant story I saw recently? East Side Sushi, about a Mexican mom who wants to become a sushi chef in LA. Latino and Asian culture clashing is something I'd legitimately never seen before, it was refreshing and fun. But no, we need another 50 million stories about how white people think foreign food stinks or some moronic shit like that.

            There's very little Pixar can do in the immediate.
            You can't take a group of artists and tell them to "stop making crap." You can't take a group of activists and tell them to "come to the center." You can't teach the younger artists to become better when you've fired the most experienced personnel. You can't find competent people to promote because they all came from the same flawed hiring process that placed identity over merit. If you fire everyone and raze the organization to the ground to start anew, why bother keeping the Pixar name?
            You can't change individual persons, you can only change the composition of the people. Disney will not. They can fire everyone at Pixar and assemble a completely new crew, but that crew will be the same composition because of how they select for workers.
            The only real option for Pixar, aside from being absorbed into WDAS, is to slim down and accept the new reality that they make sub-$250 million movies, and budget appropriately for that.

            At this point I believe there's no actual box office and all this new stuff is straight up crony state funded propaganda. That's why it can bomb 10 times in a row and they'll still push it. It can't be the CEO's personal agenda, the entities they're part of are too huge. Even emperors got axed when they started acting too moronic.

            • 12 months ago

              >It can't be the CEO's personal agenda, the entities they're part of are too huge.
              I've touched on this before, but part of what's driving this is the fact there are mega-fund management companies that are making unilateral decisions for hundreds of thousands of smaller funds. These mega funds are themselves incentivized by the government through regulations that favor the adoption of certain progressive policies.
              In short, there aren't that many voices, because everything's consolidated. The market is not behaving as rationally as it should when individuals are making their own decisions.

              • 12 months ago

                At my company we just had a newsletter sent around about our great ESG efforts. ESG is real, is not a meme or a conspiracy theory, and is being pushed heavily by a small number of investment fund heads that have changed how corporations on the literal other side of the planet (my company is HQ'd in India) are doing business. It's insanity.

              • 12 months ago

                The kicker is that any logical person could see that if the practices promoted by ESG/DEI were actually good for the bottom line, government wouldn't have to push it.
                It isn't even producing any real measurable social good. Tobacco companies, which sell literal poison, have higher ESG scores than Tesla.

              • 12 months ago

                I know what you mean. We're an IT services company, we help other companies make their networks secure. Literally no part of our company has anything to do with social good nor do different ideas about social good affect our work. A network is either secure enough or it isn't. We're like construction workers, we go to a jobsite, build the thing, then go to the next jobsite, only we don't even have to worry about environmental impact. Attaching an ESG score to our work is actually moronic.

              • 12 months ago

                ESG isn't from government. When Fink said that Blackrock is the 'fourth branch of government', he didn't mean that they followed orders from any US government entity. The mandates are from Blackrock and the US government has to abide by whatever Fink tells them if they want to borrow or refinance.

              • 12 months ago

                What the frick does Epic Games Store have to do with Pixar?

              • 12 months ago

                That's EGS, we're talking about Epic Stores Game.

        • 12 months ago

          >100% this. So many people still have this idea that they NEED to tell the story of THEIR PEOPLE and it's always the same fricking tired "I feel out of place in society" bullshit

          >Elemental is about a woman who has a falling out with her dad and rejects her parent's plans for her
          >Lightyear is a space adventure
          >Turning Red is about a girl who has a falling out with her mom and rejects her parent's plans for her
          >Luca is about monster kids trying to win a Vespa
          >Soul is about a dead dude trying to come back to life

          What the frick are you talking about?

      • 12 months ago

        >Stop giving films to people who make "emotional" and "personal" shorts that end up making films that huge portions of the audience can't connect to
        This is how I felt with Turning Red.
        It was like 90 minutes of inside jokes because that's what happens when you write a self insert story about a Chinese Canadian 13 year old girl dealing with generational trauma and puberty in the unnecessary specific year of 2002.
        It just made me feel like pic related the entire time watching it.

        • 12 months ago

          People got really fricking defensive when you point this out, to the point where that hounded that poor reviewer who dared to criticise it on this level.

          OG Pixar made sure never to alienate people who and to try to explain everything as an outsider. Cars was based on Americana and Route 66 nostalgia (some of the characters are even based on Route 66 personalities) but you could enjoy the film never having heard of Route 66 because they made sure to write it with the main character being an outsider.

          Likewise I didn't need to be a half American living in Paris to get Ratatouille. I didn't even need to be able to cook or understand gastronomy because the film explained it in ways that were great for people of all knowledge levels.

          Nah sorry I don't "get" how quirky it is to draw erotic pictures of people you know. In fact it's fricking creepy and having been on the receiving end of it, it's really fricking shitty being the target of erotic fanfiction (headmistress actually asked me if I wanted to get the police involved which was surprising, especially given it was 2000). Not to mention the endless nods and winks at things specific to Toronto or being in a Chinese family.

          • 12 months ago

            >Likewise I didn't need to be a half American living in Paris to get Ratatouille. I didn't even need to be able to cook or understand gastronomy because the film explained it in ways that were great for people of all knowledge levels.
            It did mean they couldn't use the actual three-star Michelin system, though. This is a shame because the backstory involves the restaurent losing two stars; if it was the three-star system they'd be on the edge of being a no-star restaurent of no distinction which would obviously mean an inevitable slide into shutting down.

            • 12 months ago

              im confused why could they not use the three star system or whatever?

              • 12 months ago

                Prob couldn't get permission.

              • 12 months ago

                I think they were just afraid it would confuse people.

                Prob couldn't get permission.

                They may need permission to have the phrase "Michelin star" in the script, but surely they could get away with just referring generically to "stars".

              • 12 months ago

                how? its three stars instead of five? if i remember the movie correct that is. I dnt think it's a huge leap to assume people could understand.

          • 12 months ago

            >People got really fricking defensive when you point this out, to the point where that hounded that poor reviewer who dared to criticise it on this level.

            I mean it was a stupid level but go off.

            • 12 months ago

              don't post like a black person on twitter.

          • 12 months ago

            >Nah sorry I don't "get" how quirky it is to draw erotic pictures of people you know. In fact it's fricking creepy and having been on the receiving end of it, it's really fricking shitty being the target of erotic fanfiction
            Megan chill it's been 16 years

          • 12 months ago

            >Likewise I didn't need to be a half American living in Paris to get Ratatouille
            Off topic, but this is a pet peeve of mine. The message of Rataouille's ending doesn't match what actually happens in the film. It also poisoned the minds of a generation of critics.

          • 12 months ago

            What a strange situation to have found yourself in, sorry that happened to you. I didn't like that scene either. The drawings they went with should have looked more innocent/romantic instead of cringe.

          • 12 months ago

            I'm part taiwanese, so I actually DO understand the shit they tried to put in to red pander. And it added fricking jack shit to the movie, which was a muddled mess of what it wanted to say.

            The only reason I don't completely shit on it is the half dozen OTHER even WORSE muddled messes that disney has been shitting out in the past few years.

        • 12 months ago

          It reminded me of a lot of Disney Channel Original Movies with the premise of kids hitting puberty and finding out magical family secrets that make them transform into something culture-specific while dealing with low-stakes misunderstandings with their parents. Or at least the two I can think of. Turning Red was (an attempted) theatrical release with a very made-for-TV feel, though a lot of those old DCOMs put Turning Red to shame.

          • 12 months ago

            oh yeah definitely

            • 12 months ago

              This and 13th Year were so based

            • 12 months ago

              I have vivid memories of my brother watching this while I was playing warcraft 3 and I was doing the strahnbrad level. Thank you for reading my post, have a good day or night.

          • 12 months ago

            Wrong, you'd assume that's what it's about because that's the best story to tell with that set-up, but no.
            Turning Red is just
            >The Goofy Movie but what if Max was a Mary Sue who did nothing wrong and Goofy needs to learn to stop being so old and terrible for wanting his son to follow tradition

          • 12 months ago

            oh yeah definitely

            This and 13th Year were so based

            I never saw those movies, but I understand the pattern. It's a combination of bland cultural representation in what the nips call "chunni".

        • 12 months ago

          People got really fricking defensive when you point this out, to the point where that hounded that poor reviewer who dared to criticise it on this level.

          OG Pixar made sure never to alienate people who and to try to explain everything as an outsider. Cars was based on Americana and Route 66 nostalgia (some of the characters are even based on Route 66 personalities) but you could enjoy the film never having heard of Route 66 because they made sure to write it with the Main character being an outsider.

          Likewise I didn't need to be a half American living in Paris to get Ratatouille. I didn't even need to be able to cook or understand gastronomy because the film explained it in ways that were great for people of all knowledge levels.

          Nah sorry I don't "get" how quirky it is to draw erotic pictures of people you know. In fact it's fricking creepy and having been on the receiving end of it, it's really fricking shitty being the target of erotic fanfiction (headmistress actually asked me if I wanted to get the police involved which was surprising, especially given it was 2000). Not to mention the endless nods and winks at things specific to Toronto or being in a Chinese family.

          everyone has had to balance their own expectations with that of a parent figure as they're growing up. red derives its universality from that.

          Wrong, you'd assume that's what it's about because that's the best story to tell with that set-up, but no.
          Turning Red is just
          >The Goofy Movie but what if Max was a Mary Sue who did nothing wrong and Goofy needs to learn to stop being so old and terrible for wanting his son to follow tradition

          the entire symbolism behind the concert scene is the mixing of modernity and tradition. also mei lying and partially causing her own problems throughout the film.

          Skydance is going to BTFO Pixar once and for all.
          They took all of the good talent from Disney and Pixar.

          spellbound looks like shit but the ray gunn film could be unironic kino considering it's a bird passion project he's been working on for over a decade.

          • 12 months ago

            >but the ray gunn film could be unironic kino
            Sci-Fi animated movies never do well in the box office.

      • 12 months ago

        >Stop giving films to people who make "emotional" and "personal" shorts that end up making films that huge portions of the audience can't connect to
        This is how I felt with Turning Red.
        It was like 90 minutes of inside jokes because that's what happens when you write a self insert story about a Chinese Canadian 13 year old girl dealing with generational trauma and puberty in the unnecessary specific year of 2002.
        It just made me feel like pic related the entire time watching it.

        Playing devil's advocate, inside jokes can still be enjoyable.

      • 12 months ago

        Not gonna happen. All the old talent is retired or have been black listed for shit that happened when they where 20. New talent are a bunch of lazy communists.

        • 12 months ago

          At this point there should be enough canceled talent to start their own industry separate from Hollywood.

          • 12 months ago

            Doesn't matter if you're talented if you're blacklisted from funding as well.

    • 12 months ago

      >movie not made for kids has ugly toys
      Did no one anywhere in Pixar's corporate structure speak up and say this shit is gonna bomb and the merch sucks?

    • 12 months ago

      Why did they think this would sell toys? The characters aren't really cute or cool enough for boys OR girls.

      • 12 months ago

        Because it's Pixar and they think they are hot shit.

      • 12 months ago

        When I was a kid, I always thought transparent plastic toys were crap and didn't want them (seem to remember the Real Ghostbusters having some great toys but some shitty transparent ones).

    • 12 months ago

      >brand new and the box is already beat to shit
      fricking wagies

    • 12 months ago

      expect the whole studio to shut down. The upper management can go work at Dreamworks if they are lucky.

    • 12 months ago

      made in china

    • 12 months ago

      >recreate your favorite movie moments
      Yeh, because any kid would want to recreate this

      • 12 months ago

        why the frick did they think kids would want to watch an overly sappy romcom?
        was this movie made solely for Disney adults?

    • 12 months ago
    • 12 months ago

      immediately realized this was better

  17. 12 months ago

    There's very little Pixar can do in the immediate.
    You can't take a group of artists and tell them to "stop making crap." You can't take a group of activists and tell them to "come to the center." You can't teach the younger artists to become better when you've fired the most experienced personnel. You can't find competent people to promote because they all came from the same flawed hiring process that placed identity over merit. If you fire everyone and raze the organization to the ground to start anew, why bother keeping the Pixar name?
    You can't change individual persons, you can only change the composition of the people. Disney will not. They can fire everyone at Pixar and assemble a completely new crew, but that crew will be the same composition because of how they select for workers.
    The only real option for Pixar, aside from being absorbed into WDAS, is to slim down and accept the new reality that they make sub-$250 million movies, and budget appropriately for that.

    • 12 months ago

      >The only real option for Pixar, aside from being absorbed into WDAS, is to slim down and accept the new reality that they make sub-$250 million movies, and budget appropriately for that.
      so tell them they're making bumpers for actual tentpole movies for the next 7 tears

  18. 12 months ago

    It won't flop when I'll see it 10 times.

    • 12 months ago

      jerking off in theaters is a crime anon

  19. 12 months ago

    So, which soulless sequel will they greenlight to fill up their wallets again next? Discounting Toy Story 5 and Inside Out 2, of course.

    • 12 months ago

      I don't know, Satan. Give me Cars 4.

      • 12 months ago

        Actually, no, Planes 3.

        • 12 months ago

          there's a planes 2?

    • 12 months ago

      They'll shit out an Incredibles 3 without Brad Bird I'm almost certain.
      Bonus prediction is that Bird will openly disown it. He already sounded pissed in his brief appearance in the commentary for the 2nd film

      • 12 months ago

        Any film that opens with all the cast going "Hey, it takes a lot of work to make a movie, donchaknow?" is DOA

      • 12 months ago

        >He already sounded pissed in his brief appearance in the commentary for the 2nd film

    • 12 months ago

      Incredibles 3

    • 12 months ago

      Monster's Inc 3 and Finding Marlin

  20. 12 months ago

    >strong wom and reactions in korea and china
    This movie may be saved by asians. It seems that they're not too concerned about the heavy-handed racemixing metaphor, or they just didn't read too hard into it.

    • 12 months ago

      A 5m weekend is still shit

    • 12 months ago

      >no POCS
      >no LGBT agendas
      of course it's gonna do better over there. At least the director knows how to appeal to koreans.

      • 12 months ago

        anon, koreas changing a little bit. they have gay pride parades and the best selling movie ever made there is about a king being a little too interested with his male jester. they went from anti lgbt to only half of the country having anti-lgbt laws...quite quickly.

  21. 12 months ago

    Neither Disney / Pixar's flops have been an awake up call so i doubt this one will.

  22. 12 months ago

    Can they blame racisim or disease?

    I think they'll go to a soulles remake, and if THAT fails, then they have no one else to blame.

  23. 12 months ago

    these Disney park snacks are probably the most impressive thing i've seen come out of this movie thus far

    • 12 months ago

      That will be $17.99 plus tax plus tip.

      • 12 months ago

        For each

    • 12 months ago

      Ember shoulda been a spicy food.

      • 12 months ago

        it literally has tajin and chamoy on it

        • 12 months ago

          I don't know what those are, but it's still ice cream.

          • 12 months ago

            the whole fricking point is that it's ice cream. it has spicy toppings on it. you're actually moronic

          • 12 months ago

            Tajin and chamoy are both spicy. It's spicy icecream. Spicy sweets are popular in Latin America and in places with Latin American populations. Look up Mangonadas. They're good, just a little bit of kick.

        • 12 months ago

          >it literally has tajin and chamoy on it
          It's over. Americans can't handle spicy thing, no one would buy it.

  24. 12 months ago

    >read synopsis on wikipedia
    >nothing that happens requires them to be elements
    Why was this movie made?

    • 12 months ago

      >nothing that happens requires them to be elements
      Apparently water guy and fire gal cannot touch each other.

      • 12 months ago

        >Apparently water guy and fire gal cannot touch each other.
        So Pushing Daisies? Wow what an original, creative story by the studio that brought us Toy Story.

        • 12 months ago

          time to revoke Pixar's reputation, Toy Story 1&2 are just okay

        • 12 months ago

          >So Pushing Daisies? Wow what an original, creative story by the studio that brought us Toy Story.
          it's time to take Bryan Fuller out behind the shed and put 2 in the back of his skull before he farts out another whimsical concept

  25. 12 months ago

    If characters looked like this, I'd give it a chance.

    • 12 months ago

      It was definitely a misstep not to set it in a world of humans. It would have made them something distinct instead of just direct metaphors for humans. Going the "normal words, but a water guy" route was the least interesting way they could have gone about it.

    • 12 months ago

      >blazing dickass fire titan devastates the land back in Ye Olde Tymes
      >gets defeated by Hercules-style hero
      >wakes up in a more modern time, imprisoned in a mortal shell
      >rages against his captivity and pines for the grandeur of his original form
      >eventually beings to empathize with humanity
      >falls in love with a girl, and for the first time in his millennia of life he's not filled with rage
      >fricking dickass water titan rises from the depths of the ocean to wreak havoc across the land
      >fire titan gives up his mortal life to save what he loves in a badass kaiju battle
      >something something the end

      I'd watch it. It'd be better than, "what if zootopia, but fire" at least.

      • 12 months ago

        >not having the mortal girl secretly be the water kaiju

  26. 12 months ago

    Hopefully not and they go out of business, honestly

  27. 12 months ago

    Seeing poor Disney box office is jerk-off material for me

  28. 12 months ago
  29. 12 months ago

    More like WOKE up call, because the movie is woke, the movie theater is woke, the studio is woke. Groomers etc. Gottem

    • 12 months ago

      Rent free

  30. 12 months ago

    They'll just make more troony shit or give up altogether instead of learning from their mistakes

  31. 12 months ago

    All of Pixar’s best men were fired and or siphoned to power Disney's brand and replaced with diversity hires and women that hire their cronies instead of competent people

  32. 12 months ago

    What do you mean wake up? They do what they always did. It just lacks originality. Its literally the most simple idea someone could come up with.

    It almost sounds like something I'd make up as a joke when it comes to mixed relationship cartooons.

  33. 12 months ago

    Disney is too big to fail.

  34. 12 months ago



    I'm so happy right now, literally going to go into into a Target and start shoplifting the shit out of it!







    • 12 months ago

      wait they really hired some twitter guy toVA for it?
      Its better then hiring Chris Prat, but wat.

      • 12 months ago

        >Its better then hiring Chris Prat, but wat.
        Wasted digits

    • 12 months ago

      >a guy made out of water is nonbinary

      Yeah no shit.

      • 12 months ago

        Ok Groomer. Just because water is fluid doesn't mean "genderfluid" has any basis in reality or other connection.

        • 12 months ago

          I would love to see racist water people. Would the put a cross on the yard that sprays water.

          • 12 months ago

            >Around fire never tire

    • 12 months ago

      I was maybe planning on watching this movie, but then the creators or people who worked on it are really trying to convince me otherwise.

    • 12 months ago

      Nonbinary isn't real, it's just straight kids pretending to be LGBT for social media clout without having to suck a dick.

      • 12 months ago

        This. I've never had nonbinary explained to me where it doesn't sound moronic
        >I have a mans body and in my mind I feel like I'm a man
        >I have a mans body and in my mind I feel like I'm a woman
        >I have a mans body and in my mind I'm ______????
        If someone has an explanation feel free to give it to me. Being "neither a man or a woman" isn't being something, it's just listing what you aren't.

        • 12 months ago

          it just means they don't adhere to stereotypes with respect to men or women.
          so a transwoman will dress and act like what society deems "feminine", and a transman will dress and act like what society deems "masculine".

          nonbinary people don't strictly adhere to either societal definition, although you'd really never notice it on a woman because they're already allowed to pretty much dress and act however they want.

          • 12 months ago
        • 12 months ago

          it just means they don't adhere to stereotypes with respect to men or women.
          so a transwoman will dress and act like what society deems "feminine", and a transman will dress and act like what society deems "masculine".

          nonbinary people don't strictly adhere to either societal definition, although you'd really never notice it on a woman because they're already allowed to pretty much dress and act however they want.

          So they're just moronic?

          • 12 months ago

            not really
            how gender is acceptably expressed a social construct, take earrings as an example and how that's changed, or long hair, or how in scotland men historically wore skirts (kilts).

            it really all just depends on the current societies cultural gender norms.
            and "genderfluid" just means that you don't subscribe to the current gender norms.

            • 12 months ago

              So special snowflake. Got it.

              • 12 months ago

                yeah basically lol
                they're young though, being a special snowflake and exploring yourself and the world is what being young is all about.

              • 12 months ago

                The problem is others take advantage of their naivety. Putting dumb kids on hormone blockers and telling them they'll be happier without a dick would be considered child abuse pre-2010.

            • 12 months ago

              So what you're saying is the picture and post are both correct because they're just moronic attention-prostitutes? Go it, thank you for agreeing.

              • 12 months ago

                if you want to put words in my mouth so that I agree with you go ahead I guess, but we both know that's not what I said.

      • 12 months ago

        asexual is similar.

    • 12 months ago

      >see them
      there is only one character I am confused? what other character do we get to meet?

    • 12 months ago

      >you are the first whatever the last airbender

      • 12 months ago

        what did they do to my boy?!

    • 12 months ago
      • 12 months ago

        >what happens when violent sexual psychosis falls in love with Alzheimer's disease? find out in 2027

    • 12 months ago

      >Some literally who character who only appears in one scene
      Why are wokescolds so chickenshit? I bet it doesnt even says anything that brings attention to its identity, just a water dude with barely noticeable earrings

    • 12 months ago

      >Needs a cheap VA for a literal who character who appears for a few minutes
      >Some moron accepts on the condition the character is "non-binary"
      >Pixar just accepts because it's better to pay the moron peanuts instead of getting a professional actor and they have zero bearing on the story so they can make up whatever "official" headcanon to appease a small group
      >Guy goes apeshit like he just broke boundaries while Pixar enjoys the thousands they saved
      Some people are just born stupid and you can't change that.

      • 12 months ago

        >saves thousands in production
        >lose hundreds of millions in the box office
        solid plan. shitposting aside, buzz lightyear failing over that "gay kiss" was baffling. once the webm of it came out it was so minor i couldnt believe the sheer amount of shitposting it generated.

        • 12 months ago

          Well you see barely anyone knows about this nor would they care for such a minor character so them losing millions in the box office can't be attributed to this one nobody character.

          • 12 months ago

            the kiss got it banned in international markets and was denounced by governments, anon.

            • 12 months ago

              I meant Elemental, not Booze Budlight.

  35. 12 months ago

    Been seeing ads for this like crazy, the ads are boring too, best thing about them is the character designs.The ads on tiktok especially seem tryhard trendy

  36. 12 months ago

    Is this guy and ember...
    And maybe sadness and the elemental water guy,
    Makes you think...

    Maybe we should do more inside out threads?
    Joy and envy is the pairing we all want.

    • 12 months ago

      I said envy, meant disgust.
      How do you make disgust so attractive?
      I can't even use her name cause of how attractive she is.

      • 12 months ago

        Just remember she's voiced by Velma, and that should do the trick

        • 12 months ago

          The dozens and hundreds of sexy ones
          Or the 1 forbidden (dark) one that no one is supposed to talk about?

          Cause when i think of velma, i don't think of the forbidden one.

        • 12 months ago

          The dozens and hundreds of sexy ones
          Or the 1 forbidden (dark) one that no one is supposed to talk about?

          Cause when i think of velma, i don't think of the forbidden one.

          I just double checked inside out wiki, it was forbidden velma one, dammit man.

    • 12 months ago

      I said envy, meant disgust.
      How do you make disgust so attractive?
      I can't even use her name cause of how attractive she is.

  37. 12 months ago

    Who's Pixar? Disney will just shutter them once the brand is completely worthless and call it a day.

  38. 12 months ago

    What went wrong with Disney and Pixar? How come they keep making flops now? Did the pandemic mindbreak them? They haven't made a single good movie since 2016.

    • 12 months ago

      Diesny still has occasionally a successful movie.

    • 12 months ago

      Iger is incapable of taking the right risks and over relies on buying success rather than building up success.

    • 12 months ago

      Disney's still good when they're not sitting out remakes

    • 12 months ago

      Iger let in a bunch of activists and leaned the company hard into political bullshit because he had moronicly high asperations for himself.
      Activists couldn't cope with being told that their preaching wasn't entertaining and they lashed out at the fans because of it, they they do in everything else they latch onto like the parasites they are

      • 12 months ago

        I've never read this from someone who isn't a shit writer themselves.

        • 12 months ago

          >Don't like hacks calling fans ists and phobes because they didn't like shitty new thing?
          >You must be a shit writer too!

    • 12 months ago

      They turned the technical aspects of making animated films into an assembly line process and then started to assume that every other creative role was equally fungible. So when the super talented people who made the best movies for Pixar and Disney left, they replaced them with biddable hacks who would do whatever Disney wanted, believing that their talent didn't matter. You can't quantify talent on a spreadsheet so to the managers who run these projects it doesn't exist.

      That's what's lacking here, though. People who know how to tell compelling stories. People with creative vision. These movies are churned out like they're being mass produced in a factory.

      • 12 months ago

        >That's what's lacking here, though. People who know how to tell compelling stories. People with creative vision

        No, I'm sure there are tons of smart and talented people at Pixar. The problem is the top. No up-and-coming director went "Let's make a prequel to Toy Story set in the world of the universe of the show one of the toys is from!". Some executive made that decision to try and make a Toy Story spinoff.

        Elemental can easily be broken down into its own component elements. It's the family drama of Turning Red plus the social commentary of Zootopia plus the art style of Inside Out. It's taking three other movies that did well and trying to make a stew out of them that just looks like a generic Pixar movie in an age where the "pixar look" is falling out of style in favor of Spiderverse/Puss In Boots stepped animation..

        • 12 months ago

          >>No, I'm sure there are tons of smart and talented people at Pixar.
          Well it's generous of you to believe this with zero evidence, but I remain unconvinced. Show me proof of talent and creative vision, until then I assume everybody with these qualities left years ago. They have nothing to show for it.

        • 12 months ago

          >Some executive made that decision to try and make a Toy Story spinoff.
          And who made it turn out like crap? The people with zero talent working on it.

          • 12 months ago

            Do you think that animators at Pixar are just allowed to do whatever they want when making a movie? Is that how you think this works?

            • 12 months ago

              I think that there was not a guy sitting over their shoulder going "no make it shittier--SHITTIER!" and there was definitely no suit in the writing room loudly complaining there weren't enough cliches and stilted dialogue and moaning loudly every time somebody came up with a really poignant scene until they rewrote it to be more boring.

              These movies are badly done because the people making them A) don't give a shit and B) have no talent to work within the framework given.

              You acting like the mere premise of a movie is what makes it good or bad is just fricking stupid. Literally any Pixar movie could've been complete garbage just looking at the premise, they only turned out good because the people making it HAD TALENT

              • 12 months ago

                >You acting like the mere premise of a movie is what makes it good or bad is just fricking stupid.

                No, I'm saying that Pixar executives are dictating what's in the movie to such an extent that they're basically writing it themselves, regardless of who the credited writer is. Like, it's not just the premise, they're editorial as well, and they want specific plot beats.

          • 12 months ago

            >It can't be the dude in charge who's making the bad decisions, he's a rich white dude!
            >It has to be the black guy whose job is to model the cars in the background of the shot!
            >It must be! Or else I can't blame the ~~*wokes*~~!

            • 12 months ago

              The fact you can't distinguish between bad ideas and bad execution is why you are a simpleton. Lightyear was both badly conceived AND badly executed. It's pure shlock.

        • 12 months ago

          People like movies for way more reasons than just an animation style. Puss in Boots was a very basic adventure story about the protagonist confronting his fears by literally confronting them as a personified enemy and going on a perilous journey to overcome it. People like Spider-verse because they like Spider-man, period, that's at least half the reason spider-verse has done well. I don't deny they have a visual flair that helps them standout, and are fun and snappy besides, but Spider-man remains a very popular character with strong box office draw.

          The reason these Pixar movies aren't doing well is that they are pretty boring, plain and simple. Movies with no clear antagonists, themed around stuff like family drama where the problem is lack of communication, tend to not be very exciting. It's hard to make these movies look exciting to kids, or hold the attention when the drama is exceedingly personal to the person writing it. Trying to abstract away from the personal nature by turning everything into weird non-human characters just creates other problems for the story without addressing the core narrative deficiencies.

          • 12 months ago

            Well, I don't disagree, exactly, but Lightyear was a big space adventure movie and that flopped, too. And if the story was the issue, you'd expect a decent opening weekend and no legs thanks to bad word of mouth. But that's not what's happening here. People looked at the poster and the trailers and went "nah". And I think the fact that the movie looks like a generic 2015 Mars Needs Moms-style movie, the fact that there's not a strong hook, and the fact that there are movies with bigger IPs (Mario) and more novelty (Spider-Verse).

            Like, I think if execs learn from this (big if), the lesson will be "Make an old-school pixar movie that's a sequel to a big IP" and I think that's gonna flop, too. The brand is cold.

            • 12 months ago

              See the poster of ugly Black person characters and no aliens and you know something's fricky.

            • 12 months ago

              lightyear was also confusing to audiences, they weren't clear at all about what it was meant to be (in-universe live action movie) and it just looked like it had nothing of what people liked about Buzz.
              if the movie actually tried to be like a campy 90s scifi movie it could've been kino, but it felt more like a soulless in name only adaptation

        • 12 months ago

          >No up-and-coming director went "Let's make a prequel to Toy Story set in the world of the universe of the show one of the toys is from!".
          Sure, except for that one time they did. Back in 2000, just a year after TS2 released. This isn't a new concept; nobody was angry when Pixar announced they were doing a Buzz origin story. Was the decision to make a Buzz spin-off made by some executive looking to boost Toy Story merchandise sales? Probably. Was that same executive a fart sniffer who insisted that they ditch all Toy Story iconography and make an interstellar rip-off? Obviously not.

          • 12 months ago

            >Sure, except for that one time they did. Back in 2000, just a year after TS2 released.
            Executives existed in the year 2000, so I don't know what you're trying to say there.

            >Was that same executive a fart sniffer who insisted that they ditch all Toy Story iconography and make an interstellar rip-off? Obviously not.
            >They ditch all Toy Story iconography

            The movie literally stars Buzz Lightyear. What the frick else do you want? A Mister Potato Head planet?

            • 12 months ago

              Well it'd be nice if there'd be some more aliens in a space movie.

      • 12 months ago

        tripleA games have the same exact problem and the worst part is that in this system even if you're talented you'll be wasted.
        there are just too many layers of bullshit, you could get Eric Goldberg to animate something and his work would still have to go through ten departments for approval and five more artists... and if there's a mistake it's often too late to correct it because the movie needs to hit a deadline

    • 12 months ago

      Disney has been on a losing track record since the 2000s with only three notable successes which got diminishing returns as they overused the formula. Reliant on acquired companies.

    • 12 months ago

      My coworkers went to see TLM and unanimously agreed the only reason to watch it is for Halle who's apparently fantastic. A shame she got anchored to that bomb of a film when she's otherwise getting praised so much for her singing and after all that work she did to do her irl water sections well.

      Why is Disney so incapable of making original films for their new stars? Halle would have been received well as the star of her own thing, I think.

  39. 12 months ago

    You are started with a promise that it's going to flop when you are not an expert on the industry.

  40. 12 months ago

    >Look Who is Coming to Dinner, but with role reversal making it effectively an animated version of Guess Who starring Ashton Kutcher
    >The woman in this is playing more of the persecuted minority role and is played by an Asian woman
    >The water elemental is played by a black man
    They clearly want it to be another Zootopia, but it comes across as more like Robots from Blue Sky Studios

    I like to think that punishment exists for studios pumping money into something and it flopping really hard.
    They have already laid off 7,000 people this year, but I'm pretty sure they're just going to keep making these money hemoraging piles of shit until they stop kowtowing to ESG or go under.

  41. 12 months ago

    No, the next two to three films will still be awful like this.

  42. 12 months ago

    Here you go. All is explained.

    • 12 months ago

      >Toy Story 3
      >The Decline

      • 12 months ago

        Unnecessary sequel that just does 2 again. I'd call that a decline

      • 12 months ago

        3 is only good at being a definitive ending to the trilogy, but if you watch 2 and 3 back to back it's absurd how it's the exact same plot

    • 12 months ago

      Up was the real start of the decline, the first 30 seconds just make people forget how dull the movie is overall. Hell even Cars was starting to show some cracks.

      • 12 months ago

        This. I challenge anyone to remember the 95% of Up that isn't the opening scene. Also it doesn't help that one of the behind-the-scenes talks with Pixar they announce that the last original idea they thought of in their big meeting was Wall-E

        • 12 months ago

          Am I the only one who actually likes the second half of Up more than the first part?

          • 12 months ago

            >Land on the top of the cliffs
            >Suddenly in the jungle
            Couldn't stand it

          • 12 months ago

            I really like all of UP, I'm not sure why people hate it so much

            The scene where Muntz reveals that he's lost it and has been killing other explorers is really great

          • 12 months ago

            I really like all of UP, I'm not sure why people hate it so much

            The scene where Muntz reveals that he's lost it and has been killing other explorers is really great

            The stupid talking dogs ruin the movie for me.

        • 12 months ago

          I remember most of it. Ellie's last pages reveal and the Graduation ending are tearjerkers too and honestly make the whole movie greater than the sum of its parts.

    • 12 months ago

      >next three movies, Elio, Inside Out 2 and TS5 will complete the chart and pixar might very well die by then

      • 12 months ago

        So the fourth movie from now should be amazingly awful.

  43. 12 months ago

    It literally doesn't matter since ESG covers all the losses and Pixar is just a bunch of cheap diversity hires at this point.

  44. 12 months ago

    Can this be the final Pixar movie about the director's issues? Please?

    • 12 months ago

      >Metaphorical approach

      Does this even count as metaphor?

      • 12 months ago

        It's an idiot's idea of a metaphor. And it's just so fricking lazy. Like he didn't want to do any work creating a setting so he just took the first basic idea he could come up with and ran with it.

  45. 12 months ago

    The racism metaphor is so bad it is /misc/ approved

  46. 12 months ago

    >little kid craving a grown woman


    • 12 months ago

      >short brown thing
      Are the plants Mexiicans?

      • 12 months ago

        >morbidly obese and dragging screaming kids around


    • 12 months ago

      >the city isn't made with fire people in mind
      well yeah you maim or destroy everything you come into contact with
      such a moronic metaphor to use for race relations

    • 12 months ago

      >Constantly upskirting
      I still dont want to watch it

    • 12 months ago

      Why that fire effect looks so ugly? It's like something straight out of asylum mockbuster

    • 12 months ago

      Next movie will have aliens craving a little kid. Let's see which concept is more liked.

      • 12 months ago

        where did it all go so wrong for cgi kids. we had this barely 9 years ago

      • 12 months ago

        It looks like that calarts meme but in 3D

      • 12 months ago

        Shit, at this point just hire Sliph77 and let him take it from there

  47. 12 months ago

    >2.4 Million

    For comparison, Across the Spider-Verse, which has been out for two weeks, made 5.2 million yesterday.

    Spider-Verse weekend 3 is going to beat Elemental's weekend 1, isn't it?

    • 12 months ago

      I think these numbers point to a problem that runs deeper than the quality of individual films. Parents just don't trust Disney and Pixar blindly anymore. They're not buying advance tickets, and they're not going out on opening night, because they want to know first if this movie has anything they don't want their kids to see.
      This is particularly bad for Disney, because they depend on frontloaded movie runs. They get 10~15% more of the ticket price during the first week.

      • 12 months ago

        >Disney? As in the people that made Brother Bear and Home on the Range? Pass.

      • 12 months ago

        Parents don't give a shit, it's just kids have tablets with Youtube and Pixar hasn't made a good movie in a decade and a half to be worth spending an evening.

  48. 12 months ago

    If Lightyear didn't wake anyone up, this piece of shit definitely won't.

  49. 12 months ago

    If Lightyear didn't wake them up then nothing will.

    Also, if Pixar was capable of being woken up then this movie never would've been greenlit in the first place. Anybody not living in a fricking hugbox bubble could've told it was insipid, condescending garbage.

    • 12 months ago

      >Anybody not living in a fricking hugbox bubble could've told it was insipid, condescending garbage.

      That's not the problem. Everything Elemental is trying to do worked when Zootopia did it, and it's not like people were rejecting the plot of the movie (that would require them to know what the plot was).

      The issue isn't that it has ideas that the audience doesn't want, it's that it doesn't have ideas at all. It's Zootopia remade as Generic Pixar Movie Product. There's nothing that makes anyone want to see THIS Pixar movie instead of, say, Inside Out.

      • 12 months ago

        >>That's not the problem. Everything Elemental is trying to do worked when Zootopia did it
        It didn't, really. The racism metaphor was easily the weakest part of Zootopia, again because of the paper thin world building that was practically an after thought for it. Zootopia gets a pass because of furries. Don't even pretend otherwise.

        • 12 months ago

          Zootopia also came out at a different time, before racism analogies were done to death, Disney tanked it’s public image and society was as polarized as it is today. Had it first released this year it would have been far more controversial and would also have done much worse

          • 12 months ago

            If they were to release Zootopia in current year, Judy definitely would not be a cop or aspire to be one. The entire story would change and it would likely suck.

          • 12 months ago

            >Zootopia also came out at a different time, before racism analogies were done to death
            lolwot they've been doing those for decades

      • 12 months ago

        Perhaps had Zootopia not existed then Elemental could have done better. Whatever you think of the concept it is hard to deny it was poorly timed. It is way too easy to compare it to a movie that is too recent and cited as being more appealing.

        Visually I think the concept of element people just isn't that much of a draw even if everything else about the movie is good. But everyone likes cute animals.

        • 12 months ago

          Zootopia still had a mystery plot attached to it. Elemental is just a basic romcom. It wouldn't be appealing if Zootopia didn't exist.

          • 12 months ago

            good point

            romance is a common element in a lot of these movies but exists to supplement and support other appealing facets of the story. If you took the romance out of zootopia you'd still have a buddy cop movie with a mystery. If you took the romance out of the little mermaid you'd still have a fish out of water story with Ariel exploring the human world. What is left if you took the romance out of Elemental?

        • 12 months ago

          Helps that there are more than 4 species of animals too

  50. 12 months ago


  51. 12 months ago

    They’re still getting the obligatory Oscar nomination, although they won’t win.

    • 12 months ago

      Of course, we all know who’s going to sweep

      • 12 months ago

        (Forgot to attach pic)

        • 12 months ago

          The Oscars? Nothing succeeds like success, and the Mario movie is sure to be nominated, but the winner is going to be Spider-Verse again unless Wish does well.

          Mario will have to settle for making 1.3 billion dollars.

        • 12 months ago
          The "Happy is Gert's Daughter" Anon

          The seethe this would generate would make it worth it, but let's be honest, Beyond the Spiderverse is way more likely to win.

          • 12 months ago

            God, it used to the complaint that the Best Animated Picture was just given to the Disney/Pixar movie because the Academy hates animated movies and couldn't be bothered to watch them, and now the Disney movie is the underdog and the Pixar one might not even be nominated

            • 12 months ago

              >Now the Disney movie is the underdog and the Pixar one might not even be nominated

              Serves them right, the oscar will be given to Across Spiderverse because that movie is gorgeous despite what Cinemaphile may say about Gwen's big futa wiener.

              The Oscars? Nothing succeeds like success, and the Mario movie is sure to be nominated, but the winner is going to be Spider-Verse again unless Wish does well.

              Mario will have to settle for making 1.3 billion dollars.

              >Mario will have to settle for making 1.3 billion dollars.

              I feel so bad for the Minions, they'll lose a fake gold statue and win $1.3B as consolation prize.

              >What lessons will Disney learn from ATSV and Mario?

  52. 12 months ago

    Pixar got rid of like everyone. What more can they do to make you happy, OP?

  53. 12 months ago

    I am honestly shocked Cinemaphile isn't shilling the movie for Ember or whatever the fire girl's name is. She seems right up the alley of a typical waifugay. I guess anon's hate of Disney/Pixar has finally surpassed their coom brainrot. I never thought I'd live to see it.

    • 12 months ago

      Yes, she's cute. That still doesn't make her movie better, and especially that we know she's a waterheater.

      The movie is so generic that her being a mid-tier waifu isn't gonna save it.

    • 12 months ago

      If the establishment wasn't so passionately angry about tittys and gave Ember a massive rack, you would a lot more defence for this movie on this board.

  54. 12 months ago

    Just make a full movie about the damn lamp, have it end with light going off, and then close the studio.

  55. 12 months ago

    The problem is…all the trailers I’ve seen for it make it look boring - kids aren’t interested in a romcom.

    Going to the movies is expensive, especially when everyone knows it’ll be “free” on Disney+ in three months. I enjoyed Luca, and Turning Red was cute but ‘interracial relationship except the racism metaphor breaks down instantly bc they can kill each other’ is such a bizarre choice.

    • 12 months ago

      Stop saying movie need to apply themselves to some theoretical kids audience. You should only be interested in what (You) want to watch. This is Cinemaphile the last thing I want to do is talk with children… yes I’m aware.

      • 12 months ago

        Yeah that's fine, but Disney wants to make money. You can make a turd sandwich and you'll fine someone who likes it, but you need to go for a bit more mass appeal if you want to make money.

        If Disney wanted to make a rom com, they shoulda lowered the budget because they should know that rom com demographics are smaller.

        • 12 months ago

          That doesn’t change the fact that you’re still preoccupying yourself with abstract things like corporations success instead of any personal opinions on the movie. I am all game for a Pixar rom com with adult characters. This didn’t end up good, but I’m still interested in a good version of that concept like Wall-E. By your rules, this shouldn’t exist because muh kids. It’s not like almost all Pixar movies didn’t have adult characters doing adult things. Kids enjoyed the movies for the fantastical settings and strong humor.

      • 12 months ago

        >Stop saying movie need to apply themselves to some theoretical kids audience
        That's literally Disney's stance. That's why Del Toro called their bullshit in his "Animation is not a genre for kids" speech.

  56. 12 months ago

    Skydance is going to BTFO Pixar once and for all.
    They took all of the good talent from Disney and Pixar.

    • 12 months ago

      >They took all of the good talent from Disney and Pixar.

      Then explained to me how Luck sucked major ass

      • 12 months ago

        Luck was already in production when Lasseter joined and he had to steer it. Allegedly, the best parts of that movie were things that he fixed or added.

        • 12 months ago

          such as?

          • 12 months ago

            No idea. That's what I read on Reddit in the review threads. Some parts are really good and everyone seems to assume that was due to Lasseter.

    • 12 months ago

      Looks badass. I hope they don’t tone it down to a PG rating so little kids can watch it.

  57. 12 months ago

    >Super Mario Bros
    >Ruby Gillman
    This is probably the worst year for Disney in decades, they are being gangbanged by all their competitors while the movies they have for this year all are/will be flops.

    • 12 months ago

      Why we acting like Ruby Gillman isn't gonna flop too.

      • 12 months ago

        It won't. Not-Ariel has a lot of hype, she is carrying the movie alone.
        Plus Ruby is also cute and I know people that are hyped to see the kaiju fight.

    • 12 months ago

      Animated movies in the last year and change and their box office numbers

      Mario: 1.3 billion
      Minions Rise of Gru: 939 million
      Puss In Boots Last Wish: 480 million
      Spider-Verse: 417+ million
      The Bad Guys: 250

      If Elemental continues at the current "10% better than super-pets" pace: ~225 million

      DC League of Super-Pets: 207 million
      One Piece Film Red: 187 million
      The Bad Guys 97 million
      Dragon Ball Super Super Hero: 86 Million
      Strange World: 73 million
      Paws of Fury: 42 million
      Bob's Burgers: 34 million

      Obviously that 225 million number isn't a super-scientific estimate, we'll have to see what kind of legs it has.

      • 12 months ago

        Wish probably will make more money than Elemental, but not by much. It has the least interesting Disney princess in ages.

        • 12 months ago

          I dunno about that. Elemental looks (in terms of literal visuals) like "Generic Pixar" while Wish looks a lot more like a classic Disney movie because of the fake-2D stuff, and I think audiences are going to react better to a "classic Disney" art style than to a "Generic Pixar/Dreamworks" one, especially since it's the first Disney Animation movie in forever to actually have a bad guy in it.

          I mean, that doesn't guarantee it'll be the next Frozen, obviously, but I think audiences will at least give Wish a try instead of it being DOA like Elemental.

  58. 12 months ago

    No one's asleep. It's not about the money

    • 12 months ago

      >It's not about the money
      For Disney? Yes, it is. Always has been.

  59. 12 months ago

    no. they had over a decade of signs telling them to stop. the last few years is simply a crash in super slow motion and the explosion is about to start.

  60. 12 months ago

    Let Disney and Pixar BURN for all their capitalist values and ideals.

  61. 12 months ago

    >Turning Red
    Does every single writer and director at Pixar fricking despise their parents or something?
    Every time they get a chance to make a movie it's
    These are career professionals right? Why are they hung up on this?

    • 12 months ago

      There's just something about art school

      I went there and people could not stop complaining about their parents and I couldn't participate because I didn't have this psychotic antipathy most of my classmates seemed to

      • 12 months ago

        I suppose it makes sense, you have to be one of the most privileged people on Earth to go somewhere like art school, and part of being privileged is taking everything for granted

      • 12 months ago

        If your parents are putting you through art school, they are likely professionals (lawyers, doctors, business owners, etc.) that can afford it. They want you to do what they do, but you don't want to so they kinda resent you for it, but they still will pay for your art schooling.

        So they hate them for the fact that they don't like the path you're taking with your life and they channel that hatred of their parents into their work.

        • 12 months ago

          No, there was plenty of b***hing about student loans too

          • 12 months ago

            It's a mixed bag. The ones whose parents can't afford it will complain about student loans. The ones whose parents can have higher expectations for them.

            Elemental is the latter. Ember doesn't want to do what her parents do and in the end she becomes a glassmaker.

            • 12 months ago

              random but i have a cousin who used to blow glass, and ive tried to convince her that if she got back into it and made custom glass keycaps she could probably make fricking bank.

              • 12 months ago

                >random but i have a cousin who used to blow glass
                I wish she could blow my glass. In all serious, she could make bank making Pokemon figurines or from other franchises and sell her shit to geeks or fans. Basically Funkos but made of glass.

              • 12 months ago

                she gave it up because she got sick of making them same glass bead 10 million times. i tried to convince her every key cap she makes could be unique and whatever the frick she wants and someone will pay 100$ for it. glass funkos are a brilliant idea, nerds would eat that shit up.

                and yes i bet she could suck a golf ball through a garden hose, shes just...unfortunately shaped..its a shame because shes restored 70s british car herself, has experience in x-ray defect metallurgy and grinded her own cams, has "left over" geiger counters in house, fricks around with hydrogen energy production to supplement her 70 mpg retro 1990s hybrid and absolutely guaranteed knows more about any type of tool then anyone in this thread and can assemble a chainsaw blindfolded, and her job is manipulating data sets for government wide agencies. shes a mans dream in every form but physical.

        • 12 months ago

          Yeah, or in other words, privileged little shits
          >I don't agree with your choices but I'll support you in making them and love you no matter what.

    • 12 months ago

      Because talent is not part of their job.

    • 12 months ago

      the industry was flooded with freshly graduated hacks in the 2010's.
      all losers in high school and had family issues. they were then coddled by universities and never developed skills outside of b***hing till they get their way. they all ended up getting into the animation and film industry where they fricked everything over because they demanded to take lead positions without having the skill or knowledge on how to handle it.
      tl;dr mass loser projection.

    • 12 months ago

      >"Man, when I was a kid I wanted to go to art school and my parents didn't support me, but look at me now! I'm a professional artist for Pixar and I've mostly reconciled with my parents. Isn't that just how life is"

      "Is that a universal experience?"

      "Yeah, I asked all my co-workers and nearly all of them had a similar story!"


      "Turning Red made money, make another one of those kind of movies"
      "Sure thing, boss!"

      Depending on who you'd prefer to blame.

    • 12 months ago

      Turning Red has an unconditionally good dad, the mom is basically the antagonist but she gets better at the end.
      Luca has parents who mean well at least.
      Haven't seen Elemental.
      It's not like they're the first animated films that tackle parent/child strife, The Little Mermaid was all about daddy issues.

      • 12 months ago

        The writer's parents aren't objectively bad people, either. Remember, this isn't some writer who dealt with abusive, alcohol dads and moms that prostituted them out for crack money. This is their parents don't particularly approve of their career choice or some mudane shit.

        That gets translated into their writing where they get the fulfillment of the fictional parents seeing "their way" and shit.

        • 12 months ago

          I don't really see the problem with that.
          People ITT are acting like it's some grave sin when it's just creators putting their experience into their work, which like... yeah? Every creator does that, intentionally or unintentionally.
          If you're arguing there should be more working class creators in big budget media to convey their experiences then I agree, but I haven't seen anyone bring up that angle, just more culture war nonsense.

          • 12 months ago

            It's more like the new class of writers is one from a pretty privileged background. They don't lead interesting lives. They all lead the same lives, and that's all reflected in the work where the plot revolves around the same themes, which for them is always "frick you mom".

          • 12 months ago

            It's the sin of Shem

    • 12 months ago

      Maybe I am not as cynical, but I don't see it being an ideological thing, but more like an old cliche plot. The old "you should choose your own path, not your parents' one" thing. It's an old trope, but still works.

  62. 12 months ago

    I'm sure someone's already said it but
    >implying this isn't just a VFX testing movie like The Good Dinosaur, Frozen 1, and Rapunzel where the whole purpose of the movie is to test a new tech and see if it works and iron out the kinks
    It's pretty clear overall the movie is lazy as hell, a dumb way to test out VFX techniques for water, fire and clouds (maybe dirt too, IDFK), though it's funny a good chunk of the staff working on it aren't aware.
    I assume they didn't expect it to be THIS much of a mess, though.

    • 12 months ago

      >The Good Dinosaur, Frozen 1, and Rapunzel where the whole purpose
      Stopped reading because you missed the problem, those movies made money, Elemental didn't

      • 12 months ago

        >the good dinosaur made money
        Yeah, enough to be their first flop.

        • 12 months ago

          Pixar would be willing to blow up a small town in exchange for Elemental being another Good Dinosaur type "bomb"

      • 12 months ago

        I didn't say they flopped, I just said they were solely made to test some VFX or another. The problem is when they forget to make a good movie to back it.
        Also, ha, didn't realize I called it "Rapunzel" and not "Tangled". I like that movie, no idea why I fricked that up.

  63. 12 months ago

    there is a ubiquity point which big enough companies can simply buy. With enough advertising, with enough endorsement, with enough shill AI chat bots, you can simply force a subjective-art media project to be 'good enough' for a passive rate of return.
    It really doesn't matter WHAT you shit out. So hire some goons for a penny to write a shit show that seems to fit the international economic policy of ESG and you kill two birds with one stone: enough return on your investment despite the story/animation being pure shit (the morons will lap it up like the dumb frick children they are) and you can greenwash some of the awful things you do with your media monopoly, like polluting all the rivers around your theme parks, knowingly allowing your supply line to use child slaves to make all your bullshit plastic trinkets, never having a black or brown face head any of your many management meetings. All you got to do is have a gay or trans character in the background fart or something and you can edit that out for China, anyway.
    It's win, win, win. And the people who let this happen GET WHAT THEY FRICKING DESERVE.

    • 12 months ago

      Take your meds, grandpa.

      • 12 months ago

        i'll relay that to whoever wrote the pasta

  64. 12 months ago

    The movie just looked ugly.

    I don't know what they were thinking.

    • 12 months ago

      They were thinking they get to put out whatever they want and enjoy the $700 mil

      • 12 months ago

        That was kinda true pre-pandemic. Disney/Pixar movies just made money because they were Disney/Pixar.

  65. 12 months ago

    This movie has an leftist agenda btw.

    Fire = Asians/MiddleEast
    Water = White people
    Earth = Blacks..

    This movie is basically about immigration and race mixing.

  66. 12 months ago

    >Will this film flopping be a wake up call for Pixar?
    No. Nothing will. Modern Hollywood only produces content to satisfy the ESG organizations and nothing more.

  67. 12 months ago

    Miss me yet?

  68. 12 months ago

    There's no wake up call. They don't care about making money anymore. They will double down on being child predators.

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