Would you watch a series where Bruce's main love interest is Harley?

Would you watch a series where Bruce's main love interest is Harley?

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  1. 3 months ago

    Yes of course.
    Btw any comics with this premise aside White Knight?

    • 3 months ago

      There is an old Fanfic


      • 3 months ago


  2. 3 months ago

    No, that's moronic (though not as moronic as Bruce/Ivy), and has the same exact problem as Bruce/Catwoman: it makes Batman look like a hypocrite unless the villain lady is fully turned into a vigilante.

    • 3 months ago

      Yes. Yes I would.

      There's two ways to go about it: Henchgirl Harley is reformed by Batman's compassion and they go on to heal each other, or Dr. Harleen falls for Bats instead of the Joker.

      • 3 months ago

        Dr harleen falling for bats would be interesting. Perhaps she develops the harley quinn persona to draw him out?

        • 3 months ago

          Well, I greentexted my own start to the idea a few years ago:

          >the other doctors at Arkham ask Harleen what her analysis of Batman is; something they ask all the newcomers since no two people seem to draw the same conclusion
          >Harleen (correctly) deduces that he must have suffered a severely traumatic crime-related loss at a young age
          >now that she's thought about it, she becomes fascinated by what sort of pain the Batman might be hiding beneath that mask
          >her first and foremost instinct is to find a way to ease that pain
          >step one is to try and forge a connection with him
          >she starts by being among the first to greet him whenever he brings in another supervillain
          >their exchanges remain professional, but over time Harleen picks up on the compassionate heart beating under his surface
          >her fascination slowly turns to infatuation, her idle moments filling with schmaltzy fantasies about healing this tortured yet still loving soul

          • 3 months ago

            Interesting. Would Harley still go for the clown-esque outfit or something bat-related?

            • 3 months ago

              Without the Joker fixation, she doesn't really have a reason to give in to the pun.

              • 3 months ago

                she could just make the connection herself and be pushed towards it as batman's main villian would also be a clown one

              • 3 months ago

                I mean being fair, a Harlequin and a Knight still make a thematic set just a bit more of a less obvious one.

              • 3 months ago

                Truly, Don Quixote for the modern era.
                Big Windmill is my favorite Batman villain.

              • 3 months ago

                I mean being fair, a Harlequin and a Knight still make a thematic set just a bit more of a less obvious one.

                Ironically, the original Harlequin role in Italian comedic theatre could be loosely compared to Robin, in the sense of being a colourful acrobatic sidekick to an upper class man. The association between the Harlequin and the Clown didn't happen until about a century later in English theatre.

              • 3 months ago

                >in the sense of being a colourful acrobatic sidekick to an upper class man.

                Not that anon but to add to this, this really is a thing wealthy men would do. They would just pay people to live on the property to amuse them in various ways. Some would go as far to pay them to prank and harass guests. There is at least one that paid a man to be a crazy hermit on his property and run around and harass visitors.

                So the idea Harlequin is in love with Bruce and is his and lives to amuse and appease him is still on brand for the name.

            • 3 months ago

              she becomes the new Robin.

              • 3 months ago

                I would love this, just because Robin's original costume is more revealing than Harley's original costume.

          • 3 months ago

            >other doctors at Arkham ask Harleen what her analysis of Batman is; something they ask all the newcomers since no two people seem to draw the same conclusion
            I really like this

            Without the Joker fixation, she doesn't really have a reason to give in to the pun.

            Could just be here trying to get his attention by making him think she's Joker aligned and thus dangerous and needs his attention

        • 3 months ago

          >this bats guy sure does have a thing for this killer clown
          >if I'm a killer clown maybe he'll pay attention to me

          • 3 months ago

            Well... she's not wrong, Batman is naturally attracted to criminal women, I think it's due to a slight variation of Stockholm syndrome, although not physically, his mind is stuck thinking about criminals all day.

      • 3 months ago

        Yes. Old costume only and played by Hynden Walch.

        Is this some WB exec making a stealth thread to gauge interest in a White Knight adaptation? I'd personally use Bruce Greenwood as Batman again since Kevin Conroy has passed on into the Source wall.

        • 3 months ago

          >White Knight adaptation
          no, Sean, your book is crap,we just want 6'3'' Bruce pounding 5'3'' Harley.

      • 3 months ago

        I'd start from and go
        >Instead of falling back into villainy, Harley makes another attempt at reforming
        >Eventually gets out of Arkham again, tries to keep up a normal life
        >Except the stress is getting to her again but she really wants to try this time
        >"What would Batman do?"
        >Begins picking fights with goons, saving people from muggings, trying to be a vigilante
        >Eventually picks a fight that's too much for her to handle but Batman steps in without her noticing and helps clear them up while observing her
        >She thinks she might be on to something when Batman reveals himself
        >She breaks down crying and tells him how much she really tried but she just couldn't so she tried to channel herself into something productive
        >Batman quietly but firmly tells her if she wants to keep this up she'll need proper training and help, since this might actually be the best way to help her in his mind
        >The two team up, fight crime, help each other as people and fall in love
        And then we get the Deedee Twins as Terry's Robins

        • 3 months ago

          Good stuff, would watch/read. Plenty of good ideas on this here thread.
          You mofos need to get into the industry and save western comics (& cartoons). Tired of the bullcrap we get nowadays.

          • 3 months ago

            >Good stuff, would watch/read. Plenty of good ideas on this here thread.
            >You mofos need to get into the industry and save western comics (& cartoons). Tired of the bullcrap we get nowadays.

            No one would higher us. Most of this board is white men and angry insane white women that dont work well with others OR are nerdy low conflict women that wouldn't make a fuss and fight for anything they want in the idea room.

            AND we have some brown men and women that would probably also just go with the flow and not put up a fuss because they're just happy that they have a job at DC or marvel.

            So either they wouldnt give us jobs or we'd go with the flow.

      • 3 months ago

        It'd be interesting to see Harleen jumping over Harley Quinn entirely, but I'd still like to see Harley Quinn getting with Bruce/Batman while also channeling some of the psychologist angle. Obviously this would have to kind of rely on the versions of her that were a real one to begin with.

        Something like, I don't know, a Batman that currently has few hangers on has to keep Harley locked up in the Batcave for some reason or another. Or some situation where he's doing Batman shit and Harley begins to pick at the seams of his personality and trauma and finds herself once again getting infatuated with her "patient." I imagine Alfred might have to be indisposed of in this situation.

        Or any other shipping typical "two characters are stuck together" sort of deal. Mostly because I'm trying to lean into the idea of Harley actually helping Bruce out more than, necessarily, the other way around. And so there needs to be some situation where he becomes more vulnerable to her/around her, largely necessitating some sort of chained heat type situation.

        • 3 months ago

          >It'd be interesting to see Harleen jumping over Harley Quinn entirely, but I'd still like to see Harley Quinn getting with Bruce/Batman while also channeling some of the psychologist angle. Obviously this would have to kind of rely on the versions of her that were a real one to begin with.

          Harleens background could be helpful in understanding criminals and solving crimes with batman.

          The problem though, is that no one writing batman right now understands the mind or how current therapy works so it would be 100% insulting slop.

          One reason that Harley can never be smart is that the people who make this stuff are not smart. They dont know how to write anyone that intelligent.

          • 3 months ago

            I don't think Harley actually needs to be a psychologist psychologist any more than Batman has to have a realistic workout routine and healing. You just need enough of the scene to communicate how the characters are feeling and what they base their choices on.

            • 3 months ago

              >I don't think Harley actually needs to be a psychologist psychologist any more than Batman has to have a realistic workout routine and healing. You just need enough of the scene to communicate how the characters are feeling and what they base their choices on.

              if you're talking else worlds she doesn't have to be one. You could have her getting rejected from that university or whatever and becoming a social worker or counselor at the Gotham PD. That would be easier to research and write and put her in a position to interact with Batman and Barbara. She could still become a vigilante, assuming she still paid for college with a gymnastics scholarship.

              really, it just depends on what point in her life you want her to meet batman and what changes you want to happen to get her out of a relationship with the joker or keep her from ever forming one.

              Really, you're probably fine so long as you start her redemption before Worlds Finest or Holiday Knights. When the show changed and got moved to Kids WB!, things got a lot more murder happy and Bruce started to become a sour person.

              Because I mean, by the start of Beyond, Harley had become someone that kidnaps and tortures kids. By World's Finest, she's helping the Joker kill superman and bomb metropolis. I dont think batman would date a full on murderer. In BTAS I feel like it was kind of gray how much killing was happening? Like Fox Kids wouldnt let them show dead bodies but Kids WB would?

          • 3 months ago

            A lot of modern, successful therapy is basically just life coaching.
            >What do you want to be doing?
            >Why aren't you doing it?
            >What's getting in the way of you doing it?
            >Do you maybe need pills to be able to the things you want?
            You go see these people because everyone is so fricking busy there's no one in your life who's job it is any more to just be the person who is always around and you can tell anything to and it won't make the hate you and they know enough to give good advice.

            For example, being a successful therapist for Batman wouldn't necessarily have him not being Batman. It'd probably just make him a Batman who didn't end up like Bruce in Batman Beyond: one who drove away everyone who ever cared about him and stews in his house because he's no longer able to do the one thing he actually cared about. Being Batman's not the problem, really, it's that he can't be Batman while also being able to have meaningful relationships with his friends and family.

            I don't think Harley actually needs to be a psychologist psychologist any more than Batman has to have a realistic workout routine and healing. You just need enough of the scene to communicate how the characters are feeling and what they base their choices on.

            The point would more be they get closer because Harley has the opportunity to observe Batman being more dysfunctional and Batman is in a position to show how dysfunctional he is outside of beating up other crazy people. You could also just have her help him out mentally without that background, sure, but I personally like the kind of narrative spin her psychology background would bring to their relationship (both as a mirror to her and the Joker and also I kind of like the idea that Harley tends to change depending on the guy she's with, partially because her empathy for and academic interest in other people's mental problems tends to overwhelm her)

            • 3 months ago

              >The point would more be they get closer because Harley has the opportunity to observe Batman being more dysfunctional and Batman is in a position to show how dysfunctional he is outside of beating up other crazy people. You could also just have her help him out mentally without that background, sure, but I personally like the kind of narrative spin her psychology background would bring to their relationship (both as a mirror to her and the Joker and also I kind of like the idea that Harley tends to change depending on the guy she's with, partially because her empathy for and academic interest in other people's mental problems tends to overwhelm her)

              I think the real cool thing you could do with those two isn't even her academic background, but her just being herself and it taking the edge off him. Like just making him laugh. She has been shown to make Bruce smile and laugh. Its a known thing she can do. And him encouraging her to improve and act smart and like an adult. Training her. Being sympathetic. Listening to her ideas and treating her like a person.

              At the very least it would be an interesting elseworld. It would be neat to see the batman beyond Bruce and Harley meet a version of themselves that got together to realize that they lived the bad end. And it had nothing to do with the big world super hero stuff they were involved in but the small personal choices they made in their home life.

            • 3 months ago

              well one of the good and then frustrating things about the comics is that it they do address his relationships and they do attempt to move past trauma, build and grow. It's pretty much the most important outcome from knightfall....then some new jackass comes pretends it doesn't happen, makes Bruce do some bullshit that pisses everybody off that leaves him alone until the cycle repeats. I guess it's just too difficult to make compelling Batman when Bruce has some of his demons fixed even though there's a new or old nutjob doing shit every other day

              • 3 months ago

                thats an overall problem with batman and the characters he runs with or fights against.

                None of them can get better.

                Its actually a pretty shitty thing for kids to read in regards to mental health. No one gets better.

                Bruce or Harley or a dozen others getting their shit together could only be done in an elseworld. MAYBE a cartoon for kids where DC wasnt paying attention.

        • 3 months ago

          I like that this implies that Batman is an intentionally bad kisser in case a criminal ever kisses him and thinks “hey, wait a minute, you kiss just like Bruce Wayne!”

          • 3 months ago

            It also implies that Bruce Wayne is a fricking mack.

          • 3 months ago

            Nah, I assume it's just part of the grim, stoic vigilante act. Like, he just stands there and doesn't kiss back.

            • 3 months ago

              >Like, he just stands there and doesn't kiss back.

              Thats how I always saw it. Part of his not wanting to drag people into his world and hurt them shit. Like he's not going to hurt them and refuse it, but he also wont help them enjoy it

      • 3 months ago

        Original animated series Harley is the epitome of "...I can fix her" mentality. Because canonically? There's a chance you actually CAN fix her.

        • 3 months ago

          Agreed. There's an entire episode dedicated to her just trying to live a normal life and everything goes to shit.

          I might be reading too much into it, but that episode could be an allegory for what actual criminals who made one bad choice and end up paying for it for the rest of their lives.

          • 3 months ago

            >Agreed. There's an entire episode dedicated to her just trying to live a normal life and everything goes to shit.
            >I might be reading too much into it, but that episode could be an allegory for what actual criminals who made one bad choice and end up paying for it for the rest of their lives.

            could be, though I think Paul and Timm didn't know the show was going to get new episodes in the form of "New adventures" and wanted to give their baby a happy ending. There are only four episodes left after that before the show comes back as New Adventures on WB Kids.

            Had that been the end, Harley would have probably cleaned up and maybe even ended up with Bruce, or so it seemed to be hinting.

            Bbbuttt, They did get 24 more episodes and Harley's ethics went further south as Kids WB let Timm and Paul show more violence.

            As a reference this is a quote about it

            "The Kids' WB censors were much more flexible with episode content than the Fox Kids censors were with Batman: The Animated Series. Producer Bruce Timm recounted that "when we were at Fox, after every single storyboard, we would get five single-spaced pages of notes on things we couldn't do. On the WB, we usually get maybe two paragraphs of stuff we can't do. At Fox, they were really picky, not just about things you couldn't do, but just in terms of content and story. They had a million opinions about what we should be doing. Nobody bothers us like that at the WB".["

            • 3 months ago


              IMO, the switch to Kids WB is when the character started to lose her appeal. She became a lot more apathetic and complicit in murder after that and started to lose her "I can save her" thing. You can overlook some of that for Mad Love since it was written back in 93 and probably happened before the events of New Adventures. But you could also argue that Mad Love is the exact point Harley became the Harley we see in NA, JL, or even something like staticshock. She made a conscious choice to murder batman and made a plan to do it and would have succeeded. Its also the first time we really see Joker try to murder her and she's just ok with it. She makes the choice to stay.

              Its ironic that mad love is when a lot of people really began to pitty her, when it was also the first time I can think of that she really acted like a villain in her own right.

              ANYWAY, if someone was to write Bruce and Harley together, I think its important that it happens before the characters go over to Kids WB. There really isn't a good way to write Bruce shacking up with a killer. He usually refuses to do that, and other than Harley being cute, I don't know of a good reason for him to make an exception.

      • 3 months ago

        Only original Harley and only if she used to be evil/with the Joker.

        That’s the good shit right there.

  3. 3 months ago


  4. 3 months ago

    Depends on which harley are we talking about. White trash modern Harley, or the mislead and mistreated chearleader .

    • 3 months ago

      Hear hear. Modern Harley sucks ass, but classic harley had plenty of charm. It would be a nice contrast.

      Yeah it wouldn't be canon and it would probably not even fit the usual Batman series' vibes, but it could potentially be cute.
      Who knows, it could ultimately even lean toward something more dramatic or dark, with Joker killing her in the end and all.

      • 3 months ago

        >Joker kills her in the end
        >Batman loses it and goes full Punisher
        I would read that.

        • 3 months ago

          Sounds about right

        • 3 months ago

          Punisher Batman exists

          • 3 months ago

            Nah, Grim Knight didn't care about civilians at all and would happily murder them by the busload if it it would help him achieve his goals. Frank would Frank him on sight.

    • 3 months ago

      Nah, it's Gaga Handler-Mommy Harley

  5. 3 months ago

    Bruce Timm's? Yeah sure, it's basically already canon.

    • 3 months ago

      Dr harleen falling for bats would be interesting. Perhaps she develops the harley quinn persona to draw him out?

      I could get behind either of these.

      Dick Grayson would work better.

      Got more?

    • 3 months ago

      In Timm's, Bruce fricks Babs and Diana, but ends up alone.

      • 3 months ago

        As much as I like batman beyond it's basically a miserable end state for Bruce

        • 3 months ago

          >In Timm's, Bruce fricks Babs and Diana, but ends up alone.

          and Superman ends up losing years of his life to Staro.

          Bruce and Paul weren't paying attention to how dark they made the final days of DCAU

          They had to make everything extra depressing for Terry to come and be a hero, that's just how it is.

          • 3 months ago

            Mask of the Phantasm is all about the fact that Bruce absolutely cannot allow himself a happy ending. While I hate almost everything else about Epilogue, it was completely true to BTAS Bruce's character. Hell, the Poison Ivy episode of TNBA was also all about how settling down to a happy ending was out of character for Bruce. It was part of f
            the noir tone.

            • 3 months ago

              Frick, Mask of the Phantasm was good. Depressing, but good. Hurts even more knowing it's still BTAS-era Bruce, before he became a jaded butthole.

            • 3 months ago

              >Mask of the Phantasm is all about the fact that Bruce absolutely cannot allow himself a happy ending.

              I mean...he could. But american super hero comics depend on no one getting better. Not the good guys or the bad guys. Everyone has to stay mentally ill forever, less they quit causing or fighting crime.

              It does suck that that with Beyond, despite having the chance to give some good ends, if they brought someone back it was probably for a bad end. Even for Harley who got out of the game, and was younger than bruce, looked like life road her really hard. She looked a good 20 years older than Barbra and in worse health than Bruce.

            • 3 months ago

              Anon, the entire Mad Hatter episode has shown that.

              He can't stand being bruce wayne, because he sees himself as Batman, he calls himself Batman, and even when Terry took the Cowl, he still called Himself batman.

              • 3 months ago

                Terry is the Batman of the Future, The Batman of Beyond
                While Bruce is still the original Batman, Terry is just Batman's Legacy moving forward, the difference being that Terry is still Terry McGinnis beneath the mask, and not Batman.

              • 3 months ago

                >He can't stand being bruce wayne, because he sees himself as Batman, he calls himself Batman, and even when Terry took the Cowl, he still called Himself batman.

                that batman is a bitter old frick though, and arguably not how all or even many batmen should end up.

                Also, its kind of a plot device to have JL and Batman Beyond. Batman has to be more batman than batman to run with the big dogs that have super powers. In a way, superman and dudes on his level broke bruce as much as Joker starting to wild shit like trying to nuke entire cities.

                Had btas stayed inside gotham with no supers, and some of the villains never kicked it up a notch or actually recovered, batman would have probably never ended up that bitter and alone.

              • 3 months ago

                Bruce was already becoming bitter and paranoid by TNBA, Freeze attacking the mansion and almost killing Alfred was the tipping point.
                We was still Bruce Wayne in world's finest, but after the Freeze incident, he became full batman.

              • 3 months ago

                >We was still Bruce Wayne in world's finest, but after the Freeze incident, he became full batman.

                huh, fascinating that the change happened because of one of the few villains motivated by love. I guess if you count mad love, the ones that come the closest to beating him usually are.

              • 3 months ago

                Honestly, while realistic that a guy like TNBA Batman would end up a bitter old frick, it's still sad to see him up in that old mansion, surrounded by the past before Terry came along.

            • 3 months ago

              I didn't care for Mask of the Phantasm.

              • 3 months ago


              • 3 months ago

                How could you even say that?

      • 3 months ago

        >In Timm's, Bruce fricks Babs and Diana, but ends up alone.

        and Superman ends up losing years of his life to Staro.

        Bruce and Paul weren't paying attention to how dark they made the final days of DCAU

      • 3 months ago

        Babs yes, Diana he shoots down. Babs is basically the one that stayed the longest and got him to drop his guard just long enough to hop in bed with him and pretend she was getting through to Bruce, before those walls went back up again and she eventually gives up and moves on.

  6. 3 months ago

    >Would you watch a series where Batman wants Joker's sloppy seconds?
    Probably not.

  7. 3 months ago

    I'd rather just have sex with Harley.

  8. 3 months ago

    Only with size difference and Bruce brutally fricking her tiny c**t while Joker watches(and wishes he was Harley).

    • 3 months ago


      • 3 months ago

        Where did the gag that they are gay come from

        • 3 months ago

          >Where did the gag that they are gay come from

          Just the joker being obsessive and batman refusing to kill joker or let others kill him.

          You know, probably from reading mad love. Like Joker won't frick Harley. He throws her ass out. All he can think of is batman. Then he finds out Harley got batman and Joker is just enraged that its not him.

        • 3 months ago

          >Where did the gag that they are gay come from
          People were reading that subtext right from the beginning. Mind you, it was Batman/Robin, but a lot of people liked to imply that Batman was gay.

          Not sure when the Joker got dragged into it. I remember it being a popular meme around Cinemaphile, but probably got started elsewhere.
          Despite what you might see, the "Joker's boner" remarks were because "boner" meant mistake back in the 1950s.

          • 3 months ago

            >"boner" meant mistake back in the 1950s.
            it also meant boner like we think the joke was there on purpose

      • 3 months ago

        I think one of the most delicious things would be Joker finding out their is a universe where Batman is happy with Harley. That they love each other and she makes him laugh every single day.

        Just the rage it wold fill him to know that she gets to do what he secretly has been trying to do for years.

        Though I imagine he would eventually get over it and take a malcious delight in knowing he ruined the lives of his own Harley and Batman. He'd get off on the realization just how much power he had over both of them.

        • 3 months ago

          >Just the rage it wold fill him to know that she gets to do what he secretly has been trying to do for years.
          Joker wants to be with harley ?

          • 3 months ago

            >Joker wants to be with harley ?

            If we are going by btas, there is no actual proof those two slept together. There is a bit of a gag of him rejecting her so he can think of crazy ways to get Batman. In fact, its kind of implied in Return of the joker that the two of them haven't even had sex because part of how Joker talks her into brain washing robin is he tells her they will start a family AFTER the plan is finished. Though that could just imply that the chemical bath chemically castrated him.

            But he does enjoy controlling her and using her. They tend to circle back to that anytime she almost gets away from him

            • 3 months ago

              >In fact, its kind of implied in Return of the joker that the two of them haven't even had sex because part of how Joker talks her into brain washing robin is he tells her they will start a family AFTER the plan is finished.
              Harley outright states that she just doesn't want to deal with being pregnant and childbirth.

              • 3 months ago

                >Harley outright states that she just doesn't want to deal with being pregnant and childbirth.

                She's probably lying to hide her shame. Or the joke convinced her of that to avoid having sex with her or because it was just funny to him.

                We know she daydreams about having biological children with Joker. Little kids who look like the two of them. We know she wants to frick him but he rejects her if only because its funny. We know the DeeDees are her grandkids and they and their parents are probably not adopted.

                We know harley fricks and wants kids. There is very little proof Joker has fricked anything. Even something like Killing Joke, which is an alternate Joker, but a popular one, there is no hard proof he raped Barbra.

                And its all very in character for Joker to not frick and make up all these lies. The idea that he could lead on some professionally trained woman and make her all these weird promises and her never realizing he is full of shit would be hilarious to him.

                You have to take anything btas Harley says about her relationship with Joker with a grain of salt because Joker, half of the relationship, is a manipulative liar.

              • 3 months ago

                In general, Joker to me feels like a very sexless character. Like, the idea of the Joker taking a woman carnally seems completely out of character for him.

              • 3 months ago

                >In general, Joker to me feels like a very sexless character. Like, the idea of the Joker taking a woman carnally seems completely out of character for him.

                I feel the same. By new adventures I dont even know if he had lips to kiss. He always had that big toothy smile that took half his face.

                I think that is one reason there isnt a ton of joker fricking Harley smut fan art. His design does not aid in the creation of smut. His face is not erotic to straight women. Not that version of the character anyway.

                In something like Harleen, they had to pretty much come up with a whole new face to make him look appealing and make you sympathetic to harley finding him attractive.

              • 3 months ago

                This. That awful Joker comic by brian azzarello really made it clear.

            • 3 months ago

              As an adult looking back at it I always imagined they did

            • 3 months ago

              >If we are going by btas, there is no actual proof those two slept together

              "Sweetie you forgot the whoopie cushion!"

              • 3 months ago

                >>If we are going by btas, there is no actual proof those two slept together
                >"Sweetie you forgot the whoopie cushion!"

                that doesn't sound like sex though.

                At best, that sounds like maybe joker rubbed a rubber chicken or whoopie cushion on her face or clit or something. How would full on sex use either?

                And thats like the joke...your brain can't come up with ta way to use that during sex in a way that could be enjoyable.

                Which could be the point of joker doing it. Its not actually enjoyable for Harley and is just humiliating and silly when taken at face value, which would be the part he actually gets off on.

            • 3 months ago

              Only time it felt legit was that one moment Arkham City's dlc, and even that sometimes felt like another mindfrick of Jokers or delusion of harley's.

  9. 3 months ago

    Dick Grayson would work better.

    • 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago

      what's the fricking point if she is not in the suit?

    • 3 months ago

      She shits from there

      • 3 months ago

        thats kind of hot!

      • 3 months ago

        Dick’s dick doesn’t care.

      • 3 months ago

        Oh yeah?

      • 3 months ago

        >but I poop from there
        >not right now you don't
        one fricking job

    • 3 months ago

      Serves the batb***h right.

    • 3 months ago

      My man.

    • 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago

      This one is better

      • 3 months ago

        l o fricking l

        Bats and Nightwing double team her

      • 3 months ago

        it really wouldnt surprise me that Harley was a spurg that talked too much during sex and started planning her whole life and talking about it during the first frick with someone.

        It fits the character. Over sharing and early sharing is all Joker needed to manipulate her. Listen to her over sharing and then make promises he had no plan of keeping.

        If joker had been in nightwings place, he'd lean'd forward and kissed her and promised her all those things and then explained how all his plans were really her plans and that it would all come to fruition if she just followed him.

      • 3 months ago

        It's not loading.

        • 3 months ago

          put an - where the x is.

          No idea why people post xhentai links when 99% of -hentai links will work, and if you were to post that 1% that is on ex but not e-, you'd get banned

          • 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago

      is she reading him a novel

      • 3 months ago

        She's reading Moby-Dick outloud and it's the fifth straight page of Melville just describing the waves on water.

        • 3 months ago

          yeah... I'm thinking the greatest work of literature ever

      • 3 months ago

        Yeah and she keeps stuttering over words and has to start over again.

    • 3 months ago
      • 3 months ago

        I wonder how many people don’t see what you did there Anon.

  10. 3 months ago
  11. 3 months ago
    Sonic speed dudhdhrirj3939393938

    Harley and Dr qinzell internally fighting to stay in controll of the body to not kill or kill a person and being with bat man breaks parts of her crazy psyche bit by bit

    • 3 months ago

      Why are you acting like she has multiple personalities?
      She’s not crazy, she’s just a #quirky roastie who thought killing people is empowering

      • 3 months ago

        It’s because of her cartoon, they play to this idea, so they can make Harley crazy while pushing away from her crazy in love shtick. Personally out of everything the show does not the worst idea but I’d spice it up a little and have the Doctor version still in love with the joker.

      • 3 months ago

        >Why are you acting like she has multiple personalities?
        >She’s not crazy, she’s just a #quirky roastie who thought killing people is empowering

        she has multiple personalities in that notventurebrothers cartoon she is in. That was there work around for making her wackydumdumbfuntimes and also, technically on paper, smart.

    • 3 months ago

      That's Two-face's thing

  12. 3 months ago

    I'd give a comic with this premise a read for at least one issue, and I might check out a show with the premise but I'm honestly rather leery because I don't think the modern writing trends would produce something I'd enjoy.

  13. 3 months ago

    Only if she's not voiced by Tara Strong.

  14. 3 months ago

    Sure it'd be an interesting twist.

  15. 3 months ago

    no, that ship is moronic and you are also moronic.

    • 3 months ago

      All the ships are moronic, like Superman and Lois, everyone knows that she will look more wrinkled than a raisin before Clark starts to go gray.

      Just enjoy the ride and stop complaining.

  16. 3 months ago

    Depends on how it would manifest. Is she Harley Quinn proper, a just-as-deranged 'victim' of stockholm syndrome who still goes along with Joker's crimes? Or is she a Harley who quickly becomes disillusioned and fearful of who she realizes Joker is, but is too scared to move away and does her best to undermine him from the shadows and help Batman and Joker's victims?

    The latter, yes. The former, hell naw.

  17. 3 months ago

    Yes. Old costume only and played by Hynden Walch.

    • 3 months ago

      Stay good Batman, don't frick the kids.

    • 3 months ago

      >Frick them kids
      Based. Do crimes and evil crime ladies. Leave the positive moral messaging to Superman.

  18. 3 months ago

    What if Bruce and Superman switched places? What if Clark was raised by the Wayne Family and Bruce taken into adoption by the Kents?

    • 3 months ago

      There's an elseworld that handled the Clark half of this called Superman: Speeding Bullets.

  19. 3 months ago

    What is Harleen's "I can quit whenever I want" moment? The time when she's REALLY getting into her Bat-centric Harley identity and realizes she's getting unprofessionally attached to her Novel Procedure?

    • 3 months ago

      the moment she starts wearing Robin's tight leggings.

  20. 3 months ago

    >Would you watch a series where Bruce's main love interest is Harley?
    I would watch a series where Harley's main love interest is Bruce (not necessarily Batman)

  21. 3 months ago

    Okay now what about a series where Baby Dahl is Batman's love interest?

    • 3 months ago

      Something like that was already done with Spider-Man, when Dr. Octopus took over his body and started dating a little person, and then when Peter came resurfaced he had a small problem on his hands.
      DC would NEVER do this with Batman, but it's not that crazy. Dahl's baby voice is an act, her actual one is that of a mature woman. Bruce Wayne helping her heal from her trauma meltdown could actually be cool. Problem is, again, DC would never pair St. Batman with a mere midget.

      • 3 months ago

        >and then when Peter came resurfaced he had a small problem on his hands
        Superior Spider-Man? I stopped paying attention to thay years ago. I'm glad Peter finally came back. I thought he got brain death or something

      • 3 months ago

        She got shit on so hard in her story.
        >hook up with Peter Parker
        >he's never there
        >he cheats
        >immediately after the goblin kidnaps you he dumps you
        Legit wished Pete gave her a chance just so she'd have a bit of happiness.

        • 3 months ago

          Silk needing to frick Peter everything they were in the same room together was literally just to make her suffer.

    • 3 months ago

      >Okay now what about a series where Baby Dahl is Batman's love interest?
      some rough thoughts;

      >in this universe Bruce Wayne has a less severe case of the same disorder Mary Dahl has
      >his aging thus stopped around 10 compared to Mary's canon aging at about 5
      >still loses his parents in Crime Alley
      >still goes down the path of training most versions of Bruce do
      >still becomes Batman, though due to his smaller stature and reduced physical capabilities Bruce is more reliant on stealth and tech than other versions(I imagine his costume being a lot creepier looking to get across the same fear causing effects as normal)
      >due to their shared conditions Bruce and Mary have been friends almost their whole lives
      >Bruce having the condition as well means that Thomas Wayne had set aside a sizable amount of money into researching treatment for it
      >due to there being better treatment for the disorder Mary's aging halted at about 10 much like Bruce(though Mary's acting background means she can easily make herself look older or younger than that)
      >Mary's acting career still mostly fizzles out after childhood(though not quite as disastrously as her DCAU counterpart), her connections with Bruce lead to her getting a job as a manager of the Wayne estates
      >this in turn is how she ends up finding out that Bruce is Batman during a visit to Wayne Manor
      >confronting Bruce about this in turn leads to them confessing their feelings for each other and their relationship turning romantic

      yeah I cheated a little by having Bruce have the same disorder and them both getting it treated better so they're both a bit older looking, but Mary being an eternal preschooler in appearance is kind of an insurmountable obstacle without things getting too weird, like this idea is still weird, but a bit less so

      • 3 months ago

        I'd matting press her

      • 3 months ago


      • 3 months ago

        Dating a Woman thicc then a snicker, shorter then you AND older then you by years your senior while looking like a living doll, hell i'd do her some favors

      • 3 months ago

        Not vibing with this, let Batman be a e-girlcon.

        • 3 months ago

          Nah I want batman finding a cure for her and fix her condition

      • 3 months ago

        Her 'eternal preschooler' thing is half an act and/or a coping mechanism.
        In her second appearance she had a notable bust and hip line, she just was short and never taken seriously because of it.
        Plus Bruce having it and finding a cure and living happily ever after is weeb tier.
        Bruce being an adult and overcoming the same preconceived ideas about her appearance that drove Dahl crazy when she tried to go legit, Dahl getting out of her own head and realizing some people are shitheads but many will treat her with respect and her disability doesn't have to define her.
        That's far more true to life than midget finds the cure to dwarfism and lives as the 6'5" chad.
        And that's where DC shines, true to life stories behind the veneer of superhero fantasy.

    • 3 months ago
      • 3 months ago

        Wasn't there a comic where her and Killer Croc were implied to have gone through a miscarriage?

  22. 3 months ago

    Bruce x Harley

  23. 3 months ago

    Yes, but it'd have to be crazy Harley, not white knight Harley. She can have moments where smart Harleen takes control, but her default mode should be crazy clown girl.

    • 3 months ago

      id happily frick either

  24. 3 months ago

    >Would you watch a series where Bruce's main love interest is Harley?

    depends on the context, version of harley, version of bruce, etc. If it is the harley before New adventures and the superman crossover, who is still sweet and we dont have visual proof she is a murderer, and the pre new adventrues batman that isn't a complete hard ass yet, yeah, I'd watch that.

    Though it would probably work better as a short series or an elseworld. Like maybe Harley or Bruce go to the alt world and both sides are kind of shaken up by the revelation of just how much the Joker living well into New Adventures and JL ruined their lives.

    It could also be interesting to see a game or comic series have Bruce travel through the different multiverse, and each world he is able to save different people but he always loses others. Like in the world where Harley and Bruce are together Joker and Talia al Ghul are dead, and Harley is now Damian Wayne's mother. In another world maybe he ends up with a version of Ivy that never went full echo terrorist, but Harley and batgirl are dead, or batgirl ends up as harley or something similar.

    It would be intersting to see Bruce confronted with the idea that all of these people are meant to be in his life, and theoretically he could save them, but by the nature of being mortal, he can not be in all places at once. That he can never save everyone.

  25. 3 months ago

    Absolutely not, that sounds like a garbage premise.

  26. 3 months ago

    Sure if its actually og Harley and not whatever the frick new Harley is or the clown favored girlboss from White Knight

  27. 3 months ago

    No, I have Harley fatigue. I liked her as Joker's henchman. Bruce already have better love interests.

  28. 3 months ago

    It would be cool to see Harley proclaim herself the official stepmother of all the Robins.

    >Harley: Damian, maybe she is your mother, but I am your mom, the woman who raised you.
    >damian: it's not true, you've only been here a week!
    >Harley: (gasp) how can you talk to your mom like that?
    >damian: you're not my mom!

    • 3 months ago

      >Harley: Ya know Dick I feel like you really have my back, both of us came from the circus Dick, both of us are funny Dick, why Dick you and I even have great pair of buns. It’s good to know I can always rely on good old Dick.

      >Dick: You just like that you can say Dick without people snickering don’t you?

      >Harley: Dick no, Dick Dick Dick. I thought better of you Dick. I thought you were good Dick, but now you’re giving me Bad Dick, bad bad naughty Dick.

      >Harley and Dick both start cracking up.

      • 3 months ago

        >harley: Tim, I know you like all things nerdy, but you and I have a lot of things in common.

        >tim: like what?

        >harley: we both like wiener, we can talk about that.

        >tim: harley...

        >harley: what? Do you prefer that we paint our nails?

        • 3 months ago

          I just imagine Jason interrogating and torturing someone and Harley just happily brings him lunch. She’s completely fine with everything until she sees a gun and tells him with a wink don’t let daddy see it.

          • 3 months ago

            Harley would approve Jason killing the villains who deserves to die like professor pyg

            • 3 months ago

              >Harley would approve Jason killing the villains who deserves to die like professor pyg

              yeah, that dialog would be pretty easy to write. It wouldnt be that different than Batman normally arguing with other supe's that kill. The only twist would be at the end of the discussion where batman says some people do get better and aiming it back at her, and then her turning it back saying there is a huge difference between wanting to blow a bank up and spend the money on wacky wall walkers and killing and raping.

        • 3 months ago

          Would Harley be Damian's mom in this timeline, or would Talia steal Bruce's batjuice anyway?

          • 3 months ago

            Nah she’d birth Terry.

            • 3 months ago

              Frick off Timm.

  29. 3 months ago

    No however I'd watch a series where Harley abandons her life of crime to Mary some random civilian who happens to have a foot long wiener

    • 3 months ago

      >No however I'd watch a series where Harley abandons her life of crime to Mary some random civilian who happens to have a foot long wiener

      anon, that is a zone animation

    • 3 months ago

      So Batman Beyond then?

      • 3 months ago

        We don’t know how big his dick is or was.

  30. 3 months ago

    I'd fund it.

  31. 3 months ago

    Joker and Batman fighting over the same woman is a storyline a 5 year old made up.

    • 3 months ago

      More like Joker and Harley fighting over the same man.

    • 3 months ago

      Not any dumber than the Batman who laughs.

  32. 3 months ago

    >It's a Earth where Harley became Robin instead of any other boy wonder.

    • 3 months ago

      >>It's a Earth where Harley became Robin instead of any other boy wonder.

      I mean, I'd read or watch it if it wasn't trash (it would be because modern sensibilities)

      harley was big enough into gymnastics in middle and high school to get a scholarship. Boom, there you go. Have some life tragedy happen, have bruce find her, bingo bango, Robin.

      • 3 months ago

        >Harley gets a scholarship to Gotham state due to her gymnastic ability
        >She decides to become a psychology major and is made to writer a paper about Batman
        >After doing some research on him she becomes obsessed with the whole idea of him and wants to try it himself
        >She patches together herself a costume and starts to copy the batman to better get him
        Honestly could be fun.

        • 3 months ago

          That's literally just Babs, just replacing library science with psychology.

          • 3 months ago

            Well initially Barbara was a librarian with a doctorate and was in her mid to late 20s.

            • 3 months ago

              And in some cases Harley is a psychologist with a doctorate and is probably in her mid to late 20s.

        • 3 months ago

          >first costume is an absolute mess made from shit she could find

          • 3 months ago

            Batman: "What the hell is that?"
            HQ: "what is what"
            Batman "That, that thing you are wearing."
            HQ: "oh this is my goon beating costume"
            Batman "Your what? What is it even made out of?"
            HQ: "Oh you know, the best stuff. This is my lucky shorts. I used to wear them in college on finals day. And this is my clown costume from the halloween party that me and..well, its also my lucky clown costume. A Harleenquin if you will."
            >batman pinches bridge of his nose and rubs his forehead
            Batman: "Harley...none of that is going to protect you."
            HQ "What do you mean, ours are exactly the same. Mine just shows off more leg and has more red"
            Batman "Mine has 50 mm of super dynamic triple polymer over every inch of my body. This suit stops bullets and knives. That thing you have on...it stops nothing. You could have died. Mother fu.."

            *A look of panic and terror washes over Harley's face as she takes it all in.*

            HQ "Ssso s soo, those aren't like bat pajamas like the little kids sing?"
            Batman "The what? Kids sing? No...no they are not"
            HQ "OOPPSSYYYY Well I know what I want you to get me for Christmas if that helps"

            • 3 months ago

              You know when you bought up your armor I thought you'd give me some... Or at least pants.

              • 3 months ago

                >You know when you bought up your armor I thought you'd give me some... Or at least pants.

                Batman "You have to earn the pants. No one gets pants on their first day. Besides the cape can stop most medium and low caliber munitions. Learn to use the cape. Embrace the cape. Besides...you're hips and legs look pretty good in the tights."

                HQ *eyes sparkling* "Reallly? Well, you know, I try. I don't skip leg day. The strongest muscles are found in the hips and core. Thanks for noticing."

    • 3 months ago

      >>It's a Earth where Harley became Robin instead of any other boy wonder.

      I mean, I'd read or watch it if it wasn't trash (it would be because modern sensibilities)

      harley was big enough into gymnastics in middle and high school to get a scholarship. Boom, there you go. Have some life tragedy happen, have bruce find her, bingo bango, Robin.

      You know when you bought up your armor I thought you'd give me some... Or at least pants.

      Hot take: When Harley is with Joker she should be styled as his Robin.

  33. 3 months ago

    I wrote something in this vein years ago and haven't reread it since. I'll post it here
    So here’s what I’ve come up with based on this prompt.

    Alfred hires Harleen Quinzel as Bruce’s therapist to help him with the loss of his parents (it’s basically his ultimatum for allowing Bruce to be batman is he has to actually work through his issues.) Harley talks to Bruce about the incident and how it affected him and he goes on about how for years he always wondered what he could have done to stop it from happening. But after a while he stopped blaming himself and realized there’s nothing he could’ve done and stopped blaming himself. He also mentions wishing there was someone there to stop it. Someone to help the terrified citizens out in their hour of need. Harley points out that that concept is an idea of comfort for Bruce, in the same way a lot of people in crisis wish for assistance from police or a hero or anything. She also offhandedly remarks that it’s kinda funny how now that he’s grown up there’s a cape wearing superhero out there doing just that. Bruce and Harley laugh about it, him remarking “I guess I was born a bit too early”

    • 3 months ago

      Harley continues to make house calls to the Wayne Manner and while Bruce seems like a well adjusted guy she can’t shake the feeling that she’s not making any progress with him. Like he’s got his walls put up. She begins exploring Wayne manner to see if there’s anything about it she can use to understand him better. When she begins coming down a hallway that leads to one of the entrances to the batcave, Alfred sees it on the batcomputer. Bruce tells him to keep her from going down there with a laser grid that will keep her from going any further. At first Harleen is deterred and starts to walk away.
      Then she takes off her shoes, gets a running start and acrobatically jumps between each of the lasers down the hallway. Bruce and Alfred watch her go through them, commenting on which spots are harder to get through than others and being impressed when she narrowly squeezes past them. She barely makes it to the other side and Both Bruce and Alrfred are understandably impressed. Before Bruce can dismiss it however Alfred opens up the entrance to the batcave. When Bruce tries to reject the idea Alfred tells him that this therapy will never be complete unless Ms. Quinzel is allowed to speak to the man and the bat. Bruce relents.
      Harley is obviously amazed to see everything and even more shocked to find out that Bruce Wayne is Batman. Bruce tries to play off how uncomfortable he is with it but it’s pretty obvious Alfred put him up to it. He repeats with what Alfred said about her needing to know both sides of the story for this to work out. Bruce begins to talk to harley about what he’s been doing, the training he’s undergone, the places he’s been, improving his detective skills and using the money to try to make Gotham a better place. Unlike before where Harleen had the reigns, she is completely ENTHRALLED by Bruce’s tales.

      • 3 months ago

        Sessions from here on become less about Therapy and more about Harley really falling in love with not Bruce, but Batman. Bruce begins to sense this and decides to start trying to resume their former professional relationship. Harley realizes this as well and dials it back a bit.
        Batman is stopping a crime and is being overwhelemed by swarms of criminals. That’s when a woman in a costume (Either a batgirl facsimile or robin facsimile) and uses her acrobatic skills to help him out. She narrowly avoids being fatally injured but manages to help him out. Batman being “THE WORLD’S GREATEST DETECTIVE” he instantly finds out it’s Harley and tells her to stop doing what she’s doing. She argues that he’s doing the exact same thing and she’s just here to help out. He warns her that if she continues doing this he’ll be forced to turn her into Gordon or take her to Arkham, but she counters with the fact that if he does, she can blow the whistle on Batmans identity. Batman’s kinda stuck and so he has no choice but to accept her. But he figures if she’s gonna do this, he should at least keep her safe. So he trains her, gives her gadgets, helps teach her detective work and his methods. He’s harsh and unforgiving and partly wants her to give up but he’s also a bit amused by how well she’s doing. Eventually she becomes a full fledged side-kick and works with Batman much the same way that Dick Grayson does.
        I’m imagining a storyline where they have to fight the Joker and the Joker and Harley are separated from each other and he starts needling her.

        • 3 months ago

          “Y’know I’ve seen a lot of crazies in my day. I own a mirror after all, HAHA. So trust me when I say I know one of my kind when I see one. I’ve seen many such cases before. A person trying so desperately to cling to the rules of society. Such a fragile tight rope they walk. You might think you’ve got it all together up there but you’re just holding back your true potential. I can help pull that out of you if you’ll just let yourself go”
          Batman comes in and takes him down. He asks harley if she’s alright and she’s a bit shaken.
          Harley: “It’s like he was seeing right through me, every thought I’ve ever had, everything I’ve ever done. Like he truly knew me. Am I really destined to turn out like that?”
          Batman: “I can’t pretend there isn’t any truth to his words. I’ve found myself coming to that crossroads many times. But I always choose this path, because I can’t allow myself to lose sight of what’s important. That’s the citizens of Gotham, That’s the kid who lost everything in that alley all those years ago. And it’s you too, Harley. If you can promise me that you won’t lose sight of that, I promise I’ll do everything to keep you on that path.
          Harley does a big goofy grin and says and continues following batman.

          • 3 months ago

            Some important details I would add to your idea.

            I would have Harley still fall in love with Bruce and not just batman. I wouldn't go down that path like a lot of people go down with Supe's and lois where she falls in love with superman but its clark who is in love with her. Its been done, also, Bruce Wayne IS the kind of guy she thought joker was and fell for. Remember that Joker lied to Harleen in Arkham about this sad story about his dad and being abused and trauma and Harleen fell for it blooh hoo hoo. Bruce actually has a sad story. He actually had childhood trauma.

            And if you want to partner them up romantically I think its important that they fall for each other completely and not just the costumed side of each other. That would healthy and fresh for the characters. Joker liked Harley as a toy he could use. And a lot of people lust after batman and don't care about Bruce. Its a big part of how they end up bitter by Beyond. They become the costumes and the normal human inside dies. So if you want to show readers a healthy relationship and do something fresh with the characters, I think it would be important for them to spend time together as harleen and Bruce, and both of them specifically like that side of the other and it helping them never reduce themselves into the charactures they would become by the end of new adventures.

            • 3 months ago


              I think that Harley's character should have some of the character flaws of her first incarnation and grow past them because Bruce is in her life.

              Her character should go in the same direction where she wants to stop doing her day job and just seek thrills and acting silly. That was part of the appeal of being with Joker. Thats still a desire she has.

              Her thrill seeking should get bad enough it almost kills her or someone else and Bruce and Alfred have to have a coming to Jesus with her.

              Also have her start to abandon her intelligent methodical way of thinking for more impulsive decision making that eventually just becomes stupid.

              Harley isn't actually stupid. She just enjoys living a life where she can be stupid.

              Well...BTAS Harley isn't stupid. I know Paul and Tim trump up her dumb blondness by the time of the Ivy and Harley graphic because they wanted to make Ivy and Harley into something like Pinky and the Brain.

              BUT originally she isn't stupid. Part of the appeal of joining the Joker was being able to seek thrills and forget the pressure of her previous life and being smart.

            • 3 months ago

              I like this. I will say that I feel like there's kind of a taboo element to it. Insomuch that as his psychiatrist it's kinda unethical for Harley to fall in love with Bruce and Batman, being in a position of authority over Harley would make that dynamic feel unbalanced too. So there's a gradual buildup of them getting through each others walls to get to the people underneath.

              • 3 months ago

                >I like this. I will say that I feel like there's kind of a taboo element to it. Insomuch that as his psychiatrist it's kinda unethical for Harley to fall in love with Bruce and Batman, being in a position of authority over Harley would make that dynamic feel unbalanced too. So there's a gradual buildup of them getting through each others walls to get to the people underneath.

                Yes, and MOST OF THE TIME, it is taboo for Batman to fall for his sidekick. So you could drag out the will they won't they for a while.

                And it would be in character for Harley. She fell for a teacher back in college and she fell for her patient the Joker.

                Another detail I would change in a timeline where she ends up with Bruce is that she was in love with that teacher she fricked, and probably used, and didn't knowingly do it for a good grade. I'd play up that she has a habit of falling for strong intelligent men that she thinks she can help and there is an element of tabooness. I'd also play up that the "fricking for good grades" was something the joker came up with in her first incarnation to beat down her self esteem and break her to his will.

                Also, it makes more sense. You couldn't actually frick your way into that specific job. The assertion is comical at best, making it easy to write off as one of Joker's "jokes."

  34. 3 months ago

    Love interest? No.
    Plucky side kick who eventually becomes the new Robin? Sure.

  35. 3 months ago


    I'm not going to say the idea is necessarily terrible. You could pull some logic out of your ass to say why Bruce is dating any number of characters, I'm sure. Batman/Catwoman is a fair bit of an asspull if you think about it, as while Catwoman isn't a psycho murderer, you have to wonder why a bank robber would try to help out capturing Joker to Clayface with any sensible reasoning. I might end up watching such a series for Batman content, but I'm certainly not going to jump into it because it's Batman x Harley shipping.

    The idea of Batman taking on Harley as a sidekick has more potential. Harley's not an idiot, she could figure things out herself and has plenty of room for gadgets, and a smart-but-wacky sidekick could make for a good foil against Batman's normal attitude. It would depend on how it's handled, both in how to frame Harley as the sidekick and how to handle the dynamic. I could easily see it going off the rails by just letting Harley solve everything and always be right, for example.

    • 3 months ago

      >The idea of Batman taking on Harley as a sidekick has more potential. Harley's not an idiot, she could figure things out herself and has plenty of room for gadgets, and a smart-but-wacky sidekick could make for a good foil against Batman's normal attitude. It would depend on how it's handled, both in how to frame Harley as the sidekick and how to handle the dynamic. I could easily see it going off the rails by just letting Harley solve everything and always be right, for example.

      The easiest thing to do would just repeat the dynamic of the bruce and paul Harley and Ivy Graphic where Ivy is the straightman and Harley the baffoon. The only real thing that would need to change is that Bruce actually likes a lot of the attention Harley would give Ivy, to Ivy's chagrin. Because, well, harley is hot and upbeat, and there is no way a straight man would hate that kind of attention as much as Ivy did. You could even have a little joke where he smooves over much of her clutz behavior with money.

      Oh you know what would be good? Have her constantly fricking up the house, upsetting Alfred and Bruce always just hugging her close and saying he'll buy more. Light the kitchen on fire and Alfred is in tears and Bruce just says he'll buy another.

      • 3 months ago

        I think it might work better if Harley actively tries to aggravate Bruce, while showing that she's still perfectly capable. As it, she sneaks into Bruce's room and makes a disaster out of his personal stuff, but her room is always kept clean and in perfect order.

        Quinn and Batman could bounce back and forth with who was right in different scenarios. Sometimes Quinn's antics cause problems and even let the villains get away, while sometimes she's willing to smash stuff or break into places that Batman wouldn't want to in order to catch a villain. You could even have Quinn as the more "friendly" face, more willing to talk with people on the streets who are otherwise too terrified of Batman to give out answers. Show that Harley has problems, but Batman's methods could use some improvements as well.

        • 3 months ago

          >I think it might work better if Harley actively tries to aggravate Bruce, while showing that she's still perfectly capable. As it, she sneaks into Bruce's room and makes a disaster out of his personal stuff, but her room is always kept clean and in perfect order.

          Yeah, she'd probably act like a brat from time to time. Women that like strong big men tend to do that when they want attention. So its not a horrible idea. She's been known to do it with Ivy who is also a strong straight type. She didn't do it much with Joker because he was more likely to hit to kill.

          >Quinn and Batman could bounce back and forth with who was right in different scenarios. Sometimes Quinn's antics cause problems and even let the villains get away, while sometimes she's willing to smash stuff or break into places that Batman wouldn't want to in order to catch a villain. You could even have Quinn as the more "friendly" face, more willing to talk with people on the streets who are otherwise too terrified of Batman to give out answers. Show that Harley has problems, but Batman's methods could use some improvements as well.

          This is fine. Its worked in the past with other heroes and sidekicks.

    • 3 months ago

      The sidekick setup honestly sounds ideal for pairing her up with Dick, in my opinion. It just seems like a better version of the Bruce/Dick/Babs dynamic to me.

  36. 3 months ago
    • 3 months ago

      The more I look at this image, the worse it gets.

    • 3 months ago

      The funny thing about this is that I could see her doing this. But not in a romantic way like spiderman or catwoman, but like doing it in the closets of Wayne manner or at wayne tech and just completely scaring the shit out of people and it ending up being awkward.

      Like Alfred goes for a broom and opens the closet to find that and it startling the shit out of him.

      • 3 months ago

        This gave a idea of her being in her superhero identity and her unaware Bruce Wayne is batman

        • 3 months ago

          >This gave a idea of her being in her superhero identity and her unaware Bruce Wayne is batman

          that could be pretty funny and charming. Like she copies batman while dating bruce, unaware of bruce being batman, but bruce knowing she is Harley.

          Harley could eventually find out and be enraged he didn't tell her after she told him about her own crime fighting, and he plays it off like he thought she knew.

          batman "but I always told you how good the costume looked. I even called you my little darling and cutesy clown while I was batman. Are you telling me you let all that slide not knowing we were the same guy? Wait...we almost kissed while I was batman."
          HQ "Oh man would you look at the time. I need to get to bed. See you tomorrow morning Brucey"
          Batman "hey you come back here, this isn't over"

          • 3 months ago

            Yeah it would also have Harley asking for batman for dating advice and then her performing those advices with bruces

            • 3 months ago

              >Yeah it would also have Harley asking for batman for dating advice and then her performing those advices with bruces

              Oh that could be really funny and cute. Like lean into her being an akward academic at home and always messing it up and Bruce just lets it slide and says something Brucey and cool and gives her a compliment that is obvious he wants more but again, she is an awkward academic and doesn't pick up on it.

      • 3 months ago

        >opens the closet to find that and it startling the shit out of him.
        He opens the closet, sees Harley, grabs the broom, and closes the door completely nonplussed.

  37. 3 months ago

    Need more batquinn arts

    • 3 months ago
      • 3 months ago

        she damn well might

  38. 3 months ago
  39. 3 months ago

    Since Harley is israeli and a fake blond (at least in animated series) why does she continue to dye her hair under the harlequin costume
    Idk why this bothers me

    • 3 months ago

      Paul Dini said on twitter she was joking about being a fake blonde.

      • 3 months ago

        There was a gag that she was israeli so I assumed she was a redhead
        Dee Dees are redheads

        • 3 months ago

          >There was a gag that she was israeli so I assumed she was a redhead
          >Dee Dees are redheads

          she's half israeli. And who knows why the deedees are redheads. Harley could have just as well married an Irish catholic. Why? Because its amusing.

          • 3 months ago

            I thought the gag was she got preggars from sleeping with Robin

            • 3 months ago

              >I thought the gag was she got preggars from sleeping with Robin

              which version of the character? do you mean the one from return of the joker? You think Harley slept with 14 year old Tim enough to get knocked up?

              I guess that makes some weird amount of sense but I dont remember any in universe dialog or behavior to imply it. It could explain part of how Joker talked her into thinking it was a good idea to brain wash Tim into being another joker (if he was sterile or just didnt want to give her dick) and why she didn't commit suicide after the joker died.

              Though her having lots of sex with a 14 year old seems kind of bit much. Even if he looked like mini joker. Lord, how bad did she want that dick by that point if she did that?

              • 3 months ago

                In Batman and Harles she fricks Nightwing who was once Robin so its not too out of characte

              • 3 months ago

                >In Batman and Harles she fricks Nightwing who was once Robin so its not too out of characte

                Thats kind of an alt future. That Harley is so different than the one that would help brain wash a child

                Also, I feel like the fangirl obsession with Nightwings butt around that time heavily influenced that. An obsession still going strong for whatever reason.

              • 3 months ago

                dc in general has an ass fetishist cult aroun it

          • 3 months ago

            >Irish catholic...
            >from the future
            No... it can't be... Miguel YOU SON OF A b***h YOU CANT KEEP GETTING AWAY WITH IT

          • 3 months ago

            They might not be redheads

            But it does seem like a lot of hair or hide under a red wig

            • 3 months ago

              And it doesn't help that they wear their costume in jail

            • 3 months ago

              Go watch the music videos for Gump or The Saga Begins sometime.

            • 3 months ago

              I'd like to see art of the Dee Dees hitting on Terry in a club, not because they think he's batman or anything just because they think he's hot.

          • 3 months ago

            half-Jews and half-Arabs are weird. it's not uncommon for them to be blond but have brown-skinned looking relatives. It's probably her real hair

        • 3 months ago

          >There was a gag that she was israeli so I assumed she was a redhead
          >Dee Dees are redheads

          she's half israeli. And who knows why the deedees are redheads. Harley could have just as well married an Irish catholic. Why? Because its amusing.

          This assumes they're not wearing wigs.

        • 3 months ago

          >There was a gag that she was israeli so I assumed she was a redhead
          >Dee Dees are redheads

          she's half israeli. And who knows why the deedees are redheads. Harley could have just as well married an Irish catholic. Why? Because its amusing.

          This assumes they're not wearing wigs.

          The deedees are blonde too.

          • 3 months ago

            They might not be redheads

            But it does seem like a lot of hair or hide under a red wig

            probably depends on the writer.

            Its also not crazy that the women of their family just dye their hair. Women can be weird and just copy their their mothers and grandmothers. Like families with beards tend have multiple people who grow beards.

      • 3 months ago

        >Paul Dini said on twitter she was joking about being a fake blonde.

        death of the author, etc. Also, does Timm agree with him?

        And does it matter? Almost everything in this thread would have to be an alt world IF it ever got made into something. Aint no fricking way DC is going to make even more btas stuff and have Harley leave joker for Batman. Its just never going to happen in that universe. And if it is an alt world, her hair can be whatever color you want.

        • 3 months ago

          >Batman is on high alert
          >"Harley can be here" he thinks, "Harley can be anywhere"
          >The wind felt good on his Bat nipple as Alfred's over-expensive wine pumped through his thicc veins
          >in an alt-universe her hair can be any color you want" he said

    • 3 months ago

      >Since Harley is israeli and a fake blond (at least in animated series) why does she continue to dye her hair under the harlequin costume

      blonds have more fun, anon

  40. 3 months ago

    I mean the idea of a series where the female love interest is a psycho killer is appealing, but making Harley Batman's love interest just feels so cheap and Bottom of the Bat Barrel. Just make Catwoman sexy again.

    • 3 months ago

      I think part of the appeal is Harley is kind of trashy and doesn't fit Bruce's high class lifestyle.

      • 3 months ago

        >I think part of the appeal is Harley is kind of trashy and doesn't fit Bruce's high class lifestyle.

        I think her trashiness is case by case. And who is getting the most say that day, Timm or Paul. I think Paul bases her more on Arleen Sorkin, who was funny, sweet and a little naive (I think she worked for an escort service in DC for several weeks before realizing it was an escort service. Like she handled the phones and the front desk and did this for a while before it hit her that she was helping people pay for sex. She was that kind of smart but naive). Timm on the other hand, I think based his take on her as this blonde 1940s trashy bombo type. Something between marilyn monroe and a B movie fluezy.

        I don't think those two fully agreed on her characterization but for the most part it doesn't matter. Naive sweet spurg and dumb bimbo are close enough most people won't notice. There is a very blurry line between a naive woman and a dumb bawd.

        Its funny to think that if nuharley didn't exist, btas fans would probably be debating this more, but instead everyone is just united in how much they dont like new Harley.

        • 3 months ago

          I kind of think it bleeds into one and other; its very easy to mindbreak a pure and naive woman into a bawd

        • 3 months ago

          While not a fan of "Super Smart" NuHarley I would have Classical Harley more willfully dumb and lazy then actually stupid. Like if you meet Dr. Harleen Quinzel it'd take a couple months or so before you'd realize she's not as put together as she tries to appear but Harley you'd peg as a nut bar immediately even out of costume.

          • 3 months ago

            The real sauce is that both Harley and Dr. Harleen are masks that she wears. Some real Jungian shit.

            • 3 months ago

              Basically what I meant by willfully dumb, Haley wants to be Joker's moll and plays the part.

              She basically wants to the eye candy on his arm, his prostitute in his sheets and the mother of his kids. All while doing as little hard work as possible.

              • 3 months ago

                >Basically what I meant by willfully dumb, Haley wants to be Joker's moll and plays the part.

                well yeah. Sleeping with one teacher aside, she's not stupid. And part of what was appealing about joining the joker and buying into his world view was that she didn't have to be smart anymore. She found it free'ing to act like that. It was part of Joker's con on her. "Come with me and every day will be fun. No more of this big serious therapy business. You'll get to be a fun clown."

                Thats how he conned her. He offered her a life of thrills, fun, easy money, not having to work a real job. And she gets to spend it all with this poor sad clown boy that didn'tdonuff'n wrong. She gets to do all that fun stuff and fix ole sweet Mr. J with her love'n.

                Assuming you find the Joker attractive, this is the fantasy of most people. He offered her everything she could want.

                Then it slowly changed and eventually she's getting used as a hench woman to brain wash kids and bomb metropolis and getting refused sex. Oh and getting thrown out of windows.

              • 3 months ago

                >getting refused sex.

                That monster!

                Although the idea of Incel Haley is funny, "I got him McDonald's the frick else does he want!"

              • 3 months ago

                You laugh but when I was in my twenties I took a really rich twink to McD's once and was flabbergasted when he did not call me back

      • 3 months ago

        I imagine something like in the image.

        • 3 months ago

          I see Bruce, Alfred, Selina, Babs, Tim, Stephanie and Harley

        • 3 months ago

          I see Bruce, Alfred, Selina, Babs, Tim, Stephanie and Harley

          That youngest girl who was always too old for her age and neurotic would obviously be Damian.

        • 3 months ago

          Honestly, prime Fran Drescher wouldn't have been a bad pick for a live-action Harley, voice notwithstanding.

          • 3 months ago

            >Honestly, prime Fran Drescher wouldn't have been a bad pick for a live-action Harley, voice notwithstanding.

            Fran in UHF is hot as frick

          • 3 months ago

            She would. Prime Debbie Harry would still be my first pick though.

        • 3 months ago

          Almost exactly that

        • 3 months ago

          It would be interesting

        • 3 months ago

          So who'd be the CC?

      • 3 months ago

        Is it that hard to believe that Batman sees the best in people? Perhaps he falls in love while caring for a broken woman. I mean that’s how I’d write the story. You could even have a moment where Batman tells her she’s vulnerable she gets attached to easily it’s not love. Counter point that with Harley telling him he’s loses off he’s allowed to love and sometimes the strongest thing you you can do is be vulnerable.

    • 3 months ago

      >Just make Catwoman sexy again.

      there are lots of problems with catwoman. She's the most compatible with the 89 keaton batman. She never had a lot of chemistry with the btas or NA batman, which is the frame of mind anyone talking about Harley is going to be in. And as of 2024 she really hasn't gotten that much character development when compared to Harley or even Ivy. She's taken a back seat. She's even taken a back seat to Batman and is often used as just a tolken love interest.

      Though admittedly there is room for that scenario. There is room for any number of alt worlds, what ifs, etc.

      • 3 months ago

        Take Tim Burton's cat and have her be batman's on and off gf

        >The Joker and Harlee have their moment as a couple

        yeah, that summarizes it pretty good. She gives him lots of attention. He eats it up without giving her anything back. Then its proven he rats her out as soon as there is something for him to gain. Something she wouldn't do to him.

        It's an interesting moment because he is enjoying her cuddling him and would rather not be ratted at out as having betrayed her.
        Maybe he uses her for her body and the Dee twins are his

        • 3 months ago

          >Maybe he uses her for her body and the Dee twins are his

          That conflicts with what she tells batgirl in return of the joker though.

          • 3 months ago

            That can be handwaved away because I doubt Harley would tell anyone her kid was the child of a crime boss; its just that the idea the joker is not sleeping with his moll is too much of a cop out if there's also a romance between her and Bat
            The "my waifu was a clingy stripper at a creepy crime boss's house but she is still pure and virgin vibe you get from some anime where the denial she could have slept with someon comes off as naive

            • 3 months ago

              >That can be handwaved away because I doubt Harley would tell anyone her kid was the child of a crime boss; its just that the idea the joker is not sleeping with his moll is too much of a cop out if there's also a romance between her and Bat

              most versions of Harley would have been very proud of joker knocking her up. She was very open about wanting to have his babies when the topic came up. She really wanted joker dick. There is just a lot more proof he didn't give it to her than he did.

              The stripper is kind of a gray area thing. I don't think Paul ever purposely wrote Harley as trashy bimbo because of how much he based her on his friend. Timm probably did because Timm is a known pervert that likes to draw lots of skinny little fluezies.

              • 3 months ago

                Harley could deny it for the twins sake and then they go full criminal moron when they discover the truth

              • 3 months ago

                >Harley could deny it for the twins sake and then they go full criminal moron when they discover the truth

                I don't think it matters if ti was true or not. She probably kept her costume and a box of mementos of the joker in the attic and they found it. It wouldn't matter if she told them the joker wasn't grandpa, they'd see the stuff in the trunk and think she is lying because they were teens that thought that was cooler.

                Knowing Harley, she shacked up with the next strong interesting man she found and started having babies and he left her (which everyone but her could see coming a mile away).

                OR maybe Ivy is the granddad and used magical ivy plant science and that is why their hair is red. Then Ivy died being an eco terrorist, leaving Harley alone and that is why Harley is so bitter and angry come Beyond, because she lost all her favorite lovers to them being idiots and not giving up on crime.

            • 3 months ago

              I think the biggest issue with Joker children is the implication that the chemical bath and his own experimitation has fricked his DNA to unholy levels. If he can even have kids they won't be a normal looking as the Deedees.

  41. 3 months ago

    The Joker and Harlee have their moment as a couple

    • 3 months ago

      >The Joker and Harlee have their moment as a couple

      yeah, that summarizes it pretty good. She gives him lots of attention. He eats it up without giving her anything back. Then its proven he rats her out as soon as there is something for him to gain. Something she wouldn't do to him.

      • 3 months ago

        well it is supposed to be somewhat tragic. The thing about Harley lore is that she's not a psycho killer when she's normal. Self-serving, sleazy, bad decision maker, and annoying but not a monster. It's supposed to be she got mindfricked by Joker when she was trying to use him to come up and he makes her clinically psychotic. A recurring thing in both btas and the comics was she mellows out when she gets away from him, though she often hitches her wagon to the wrong horse. With Ivy she's more normal but still does villainous shit because Ivy is a turbo tree hugger. With somebody like Waller she straightens up a lot. She's kind of like a clingy sponge

  42. 3 months ago
    • 3 months ago

      God imagine how hot it would be for batman being able to pick you up like a bag of trash. I bet Harley slicks herself at this memory/fantasy

  43. 3 months ago

    Who is their grandfather again?

    • 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago

      Harvey. Why do you think there's two of them.

      • 3 months ago

        that makes sense thematically...
        I just don't see it happening. I don't think Two-Face and Harley ever spoke to each other in BTAS.

    • 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago

      The Creeper's

    • 3 months ago

      Given his total absence, I'm just gonna say Dick. Could have been a one night stand before he fricked off to Bludhaven and he never knew Harley was pregnant, her not telling him in order to avoid baggage and further drama.

    • 3 months ago

      Poison Ivy

  44. 3 months ago

    Frick anything where Harley is not just Mr. J's gf but if she leaves him for Bats or Nightwing Mr. J should go gay for a nice Crime Mime
    It's mean that only Bats gets twinks

  45. 3 months ago

    That anon x Harley greentext from like a year or 2 ago was actually a pretty good blueprint for what Harley working alongside Batman and the rest of the DCAU Batfamily would be like, even if she's the anon's love interest rather than Bruce's. Plus the idea of her becoming a shrink for supervillains/former supervillains in her civilian life sounds really fun.

    • 3 months ago

      I was thinking of making that into a comic, but I'd have to rewatch BTAS and Beyond first since all I have is fading childhood memories of them and the greentext was clearly written by someone who is intimately familiar with them.

    • 3 months ago

      >That anon x Harley greentext from like a year or 2 ago

      anyone got a sreenshot

      • 3 months ago

        Well, I called it a greentext but it's more like a full-on fanfic in greentext form, since it was something that lasted through a bunch of threads before the anon writing it finished it. I know he put all of it in a Pastebin, so I'll see if I can find it.

        I was thinking of making that into a comic, but I'd have to rewatch BTAS and Beyond first since all I have is fading childhood memories of them and the greentext was clearly written by someone who is intimately familiar with them.

        I think you'd get the most bang for your buck by rewatching Harley-centric episodes of BTAS, since there's not really much on the Dee Dees to go off of beyond what the writeanon extrapolated from what little we got of them.

        • 3 months ago

          I'm just worried that I'll miss all the different cameos that pop out. For example, that farm girl that I completely forgot even existed.
          Also, capturing the dialogue. I've actually been preparing a Spider-Man/Batman crossover comic for a few months now, and by far the hardest part has been writing dialogue and getting the character's personalities and speech mannerisms right.

    • 3 months ago

      I was thinking of making that into a comic, but I'd have to rewatch BTAS and Beyond first since all I have is fading childhood memories of them and the greentext was clearly written by someone who is intimately familiar with them.

      >That anon x Harley greentext from like a year or 2 ago

      anyone got a sreenshot


      • 3 months ago

        Thats the one! Thanks, anon.

      • 3 months ago

        Kino stuff those were some fun threads

    • 3 months ago

      Well, I called it a greentext but it's more like a full-on fanfic in greentext form, since it was something that lasted through a bunch of threads before the anon writing it finished it. I know he put all of it in a Pastebin, so I'll see if I can find it.

      I think you'd get the most bang for your buck by rewatching Harley-centric episodes of BTAS, since there's not really much on the Dee Dees to go off of beyond what the writeanon extrapolated from what little we got of them.

      I'm just worried that I'll miss all the different cameos that pop out. For example, that farm girl that I completely forgot even existed.
      Also, capturing the dialogue. I've actually been preparing a Spider-Man/Batman crossover comic for a few months now, and by far the hardest part has been writing dialogue and getting the character's personalities and speech mannerisms right.

      I'm flattered my greentext still gets mentioned now and then, and even moreso that someone wants to make a comic out of it.
      I don't have much experience with actually making comics, but if you wanna capture the dialogue I was gunning for, I'd say stick with mainly BTAS for both Bruce and Dick, since I wanted a Batman who could still smile and crack wise every now and then. Same goes for Dick, who just became, well, a dick, by the time he became Nightwing.
      As for the cameos, they're kinda all over the place, but most of them are from STAS, the Batman and Harley Quinn movie and a nod or two to the 60's Batman show.

      • 3 months ago

        Ah frick, I'm cooked. Well, if the comic ever comes to fruition, I apologize in advance for any missed references or cameos and whatnot.
        Also, thank you for the greentext. It came out just as I was "rediscovering" Harley's appeal, so it was a very fun read.

        • 3 months ago

          Lol don't worry about that. Most of the cameos and references were just there for a bit of world-building and for shits and giggles, and don't really have any major bearing on the story.
          And I'm happy to hear you enjoyed reading it, anon.

          • 3 months ago

            Blessed trips. Ringmaster lives on in our hearts.

            • 3 months ago

              Kek glad you liked it. I know I had fun writing it.

            • 3 months ago

              you fricking know it

              • 3 months ago

                What a gigachad.

    • 3 months ago



      I'm flattered my greentext still gets mentioned now and then, and even moreso that someone wants to make a comic out of it.
      I don't have much experience with actually making comics, but if you wanna capture the dialogue I was gunning for, I'd say stick with mainly BTAS for both Bruce and Dick, since I wanted a Batman who could still smile and crack wise every now and then. Same goes for Dick, who just became, well, a dick, by the time he became Nightwing.
      As for the cameos, they're kinda all over the place, but most of them are from STAS, the Batman and Harley Quinn movie and a nod or two to the 60's Batman show.

      >mfw I used to follow those threads daily for several weeks and even invented the concept of the Batman Who Fricks for a WEG like Something Unlimited
      >Original Poster is still here
      ayyyyyyy, WOAH 2 years already, I'm glad people still remember

    • 3 months ago

      I was thinking of making that into a comic, but I'd have to rewatch BTAS and Beyond first since all I have is fading childhood memories of them and the greentext was clearly written by someone who is intimately familiar with them.

      >That anon x Harley greentext from like a year or 2 ago

      anyone got a sreenshot

      I'm flattered my greentext still gets mentioned now and then, and even moreso that someone wants to make a comic out of it.
      I don't have much experience with actually making comics, but if you wanna capture the dialogue I was gunning for, I'd say stick with mainly BTAS for both Bruce and Dick, since I wanted a Batman who could still smile and crack wise every now and then. Same goes for Dick, who just became, well, a dick, by the time he became Nightwing.
      As for the cameos, they're kinda all over the place, but most of them are from STAS, the Batman and Harley Quinn movie and a nod or two to the 60's Batman show.

      >mfw I used to follow those threads daily for several weeks and even invented the concept of the Batman Who Fricks for a WEG like Something Unlimited
      >Original Poster is still here
      ayyyyyyy, WOAH 2 years already, I'm glad people still remember

      drawgay from that thread, those were good times

      • 3 months ago

        Absolute chad. You really added a lot to those threads alongside writegay.

        • 3 months ago

          it was my absolute pleasure anon, i would had done more if i had more time, i do remember doing another smaller scale drawing that was just outlines on a black background, but i dont currently have access to it, i´ll try to post it tomorrow if the thread is still alive by then

        • 3 months ago

          it was my absolute pleasure anon, i would had done more if i had more time, i do remember doing another smaller scale drawing that was just outlines on a black background, but i dont currently have access to it, i´ll try to post it tomorrow if the thread is still alive by then

          oh hey, found them!

          • 3 months ago
            • 3 months ago
              • 3 months ago
          • 3 months ago

            Fricking based. Would love to see the TDKR one get the same treatment as that one with Batman looming over them.

          • 3 months ago

            Fuuuuck I wanna make this greentext into a comic so bad but I got too much on my hands right now

            • 3 months ago

              hope you one day get the free time to do so, i would kill to see that green in proper comic form

            • 3 months ago

              why don't you draw one of your favorite scenes instead to scratch the itch until you can make it into a comic?

          • 3 months ago

            That little "homosexual" on the flag still gets me

          • 3 months ago

            The recent allegations against Vince McMahon makes this pic even better in retrospect

  46. 3 months ago

    Batman X Harley is cute but I don’t like nuHarley.

  47. 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago

      Sad when porn artists capture classic Harley's personality better than the actual people responisble for official material

    • 3 months ago

      I can hear her saying this. It's always fun when people capture the ditzy personality she originally had as Harley, where it's airheaded but not stupid.

    • 3 months ago

      > Enough! Harley, you're coming with me!
      Yes Bruce, I do believe that's the general idea.

  48. 3 months ago

    Lord, Bruce would wreck her.

    Animators just did not give a frick about the size chart that day

    • 3 months ago

      he is like, 3 or 4 times wider than her, and multiple heads taller

      • 3 months ago

        Bruce is a fricking unit

    • 3 months ago

      he is like, 3 or 4 times wider than her, and multiple heads taller

      Based ngl

    • 3 months ago

      he is like, 3 or 4 times wider than her, and multiple heads taller

      this is hot

    • 3 months ago

      he is like, 3 or 4 times wider than her, and multiple heads taller

      • 3 months ago

        thats more accurate. Any shots of Batman with catwoman? Just how small were the women in btas?

        • 3 months ago

          here he is with Selina Kyle.

          I guess Harley is just a midget or elf

          • 3 months ago

            Early Bruce was handsome as frick

  49. 3 months ago

    and we're back. You can tell which men are good guys because they are fricking giants. Barbra is about as big around as her dad's and Bruce's individual legs.

  50. 3 months ago
    El Barto

    wayne or timm?

  51. 3 months ago

    Absolutely not. Would watch a Harley solo series though.

  52. 3 months ago

    Sure. Sounds interesting.

  53. 3 months ago

    If it was 90s Harley yes. The modern trash Harley? Frick no

  54. 3 months ago

    Batgod is pure and only for his boyfriend

    • 3 months ago


  55. 3 months ago

    Hear me out lads;
    >Batman happens to catch Joker & Dr Quinn during one of Jokers little grooming sessions
    >He tears the veil away and makes sure Quinn knows Joker is a manipulative sociopath that's purely interested in using her for his own ends
    >He thinks that's the end of it.
    >But instead he's just given Quinn a new target by becoming her saviour who swept her off her feet and saved her from the bad man
    >Besides, he's mysterious and obviously a complete headcase who she needs to understand for professional purposes
    No idea what her theme would be, but instead of a Harleyquinn she ends up as going all in on the crazy towards the Batman.
    Could be a villain, could be a hero, who knows, either way she remains a dangerously intelligent psychiatrist instead of immediately becoming just a stooge.

    • 3 months ago

      this already happens in lots of batman media. Thats pretty much the plot of Mad Love. But she always goes back to Joker or to a lesser extent, Ivy.

      Harley's biggest problem is that she is afraid to let go of the dream that Joker sold her when they first started. And won't stand up for herself because she is afraid of losing relationships.

  56. 3 months ago

    Long as it gets an episode where Batman outright cuckolds The Joker by fricking Harley Quinn in front of him, and Mistah J simply laughs his ass off and demands more since NTR is his fetish

  57. 3 months ago

    Classic Harley Quinn only

  58. 3 months ago

    Bruce Wayne or Bruce Timm?
    I'd pay money to see the latter

  59. 3 months ago
    • 3 months ago

      One good thing I can say about that run is that Harley actually looked cute

  60. 3 months ago

    Go no. I don't even want to read comics that so much as have her in it. She is the most repellent character in all of DC.

  61. 3 months ago

    I’m sick of seeing this c**t, so no.

    • 3 months ago

      You should be tired of seeing dull portrayals of her.

  62. 3 months ago

    No, that's stupid.

    • 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago

      Nah, it would be new for once.

  63. 3 months ago

    It could work if set up correctly. I would very much enjoy it.

    • 3 months ago

      any stuff like that?

      • 3 months ago

        >any stuff like that?

        There is some notBatman comic not put out by the big two where like notBatman from the Dark Knight returns swaps places with the Adam West notBatman. If I remember right, the Adam West notHarley gets right to work on Dark Knight Returns notBatman's wiener.

        Which he is pleased as can be with because a hokey villain woman is still better than most normal women from his own universe.

        • 3 months ago

          IIRC it's called Dragonfly.

    • 3 months ago

      It all started as a prank the joker got her to agree with.
      >”And than after he cums you cream pie him in the face!”
      Turns out she liked Batdick too much and never landed the punchline.

      • 3 months ago

        >Turns out she liked Batdick too much and never landed the punchline.

        Joker "You did what!? What about the punchline? What about the pie to the face!?"
        Harley *looking nervious* "Well, I just forgot. We'd been at it for so long. And he has so much stamina, I wasn't sure when he was really going to be finished. I probably came 20 times and each time he'd just start again. His fight on crime really is never ending."
        Joker *appearing very frustrated, rubs his face with his hands.* "Neither of you get comedy. Whats funny about having sex all day? No pie, no punchline. Endless sex? How base! How crude! Next time I'll do it myself."
        Harley *looking confused* "Baby, I'm not sure that will work."
        Joker "Why, what are you saying?"
        Harley "well, Me, Catwoman, then that Raz girl, uh, I think Batman likes dames and skirts."
        Joker "Oh Harley Harley Harley, he only likes you because you remind him of me or the boywonder. You've seen how he protects me. You've seen how the Robins dress. He'll be overjoyed at the chance at this." *motions around his body with his hands*
        Harley *blinking* "H..aa, h a.. Yeah...sure thing Mr. J"
        Joker walks off humming a love song "Now, where are my good shoes. A man can't go a calling in just any old thing."

        • 3 months ago

          Yea nah, I can see that. Its painful, but I can see it.

        • 3 months ago

          You just know Batman would pound this into oblivion and make Jim Gordon jizz in his pants.

    • 3 months ago

      Objectively best pairing

      • 3 months ago

        It's why Bruce and Diana just falls kinda flat compared to Bruce and Harleen, Selena or Talia. Something something love redeems.

        • 3 months ago

          I can see Bruce/Diana working, but the DCAU Wonder Woman never really worked. And the way you'd need to write Wonder Woman to make it work with DCAU Bruce (or a similar incarnation) would piss just about everyone off, despite Bruce also having to be changed to make it work.

          • 3 months ago

            DCAU Wonder Woman was just really hamfisted. It was painful to watch her act like a love-struck teenager while on a stakeout with Bruce. For all the memes surrounding Wonder-e-girl, at the very least the way her crush on Bruce was presented was suited for a girl her age, which can't be said for normal WW.

            • 3 months ago

              >It was painful to watch her act like a love-struck teenager while on a stakeout with Bruce
              Nah, that part was fine because she was at least displaying some kind of characterization and motivation, even if that motivation is not acceptable in g
              the Current Year. The problem was that they never really figured out what else to do with her. They fixed Superman from JL to JLU by giving him the Cadmus arc and tying it so tightly to STAS, but Wonder Woman never made the same transition.

        • 3 months ago

          >It's why Bruce and Diana just falls kinda flat compared to Bruce and Harleen, Selena or Talia. Something something love redeems.

          I can see Bruce/Diana working, but the DCAU Wonder Woman never really worked. And the way you'd need to write Wonder Woman to make it work with DCAU Bruce (or a similar incarnation) would piss just about everyone off, despite Bruce also having to be changed to make it work.

          >I can see Bruce/Diana working, but the DCAU Wonder Woman never really worked. And the way you'd need to write Wonder Woman to make it work with DCAU Bruce (or a similar incarnation) would piss just about everyone off, despite Bruce also having to be changed to make it work.

          wouldnt be that hard. Just use one of the more militant takes on Wonder Woman. Some of them boarder on villains in how she sees the world outside her island.

          • 3 months ago

            >Just use one of the more militant takes on Wonder Woman
            That'd be interesting in a "this is deeply psychologically unhealthy for the both of them" way but the core of the "portray sheltered princess as sheltered princess" combined with her actual martial skill wasn't necessarily wrong, just not fully executed

            • 3 months ago

              It would be interesting to see how Bruce would actually deal with her.

              Like if she was blunt, direct but also naive, ignorant. Maybe she wants to use violence to solve everything, even getting bruce into bed and he just throws her or pins her and it just frustrates her and makes her want him more. It could be similar to when super strong alien women come to earth and want to breed with Superman. But in this case, they'd want Batman because he is wealthy, cunning, strategic, and does a lot more with what little physical strength (comparably) that he has.

              You might even go as far as her trying to rape him as it rumored in some stories about the amazons, and he just snakes and bends and twists out of everytime.

              But this all hinges on Wonder Woman allowed to be flawed at the start of the story, and modern comics dont do that anymore.

        • 3 months ago

          >Something something love redeems.

          I mean, I wouldn't mind if it was Diana's love redeeming Bruce, rather than Batman dicking down a villainess and turning her away from crimes.

          I think there's an Elseworlds with the premise that Bruce and Diana hook up and them being together helps him overcome the trauma of his parents' murder. In the end they still fight crime together but the Batman's less a figure of fear and darkness.

          But Batgays probably get super booty blasted if their precious Batgod isn't turbo-wanked and grim and dark and a complete just as keikaku prep time god that makes a Japanese fight mango protag look complex and nuanced.

          • 3 months ago

            >But Batgays probably get super booty blasted if their precious Batgod isn't turbo-wanked and grim and dark and a complete just as keikaku prep time god that makes a Japanese fight mango protag look complex and nuanced.

            Eh, it's kind of tired now. There is room for less bitter batmans

          • 3 months ago

            I've been seeing a lot of appreciation lately for BTAS and BATB showing Batman's softer, more human side so I feel like this kind of story would actually do well. Leastways I'd like to see it made.

            • 3 months ago

              >I've been seeing a lot of appreciation lately for BTAS and BATB showing Batman's softer, more human side so I feel like this kind of story would actually do well. Leastways I'd like to see it made.

              I think as people have aged, they've come to appreciate the simpler stories of BTAS and how that aided fleshing the characters out.

              The end of the Bruce Timm DCAU has a lot of the same problems that modern cape movies have where everything is world ending events and the characters don't have room to breath.

              Just my opinion, but Batman in the last 10 episodes of BTAS or even the first 10 is a more fleshed out and nuanced than he is in something like JLU, with some small exceptions like helping Ace.

  64. 3 months ago

    I'm not interested in any Harley Quinn content not primarily created by Timm or Dini.
    All NuHarley content sucks shit.

    • 3 months ago


  65. 3 months ago

    No. I actively try to avoid anything with Harley in it.

    • 3 months ago

      Same until it is classic Harley.

      • 3 months ago

        If the voice ain't Arleen, it ain't worth being seen.

        • 3 months ago

          If the voice ain't it I can't jerk off too it.

  66. 3 months ago

    Yes, but Batman should put a baby in her.

  67. 3 months ago

    "Hey there Mister B man."

    • 3 months ago


  68. 3 months ago

    How to fix Harley:

    Keep her TAS characterization

    Find a VA as close to her original as possible, scrap Tara strong

    Make her a Robin/batgirl

    Make Catwoman the female character she is constantly paired with who is a good influence on her and causes redemption

    Have Harley give up on joker forever, and have “Harley Quinn” being an identity given to unnamed moron psycho blonde girls who love joker - basically his robins

    Have this NuHarley be voiced by Tara Strong and be as obnoxious, violent, annoying, depraved, and hyper sexualized as possible while being allowed to be evil with no back and forth redemption

    • 3 months ago

      Not that far off from what White Knight did.

      • 3 months ago

        >Not that far off from what White Knight did.

        white knight had to get that dig in at the end by her having joker babies and then bruce raising them.

    • 3 months ago

      >Find a VA as close to her original as possible, scrap Tara strong
      Use Hynden, got it.

  69. 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago

      What the hell is this from?

      • 3 months ago

        Batman: Beyond the White Knight. Basically Sean Murphy's glorified BTAS/Batman Beyond fanfiction.

        • 3 months ago

          which is better than the shit happening at the main batman and harley quinn comics at the moment

          • 3 months ago

            Batman: Beyond the White Knight. Basically Sean Murphy's glorified BTAS/Batman Beyond fanfiction.

            >which is better than the shit happening at the main batman and harley quinn comics at the moment

            Its fine for you to like it, but the White Knight series is barely above fanfiction. It has a few good ideas but it reads like someone read a bunch of fanfics and then tied together a bunch of ideas they got from them. 6 to 8 issues are not enough to earn many of the plot points made or make many things believable. It is often too edgy for its own good, with several plot twists that would piss off a fan that just enjoyed another plot twist. I'm often left wondering about every issue "who was this made for? Who would be happy with everything that has happened?"

            • 3 months ago

              The fact that milf harley figure exists is enough

              • 3 months ago

                The series itself really isn't very good outside of maybe the original White Knight run, but MILF Harley looks really good.

              • 3 months ago

                >The series itself really isn't very good outside of maybe the original White Knight run, but MILF Harley looks really good.

                yes but even milf Harleen is tainted due to her bizarre relationship with both Bruce and Jack and how it all plays out. Why would anyone that likes one or all of those three characters be happy with how Harleen ended up with the other two? She's a fricking single mother by the start of Beyond White knight

                White Knight is such a head scratchier. It would be kind to say there are 1 bad idea for every 3, but its probably closer to the reverse.

            • 3 months ago

              I don't know how the joker AI is supposed to have been made. Jack beats batman and is supposed to have put the AI in his head then, but then in Generation Joker we learn that he used harvey's dead body as his first test for the AI, and that only happened after Jack reverted back to Joker. So was the chip planted by jack empty, and later was uploaded with AI Joker intending for it to actually be Joker Joker and it just became Jack instead, or what?

              Either way the setting is probably at it's best when it's not trying to do super big storylines line the Azreal thing. Harley Quinn and Generation Joker were probably my favorite bits of it, JL cameos not withstanding.

              • 3 months ago

                in this universe there is no super heroes yet, and superman is still superboy

              • 3 months ago

                >Generation Joker were probably my favorite bits

                was not a fan of Gen Joker. Or Beyond WK. Was getting too many riddler vibes from Jack. Gen Joker had too much anime art and anime writing in it. They didn't earn the twist with Ivy and nuHarley. The thing with Harvey was stupid. Bruce putting Jack in the box thing at the end was stupid.

                Just so much shit that was out of character for the people involved and not enough ground work to land many of the plot points.

                Very very fanfictiony.

              • 3 months ago

                I mostly liked Generation Joker because it was a small story, and while I think it should have been used to show us at least something of a family dynamic between Bruce, Harley, and the kids, I still think it's a better option of a story than big world changing things. Better to explore what already makes this version of Batman different from the others, rather than add in stuff or make even more changes. Jack's characterization is off, and to me only really works as a joker that's already got the Batman obsession, but turns to Jack. The way he is in Gen Joker is a little better than Beyond's though. He's not "fangirling" in Generation and he's a little more in line with White Knight, though still too timid, honestly. And he really should have been allowed to die. My only guess is that he's supposed to become a Braniac like figure later on, or the basis for one made by Lex.

              • 3 months ago

                >My only guess is that he's supposed to become a Braniac like figure later on, or the basis for one made by Lex.

                wouldnt surprise me. Using the krytonite to power the suit at the end is one flag. And Freeze not being able to duplicate the technology after it was stolen hints that it might have been alien tech he did not fully understand yet.

                That is a bit of an asspull though, as everyone should have been ignorant of aliens, even freeze until the end of the comic.

              • 3 months ago

                It's the only real reason I can see to have him stick around at all. But at the same time it seems dumb to want to make him the bad guy after everything else in making him Braniac, or killing him to make Braniac. It's just awkward.
                As for Victor and some possible alien tech I'm not really convinced of anything like that, more just a handwave to say that victor can't bring Joker back.

        • 3 months ago

          Also incorporating bits of The Batman, and Snyder's Justice League in later bits.

  70. 3 months ago

    No. I don't have daddy issues.

  71. 3 months ago

    But what if...

    • 3 months ago


      • 3 months ago


        • 3 months ago


          But what if...

          Would poison ivy be part of Batman's Harem if Harley Quinn was part of it?

          • 3 months ago


            Sirens stick together

          • 3 months ago

            >Would poison ivy be part of Batman's Harem if Harley Quinn was part of it?

            unlikely and it not look hokey. By BTAS, Ivy doesn't value human life much even from the start. I think he'd be pretty wary of her.

            • 3 months ago

              If anything she'd be fricking furious Harley chose anyone over her, let alone a man, and especially Batman.

              • 3 months ago

                >If anything she'd be fricking furious Harley chose anyone over her, let alone a man, and especially Batman.

                depends on the Ivy

                some ivy's would just be happy she is out of danger and away from joker. Some would be happy she is safe but out of her hair. Not all Ivy's want to bone Harley.

              • 3 months ago

                And some Ivys would legitimately want to frick Batman, even if it's just to see if that is what it would take to seduce him.

        • 3 months ago

          I would regret nothing

    • 3 months ago

      >Stay strong Bruce

    • 3 months ago



      Sirens stick together

      Superman x Ivy & Batman x Harley seems like a match made in heaven

      • 3 months ago

        >Superman x Ivy
        well, superman is the owner of the most exotic nature reserve in the world.

  72. 3 months ago

    how about formula x where instead of getting fricked by the joker she is an incel because the joker dumps her for batman and then she tries to frick batman as revenge but robin keeps getting in the way and then she finds out Dicks secret lmao

  73. 3 months ago

    We need a preggo Harley arc, Ivy needs to put a bun in that oven with her weird plant science magic bullshit.

    • 3 months ago

      giant, green, veiny, shrubbery wiener

    • 3 months ago

      No. That sounds awful.

    • 3 months ago

      No, she should make Batbabies.

    • 3 months ago

      Anon you know as well as I do from such a Monkey's Paw that they'd make it body-horror, depressing, or tragic.
      Knowing DC they'd probably do something over-the-top egregious like Harley getting knocked up as a kid or early teen

  74. 3 months ago

    I think it could work. Like Harley legit tries to go straight and Bruce legit tries to support her and she starts to genuinely develop feelings for him. Could make for an interesting Elsworlds story.

    Problem is if it picks up enough steam it could easily melt into the main comics.

    • 3 months ago

      Or immediately jump the shark and swerve into schwarbage like White Knight.

      • 3 months ago

        Yeah, I straight up can't expect anything to go well in this day and age. But we're just tossing around silly ideas anyway.

  75. 3 months ago

    Can we report the Stevin troonyverse autist derailing this thread?

    • 3 months ago

      It's the Perispammer. His latest tactic is to spam individual threads as well as flooding the catalog.

  76. 3 months ago

    >BTAS Harley
    Sure why not
    I’d rather stick my dick in a anthill

  77. 3 months ago

    No, because i'm sick of that character.

  78. 3 months ago
    This Is Batman

    Reminder: Batman Beyond Super might be upcoming and then they'll need to choose a character to put The Flash body in, it could be Joker, Dick, Bruce, Robin or Rhas. As the worlds greatest detective it would be easy to determine.

    • 3 months ago
      The Main Ban3

      You mean Super Batman.

  79. 3 months ago

    I miss this design.

    • 3 months ago

      I miss the writing associated with this design.

      • 3 months ago

        That too.

  80. 3 months ago

    I liked the Azrael power armour in White Knight. It looks neat.

    • 3 months ago

      It does look pretty badass.

    • 3 months ago

      Its a nice update to his 90s stuff

  81. 3 months ago

    Coom thread.

    • 3 months ago

      So you're just going through every single thread just to post this, huh.

      • 3 months ago

        What percentage of this thread is quips and what percentage of it is real discussion?

      • 3 months ago

        Only the coom threads.

        • 3 months ago

          Even though this is clearly a discussion thread.

          • 3 months ago


  82. 3 months ago

    >Would you watch a series where Bruce's main love interest is Harley?
    Do we get a Bruce Wayne Harley Quinn sex scene?

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