"World's Finest" was actually extremely well written and paced.

"World's Finest" was actually extremely well written and paced. Which surprised me since I felt TNBA were kind of sloppy compared to BTAS.
Was STAS as good overall as "World's Finest" or is it an outlier. After watching this I get the impression most of the writing effort might have gone into Superman which is why TNBA feels lacklustre.

Essentially I am asking whether Superman is worth a watch or if I should just skip straight to Batman Beyond as planned.
Regardless I will say these episodes are a must watch for a Batman collection. They went all out and it shines.

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  1. 6 months ago

    STAS is well worth a watching if only for the character writing.

    • 6 months ago

      STAS is damn good and actually has some good larger-scale storytelling too
      Though it's too bad they didn't get to do another wrap-up season as planned, you have to watch JLU to finally wrap up his material

      Was there more production focus on STAS than TNBA during its run? It was the same team wasn't it? I imagine it was tough to run two shows at once.

      • 6 months ago

        different writing staff though producers were involved in both; keep in mind the production schedule was fast to get things set up but they were a bit more experienced coming off BTAS(BTAS went though a lot of revision in preproduction and drafts of episodes, designs, etc, STAS and TNBA especially had more foresight. With BTAS they had to crank out 64 episodes in about a year, with STAS they had 52 episodes across 4 years, with 24 episodes of TNBA in that time frame.

  2. 6 months ago

    STAS is damn good and actually has some good larger-scale storytelling too
    Though it's too bad they didn't get to do another wrap-up season as planned, you have to watch JLU to finally wrap up his material

  3. 6 months ago

    I need to watch STAS sometime.

  4. 6 months ago


  5. 6 months ago

    Why wouldn't STAS be worth a watch?

    • 6 months ago

      Time. I have to ration out my leisure time by the hours per week. Watching a 40 episode series will keep me going for 2-3 months.

      >Essentially I am asking whether Superman is worth a watch
      Yes, absolutely. The pilot, "Stolen Memories", "The Late Mr. Kent" and all the episodes with New Gods are essential viewing.

      >The pilot, "Stolen Memories",
      I thought the 3 part Son of Krypton was the pilot.

      The Way of All Flesh
      Stolen Memories
      The Main Man
      "The Last Son of Krypton"
      "Blasts From the Past"
      "Speed Demons"
      "Identity Crisis"
      "Action Figures"
      "World's Finest"
      "Knight Time"

      these are the only good ones imo

      > "The Last Son of Krypton"
      To be honest, a giant 3 parter on DC's most boring superhero origin is turning me off watching the series.

      For sequential cape shit animation, S-TAS has things to recommend it, save that the more and more I ever catch a clip of it today (or in the past 5 years plus), the more I become exasperated at Timm's model style and design.

      People here are correct, they did do a good job on some character development with Clark, and they did get aspects of Lois correct, but really failed with others - some of whom are basically wallpaper even in episodes where they get more dialogue or screen time - whereas others, like Perry and Jimmy, or Martha and Jonathan - you end up filling in a lot of detail with head canon, when you actually sit down and think about actual dialogue stated or what literally happens on screen.

      Even as a Superman fan, I'm not going to re-watch these with nostalgia goggles on and claim they did great character work on anyone not called Superman or Clark Kent on this series.

      The art direction as far as the design of Metropolis was one thing they handled well, and they did a good job with the action set pieces, even with the limitations they had (such as no blood or gore) - the only real problem is that they - and this isn't just to blame WB Animation as this is also a problem other animated shows from the 1990s/2000s contributed to - gave us all this destruction porn of buildings without showing us how that might have killed these civilians or any blood or gore aftereffects from it, that it lead to this being a video game type of presentation in live action cape shit, which then lead to the kinds of push back that happened with MoS and even to the MCU about civilian movie deaths.

      Falling buildings probably went out of fashion after 9/11

  6. 6 months ago

    I have to recommend STAS. It's so great.

  7. 6 months ago

    Something I noticed about STAS, especially in the earlier seasons, is the weight the characters carry in the fight scenes, ther'es always a sense of momentum and inertia in these scenes that I've never seen in other series.

  8. 6 months ago

    Can any anon link me a copy of this?
    Everything I find seems grainy.

    • 6 months ago

      it's likely the blu ray rip that anyone can find

  9. 6 months ago

    The Way of All Flesh
    Stolen Memories
    The Main Man
    "The Last Son of Krypton"
    "Blasts From the Past"
    "Speed Demons"
    "Identity Crisis"
    "Action Figures"
    "World's Finest"
    "Knight Time"

    these are the only good ones imo

    • 6 months ago

      >neither Mxy episode on the list
      You disgust me

      • 6 months ago

        >Fish gotta swim
        >Birds gotta fly
        >...or he does.

      • 6 months ago

        I don't like things that are too goofy in something thats mostly serious

        Time. I have to ration out my leisure time by the hours per week. Watching a 40 episode series will keep me going for 2-3 months.
        >The pilot, "Stolen Memories",
        I thought the 3 part Son of Krypton was the pilot.
        > "The Last Son of Krypton"
        To be honest, a giant 3 parter on DC's most boring superhero origin is turning me off watching the series.

        Falling buildings probably went out of fashion after 9/11

        >To be honest, a giant 3 parter on DC's most boring superhero origin is turning me off watching the series.
        sure but it explains a lot and is a good introduction to everything superman

    • 6 months ago

      >no The Late Mr. Kent

  10. 6 months ago

    >Essentially I am asking whether Superman is worth a watch
    Yes, absolutely. The pilot, "Stolen Memories", "The Late Mr. Kent" and all the episodes with New Gods are essential viewing.

  11. 6 months ago

    STAS is stellar and sets up most of the big plot points in Justice League/Unlimited.
    If you're only interested in Batman stuff, there are 3 more crossover episodes in STAS.

  12. 6 months ago

    For sequential cape shit animation, S-TAS has things to recommend it, save that the more and more I ever catch a clip of it today (or in the past 5 years plus), the more I become exasperated at Timm's model style and design.

    People here are correct, they did do a good job on some character development with Clark, and they did get aspects of Lois correct, but really failed with others - some of whom are basically wallpaper even in episodes where they get more dialogue or screen time - whereas others, like Perry and Jimmy, or Martha and Jonathan - you end up filling in a lot of detail with head canon, when you actually sit down and think about actual dialogue stated or what literally happens on screen.

    Even as a Superman fan, I'm not going to re-watch these with nostalgia goggles on and claim they did great character work on anyone not called Superman or Clark Kent on this series.

    The art direction as far as the design of Metropolis was one thing they handled well, and they did a good job with the action set pieces, even with the limitations they had (such as no blood or gore) - the only real problem is that they - and this isn't just to blame WB Animation as this is also a problem other animated shows from the 1990s/2000s contributed to - gave us all this destruction porn of buildings without showing us how that might have killed these civilians or any blood or gore aftereffects from it, that it lead to this being a video game type of presentation in live action cape shit, which then lead to the kinds of push back that happened with MoS and even to the MCU about civilian movie deaths.

    • 6 months ago

      This is your brain on Batman Year One.
      I want to see Superman stories, the other characters are there to facilitate that, they are adjacent to Superman and only exist circumstancially and at the plot convenience.
      >b-but Perry
      Noone gives a frick.

      • 6 months ago

        I love Superman's supporting cast and would willingly read/watch a Daily Planet slice-of-life series that only featured Clark until he makes a poorly-excused exit from the office and a red blur appears outside.

      • 6 months ago

        You are wrong and someone like

        I love Superman's supporting cast and would willingly read/watch a Daily Planet slice-of-life series that only featured Clark until he makes a poorly-excused exit from the office and a red blur appears outside.

        is more typical. Years and years of successful Superman comics that built around his supporting cast would also disprove you.

        Also, I've never read Batwank Year One, nor watched much of BTAS, so your nonsense is disproven on so many other levels it's not even amusing.

        Time. I have to ration out my leisure time by the hours per week. Watching a 40 episode series will keep me going for 2-3 months.
        >The pilot, "Stolen Memories",
        I thought the 3 part Son of Krypton was the pilot.
        > "The Last Son of Krypton"
        To be honest, a giant 3 parter on DC's most boring superhero origin is turning me off watching the series.

        Falling buildings probably went out of fashion after 9/11

        >Falling buildings probably went out of fashion after 9/11
        A number of disaster movies in the past decade would disagree with you. Even if shit like Emmerich most recent disaster porn failure not succeeding in the box office, it doesn't stop suits with cash from giving people like him money to make even more disaster porn that, YEP, includes building being destroyed (among other similar property damage).

        Also, if not even 80 minutes is going to tax your attention span, even cartoons are likely the wrong medium for you, pal.

  13. 6 months ago

    Never hits the peaks BTAS does but it's a lot more consistent in quality, take that as you will

  14. 6 months ago

    >Only in one two-parter and a cameo
    Lobo was wasted.

    • 6 months ago

      The Main Man's just too much of a fraggin bastich for kiddie TV

  15. 6 months ago

    Superman TAS and Beyond are most tightly written shows in DCAU but BTAS always been kinda of a mess, like TNBA is more consistent honestly but it's still not as tightly written.

    • 6 months ago

      >BTAS always been kinda of a mess,
      people are VERY forgiving on BRAS because of it's peaks and art style. The show is very inconsistent, they had to hash out 64 episodes in about a year in addition to finding an artstyle, the writers varied from old comic writers to 80's TV to a few newcomers. Then by season 2 they had to rework based on network/toy company demands. STAS/TNBA/Beyond were made with less demands and it helps alot. Less ambitious overall, but nothing feels like a stray 80's cartoon episode reshelled like a few BTAS episodes do.

      • 6 months ago

        Hot take but the Batman and Robin season say for a few eps, is the weakest season, TNBA is better than that.

        • 6 months ago

          The style being the same makes people very forgiving of that.

          • 6 months ago

            Funny because TNBA is more consistent visually animation and designs don't always look different ep to ep like TAS and even when TNBA is really well animated doesn't stand out like crazy and never an moment where the show isn't like awful looking like some of BTAS. I get the appeal of BTAS style but TNBA works better for a TV series visually however I like the BTAS comics best and kinda wish the show was animated in Bruce Timm drawing style at the time, very sharp with thick outlines and less rubbery.

            • 6 months ago
            • 6 months ago

              >TNBA is really well animated
              It feels rushed. Compositions between shots are off. Characters standing in or going to wrong places between shots. Voice direction also falls down in places. It feels like the series didn't get the teams full attention.

              • 6 months ago

                I said WHEN it's really well animated.

        • 6 months ago

          B&R Eps
          >A buller for bullock
          >House and Garden
          >terrible trio
          >Time out of Joint
          >Baby Doll
          >lion and unicorn
          interesting ep, overall fine
          >Riddler's reform
          >Second chance
          >harley's holiday
          >make em laugh
          >deep freeze
          very good
          >batgirl returns

          • 6 months ago

            >Holiday Knights
            >Sins of the father
            >Cold Comfort
            >Double Talk
            >You scratch my back
            >Never Fear
            >Joker Millions
            Funny. Solid ep
            >Growing Pains
            Very good
            >love is a croc
            >Torch Song
            >Ultimate thrill
            ridiculous episode. Fine, overall.
            >Over the Edge
            >Mean Seasons
            >Cult of the Cat
            >Animal Act
            >Old wounds
            >Demon Within
            >Legends of the Dark Knight
            >Girls' Night Out
            >Mad Love
            Very good
            >Beware the Creeper
            >Judgment Day

            I can agree with the idea that the TNBA season is better.

          • 6 months ago

            >A buller for bullock
            >House and Garden
            >Terrible Tiro
            Trash, did Bane dirty
            >Baby Doll
            Overrated meh
            >Lion and Unicorn
            I hate Red Claw, worst oc in the series.
            >Riddler's reform
            >Second chance
            >Harley's Holiday
            >Lock Up
            >Make em Laugh
            pretty good
            >Deep Freeze
            >Batgirl Returns
            Meh Batgirl eps always lame.

            >Holiday Knights
            >Sins Of Father
            >Cold Comfort
            >You Scratch My Back
            >Never Fear
            >Joker's Millions
            >Growing Pains
            >Love Is A Croc
            Better than first Baby Doll ep
            >Torch Song
            The Batman did Firefly better
            >Ultimate Thrill
            >Over The Edge
            >Mean Seasons
            Fun ass ep.
            >Cult of the Cat
            almost all Catwoman eps are bad
            >Animal Act
            >Old Wounds
            Ok, could be better...Robin in DCAU was never threated right.
            >Demon Within
            >Legends Of The Dark Knight
            Agree, great.
            Girls' Night Out
            >Mad Love
            Beware The Creeper
            love it
            >Judgement Day
            ehh ok

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