Worst Ending?

/co/nsensus seems to be that either Voltron or Star vs. is the show that got the worst ending (of a serialized animated series that got a real ending).

Which was worse? And is the reputation fair?

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  1. 3 months ago

    I haven't seen Star Vs Forces of Evil but as someone who grinded through all of Voltron last year, I will say that Star is probably worse based on what I've seen in rant videos, because at the very least Voltron did not treat the annihilation of the galactic order as a good thing, whereas Star killing all the magic creatures is treated as good.

  2. 3 months ago

    What happens in Voltron?

    • 3 months ago

      In the final moments one of the main characters saves everyone by spontaneously having better magic than God, recreating the entire snuffed-out multiverse out of nothing, despite never having shown one-one-billionth of that much power before. She then dies and they all frick off and lead epilogue lives where they don't keep in touch. One becomes a farmer for no discernable reason.

      • 3 months ago

        The brown elf sacrifices herself to heal the destruction of endless timelines and alternate universes, Shiro gets married to a nameless npc guy, Lance fricks off and becomes a farmer and Keith gets screwed over.

        Sounds like the Amphibia ending

        • 3 months ago

          The Amphibia ending was better (not GOOD just better). Anne's sacrifice made a sort of sense, and her show of strength was built up to. Allura got a bit of a "she's getting stronger" storyline but nothing on the scale needed for an ending where she literally creates infinite realities. That's Capital-G-God shit (and God doing more than he ever did in the Bible for that matter).

          • 3 months ago

            I hated amphibias ending because i hated anne being permanently separated from the frog world and canonically losing her friendship with marcy and sasha and becoming bitter and alone

            • 3 months ago

              Oh anon.
              Annie didn't get permanently separated from the frog world and lose her friendships.
              Her clone did that.
              Annie just died.

              • 3 months ago

                Why do people keep treating that throwaway joke as fact now

              • 3 months ago

                >Villain defeated and killed
                >MC gets a positive love life
                >Supporting cast get happy endings (some in love)
                >Friendships remain

                I don't think that EVERY show should get such a baby basic ending but holy shit, people trying to avoid a "typical" ending really have a habit of shooting themselves in the foot.

                Anon, telling yourself "that moronic plot point was just a joke, ha ha!" doesn't make it a joke.

              • 3 months ago

                TOH really did have the best ending out of all of these shows. A shame it didnt get a full third season but i hope chapek gets cancer for not renewing the show

              • 3 months ago

                The theme of TOH was understanding and finding people who love and support you. To have Luz separate herself from this world that has done so much for her, after all her trials, for some "take these lessons for the real world, the real world being the current American job market" would spit in the face of the entire show.

              • 3 months ago

                The theme of Amphibia was that you should enjoy what you can right now, because the twists and turns of life mean that you're going to have to say goodbye to your friends eventually.
                To have Annie not die and get replaced by a clone, after all her trials... would have been fine. That was just weird.

              • 3 months ago

                >The theme of Amphibia was that you should enjoy what you can right now, because the twists and turns of life mean that you're going to have to say goodbye to your friends eventually.
                Thats a fricking bullshit moral. The three girls shouldve never stopped being friends in the first place

              • 3 months ago

                TOH ending is as bland and tasteless as flour

              • 3 months ago

                >"durr id rather have a shitty depressing unsatisfactory ending instead of a happy ending"
                I bet you expect asian masseuses to spit in your face and slap you instead of jerking you off too, huh?

              • 3 months ago

                It's an insult to every flour for it to be compared to that garbage. You can use flour to create the tastiest looking bread, but you can never fix that horrid pile of shit owl house finale.

              • 3 months ago

                It was "fine." Not great, not terrible.
                But the guys trying to think outside the box keep giving us shit like "Jack defeats Aku! And now everyone he ever saved has ceased to exist, and the girl he loved vanishes into nothingness right at the fricking altar." Nobody wants that shit
                Predictable "fine" ending > Unexpected shitty twists ending.

        • 3 months ago

          Another issue was that the show became largely a chore to watch after Lotor died(season 4 or 5?). There were too many episodes, and the quality wasn't high enough to justify it.

          • 3 months ago

            >the show became largely a chore to watch after Lotor died
            This should bum me out. But go figure it happened. The shit i learn browsing these threads keeps amazing me

            I hated that too since i had a crush on allura but admittedly i didnt watch it to completion i gave up on the show after i heard how it ended

            Oh I feel you. Have a best girl

            I'm old. I was confused af why she didn't have a pink dress when I started watching

            • 3 months ago

              Lotor dying was hella stupid, he'd literally just became their antagonist and he was axed. [Spoiler] and this is the one version Keith is also a hapa and they don't even fight one on one [/spoiler]

              >I expected the pink dress
              They never gave her it. For some reason they felt the need to make her visually unrecognizable from skin tone to tiara. She gets a pinkish dress on her date with Lance and it's just really boring. Like a button down from k mart

              • 3 months ago

                > Lotor ended up being a waste
                >couldn't even pink dress
                Christ to this day I regret not holding onto my bootlegs of the original and 3rd dimension. They couldn't nut up and keep sven dead. That was my other hang up.
                >inb4 shiro is his name
                I'm old, this show makes me exhausted the more I learn

              • 3 months ago

                She was better than the original Princess in every way except one: being alive at the end.

          • 3 months ago

            >the show became largely a chore to watch after Lotor died

            They said in interview after the show ended (RIGHT after it ended, in the afterparty, before it became clear that they'd incinerated their audience) that when they found out they had 78 episodes to play with they sat down and figured "okay we'll have Zarkon be the first threat the team deals with. Then Lotor. After that... eh, we'll figure something out when we get there."

            Shockingly the "we'll wing it" eps were largely shit, and having no idea where you want your show to go for an ending was a bad idea.
            Stevenson got the same "here's how many eps you're going to get" deal and figured out that Shadow Weaver would be the initial main villain, then Hordak and Light Hope, with Horde Prime as the big finale. And Stevenson had SOME idea where the character arcs would go. She-Ra ended up with the happier fandom because BASIC PLANNING IN ADVANCE is a good idea.

    • 3 months ago

      The brown elf sacrifices herself to heal the destruction of endless timelines and alternate universes, Shiro gets married to a nameless npc guy, Lance fricks off and becomes a farmer and Keith gets screwed over.

  3. 3 months ago

    Yeah star vs is worst imo since i was much more emotionally attached to that show and the mere idea of a show that started out showcasing the wonders of magic ending on showcasing all magic being murdered as an inherently good thing is completely fricked up and feels like some demoralizing psyop tactic

    • 3 months ago

      Vld theme was "we are stronger together" and ends with sacrificing one girl for the everyone else since her world and family are already dead so might as well join them in heaven

      • 3 months ago

        I hated that too since i had a crush on allura but admittedly i didnt watch it to completion i gave up on the show after i heard how it ended

        • 3 months ago

          Oh I feel you. Have a best girl

  4. 3 months ago

    DuckTales 2017

    • 3 months ago

      Nah. That was poor but not even on the same scale. Scrooge didn't get a magic wish and use it to get rid of money.

      • 3 months ago

        Webby being Scrooge’s clone daughter and becoming his true heir is pretty bad, though.

        • 3 months ago

          i didnt watch it. is this real?

          • 3 months ago


        • 3 months ago

          Yes, but that's "a bad ending" not "tied for worst ending of any Cinemaphile show knhxwto get an ending."

        • 3 months ago

          Donald gets the badass ending where he gets to tell his psychotic family to frick off while he's free to be with the people who actually care about him like fricking his nice girlfriend while traveling the world.
          That alone prevents it from being the worst series finale.

  5. 3 months ago

    Voltron because at least Star didn't kill their princess character through some contrived magical bullshit

  6. 3 months ago

    I wanted Keith to become emperor and I'm still mad he didn't.

  7. 3 months ago


    A reminder to everyone in this thread that Eclipsa committed Infanticide. She, with her own magic killed her only daughter and after sobbing uncontrollably about it proceeds to reincarnate her with all her memories wiped

    Am I the only one who thinks that's fricked up. What the absolute frick was Sabrina thinking doing this and then causally ignoring it to focus on cucking Marco with all his Ex's all season

    Jackie being a fricking rug muncher was somehow more important to Cinemaphile then Eclipsa getting away with murdering her daughter and then going "nope that doesn't count"

    And gooners STILL simp for Eclipsa because "Le Chubby Witch Cougar eat the Le Chocolate Bar"

    • 3 months ago

      Didn't they shamelessly copy this from Sailor Moon and Sailor Saturn?

  8. 3 months ago

    >Oh no they picked the wrong ship the fandom doesn't like!
    >Literal genocide and likely end of the universe to force yourself with a guy who the creator says will break up with her
    There's a reason Star Vs is always brought up as the definitive bad ending

    • 3 months ago

      >Oh no they picked the wrong ship the fandom doesn't like!
      I'm unconvinced you actually watched Voltron. If you did, your media comprehension needs work, because "they picked the wrong ship" wasn't what killed the fandom overnight.

    • 3 months ago

      It was very telling when the ss ubermesnch soldier who was supposed to be the final antagonist despite being a sailor moon parody basically just walks off into the woods.

      The real issue with the s3-s4 is that they wanted the setting to have this real darkness with racism and segregation, but they gave it no serious or gravitas. The MHC, the caste system characters are all goofy jokes with barely any seriousness to them, no monster is treated with any form of realness or non-comedic fashion.

      Daron wanted to do this colonialism story beat for Mewni, but then treated the whole thing as a joke.

    • 3 months ago

      >>Oh no they picked the wrong ship the fandom doesn't like!
      There was more wrong with Voltron than whatever shit fujoshis were angry over, anon.

  9. 3 months ago

    No cartoon show has ever come close to having the shittiest and most garbage ending in the history of cartoons since The Owl House. Imagine having an ending so bad that Nostalgiacritic straight trashing and roasting Owl House bad writing for 12 straight minutes. Luz becoming a transgender man doesn't help the case much either. Also, the Owl House finale has ZERO total awards, btw.

    Amphibia is the only good modern cartoon show with a good ending.

    • 3 months ago

      Amphibia ending was fricking ass, tribehomosexual

      • 3 months ago

        The ending of Owl House was dogshit terrible. How's your Owl House season 3, BTW? Oh yeah, I forgot; it got shortened and then canceled because Owl House ratings flopped so hard that Disney decided to plug the entire show from the network.

        • 3 months ago

          The ratings were good shitsney just had it out for the show. Suck my dick tribegay

          • 3 months ago

            >my troony owl house show ratings flopped hard and it resulted in the cancellation of the show
            >therefore the ratings must be good
            LMAO zero award btw

            • 3 months ago

              Your just uttering lies now you insipid shittard

              • 3 months ago

                Here lies the shittiest Disney show, Owl House that flopped like a turd just like its garbage ending

              • 3 months ago

                I hope you dad comes home from his trip to get milk and beats you into a coma

    • 3 months ago

      >Imagine having an ending so bad that Nostalgiacritic straight trashing and roasting Owl House bad writing for 12 straight minutes.
      So what? The guy will rant and rave about any minor annoyance endlessly to pad out his run time. I bet he even had characters dress up and do a little side play where they all argue and then he gives them a lecture.

      • 3 months ago

        >to pad out his run time
        Kind of like the collector, Camila, and the rest of the owl house earth gangs beside Luz being useless noncharacters and only serving as a time-wasting chore to fill the gap of the terribly written finale that can simply be solved within less than 10 minutes if you remove all those fillers I've mentioned.

    • 3 months ago

      You have got to be joking

  10. 3 months ago

    >psycho tribegay is here.

  11. 3 months ago

    I'd argue that they're different situations.
    On the one hand, SvtFoE ended in genocide which would seem like the definitive Worst Ending Possible.
    At the same time I'd argue that Voltron's ending was less excusable. SvtFoE's shitty writing was the inevitable result of the moronic way we do most shows, giving them a season at a time so writers typically don't know which one will be the last. How far along should I be with the story? Am I halfway to the end? Am I almost there? You get bad shit as a result. The Voltron crew were told on day fricking one how many eps they had and just didn't bother planning ahead. There are writers that would KILL for the opportunity the Voltron crew squandered.
    Both deserve the title "Worst Ever" for different reasons.

  12. 3 months ago

    the horse show beats both

  13. 3 months ago

    I'd love to know that the hell Nefcy was thinking with that ending. Do you think she was shocked everyone hated it?

    • 3 months ago

      Bear in mind how much the show had mutated from her pitch. She basically wanted Craig of the Creek, about a preteen girl that wasn't interested in boys, just in running around having "sort-of-realistic" adventures while PRETENDING to be a magic girl. Disney demanded that the girl's dream sequences be the whole show.
      I expect on some level Nefcy's reaction was "I fricking told them my idea for a show was better than what they wanted, but nooooo..."

      • 3 months ago

        COTC is fricking ass so im glad disney told her to make the magic shit real

  14. 3 months ago

    The Trollhunters movie was worse than anything mentioned in this thread.

  15. 3 months ago

    Say what you want but at least the star genocide memes were funny. Voltron’s ending genuinely killed any fanbase the show had left

    • 3 months ago

      Star's fandom isn't totally dead, but it mostly died overnight. That just wasn't a popular ending.

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