>Woah woah woah what do you think youre doing? >Who me?

>Woah woah woah what do you think you’re doing?

>Who me? I thought I was working up the courage to speak to a woman so I can see if we have a connection so that I don’t spend my entire fricking life alone! Silly me! I’ll go fricking shoot myself in the head for the crime of existing!

UFOs Are A Psyop Shirt $21.68

Yakub: World's Greatest Dad Shirt $21.68

UFOs Are A Psyop Shirt $21.68

  1. 4 months ago

    >here's a radical marketing idea, how about we intentionally make less money this year?

    • 4 months ago

      P&G stock is up like 50% since that commercial.

      • 4 months ago

        >P&G stock is up like 50% since that commercial.
        Meaningless statement considering the stock market is artificially inflated. AB Inbev and Target both shot up last year after a few injections from BlackRock.

        • 4 months ago

          So then the premise that it's dumb to go woke is wrong. If Blackrock will just come in at the 11th hour and shower you with money, isn't it actually a decent strategy?

          • 4 months ago

            Till the israelites decide to stop throwing money at you because they want white men to come die for Israel again

          • 4 months ago

            >So then the premise that it's dumb to go woke is wrong. If Blackrock will just come in at the 11th hour and shower you with money, isn't it actually a decent strategy?
            Yes. "Go woke, go broke" stopped being truthful once Larry Fink got personally involved.

            Of course the downside is that creating all those extra debt notes drives the central banking economy even closer to a hard reset, but that's what the golden parachutes are for.

            • 4 months ago

              >Larry Fink
              He said quite literally that he wants to enforce feminism and LGBT and racial diversity and all these woke things. He said it himself that he wants to force it.
              Libtards talk about "democracy" all day but that's obsolete and meaningless when the people at the top literally force companies to follow their ideology.

          • 4 months ago

            Assuming blackrock has infinite money and is around forever yeah, but they've been burning through all of it the last few years. I save screenshots of headlines to post like some anons but blackrock has been losing billions per year the last few years

          • 4 months ago

            This statement encapsulates everything that's wrong with society.

        • 4 months ago

          The stock market measures at current dollars, inflation and all. If the dollar inflates 20%, the stock market will rise by 20%.

          Some companies include "inflation premiums" with their stocks and bonds to compensate investors for the loss in real money caused by inflation.

          In the racist south you might
          Also the person is legally allowed to remove your hand with force and, knowing Black folk, he will then ape out and place the White man in a self defense situation.
          So yeah, maybe not going to prison, could be going to the morgue though

          >racist south.
          Shut the frick up. Blacks are part of southern culture from soul food to rock-n-roll to blues and jazz and everything. We just don't like feral fricking apes which seem to originate from the north, and we get a lot of them trickling down from northern cities as democrats use them to steal and flip voting districts. Around 90% of the people they kill are other black people, and we still fricking hate them anyway.

      • 4 months ago

        All stocks are up because we tripled the money supply dumbass.

      • 4 months ago

        Only coz they own other shit. Gillette tanked, but sales increased for their other shaving brands when people moved to them instead.

      • 4 months ago

        because of the ad or despite it?

      • 4 months ago

        you mean the value of the dollar is down 33%. charting against gold shows a 5% loss.

    • 4 months ago


  2. 4 months ago

    Even if you’re an attractive man, do you know what’s the most a woman will do to give you an indication that they’re interested in you? They’ll look at you. That’s it! They don’t smile or say hi or wave. They expect you to take the risk of being rejected to initiate the conversation! If every man on earth took this commercial’s message to heart the human race would go extinct within a generation!

    • 4 months ago

      >the human race would go extinct within a generation!
      good accelerate

      • 4 months ago

        Defeatist homosexual

    • 4 months ago

      Checked, but I'm like a 7/10 (at best), but I dress well and when I drink I become very confident. I never used to go to bars, but have been going out really for the first time in my late 20s, and I've had (likely very drunk) girls openly stare at me, mouth open, for way longer than normal. And I've had obviously drunk girls grab me, kiss me, tell me I'm gorgeous, etc.

      I agree with you tho at any place outside of bars. Thats why I'm stuck going out

    • 4 months ago

      Nope. Women would send "hi" to Chad on dating apps and eventually pleasure him.

    • 4 months ago

      >Even if you’re an attractive man, do you know what’s the most a woman will do to give you an indication that they’re interested in you? They’ll look at you. That’s it! They don’t smile or say hi or wave. They expect you to take the risk of being rejected to initiate the conversation! If every man on earth took this commercial’s message to heart the human race would go extinct within a generation!
      It's not just "look at you". They'll stare at you for a while.

      They'll also do things like ask for you contact details unecessarily or try to get you to come to social events when they barely know you.
      I've had women give me food unprompted.

      • 4 months ago

        this has never happened to me.

        • 4 months ago

          It happened to me when I lived in the middle east. I was one of the few white guys and very buff from swimming three times a week. Then I moved to Australia and as a man less than 6 feet tall b***hes couldn’t give less of a shit about me.

          • 4 months ago

            >buff from swimming
            Nice larp, pajeet

          • 4 months ago

            >buff from swimming
            Nice larp, pajeet

            My dad's indian and he's been married 3 times. All to white women.
            I have no idea how he did this, since he's a fricking butthole.

            • 4 months ago

              he found cheap prostitutes

        • 4 months ago

          it happened to me a lot in my 20s, but only with young girls or older women. like 13 or 45 would come on to me strong but not much in between. both made me very uncomfortable .

    • 4 months ago

      >tfw fell for girl who literally never looks anywhere but directly in front of her
      >never looks at anyone else
      >doesn't even look when crossing the road
      I'm fricking going insane

    • 4 months ago

      Why do you think birthrates are at record low?

      • 4 months ago


        • 4 months ago

          fat people still frick anon, perhaps its this weird societal hatred towards the average male

    • 4 months ago

      >the entire point of asking a girl out is to find out if she's interested in you or not
      >but it's now considered morally wrong and harassment to ask a girl out if she's not interested in you
      >also women refuse to do the asking OR to give any signs whether they're interested or not

      Yes this is nonsense, and yes it IS on purpose. The only men who can safely ask out women now are the hottest ones, who know they'll never be rejected because of how good looking they are, and this is exactly how women want it to work.

      • 4 months ago

        >and if you want sex, you'll do it our way, and there's not a damn thin you can do about it
        tell that to my favorite prostitute

        • 4 months ago

          Ok give me her number.

          • 4 months ago

            you already have it

      • 4 months ago

        They underestimate a man's ability to go long periods without sex.

      • 4 months ago

        I hate women so goddamn much bros. I hope that automation does not outpace the societal collapse that they will bring. They deserve every bit of the pain life will throw at them in the coming times.

    • 4 months ago

      ugly homies be like

    • 4 months ago

      >tfw fell for girl who literally never looks anywhere but directly in front of her
      >never looks at anyone else
      >doesn't even look when crossing the road
      I'm fricking going insane

      blessed thread
      greetings from Kekistan

    • 4 months ago

      I was on the tram yesterday and a girl sat next to me. She looked kind of trashy but she spread her legs pretty wide open and they brushed up against mine. Her arm brushed against mine too.
      I tried my best not to get a boner. It's the most intimate I've been with another person since I had a dentist's appointment five months ago. Some people said she was flirting with me but I don't know why she would flirt with a scruffy manlet.

      • 4 months ago

        When I was deep into nofap autism in college I uncontrollably ejaculated when a thick girl's leg pressed against mine on a crowded bus. Spent the next two hours in a chemistry lab paranoid that people could smell the semen I'd tried to wash out of my boxers with toilet water from the handicap stall.
        It's part of life, so to speak.

    • 4 months ago

      >If every man on earth took this commercial’s message to heart the human race would go extinct within a generation!
      that's the point. we're getting propagandized on every side to be afraid of the normal human mating ritual

      >the entire point of asking a girl out is to find out if she's interested in you or not
      >but it's now considered morally wrong and harassment to ask a girl out if she's not interested in you
      >also women refuse to do the asking OR to give any signs whether they're interested or not

      Yes this is nonsense, and yes it IS on purpose. The only men who can safely ask out women now are the hottest ones, who know they'll never be rejected because of how good looking they are, and this is exactly how women want it to work.

      the hottest or the most sociopathic
      and then surprise surprise they get burned by the guy who doesn't care about social conventions

    • 4 months ago

      >have major crush on friend from hs
      >get along great, but she's completely uninterested in romance
      >go to prom together, talk on phone for hours every night, end up sleeping in same bed multiple times
      >pretty much in a relationship without physical intimacy
      >try to make a move on her a few times, get bluntly rejected
      >a bit after graduation she starts ghosting me
      >feel like i've missed my one chance at fairy-tale tier love in life
      >never connect with a girl like that ever again

      >7 years pass
      >randomly meet her and a co-worker of hers at a bar
      >hang out for an hour: friend is cold and awkward, but co-worker is extremely friendly and chatty
      >her co-worker reminisces with me about my HS days - only i'm seeing her for the first time in my life
      >this random woman knows shit about me i've forgotten
      >friend leaves early, a bit awkward but whatever
      >end up at her co-workers apartment
      >expect we're about to frick, or at least make out

      >suddenly her co-worker breaks down crying about how my friend was in love with me for 10 years and didn't have a bf or hook up with anyone during all that time because she was hoping we'd eventually end up together
      >apparently my friend was in a depressive slump because of it for a few years and her co-worker (and turns out best friend) helped her out of it
      >yeah, frick this
      >leave completely emotionally messed up and confused
      >spend next month or two all fricked up, am i an autist? is she? what the frick man? am i angry? relieved? regretful? why do random people know all this intimate shit about me?
      >find out she got started seeing some guy from work and married him after 3 months of dating soon after that night at the bar

      women are literally insane. it's impossible to know what they want because they don't know.

      • 4 months ago

        >try to make a move on her a few times, get bluntly rejected
        i really do not know how women function. perhaps that's best
        >her co-worker reminisces with me about my HS days - only i'm seeing her for the first time in my life
        >this random woman knows shit about me i've forgotten
        i know women gossip but i would start asking questions here on why she knows all this stuff. what a strange lass

  3. 4 months ago
    • 4 months ago

      I prefer the one with the space station but I don't save such things because I'm not a chud

      • 4 months ago

        >because I'm not a chud
        fortunately for you, I am

      • 4 months ago

        >a.. at least I'm not a heckin' chudderino

    • 4 months ago

      I like "the future of civilization" one better. Can't find it right now.

  4. 4 months ago

    This was one of the stupidest commercials I have ever seen. Leftists make up so much shit and ignore reality its so crazy.

    • 4 months ago

      It's more like deep down they know what reality is and after convincing themselves the opposite is true they try to convince others.

      • 4 months ago

        look at the reddit threads concerning the chiefs parade shooters

        they won't let people comment, or link articles that show pictures of the criminals because they are black

        • 4 months ago

          They hid the race of those shooters better than they hid the arch of the covenant at the end of raiders of the lost arch. Nobody I know has any idea what race did it

          • 4 months ago

            huh, the tv news segment around here showed the suspects (albeit briefly), but for me that's local news

    • 4 months ago

      You haven't seen many commercials

      • 4 months ago

        Everyone who opposed gay marriage 10 years ago is owed an apology.

    • 4 months ago
      • 4 months ago

        >politics in America are mostly right and left

  5. 4 months ago

    One time I remember being at a convention and this one guy I knew spotted a real quite girl across the lobby. He spent the next few minutes walking around, stalking her like a tiger. It was actually pretty creepy.

    • 4 months ago

      There's a big difference in approaching a woman after she walks past you and stalking her from across a large distance.

      • 4 months ago

        >approaching a random woman on the street and expecting there to be any kind of "connection" or that it will stop you from spending your life alone
        Let's be honest here. If most people on this website approached a random woman on the street, they would get maced, and rightfully so. People walking down the street most likely aren't looking for a partner and don't want to be bothered by random people trying to frick them. A woman walking past you does not mean she wants anything to do with you. Hell, the woman who walks past could literally be the perfect woman for you, but the fact that you decided to annoy her in public unprompted will make her lose any interest she may have had if you'd met in a more appropriate place.
        How about you go places where people are actually looking for dates? Like, I don't know, a fricking bar or something.

        >approaching a woman after she walks past you
        I can't believe there are people who think that this is normal, acceptable behavior lmao

        • 4 months ago

          >People walking down the street most likely aren't looking for a partner and don't want to be bothered by random people trying to frick them
          That is a sad reality that doesn't happen today, but I've lived that reality and it did happened 30-40 years ago.
          Now everyone has computers, but that didn't happened back then anon, you went out a lot more to do nothing.
          Just like in your home, but outside, so you could actually run into people just walking doing nothing and meeting people outside, there was a lot of those peoples

          • 4 months ago

            >That is a sad reality that doesn't happen today, but I've lived that reality and it did happened 30-40 years ago.
            There's nothing sad about women not wanting to be approached by random guys while they're walking down the street and minding their own business.
            >Now everyone has computers, but that didn't happened back then anon, you went out a lot more to do nothing.
            >Just like in your home, but outside, so you could actually run into people just walking doing nothing and meeting people outside, there was a lot of those peoples
            Times change. In this sense, they have changed for the better. I'd rather use a dating app than annoy random women who I know absolutely nothing about hoping one of them might want to give me a chance. Why even bother with that when there is a 90% chance that she has nothing in common with me and is probably just a boring, vapid normie? Not to mention it's just rude and annoying to try and hit on someone for no reason, and I try to avoid being rude and annoying to people who haven't done anything to deserve it.

            • 4 months ago

              If you consider to be rude and annoyying to be approached by a random girl, you deserve the world you live on, having to scoop women from apps instead
              You are fricking gay lol, don't reply to me again

              • 4 months ago

                >If you consider to be rude and annoyying to be approached by a random girl, you deserve the world you live on, having to scoop women from apps instead
                If I'm doing other shit and am not actively looking for a partner then yeah it would be rude and annoying, especially if the girl is unattractive.
                At least with an app I can pre-filter all the moronic normoids and only have to interact with women who I have something in common with. Without that I would have to waste time sifting through basic b***hes.

                >There's nothing sad about women not wanting to be approached by random guys while they're walking down the street and minding their own business.
                Women aren't learning social skills and how to navigate the real world. They're in their own insulated little bubble that will slowly deflate when they turn 30, and suddenly their social media starts dying on them.

                What about being harassed on the street by morons teaches "social skills" or "how to navigate the world"?
                I think it's genuinely hilarious how you incels think you've got some kind of right to annoy people who are just trying to go about their day. A woman walking past you rather than crossing the street to avoid you does not mean she is interested in speaking to you.

              • 4 months ago

                >approaching a random woman on the street and expecting there to be any kind of "connection" or that it will stop you from spending your life alone
                Let's be honest here. If most people on this website approached a random woman on the street, they would get maced, and rightfully so. People walking down the street most likely aren't looking for a partner and don't want to be bothered by random people trying to frick them. A woman walking past you does not mean she wants anything to do with you. Hell, the woman who walks past could literally be the perfect woman for you, but the fact that you decided to annoy her in public unprompted will make her lose any interest she may have had if you'd met in a more appropriate place.
                How about you go places where people are actually looking for dates? Like, I don't know, a fricking bar or something.

                >approaching a woman after she walks past you
                I can't believe there are people who think that this is normal, acceptable behavior lmao

                >Talk to women on the street
                >Get a date my first try
                Did you ever consider that maybe you dont know how to talk to women and most guys on the planet knows how to

              • 4 months ago

                >Works on my machine!

              • 4 months ago

                >most guys on the planet knows how to
                good morning sir

            • 4 months ago

              >There's nothing sad about women not wanting to be approached by random guys while they're walking down the street and minding their own business.
              Women aren't learning social skills and how to navigate the real world. They're in their own insulated little bubble that will slowly deflate when they turn 30, and suddenly their social media starts dying on them.

            • 4 months ago

              Damn you're a homosexual dude

        • 4 months ago

          >Women reduce their options to trashy places like bars
          >Wonder where the good men have gone
          >Risk a DUI by going to the bars or get overpriced Uber ride because my area is not walkable
          Society is utterly fricked and women acting the way that they do is literally the cause for every bit of it. It doesn't even take many degrees of abstraction to see that
          >wow, reigning in on women's freedoms will literally solve all of our problems overnight

          • 4 months ago

            >Risk a DUI by going to the bars or get overpriced Uber ride because my area is not walkable
            It's called a taxi you whiny little homosexual.
            >Society is utterly fricked and women acting the way that they do is literally the cause for every bit of it. It doesn't even take many degrees of abstraction to see that
            You wouldn't have a girlfriend even if women didn't have rights, because their fathers would beat you to death.

            • 4 months ago

              Wrong, their brothers and uncles would also join in.

            • 4 months ago

              Okay Black person taxis cost money too.
              Fathers love me. Their daughter, though, are free to do what they want and then they go be fifth in line for Chad.
              You cannot defend this as healthy for society, you're just some gay little libertarian gay or whatever.
              Women deserve the rotten society that they will get from having rights.

  6. 4 months ago

    not cool not cool

  7. 4 months ago
  8. 4 months ago
    • 4 months ago

      how was he disrespectful?

      • 4 months ago

        He expressed interest in women while being short. That’s a case in Australia

    • 4 months ago

      The Black person wandered off there because Little Mac was about to dust that coon. What a stupid fricking commercial made by women. What Black person and white guy are putting on boxing gloves in a park at 6 am to duke it out?

      I truly am disgusted by women and israelites. Just the most repulsive brain dead creatures in existence.

    • 4 months ago

      >*shrugs* Whelp ok then, time to find another buddy that doesn't have a stick up his ass

    • 4 months ago

      is that the black guy who gets shot at the end of Boyz n the Hood? Ricky I think?

    • 4 months ago

      That's the blandest shit to by offended by. Not even the basedest guy out there would think that the dude crossed the line

      • 4 months ago

        >bruh are you fr fr being disrespectful to women
        >homie ain't havin that, cuh
        >hashtag Me Too!

    • 4 months ago

      What did he do wrong? He didn't say anything disrespectful. You can't tell a friend that you think someone is hot? Do girls not talk about guys?

      • 4 months ago

        The message of the commercial is that it's wrong to be physically attracted to women, because you're only supposed to be interested in their brains.

      • 4 months ago

        Once watched this travelogue Youtube girl and she took a moment to zero in her camera on a handsome, buff dude relaxing in a park, and she did the eyebrow raise and grinned. Now switch the genders.

      • 4 months ago

        >something something *male gaze* something something *systemic power imbalance*

      • 4 months ago

        >What did he do wrong?
        Be a heterosexual White male

    • 4 months ago

      *sadly fists his boxing glove as his black boyfriend walks out on his life*

    • 4 months ago

      >man blames women for ending his best friendship of 25 years, and ends up raping 10 women on a murder spree extending down the west coast

    • 4 months ago

      >Comments turned off
      There's a surprise.

    • 4 months ago

      Precovid the Aussies were the masters of the bantz and not giving a frick. Now they're so pussified that even Canadians dab on them. Did the coof really frick them up this badly?

      • 4 months ago

        We were becoming massive pussies long before chinkflu even happened.
        >Then: everyone hated muslims to the point of starting a massive mob to beat the shit out of them when they groped women
        >Now: we proudly celebrated a teenager smacking a politician in the back of the head with an egg because he said muslims deserved the Christchurch shooting, then we cried when that same kid got punched in the face by said politician when literally everyone punches each other as a pastime
        >Then: poked fun at chinks for eating dogs and shitting the planet up
        >Now: grovel at their feet as they buy up all our housing and suck them off for the chance to live with 6 other people just to afford rent in a dingy little crack den surrounded by Abos
        >Then: frick the authority we do whatever we want garn c**t
        >now: please frick me in the ass mr police man
        >then: beat the shit out of kids when they stood out of line
        >now: give them a slap on the wrist and refuse to even monitor them when they steal cars, rob houses, shove fishermen off piers in the middle of the night, kill families by speeding, stab each other in the streets, assault teachers etc. to the point of it being an epidemic across the entire country
        Shit's fricked

      • 4 months ago

        >the Aussies were the masters of the bantz and not giving a frick
        That was always a lie, sadly

    • 4 months ago


      >Woah woah woah what do you think you’re doing?

      >Who me? I thought I was working up the courage to speak to a woman so I can see if we have a connection so that I don’t spend my entire fricking life alone! Silly me! I’ll go fricking shoot myself in the head for the crime of existing!

      >White man stop having children

    • 4 months ago

      I get it, sometimes you really don't want to deal with some clown, not really know why they made it about women.

    • 4 months ago

      Robert I-I I’m sorry 🙁

      • 4 months ago

        Ah, you. No. Don't say anything. It's the yoga bawds in the park that make the 6am alarm worth it, not the discounted early morning matinee tickets that come with the complimentary crab legs.

        Just take your ticket and leave me. D-don't forget your butter

    • 4 months ago

      Something bugs me about the way women expect men to police the behaviour of all other men on the planet, like it's somehow my fault or responsibility that there are violent rapists out there.

      It doubly bugs me because women then love to pull out victim blaming when it's pointed out that men are the victims of violent crime more than women with inane "toxic masculinity" comments, or insisting that the victim was just oblivious and unaware of their surroundings, and that women are simply more vigilant than men!

      • 4 months ago

        Women prefer to use proxy violence, and the state is well designed to be their bully of choice.

  9. 4 months ago
  10. 4 months ago

    Was this on TV or in a movie?

    • 4 months ago

      It was a Super Bowl commercial

    • 4 months ago

      Gillette ad. The "boys will be boys" one

  11. 4 months ago

    Feminists demonize male sexual attraction to women.

  12. 4 months ago

    They don't want to procreate... makes more room for cheap labor via illegal immigrants.

    • 4 months ago

      100%, also serves to reduce the global population, white leftists have been fully mindbroken into a demographic-suicide cult because of the freakish way in which they’ve socially and morally internalized their own white supremacy. Was a leftist for most of my life and can’t imagine going back, dying out for people that openly hate you and openly laugh about it.

      • 4 months ago

        They aren't leftists, they're progressive neoliberals. If they were leftists they wouldn't kowtow to corporations and billionaires who pay lip service to progressive causes. They would want to kill the billionaires and dismantle the corporations.

        • 4 months ago

          they don't 'kowtow to corporations' because they OWN the corporations
          You are fighting a totally irrelevant battle, last week's enemy, while giving in on every relevant issue

          • 4 months ago

            >last week's enemy
            The rich are, always have been, and always will be the enemy.
            There is no greater or more relevant issue than class inequality.

            It's worked for centuries.

            Your just socially awkward.

            How often have you had to listen to boomers b***h and moan about their wives? Doesn't sound like randomly approaching random people leads to healthy, loving relationships. More likely it results in two people who have frick all in common getting stuck together.

            • 4 months ago

              Not enough to tell me that's the issue you fricking moron.

              Lmfao infact most people meet online now and it's worse than ever.

        • 4 months ago

          >kowtow to corporations and billionaires who pay lip service to progressive causes
          Yea that’s what leftists are now, baby, leftists truly can’t not consume Amazon shows and white feminists tiptoe around nonwhite rape and abuse because acknowledging it would invalidate the fetishization and worship they get from nonwhite males, this is what you people all are now, subservient and lame with absolute 0 beliefs, on this boring cycle of being lame and pathetic and then pretending like it never happened. So how long ago were you one of those neolibs?

          • 4 months ago

            "Real leftists" (marxists) have completely given in on every single social justice issue, just so they can have the privilege of being allowed to cry about muh healthcare or whatever. they will always mouth the correct party line on trannies or whatever, and never advocate for anything 'controversial' that would actually help the working class, like restricting immigration
            They are the most irrelevant and cucked group around

            • 4 months ago

              Marxists are behind them all.

          • 4 months ago

            >everybody who disagrees with me is exactly the same person!!!!
            I was never a neoliberal because neoliberalism (and neoconservatism) is a fricking evil ideology based around elevating the wealthy even further.
            I've also never believed in race-based bullshit.

  13. 4 months ago

    Daily reminder that Gillette (ie Proctor and Gamble) followed this up with a commercial featuring a white US army soldier who returns home to be greeted by his attractive wife and blonde daughter, but that was problematic so Gillette put out a follow-up ad the following month with the black man teaching his transsexual daughter how to shave her face.

  14. 4 months ago

    How do companies ever even start to think commercials like these are a good idea?

    >here's an idea for a commercial, why don't we make an ad where we call the majority of our consumer-base a bunch of sexist and misogynistic idiots
    >perfect, that 100% will not offend the consumers in any way and could even lead to more sales from the feminist men!

    I guess they didn't realize that the majority of "men" who consider themselves feminists are low-T and can't actually grow facial hair to use the products they sell

  15. 4 months ago

    Approaching someone you dont know on the street is weird.

    • 4 months ago

      Women complain now that men don't approach them

      • 4 months ago

        >Women complain now that men don't approach them
        Difference between someone cold approaching you when you want to go home or while you are busy, vs someone approaching you at a party.

        • 4 months ago

          the difference is being approached by Chad and a neckbeard

          • 4 months ago

            The architecta?

        • 4 months ago

          Thats not true, they just don’t want their train of thought to be interrupted. Women are like a stormy sea and you must learn how to ride the waves. That is the key to serendipity.

          • 4 months ago

            >Thats not true, they just don’t want their train of thought to be interrupted.
            thats the case with most people though.

    • 4 months ago

      Commiting battery against a stranger because you think he's going to talk to a woman is weirder and also illegal

      • 4 months ago

        Yeah, you aren't going to go to prison for that.

        • 4 months ago

          In the racist south you might
          Also the person is legally allowed to remove your hand with force and, knowing Black folk, he will then ape out and place the White man in a self defense situation.
          So yeah, maybe not going to prison, could be going to the morgue though

    • 4 months ago

      >don't approach them in the street, it's weird
      >don't approach them at the gym, they came to work out
      >don't approach them in the bar, they're here to have fun with friends
      >don't approach them in the work environment (obviously duh)
      >don't approach them at a party unless you know them
      >agh! like! just DON'T APPROACH THEM! and stick to online dating sweaty
      gl guys still looking for women, you need it

      • 4 months ago

        Women don't want betas approaching them. Your place is going to work, doing the menial jobs that society needs done to support her and staying the frick out of women's way. They don't want ugly fricks like you ruining their day by creeping on them

        • 4 months ago

          Na my place is getting money so I can get drunk and high from Friday to Sun with multiple cooms and then drive my sports car like a idiot when 'sober'. You can carry on chasing the pussy or grinding the menial job.

      • 4 months ago

        >>don't approach them at a party unless you know them

        >>don't approach them in the bar, they're here to have fun with friends
        Who says this?

        • 4 months ago

          >Who says this?
          Women do.
          Note, it's a shit test. They say it so that only men who are alpha enough to not care what women say approach them. If you actually listen to what women say and only ask them out in situations they say it's OK to ask them out, then you'll never ask a woman out.

          • 4 months ago

            I think this is pretty close to true. If you were to really be a male ally and internalize all these rules women have created or want basically men would never be able to talk to women under pretty much all circumstances. Not just public places but workplaces, universities (which are the worst for micromanaging male heterosexuality), bars, clubs, etc. Essentially, we would be reduced to only using dating apps which are notoriously bad for men. This works out extremely well for women who then never have to deal with any men and can go online and have their pick of the litter on Tinder or Hinge or whatever app is in vogue.

            You really wouldn't even be allowed to talk about women in private either in any way that acknowledged her beauty or sexuality.

          • 4 months ago

            I have never heard anyone say this.

            >Who says this?
            >There should be laws against men’s inappropriate subtle unpleasant and unwanted actions or speech like catcalling and male gaze.

            It should be illegal to make women uncomfortable. Uncomfortable's definition will be adjudicated by israeli feminist lawyers.


            >Hong Kong
            This was a user submission from someone who lived in hong kong. Their grammar is all messed up like chinese people do, so they are probably mixing words up. Doesn't tell me much about american society.

          • 4 months ago

            >Women do.
            >Note, it's a shit test. They say it so that only men who are alpha enough to not care what women say approach them. If you actually listen to what women say and only ask them out in situations they say it's OK to ask them out, then you'll never ask a woman out.
            How often do they say this? Do you have any articles about this?

          • 4 months ago

            The "alpha" mindset shit only worked in like 2014. Now that everyone's talking about it, it's over. It's literally all about looks now.
            The collapse cannot come soon enough.

        • 4 months ago

          >Who says this?
          >There should be laws against men’s inappropriate subtle unpleasant and unwanted actions or speech like catcalling and male gaze.

          It should be illegal to make women uncomfortable. Uncomfortable's definition will be adjudicated by israeli feminist lawyers.


          • 4 months ago

            Catcalling is obnoxious moron behavior though. Nobody wants to hear that shit. Not the person it's targeted at, and not bystanders having to listen to your verbal coomerism.

          • 4 months ago

            Hes gay anyway, I dont think hes too picky about his beards.

      • 4 months ago

        >You can't ask out women on the street, they're busy trying to get somewhere!
        >You can't ask out women at work, they're trying to do their job!
        >You can't ask out women at a store, they're trying to shop!
        >You can't ask out women at bars and clubs, they're trying to have fun with their friends!

        >reposts the same cope again
        Maybe you're just gross and unattractive? Try losing weight, wearing deodorant, showering, washing your hair, and generally try to come off less like an incel, and women will not be universally disgusted by your approaches regardless of context.

        • 4 months ago

          I can't believe almost 70% of the male population is obese and never washes themselves.

          • 4 months ago

            >posts graph about americans
            >I can't believe almost 70% of the male population is obese and never washes themselves.
            You REALLY can't believe that? Really?

            • 4 months ago

              Hows your countries birth rate doing.

              • 4 months ago

                It's doing fine, ESL. I'm not under the delusion of perpetual growth like you and your corporate overlords are. Every species reaches an optimal population eventually, and the population growth levels off from there.

            • 4 months ago

              Cinemaphile is American-centric you stupid Black person. Assume that the problem is relevant to America AT LEAST unless otherwise posted. Not an argument, you dumb homosexual.

              • 4 months ago

                >he thinks 70% of americans aren't obese fricks who don't wash themselves

              • 4 months ago

                Frick off to whatever irrelenant message board your country has. Yes, lots are obese. It's the women who really balloon up though, and most people fricking shower.
                Do they even have running water in your shithole?

              • 4 months ago

                >Yes, lots are obese
                That's an understatement, kek.
                >It's the women who really balloon up though
                >and most people fricking shower.
                Before or after they shart in the mart?

        • 4 months ago

          >just take a shower bro!
          What year do you think it is?

          • 4 months ago

            You should shower way more than once a year, anon.

      • 4 months ago

        The rules are simple

        • 4 months ago

          I ignore women, like literally even in their face. it's fricking great.

          • 4 months ago

            Unless you are a Chad, they don't care. Women legit are NPCs and do not see 50% of men. Some people say it's as bad as 80% of men.

        • 4 months ago

          Which one bros

        • 4 months ago

          Women don't want betas approaching them. Your place is going to work, doing the menial jobs that society needs done to support her and staying the frick out of women's way. They don't want ugly fricks like you ruining their day by creeping on them

          Men, do not intervene when you see a woman being [redacted] on the subway. These hoes do not deserve you lifting a finger to help them.

          • 4 months ago

            >Men, do not intervene when you see a woman being [redacted] on the subway. These hoes do not deserve you lifting a finger to help them.
            How the frick is that reasonable reaction to a single britoid flier?

            • 4 months ago

              It's a reaction to society in general. All of these new gay rules women want us to abide by when they refuse to be traditional AND do everything in their power to exclude everyone but the top percent of men. Seriously, the entire reason for feminism was so they could work a shitty McJob so that they wouldn't have to get married to someone who gave them the "ick," and as if that wasn't enough, they infiltrated every male space and demanded and continue to demand all of the comfy email jobs just so that they can be a part of Chad's harem forever.
              Women have shown time and time again through their actions that they do not deserve rights. That being said, they have them, so let's treat them accordingly. No simping, no helping. Not my problem. Treat women this way, let their Chad take care of them (they won't) and let them cry on the street about how hard life is all because they CHOSE to be "girlbosses."

              • 4 months ago

                >implying "trad" women would settle for a dysgenic failure like yourself

              • 4 months ago

                That is precisely how it worked from the dawn of civilization until about 40 years ago, so yes, the implication is there

              • 4 months ago

                No, at the dawn of civilization, you would have been left to die of exposure as an infant.

              • 4 months ago


              • 4 months ago

                What are the bad rules? Why don't women deserve rights?

                Why does someone need to be frickable for you to help them?

        • 4 months ago

          >Nothing about comments, only compliments.
          Let the insults fly then I guess.

  16. 4 months ago

    I met my current gf because a friend set me up with one of his gf's friends for a couples Christmas party.

  17. 4 months ago

    Black person's right.
    Women are not worth it.

    • 4 months ago

      then how am i supposed to have sex?

      • 4 months ago


        is this a gay porno

  18. 4 months ago
    • 4 months ago
      • 4 months ago
        • 4 months ago
        • 4 months ago

          She is remarkably pretty. What am i supposed to do when I see a woman like that in public, bros? Pretend she's not pretty?

          • 4 months ago

            Have better taste anon, you see 10 women like this at any visit to the walmart.

        • 4 months ago

          Why are they like this

          • 4 months ago

            >The kids are one full white and one full chink, not just two hapas

          • 4 months ago

            A world with only Caucasians and Asians would be way tolerable than the one we have right now...

            • 4 months ago

              You have never heard the average Asian woman speak, have you? My god they are fricking annoying. High pitched voices combined with the most moronic sounding accents in the world is not attractive. They also like to make obnoxious noises. My friend has a Vietnamese girlfriend and she constantly makes weird giggling sounds, and she deliberately speaks in a higher pitched voice than her natural speaking voice. It makes me want to punch her in the face.

        • 4 months ago

          She knew at the end with that look. That's fricked up but if you are like in your late 20's and still getting friend zoned thats on you

        • 4 months ago

          >How is this going to help us sell chickenjoys?
          >Pwede po ba nating gawing mas mabilis ang pagpupulong na ito Kailangan kong mag film ng unggoy torture video mamaya

        • 4 months ago

          that's excruciatingly long so much so that i skipped ahead and now I'm not sure what happens

          • 4 months ago

            >excruciatingly long
            >less than 2 minutes
            zoomers everyone

        • 4 months ago

          Jesus Christ, I'd never buy a Chickenjoy after seeing that!

        • 4 months ago

          Did they make an entire nation of hapas while I wasn't looking? When did this hapa paradise come about I wanna go there

      • 4 months ago

        Written and Directed by Issa Lopez

    • 4 months ago


    • 4 months ago

      That was frickin cathartic, jesus

    • 4 months ago

      >Over 1000 documented cases of Black folks playing the knockout game
      >Literally zero cases of whites doing it
      Love the reality distortion

      • 4 months ago

        >>Over 1000 documented cases of Black folks playing the knockout game
        zero cases of whites doing it
        >Love the reality distortion

        • 4 months ago

          >uuhhhhh SOURCE?!?

          • 4 months ago

            umm sweaty? don't you realize your post would get downvoted on reddit? i mean literally that's a big oof and a yikes from me. i literally can't even. and frankly you're making me lose my faith in humanity.

            I dont use reddit. Why should I accept anti-intellectualism?

        • 4 months ago

          umm sweaty? don't you realize your post would get downvoted on reddit? i mean literally that's a big oof and a yikes from me. i literally can't even. and frankly you're making me lose my faith in humanity.

  19. 4 months ago

    why are women so narcissistic bros?
    I was riding my bike and got a front flat tire so every time there was a bump taller than an inch i had to pull the front over so I wouldn't damage anything, I did it like 6 feet away from some woman, some algerian or something, and she guffawed as if i was trying to do some teenaged stunt to impress her
    i told her to frick off and went on my way. but still wtf i was just trying to not damage my bike or worse fall off

  20. 4 months ago
    • 4 months ago

      >diversity is our Strength

    • 4 months ago


      • 4 months ago

        Soccer tournaments are the best threads ever, I love Ingerlund-posting so much bros...

        • 4 months ago


        • 4 months ago


          I watched a play about British Footie
          I still don't get it.

    • 4 months ago

      can't be raysis if ngubu is me favrit playa

  21. 4 months ago

    I was ragebaiting myself today by looking through a feminist website that proved suprisingly relevant. Here is a useful guide created by male feminists on how to "correctly" talk to women. If it comes off as micromanaing and preachy, I have worse pages to show you.

    • 4 months ago

      Post some highlights.

      • 4 months ago

        This one made me the most annoyed.


        There are a lot of shitty poems that made me cringe.


        The claim that basically 100% of all women have been harassed and pretty much being harassed at all times.


        They went after Lego


        • 4 months ago

          What is the point of looking at shit that you know is just going to make you seethe? Is it like self-harm for people who are afraid to cut?

          • 4 months ago

            >Is it like self-harm for people who are afraid to cut?
            I guess. Sometimes I just like to be mad, I guess. Maybe I'm trying to understand how "the enemy" thinks. IDK

        • 4 months ago

          Do you got a counter argument to their statistics other than simply dismissing it?

          • 4 months ago

            My counter argument is just living and walking around irl. I've never actually seen a woman catcalled or harassed irl. I have friends and am almost 30. I spend a lot of time just walking around in public places. Stores, bars, clubs, movies, the city streets. I have never once seen a guy catcall a woman. That doesn't mean it never happens. But given how women claim that this is something they deal with on an almost daily (in some instances hourly) basis you'd think I would see a lot more of it. But on busses, trains, in restaurants I don't see it. I've seen fights, arguments, make out sessions etc but no construction workings going "Hey babe, ya got nice stems!".

            • 4 months ago

              >I spend a lot of time just walking around in public places. Stores, bars, clubs, movies, the city streets.
              This part tells me you probably live in a relatively decent place. Some cities are unwalkable.

              >But given how women claim that this is something they deal with on an almost daily (in some instances hourly) basis you'd think I would see a lot more of it
              Is it all women claiming this?
              Are they saying it about the cities you live in, or shittier cities?

              • 4 months ago

                The stats say close to 100% of women have experienced some harassment. I have sisters and they have friends. I've dated and have had a two GFs. The actual rate of harassment is closer to once ever 5 years imo. By the standards of this

                The rules are simple

                I have been harassed because girls have grabbed my hair without asking and played with it amongst other things at work. It was silly and cute. I didn't cry like a b***h.

              • 4 months ago

                >The stats say close to 100% of women have experienced some harassment. I have sisters and they have friends. I've dated and have had a two GFs. The actual rate of harassment is closer to once ever 5 years imo.
                Those statements do not contradict eachother. Just because something has happened to many people, doesn't mean it constantly happens to all of them. But keep in mind, that you have a very small sample size.

              • 4 months ago

                >By the standards of this

                The rules are simple I have been harassed because girls have grabbed my hair without asking and played with it amongst other things at work. It was silly and cute. I didn't cry like a b***h.
                Some people don't like having their hair grabbed. Just because you don't care, doesn't mean other people wouldn't care.

                If a hot woman grabbed my dick on the train I would be fine with that, but other people would be bothered.

    • 4 months ago

      Amazing how literally every piece of advice listed is warning you about what NOT to do and they never mention even 1 thing you SHOULD do.

    • 4 months ago

      An unknowable portion of that stuff is created by false flagging right wingers trying to gain converts of people like you. Clearly you are already pretty far gone if you are seeking it out.

      Anyway, friends don't let friends embarrass themselves.

      • 4 months ago

        It’s from 2013 you schizo

    • 4 months ago

      >I was ragebaiting myself today

    • 4 months ago

      Total Simp Death

    • 4 months ago

      >First paragraph assuming all men are horrible
      >Just keeps getting worse

      An unknowable portion of that stuff is created by false flagging right wingers trying to gain converts of people like you. Clearly you are already pretty far gone if you are seeking it out.

      Anyway, friends don't let friends embarrass themselves.

      >created by false flagging right wingers trying to gain converts of people like you.
      Or maybe women and there defenders need to pull a stick or two out of their ass.

  22. 4 months ago

    >You can't ask out women on the street, they're busy trying to get somewhere!
    >You can't ask out women at work, they're trying to do their job!
    >You can't ask out women at a store, they're trying to shop!
    >You can't ask out women at bars and clubs, they're trying to have fun with their friends!

    • 4 months ago

      And no one says yes on the dating apps. If you don't have a big social circle it's over.

    • 4 months ago

      This is actually great, my strat is working perfectly and it's acceptable with their guidelines. I only ask women out after they're in the back of my van and I've taken her phone of her and we've drove out into the middle of nowhere. I'm not even going to do anything horrible to them but they always say yes to stuff, because of the implication.

  23. 4 months ago

    The irony is once you guys just start raping women…these b***hes will want to go back to the way things were ASAP

    Sounds like a win/win to me young fellas

    • 4 months ago

      No one is advocating that you freak.

    • 4 months ago

      Truth is they are voting their way slowly back to this reality and support allowing in the demographics who are most comfortable raping and calling assimilating them racist at the same time.

      The irony is the leftist troons, israelites and beta males who try so fricking hard to convince you it won't happen as to convince themselves it won't since they rely on women voting for their weird as frick ideas to continue to exist how they do, this can be said about many topics like how leftist deny we are slowly becoming Brazil and living standards are lowering year over year as we get less and less white since doinng so would require mentally coping with the fact those same people are eventually not going to need to vote for their leftist bullshit to get the free money and revenge they came for.

    • 4 months ago

      kys moron

  24. 4 months ago
  25. 4 months ago

    Is it just me or did the sexual revolution kind of fail? I don't see how we can have a society that is supposed to be comfortable with sex and liberated but is also this hostile to male heterosexuality. On the one hand female sexuality is seen as good. Women can pretty much do anything and it's seen as fine. Sex work, divorce, lots of partners, flirt with guys they like etc. I think women re pretty much allowed to do whatever they want (at least in part part because female sexuality doesn't really represent a visible immediate threat to anyone).

    At the same time if we really were sexually liberated and uninhibited and therefore unafraid, we would allow heterosexual men to just be themselves with no shame or filter. The only real constraint would be actual unwanted physical contact. But we don't and are actually very restrictive about male sexuality. I went back to school for a graduate degree and had to do a lot of sensitivity training regarding sex. The school gives out condoms but no one seems to use them. I see very few couples on campus. Universities are the worst when it comes to policing male behavior and pumping the women full of fear porn about mass rape and druggings.

    I have a lot of thoughts on this and I'm sure others do as well. There really shouldn't be an "incel" phenomena in a sexually liberated culture but here we are.

    • 4 months ago

      That was always the purpose of the sexual revolution. You bought the lie that they were pushing universal values, just like "civil rights" or "equality" those are complete lies used to dupe people into giving them power and authority

    • 4 months ago

      >if we really were sexually liberated and uninhibited and therefore unafraid, we would allow heterosexual men to just be themselves with no shame or filter.

      There always were and always will be rules to social interaction. If you don't follow the rules most people will be made uncomfortable. Most people aren't willing to go off alone with people who make them uncomfortable.

      • 4 months ago

        >There always were and always will be rules to social interaction.
        I'm fine with that. But there is an issue when talking to people or looking at them is considered "problematic"

        The rules are simple

        and maybe even something that should be illegal. Social and sexual relations do need some cultural mediator. Historically, it was Christianity and I think that worked well. Other mediators like liberal-individualism, feminism, hedonism, or marxism are all bad mediators of sex. As men we are becoming over policed in terms of sexuality. We really do need to be allowed some leeway in terms of expressing ourselves. We do need to be allowed some scope to approach women and make them uncomfortable at least for a little bit so we can feel out situations. We should be allowed to approach at work or the store. Corporate, government, and university HR have gone way too far. Social norms around this are becoming too prudish and restrictive. Just my thoughts.

        • 4 months ago

          >But there is an issue when talking to people or looking at them is considered "problematic"
          I mean, most of the shit on that list is disgusting behavior. Catcalling, unwanted flirting, unwanted physical contact (hugs, touching, grinding, grabbing, groping, kissing), and staring at people and taking pictures of them are all troglodyte behaviors.
          >We do need to be allowed some scope to approach women and make them uncomfortable at least for a little bit
          You don't have a right to make people uncomfortable.

          • 4 months ago

            >You don't have a right to make people uncomfortable.
            No one has a right to feel comfortable all the time. Comfortable is a highly subjective term. Trying to ensure women feel safe and comfortable at all times is a fool's errand. You will never achieve this.

            • 4 months ago

              >>You don't have a right to make people uncomfortable.
              >No one has a right to feel comfortable all the time
              How is this relevant to what he said? its's a completely different idea.

            • 4 months ago

              There's a difference between trying to ensure that everybody is comfortable all the time, and being disgusted by people who deliberately and knowingly make others uncomfortable.
              Obviously not everybody can be comfortable at all times. But everybody can choose NOT to make people more uncomfortable, by minding their own fricking business.

              • 4 months ago

                Sure, I guess we just disagree on what the proper limit is.

              • 4 months ago

                >People need to be more antisocial and I support this
                You are the problem

          • 4 months ago

            women hate this behavior so much they go out dressed more revealing than 1970s streetwalkers

            • 4 months ago

              >women hate this behavior so much they go out dressed more revealing than 1970s streetwalkers
              How does that mean they like the behavior?

              • 4 months ago

                Revealed preference. Watch what people say not what they do.
                Remember that 'walking in NYC video'? Someone did a similar one while wearing a burka or something similar and got literally zero comments
                If you hated it so much you wouldn't dress like a prostitute
                That is literally WHY they dress that way. To GET MEN'S ATTENTION.
                It is literally sexual harassment of men, because it attacks our most base instincts.

              • 4 months ago

                >It is literally sexual harassment of men, because it attacks our most base instincts.
                If you can't control your base instincts you do not deserve to be called human. You are no better than a mindless animal.

              • 4 months ago

                I can control my base instincts you fricking drama queen
                But if someone got two inches from your face and started screaming you're a homosexual pussy b***h frick you punk
                and you didn't punch them, you'd be controlling your base instincts, but it's still be stress on your deepest mammalian impulses

              • 4 months ago

                Imagine thinking that women not dressing like Muslim subhumans is "sexual harassment." You are not a victim. You should be euthanized along with all coomers who can't control themselves.

                Sure, I guess we just disagree on what the proper limit is.

                The proper limit for knowingly and deliberately making people uncomfortable is "do not do it at all."

              • 4 months ago

                >Imagine thinking that women not dressing like Muslim subhumans is "sexual harassment." You are not a victim. You should be euthanized along with all coomers who can't control themselves.
                Way to miss the point.
                The point is if they don't want sexual attention from men, all they have to do is not walk around with their breasts and ass hanging out, being flirtatious
                They don't do this, so obviously the harassment doesn't actually bother them very much

                >Source on that.
                Source on what? Which part are you saying needs verification? It's all a very basic argument. Would you accept my premise if I spent two seconds googling to find the video?
                No, you wouldn't. So stop asking for le source

              • 4 months ago

                >Source on what? Which part are you saying needs verification? It's all a very basic argument. Would you accept my premise if I spent two seconds googling to find the video?
                Can you provide a source showing harassment is caused by the way they dress?
                Can you give a source that says they dress like that to get male attention?

              • 4 months ago

                No, you fricking colossal redditor
                How can you be such a redditor? I provided an ARGUMENT. Asking for a source is not appropriate here.
                I fricking hate how schools have created so many dumb motherfrickers who think like this

              • 4 months ago

                >No, you fricking colossal redditor
                >How can you be such a redditor? I provided an ARGUMENT. Asking for a source is not appropriate here.
                >I fricking hate how schools have created so many dumb motherfrickers who think like this
                Why is asking for a source innapropriate? You made claims, and I'm asking for evidence to see if they are true. Why should I assume your premise is true without evidence?

              • 4 months ago

                You are literally too stupid to follow or respond to an argument
                I laid out the premises of the argument and then the conclusion
                There's nothing in there that merits a source
                Instead of following the argument, you ask for a "source" to prove that the conclusion is true
                Don't do this. It is a complete waste of everyone's time. You don't understand how an argument or a source works. You were overeducated for your undersized brain and randomly throw out school related ideas without understanding how they are supposed to actually work.

              • 4 months ago

                >Don't do this. It is a complete waste of everyone's time. You don't understand how an argument or a source works. You were overeducated for your undersized brain and randomly throw out school related ideas without understanding how they are supposed to actually work.
                How are they supposed to work?

              • 4 months ago

                You ask for a source for a specific, claim, not for the conclusion of the argument.
                If you disagree with a premise, then ask for the source.
                For instance, if you disagreed that women dress like bawds, say that.
                Don't agree that they dress like bawds, but then ask for a source when I say that makes them bawds.

                >Only in degree
                >They activate the same part of the brain
                How does that justify sexually harassing them?

                Someone pointing a loaded gun in your face, and calling your mother a prostitute activate the same parts of the brain.

                I can tell you're very triggered by all this. Why?
                I never said harassing them is good.
                I said they like being harassed. Which is why they dress like bawds.
                If they didn't like being harassed they wouldn't dress like bawds.
                I also said that by dressing like bawds, they are harassing men.

              • 4 months ago

                I asked for sources for the premises of your argument.
                You said harassment is caused by the way women dress. You also said they do it to get male attention.

              • 4 months ago

                Yes, I talked about a video that proved that first claim. That is a source.
                Then I followed basic logic to deduce the second claim.
                Please try to understand how logic, arguments, and sources work. Maybe google it and see if you can find a better explanation.

                They hid the race of those shooters better than they hid the arch of the covenant at the end of raiders of the lost arch. Nobody I know has any idea what race did it

                >Nobody I know has any idea what race did it
                It's a scooby doo mystery!

              • 4 months ago

                You didn't link the video, and a single video of a woman in a burqa doesn't prove that they don't get harassment. It's too small a sample size.

                In fact there's plenty of research showing that people get harassed despite or even because of wearing those burqas. https://www.aclu.org/documents/discrimination-against-muslim-women-fact-sheet

                How does basic logic prove the second claim?
                It'd be like saying smokers smoke because they want to get cancer.

              • 4 months ago

                Anyways that's saying they get hate for their religion, not that they get sexually assaulted despite being dressed conservatively

                >How does basic logic prove the second claim?
                Premise 1: women who dress like bawds get harassed
                Premise 2: women who don't dress like bawds don't get harassed
                Conclusion: women who dress like bawds don't particularly mind getting harassed, because they could easily fix it if they wanted

                Where is the flaw in logic? And what "source" would change your mind?

              • 4 months ago

                >Premise 1: women who dress like bawds get harassed
                >Premise 2: women who don't dress like bawds don't get harassed
                >Conclusion: women who dress like bawds don't particularly mind getting harassed, because they could easily fix it if they wanted
                >Where is the flaw in logic?
                Aside from the assumptions in the 2 listed premises.
                You are assuming their motivation for dressing that way.
                You are assuming they are aware of the cause of the harassment.
                The conclusion doesn't directly follow from the premises.

                >And what "source" would change your mind?
                stuff like relevant studies or papers.

              • 4 months ago

                ok redditman
                what is your explanation?
                that women have NO IDEA that dressing like a bawd leads to them getting harassed? and they would all dress modestly if they could just figure this out?

              • 4 months ago

                Maybe people who dress modestly will still get harassed?

              • 4 months ago

                Why DO smokers smoke, anyway?

              • 4 months ago

                because it's highly addictive.
                If you want some whishy washy psychobabble, you get told not to drink, smoke, do drugs all your life, then you get to high school, drink some beers, go to some parties, try some weed and figure "hey, this isnt that bad" given you're 15, dumb and think you're going to be young and healthy for all forseeable future. Maybe you think smoking looks cool, maybe your parents smoked so the first whiff of a freshly lit cigarette gives you nostalgia. So you try one, cough a bit, figure out how to properly drag and you feel a bit accomplished, you feel a bit cool, a bit more adult.

                Then you do one at the next party, it felt good at the last one, one cant hurt, once or twice a month isnt going to make you addicted, "I'm in controll". Then it becomes a ritual at every party, then every smoker gets tired of you bumming smokes so now you have to buy a pack to have cigs for the next party. Now you have a pack laying around. Maybe you'll have one on sunday when moms out. Then it just becomes more frequent, it becomes a stress release, then something shitty happens, gf breaks up, your crush sleeps with a classmate, something that upsets you and you reach for a cigarette, reach for a bottle and voila, now you have an psychological dependency on cigarettes as a means of emotional regulation. Then the physical addiction builds up, it becomes ritualized, cig in the morning, cig after breakfast, cig after lunch, cig after dinner, cig before beg. Before you know it, you're smoking a pack a day.

              • 4 months ago

                you fricking israelite

              • 4 months ago


              • 4 months ago

                Sure thing homie:

              • 4 months ago

                >I can control my base instincts you fricking drama queen
                >But if someone got two inches from your face and started screaming you're a homosexual pussy b***h frick you punk
                >and you didn't punch them, you'd be controlling your base instincts, but it's still be stress on your deepest mammalian impulses
                How is someone trying to start a fight with you, comparable to seeing a woman in daisy dukes and a crop top?
                The latter isn't a life or death situation.

                Why are you gays insisting on being disingenuous when you know damn well what he's talking about?

              • 4 months ago

                >Why are you gays insisting on being disingenuous when you know damn well what he's talking about?
                What is he tocking about?

              • 4 months ago

                Women don't dress up like prostitutes "for themselves." They do it because they want the sexual attention from men. When they signal that they want sexual attention from men, more men will approach them. homosexual dyke bloggers have convinced you that this is an unnatural reaction and then that mentality spilled out into the mainstream.
                >inb4 SOURCE? SOURCE? WHERES DA SOURCE?

              • 4 months ago

                Why should I believe you just because you say its true?

              • 4 months ago

                Women don't dress up like prostitutes "for themselves." They do it because they want the sexual attention from men. When they signal that they want sexual attention from men, more men will approach them. homosexual dyke bloggers have convinced you that this is an unnatural reaction and then that mentality spilled out into the mainstream.
                >inb4 SOURCE? SOURCE? WHERES DA SOURCE?

                Should I believe anyone who tells me stuff, and says I dont need a source for it?

              • 4 months ago

                because im from california

              • 4 months ago

                >I can control my base instincts you fricking drama queen
                >But if someone got two inches from your face and started screaming you're a homosexual pussy b***h frick you punk
                >and you didn't punch them, you'd be controlling your base instincts, but it's still be stress on your deepest mammalian impulses
                How is someone trying to start a fight with you, comparable to seeing a woman in daisy dukes and a crop top?
                The latter isn't a life or death situation.

              • 4 months ago

                Because they both activate the base animal parts of your brain
                Ok, imagine a girl is NAKED. She comes up and starts swinging her breasts in your face while you're sitting there with your family.
                Is that appropriate? Is it sexual harassment?

              • 4 months ago

                That's probably innapropriate.
                but there's a difference between seeing someone scantily clad walking down the street, and seeing a naked person waving their genitalia right in your face.

              • 4 months ago

                >but there's a difference between seeing someone scantily clad walking down the street, and seeing a naked person waving their genitalia right in your face.
                Only in degree
                They activate the same part of the brain

                Of course that's not appropriate you dumb homosexual.
                But it's a far cry from a woman simply existing and choosing to wear something like short shorts or a crop top.
                When you go to the beach do you feel entitled to harass all the women who are wearing swimsuits? After all, they're not covering up their entire body, so they must want attention from a 300lb incel who probably doesn't even wear deodorant. Clearly they are sexually harassing you!

                The "difference" being whether they actually show the areola, or just the rest of the boob instead

              • 4 months ago

                >The "difference" being whether they actually show the areola, or just the rest of the boob instead
                No, the difference is that one woman is naked and the other is not. You are a porn-addicted coomer with a permanently destroyed dopaminergic system.

              • 4 months ago

                >Only in degree
                >They activate the same part of the brain
                How does that justify sexually harassing them?

                Someone pointing a loaded gun in your face, and calling your mother a prostitute activate the same parts of the brain.

              • 4 months ago

                Of course that's not appropriate you dumb homosexual.
                But it's a far cry from a woman simply existing and choosing to wear something like short shorts or a crop top.
                When you go to the beach do you feel entitled to harass all the women who are wearing swimsuits? After all, they're not covering up their entire body, so they must want attention from a 300lb incel who probably doesn't even wear deodorant. Clearly they are sexually harassing you!

              • 4 months ago

                The fact that it's normalized for prostitutes to wear underwear to the public beach every day just proves that guy's point that the rot is already set in.
                You are arguing in favor of gynocracy. Might as well just chop off your dick and hand it in right now, gay.

              • 4 months ago

                >The fact that it's normalized for prostitutes to wear underwear to the public beach every day just proves that guy's point that the rot is already set in.
                What exactly should they wear to the public beach? A burkini?
                You're also forgetting that men essentially do the same thing. I mean, you probably go to the beach wearing a shirt so nobody can see your man breasts and stretch-marked gut, but most men will go to the beach in nothing but shorts. Some will even wear more form-fitting swimwear like speedos.

              • 4 months ago

                Shit you fricks excuse blacks playing chicken with the cops in so called life or death situations all the time.

              • 4 months ago

                >Revealed preference. Watch what people say not what they do.
                >Remember that 'walking in NYC video'? Someone did a similar one while wearing a burka or something similar and got literally zero comments
                >If you hated it so much you wouldn't dress like a prostitute
                >That is literally WHY they dress that way. To GET MEN'S ATTENTION.
                Source on that.
                >It is literally sexual harassment of men, because it attacks our most base instincts.
                I have jacked off to fully clothed women and I can easily ignore naked people.

              • 4 months ago

                Do you think someone that dresses like a cope hates being mistaken for one.

              • 4 months ago


              • 4 months ago

                >Do you think someone that dresses like a cop hates being mistaken for one.
                This is a false equivalency. How do you know they are trying to dress like a prostitute? Why would dressing like that mean they want to be sexually harassed?

                There are literal rules (which are legally enforced in some cases) set out for how cops (and other emergency responders) should dress. There aren't any such rules for prostitutes.

              • 4 months ago

                Nope you can dress exactly like a cop and walk around and if someone mistakes you for one that person is not the ass hole the same way if a women dresses the way a women who is seeking sexual attention gets it its your fault.

                If a fricking guy walks around with red on in a crypt black neighborhood you leftist feminist fricks aren't going to preteen the guy is innocent when he gets attention.

                Your the one being disingenuous

              • 4 months ago

                >If a fricking guy walks around with red on in a crypt black neighborhood you leftist feminist fricks aren't going to preteen the guy is innocent when he gets attention.
                People would defend the guy. at the very least, not everyone is aware of gang colors for instance,

              • 4 months ago

                Yeah people will defend the guy but no one is going to pretend he did not do something to illicite those people.

                Your being disingenuous if you don't think so. Go ahead and leave your car unlocked in the same neighborhood and complain about getting your car robbed

                We can do this all night you simply are being dishonest.

              • 4 months ago

                you are supposed to leave your car unlocked so they dont break the window.

              • 4 months ago

                Guess what, I can condemn crime. Gangsters are bad for attacking people.

              • 4 months ago

                >There are literal rules (which are legally enforced in some cases) set out for how cops (and other emergency responders) should dress. There aren't any such rules for prostitutes.
                This is why prostitution should be legal.

        • 4 months ago

          >But there is an issue when talking to people or looking at them is considered "problematic"
          There's a difference between looking at someone briefly and staring at them.
          I wouldn't describe it as sexual harassment, since it could just be someone wanting to mug you or say some schizo shit. But it is creepy.

          Similarly there is a difference between a normal conversation and one that is unwanted.
          Keep in mind this is a just a flier, it can't properly explain things and express nuance.

    • 4 months ago

      The decline of dating, reproduction and marriage are signs of failure.

      • 4 months ago

        I graduated in 2013 and probably half or more of my senior class went to prom. I didn't because I'm a loser incel lol. It's been 10 years since 2014, I'd be interested to see what has happened since. I can't imagine COVID-19 helping the kids.

        • 4 months ago

          I graduated in 2013 and I took a girl to prom
          Last "date" i ever had. At least I got drunk with friends that night

    • 4 months ago

      >At the same time if we really were sexually liberated and uninhibited and therefore unafraid, we would allow heterosexual men to just be themselves with no shame or filter. The only real constraint would be actual unwanted physical contact. But we don't and are actually very restrictive about male sexuality. I went back to school for a graduate degree and had to do a lot of sensitivity training regarding sex. The school gives out condoms but no one seems to use them. I see very few couples on campus. Universities are the worst when it comes to policing male behavior and pumping the women full of fear porn about mass rape and druggings.
      You use a lot of words, but fail to explain what anything means.
      What does it signify for "heterosexual men to just be themselves with no shame or filter"?

      • 4 months ago

        >What does it signify for "heterosexual men to just be themselves with no shame or filter"?
        What he means is that he wants to be allowed to act like a creepy 400lb neckbeard and for it to be socially acceptable.

      • 4 months ago

        There really shouldn't be any stigma about cold approaching. Workplace environments are bad for men with 0 tolerance policies. Relationships and dating are complicated. Men need a little wiggle room to approach even if it makes women a little nervous once in a while.

        • 4 months ago

          Actually there should be stigma about it, because approaching someone you know nothing about is obnoxious and annoying. You don't even know if the person is interested in dating or if they don't already have a boyfriend. You don't know anything about them.
          If you want to approach a woman, at least get to know them on a friendly basis first. Then you can know if they're even open to being approached, and you can also know if they're worth approaching. Cold approaches just waste everybody's time.

          • 4 months ago

            It's worked for centuries.

            Your just socially awkward.

            • 4 months ago

              It didn't happen for centuries, this is a consequence mostly of modernity. And yes approaching strangers is basically anti social and weird behavior.

              >last week's enemy
              The rich are, always have been, and always will be the enemy.
              There is no greater or more relevant issue than class inequality.
              How often have you had to listen to boomers b***h and moan about their wives? Doesn't sound like randomly approaching random people leads to healthy, loving relationships. More likely it results in two people who have frick all in common getting stuck together.

              You are extremely reddit

              • 4 months ago

                >mmmm I love rich boots
                Even "based" rich "people" would sell you to an industrial meat packing plant to be turned into food for their slaves if they had the opportunity.

              • 4 months ago

                You've never had a real job and working men find you pathetic and effeminate

                >everybody who disagrees with me is exactly the same person!!!!
                I was never a neoliberal because neoliberalism (and neoconservatism) is a fricking evil ideology based around elevating the wealthy even further.
                I've also never believed in race-based bullshit.

                You're all the same
                Let me guess, you don't hold a single opinion that would get you unpersoned by the social justice left
                Tell me your biggest Thoughtcrime against social justice

              • 4 months ago

                >You've never had a real job
                But I have had many. I've worked in retail, I've worked as an automotive mechanic, I've worked in kitchens, I've worked in shipping and receiving.
                >and working men find you pathetic and effeminate
                In my experience, the only "working men" who look down on me are the same "working men" who spend all day listening to homosexuals from Nashville sing about their lifted pickup trucks. Thus, I do not care about their opinions, because they are obviously incredibly stupid.
                >Let me guess, you don't hold a single opinion that would get you unpersoned by the social justice left
                Oh but I do.
                >Tell me your biggest Thoughtcrime against social justice
                "Trans kids" aren't real and puberty blockers should be illegal except in cases of precocious puberty.
                Sexual education should consist of teaching how to not get STDs and how to not have unplanned pregnancies, it should not teach about how to clean your ass to get fricked by a man.
                White privilege does not exist. Only class privilege exists, and poor white people have no more of that than poor black people.
                Globalization is evil and moronic.
                Many, many cultures around the world - in fact, most cultures - are inferior to western ones, and should not be permitted in western countries. For instance, Islam should be illegal in civilized nations. Full assimilation is the only way for immigrants to ever integrate into a country, and it should be mandatory.
                Dead Palestinians are a good thing.

              • 4 months ago

                Black person when do you think the first pick up line was created?

                Where does your logic end? Can pollsters do their job and ask questions to random people, is asking for directions a risk of violating someone?

              • 4 months ago

                >Where does your logic end? Can pollsters do their job and ask questions to random people, is asking for directions a risk of violating someone?
                People hate those things as well.

          • 4 months ago

            Goddamn you Black folk are stupid

            • 4 months ago

              You can get to know somebody without immediately asking if they want to frick you.

              >People need to be more antisocial and I support this
              You are the problem

              Bothering random strangers is antisocial behavior you moron.

              • 4 months ago

                That's not what an approach is you dumbfrick. The boomers were right about iPhones until they started getting lost in the fricking things themselves. You're not going to know if it's bothering if you try, but now all of the fat ugly prostitutes who don't getting approached are writing about how awful getting approached is, they've psyopped other women into making it an "ick" for a guy to ever talk to them.

                When our population collapses enough because of the homosexualry you support and when they bring in a million darkies and the great chimpout happens, I hope you're the first to go in a viral video and buddy I hope it's fricking brutal.

              • 4 months ago

                >That's not what an approach is you dumbfrick. The boomers were right about iPhones until they started getting lost in the fricking things themselves. You're not going to know if it's bothering if you try, but now all of the fat ugly prostitutes who don't getting approached are writing about how awful getting approached is, they've psyopped other women into making it an "ick" for a guy to ever talk to them.
                I don't need to try to know that hitting on random people who happened to walk past me on a public sidewalk would bother said people. What makes you think that somebody who is minding their own business WANTS to talk to some random incel on the street?

              • 4 months ago

                Not him but it’s not about what I assume she wants. It’s about what I want, and I’m going to find out if she wants the same. If she doesn’t, fine. Approaching doesn’t have to be this horrible thing you think it is and in fact some women find it confident and charming. It’s only bad if you’re super creepy or a fricking moron about it. Just have some tact and the worst she’ll do is say she isn’t interested. And don’t tell me it doesn’t work cause I’ve gotten incredible sex that way.

              • 4 months ago

                >It’s only bad if you’re super creepy or a fricking moron about it
                Now that I think about it, this is probably why people are told not to do it. Because the lowest common denominator fricks it up

    • 4 months ago

      The sexual revolution worked as intended because the intent was to frick over men, and it got the backing of some men by selling us the lie that every man would be able to get casual sex. Nope, just destroyed wives for everyone. Enjoy.

    • 4 months ago

      The thing is people were having a lot of sex from the 1960s to the late 00s, then within 15 years it all went downhill. In my analysis, I don't wholly blame feminism, internet, porn and video games are certainly playing a role in this.

      When a boy gives up, he no longer works to make himself appealing to women, which is a skill that takes a lot of effort, like learning to play the piano. This leads to a vicious cycle, if he's not socializing, he doesn't get time on the piano, he can't learn, and he descends deeper. You have all these normies saying "just talk to women bro", not realizing it is like a professional musician telling someone with only a few hours of intermittent practice "just play mozart bro". These same normies of course would never invite you to a party, even if they did, one of the girls would see you and go "ew" and try to get rid of you.

      This also existed in the past, of course, but now boys can escape. When they are teenagers and don't fit in, which pretty much everyone experiences even Chad, they have another choice, say "frick it" and hang on their echo chamber on the internet. In the past it would be the nerds in the chess club, but now it is more appealing to play vidya and shoot the shit with tour bros rather than talk about getting into parties and girls.

      On the other end are the girls, who have their own echo chambers and their own very narrow window of what they consider acceptable. Most women don't admit it, but they hate 90% of men, literally hate, and they are encouraged to do so and encouraged to single out men to be ostracized and find any excuse to do so. This is of course heightened and encouraged by feminists who think men need to be controlled and punished as much as possible, even if it means excluding them from society and making them lonely and miserable the rest of their lives for "mansplaining" or "manspreading" or some other innocuous thing. Women in general are pretty malicious, they just hide it.

      • 4 months ago

        >within 15 years it all went downhill
        social media allowed women to hit up on guys that they would have never seen outside, which means only the top men will get attention. and once that female has gotten a taste of the 1-10% man, he never wants to go back.

      • 4 months ago

        You're right about women hating men, but I'd like to apply that to your other point that I don't think you're right about.
        It's not just the video games. Yeah they're an outlet. Problem is, average gamer that takes care of himself would have gotten laid at that age 20 years ago. It's different now. Most women hate most men, and it's only getting worse. Women are encouraged to do so now more than ever by the culture, and have the ability through their phones to go wherever the frick they want to get validation. Think of it like globalization taking away factory jobs. Not every men had a model, but at least they had SOMETHING.

      • 4 months ago

        >This is of course heightened and encouraged by feminists who think men need to be controlled and punished as much as possible, even if it means excluding them from society and making them lonely and miserable the rest of their lives for "mansplaining" or "manspreading" or some other innocuous thing. Women in general are pretty malicious, they just hide it.
        How do you know its cause of feminists, and not cause of random women in general?

  26. 4 months ago

    anyone has the edit?

    • 4 months ago

      >because I'm not a chud
      fortunately for you, I am

  27. 4 months ago

    >Where did all the good men go?

  28. 4 months ago

    I got embaressed/laughed at a lot by girls during school. I also internalized all that feminist shtick about them wanting guys to leave them alone. By 15 I avoided them like the plague and have been doing so ever since.

  29. 4 months ago

    For real, though, what is the "proper" way to express yourself as a heterosexual man, or to court a girl? Serious question.

    • 4 months ago

      There is none. Every part of civilization is run by reactionary extremists who have no end game and exist to play victims and suck up tax dollars. My are a train with no breaks going 500mph with a brick wall at the end of the tracks and every person capable of stopping it just wants their piece of the corrupt tax payer pie. I don't think there is a big plan to destabilize everything just sharks in a feeding frenzy feeding on a corpse not considering if what they are doing is wrong just making sure they get their bite at all costs future be damned.

    • 4 months ago

      Honestly you sound like kind of a modern pussy like most of us
      So your problem is being too afraid and too cautious
      I've basically tried to be as bold and harassing as possible and even that was not enough
      (it obviously helps if you're attractive and have some social awareness)
      so yeah act like a chauvinist lecherous pig towards them, they'll shut you down if they don't like it I suppose and that's that, and if they don't shut you down then amp it up
      If they get mad don't get all apologetic or whatever, hold frame, be all like 'ok babe have it your way, your loss'

    • 4 months ago

      Women think life is a movie and that there is someone for everyone if you just wait it out. Thats because the guys go to them. IRL most guys have to hit on everything that movies just to have a chance. women really don't get how much work a lot of guys have to put into getting laid. They unironically think we just get blowjobs by asking or get laid with no effort. They see must of us as ugly and undeserving of sex and have 0 appreciation for any effort we put in.

      They have no actual advice on how to get a girl. Most of the women who push this got into a relationship the normal way. I guy approached them and asked them out. He had confidence and was assertive. He was willing to take a risk and maybe even make her uncomfortable But women are brainwashed and want to protect all the other women by wiener blocking all the men.

      • 4 months ago

        I only ask because a simple comment like "wow, she's hot" (referencing a movie actress and not a person in the room) gets shut down. I have to talk lightly about liking to flip through old Playboys, as if I'm admitting I'm into rape porn, meanwhile I listen to girl coworkers talk about how they'd like to see the handsome sales director with his pants off. I realize the power imbalance; men have rarely had to worry about being harassed, but there has to be a healthy way to at least express your sexuality as a straight male, right?

        • 4 months ago

          >I only ask because a simple comment like "wow, she's hot" (referencing a movie actress and not a person in the room) gets shut down.
          I dont think this is common in society, your coworkers are just weird.

          • 4 months ago

            It's common as hell.

      • 4 months ago

        That's the problem, numbers game is the only way for a lot of men, and they are trying to explicitly push back against that. Ergo, they are attacking men with this bullshit.

    • 4 months ago

      Be attractive. That's it. There are no rules other than that. Everything women and beta orbiters say about not approaching women because it makes them uncomfortable is a giant shit test. 99.9% of relationships start with a confident man approaching a women and expressing romantic interest. The more attractive you are in relation to the woman you approach the more successful you will be. Charisma can be used as a substitute for physical attractiveness if you're on the bubble. That's all there is to it.

    • 4 months ago

      The game is rigged such that the answer now is that you must be a Chad lite. If you're not, don't talk to them ever.
      This is why you should never help a foid in need. They exclude you from even being allowed to try, so let them be girlbosses and go get the Chad that leads there harem to help them out (he won't lol).

  30. 4 months ago

    Ads and agitprop shit like this doesn't effect me because I know I'm based and I know white men are based. You would have a more difficult time listing things that weren't done by white men then you would listing the accomplishments of white men. We RULE, literally. Basically every cool thing was made by some white autistic dude 100 years ago. We are the GOAT demographic and I don't care if everyone else has to seethe and sneed about it for the rest of time.

  31. 4 months ago

    someone posts the copypasta where the only way for anon to approach a woman is if there is a gun pointed at his head

  32. 4 months ago

    Literally no one can refute this.

    • 4 months ago

      >too autistic to understand the difference between dirty talk and complaining about women online

      • 4 months ago

        Hurr durr Black person

        • 4 months ago


    • 4 months ago

      all of western men in a single image. needs percentages for context tho.

    • 4 months ago

      >too autistic to understand the difference between dirty talk and complaining about women online

      • 4 months ago

        That one gay on this thread will read this and still assert that "women deserve rights" when women go ahead and prove that assertion wrong every day.

  33. 4 months ago

    bla pipo rape

  34. 4 months ago

    >Wait, they commit how much violent crime?

  35. 4 months ago



    • 4 months ago

      God, we just need a full scale thermonuclear war at this point. Just scour the Earth clean, and try again in another 3 billion years.

  36. 4 months ago

    Most of this shit is complete bullshit.
    I have women in real time get upset because men stopped flirting with them.
    I have seen women in real time realize that AGR isn't an issue.
    I have seen women take the best most intimate fricking of their lives and suddenly realize they for the first time feel like a woman and want to be a stay at home mother.

    Real life isn't the internet, never forget that.

    • 4 months ago

      >want to be a stay at home mother
      How do I find a woman who DOES NOT want this? I hate children and the thought of working my entire life while my wife stays home doing nothing pisses me off.

      • 4 months ago

        Sounds like you aren't interested in women.


        bluepill moron

        You're beneath me.

        • 4 months ago

          >Sounds like you aren't interested in women.
          I am interested in women, just not in dumb b***hes who can't do anything but sit around at home and give birth to screaming, obnoxious, time consuming expenses.

    • 4 months ago

      bluepill moron

    • 4 months ago

      The problem is that all women hold BOTH of these positions.
      They'll use the narrative of "never approach" to frick over an ugly guy for the hell of it, and a Chad can come along saying the exact same thing and they'll be like "finally, a real man!"
      It's not even that they have different standards, it's the fact that they can throw one guy in jail for doing the same shit another does with impunity that makes this shit pure fricking evil.

      • 4 months ago

        >It's not even that they have different standards, it's the fact that they can throw one guy in jail for doing the same shit another does with impunity that makes this shit pure fricking evil.
        I'm a guy and I have that standard too.
        I'd be fine with a hot women grabbing my ass. I'd beat her up if she was ugly.

  37. 4 months ago

    >Woah dude
    >I just want a good Halo game and tv show, man

  38. 4 months ago

    I think it's funny how people in this thread honestly believe they would totally be able to get a GF if only they were allowed to approach random women on the street.

    • 4 months ago

      It's indicative of the rot expressed in

      The thing is people were having a lot of sex from the 1960s to the late 00s, then within 15 years it all went downhill. In my analysis, I don't wholly blame feminism, internet, porn and video games are certainly playing a role in this.

      When a boy gives up, he no longer works to make himself appealing to women, which is a skill that takes a lot of effort, like learning to play the piano. This leads to a vicious cycle, if he's not socializing, he doesn't get time on the piano, he can't learn, and he descends deeper. You have all these normies saying "just talk to women bro", not realizing it is like a professional musician telling someone with only a few hours of intermittent practice "just play mozart bro". These same normies of course would never invite you to a party, even if they did, one of the girls would see you and go "ew" and try to get rid of you.

      This also existed in the past, of course, but now boys can escape. When they are teenagers and don't fit in, which pretty much everyone experiences even Chad, they have another choice, say "frick it" and hang on their echo chamber on the internet. In the past it would be the nerds in the chess club, but now it is more appealing to play vidya and shoot the shit with tour bros rather than talk about getting into parties and girls.

      On the other end are the girls, who have their own echo chambers and their own very narrow window of what they consider acceptable. Most women don't admit it, but they hate 90% of men, literally hate, and they are encouraged to do so and encouraged to single out men to be ostracized and find any excuse to do so. This is of course heightened and encouraged by feminists who think men need to be controlled and punished as much as possible, even if it means excluding them from society and making them lonely and miserable the rest of their lives for "mansplaining" or "manspreading" or some other innocuous thing. Women in general are pretty malicious, they just hide it.

      The thing is, if we lived in the kind of society where approaching on the street wasn't seen as some awful thing, one would guess that the society would be better in other ways. Most men here are ACTUALLY normal guys. The problem is that normal doesn't cut it any more, and the reward for normal is shittier as the decades go on.

      • 4 months ago

        They lynched people for approaching the wrong women on the street in the past.

  39. 4 months ago

    Ever proctor and gamble product you buy supports their feminist "men are bad!" moronation.

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