Willow TV series cost Disney 100 million. So bad they cut from streaming service to save money. Indy bombed

Willow TV series cost Disney 100 million. So bad they cut from streaming service to save money
Indy bombed
Star Wars is a joke
How does Kathleen Kennedy have a job?

A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

Black Rifle Cuck Company, Conservative Humor Shirt $21.68

A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 10 months ago

    you cant fire a woman no matter how bad she is at her job. that would be sexist and against DEI.

    disney is no longer a profit driven business.

    • 10 months ago

      It defies reason. Disney lost upwards of 900 million according to reports. Does Black Rock just reimburse them that? And I know its got moreso to do with stock price but the stock is in the toilet too so theyre losing money on all ends.

      If no one is going to see your pozzed movies then they fail as propaganda too and its just wasted money at that point. And theyre so sloppily, unsubtly made it's having the reverse effect and radicalizing people against it. Whats the end goal od it all?

      • 10 months ago

        despite the /misc/ blackpill meme that it's all 5d underwater chess and there's some massive israeli scheme to win by losing the reality is that these are all just people, and sometimes people aren't very good at their jobs.

        • 10 months ago

          >its all just a big whoopsie! No one is conspiring at high levels, its just chaotic coincidences!
          Thank you Joe Rogan for your penetrating insight

          • 10 months ago

            You're missing the point, they are absolutely conspiring at high levels to push ridiculous girlboss anti-white male shit, they're just bad at it.

            • 10 months ago

              Oh and it's to make money, not to ensure that you personally never get laid.

        • 10 months ago

          Bob Iger has long been heavily into leftist/progressive ideology, as such he put those kinds of people in positions of power in the company, who then went on to hire more of their kind until it was completely infested with them beyond repair. A few years ago it probably looked like this approach was "working" because they had a record year at the box office in 2019, but now finally all these bad choices are starting to catch up to them and they are losing a lot of money. But they can't course-correct until they purge all the people making these bad decisions and Iger is still sitting at the top.

      • 10 months ago

        They just print more money and pipeline it back to their buddies
        It devalues your money, so in essence they're just using your money to fund their propaganda.
        Money isn't some set thing, israelites just print more and give it to themselves when they start losing. They're like children constantly changing the rules of a boardgame so that they win. Imagine playing chess against a ten year old who has a loaded revolver. Thats the judeo-american finance system the world runs on

        • 10 months ago

          Im predicting we're less than 2 presidential election cycles away from a mainstream candidate for President openly NTJ'ing. Inflation is a death spiral now, people are going to want answers when we go full Weimar and you need a wheelbarrow of money to buy a loaf of bread.

          • 10 months ago

            Sometimes I feel like you guys get together while I'm sleeping just to make up acronyms and confuse me.

            • 10 months ago

              This homie doesn't know about how TDF when the FGC happens

              • 10 months ago

                But, what of the BGC?

      • 10 months ago

        No. Disney is bleeding money igor is in the process start dumping shit like ABC, ESPN, etc. Partial merger with Apple or Apple buying IPs from Disney to put into Apple catalog

      • 10 months ago

        >stock price
        Maybe there are some who are trying to make bank by shorting DIS and therefore it's being intentionally tanked?

        • 10 months ago

          There's a rumor of sorts that they're trying to make it cheap enough for Apple to buy, since that's the only company big enough that would be interested. I'm not sold, like Apple doesn't want to run theme parks or cruises, and the theme parks and cruises are worthless without rights to the characters.

          • 10 months ago

            I've read Apple isn't interested, however another trillion dollar asset mangement firm is interested in a leveraged buy out, Blackstone
            not to be confused with Blackrock

            both founded and ran by israelites both heavily involved in ESG. Stephen Schwarzman is better at keeping a low profile

      • 10 months ago

        blackrock doesn't care about losing money because it isn't their money. they've been backing off the ESG shit lately because investors are beginning to sue them and it's basically illegal to invest pension money like that.

        almost no entertainment company was for profit when they ran on the ESG model because it was being fueled by free boomer bux.
        it was basically boomer subsidized welfare that boomers didn't even know they were paying for.

        • 10 months ago


          It defies reason. Disney lost upwards of 900 million according to reports. Does Black Rock just reimburse them that? And I know its got moreso to do with stock price but the stock is in the toilet too so theyre losing money on all ends.

          If no one is going to see your pozzed movies then they fail as propaganda too and its just wasted money at that point. And theyre so sloppily, unsubtly made it's having the reverse effect and radicalizing people against it. Whats the end goal od it all?
          >blackrock doesn't care about losing money because it isn't their money.
          Dumb take. That's all they care about

      • 10 months ago

        yeah black rock just does that because capitalism is just code for israeli tyranny

    • 10 months ago

      Apparently she is staying because no one else wants the job. Why not hire a muppet who can cut the fat and hibernate the franchises to focus on new content?

  2. 10 months ago

    Sources confirm; 2 more weeks until she's gone

  3. 10 months ago

    >The midge is here? Bring him too me! Bring me that 100 million disaster!

    How will Iger punish Warwick Davis?

    • 10 months ago

      Eat him as a turkey for Thanksgiving

    • 10 months ago

      There's a gif that is automatically blocked from being posted here of a mouse who is tied up and gets its little dick cut off with a pair of scissors. He'll start Warwicks torture by doing that

    • 10 months ago
      • 10 months ago


        • 10 months ago

          So what did Hiroshima do about the midge's email?

        • 10 months ago

          Do you think he’s seen the posts about forcing him to watch while his daughter gets fricked?

    • 10 months ago

      *opens up a toolbox*

    • 10 months ago

      >Dress him up as Mickey Mouse.
      >Force him to work in Disney World on the hottest day of the year.
      >Feed amphetamines into the candy floss so the nog park visitors are even more violent than usual.
      >Activate concealed speaker in mouse costume that shots 'I HATE Black folk!' in squeaky mouse voice.
      >Sit back and watch what I have wrought.

      • 10 months ago

        I would unironically do this once virtual reality becomes more advanced.

    • 10 months ago

      Shouldn't he be punishing the writers and showrunners instead?

  4. 10 months ago

    She has dirt on everybody
    and I mean.. EVERYBODY

    • 10 months ago

      but i'm part of everybody!

    • 10 months ago

      It’s true, she’s even got dirt on me because I did a Philippe Servaty in Dearborn

  5. 10 months ago

    Yeah I think Disney doesn't care since it owns everything monopolistically already and furthermore their "classic" IPs are still licenses to print money

    • 10 months ago

      >furthermore their "classic" IPs are still licenses to print money
      They still have not made a substantial profit on Star Wars. Willow was a disaster. Indy 5 is on track to lose $200 million, making it one of the biggest flops of all time. It's obvious they can't just release anything with a household name on it and expect a hit.

      • 10 months ago

        I mean their literal childrens cartoon immortal classics.

        • 10 months ago

          You'd think someone at Disney would have told the actresses and directors of all the shitty remakes they keep producing to not belittle the originals, but with every one that's come out they get more and more bold in publicly doing just that.

          • 10 months ago

            The Pocahontas remake publicity tour is going to be lit

        • 10 months ago

          they're doing a shitty remake of this one too, they seem hellbent on destroying the legacy of all their old classics that stood the test of time

          if only there was a way to make all this money back like remaking another fairytale like Thumbelina and casting attractive white people

          That wasn't a disney movie, also it was godawful

          • 10 months ago

            its a fairytale from 1864 genius. you know disney didnt write the majority of their films right?

            • 10 months ago

              The post said "remaking" accompanied by an image of the cartoon thumbelina
              Also disney does write all of their films seeing as most of them barely resemble the original forms of the fairy tales.

              • 10 months ago

                not a cartoon, all of their films are remakes, you are clearly brown ESL condolences

          • 10 months ago

            >they're doing a shitty remake of this one too, they seem hellbent on destroying the legacy of all their old classics that stood the test of time
            Movies are just one part of the profit line. The merch is still selling. Just because there was a bad TLM movie, doesn't mean kids won't want the backpacks or dolls of the old one.

        • 10 months ago

          Cute pic,fren!
          I hope you have a nice day.

        • 10 months ago

          I wonder how Disney would be doing if they sold off all their assets, parks and whatever other physical stuff, and existed solely to manage the rights and distribution of their old catalog of movies, animated shorts and TV shows. never make anything new.
          they used to periodically release old movies theatrically. my family saw The Jungle Book in theaters in the early 90s, and I liked it a lot more than the "Disney Renaissance" stuff they were putting out then. I'm dead serious when I say they could keep showing those movies to kids, and they'd keep loving them. It's not like there's any shortage of them.

    • 10 months ago

      None of that is true. Has never been true. Disney is dying before our eyes.

  6. 10 months ago

    Can someone fricking explain the math to me? How does Disney save money by pulling a series from a streaming platform they own and they have already sunk all the costs into it?

    • 10 months ago

      Gotta pay risiduals to the midge and the minority actors despite no one watching the show.

      • 10 months ago

        Residual fees and liscencing fees I think (more the latter)

        Put actors and fricking writers said they don't make shit from residuals!

        • 10 months ago

          Disney and other streaming services pulling shows to avoid paying residuals last spring is part of why the strike happened. Your post is nonsensical.

        • 10 months ago

          frick off shill

      • 10 months ago

        Residual fees and liscencing fees I think (more the latter)

        Residuals from streaming services are not based on viewer counts since they won't release those, so instead everyone gets the same flat amount. That means they have to keep paying for every show even if nobody is watching it.

        Not him
        Isn't that strike about VERY low residuals?
        Willow had a VERY expensive set,yet low residuals?

        Pic not related,I just like when people post pics.

        • 10 months ago

          Yeah the residuals cost it almost fricking nothing. I think if they pull it they can do some sort of accounting ~~**~~ery write it off as a massive loss.

        • 10 months ago

          Residuals are still based on things like DVD sales and being aired on television. Some actors have been able to make a lot from this when it's a big show, but most of the time residuals result in getting a few bucks a month. The actors are striking to get residuals from streaming, which is why shows and movies are being disappeared.

          • 10 months ago

            if view numbers don't generate money for the streaming service why would the actors get residuals? TV generates ad revenue and disc sales earn money, but Netflix only gets money from the subscription fees, they don't get additional revenue every time somebody already subscribed watches an episode of Seinfeld.

            • 10 months ago

              And that's why there hasn't been a resolution to the strike. If the actors get their way and streaming platforms have to pay x per y hours streamed, they'll just get rid of everything that's not doing big numbers. So the big actors will continue to get paid and the rest get fricked.

              • 10 months ago

                >big actors
                try to show a little respect

              • 10 months ago

                for you

              • 10 months ago

                im somewhat of a big guy myself

              • 10 months ago

                >missed the opportunity to say a big guy for myself

            • 10 months ago

              I think the studios may finally be realizing that releasing things that cost hundreds of millions of dollars on streaming platforms is fricking moronic. Though no doubt the quality of writing on this garbage was too low to make it to a traditional platform anyway. With any luck the writers strike will last until they all starve to death and GPT models will usher in a new platinum era of kino.

    • 10 months ago

      Residual fees and liscencing fees I think (more the latter)

      • 10 months ago

        License fees to put something in your own platform? How does that work? That's crazy.

    • 10 months ago

      Residuals from streaming services are not based on viewer counts since they won't release those, so instead everyone gets the same flat amount. That means they have to keep paying for every show even if nobody is watching it.

    • 10 months ago

      Every day it's sitting on Disney+ not being watched it accrues residuals. They must keep paying the actors, writers etc money for it. They probably actually pay a licensing fee to Lucasfilm for that too. So they are paying for something none of their customers use. If the writers/actors strike is successful, you will see way more of this.

      • 10 months ago

        Why not just make residuals correlate to the views? So no views means no paychecks?

        • 10 months ago

          Writers/Actors would never agree to that.

        • 10 months ago

          viewership numbers are an industry secret, if they had to share that everyone (especially investors) would know that no one is watching their garbage

    • 10 months ago

      If they sign a form saying they'll never allow the public to view it again they can claim it as a loss when filling their taxes and have the entire thing refunded to them.

      I've if you wanted to start a business and you could just tell the government you needed a whoopsi and they have you all of your money back every time. Literally life on easy mode. Frick the rich

    • 10 months ago

      Could be moderate tax fraud. You know 'hollywood accounting', where they have one company bill another.
      Run up exorbitant expense, which you pay to yourself, and then claim it as a loss. Moving money from one pocket to the other & gain a tax discount.

      • 10 months ago

        >hollywood accounting
        I really dislike this term. It makes it feel like there's anything special about Hollywood when in fact virtually all the big enough to manage this companies do it. Income taxes are a scam to screw the little guy.

  7. 10 months ago

    It's funny to graph the Google Trends search data on Willow vs Zootopia vs Moana.

    $100 million is like 75% the budget of a sequel to those movies.

  8. 10 months ago

    if only there was a way to make all this money back like remaking another fairytale like Thumbelina and casting attractive white people

    • 10 months ago

      You WILL watch Snow Brown and the Seven Persons and you WILL like it.

  9. 10 months ago

    Disney Fudged over $100 million of billing to write off Willow as a loss in the same year it aired. So they could put it on this year's taxes.

    The numbers are all bullshit anon. Go watch the thing if you don't believe me.

    • 10 months ago

      >Spend $100m on a flop so you can write it off on taxes next year
      Can someone explain to me how this would work? This sounds similar to the rubbish morons spew about everything being money laundering when they clearly have no idea how money laundering works

      • 10 months ago

        Recording the show as a lose, which is why it is removed, allows for it to be claimed as such during taxes.
        What that anon seems to think however is that the budget for the show was artificially inflated, made poorly, and preformed poorly on demand BY DESIGN in order to claim a loss on the inflated product as a whole.
        Creative sure, but really really dumb when "A bunch of idiots have too much money and can't make something good and are now trying to salvage their dumpster fire" is just as solid an explanation and doesn't involve people playing 5d tax games, when they could've made more money without the moronic games.

      • 10 months ago

        Your company spends $100 million (paying your israeli friends to produce it)
        They pocket the money
        You don't make money off of the garbage movie
        Record it as a loss for the company
        Company pays no taxes that year
        I'm not a israeli accountant so take with grain of kosher salt

        • 10 months ago

          See they just are making shit up and going off of what they feel like is happening.
          When you read a post online and you think "Wow that is either really stupid or that person knows some deep shit that doesn't even sound like something real" it's always the first one, until proven otherwise.

      • 10 months ago

        I wonder this too. because when a business loses $100 million on a venture, they don't get to pay $100 million less in taxes. if they're otherwise profitable, they just have $100 million less in profits that they're gonna be taxed on.
        either lots of people are talking a lot of bullshit, or there's some aspect they're not including. like the movie might have been financed with "tax credits" from the state government, and the studio is playing with house money.
        but one thing is for sure: you don't come ahead on tax savings when you lose your own money.

      • 10 months ago

        They can write some off it off as a loss but still going to lose 100 million. They only “profit” they’ll get is it’s 100 million of profits they wont get taxed on. As far as saving money by removing it from steaming. As mentioned. Residuals and keeping something that nobody watching

  10. 10 months ago

    I actually think that Kathleen Kennedy just wants to destroy Lucasfilm.

    She has now realized that she has the reverse Midas touch and cannot come up with a success. So now she's dedicating herself to completely destroying Lucasfilms and damaging Disney in the process. That's her legacy and she has now embraced it.

    It's natural. if you can't create something good, just go the destroyer route, because it's just easier to do so. Plus, she gets fricking paid regardless, so it's not even like she's the one that's losing money.

    • 10 months ago

      I'm fine with her destroying it, but she needs to release the original trilogy.
      I cannot believe that anyone who goes and watches star wars will be subjected to lucas's horrific edits.

      • 10 months ago

        >original trilogy
        The best you can hope for is the 4k scans of the original films at this point.

      • 10 months ago


      • 10 months ago

        >relying on big corporations for anything
        Just pirate like the rest of us bro

    • 10 months ago

      >It's natural. if you can't create something good, just go the destroyer route, because it's just easier to do so. Plus, she gets fricking paid regardless, so it's not even like she's the one that's losing money.
      She would be an embarrassment in her Hollywood social circle.

      It's been going moderately fine except for the past 12-18 months (Mandalorian, good BO for movies just bad reviews). It's just been failure after failure lately, including TV and Indy.

      Nobody is going to last with that many failures, KK included.

      • 10 months ago

        From what I understand, the Mandalorian was good for the same reason Andor and Rogue One were good: KK wasn't paying attention to them, so she couldn't frick them up.

        • 10 months ago

          >From what I understand, the Mandalorian was good for the same reason Andor and Rogue One were good: KK wasn't paying attention to them, so she couldn't frick them up.
          Like all weasel politicians, KK will take credit for good stuff and blame everyone else for the bad. Only works for some time.

          Iger is a complete tool as is KK. Just no ideas whatsoever, no artistic judgement whatsoever. They are both very clearly dumbshit hacks who make bad decisions. They have been coasting on previous IP and now it is very clear they have 0 clue.

          • 10 months ago

            >movies start to flop
            >iger frantically announces frozen 3, toy story 5 and zootopia 2 without any prior word to the animation department

            • 10 months ago

              this, if flops continues they might even try to resurrect their 2D animation branch

  11. 10 months ago

    I'd bet Star Wars is one of the few things that's getting subscribers onto D+ so Kennedy probably doesn't look as bad compared to others even though she totally blew the sequel trilogy.

  12. 10 months ago

    Her bosses like having her as a scapegoat.

    • 10 months ago

      It’s more that firing her would mean every decision they made for the last ten years was wrong.

  13. 10 months ago

    The blackrock/vanguard money for DEI is better than the cost of running Lucasfilm successfully

    • 10 months ago

      that's a shill meme. occultrock just had the biggest loser quarter in history

  14. 10 months ago

    So we can all agree that the entertainment industry is entirely israeli money laundering at this point right?
    What will happen to all those innocent fine art dealers?

  15. 10 months ago

    Reminder all nu willow is homosexual shit

    • 10 months ago

      The entire series centered around two lesbians and their love story. Willow is an afterthought in it. Wonder why no one watched it when the original is already a cult classic as it is? I'm sure that's what the fans of the original were looking for in a series based off the film, 100% more LGBTQ+

      • 10 months ago

        >Willow is an afterthought in it
        And, like all male protagonists in the disney era, is a washed up old hasbin who's bitter about life and is constantly outshined by ~NEW(Diverse) CHARACTERS~!

        Just what everyone wanted!

        • 10 months ago

          The two most powerful characters in the original Willow were old hags tho and they somehow made the climactic final battle kino.

      • 10 months ago

        >The entire series centered around two lesbians and their love story

        Might have been cool if they were hot and the story was good, with character development and such, but it was none of the above. Once I saw a nepotism israeli son of another establishment israelite was writing it, it was surely doomed. Talmudic israelites destroy all they touch

        • 10 months ago

          so, looks like you went ahead and watched it, so you have my condolences. is there any redeeming aspects to the show? like at all? or is shit 100% of the time all the time?

          • 10 months ago

            It is fully and completely irredeemable. It is so bad that if you watch the first movie again, you'll get invasive thoughts of the new series and how much of a landfill it is. It really is quite amazing how despite the movie gave so much great material to work with, they used none of it to any effect. I suppose it isn't a surprise, since they activate gatekeep people out of the industry who would genuinely care about a nice story and nice characters to compliment it

      • 10 months ago

        Is Willow really even a cult classic? It seems largely forgotten, and doesn't really have any "fanbase". To me a cult classic is something like The Princess Bride or Rocky Horror. I don't know how they thought Willow was even a good candidate for a 30 yrs later sequel. The show probably would have flopped even if it was good.

  16. 10 months ago

    Our Dyke Sword romance pretending to be willow failed?!? How could this be!?!?!

    • 10 months ago

      it clearly didn't have enough diversity to appeal to modern audiences
      they should have found a black dwarf to play nu-willow

  17. 10 months ago

    I no bullshit believe that she's got polaroids of Spielberg diddling kids or something in a safe deposit box somewhere at some undisclosed location.

    • 10 months ago

      >I no bullshit believe that she's got polaroids of Spielberg diddling kids or something in a safe deposit box somewhere at some undisclosed location.
      It's way more than that. But don't forget that he has plenty of blackmail on her, too. You don't make it in Hollywood unless you have blackmail on everyone you work with. It's a parasitic place to work.

  18. 10 months ago

    She can only be fired if she gets herself into something like legal trouble or a scandal according to "sources" per her contract

  19. 10 months ago

    They're blaming the fans.

  20. 10 months ago

    Does she just hate men? Her entire shtick is just taking something men like and women don’t care about, Trojan horsing women into roles to replace male leads, then girlboss into negative profit. She CAN’T just be thinking “Well, this time it will definitely work”. Something else is up.

    • 10 months ago

      Why wouldn't she keep trying it? She's suffered 0 negative consequences so far, you're thinking like if this was you or me constantly failing at something, of course we'd do something else, failing as a normal person impacts your quality of life. KK is a boomer, a woman, and a Hollywood executive, she literally can't comprehend negative consequences, in her world there's always just more money when she fricks up, so why ever do anything different or try to improve?

      What we're seeing at Disney and Hollywood is actually startlingly similar to the attitude and actions that brought down the US Automotive Industry, they're basically one serious foreign competitor away from complete disaster.

    • 10 months ago

      I don't think it's a personal agenda, I think she was tasked with making star wars a girl's franchise, same with indy. The thought being that boys will watch no matter what, so bringing girls in will only make them more money. That's why she hasn't been fired, someone higher up told her to do this.

      • 10 months ago

        girls already liked star wars, instead of the feminist shit they should've just put more hot guys in them

        • 10 months ago

          The big problem is that all the things that girls like are things they aren't allowed to like. Romance, being a damsel, etc... So they can only make female characters into sterile, sexless, stoic badasses that no one likes.

          • 10 months ago

            Yeah, funny when you compare how disney tries to appeal to a female audience, to movies that female audiences actually like (Twilight, The Notebook, etc).

            • 10 months ago

              exactly, this is the shit women want, they're still wetting their panties over Jane Austen adaptations and that b***h has been dead for 200 years. Is their a single woman on the face of this planet who wants to be inspired by racially ambiguous girl bosses ?

      • 10 months ago

        >I think she was tasked with making star wars a girl's franchise, same with indy. The thought being that boys will watch no matter what
        This is a recurring point of hubris with these media people where they assume that the old target audience will just stick around no matter what, they double down on this thought if it's men or white people in general, so why not "broaden the audience?" except it has never once broadened the audience, in all the times it's been tried. Fat women on twitter were happy to pretend they loved the sequel trilogy, they didn't actually go watch it or buy merchandise.

        I think the best metaphor I heard was in another thread where they said that Disney succeeded in turning the brand into a religion, the problem is their followers are the equivalent of those people who only come to church on Christmas and Easter.

      • 10 months ago

        It's definitely personal for Kennedy. Disney bought Star Wars and Marvel because they had locked down the girl media market and wanted to correct their boy media blindspot.

        • 10 months ago

          Why do women have ruin everything men enjoy.

          • 10 months ago

            As always, JRR Tolkien speaks with great wisdom on such matters.
            >The Shadow that bred them can only mock, it cannot make: not real new things of its own.

    • 10 months ago

      Women are stupid

    • 10 months ago

      Honestly going by how consistently she puts a snarky brunette lead with a British accent and a tremendous sense of smugness, I think KK is literally just writing self-insert fanfics and making them canon. And she both wants her self-insert's actress to be ugly enough she can convincingly see her as her younger self, and also have a British accent to sound smarter than she really is.

      • 10 months ago

        >Daisy Ridley
        >Sounds smart
        I don't disagree with you, but this merits some explanation anon.

  21. 10 months ago

    Isn't star wars singlehandedly keeping Disney Plus alive?

    • 10 months ago

      Yes. But we don't know if Disney+ is making any money.
      Igre is strongly against Union demands of relasing numbers about streaming services.

      • 10 months ago

        they don't want to release the numbers because then they can't pretend that trash nobody watched like "she hulk" was popular
        disney plus obviously isn't making enough money, they keep raising the price while removing shows

        • 10 months ago

          More than that. If they releases the numbers it’d send the stock to shit. Steaming is literally a Ponzi scheme at this point

        • 10 months ago

          Disney+ is a product that is only prevented from being successful by moronic contracts and even more moronic corporate governance. Shows with low viewer count have an inflated cost to host because Disney pays residuals at a flat rate for everything, they do this because they don't want to have to pay based on views because then they'd have to be honest with writers/actors and shareholders about viewcounts, and they know most of their originals are shit and would cause a surge in "activist shareholders" aka people who want to make money not propaganda.

  22. 10 months ago

    She has a contract. That’s why.

  23. 10 months ago

    I would always side with employees on a strike but shit like this means residual payments are bad.

  24. 10 months ago

    >100 million
    A small price to humiliate another fantasy product enjoyed by straight white males. They would gladly do it again (and they will).

  25. 10 months ago

    >Springtime for Iger and Kennedy
    >Winter for all the old fans

  26. 10 months ago

    >How does Kathleen Kennedy have a job?
    nepotism till the end

    • 10 months ago

      they should quietly fire her and replace her with her twin sister as a puppet while somebody else calls the shots

  27. 10 months ago

    >How does Kathleen Kennedy have a job?
    The pussy game unreal.

  28. 10 months ago

    So i guess that makes it a.... mini series

    • 10 months ago
  29. 10 months ago


  30. 10 months ago

    >How does Kathleen Kennedy have a job?
    Her contract runs until 2024

    • 10 months ago

      Bob Chapek's contract was until 2025

      • 10 months ago

        The whole Iger/Chapek thing seems like Iger just wanted a vacation during COVID or something.
        But yea I am reading about this, and he re-signed for 3 more years. but they basically just threw it away.

        so KK must have some dirt on them or something

    • 10 months ago

      Lol they could end it any time they want. The fact is she is in charge, the few above her like her and everything she does, and she will never be gone. The only solution is to stop caring what Disney churns out.

  31. 10 months ago

    Can someone explain how the frick Willow cost $100 million to make? 8 episodes, basic shitty special effects, no-name actors.

    • 10 months ago

      >no-name actors
      excuse me warwick davis is a very famous movie star

      • 10 months ago

        and he plays guitar

        • 10 months ago
  32. 10 months ago

    No shit. No one wants to watch a midget lead. Not even midgets. You think lotr would have worked if the hobbits were played by actual midgets?
    At best, a midget is good for a sidekick that suffers frequent abuse

    • 10 months ago

      yeah there's a lot of truth in that statement. What is it about the incredibly short statured that makes them so unpleasant ?

      • 10 months ago

        I’m guessing this is bait, but it’s a deformity. They aren’t just short, they are misproportioned. It’s natural to be put off by deformity, it’s a primal thing. That’s why dwarves who have less proportional distortion are more popular, like Dinklage.

        • 10 months ago

          The perfect answer, that has to be it. It wasn't bait either; I kind of suspected that it had to something to do with evolutionary pyschology, because there's never fricking anything that isn't .

          • 10 months ago

            Yeah there's different kinds of dwarfism
            >Disproportionate dwarfism is characterized by either short limbs or a short torso. In cases of proportionate dwarfism, both the limbs and torso are unusually small.
            The most common form is the short limbs one which is caused by a generic disorder called Achondroplasia, and this is also what Dinklage has. I think his success is due more to his conventionally handsome face which ironically was criticized by some GoT fans because Tyrion is supposed to be shockingly ugly in the books.

        • 10 months ago

          dwarves are more misproportioned than midgets. their heads are normal adult sized. torsos are pretty close too, they just have short limbs. They end up looking more normal because of that. Midgets have all sorts of weird shit going on. weird barrel chests and penguin waddles, just a mess

          • 10 months ago

            also I'm moronic and reinforced your point.

      • 10 months ago

        Because all anyone is thinking about when a midge is on screen is how much they’d like to kick it through the field goal posts.

    • 10 months ago

      Shut up, Zegler.

  33. 10 months ago

    Imagine the scheme
    >Some movie executive gets 100 million in cash to do the movie
    >Calls in Warwicke Davis pays him 50 k up front then 10% after 200 million
    >he's all hyped he spends 6 months in character his wife leaves him for a black man
    >Day of "shooting" he shows up in costume
    What's this! There's a giant pile of cash 100 million worth right there!
    >"Hey warrick or whatever the frick your punk b***h name is, here's your come back!"
    Toss a match on the gas soaked cash
    As he freaks out and watches it burns he goes through the stages of grief
    Right when he gets to sadness
    You crush his head in from the bat with a claw hammer from the back
    >So that little frick dies and his tears are the last thing he sees and he hears me whisper you can't touch me, hammer time,whoooooaaawhooooaaa

  34. 10 months ago

    >nooooo you spent 100 million dollars you can't just delete the show no one wants to watch for a tax break nooooooooooo

  35. 10 months ago

    I watched for she
    it wasnt that bad
    the lesbians were annoying but everyone else was great
    and they cucked val kilmer jr, so that the females could be protagonists but that sucked and bit them in the ass
    israelites need to know we just want hot brave butthole with a heart of gold dudes fighting for and saving hot babes from danger
    thats it, thats how you make money

  36. 10 months ago

    Did anyone even watch the show? Was it even any good?

    • 10 months ago

      >Was it even any good?

      What's your guess?

  37. 10 months ago

    >alright peter warrick
    >We are going big stunts with this 100 million
    >No stunt doubles
    >First stunt is you riding a Harley Davidson through India for 3 ays no sleep or rest. You just ride. We will film it. That's all you do. Just ride it.

  38. 10 months ago

    >How does Kathleen Kennedy have a job?
    She knows the locations of all the corpses from the kids the Disney execs have raped to death over the years

  39. 10 months ago

    Luckily I bought the DVDs

  40. 10 months ago

    The Willow NES game had better story telling than this dumpster fire golemslop series did

  41. 10 months ago

    Do you guys think KK has some spite towards people like Harrison Ford/Spielberg/Lucas because they were basically the coolest dudes in the business? Also imagine being KK during the time of Star Wars and Harrison Ford goes and fricks Princess Leia when he was like 20 years older than her.

    • 10 months ago

      KK feels nothing because she's not there to feel. She's just a windup doll to churn out Goldberg's trash for him, nothing more. I don't know why people go after her so much. She's a non-entity

    • 10 months ago

      KK feels nothing because she's not there to feel. She's just a windup doll to churn out Goldberg's trash for him, nothing more. I don't know why people go after her so much. She's a non-entity

      She has more power than them, so it’s a pointless question. Lucas is a non-entity now, Spielberg does his own thing, and if she really didn’t like Ford she could’ve easily snubbed him. Well, maybe not easily, using Ford was the easiest path for the new Indy movies.

    • 10 months ago

      He was like 5 years older, stop talking like an angry cat lady

      • 10 months ago

        I'm just trying to see KK's perspective and why she so badly wanted to destroy Lucas's characters and mythos.

        • 10 months ago

          >I'm just trying to see KK's perspective and why she so badly wanted to destroy Lucas's characters and mythos.
          She didn't. She's just a fricking idiot. Why would she destroy SW and ruin her reputation when she can make many more millions if it's successful?

        • 10 months ago

          Wishful thinking.
          She believed that a NEW audience, a better audience (less white, less male) could be brought into existence so long as the movies had enough diversity and female empowerment.
          Smart people can be functionally moronic by simply being in an echo chamber. Hollywood is an echo chamber of fashionable political idiocies.

          • 10 months ago

            >Wishful thinking.
            >She believed that a NEW audience, a better audience (less white, less male) could be brought into existence so long as the movies had enough diversity and female empowerment.
            >Smart people can be functionally moronic by simply being in an echo chamber. Hollywood is an echo chamber of fashionable political idiocies.
            Yeah exactly. They aren't playing 4d chess. They are just stupid.

    • 10 months ago

      >Harrison Ford goes and fricks Princess Leia when he was like 20 years older than her.
      He also probably got her into cocaine and ruined her life and also cheated on his wife while doing all these things

      • 10 months ago

        she probably just made up that alleged affair with Ford as a publicity stunt for her book

        • 10 months ago

          If what you're claiming is true, then her saying
          >"I'm sorry. It's not Mark. It could've been. It should've been. It might've meant something. Maybe not much, but certainly more."
          is throwing some serious fricking shade at the guy she made up an affair with.

    • 10 months ago

      Even if she did, I don't think Ford really gives a shit. He shat on the role of Han and still came back when they waved a FAT paycheck at him. If anything I imagine KK likes him the most out of the original cast given how straightforwardly mercantile he is, unlike Mark Hamill who demonstrably isn't happy about Luke's direction and Carrie Fisher whow as too high on cocaine to be the girlboss KK wanted her to be and-God bless her soul-overdosed before the next 2 movies were out, unintentionally I assume fricking over their plans to "make Princess Leia great again"

  42. 10 months ago

    she has blackmail on iger, speilberg, and lucas

  43. 10 months ago

    willow will be considered a hidden gem in the future, im callin it

    • 10 months ago

      Sure bud.

      • 10 months ago
    • 10 months ago
    • 10 months ago

      Fricking how?
      There is no legal way to watch it.

  44. 10 months ago


  45. 10 months ago

    >How does Kathleen Kennedy have a job?
    Rumor is she's gone.

    • 10 months ago

      >the same rumor that’s been announced weekly for the last 7 years
      She’s not going anywhere

  46. 10 months ago

    kennedy was on epstein island with spielberg. she has all the dirt on him and other executives. they won't fire her.

  47. 10 months ago

    It's funny to see Disney bomb hard but why do people come and defend it? If they go under someone else will buy them up so who really gives a frick

  48. 10 months ago

    >Willow TV series cost Disney 100 million
    the actual frick did they spend it on?

    • 10 months ago

      Diversity hires.

  49. 10 months ago

    >Be Karl Pilkington
    >Get paired with Warwick Davis for Idiot Abroad series 3 as the the enlightened actor contrasting with you as the insensitive buffoon
    >Instead come off as the honest everyday bloke while Warwick feels like a pretentious hypocrite who can't handle actual exotic places or people
    >Get your own travel show that lasts two series while Warwick's Gervais helmed comedy series lasts only one
    >Davis gets his big Disney Plus show based around his famous leading role while you get a high concept dramedy on a low key British channel
    >Warwick's show gets panned, canceled, & removed from the service while yours gets two seasons on top of receiving higher praise for its cinematography
    >Now become a better actor than Warwick despite no training or higher education

    Bit mad innit?

  50. 10 months ago
  51. 10 months ago

    >"So bad they cut from streaming service to save money"
    It was already made. How can that "save money"? You can't un-make it and it staying on the site costs no money for them. What a dumb sentence.

    • 10 months ago

      >it staying on the site costs no money for them.
      You're one of the bigger morons I've seen on Cinemaphile lately, and that's saying something.

      • 10 months ago

        He’s right though. If you spent a hundred million dollars on a text file, putting the text file in another folder doesn’t magically “save money.”

        • 10 months ago

          Both of you are moronic and don't know what you are talking about.

        • 10 months ago

          Remember when everyone was going to die because of Net Neutrality going away? The reason there were so many shills was because 'Net Neutrality' basically meant that Verizon, Optimum etc would have to cohost Netflix's servers for free. Regardless of who pays for them, those colocated servers in internet providers' farms have limited data, so if you're Netflix, you put Squid Games on those servers and Season 1 of Show No One Watches on your own farm because no one watches it you won't get any bottlenecks. Now I think D+ is using AWS, which is what everyone uses, and with cloud data there are different pricing arrangements for storage, processing, access. In some of those arrangements, storage is cheap-as-free but access can cost a lot more in return. You can prioritize different layers, etc. So you're right that keeping the data for Willow out there wouldn't cost them a penny, but anytime someone tried to watch it they'd eat more cost, have to pay residuals all expenses for something that isn't driving anyone to the service. Conversely, the IRS will let them write-down the $100M as a loss if they just... delete the file. The choice they're left with is a) get hit with bills every month and have to cut checks that cost more to process than the value of the check itself or b) delete the fricking file and not have to pay taxes on $100M of their remaining profit. When the data scientists can show that not a single person is signing up for D+ and putting on Willow right away (or ever) then option b is the only one that makes a lick of sense.

  52. 10 months ago

    She must have some powerful blackmail footage

    • 10 months ago

      It’s the idea she’s been exactly this incompetent the entire time she’s ran lucasarts. They couldn’t fire her early because she could claim discrimination. Now they can’t fire her because doing so would mean admitting the entire last decade has been completely mismanaged.

  53. 10 months ago

    >actually discussing Willow and Disney in a Warwick thread
    fricking gays

    What I would give to kidnap Warwick Davis and make his life a living hell. I would force him to dress up in elf and leprechaun outfits and subject him to pure awfulness and humiliation. Just terrible degradation and shameful acts. It would be so easy to break his spirit and drive him to suicide, but I wouldn't let him do it. If I could train a dog to rape on command then I would totally do that as well. A really big dog like a mastiff. He would be so completely and utterly powerless to stop it, not to mention terrified. A big ass dog is even scary and life-threatening to a normal human but to a midget? Might as well be a dragon. I'd keep him in a cell and what's more is that I would actually place the key inside with him but put it in a high place. Not extremely high but just ever so slightly out of reach. It would drive him mad. I would dress him like a baby and force feed him 99 cent store baby food. I'd also pick him up like a child and toss him from one corner to the next. I'd grab him by one leg and swing him as hard and as fast as I could then hurl him to see how far he goes. I'd rent one of those giant inflatable bounce houses and body slam him all day until my arms got tired. I'd hold him down with 1 hand and slowly stick things up his butt just to see him squirm. I would stick him in dryers and turn them on and leave him in there for long periods of time. I'd force him to fight other midgets to the death. Just so many things i would do.

  54. 10 months ago

    Jesus Christ, lol. Didn't they take this show after like 2 weeks as well?

  55. 10 months ago

    So keeping their movies/shows on their streaming service costs more than making them? It's not like they're paying anyone residuals for these so what makes them so costly?

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