Wtf did i just watch? Man i didnt expect it to be this bad.

Wtf did i just watch?
Man i didnt expect it to be this bad.

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  1. 5 months ago

    You can just tell. Feminists can't create, only react and deconstruct, and most women in film-making are diehard feminsits.

    • 5 months ago

      don't forget the girlboss is mexican too
      what does she know about alaska?
      should've gone in an Inuit persons
      representation MATTERS

    • 5 months ago

      feminists CAN create, they just get 0 attention. their strat is to just mess something up that a man did before them to try and prove some point

      • 5 months ago

        Feminist. You’re saying it though. It’s feminism first, their womanhood second, and the ability to write a good script or direct a solid piece of media a distant third. It’s this inability to focus on anything but sex and gender politics that hobbles so many pieces of what could be good Tv.
        By all means, discuss how hard women have it…again. It’s necessary. Maybe though, just maybe maybe, you could focus on a compelling story that takes into accounts the goal of entertaining an audience that largely doesn’t care (or made these things right in their minds a while back) and make some fricking money for the studio too and THEN add in some messaging at the back end about why white men are to blame for everything and women are smart and powerful blah blah blah blah

    • 5 months ago

      Elaborate please. I'm no film and movie theorist.

      • 5 months ago

        Well I'm not an educated man, especially in the way of the moving pictures industry, but I reckon it has something to do with taking all the parts that make up a movie and presenting them in a way that isn't in it's original structure for analysis or commentary purposes. Just like if someone serves you one of them "deconstructed sandwiches". All of the things that make up the sandwich are there for you to consume, but it's not put together in the normal sense, and you can see and look at each individual part more closely.

  2. 5 months ago

    If I see a female protagonist I'm not watching

    • 5 months ago

      >See "Created by [woman]"
      >Immediate, visceral disgust

      I didn't think it was bad and the CGI was pretty god dang good.

      >CGI deer
      Why does every show/movie do this? Are deer really so hard to get to stand still? I also see a ton of CGI bugs for some reason.

      • 5 months ago

        >Why does every show/movie do this?
        PETA, not wanting to endanger animals for specific scenes (how the frick are you going to do a bunch of caribou running off a cliff with real animals?) They're just overconfident on how convincing their CG looks. My dad dropped the idea of seeing Call of the Wild in the theaters once I told him all the dogs were CG.

  3. 5 months ago

    The show is irritating in its need to have men act like mansplaining incompetent shitheads so they can be corrected by women, but overall it’s not too bad.

    • 5 months ago

      >all (white) men are either stupid or evil
      it’s a simple rule and deviations are rare. Compare this to Fargo s5 to most other current shows/movies, you’ll see.

    • 5 months ago

      >here's why the show sucks
      >insert terrible fact
      >but it's not THAT bad

    • 5 months ago

      >its need to have men act like mansplaining incompetent shitheads so they can be corrected by women
      That literally didn't happen at any point in the episode. Sol Star was a total jobber in the first place and his son is the eager, but naive cop archetype.

      • 5 months ago

        why do only trannies and Black folk say “jobber” and “job”

  4. 5 months ago

    I didn't think it was bad and the CGI was pretty god dang good.

    • 5 months ago

      It really wasn't that bad. I've seen far worse. People are just looking for things to hate

      • 5 months ago

        I didn't think it was bad and the CGI was pretty god dang good.

        So let me get this straight. We're at the point where we don't even get to see real Elk or Reindeer and whatever in TV shows. We'd rather have 16 Pajeets draw us a 3d render of an animal that is readily available and docile enough to be shot in camera?

        This shit is not ok.

        • 5 months ago

          I mean there's no way you would have been able to do a bunch of caribou running off a cliff with real animals, but they could have just kept the camera far away, they didn't have to zoom up on their faces like they're Disney characters or have that cringe shot of the last caribou screaming in slow-mo as it went over.

          Or better yet just have the hunter discover all the carcasses at the bottom of a cliff instead of seeing it happen.

          • 5 months ago

            Or have a shot of the Caribou running towards the cliff then cut to the hunters shocked and horrified reaction, tells you all you need to know without showing a goofy ass scene of CGI Caribou falling off a cliff.

            • 5 months ago

              Works just as well. Good writing isn't that hard.

              >Or better yet just have the hunter discover all the carcasses at the bottom of a cliff instead of seeing it happen.
              That was the original idea, but some exec insisted they use CGI. For real. I guess he was one of the people who worked on The Thing remake or something.
              The idea was to show a parallel between the opening and end of the episode with the scientist bodies and animal bodies.

              For fricking real? Well that explains it. How do they not see that obvious CG is so distracting on what's supposed to be a gritty, grounded show?
              >The idea was to show a parallel between the opening and end of the episode with the scientist bodies and animal bodies
              You still could have done that by just having the hunter discover the already-dead animals. Frick, we never see the bodies the way the scene actually plays out; there's no visual parallel.

              • 5 months ago

                I know. The cut it out and left the CGI bits. They had fake animal carcasses and everything!
                The girl writing the show might not be great, but the people trying to 'fix' the show are making it worst.

              • 5 months ago

                Wasn't the negative reaction to The Thing prequel and the celebration over the practical effects in nu-Star Wars and the lone practical dino in Jurassic World bringing us towards practical effects being "in?"

              • 5 months ago

                Yeah but then Disney execs learned you can just balloon budgets with shitty CGI and pocket $50 million of it.

              • 5 months ago

                Ah, well that makes sense.

                Why the frick are none of these super stronk and smart womyn looking at the fricking phone from the beginning? The one scientist was making a Tik Tok video, or whatever, or him making a sandwich. Meaning whatever fricking happened was all caught on camera. People would probably be actually calling the police to report something because someone was watching it.
                >hey uh...I was watching a livestream of some guy in Alaska making a sandwich and everyone went apeshit, maybe you should check that out
                No one says anything in two days?

                Maybe he was just recording for later. I'm pretty sure they said there was no cell reception out there.
                >inb4 they would obviously need to have internet and he could of just streamed via wifi
                Don't know, maybe they didn't have internet. Why else would they be playing that one scene of Ferris Bueller on repeat?

          • 5 months ago

            >Or better yet just have the hunter discover all the carcasses at the bottom of a cliff instead of seeing it happen.
            That was the original idea, but some exec insisted they use CGI. For real. I guess he was one of the people who worked on The Thing remake or something.
            The idea was to show a parallel between the opening and end of the episode with the scientist bodies and animal bodies.

        • 5 months ago

          the real question is why the frick do you need a wildlife scene at all if you're just gonna have a shitty CGI

          • 5 months ago

            I think it would have been better just to show a pile of dead caribou and have the hunter approach it looking confused, and then gaze up to the top of the cliff. Fade to black and intro.

        • 5 months ago

          >grey fox

    • 5 months ago

      It was just hamfisted and forced, and absurdly trope-heavy.
      Still enjoyed it.
      Sometimes you just have to ignore shit.

      • 5 months ago

        You gays are responsible for the dumbing down of media

      • 5 months ago

        She is fricking disgusting.

        • 5 months ago


          • 5 months ago

            I mean, I’ve never met an Inuit IRL but have watched a fair few reality/documentary shows from Alaska and I have never seen one that dark. Is she part Black?

            • 5 months ago

              Half black. Claims/identifies as east coast native ancestry with three tribes. Was also a legitimate pro boxer with titles and al this.

              • 5 months ago

                Oh, a descendant of one of those Indian tribes that took in runaway black slaves? Talk about a diversity double-dip.

            • 5 months ago

              she's a zambo
              black mixed with plains indian

          • 5 months ago

            >Can you take the piercings out of your face for this role. We didn't have that written in for your character.

      • 5 months ago

        >just eat around the dog shit and it's still a decent dish!
        In 20 years this dude will be posting
        >ze bugs aren't so bad, guys. calm down and just slap some hot sauce on there
        >ze pod is actually kinda comfy if you avoid the punishment prods
        You're a survivor.

        • 5 months ago

          That post was more hamfisted than the fricking show.

          • 5 months ago

            What do you think "hamfisted" means, ESL?

            • 5 months ago

              In your case, sloppy and hyperbolic.

              • 5 months ago

                The sort of discussion to be had here isn't at all similar to the dialogue and themes of an agenda driven television show, moron.

          • 5 months ago

            Oh, so you're just a moronic person. Got it.

            • 5 months ago

              You likely don't GOT shit. Oh well.

      • 5 months ago

        >poop in my mouth MAX
        enjoy your shit sandwich anon

      • 5 months ago

        >Sometimes you just have to ignore shit.
        Just stop noticing.

      • 5 months ago

        She's the perfect depiction of modern America. Just completely disgusting.

        • 5 months ago

          >She's the perfect depiction of modern America.
          Yes, but not in the way you're saying.
          >artificially propped up by the media industrial complex with no real fan base

      • 5 months ago

        shed be cute without all the metal and overly pronounced muscles

        • 5 months ago

          she doesn't exist to be cute for you chud! now watch the whole series you piece of shit.

        • 5 months ago

          Watch the show. She is NOT cute.

          • 5 months ago

            YOU TELL ME TO

      • 5 months ago

        bet the house she has the hairiest pussy in town

    • 5 months ago

      scratch that, reverse it

    • 5 months ago

      Indian cgi

    • 5 months ago

      kek what were they thinking? There was no reason to need to show them this close up did the CGI artists think they were showing off their "skills" or something
      Shot would've been way more kino pulled out further to show the landscape also.

      • 5 months ago

        >Less is more
        >show don’t tell
        >bring the land, the sky, and by extension the whole universe into question

        Citizen, this level of creative sense sounds dangerously close to sedition.

        • 5 months ago

          oh fugg

    • 5 months ago

      you cut too early
      show the longer clip with the nostrils that distorts like someone using a dodge tool in photoshop

      how many fricking threads can there be for this? MAKE A FRICKING GENERAL

      you're living and witnessing in real time a battle between some actual fans and HBO MAX shills
      it's titillating to see it happen in real time as the shower teeters on failure after only 1 episode, but can they pull it off and bring in more viewers for episode 2 and 3? let's find out

      • 5 months ago

        >you cut too early
        become the change you want to see

    • 5 months ago

      I've seen better animal CGI in 2003 era childrens movies

  5. 5 months ago

    It's incongruous with the previous 3 in terms of music choice, intro, the shitty CGI, etc. Like not even the intro could have been made in the manner of the previous three. That's a clear sign of either arrogance or contempt. I also don't know why the characters feel less real, or cringe. I guess because old TD had plenty of colorful characters whereas this has the hallmarks of trying too hard to make everyone feel too real so it comes across as cringe and tryhard, or anything colour is played up for something juvenile, like a 'haha' over the guy with a mail order bridge or the barowner with the spongebob toothbrush

    • 5 months ago

      TD1 was presenting larger-than-life characters as real, while TD4 is presenting unrealistic characters as real. There's a difference.
      People know a violent dude who cheats on his wife, manipulative crazy women, or a misanthrope druggie who fancies himself a philosopher (hell, I bet you knew at least two of those when you were growing up). TD1 went and presented a higher version of them, of what you can see in real life.

      TD4 is obsessed with presenting stuff that only a liberal arts course graduate could reasonably identify with. Hell, I'm in public service and I know several female cops, and most of them are more preocuppied with looking like Instagram models than with being mansplained to, and I can guarantee that they won't be beating any dude up.

      The reason you feel a disconnect when watching TD4 (and most modern media in general) is because they went from representing stuff we can see in the actual real world, to representing what college graduates think the world should be like (AKA filled with strong dessexualized independent women shutting up the patriarchy and beating up toxic males, and where normal male behaviour is demonized while feminine behaviour is put on a pedestal).

      The worst type of college feminists now control the vast majority of western mass media when it comes to representation.

      • 5 months ago

        it's just the vision of the anointed completely taking over media. but it has always been this way, just not as extreme.
        like, you watch home alone 2 and he meets his helpful homeless lady, because the anointed want to present the homeless as nice kind people who are just down-on-their-luck, and also as women because people sympathize more with women. when actually most of them are mentally ill druggies and men who have become homeless because absolutely nobody can stand to be around them. they can't even stand to be around each other which is why they avoid homeless shelters as well.

        it's just more of the same

        although, it is distinct from a different kind of misrepresentation of reality, the idealization. like, a classical super hero is an idealized character. he's not supposed to be realistic, he's supposed to be an avatar of certain idealized traits to aspire to. you're never (at least not supposed to be) confused about this character being a real person who actually exists.
        anointed propaganda on the other hand, is explicitly intended to confuse you, by misrepresenting the world as how they want it to be, so that you will believe it is that way. and then somehow, they ostensibly believe that this lie will be made into a truth if it's just repeated enough times. more realistically, they simply use it to push through their politics. the media convinces people that the world "should" be a certain way (i.e., the way that's most politically convenient for them), and then they can push that through without resistance. like your company is 95% men, who all vote republican. mandate it be 50% women, who all vote democrat. and if you don't do what those women say, they use the government to destroy you. or Black folk or homosexuals or whatever the demo might be. the democrats now control your company, able to use it for their political aims.

        • 5 months ago

          The older I get the more he is right.

          • 5 months ago

            I'd say that "ironically" enough, the ones that don't believe that to be true are pushing to become reality, in a self-fulfilling prophecy, the society they believe to be at blame with all the pro-degeneracy propaganda

      • 5 months ago

        That post, best post.

        The sort of discussion to be had here isn't at all similar to the dialogue and themes of an agenda driven television show, moron.

        Who the frick are you even talking to, yourself? Shut the frick up already.

        • 5 months ago

          >Who the frick are you even talking to, yourself? Shut the frick up already.
          (You) moron. Or are you too fricking stupid to follow a reply chain thats 4 posts long? have a nice day for trying to feign confusion like this you colossal gutless pussy.

          • 5 months ago

            More sloppy hyperbole. You must be a fricking peach in real life. Fricking spastic.

            • 5 months ago

              You must be one moronic Black person to use idioms in a totally braindead way because someone criticized this garbage in a way that chapped your butthole. moronic third world b***h

              • 5 months ago

                The only chapped butthole in here would be you.
                >MUH ACTUAL moron

                Would you two just frick and get it over with?

                Happily. Boring shit anyway.

          • 5 months ago

            More sloppy hyperbole. You must be a fricking peach in real life. Fricking spastic.

            Would you two just frick and get it over with?

      • 5 months ago

        Very good take. Saved.

  6. 5 months ago

    how many fricking threads can there be for this? MAKE A FRICKING GENERAL

    • 5 months ago

      if you make 6 generals a week. Cinemaphile is dead. Thread spamming is tv's bread and butter

  7. 5 months ago

    I haven't heard a single genuine criticism aside from le women bad and bad CGI, which honestly who cares

    • 5 months ago

      It;s so tiring to have another cop who rapes men and beats up suspects because they "le hurt women machos". Peak cringe, and yes it destroys the quality of a show to have bad characters.

      • 5 months ago

        Those were clearly portrayed as negative qualities. She's depicted as an unstable and violent character, not a girlboss. Stop being a stupid homosexual

        • 5 months ago

          No, she’s definitely trying to be a girlboss queen slayer. She has a massive chip on her shoulder because she’s not white. That’s why she takes a massive load of white cum like an animal.

        • 5 months ago

          >depicted as an unstable and violent character, not a girlboss

        • 5 months ago

          Every scene she’s in she’s depicted as being in the right and she’s constantly having to be shown as emotionally and physically dominating.
          Then she has a scene with her druggie sister to make sure you know she’s so very compassionate with women.
          The character writing is blatantly on the nose it feels first draft. I heavily doubt this character will change at all throughout the season as she will be consistently proven right at every turn.

        • 5 months ago

          YOU ARE THE STUPID homosexual

      • 5 months ago

        Those were clearly portrayed as negative qualities. She's depicted as an unstable and violent character, not a girlboss. Stop being a stupid homosexual

        Every scene she’s in she’s depicted as being in the right and she’s constantly having to be shown as emotionally and physically dominating.
        Then she has a scene with her druggie sister to make sure you know she’s so very compassionate with women.
        The character writing is blatantly on the nose it feels first draft. I heavily doubt this character will change at all throughout the season as she will be consistently proven right at every turn.

        yeah this shit was intolerable. i don't fricking care if a woman is writing it, directing it, who gives a frick, but holy shit when they're just not capable of portraying anyone or anything in a way that doesn't utterly cement men as evil and stupid and women as long-suffering and avenging. fricking remedial and exhausting

    • 5 months ago

      none of the characters is interesting.

      you stuck to every word rust said
      velcoro and knife girl where really interesting
      senile vietam Black and foxy in s3 good.

      i dont get what jody fosters problem is but she is annyoing as frick and bulldyke no comment

      also there was never a paranomal component before and there is no place for this in td

      • 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago

      >I AM ADMITTING TO BEING moronic

    • 5 months ago

      >I haven't heard a single genuine criticism
      >aside from examples
      well yea if you keep adding caveats you'll never hear any criticism

  8. 5 months ago

    you watch it, you lose. I'm baffled by the inability of people to just... NOT watch. Everyone tells you this is some subversive dyke garbage and you still watch it, that makes you a super homosexual, that is, a homosexual that is worst than the homosexuals that watch it without knowing anything about it, because they recognize the title or remember liking a previous season. You knew, and you watched it. Disgusting.

    • 5 months ago

      The winning move to the game is just not to play.

    • 5 months ago

      >Everyone tells you this is some subversive dyke garbage
      It really wasn't as "woke" as people made it seem. Jodi Foster is c**ty in the show. There's only three "white boy" jabs, one of which is affectionate. "How did I fall for a white boy?" Jodi Foster actually mocks the Native b***h numerous times with shit like "how did you come to that conclusion, did your spirit animal tell you?" There's one part where Jodi Foster's adoptive daughter, I guess, made some lesbian sex tape with a friend. That's the only dyke shit. It might even fit into the show because everyone is acting really bizarre all of a sudden.

      The problem with the show isn't wokeness or anything like that, it's just not very good writing. It's not horrible, I don't feel like I wasted my time. I wouldn't really recommend it either. I'm going to hesitantly watch one more episode and then drop it, most likely.

      • 5 months ago

        >That's the only dyke shit
        Doesn’t the drunk driver landwhale say “my baby she won’t talk to me?”

        • 5 months ago

          I had thought that was in reference to a daughter.

          • 5 months ago

            I had assumed that to be her daughter.

            Plausible but a weird way of describing a child old enough to voluntarily sever contact with a parent.

            Probably referring to her black bf

            Go away, adults are talking.

            • 5 months ago

              It doesn't even have to be a child. It could be her 19 year old daughter, and they had a fight, and she got all fricked up drunk and was sobbing about it. Typical drunk behavior.

        • 5 months ago

          Probably referring to her black bf

          • 5 months ago

            Cool story bro, you make that up all by yourself??

        • 5 months ago

          I had assumed that to be her daughter.

        • 5 months ago

          She's the old cop's mistress/gf/whatever.

      • 5 months ago

        >not woke/subversive

        >white lead is a racist c**t
        >3 antiwhite jabs in the premiere
        >main girl ashamed to frick a white boi
        >dykes everywhere

        Everything in this show is obviously second place to the main characters race and the struggles that come with it. The entire thing is cheaply constructed around that main narrative. This so strongly contrasts with the first three seasons (that lacked any chronicity or relation to each other) that it shouldn't even bear the same name. This is a straight to DVD feminist fantasy that executives tried to salvage a profit from by slapping the title from a superior series onto it.

        • 5 months ago

          Point taken, but aside from that it's really not that bad. I was expecting far worse. Society is healing.

          • 5 months ago

            How much do they pay you?

          • 5 months ago

            have a nice day

      • 5 months ago

        WOW only THREE white male jabs in the premiere?!? well shucks massa that ain’t too bad of a whipping
        have a nice day

        That post was more hamfisted than the fricking show.

        • 5 months ago


          • 5 months ago

            no u!!!!!

            • 5 months ago

              Yes. Anything else?

  9. 5 months ago

    >Everyone tells you
    who cares?

    • 5 months ago

      Why even come into the thread then?

      • 5 months ago

        I like and watch Cinemaphile kinos 🙂
        I also enjoyed the first episode of this particular kino.

  10. 5 months ago

    >americans take a good series and make a terrible adaptation
    what did you expect? you only have yourself to blame

  11. 5 months ago

    It was like three different X-Files openings mashed together to make a single episode. Fricking zombies, ghosts, Eldritch horrors awakening. It think it's quite obvious that something in the ice samples is fricking with people's minds. My first thought when the police showed up to a fricking mysterious research facility where all the scientists that mysteriously disappeared were some sort of microbiologist and you see a bunch of ice core samples, why didn't you lock the building down. I'm not a scientist or a detective, but if a bunch of people studying paleomicrobiology went missing and there's a huge stash of ice core samples just chilling in the open, I'm going to immediately assume that some sort of virus or fungus was just unleashed and call for a quarantine. This is like FBI/CDC level shit, not podunk dyke cop from Alaska who happens to be an expert on mayo level.

    • 5 months ago

      X Files even did an episode about that in season one (‘Ice’). Parasitic microorganisms in ice cores make scientists go crazy. I hope they don’t go down that route.

    • 5 months ago

      Doesn’t explain why multiple people heard "she’s awake" unless it’s blatantly supernatural, but I doubt the season will have a satisfying conclusion anyway.

      • 5 months ago

        Just saying, Hitler, that the ‘she’ is guaranteed to be the native myth that the little kid Darwin was drawing.

      • 5 months ago

        Plus the one-eyed polar bear thing. This season is putting out strong cliched mystery box vibes right from the start and it’s not looking good.

      • 5 months ago

        Agreed. Or why multiple people keep seeing a one-eyed polar bear. Jodi Foster waking up and seeing the stuffed animal polar bear with one eye, the black cop seeing an actual polar bear with one eye, and there's also the polar bear statue with one eye covered by snow right before the drunk tank crazy woman screaming scene. Pic related.

        The boss is under stress because, as is clearly stated, the catch has been bad and has been declining year by year. He doesn’t want to have to deal with drunk buttholes of any kind, especially given America’s culture of litigation.
        Who knows, maybe he’s even related to bucket boy? Maybe the old lady is a shitty worker that he can’t easily fire because she’s native, but a felony assault charge would give him a fig leaf?

        >the catch has been bad this year
        >this is the somehow the fault of people working on the floor
        >doesn't want to deal with drunk people
        >neither do the fricking employees
        >come out and start screaming at them to get back to work after an assault on the floor just happened, blood fricking everywhere where food is being handled
        >just got done b***hing loudly about how much trouble your company is in
        Yup, time to find a new job. Obviously this guy can manage a business and people are going to start getting laid off soon anyway.

        • 5 months ago

          why does the jacket have a one eyed smiley face?

          • 5 months ago

            Not sure. Some secret club. The chick that went missing had a patch that was obviously torn off, meaning someone didn't want the police to know that this patch was on her jacket. Only one of the scientists had a similar jacket with a patch. Were they part of some sort of group or club, and he killed her and ripped the patch off so police wouldn't know about it?

            • 5 months ago

              Yeah… the first episode sets up a whole lot of mystery box stuff all jumbled together. It’s like they just combined three separate pilot scripts.

            • 5 months ago

              >Some secret club
              it seems that it's just one jacket with a smiley face patch covering a rip that other people keep showing up wearing

  12. 5 months ago

    Honestly I was expecting something far far worse, but it wasn't bad at all. I actually like the sci-fi element (hopefully it's sci-fi and not supernatural). The only thing is there's 5 episodes left, so I can only imagine the plot points are going to be rushed as frick.

  13. 5 months ago

    >the only defense slop enthusiasts have is 'uh actually it wasn't that bad'

  14. 5 months ago

    >True Detective intro
    >Billie Eilish song starts playing

    • 5 months ago

      fricking this. didn't bother watching after that.

    • 5 months ago

      You’re a homosexual for even knowing that was one of her songs

      • 5 months ago

        How are you going to call someone else a homosexual for recognizing a song? How could you possibly have such an aversion to Billy Eilish unless you've heard a few of her song? I would assume you don't like her because you've heard her music, which is understandable. But how then would you call someone else a homosexual for recognizing one of her songs? Surely you must also recognize one of her songs if you hate her that much. Or do you just hate her because other people hate her?
        >posting from an iphone
        And you have the audacity to call other people homosexuals. Get the frick out of here you shitposting fricking wienersucker.

        • 5 months ago

          God damn anon you didn't have to destroy that man so completely.

          • 5 months ago

            No frick that guy, I'm tired of these drive-by shitposters. In fact, I'm writing a Regex filter that will filter out anyone using an iPhone based on their filename format.


            You can use it on CinemaphileX and probably even the native filter if you set the type to filename.

        • 5 months ago

          No frick that guy, I'm tired of these drive-by shitposters. In fact, I'm writing a Regex filter that will filter out anyone using an iPhone based on their filename format.


          You can use it on CinemaphileX and probably even the native filter if you set the type to filename.

          dangerously based

        • 5 months ago

          He's still based tho for not knowing her songs. But you're young and will eventually develop discernment.

      • 5 months ago

        I was told some threads ago. I didn't know before, just knew it was trash when I heard it.

  15. 5 months ago

    >strong ladycop manhandles taller male wifebeater who was hit in the face by a pan, arrests him based on hearsay #believeher
    >sheriff is a wise old woman who has to navigate incompetent and listless men to do her job
    >vapid, superfluous dialogue that amounts to either "do whitey really" or "ugh, men"
    dropped this libslop

    • 5 months ago

      >sheriff is a wise old woman who has to navigate incompetent and listless men to do her job

      when Marge from Fargo did it you weren't complaining

      • 5 months ago

        A big difference is that in Fargo, one of the most important elements is that pretty much everyone is some shade of dumbass. Marge is the only normie on the shortbus, gets where she does by others missteps not her own ability, barely survives, doesnt save anyone or even really solve the case. And she never belittles anyone.

        • 5 months ago

          Intent matters too. The brown dykes are included just for checking the right boxes, not because it would make the story more compelling

        • 5 months ago

          How does she barely survive?

          • 5 months ago

            She gets in a fight with an axe weilding maniac, almost gets whacked, and has to shoot him

            • 5 months ago

              Meds now schizo

      • 5 months ago

        >sheriff is a wise old woman
        What did she do that was so wise? She figured out how to open a TV cabinet and knew a little bit about how mayonnaise spoiled? She comes into an unknown lab and the first thing she learns is that the people working there are all scientists, the bulk of which study some sort of biology. Microbiology. Paleomicrobiology. The study of ancient diseases. She also notices they've been missing for several days. Then she walks in and sees ice core samples and someone wrote "WE'RE ALL DEAD" on the white board. Hmmmm....wonder what happened.

        If you pay attention to later scenes you’ll see he’s a tow truck driver so he’s not ‘showing up to work drunk’, he’s showing up to his girlfriend’s work drunk.

        Okay then. Why would the boss be so angry at one of his own employees for knocking out some crazy drunk guy showing up to his company starting trouble? Why the frick would anyone in real life ever work at a place like that? You're sticking your hands in and operating dangerous machinery and the floor already looks slippery as frick. Now you have people who don't even work there showing up intoxicated and fighting other employees, and your boss screams at you while trying to get his own employee locked up for defending another employee.

        • 5 months ago

          Yeah, I got the sense that the Sheriff is smart but not wise. Actually think they made a bold choice here by making her an unlikable (or at least hard to like) protagonist. Too soon to tell if this season will be good, but not hating it so far.

          • 5 months ago

            I get the impression she's not even that smart, more like just having common sense from being a stay-at-home mom for a portion of her life. I further back that up with the ghost kid waking her up at the end. All of her wisdom seems to derive from being able to know their way around the house.
            >how to turn off the TV when the dumb men couldn't figure out
            >knowing what a spoiled sandwich looks like, even makes a jab about how the other cop wasn't the "sandwich making kind of dad," whatever the frick that's supposed to mean

            • 5 months ago

              Yeah, you might be right. Still too early to tell. It'll be interesting to see how the lead detectives complement each other's skills and personalities like Rust and Marty did. The other woman cop seems difficult too, but maybe more of a humanistic people person that Foster's character. Anyway, really hope they don't screw this up.

          • 5 months ago

            >Actually think they made a bold choice here by making her an unlikable (or at least hard to like) protagonist.

            I get the impression she's not even that smart, more like just having common sense from being a stay-at-home mom for a portion of her life. I further back that up with the ghost kid waking her up at the end. All of her wisdom seems to derive from being able to know their way around the house.
            >how to turn off the TV when the dumb men couldn't figure out
            >knowing what a spoiled sandwich looks like, even makes a jab about how the other cop wasn't the "sandwich making kind of dad," whatever the frick that's supposed to mean

            To me all the True Detective main characters were unlikable because they had at least one caricature character flaw. And that's on purpose.
            So you have the soccer mum sheriff and the #metoo BLM mystery meat. They both are terrible people. Nobody could stand being around Rust Cohle either, but the only difference is that he seemed like a cool wise outsider to a viewer, even though he admitted that he was wrong in his nihilism.

            That and the fact that TD1 had way better cinematography.

            • 5 months ago

              Yeah, Rust was the kind of guy you could like as long as you didn't have to spend a lot of time around him. Waxing philosophical is fine in small doses, but more than that and it becomes grating. What redeemed him somewhat was the fact that he just didn't give a frick.

        • 5 months ago

          The boss is under stress because, as is clearly stated, the catch has been bad and has been declining year by year. He doesn’t want to have to deal with drunk buttholes of any kind, especially given America’s culture of litigation.
          Who knows, maybe he’s even related to bucket boy? Maybe the old lady is a shitty worker that he can’t easily fire because she’s native, but a felony assault charge would give him a fig leaf?

      • 5 months ago

        Not him but Marge is actually a good character.
        Hell, I think Jodie's character is good so far. She's flawed, she's not invincible like the black girl.

    • 5 months ago

      No one would work for that homosexual boss walking around screaming for people to get back to work. Someone just got their shit split open on the floor. And in real life if the cop asked "did you hit this man with a metal pot?" and she admits to it, it would be an immediate "turn around and put your hands behind your back." You're fricking going to jail, you just admitted to a police officer you assaulted someone with a weapon and left them bleeding on the floor. Even the boss wants that b***h to get locked up. I don't know why he didn't just fire her right after. I don't know, I wouldn't even be working at a place like that anyway. Fricking raging dickhead boss, people showing up to work drunk, physical violence breaking out on the floor where dangerous machinery is running. It can't be the first time shit like this has happened. Yeah I'm going to work at some shithole plant with a slippery floor around machines with automatic blades while drunk white trash and indians are fist fighting and the boss is screaming at me for being a bystander.

      • 5 months ago

        If you pay attention to later scenes you’ll see he’s a tow truck driver so he’s not ‘showing up to work drunk’, he’s showing up to his girlfriend’s work drunk.

      • 5 months ago

        There aren’t any other type of jobs in Alaska fren

        • 5 months ago

          You are talking to someone with little to no real life experience. Either underage or lived a sheltered life.

          • 5 months ago

            What kind of life have you lived? I've worked plenty of jobs and I've never seen anyone show up drunk to a company they didn't work at and beat their ex-girlfriend in front of the employees. I've also seen people get hurt on machinery and blood on the floor. Everyone stops to see what's going on. The boss isn't going to charge out screaming at people to get back to work, especially if you're dealing with food. Someone's blood is all over the place and it's serious enough that the police are involved. Production is getting shut the frick down until everything can be inspected.
            >well that's how things are in Alaska
            What, if you've never been to a remote Alaskan town and worked at a fricking crab plant you don't have real world experience? Get the frick out of here you clown.

            • 5 months ago


              • 5 months ago

                And I get accused of being underage. Being 25 years old and working at McDonalds doesn't equate to "real world experience" anon. Grow the frick up.

              • 5 months ago

                …I’m 38.
                Maybe relax a bit.

              • 5 months ago

                >38 years old
                >works at McDonalds
                >posts "u mad" tier shit on an anime website from his iPhone
                >accuses others of having no life experience
                You can't make this shit up folks.

              • 5 months ago

                he sounds cooler than you homosexual

              • 5 months ago

                Kek watching these homosexuals sharing their butthurt has brightened my otherwise dismal day

              • 5 months ago

                It wasn't that anon. It was me. The fact that you can't wrap your head around the idea that someone in the middle of fricking nowhere might be forced to take an unpleasant job tells me all I need to know about you, sheltered boy.

              • 5 months ago

                If sheltered means not being able to identify with fricking losers in a hopeless situation, I guess I fit the bill. Shit, I would have assumed you could have just gone and got a job at the fricking mines, or moved the frick away. I just don't have a victim mentality I guess.

              • 5 months ago

                >The mines
                Oh yes. You either have no life experience or no imagination.
                Oh well.
                >MUH WINNING
                Yes, sheltered.
                About what I expected.

  16. 5 months ago
    • 5 months ago

      If you say so.

  17. 5 months ago

    I watched s1 yesterday from beginning to end, ordered pizza, started at around 1 pm and finished at midnight. What a ride. Would never watch this pos. I choose to live in the glorious past. Of s1 and 2.

    • 5 months ago

      how did it take you 11 hours to watch 8 45-50 minute episodes?

      • 5 months ago

        I had to do random stuff in between so I'd pause between episodes

      • 5 months ago

        Not everyone can just sit on the couch for 8 hours straight anon

    • 5 months ago

      That was nice of you to invite Nick Pizzolato over.

      • 5 months ago

        Pizza Gelato is the best combo.

  18. 5 months ago

    I liked it but I just came out of a ten year coma and it was the first thing I watched.

  19. 5 months ago

    I was indifferent when they had some literal who direct season 4.
    But then she also wrote the whole thing??

    • 5 months ago

      is that john walker flynt?

    • 5 months ago

      She wrote it as Night Country and started to make it but some execs decided to make it a TD tie-in at the very last minute as demanded changes like the pop songs instead of operatic native chants and the CGI shit. In the original script they find the dead animals the same way they find the dead people at the end of the episode, you don't see them falling. And the visions were subtle. No bear-in-your-face or dancing dead guy, The dancing guy was described as a dancing shadow in the script.
      Yes, I read the script. It's available if you have some google-fu. I only read it because I love the setting and it's what I do, reading original pre-shooting scripts. It's fun. I'm not sure the show will end up with the same exact plot, it seems to be going in a different direction already. I hope they don't remove the wendigo pychosis subplot.

      • 5 months ago

        Ok. Give us the site

      • 5 months ago

        This entire post is bullshit. It was always intended as a True Detective season.

        • 5 months ago


          • 5 months ago

            Provide a source then, homo. You won’t because you can’t.

  20. 5 months ago

    Some anon called it last thread.

    The script started as a Terror modernization with a lesbian romantic duo lead and female non-American director to get diversity points on social media. They then bought True Detective IP and paid pizzaman for his name to be attached as exec producer to lure in old show fans.

    But this is not a True Detective show in any way. It only seems more "paranormal" because its reference is actually S1 The Terror, not True Detective.

    I wish Hollywood wasn't so cynical, it's frustrating. I won't even be pirating the rest of the season.

    • 5 months ago

      is this real copy/pasta?

      • 5 months ago

        once you see more episodes and the postcolonial resistance themes become more apparent, you'll kick yourself for not realizing it earlier.

        • 5 months ago

          I can form my own opinions. I'm an adult.
          thanks though.

          • 5 months ago

            enjoy wasting your time watching this ESG riddled carhart product placment shit then kek

            • 5 months ago

              yes, yes I will.
              it's my time after all.
              millions out there, just like me.

              • 5 months ago

                There are that many trollshielding transsexuals?

              • 5 months ago

                And that's why Joe Biden is the most popular president ever

            • 5 months ago

              Do you only try things after they've gotten the official majority stamp of approval? Your life must be boring as frick

              • 5 months ago

                cant believe HBO shills are on Cinemaphile

              • 5 months ago

                pretty sure it's called Max now.

              • 5 months ago

                user rating: 43%, moshe

              • 5 months ago

                why would anyone care about "review bombs" that sway the numbers either way? is this a video game?

                There are that many trollshielding transsexuals?

                what was your favorite season of this kino?

              • 5 months ago

                it's bombing in reviews. It's not review bombing
                Unless you think The Adventures of Pluto Nash was a good movie that racist reviewers afraid of an empowered black man "review bombed"

              • 5 months ago

                it was a good kino and so was pootie tang

              • 5 months ago

                >If you can see that it's dogshit after 1 hour then you need to subject yourself to an additional 6 hours before you conclude that the dogshit is in fact dogshit

  21. 5 months ago

    Sorry, is that JigShe?

  22. 5 months ago

    wow why are y'all so mean? just turn your brain off and the enjoy the show.

    • 5 months ago

      it seems like that is what 99.99% of the posters did except they didn't even watch the show.
      this is a deep-thinker fast-burn season.

  23. 5 months ago

    you saw the poster and still watched
    you saw the trailer and still watched
    you heard the intro and still watched

    what does that say about you?

    • 5 months ago


      I didn't watch it

  24. 5 months ago

    they are trying Jurassic park aren't they?

  25. 5 months ago

    >pretending anyone watched this

    its sad really

  26. 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago

      >we have twin peaks at home

    • 5 months ago

      Brit Marling looks like shit.

    • 5 months ago

      i think the ghost needed to tune in with the nature before pointing a finger

  27. 5 months ago

    It's a bit cringy, specifically the supernatural stuff they put in. Acting is fine but dialogue is awkward and you feel some disjointed editing.

    I think by ep 2 or 3 it will be clear if it's a joke or building toward something interesting.I'm still giving it the benefit of the doubt.

  28. 5 months ago

    >shills have to pretend this hard to like this pos and reply to each other
    lmao, no one watched past the first half hour, you can stop now.

  29. 5 months ago

    Judging from the first five minutes I was watching The Polar Express meets Resident Evil.

  30. 5 months ago

    You’re in the wrong country friendo

    • 5 months ago

      You’re a homosexual for even knowing that was one of her songs

      Rust Cohle's dad was also named Travis and lived in Alaska. Coincidence?

      You’re a homosexual for even knowing that was one of her songs

      • 5 months ago

        >Rust Cohle's dad was also named Travis
        Really? When was his name ever dropped?

        • 5 months ago

          Not him, but I looked on the wiki and it has Travis Travis Cohle listed as being his father. I believe he also said that he worked in Alaska for a decade after originally working with Marty Hart (Woody Harrelson).

          • 5 months ago

            Yeah, it was said often that he and his dad lived in Alaska for a while. This confirms it, though: Rust cameo incoming, soi-face reaction videos on their way.

      • 5 months ago

        Yeah its pretty obvious Rust is going to show up.

  31. 5 months ago

    Holy fricking shit I just figured out how Rust is definitely going to be in it and Jodie Foster is definitely his ex-wife
    >obvious foreshadowing with her not liking Twist and Shout
    >she loses her shit at the drunk driving girl a little more angrily than necessary
    >Rust's kid was ran over when she was playing with the driveway
    >possibly by a drunk driver, or by Rust himself, who was drunk

    • 5 months ago

      What does Twist and Shout have to do with anything? I haven't seen Season 1 in a while.

      • 5 months ago

        Nothing, I probably shouldn't have pointed that out. It's just painfully obvious there's going to be something traumatic connected to that song that Jodie Foster's character doesn't want to remember. And I'm certain it's going to be her and Rust's daughter getting killed.
        >nice summer day in the neighborhood
        >Jodie Foster's character is inside, looking out the kitchen window as their daughter plays in the driveway
        >Twist and Shout is playing on the radio
        >Rust, hung over, limps to his truck to go out and buy more beer
        >doesn't see his daughter in the rear-view

        • 5 months ago

          Maybe, but I thought that the kid that woke her up was named Holden. That's what she said. I would agree that she has a STRONG aversion to drunk driving, but only because of that Native girl being there. She seemed more freaked out than Jodi Foster. Some how they were all linked together with a drunk driving accident.

        • 5 months ago

          You're utterly moronic.

    • 5 months ago

      Whats the connection between Rust and Twist and Shout?

    • 5 months ago

      Nothing, I probably shouldn't have pointed that out. It's just painfully obvious there's going to be something traumatic connected to that song that Jodie Foster's character doesn't want to remember. And I'm certain it's going to be her and Rust's daughter getting killed.
      >nice summer day in the neighborhood
      >Jodie Foster's character is inside, looking out the kitchen window as their daughter plays in the driveway
      >Twist and Shout is playing on the radio
      >Rust, hung over, limps to his truck to go out and buy more beer
      >doesn't see his daughter in the rear-view

      Eh I never got the impression that Rust killed his daughter. His entire outlook on life was shaped around the idea that horrible shit just happens and the world is just bad which suggests his daughter was killed by a 3rd party drunk driver as it being Rust that killed her doesn't really fit with his outlook on the world.

      • 5 months ago

        Same. I got the impression that Rust was ground down by life over time. He started out enthusiastic and eventually got bleaker and bleaker. No massive life changing incident in a day that made him that way.

  32. 5 months ago

    >Wtf did i just watch?
    a woman taking a man's creation and making it shitty

    • 5 months ago

      Naw, she created the show and it wasn't her choice/idea to make it a part of the TD brand. That change came when the show was already shooting.

  33. 5 months ago

    They will eventually flashback to the researchers are getting fricked up, twisting on the floor and shouting while the tv blares twist and shout. The not a beatles fan comment was an attempt at a character tag.

  34. 5 months ago

    Pilot/first episode was average. CGI was cringe. I liked Jodie and the young cop, but the native cop wasn't interesting.
    The setting is great, but what we saw of it was very underwhelming. The station was promoted as overlook-like and it didn't feel that way at all. We barely saw any of it anyway. They did get the small town vibe though.
    The mystery is... not very gripping. idk why, but some of the clues are just bad/weird. Like the one eyed CGI bear or the scientist having some fast forward crisis. The dancing ghost was cool, I guess. Sort of.
    And the show seems to be made in a way that will alienate both sides of the political spectrum.
    Jodie has a gay daughter YAS QUEEN/DYKE PROPAGANDA

  35. 5 months ago

    bros? are we the baddies again?

    • 5 months ago

      >people who disliked it are not allowed to vote because that's manipulation but people who liked it should vote, god damnit

    • 5 months ago

      This is the kind of shit that makes me think outrage marketing isn't real and Hollywood really is just filled with complete sub 50 IQ morons who live inside such a thick bubble they believe putting out a public statement like this is a genuinely good idea.

      • 5 months ago

        >This is the kind of shit that makes me think outrage marketing isn't real
        Oh it's real, but the marketing budget for this was cut when the execs realized what dogshit they had on their hands. It was up to the director to try to make shit happen on her own.

    • 5 months ago

      >begging for updoots
      Oh nonono

    • 5 months ago

      >The only people who leave negative reviews are men and fans of good writing.
      Speaks fricking volumes.

    • 5 months ago

      >Rotten Tomatoes ACCOUNT
      Do you frickers really??

  36. 5 months ago

    I'm going to watch some snow Kinos between episodes. I hope that the show will be good, but that first episode was... not a good start.
    First: Smilla's Sense of Snow
    After episode 2: The Thing (not the remake)
    Episode 3: Antanarjuat the Fast Runner
    Episode 4: The Snow Walker
    Episode 5: The Thing From Anther World
    Episode 6: Lost Horizon (1937)

    • 5 months ago

      It's not a flick, but S1 of The Terror is excellent snow kino.

      • 5 months ago

        True. Not perfect, but the bad Cher song monster CGI can be excused when you have good performances.

  37. 5 months ago

    The whole thing didn't feel like true detective at all, aside from a fairly decent setting. The characters are boring and don't even feel real, the drama between them feels extremely forced, the wrestler lady getting overly emotional over "abused women" is a weird concept and honestly I could go on.
    Nah this show is dead. It died after HBO forced pizza to make season 3 about "le occult" again, even though the show was clearly only using that to send a nihilist message, as was shown by season 2. This season will make the same mistake.

  38. 5 months ago

    looking at the various trailers that have been released some spoilers that have been released. there are not interesting revelations in this post, just observed scenes
    theres a noteworthy character not yet introduced
    danvers and navarro reluctantly agree to team up. they have religion chats while driving to investigation.
    danvers has to recount the events to 2 men, like season 1 they had to aswell. but doesnt look like timeskip.
    more spiral symbols - its drawn on the victims of both crimes. cops stumble into atleast 2 areas with large schizo drawings on wall/ceiling of a spiral.
    looked like they were walking to a possible mining site before hand, or some industrial structure that didnt have any vehicles around.

    hank prior reminds pete that "blood is blood" as they are standing in the makeshift morgue of the victims. then apparently strikes him in the face.
    peter has something important that he has to fix that he can't tell his gf about.

    guy who got snusnu'd by navarro has some reason to pull a shotgun

    danvers adopted/foster daughter starts doing the eskimo woman paint lines on her chin. apparently its some culty thing of all the eskimo women protesting the mines/industry.
    navaro talks to the lady who saw her dead husband, discussing the schizo sister not sleeping adn thinking people are following her- lady says dont confuse the spirit world w mental health

    navaro aggressively ductapes some guys head over his mouth etc.

    people keep seeing faint visions of a person off in the distance in the snow then they disappear in the dark.
    navaro looking down at ice has glimpse of hands hitting like theyre trapped underneath.
    danvers is prodding navaro to confirm she saw something disturbing when out there on the ice but navaro remains stoic and denies.
    navaro falls through the ice into the freezing water, you have to assume this is dream/hallucination.
    navaro does get bloodied up in one scene
    jodie does have to draw her weapon again.

    • 5 months ago

      some people seem to have this brainwashed, obsessed, almost zombiefied looke to them.
      i assume this is the guy carrying annie's jacket and most likely the one that murdered at least 3 of the other schientists.

    • 5 months ago

      long haired dude climbing down a ladder. probably the murderer or a victim, maybe there'll be a flashback showing what exactly happened

      • 5 months ago

        its the spanish sandwich maker?

        • 5 months ago

          likely. i bet he was a good dad

    • 5 months ago

      again this oddly pale eyed, frozen skin and crazed look.
      zombies confirmed bros

  39. 5 months ago

    Why the frick are none of these super stronk and smart womyn looking at the fricking phone from the beginning? The one scientist was making a Tik Tok video, or whatever, or him making a sandwich. Meaning whatever fricking happened was all caught on camera. People would probably be actually calling the police to report something because someone was watching it.
    >hey uh...I was watching a livestream of some guy in Alaska making a sandwich and everyone went apeshit, maybe you should check that out
    No one says anything in two days?

    • 5 months ago

      Look anon the mayo was runny thats whats really important.

      • 5 months ago

        Sorry, I'm not the sandwich making kind of guy.

      • 5 months ago

        >Look anon the mayo was runny thats whats really important.
        this is a subtle but incredible powerful statement about the superiority of the matriarchy.

    • 5 months ago

      Look anon the mayo was runny thats whats really important.

      None of it makes any fricking sense. She even sees the phone sitting there. At least say, "oh shit, there's a phone, bag that shit up for evidence!" No, they're talking about deli meats.

      Ah, well that makes sense.
      Maybe he was just recording for later. I'm pretty sure they said there was no cell reception out there.
      >inb4 they would obviously need to have internet and he could of just streamed via wifi
      Don't know, maybe they didn't have internet. Why else would they be playing that one scene of Ferris Bueller on repeat?

      >Maybe he was just recording for later
      True. But then again the video would still be on the cellphone which is a reason to grab it for evidence. Not just give it a cursory look and then argue about deli meats and inspect socks drying on the heater and the fact that someone was reading Blood Meridian. Also, don't these people have loved ones or people that they report to? How do two fricking days go by without anyone noticing that an entire team of scientists haven't contacted anyone? The guy delivering chips finds them? And another thing, who the frick does he think he even is asking for help?
      >no one ever helps me with this
      That's your fricking job bro, it's a few cases of snacks. And if you're so friendly with these people that you're on a first name basis with them, why b***h about getting a signature? Just scribble something on the clipboard and be on your way.

      • 5 months ago

        They mention the families, and of holding off the news of their disappearances. Maybe they'll find the video on the phone later.
        >That's your fricking job bro, it's a few cases of snacks. And if you're so friendly with these people that you're on a first name basis with them, why b***h about getting a signature?
        I'll give you that.

        • 5 months ago

          I'm just being nitpicky now. People just aren't behaving how normal people would.
          >the two male cops are so incompetent that they can't even figure out how to turn off a TV
          >the super smart female cop shows up and gets pissy no one has any answers, but hyper-fixates on trivial shit like socks, mayo, and books.
          >three police officers on the scene and not one of them even mentions the cellphone clearly positioned in a way to record something
          >Jodi Foster even looks at the fricking phone and just furrows her eyebrows and keeps on moving
          >somehow this research facility exists in this small town and the local police know nothing about it, at all. In a small town like that everyone knows everyone's business. It's even shown when the guy yells out of his window at the town's drunk driver
          >even the snack guy knows all of these scientists by their names
          >but the local police don't know who these people are, why they are there, or what their purpose is?
          >then you find out that they are researching ancient microorganisms, you find ice core samples that are easily accessible, and you don't immediately lock the place down and quarantine the area?

          These aren't very good detectives. In fact, I would say they seem extremely detached from reality and have no idea what's going on in their very small fricking community.

          • 5 months ago

            You are nitpicking because
            >fixates on trivial shit like socks, mayo, and books
            Good detective.
            >somehow this research facility exists in this small town and the local police know nothing about it, at all
            Just like any secret research stuff, see The Mist and Moonlight Bay by Dean Koontz.
            I'll give you everything else, though.

            • 5 months ago

              Phantoms was the bomb yo

              • 5 months ago

                You know I never actually ever saw Phantoms. I read the book, though. There's one character who's an unapologetic perv and after he's died, his reanimated corpse rises and gets up without any clothes and threatens the little girl character who he was perving on. Just thought you'd be interested.

            • 5 months ago

              The Mist takes place in a bigger town and they know that the military is doing "something" up there. Of course they aren't going to know exactly what's going on with a secret military project. But they're aware that it exists, they discuss the fact that it exists, they even speculate that it has something to do with what's happening.

              However here it's like they weren't even aware that the facility was there at all. And it was so secret and hidden then how is it that some guy that delivers snacks is on a first name basis with the scientists and able to just walk up into the lab without passing any checkpoints or locked doors? It doesn't make sense. A town that small everyone knows everything about everyone else. A secret lab that's apparently not so secret that the fricking snack guy knows everyone inside and able to wonder around somehow goes unnoticed by the police?

          • 5 months ago

            >somehow this research facility exists in this small town and the local police know nothing about it, at all. In a small town like that everyone knows everyone's business. It's even shown when the guy yells out of his window at the town's drunk driver.
            The presence of the scientists is, as you stated, a known thing. There’s just been either no reason to suspect they’re doing anything unseemly; from the outside, they’re just scientists trying to help the environment. Or at least they’re just so common as scientists working in tandem with resource exploitation types is ridiculously common. This leaves open too the possibility that part of the reason the scientists potentially dirty business was unknown is because one or more officials are on the payroll. People we think we can trust but really can’t. Police say.

            >then you find out that they are researching ancient microorganisms, you find ice core samples that are easily accessible, and you don't immediately lock the place down and quarantine the area?
            People are ignorant until they know different. Detectives solve crimes, which doesn’t immediately scream the need for an in depth understanding of microbiology, biochemistry, human physiology, pathology, parasitology etc.
            The furthest they know is “Mayo runny = X time has passed.”

            • 5 months ago

              >There’s just been either no reason to suspect they’re doing anything unseemly
              I never even suggested that. I'm saying that the small town's population would be so nosy that they would have an idea of what goes on up there. People would ask questions. It's a small and isolated town with nothing else going on. A lab going up in itself doesn't suggest anything sinister, but it would be a talking point amongst the people living there. And as I've said, it's not like it's secret. A snack guy has the freedom to just walk into, and then around the facility. He knows everyone by a first name basis. These guys haven't gone out and visited the local bar or a restaurant? Apparently they must have because one of them seems to be tied in with that missing chick. So they interact with the community. It's not top secret shit. "Hey we're up here studying biology and climate change shit" seems like something one would say at the bar when asked what they do. The police seem to know everyone on a first name basis BUT these scientists. They don't anything about this lab? It just doesn't make sense for such a small community's police force to not know one single thing about a non-secret lab that's apparently open to any Joe Blow to walk into. The town is so fricking small that even some random guy knows who the drunk driver is before he even sees anyone. You literally have a town drunk.

              • 5 months ago

                You’re right. It’s bad writing.

              • 5 months ago

                >it's open to any joe
                that doesn't mean that people just go there. only people who have business there like the delivery guy.
                >People in small towns know every bodies business like they know the drunk driver
                yeah they know her because she is the village drunk. its e-celeb lol cows before internet. i grew up in a 1000 ppl village and i didn't know shit about anyone except like 10 people. scientists like that keep to themselves because they are outsiders that only visit for a couple of months. why would the police know anything about them, they probably don't do crimes. scientists in research stations just frick each others and play vidya

                you should ask cinema sins if they could use another professional nitpicker. the show has flaws but this shit is the least of it.

              • 5 months ago

                >that doesn't mean that people just go there. only people who have business there like the delivery guy.
                Are you purposefully missing the entire point of what I was saying? I wasn't suggesting that the facility is open to the public to just wander around, I was pointing out that it obviously isn't a super secret research facility if the snack guy is able to access the building and wander around without a keycard and is on a first name basis with the people who work there.

                >you should ask cinema sins if they could use another professional nitpicker. the show has flaws but this shit is the least of it.
                >you can't argue about trivial things on a website that is notorious for about arguing about trivial things for the past two decades

              • 5 months ago

                >Are you purposefully missing the entire point of what I was saying? I wasn't suggesting that the facility is open to the public to just wander around, I was pointing out that it obviously isn't a super secret research facility if the snack guy is able to access the building and wander around without a keycard and is on a first name basis with the people who work there.

                just because it isn't a super secret research facility doesn't mean the nimrod oil pumpers or the police know frick all about the researchers let alone their field of studies. btw it being an open facility that any joe smoe can walk into defeats your entire earlier point that they must be working on some super scary ancient virus samples that can wipe out all of humanity, so the police who know nothing about microbes need to call for an immediate quarantine of the now empty station which police aren't authorized to do.

                >you can't argue about trivial things on a website that is notorious for about arguing about trivial things for the past two decades

                >you can't call out gay and annoying things on a website that is notorious for calling out gay and annoying things for the past two decades

                you are quiet bad at having thoughts.

              • 5 months ago

                >btw it being an open facility that any joe smoe can walk into defeats your entire earlier point that they must be working on some super scary ancient virus samples that can wipe out all of humanity
                My entire point is that NONE of it makes any fricking sense. It's a small town, people fricking talk. I never suggested that the oil pumpers had to have a doctorate in microbiology to know that there's a research station in their town. I've never worked with aluminum, I know nothing about it, but I aware that there's some sort of manufacturing plant up the road that works with it.

                Also for someone who claims to get annoyed at me for arguing about trivial things you sure seem really adamant about arguing with me about trivial things. Maybe you're just a haughty homosexual.

  40. 5 months ago

    I'm sorry OP did you just say man bad? White man, you mean? White man bad?
    White man bad!

  41. 5 months ago

    >dis wouldn't have happened if she was a white girl!
    >but you were the detective on the case....

    • 5 months ago

      Such strong writing who would do this..

    • 5 months ago

      Such strong writing who would do this..

      • 5 months ago

        >but it’s not woke!

        • 5 months ago

          Yes, and all three examples are of women who frick white men in the show. Really makes you think.

          • 5 months ago

            women often are hypocrites

  42. 5 months ago

    Cgi deer and strong sassy minorities. Whitey, your days are numbered!

  43. 5 months ago

    If you're female, you can knock a guy out with a metal pail and not even get a warning.

  44. 5 months ago

    I don't even mind girlboss shit that much but not EVERY SINGLE FRICKING SHOW for fricks sake.

  45. 5 months ago

    how woke is it?

    • 5 months ago

      Not much. There's one character that's aggressively woke, but it's not portrayed in a good light or even in a logical way. More like she,s angry an lashing out. Jodie's character gets called a racist by that girl. Based Jodie doesn't take it and makes a jab about the girl's spirit animal lol

    • 5 months ago

      Uh, frick this guy

      Not much. There's one character that's aggressively woke, but it's not portrayed in a good light or even in a logical way. More like she,s angry an lashing out. Jodie's character gets called a racist by that girl. Based Jodie doesn't take it and makes a jab about the girl's spirit animal lol

      It’s pozzed as shit. Did you know that the entire frozen north is populated and Tim only by women? It’s Amazonia in the snow.
      If you aren’t a woman, you’re testicles are forcibly reduced to microscopic nothingness.

      • 5 months ago

        U craycray boo.

    • 5 months ago

      just read the thread

  46. 5 months ago

    >bad simulations of wildlife
    >bad simulations of people
    Further down the Baudrillard rabbit hole we go.

  47. 5 months ago

    One episode is out. Everyone seething. Pretty cozy thus far. All though tbf Foster is a little to old to carry this role. Not an appearance thing I just mean to fragile to believably arrest anyone who isn’t in a wheelchair.

  48. 5 months ago

    Teaser for the next episode

    • 5 months ago

      >oh lawd she comin

    • 5 months ago

      no snow, no watch

    • 5 months ago

      This is just moronic. It's like bad John Wick shit with the cops flipping in mid-air wtf???
      If this is actually in the next episode of TDNC, I'll stop watching. I have high tolerance for shit, but this is just too much.
      Unless it's a vision. That would make sense.

      • 5 months ago

        Yeah it's totally real.

        • 5 months ago

          What's it from? Just so I can get a laugh out of watching the whole craziness.

          • 5 months ago

            Peacemaker. That DC show. I believe it's Amanda Waller's daughter.

            • 5 months ago

              I saw a few episodes. Not really my thing.

  49. 5 months ago

    so petunia dursley is rust's mom?

  50. 5 months ago
    • 5 months ago

      Why does it look better as a webm than on my tv? On my tv it looked like shit.

      • 5 months ago

        Because when you blow something up, you see all of its flaws, duh.

    • 5 months ago

      This would look significantly better if the moron animating it didn't give it the Rock's eyebrow.

    • 5 months ago

      SO FRICKING LAME, CGI animals! Is there even any artistry left? May as well go full AI at this point. Nothing is real anyway.

      • 5 months ago

        That's not even the worst shot.

  51. 5 months ago
    • 5 months ago

      >le fortnite dance

  52. 5 months ago

    I thought it was OK. It looks way more interesting than Season 2 and I like the setting and Jodie Foster's character.

  53. 5 months ago

    I just don't get how td show makers after the first season could frick up so badly. they just think it's another detective drama show with le paranormal incidents. What made season one so good is that it had a fricking tight linear narrative. one clue let to the next and you didn't have a bunch of parallel stories like in a Simpsons episode. What made season one spooky is the conspiracy of elite pedos, not ghosts and shit. it's something that could happen and does happen in reality and in the show you get the feeling that it permeates the entire setting. i will watch this mediocre show because i am a sperg for arctic stations settings and for the lol moments like the expressive dance scene but the wasted potential still will sour it for me.

    • 5 months ago

      How is this just a conspiracy?

      • 5 months ago

        what do you mean?

  54. 5 months ago

    >this poster
    You really couldn't expect it? I refrained fro watching season 3 because of the poster also, I end up being correct, an entire season of episodes, so that in the end, there wasn't really a plot, just some rich b***h who wanted a kid?

  55. 5 months ago

    If they replaced the state trooper actress with someone charismatic and if they didnt have fricking horror film tropes the first half hour, it would actually been pretty decent.

    • 5 months ago

      She is a menacing chrisma vacuum.

      • 5 months ago

        I would heem her within 3 strikes

  56. 5 months ago

    Have you guys tried just not watching the show? Its not that hard

  57. 5 months ago

    danvers kicked navarro off the force after navarro killed a white man who had murdered an eskimo woman, danvers covered for her like in true detective s1 because she didnt disagree morally but it was wreckless

    • 5 months ago

      >like in true detective s1
      ...and 2(Ray)...and 3(Hayes).

    • 5 months ago

      >who had murdered
      pretty sure it's not even that, he's probably just the john/drug-homie and she OD'd

  58. 5 months ago

    >use local hockey rink as the morgue for this case
    >civilian just casually walks in

  59. 5 months ago

    i wnna hate it, but it seems blatantly supernatural so i like it.

  60. 5 months ago

    Thinking about watching it because anything with lots of snow interests me, is it worth watching?

    • 5 months ago

      it's pretty Icelandic and comfy

  61. 5 months ago

    Speaking of animals and CGI...... is the fox real or not? I can't fricking tell and why is he so sad?

    • 5 months ago

      Looks real, and it's just a video of a fox standing around intercut with shots of the actors so there's no need for CGI

      • 5 months ago

        it's crazy that you can actually film animals and not have to cgi them really

    • 5 months ago

      I have no memory of this scene, wtf was the context?

      • 5 months ago

        It was like the first episode, they were sittin around a junkyard or something drinking beers and chatting and the fox shows up and Roland goes to shoot it. But it looks so sad and innocent he doesn't do it.

  62. 5 months ago

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