With Hickman writing a Doom one-shot, pitch me your idea for a Dr Doom ongoing.

With Hickman writing a Doom one-shot, pitch me your idea for a Dr Doom ongoing. There's so much potential, as a high-stakes thriller or some epic fantasy x sci-fi story.

Who would you want to show up? Who should write it? What would the overarching plot look like?

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  1. 3 months ago

    Doom notices weird shit happening and finds out SueKang and The Maker are fricking with him somehow. He gets framed in some way that Dr Strange, BP and Symbiote Window (I like this powerup) all individually start investigating him/going after him.

    At the same time Doom is working on some secret masterplan which apparently EvilReed and Sue want to prevent? Parts of this plan are being executed by a fun team of mercenaries. Evil Iron Spider, Black Ant and Black Cat. Maybe Taskmaster.

    Combination of espionage/geopolitics, high stakes sci-fi/time travel and arcane bullshit.

    Doom 2099 shows up at some point and they team up against The Maker and Kangsue.

  2. 3 months ago

    Doom creates a prison on the moon. Everyone on earth is like "NO! You can't send political prisoners to the moon!" and Doom just goes "Doom Does as he Pleases." And so there's a prison break to the moon prison with so C-list heroes/Villains like Suicide Squad style but for Marvel and after they get out the prisoners it turns out they fricking suck and Doom is all like "homie, I sent these motha frickas to the moon for a god damn reason."

  3. 3 months ago

    gimme more Victorious.

  4. 3 months ago

    I had an idea for one, where Doom takes an apprentice sorcerer under his wing, an original character of my creation, who betrays Doom while performing a magical ritual trapping him in another dimension while he takes control of Latveria. Doom has to travel through the bizarre world of the alternate dimension to find a way to escape and save Latveria.

    • 3 months ago

      That's cool. What would the motivation of the apprentice be? And would it be more lovecraftian high cosmic shit or would we see cool Alt Universe versions of known characters? Hit me

      • 3 months ago

        I don't know if I would want him working at the behest of someone else or just be an independent power hungry schemer. In any case, he would be monitoring Dooms journey and send calamities and casting magic spells at him from Dooms castle to hamber his journey. The alternate dimension would purely be a fantastical realm of original characters and monsters, all bizarre and surrealistic. It would be loosely based on the series of Lemuria paintings by Bosschart

        • 3 months ago

          I was definitely thinking of Fabian Cortez in terms of the character and personality of the apprentice sorcerer

  5. 3 months ago

    just gimme some wakanda cold war shit. Throw some Fury in. Namor maybe.

  6. 3 months ago

    just gimme some wakanda cold war shit. Throw some Fury in. Namor maybe. Doombots. Demon deals.

  7. 3 months ago

    Slice of life stories about Doom having to babysit Val while the FF are busy

  8. 3 months ago

    Doom Vs Doom

    Doom is attacked by an imposter Doom and is overthrown. As the story goes on, it becomes unclear if the Doom that's the MC is really Doom, or a Doombot. By the end of it, there will be 5 or 6 Dooms running around including a clone, The Chameleon pretending to be Doom, and Avengers AI/Runaways Doombot.

    Near the end the FF will show up and all Dooms will let out a unified "RICHARDS!!!!!!"

    • 3 months ago

      >Reign of Doom
      Could be amazing and would be a great way to explore Latveria.

      Doom notices weird shit happening and finds out SueKang and The Maker are fricking with him somehow. He gets framed in some way that Dr Strange, BP and Symbiote Window (I like this powerup) all individually start investigating him/going after him.

      At the same time Doom is working on some secret masterplan which apparently EvilReed and Sue want to prevent? Parts of this plan are being executed by a fun team of mercenaries. Evil Iron Spider, Black Ant and Black Cat. Maybe Taskmaster.

      Combination of espionage/geopolitics, high stakes sci-fi/time travel and arcane bullshit.

      Doom 2099 shows up at some point and they team up against The Maker and Kangsue.

      >Doom vs Sue Kang and Maker
      Could be great and it's not like the Maker is doing anything interesting lately.

    • 3 months ago

      This is fun aswell.

      Doom creates a prison on the moon. Everyone on earth is like "NO! You can't send political prisoners to the moon!" and Doom just goes "Doom Does as he Pleases." And so there's a prison break to the moon prison with so C-list heroes/Villains like Suicide Squad style but for Marvel and after they get out the prisoners it turns out they fricking suck and Doom is all like "homie, I sent these motha frickas to the moon for a god damn reason."

      Whats the squad look like?

      • 3 months ago

        I really don't know...but maybe Cinemaphile can fill out a six person roster!

        • 3 months ago

          Gotta have stilt man

  9. 3 months ago

    >With Hickman writing a Doom one-shot...
    Why does one have a feeling Hickman'll make a bunch of graphs, explaining some magical order or some shit involving Doom plotting something.

  10. 3 months ago

    Doom's my favourite capecharacter, so were I to write a Doom book I'd try to keep it going for as long as possible, thus I have tons of ideas for overarching arcs and isolated stories in my head. But for the sake of the thread, I'll try to keep it more contained in a sense of a single big story and a few smaller ones. For me, the unique thing about Doom is that he can appear in every single major genre and work within it. He can do global politics and espionage, sci-fi, magic, gothic, anything and everything. There are very few, if any, characters like that. The best thing is that you can mix and match all those genres and come up with whatever you fancy. Anyway, you see where I'm going with this.

    Assuming I was writing the book for 60-70 issues, I'd try to find a good balance between one-shots, small arcs, big arcs, and a single overarching plot. For a supporting cast from the wider MU, I'd use Namor regularly, bring in Strange and the such. For the day-to-day stuff, I'd try to flesh out Latveria and Doom's regime. A named PM, a right-hand assassin, more focus on Victorious, a cabinet, stuff like that. I'd then work on Latveria a bit, change things with the culture and history, bring it closer to what I like. Give Doom a couple of down moments that make him come across as a person. Not ridiculous reddit bits where he binges some slop, just quiet moments that show the manic man beneath the persona he's built up.

    Anyway, I think I'd make the overarching plot be the idea of legacy. Doom obviously can make himself immortal or any of that. He'd go through certain tribulations across space and time to find out exactly what he wants, when he's the man who can have anything. I'd work on a romance with an AU Scarlet Witch (frick Vision, I hate that dildo), rework the Marquis, rebrand some lesser cosmic beings like D'Spayre and the such. But I'd ultimately want it to be a character study akin to Lucifer and Sandman. Ask if you want more in-depth stuff.

    • 3 months ago

      Yeah man hit me, I'm superinterested

    • 3 months ago

      He needs some other fictional nation to have a long standing conflict with. Wakanda and Atlantis are played out, it should be something else.

  11. 3 months ago

    After the Krakoa nonsense, Immortus notices that Time is kinda fricked at the moment and as such he needs to figure it out and fast. And the only person he feels who can assist him, is Victor Von Doom. This begins a story that will involve various futures and universes as Doom & Immortus tries to fix a Fractured Timestream.

  12. 3 months ago

    OP characters only work when their power levels are limited or restricted
    The thing is most writers don't know how to do it without turning the MC into a jobber
    A good Doom story should explicitly show Doom's weaknesses or problems and make them part of the plot

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