Willa Fitzgerald in Mike Flanagans THE FALL OF THE HOUSE OF USHER (2023)

Willa Fitzgerald in Mike Flanagan’s THE FALL OF THE HOUSE OF USHER (2023)

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  1. 7 months ago

    I refuse to watch this shit after what they did to my boy Frank Langella.

  2. 7 months ago

    >an attractive white woman in a Netflix show in 2023
    I haven't watched this but i JUST KNOW what they did to her. Oy vey.

    • 7 months ago

      She isn't blacked but she is like an autistic asexual with lesbian tendencies, who's only goal is to live forever.

  3. 7 months ago

    The climax of the movie, the intended twist and real life major point of character break, was literally "they killed their boss and took his place"
    Up untill the end I thought that it was going to be Anabelle lee at least
    But no
    It was the most diluted, non-impactful ending of the whole series
    That, and the literal embodiment of Death saving a bartender and a couple muscle hires, was two points of a very thin, colorless thread

    • 7 months ago

      > Based on Edgar Allan Poe
      > Every death is based on his stories.
      It's like you're a complete moron who has never read a book.

      • 7 months ago

        I have probably read 10x the books you had in multiple versions, in fact, I'm english fourth language, and you probably can barely speak native eng
        Now that I adressed your namecalling
        > Based on Edgar Allan Poe
        > Every death is based on his stories.
        What the FRICK does that has to do with my argument

        • 7 months ago

          Even people who have never read his books know about the body in the wall. It was obvious from the beginning.

          • 7 months ago

            Being buried alive is what Poe is infamous for.

            Read again my initial post, and try to infer what I'm trying to say, instead of plain looking at the letters
            I have absolutely no contention with Cask of Amontillado and never implied that.
            Literally every single death prior was more impactful and at least with a kind of twist to it

          • 7 months ago

            The point wasn't that they killed their boss. it was about how and why did a deal with the supernatural happen. The entire show has them orchestrating events based on their own wills and intellect but you know at some point they basically made a deal with death.

            • 7 months ago

              I somewhat agree, not every horrible death has to mean gore. The only thing I thought was strange was the mention of them giving him cyanide. It negated the entire terror of being buried alive until you slowly die alone in the dark.

              • 7 months ago

                >It negated the entire terror of being buried alive until you slowly die alone in the dark.
                Probably because Flanagan already used that exact same setup in Hill House.

              • 7 months ago

                Never seen it and have no plan to. I liked Usher but all I've read is how different this was to his other stuff.

              • 7 months ago

                Hill House is way better than Usher, and I liked Usher. Give it a try.

              • 7 months ago

                >half the cast is the same he always use
                >Half of them are also the same character:
                >Kate Siegel is a strong girl
                >Zach Gilford is a meek men
                >T'Nia Miller looks like she's constantly lost
                >some seemingly fantasy shit that's actually real in the world (in universe)
                >the characters remaining, learned nothing from the whole series
                Not THAT different, imo

              • 7 months ago

                in all fairness Flanagan spared us a Kate Siegel monologue and put her as a side character so at least there's that

              • 7 months ago

                He cycles between her and gugino for the monologues

        • 7 months ago

          Being buried alive is what Poe is infamous for.

    • 7 months ago

      >The climax of the movie, the intended twist and real life major point of character break, was literally "they killed their boss and took his place"
      That wasn't even supposed to be a twist. It was obvious they killed their boss. The point of the scene was to shock us with the cruelty of the murder and explain the jester ghost. I think it works quite well, the boss giving up on hope and not even screaming after being walled in was disturbing.
      Mike Flanagan is expected to include twists in everything he does because of Hill House and Midnight Mass, but Usher didn't really rely on them. Of course people who have come to think twists are essential to Flanagan's show are disappointed. The only real twist Usher has is that Leonore has been dead the whole time, but I'm not even sure if that qualifies.

      • 7 months ago

        >Leonore has been dead the whole time

      • 7 months ago

        >was to shock us with the cruelty of the murder
        MORE than the prior 6 deaths, including a massive orgy killing?
        no shot
        that homie's right, that kill was not a good series finale

        • 7 months ago

          >that kill was not a good series finale
          It also wasn't the finale? Did you guys even watch the show

          • 7 months ago

            it was the finale of Roderick's confesion and the point of Auggie being there, what are you talking about
            it was literally "listen to my ghost stories, and then I'll tell you a real murder"
            and the murder was okeish
            even the sister almost immediately after was more impactful than that

        • 7 months ago

          >MORE than the prior 6 deaths, including a massive orgy killing?
          They fricked up by shooting their load with the orgy killing as the first death. That shit was season finale tier.

          • 7 months ago

            My impression was they did that to keep people watching. It had been rather slow until that point.

            • 7 months ago

              >it had been rather slow up until the second episode
              I fricking gate zoomers.

              • 7 months ago

                I was completely fine with the pace but that scene sure seemed like zoomer bait.

              • 7 months ago

                I was completely fine with the pace but that scene sure seemed like zoomer bait.

                His other shows remain somewhat slow until episode 6 or 7. Probably wanted to shake things up a bit.

      • 7 months ago

        > that Leonore has been dead the whole time
        You phrased that badly. She was only dead during the conversation.

      • 7 months ago

        >The point of the scene was to shock us with the cruelty of the murder and explain the jester ghost.
        The point was to hamfist another scene from poe that redditors will half remember from middle school.

    • 7 months ago

      >the literal embodiment of Death
      I thought she was the devil? I've never heard of Death making deals with people and signing in blood on papyruses.

      Unless there's a Poe reference i'm not getting.

  4. 7 months ago

    You have to give it to Mike Flanagan, he has a great taste in women.

    • 7 months ago

      > 52 years old

    • 7 months ago

      She's getting too old for these sexy lady roles

      • 7 months ago

        nah she's still hot af

  5. 7 months ago

    >Roderick reciting the raven at the end
    Was worth it just for that scene alone.

  6. 7 months ago

    Anyone else feel like the old version of Madeline was a genuinely awful choice of actress? She doesn’t match what the character is at all, every time she starts talking about “algorithms” it doesn’t even sound like she is taking the script seriously nonetheless expecting the viewers to believe this grandma stepford wife is a tech genius.

    • 7 months ago

      People change in 40 years. Mary McDonnell portrayed a more mature, less boisterous version of Madeline. She already is where she wants to be, there's no need anymore for her radical go getter attitude. Also Roderick has come into his own, so she doesn't have to single handedly manage everything. But she is still ambitious, still ruthless and still the brain behind Fortunato. I think they did a great job with older Madeline. Also, Mary McDonnell is 71 and still hot.

      • 7 months ago

        She still got easy. All the kids lost everything, were pushed to the brink of insanity and then were given a brutal murder (maybe not the Black person, she stabbed herself in the heart) while Maddie here got tortured a bit, tried to strange her brother and had the house collapse on her.
        >No humiliation ritual for her
        >No scenes where she is put in her place by the powers of the universe
        >No moment where she is humbled and shown she is just a woman
        >No moment where she is publicly called out for not being able to complete her life's work or told it's just a shitty chatbox
        >Called a queen constantly
        >Praised by everyone that meets her
        >Snaps an eldricht abomination's neck and the thing apologizes to her
        >Still preaching and moralizing even in her last scene
        You could have done quite a lot to make her more sympathetic or at least have some sense of commeuppance. Roderick lost his empire, his sons and would lose his sanity but Maddie?
        I hate it because I know there was a great character burried there but no, she had to be sacrified to the altar of modern audiences.

        • 7 months ago

          Oh it's you again. I suppose it's pointless to tell you that the audience is not supposed to sympathise with Madeline. The only character who really got humiliated is Tamerlane. You sound like you lactate everytime a character on screen is being tortured.

          • 7 months ago

            Holy frick, you're the guy from Saturday or are you a new shill for the show? Black person, I liked 70 to 80% of your show. Jesus, if I'm not calling it a masterpiece you need to jump in? Is that the wording on your contract? Holy frick, at least change the script I already told you on Saturday:
            >Every character got on screen commeuppance
            >Madeleine didn't
            Explain this butthole, don't move the goalposts, tell me what your corporate powerpoint presentation tells me about this plot point or pass it to your superiors, maybe they can give you new guidelines.

            • 7 months ago

              Yes it's me, and I still don't get your point.

              >Roderick lost his empire, his sons and would lose his sanity but Maddie?
              It was Madeline's empire too and she too lost her entire family. As multiple other posters have pointed out, she also dies a horrible death. What's more, she never gets to finish her life's work, and the prototype we are shown is completely flawed. Tell me, what should have happened to her in your opinion?

              • 7 months ago

                I already told you, shill-boy. Show it, don't "imply" it. I made the comparison that Raven is Dr Manhattan on her period and Dr Manhattan said:
                >But you, Adrian, you're just a man. The world's smartest man poses no more threat to me than does its smartest termite.
                Show that, despite all her fight, her fire, her bile, piss and vinegar she is just a woman. Humble her and make it so she finally realizes you can't cheat death. I could have done without the embalming just if you show that the bigger they are, the harder they fall.
                Maybe for your next show? I still loved every scene with Greenwood.

              • 7 months ago

                >Show it, don't "imply" it
                Do you really need to be babied by a TV show? Her fate and comeuppance is made abundantly clear, even without devoting an entire episode to her suffering.

              • 7 months ago

                It's called climax, tell your bosses that for the next show. Your entire premise is a deserved revenge fantasy against untouchable socialite's and you explicitly omit the fate of one of the two persons that started it all.
                Don't act stupid, don't spin it, don't shift the blame and stop moving the goalposts. Listen to the anons that say that Madeline is the worst. You know why? because the audience was robbed of the climax with her.

              • 7 months ago

                Greenwood was the good part of the show
                too bad he was alone, and that cringe dialogue
                luke Skywalker doing bale Batman impression was really embarrassing
                I suppose the battle star galactica dude was great too

              • 7 months ago

                Humiliation and despair are worse than death

        • 7 months ago

          > or at least have some sense of commeuppance
          That wasn't the point of them dying. They had to die, that was it. Only Frederick was in some sense punished by The Raven, and nothing happened to Lenore because she was the only one who was good.

          • 7 months ago

            The corpob***h got mauled by a chimpanzee and the degenerate bastard got melted by acid. She killed them like this to make a point. She explicitly says she intervenes to make a point. If she wanted to, she could have made a gas leak in the family home and all die while taking a nap.

            • 7 months ago

              How they died was caused by their own actions. Did you forget she advised corpob***h to turn back several times? It was about free will.

              • 7 months ago

                And free will would not have saved her either because she was going to collect. She knew way ahead of time that the corporat would go into the chimp cage, she just egged her.
                It's why I hate the emotional scene with Leonore. The eldricht thing can see the future, can see all futures if she doesn't intervene but she does for shits and giggles, she created the mountain of corpses of Ligodone but somehow she weeps for a widdle gurl. It's a schitzophrenic Dr Manhattan or just there were too many writers on board.

              • 7 months ago

                > She knew way ahead of time that the corporat would go into the chimp cage
                No she didn't. She knew what would happen if she did though. Same way she made the offer to Pym but did not know what he would decide.

              • 7 months ago

                She knows when people will die but not exactly how, just that she can influence it to some degree. Since the curse is not the fault of any of the kids she was willing to skirt them towards less horrific deaths. The problem is they are all shitty people in their own right and wouldn't listen.

              • 7 months ago

                >Since the curse is not the fault of any of the kids she was willing to skirt them towards less horrific deaths
                Well, there was only 1 child in the entire family (14 is still a kid) but the rest were fricking brutal. Her omniscience keeps flip-flopping, she does say that Freddie would have become a good dentist in his other life implying it was his outcome if his father hadn't made a deal with the raven. She acts surprised that absolute power and obscene amounts of wealth would turn the Ushers into decadent one percenters. What did she expect? That they would turn into trillionaire philantropists? That Roderick would put on a spandex suit and turn into batman? At some points she acts like she has seen it all and at others she acts pissed off that the characters acted like they did. Hell, let's talk about the indian guy: He killed his boyfriend's cat, tried to cover it up, did a shit ton of drugs and was tricked into jumping from a balcony. What was the shit test here? Was the cat even dead? That he had a drug bender, killed a cat and didn't tell his boyfriend? that he tried to cover it up? Imagine that he wakes his bf and tells me:
                >"Honey, I stabbed the puss"
                What then? He would have been given the privilege of getting a heart attack?
                For all the talk about free will in the show there really is none. All the characters were marked for death the moment they appeared on screen . The wishy-washy goddess is just bad writing.

              • 7 months ago

                This is all horrible logic
                >Well, there was only 1 child in the entire family (14 is still a kid)
                All offspring are children, wtf
                >That they would turn into trillionaire philantropists?
                Becoming rich doesn't automatically mean becoming evil
                >"Honey, I stabbed the puss"
                What then? He would have been given the privilege of getting a heart attack?
                She told him to take a different cat but he insisted on keeping up the lie by trying to fake it with a similar looking one
                >What then? He would have been given the privilege of getting a heart attack?
                >All the characters were marked for death the moment they appeared on screen
                Good. Now you understand the show. She says clear as day, more than once, the entire bloodline.

              • 7 months ago

                >All offspring are children, wtf
                Ah yes, the 50 and 60 year old children. Fricking idiot, now you're just arguing for the sake of it. Here's your (you).

              • 7 months ago

                esl moron

              • 7 months ago

                eol moron

      • 7 months ago

        nah ppl are moulded by their initial experiences not by age.
        control freaks stay control freaks, rebels find a new cause to rebel against.
        it was quite unbelievable that the sister didn't try to take over the CEO position - she's a power hungry prostitute willing to do anything to get on top and suddenly she becomes submissive cute sister who just wants to make AI uwu? makes no sense at all.

        • 7 months ago

          I can't tell if this is sarcasm or moronation

          • 7 months ago

            >anon hasn't changed in 40 years of existence
            >but this actress portraying someone doing it is hella amazing!
            >yaaas queen i stan mental growth!

        • 7 months ago

          >it was quite unbelievable that the sister didn't try to take over the CEO position
          What do you mean, she wanted to be CFO in 1980, and achieved it. She didn't want to be CEO necessarily.

    • 7 months ago

      The only tech she was interested in was AI in an attempt to cheat death.

      Speaking of which
      >She and Roderick goes on and on about their fascination with Egyptian burial rituals
      >shows us the tools used for burial rights
      >Roderick tries to immortalize her
      >doesn't remove the brain
      I get what the end result is they were going for they should have had a scene were he got interrupted maybe.

      • 7 months ago

        > doesn't remove the brain
        who said he didn't? it showed him take the hooked needle.

        • 7 months ago

          >who said he didn't?
          She was alive and with full use of her remaining senses and geospatial awareness.

          • 7 months ago

            You are trying to apply logic to a show with fantastical elements. She was turned into a mummy, that's all that matters, the precise details of how were irrelevant.

            • 7 months ago

              She was not turned into a mummy. She had her eyes and tongue removed. Not her brain or vital organs and she wasn't wrapped up so that she couldn't move.

              She still got easy. All the kids lost everything, were pushed to the brink of insanity and then were given a brutal murder (maybe not the Black person, she stabbed herself in the heart) while Maddie here got tortured a bit, tried to strange her brother and had the house collapse on her.
              >No humiliation ritual for her
              >No scenes where she is put in her place by the powers of the universe
              >No moment where she is humbled and shown she is just a woman
              >No moment where she is publicly called out for not being able to complete her life's work or told it's just a shitty chatbox
              >Called a queen constantly
              >Praised by everyone that meets her
              >Snaps an eldricht abomination's neck and the thing apologizes to her
              >Still preaching and moralizing even in her last scene
              You could have done quite a lot to make her more sympathetic or at least have some sense of commeuppance. Roderick lost his empire, his sons and would lose his sanity but Maddie?
              I hate it because I know there was a great character burried there but no, she had to be sacrified to the altar of modern audiences.

              >She still got easy.
              Lol no. He mutilated her while she was too drugged up to move, just like his son did to his wife when he removed her teeth except this was worse. She then fumbled around in the dark for hours trying to find a way out. She had the longest death scene out of anyone else.

          • 7 months ago

            It was a callback that all women in the Usher family have this inhuman will to live. Like their mother who came back from the dead for a few hours to give them a jumpscare and kill their father.

          • 7 months ago

            She was alive because Roderick was alive. They had to die together. The details don't matter. Roderick should have died from the overdose too, but didn't.

            • 7 months ago

              I know why she didn't die, which is why I said they should have added a scene showing him being interrupted during the burial rights process in order to explain how this well-studied practitioner fricked it up, for story reasons. Instead they used the lazy excuse of
              >Oops I forgot to confirm if she was actually dead, just like I did with our mother when I buried her as a kid

  7. 7 months ago

    Given the warnings at the beginning of each episode, I expected way more sex. Was disappointed by the lack cuck queen kino.

  8. 7 months ago

    Why did the one nosey sister keep watching the workout videos of her brother-in-law? I know she's supposed to be the one that keeps tabs on everyone but they were public videos that everyone had.

    • 7 months ago

      I forgot about that. I wonder if there was a scene cut out relating to that

    • 7 months ago

      > I know she's supposed to be the one that keeps tabs on everyone
      My read was it was mostly that and maybe she just had the hots for her brother in law.

      • 7 months ago

        Every time someone lusts after another person it’s crucial to the plot. It would be pretty weird to just have it be a minor character point for no real reason in this single case

    • 7 months ago

      She probably wants to become BILLT

  9. 7 months ago

    >he hasn't been jerking off to her since the scream tv show

  10. 7 months ago

    What an absolutely horrible character, at all ages.
    It's a man's idea of what a strong woman looks like
    >uhm what would I be like if I was a woman?
    >I would be really smart and really hot and not really care about dick or maternal urges and also be a total c**t because that's what being strong is

  11. 7 months ago

    Wait it's that bawd from reacher show?
    I knew she had some kind of a name

  12. 7 months ago


  13. 7 months ago

    More like Walla, am I right? She's kind of ugly. And this show was mediocre. The final two episodes were legitimately bad

    • 7 months ago

      >She's kind of ugly

  14. 7 months ago


  15. 7 months ago

    Does she have any lesbian scenes?

  16. 7 months ago

    I'm so sick of these mutts pretending to be white by bleaching their hair. Look at the shit color in your eyes, who are you kidding?

    • 7 months ago

      post hand

  17. 7 months ago

    I need flapper porn

    • 7 months ago

      She was nude in Reacher

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