Write the final episode.

Write the final episode.

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CRIME Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 weeks ago

    Everyone fricking dies

    • 2 weeks ago

      Now that's the ending i can get behind.

  2. 2 weeks ago

    Homer freaking clones himself.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Homer clones himself
      >Clone Homer stays with family, while Homer get spinoff TV Show

    • 2 weeks ago

      In the eyes of the law I have commited a great crime, but in the eyes of God I am amongst him

    • 2 weeks ago

      "You assume you can talk to me, really?"

  3. 2 weeks ago

    Israel nukes Gaza

    • 2 weeks ago


  4. 2 weeks ago

    It turns out the civilization of Springfield was just a dust mite living on a lice nestled inside Donald Trump's hair the whole time. Trump unknowingly kills the entire town of Springfield with special shampoo and that's the end of the show.

  5. 2 weeks ago

    Homer wakes up. He's in the hospital. He'd crashed his car driving drunk home from Moe's. We have a clips episode as his life flashes before his eyes, then the vitals monitor flatlines, and the credits roll for the final time. After credits is a title card that says: Dedicated to the victims of drunk drivers.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Dedicated to the victims of drunk drivers.
      le mao

  6. 2 weeks ago

    Let’s see
    >copy pasta of messed up shit ending with groening ending himself
    >one where Homer is a hippie who never had a family but ends up meeting a divorced marge
    >which in the end becomes the beginning of the first episode of the simpsons

    • 2 weeks ago

      >>one where Homer is a hippie who never had a family but ends up meeting a divorced marge
      in the end becomes the beginning of the first episode of the simpsons
      They went were HS sweethearts

  7. 2 weeks ago

    Professor Frink realizes he's in a cartoon and goes postal, the episode's couch gag is the one with every single simpsons character except this time there's no gag, the simpson family sits normal when they arrive home and turn on the news to find out professor Frink is on the loose. This is when they hear a knock on the door and are greeted by Frink who tries to kill them but are saved by Hugo who sacrifices himself to buy them some time, they try and find refuge at every single springfield location but are greeted by a progressively more insane Frink every time until they realize they are going to have to fight back so they go to the Herman to buy some weapons, each family member chooses a weapon except for Homer who chooses the time travelling toaster. They go to fight Frink at their home and are taken down one by one, Homer is cornered with nowhere to run but he goes back in time to save himself, Frink knew something like this would happen so he uses a time travelling toaster of his own to chase him through time, they travel through some of the most iconic simpsons moments and even futurama and disenchanted make a quick appearance, eventually all their time travel frickery starts tearing reality appart until they both fall into a white void. Here it seems like Frink is about to finally kill Homer but is erased out of existance by God himself, who then asks Homer if he wants to reset the universe all over again (this is why there are different timelines of Homer growing up) Homer asks him why do the timelines always have to be reset eventually even when they get to grow old? why can't they just grow and die of old age? God explains to him that as long as they are on the air sooner or later someone will come to the realization that they're cartoon characters and go insane, the only solution is for them to go off the air so they can grow up as normal, Homer asks him to please get them off the air and the show ends with young Homer meeting Marge.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >the episode's couch gag is the one with every single simpsons character except this time there's no gag
      Something like this would he very fitting for a final episode.

    • 2 weeks ago

      I'm not big on the time travel duel, but Homer's dialog with God at the end I really like. Nice stuff anon.

  8. 2 weeks ago

    Lisa sees a billboard for a beauty contest.
    Lisa: A beauty contest? How absurd.
    Bart sees said billboard.
    Bart: Cool! A beauty contest! I should enter.
    Bart enters the beauty contest and wins.
    Lisa: Are you people insane?!
    Lisa reveals Barts penis.
    Lisa: Bart is a guy!
    Marge: No way, so am I.
    Marge reveals his penis.
    Bart and Marge ejaculate so much that all of Springfield drowns in cum and dies.
    The end.

  9. 2 weeks ago

    Everyone gets AIDs and dies

  10. 2 weeks ago

    This but with Homer instead of Peter Griffin


  11. 2 weeks ago

    Marge tells Homer she's home.

  12. 2 weeks ago

    Edit the movie into three episodes, otherwise unchanged, and air those at the end of the final season. Don't make any episodes that acknowledge the ending of the show before that point, either. Maybe do one last clip show beforehand, but treat it like any other clip show. Any attempt at actually making a big "satisfying" finale will blow up in the creators' faces. The shows dredged on too long for that.
    Either that or a Flintstones crossover, treated like any other crossover.

  13. 2 weeks ago

    It's going to be something meta or something that shakes up the status quo, but it doesn't stick given that it's the final episode, unless they do a follow-up movie or special. Either one of the main Simpsons dying. It won't be any of the kids, so it's either going to be Marge, Homer or Grandpa.

    • 2 weeks ago

      It would also have to be a scenario that acts as a metaphor for the show itself, using a character to personify its persistence and the denial of its own decline

  14. 2 weeks ago

    homor get ipad

  15. 2 weeks ago

    Homer gets Ipad

  16. 2 weeks ago

    Complete the circle and have it end with Simpson's roasting over an open fire.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Only works if it's a retelling of that with a new change to symbolize that change is good

  17. 2 weeks ago

    Maggie says the N word.

  18. 2 weeks ago

    Simpsons inherits the "Bluey Curse". Selma gets pregnant in the final season but the show goes on "hiatus" before they can show the birth, and just never returns

  19. 2 weeks ago

    Don Hertzfeld all ready did it.

  20. 2 weeks ago

    On a sunny spring day Homer is driving home from work when he notices a Fun-Size Snickers sliding around the passenger seat floor. While attempting to reach it he crashes the car.
    He immediately wakes up in bed, but not the bed he's used to. He's in an apartment in Capitol City all by himself. Searching the apartment he realizes he's now a divorcee having split from his wienertail waitress wife Amber. Most surprising is that he is 10 years younger and still has hair. Homer apparently now works in an office for Burns Media (and is just as incompetent at computer work).
    Although it's winter he walks through the neighborhood finding familiar people (Moe runs a bar with a false hipster facade where all the craft beer is Duff, Apu runs an Indian food truck).
    Finally, he runs into Marge, who has never met him before but is happy to go out to lunch with him. Homer learns Marge is also a divorcee from her husband Arthur who left her for a another woman leaving her with their three kids who happen to be Bart, Lisa and Maggie.
    Exhausted, Homer goes back to his apartment and falls asleep. He wakes up in the hospital after his car accident, wondering if it was all a dream. He mistakes the morphine for the call button and knocks himself out again.
    This time he wakes up on a couch in an office full of writers workshopping a pitch. They're rebooting The Simpsons to work in modern times. Homer and Marge can't be married, so let's make Homer divorced and Marge a single mother. Homer freaks out and runs away but rams into a pillar, blacking out.
    Homer wakes up in his apartment, upset at all the revelations. Which world is real? Is HE real? Does he have to choose between these two realities? Does he even have a choice?
    He walks towards Moe's hipster bar but finds Marge and her children struggling to get a taxi. Homer helps out and Marge invites him along. They're going to a school Christmas pageant.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Moe runs a bar with a false hipster facade where all the craft beer is Duff,
      This by itself sounds like a fun episode.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Capitol City
      learn to spell
      >b-b-but simpsons

      Capitol is a legislative building of the capital city. Why is this word so fricking difficult?

      • 2 weeks ago

        It's a dead meme from Terrifier threads on Cinemaphile

  21. 2 weeks ago

    They already wrote it, it's Behind the Laughter.

    You can't have a finale for a show like this, it's not possible. Even episodes set in the future are barely canon because we all know the characters as people who never age or change in any way.

    The only way to do a finale is to do a funny episode that breaks the formula in some way. "Behind the Laughter" is one way. The 138th episode Spectacular is another way.

    In the end all they can do is make some self-deprecating jokes, admit that posterity will forget almost every episode they've made in the 21st century, and leave us alone to watch the good episodes in peace.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >They already wrote it, it's Behind the Laughter.
      Yeah, it’s hard to think of a better way to end the show than that and it was actually good.

    • 2 weeks ago

      This was the perfect ending https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rJBmKQpZ02k

  22. 2 weeks ago

    Maggie get ipad

  23. 2 weeks ago

    It's years in the future. Bart, Lisa, and Maggie are all married and have kids. They all get together for thanksgiving at the same old house, with Marge and Homer hosting. Each of Bart, Lisa, and Maggie's families represent different generations of typically american families (Bart the 00s, Lisa the 10s, and Maggie's the 20s) with the OG Simpson family in general meant to represent the typical 90s American family. They get into various antics with each other over their differences, but ultimately still come together to respect and love each other. The show ends with the OG siblings wondering how much different the families of their own grandchildren will be in the future, with Homer and Marge hoping they'll be around long enough to see as well. The show ends with the entire family sitting around the couch one last time to watch a VHS of old kids videos of Bart, Lisa, and Maggie.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Being successful at all
      Not with the show's current writers, anon

  24. 2 weeks ago

    Homer creampies his own butthole.

    • 2 weeks ago

      As if they haven't already planned a woke "flashback" episode with a pregnant ftm trans Homer

  25. 2 weeks ago

    The final shootout of the wild bunch. With the Simpsons going down fighting off the whole town + Disney.

  26. 2 weeks ago

    The Simpsons go to Delaware.

  27. 2 weeks ago

    They already did, and it's called "Homer's Enemy"

  28. 2 weeks ago

    Halloween Episode, but it's canon.

  29. 2 weeks ago

    Frick off matt

    • 2 weeks ago

      You really think he'll copy down ideas from these? That's really funny, anon.
      He never has and never will, he doesn't even work on the show anymore

      • 2 weeks ago

        You're acting as if what's currently going on there is any better

        • 2 weeks ago

          It's not. But I don't see him copying down any of these in notes, do you?

          • 2 weeks ago

            I wouldn't be surprised if at least one of the more influential people working on the SImpsons lurked here or on Cinemaphile every now and then

            • 2 weeks ago

              If that were true then I'd want to see our influence be more present.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >If that were true then I'd want to see our influence be more present.
                Why do you think so much more of the show feels like deranged shitposting/trolling now with an uncomfortable emphasis on Lisa?

              • 2 weeks ago

                When has it not had a moronic focus on Lisa?

    • 2 weeks ago

      >implying he’s still on the Simpsons.

  30. 2 weeks ago

    Hour long special about them moving away from Springfield and trying to do all the things and meet all the people in the town before the big move. Episode all focuses on them as individuals before the last 15 minutes sees all the plotlines come together for something tasteful and sentimental.

  31. 2 weeks ago

    End on the movie.
    I swear I saw an old Simpsons comic QnA that said if they ever did a movie it would be the finale.

  32. 2 weeks ago

    Bart gets in the bathroom while Lisa is taking a piss. He gets turned on and rapes her, getting her pregnant. Nine months later, when the baby is due, Marge goes crazy and kills the entire family. She goes to prison and, noticing she destriyed what she cared for most in the world, she kills herself.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Lisa getting pregnant without a timeskip would be enough of a bang on its own to end the series on

    • 2 weeks ago

      where's grandpa

  33. 2 weeks ago

    This should of been the last scene.

    They blew it too early

    • 2 weeks ago

      Why the frick does Dinsey Simpsons make their mouths so weird?
      Also, the Simpsons in 1990(S1) looked completely different than the rest of 90s Simpsons due to Klasky-Csupo's influence

  34. 2 weeks ago

    Bart tries to help Marge out around the house by giving Maggie a bath but forgets about her and comes back to her drowned body floating in the tub. Marge spends the rest of the episode saying it was his fault until eventually he gets Otto to hook him up with some heroin, resulting in Bart's overdose. Marge weeps, calling Bart her "special little guy" one last time while holding back tears as she gives the okay for Dr. Hibbert to unplug Bart's life support.

  35. 2 weeks ago

    If Simpsons finally airs its final episode, would anyone still give a shit?

    • 2 weeks ago

      I don't think people in the year 2089 would care, no.

  36. 2 weeks ago

    As in Tennis the Menace, Bart fricks Marge, Homer fricks Lisa in revenge, Maggie fricks Flanders and the show ends.

  37. 2 weeks ago

    dude...homer wakes up and he's autistic. his mom never left him in the 70s...he holds up a snow globe and there's homer sitting on his car hood looking up at the night sky....then he like turns around and matt groening is eating breakfast, then he's in bed and giant baby homer is floating...he says "doh" and it ends.

  38. 2 weeks ago

    Bart gets into 5th grade, Lisa goes to 3rd, the show finally moves ahead one year and everyone gets new clothes for final the season. Marge is pregnant again and this time it's octuplets like Manjula.

    This goes on for the entire season until it's revealed that Homer died in the first episode of the season, Marge being a home maker with no job skills can only make money by being a surrogate (hence the weirdly large number of fetus's). Every episode of the season flashes back to where Homer appeared and it's revealed how he was never actually there. Marge is in extreme denial, and just before she gives birth has a psychotic break and kills herself when she has to come to terms with the truth after Bart makes her realize the truth.

    Bart blames himself, Lisa blames Bart, they get sent to live with different relatives. Maggie gets adopted by the couple that wanted the surrogacy.

    Grandpa sues Patty and Selma over who has rights to the property, but it eventually gets set on fire and burns down to the foundation.

    Burns and Barney die together as Burns thinks he's Homer come to haunt him.

    Eventually the entire town dies off from a poor economy and the only people remaining are a few sticklers like Skinner.

    Lisa OD's at 16 thanks to Bart and Bart just keeps on living, eventually failing upwards enough to become a local Politician. Maggie was abducted as a child in southeast Asia and never herd from again, her surrogate parents were killed.

    And there you go, now the show can never possibly be revived or rebooted or brought back for any reason whatsoever.

  39. 2 weeks ago

    The final Simpsons episode will be a clip show. It will consist of 75% footage from pre-season 9. You know this is 100% factually accurate and this will happen. It will be the highest rated Simpsons episode in over 25 years.

  40. 2 weeks ago

    How do you even start the final season of the Simpsons? That alone is a monumental task in and of itself, and might be a reason why this show isn't even close to ending.

  41. 2 weeks ago

    >Special guest Tracy Ulmen
    >Half the episode is normal shenanigans. At the 12 minute mark; Ulmen opens her giant gaping maw and swallows the entirety of Springfield into herself
    >Rest of the episode is just a random episode of The Tracy Ulmam

    • 2 weeks ago

      Best fricking revenge plot ever

  42. 2 weeks ago

    Homer died after eating poorly handled fugu blowfish. The entire series is in his mind. Marge finds him dead with cold drool on his chin. she then kills herself because frick Marge she sucks

    • 2 weeks ago

      marge was good back then...
      why do people hate a nice housewife?

  43. 2 weeks ago

    >episode starts with Homer coming back from Moe's, completely smashed
    >he gets home and decides to do some fixing or whatever, and due to being drunk he almost causes a serious accident that could've hurt or even killed a family member
    >Marge takes the kids and leaves to live with his sisters, and gives Homer a ultimatum: quit drinking and get his shit together or it's divorce
    >Abe hears about it and leaves the retirement home to live with Homer
    >surprisingly he's not there to nag at Homer but to help getting him back on his feet
    >long montage of Homer taking his advice, improving his life bit by bit and finally getting his shit together, even helping Barney sober up with the new activities he got into
    >he becomes one of the best employees at the Nuclear Plant and becomes a true safety manager, and a leader among his peers
    >Marge and even her sisters are impressed with him and emotionally reunite with him
    >from that point on Homer becomes a present father figure to his kids and a good influence in their lives, helping Bart find out what he really likes to do and becoming good at it, and supporting Lisa into fulfilling her gifted potential
    >his marriage becomes the closest thing to perfect as it can be

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Abe is in his deathbed at the family home, happy for helping his son, and Homer being sincerely grateful for his presence in his life, Abe says he can die in peace now and hopes he's worth of seeing Rita in the other side
      >Smithers is the heir of the Burns empire and the president of the Power Plant, and Homer is his second hand man, but as a serious and competent general manager, and his kids are young adults with promising careers
      >happy family reunion dinner, Bart is USA's best quarterback and happily married with Martin, Lisa and her wife Janey are the leaders of a humanitarian mission in France, and Maggie has a polyamorous relationship with Gerald and Rubella, everyone wearing LGBT colors in their clothing, Homer and Marge tearfully thank Science for such a perfect family, then the scene zooms out to the night starry sky, where Fauci's silhouette forms in the sky, and nods approvingly
      >the three Simpson siblings come back from the annual "Shit at Donald Trump's grave" festival, make a stop at the local George Floyd memorial to pay homage to his heroic legacy, and finally enter the Springfield cemetery, to pay respects to the gravestones of Homer and Marge Simpson, loving parents
      >episode ends with a special duo musical of Lizzo and Awkwafinna singing the theme song with brand new lyrics
      >the end

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Abe is in his deathbed at the family home, happy for helping his son, and Homer being sincerely grateful for his presence in his life, Abe says he can die in peace now and hopes he's worth of seeing Rita in the other side
      >Smithers is the heir of the Burns empire and the president of the Power Plant, and Homer is his second hand man, but as a serious and competent general manager, and his kids are young adults with promising careers
      >happy family reunion dinner, Bart is USA's best quarterback and happily married with Martin, Lisa and her wife Janey are the leaders of a humanitarian mission in France, and Maggie has a polyamorous relationship with Gerald and Rubella, everyone wearing LGBT colors in their clothing, Homer and Marge tearfully thank Science for such a perfect family, then the scene zooms out to the night starry sky, where Fauci's silhouette forms in the sky, and nods approvingly
      >the three Simpson siblings come back from the annual "Shit at Donald Trump's grave" festival, make a stop at the local George Floyd memorial to pay homage to his heroic legacy, and finally enter the Springfield cemetery, to pay respects to the gravestones of Homer and Marge Simpson, loving parents
      >episode ends with a special duo musical of Lizzo and Awkwafinna singing the theme song with brand new lyrics
      >the end

      I don't understand. The first part was decent; why did you turn the second into one giant shitpost?

    • 2 weeks ago

      Alright that's pretty good-

      >Abe is in his deathbed at the family home, happy for helping his son, and Homer being sincerely grateful for his presence in his life, Abe says he can die in peace now and hopes he's worth of seeing Rita in the other side
      >Smithers is the heir of the Burns empire and the president of the Power Plant, and Homer is his second hand man, but as a serious and competent general manager, and his kids are young adults with promising careers
      >happy family reunion dinner, Bart is USA's best quarterback and happily married with Martin, Lisa and her wife Janey are the leaders of a humanitarian mission in France, and Maggie has a polyamorous relationship with Gerald and Rubella, everyone wearing LGBT colors in their clothing, Homer and Marge tearfully thank Science for such a perfect family, then the scene zooms out to the night starry sky, where Fauci's silhouette forms in the sky, and nods approvingly
      >the three Simpson siblings come back from the annual "Shit at Donald Trump's grave" festival, make a stop at the local George Floyd memorial to pay homage to his heroic legacy, and finally enter the Springfield cemetery, to pay respects to the gravestones of Homer and Marge Simpson, loving parents
      >episode ends with a special duo musical of Lizzo and Awkwafinna singing the theme song with brand new lyrics
      >the end


  44. 2 weeks ago

    This show deserves an abrupt cancelation not a purpose written send off.

    • 2 weeks ago


      Simpsons inherits the "Bluey Curse". Selma gets pregnant in the final season but the show goes on "hiatus" before they can show the birth, and just never returns

      for that type of pitch

  45. 2 weeks ago

    >The Family, tired, bored, and having done literally everything, go in search of meaning. Sell the home, say goodbye to everyone.
    >They travel so far and for so long, they make it off the painted cells.
    >In the white void, they meet God - the camera finally panning up to see that its Matt Groening.
    >Tells them he never planned to have them last this long, that its sort of gotten out of hand, and that if they want, he can just finally end the show and let them all rest.
    >Holding hands, they nod, and with a snap of his fingers - roll credits.

  46. 2 weeks ago

    Frank Grimes Jr.'s illegitimate 13-year-old son and Sideshow Bob team up to destroy all of Springfield, and especially the Simpsons, not with violence, but with arguments. They publicly point out the myriad inconsistencies in the show (Apu disappearing, the power plant functioning, the Simpsons never aging, Quimby remaining in office, etc.).
    Finally, it turns out that the whole show was really the mad delusions of Homer Simpson, a now elderly patient in a mental hospital. At the end of the episode, Homer quietly and uneventfully escapes out of a window and walks off into the late afternoon.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Grimey would never have an illegitimate child. Hell, he was probably a virgin.

  47. 2 weeks ago

    A PLOT:
    Marge gets sick and eventually dies due to some unspecified disease. It's a bittersweet and sombre affair as the family and town get used to not having her around essentially just a way of saying goofbye to the character

    B PLOT
    Homer reunites with Mindy and the two reconnect only to discover Mindy has a son which Homer realizes is his from their time together at Capital City. Feeling guilty Mindy had to raise his son on her own who reminds Homer a lot of himself as a child he decides to marry her after gettin consent from Bart and Lisa. The new family come home from watching a Christmas play and sit in front of the TV where one of them mentions that they are finally "The Simpsons again"

    C plot: Moe throws a massive party for the towns folk

  48. 2 weeks ago

    >Mr. Burns has a heart attack and dies. Instead of Smithers taking his place, he is ousted by the new CEO: Mr. Black.

    >Marge begins to realize that Patty and Selma were right about Homer and goes to live with them for a while. They reveal they never actually hated Homer and just wanted Marge to sabotage her own marriage for nothing.

    >Milhouse's parents get back together after his dad wins the lottery. He then buys the services of the bullies to beat the crap out of Bart.

    >Lisa tries to run for class president but learns that her liberal ways are completely out of touch. She loses in a landslide and the new class president (Martin) starts a fascist regime banked by Milhouse.

    >Show ends with Homer getting fired, Flanders leaving Springfield forever, and the simpsons all converging at Springfield Gorge to contemplate their lives as power plant explodes and kills everyone in town but them.

  49. 2 weeks ago

    Homer and Marge break up because reasons. Adult Bart, Lisa, and Maggie time travel to the past and form a band with Homer so he can put on a show to win Marge back.

  50. 2 weeks ago

    Homer says holy shit this show sucks and pulls the trigger

  51. 2 weeks ago

    just rehash the original tracy ullman show skit or the pilot episode.
    there, done.

  52. 2 weeks ago

    Do some status quo shake like
    >Lisa and Bart graduate to middle school
    >Homer gets a new job
    >The Simpsons move out
    But at the same time
    >The new school looks exactly like their older one
    >Mrs Burns buys Homer's new job and makes it a new power plant that looks exactly like the older one
    >Everyone in Springfield moves at the same town and slowly remodel it to make it look exactly as Springfield, including the burning tires
    >Do some meta joke and show how everything is the same except for the town now being called Springfield II or something like that

  53. 2 weeks ago

    Shiggy diggy they throw away the couch

  54. 2 weeks ago

    >Marge dies

  55. 2 weeks ago

    Episode starts with your standard Simpsons fare, some shoehorned celebrity guest, etc. and Homer abruptly gets KO'd by someone/thing during the first 5 minutes.
    When Homer wakes up, he's hospitalized and we learn it's a from his April Fool's Pop-splosion coma, not the event moments ago. Maggie is at his side, grown, and calls to Marge, who quickly enters.

    Maggie calls Bart and Lisa to tell them he's awake while Marge fills Homer in on what's been happening while he's been asleep. Bart and Lisa could have followed any of their "future self" paths presented in previous seasons. Maggie, as it turns out, writes -- could be anything from novels to children's stories -- and has spent many an afternoon at her dad's side, telling him crazy tales about the family's adventures.

    The episode ends with the family making their way to the couch to watch TV.

  56. 2 weeks ago

    No special episode, no clipshow, no memory lane episode, no nothing.
    It just fizzles out and end.
    A normal episode, skip intro, characters eventually stop appering, transitions get longer, stablishing shots take 5 minutes and by the endit slowly fades to black. Then credits with sad music. That's it.

  57. 2 weeks ago

    I always had this idea of writing a final season where the concept was to shake up the status quo, but restore it in the end, just things are a little different now (character growth). It'd be far from being a melodrama but I think a small shake up could lead to some fresher situations or jokes.

    One of the concepts I had was Homer and Marge living separately for a while, and his roommate was going to be Krusty, who got canceled after some of his habits went public. I thought you could make some pretty funny jokes or bit out of that pairing.

  58. 2 weeks ago

    Who shot mr burns 2 except the shooter is actually the writers of the show and the episode is very meta and everyone is killed.

  59. 2 weeks ago

    Maggie gets pregnant

    • 2 weeks ago

      If you mean no-timeskip, then they'd save that for Treehouse Of Horror

  60. 2 weeks ago

    One time I woke up in the middle of a fricked up horrible nightmare i was having, I was in this half-awake half-asleep mood and apparently I just took my phone and messaged my friend with an idea I had, and then I fell asleep again. Later in the day after waking up for real I had the vague memory of sending something to someone so when I checked my phone I had sent in horrible spelling to my friend something along the lines of "dude what if we took a cartel execution video and we ran it trough a Homer AI voice thing and uploaded to youtube and called it The Death of Homer?", and I think that should be the final episode.

  61. 2 weeks ago

    The last ever episode is just a whatever episode and we consider the 2007 Simpsons movie the true ending.

  62. 2 weeks ago

    The sun was setting over Springfield, casting long shadows across the quiet streets. The usual hustle and bustle seemed distant, replaced by an eerie stillness that hung in the air. Inside the Kwik-E-Mart, Apu was restocking shelves, humming a tune to himself. He barely noticed when Homer Simpson walked in, the bell above the door jingling softly.

    "Homer, my friend! What can I get for you today?" Apu called cheerfully, but his smile faded as he saw the look in Homer's eyes.

    Homer shuffled to the counter, his shoulders slumped, and placed a crumpled dollar bill on the counter. "Just a pack of donuts, Apu. The usual."

    Apu hesitated, sensing something was wrong. "Are you okay, Mr. Simpson? You don't seem yourself today."

    Homer forced a smile that didn't reach his eyes. "Just a rough day, Apu. You know how it is."

    As Apu handed over the donuts, Homer lingered at the counter, his eyes darting around the store. "Apu, do you ever feel like... like you're just going through the motions? Like nothing you do really matters?"

    Apu blinked, taken aback by the question. "Sometimes, yes. But I try to focus on the good things, the small moments of joy."

    Homer nodded absently and turned to leave. "Thanks, Apu. I'll see you around."

    Apu watched as Homer walked out, the bell's jingle sounding more melancholy than usual. Something about the encounter left Apu with a sinking feeling in his stomach. He looked out the window, seeing Homer wander aimlessly, the box of donuts clutched tightly in his hand.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Hours passed, and night fell. The Kwik-E-Mart was quiet, the only sound the soft hum of the refrigerators. Apu was just about to close up when he heard a noise on the roof. He frowned, grabbing a flashlight and heading outside.

      Climbing the ladder to the roof, Apu's heart raced. He reached the top and saw Homer standing at the edge, looking out over the town.

      "Homer! What are you doing up here?" Apu called, his voice trembling.

      Homer turned slowly, his face etched with sadness. "Apu, I don't know what to do anymore. Everything feels so... meaningless. I try to be a good husband, a good father, but I keep messing up. I'm tired of being a failure."

      Apu stepped closer, his voice gentle. "Homer, everyone feels like that sometimes. But you have people who love you, who need you. Think about Marge, Bart, Lisa, and Maggie. They wouldn't be the same without you."

      Homer looked down at the street below, tears welling in his eyes. "I don't know if I can keep going, Apu. I'm so tired."

      Apu reached out, his hand trembling. "Please, Homer, come down. We can talk, we can get you help. Just don't do this."

      For a moment, Homer hesitated, looking at Apu with a flicker of hope in his eyes. But then, he shook his head, stepping back towards the edge. "I'm sorry, Apu."

      Before Apu could react, Homer took a step off the roof, disappearing from sight. Apu rushed to the edge, his heart pounding. Below, he saw Homer lying on the ground, motionless, surrounded by the shattered remains of the donuts.

      Apu's cry echoed into the night, a sound of heartbreak and loss that lingered in the stillness of Springfield.

      "Eye Carumpa!" said bart

  63. 2 weeks ago

    The Simpsons S64E22 "One Last Song"

    The sterile smell of antiseptic hung in the air, and the constant beeping of machines created a haunting rhythm in the dimly lit hospital room. Homer Simpson sat by Lisa's bedside, clutching her hand tightly, his heart heavy with a pain he could barely comprehend.

    Lisa, once vibrant and full of life, now lay frail and motionless, her face pale against the white sheets. The accident had been sudden and devastating, leaving her in a coma from which the doctors said she would never wake.

    Days turned into weeks, and Homer never left her side. He watched the seasons change outside the window, but inside, time seemed to stand still. The family visited often—Marge, Bart, Maggie—but Homer stayed the longest, his eyes red from sleepless nights and endless tears.

    One evening, as the sun cast a warm glow over the room, Lisa's eyes fluttered open. Homer gasped, leaning forward, hope surging through him.

    "Dad?" Lisa's voice was weak, barely a whisper, but it was enough to bring Homer to tears.

    "Lisa! Sweetie, you're awake! Oh, thank God!" He kissed her hand, unable to contain his emotions.

    "Dad, listen to me," Lisa said, her voice growing steadier. "I don't have much time. The doctors explained everything to me. This... this isn't living. I don't want to be like this."

    Homer's heart shattered at her words. "No, Lisa. You're going to get better. We'll find a way. There are treatments, therapies—"

    "Dad," Lisa interrupted gently, "you have to let me go. I don't want to live like this, trapped in a bed, hooked up to machines. Please, Dad. Let me go."

    Tears streamed down Homer's face as he shook his head, struggling to accept her plea. "I can't, Lisa. I can't lose you. You're my little girl."

    • 2 weeks ago

      Lisa squeezed his hand, a small, sad smile on her lips. "You'll never lose me, Dad. I'll always be with you, in your heart, in your memories. But this... this isn't the life I want. Please, Dad. Do this for me."

      Homer's sobs filled the room, the weight of her request pressing down on him like a mountain. He had always tried to protect his children, to keep them safe from the world's cruelties. But now, he was being asked to do the one thing he never imagined he could.

      The following day, with the support of Marge, Bart, and Maggie, Homer made the agonizing decision. The family gathered around Lisa's bed, their hearts breaking as they said their final goodbyes.

      Homer leaned down, kissing Lisa's forehead. "I love you so much, sweetie. I'm so proud of you. Always."

      "I love you too, Dad," Lisa whispered, her eyes filled with tears. "Thank you."

      With a trembling hand, Homer reached for the ventilator's switch. His vision blurred by tears, he paused, looking at Lisa one last time. She nodded, her eyes full of understanding and acceptance.

      Taking a deep breath, Homer pulled the plug. The machines' beeping slowed, then stopped, leaving an unbearable silence in their wake. Lisa's chest rose and fell one last time, and then she was gone.

      The room felt empty, the loss overwhelming. He couldnt make sense of it. Never again would he hear her vibrantly pkay her sax. Never again would she pipe up with some little fact or story. Never again would he see her bright smile. These were indisputible facts yet they felt as unreal as the tears streaming down his face, or his screams of anguish escaping his soul.

      "Dont eat a cow, man" said brat

  64. 2 weeks ago

    homer says wubba lubba dub dub

  65. 2 weeks ago

    All the characters stand together watching the northern lights.
    >Superintendent Chalmers arrives from his car
    Aurora borealis?!

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