Will we see another blockbuster out of the pen of John Green? His brother is recovering from cancer now.

Will we see another blockbuster out of the pen of John Green? His brother is recovering from cancer now.

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  1. 9 months ago

    no one ever came on my cheerios

  2. 9 months ago

    This is why when a liberal tries to use an analogy in a debate I stop them right there and refuse to continue. Analogies are a cheap argument device to change the argument into something easier to defend.

    • 9 months ago

      If you can't refute it with an easier simplification, see

      no one ever came on my cheerios

      , then you suck.

      • 9 months ago

        Thats the thing with analogies you cant refute them ever they will just keep doubling down with the analogy and add more bullshit to it

        • 9 months ago

          So someone has cum on your cheerios?

          • 9 months ago

            Are you ESL?

            • 9 months ago

              No, I'm just assuming that since you assume they'll make another analogy that makes eating cum covered cheerios okay then you've eaten cum covered cheerios, therefore you'd have to defend that.

              • 9 months ago

                Dumb ESL poster.

    • 9 months ago

      Analogies are not an argument even though they are erroneously used as such. They're a mechanism for explaining something. They only serve a purpose when the person you are speaking to already agrees with you, will believe what you have to say, or is having trouble understanding your actual argument and needs to see it form a different point of view to understand.

    • 9 months ago

      I don't mind analogies, liberals just suck at formulating them, like that fricker in OP's pic.
      >I need a towel
      >here dude
      >ew I don't want that one, it's been used by 10 guys before me and I don't know if it's clean or what
      >uhhhhhhhh who cares about that shit bro lol just don't be a bigot???????

  3. 9 months ago

    >why do men care about women who slept with tons of men?
    >why would I care if my cheerios are filled to the brim with cum instead of milk
    >am I mad I’m not the first one eating cheerios
    Goddamn basedchuds, is it really this bad?

  4. 9 months ago

    Why do insufferable homosexuals always ALWAYS also look like insufferable homosexuals?

    • 9 months ago

      you can tell because of how high he is raising his eyebrows and how his eyes are bulging out of his skull, sclera showing. its like his body is revolting against him and is trying to signal to the outside world that he is not well in the mind.

      • 9 months ago

        >its like his body is revolting against him and is trying to signal to the outside world that he is not well in the mind.
        kek this is brilliantly put

        • 9 months ago

          >his body is revolting
          you can say that again

  5. 9 months ago

    Honestly john green refutes the incels. Most people marry and reproduce with women who have huge body counts. Most moms except mine had lots of men prior to meeting their spouse.

    • 9 months ago

      I'm sorry your mom is a prostitute, anon.

    • 9 months ago

      We all had her, anon. But your dad married her.

  6. 9 months ago

    I can't get STDs with cheerios.

  7. 9 months ago

    Why is it that you can tell this guy's a leftist just by looking at him. What is this phenomenon?

    • 9 months ago

      It's called physiognomy.

    • 9 months ago

      WASP nerd phenotype
      us italian americans look like natural chuds

      • 9 months ago

        >us italian americans look like natural chuds
        kek you're not wrong

  8. 9 months ago

    he and his brother are just obnoxious, they have this tryhard heckin wholesome attitude but they're definite psychopaths

    • 9 months ago

      >they have this tryhard heckin wholesome attitude but they're definite psychopaths

      Why is it that you can tell this guy's a leftist just by looking at him. What is this phenomenon?

      >you can tell this guy's a leftist just by looking at him. What is this phenomenon?

      they go too far out of their way to appear as harmless and non-threatening as possible. typical "look at me im a male feminist" sociopathic behavior

  9. 9 months ago

    These dumb leftists love evolution and muh science but don't understand why it would be evolutionary beneficial for men to deny loose woman. Actual brain rot.

  10. 9 months ago

    >Food analogy
    Telling that he views sexual intimacy as purely an act of consumption.

  11. 9 months ago

    >Yeah get me that bad b***h thats been ran through by the entire football team and had two abortions.
    The most annoying thing about these chucklefricks is how smart they think they are, fricking homosexuals.

  12. 9 months ago

    How many is too many for a 30 year old girl? Self-reported (lol I know) lifetime averages are around 6-7 sexual partners. My last gf was 30 and told me I was her 19th.

    • 9 months ago

      The actual body count for most tolerable women that the average man would consider entering into a stable relationship with is much higher than the women would ever admit. It is in the comfortable double digits range slightly below 50.

  13. 9 months ago

    Let's all take turns with his wife, then. He can't complain.

  14. 9 months ago

    It makes sense, if a woman has had a lot of sexual partners that mean that
    1. she likes casual sex which means she will probably cheat on you.
    2. has had a lot of failed relationshipsb which isn't a good indicator if that's what you want.

    The same applies to men to be fair.

    • 9 months ago

      High body count does directly correlate to a woman's proclivity towards cheating. It's funny because the mega chads that high body count women choose to settle with still prove to not be enough for them.

    • 9 months ago

      You're forgetting the third option which was my

      How many is too many for a 30 year old girl? Self-reported (lol I know) lifetime averages are around 6-7 sexual partners. My last gf was 30 and told me I was her 19th.

      3. she never had a bf, saved her virginity until 27, got insanely depressed and suicidal, starting seeing therapists and taking psychiatric medications, and spent the next three years banging 18 random dudes on dating apps before snapping out of it
      She was not mentally well, but was a good gf all things considered.

  15. 9 months ago

    These guys are gay as frick but I'm glad he's recovering.

  16. 9 months ago

    microchimerism is real, women store dna from every man they’ve had sex with. It’s in the brain stem

  17. 9 months ago

    leftism is such a repulsive ideology. Life is miserable because they've drained the poetry, romance, truth and beauty out of everything. Taking something that should be meaningful and significant in your life and equating it with eating a bowl or cereal is sociopathic.

    deconstructing something profound to the point it becomes trivial doesn't make you smart or insightful, it makes you ultimate midwit. And notice how they never allow you to take that process of deconstruction and direct it towards their sacred cows like the holocaust or black victimhood

  18. 9 months ago
  19. 9 months ago

    >dating in the current year
    >she has 15 different social media accounts that she uses to advertise herself and maintain parasocial relationships with men
    >across them there are at least 20 beta orbiters and potential boyfriends that she has on standby
    >at least a couple of "close" male friends that text her in the middle of the night about how cool she is
    >all her female friends are single or "single" and keep telling her how cool their single life is
    >all of the social media, entertainment media and her friends are essentially brainwashing her 24/7 into thinking a stable long-term relationship is not viable and not fashionable
    >is likely seeing a therapist for who knows what and is likely on some mood-altering medication already
    >continuous flight impulse to escape somewhere else, move to another part of the city, another city, another state, another country that will almost never materialize but that you have to constantly indulge
    >anything goes wrong and her beta orbiters, female friends and rando men she finds on the spot will tell her she's amazing and you're an butthole for not agreeing with her
    >you can literally go to sleep and in the morning she'll greet you with the information that some dude she met online at 3AM is amazing and they ended up talking all night

    what gets me is that in the generation of our parents our moms and dads had different interests, probably listened to different music, liked different movies and were essentially different people that got into a relationship that completed them and they had a partner that brings something new in their life and they didn't have to agree on everything.

    In today's world of sociopathic narcissists your music tastes need to align up, your movie tastes need to align up, every single thing needs to align up and if it doesn't it will bother her until she bugs out.
    That's because she doesn't want you to be yourself, she wants you to be her and even if you were, she'd hate you for it as well.

    • 9 months ago

      >what gets me is that in the generation of our parents our moms and dads had different interests, probably listened to different music, liked different movies and were essentially different people that got into a relationship that completed them and they had a partner that brings something new in their life and they didn't have to agree on everything.
      no. that's not the reason why our parents got together.
      it's because before the internet existed, your dating pool of potential partners was limited to the very small set of people you actually happened to meet.
      when deciding on a mate, they selected the best possible option from among the ones in front of them.

      Now we have social media, and this gives people the illusion of infinite options.
      You can have 80% of shit in common with a woman, but she will keep scrolling because she knows that if she scrolls long enough, she might see somebody with 90% in common.

  20. 9 months ago

    >4chuds are unironically scared of a little cum in their cheerios

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