Wtf was als problem? Peggy was really hot and always horny. I'd love to be married to her.

Wtf was als problem? Peggy was really hot and always horny. I'd love to be married to her.

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It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 11 months ago

    This isn't peggy you stupid dildo

    • 11 months ago

      No shit you dickweed, its AI generated

      • 11 months ago

        I know you know this isn't true but so no zoomies are fooled, this is Sofia Vargera dressed as Peggy in a scene from Modern Family. Her husband is played by the same actor who played Al Bundy so they tossed it in as a haha funnay joke.

        • 11 months ago

          >dressed as Peggy in a scene from Modern Family.
          It's not from modern family. It's just some random Instagram picture she uploaded.

      • 11 months ago

        *Aye generated

      • 11 months ago

        You're AI generated

      • 11 months ago

        Man you are funny

  2. 11 months ago

    The same thing happened to me, after years together and constant nagging and arguing every day you just lose the urge

    • 11 months ago

      my dad explained the peg situation to me when i was younger,
      >for every smoking hot woman, there is a man who is tired of fricking her
      i didnt understand it but now i do

  3. 11 months ago

    The show wasn't called "based and redpilled". It was called "married with children". You incels were not the target audience, don't pretend you understand the humor.

    • 11 months ago

      it was certainly more for incels than trannies so you don't have much room to talk

      • 11 months ago

        Neither existed at the time, it's a comfy show for boomer dads

        • 11 months ago

          >loser virgins who hated women didn't exist in the 90s
          kid, please

  4. 11 months ago

    A woman's personality can be a complete turnoff in spite of how attractive she is.

  5. 11 months ago

    Show me a good looking woman, and Ill show you a guy tired of fricking her

    • 11 months ago

      Guys who had girlfriends understand this. The average Cinemaphile shitposter does not.

  6. 11 months ago

    Peggy was a nag. Al wanted a housewife who respected him, cooked for him, and took care of the house. There was an episode where he met a gay guy who was basically his ideal partner and was considering going gay for him.

    • 11 months ago

      Rewatch season 1. Peggy cooked and cleaned and gradually got more incompetent.

  7. 11 months ago

    Boomer problems

  8. 11 months ago

    OP, we've had this exact thread like a thousand times. I'll give you the same answer I have in each.

    Ordinarily I don't like to call someone an incel, but not understanding it implies you've never been in a long-term relationship, particularly with someone abusive who trapped you in it and likely has one or more personality disorders.

    Every day she insults him. She tears him down and tells him he's worthless, tiny, and can only last five seconds in bed. The wedding was literally of the shotgun variety and he sees her as ruining all his dreams of being a pro athlete. She's the reason he sells women's shoes to morbidly obese butter trolls. She's the reason he's miserable and his kids don't respect him. She steals from him and does nothing all day. She sits on her ass watching tv, eating bon bons and spending his money. Now regardless of how physically attractive she is, he despises her, and she constantly begs him for sex. If he gives it to her, he will make someone he hates happy and afterwards she'll insult his performance for going to the trouble. Denying her sex is just about the only power and control he has in his entire damn life, and he has all those Big'uns magazines for a reason.

    I've been there. I was living with this gorgeous girl, massive triple d breasts, green eyes, freckles, fat dick sucking lips, huge ass, the sex was good at first until she started trying to "train" me. She had BPD. I could frick her every day, and most days I did, but after six months she claimed suddenly that oral sex now reminded her of "past trauma" and that every time she did it I was forcing her to "relive her rapes". At a certain point I didn't want to frick her anymore. I found myself sneaking off to the bathroom one night with my laptop and jerking off to a porn clip I'd seen years earlier of a pov blowjob. I nutted so hard I spent the next hour wiping my jizz of the toilet.

    When someone doesn't care about your needs it's hard to bother with theirs.

    • 11 months ago

      >she started trying to "train" me
      i feel your pain bro.
      nothing shrivels my dick faster than thinking about the times a woman has tried to train me like a dog through some kind of fricked up manipulation. Even worse when you notice that she learned it from her mother.

      • 11 months ago

        I tried explaining to my ex how she made me feel and she basically argued that because she was more upset, her feelings take precedence over mine. Her mother is also an obese abusive c**t. I guess it's a good thing she dumped me when I stopped wanting to be around her.

        • 11 months ago

          same thing for me, i got your back bro

          I'm a virgin and no amount of sex will ever convince me to live with a poisonous termagant woman b***hing at me every second of my life.
          When you grow up, you'll realize the truth and importance of the phrase "she's got a great personality" - a physically repulsive nice person is always better to be around than a vile demon wearing a beautiful skin.

          i got you too bro

    • 11 months ago

      that isn’t peggy, dumbass

      • 11 months ago

        It's a woman playing the wife of a character played by the same actor who played Al Bundy dressed up as Peggy.

    • 11 months ago

      Basically my parents relationship, love my mom, but her relation with my father makes me despise her as a woman, I had opportunities with woman who were hot but personality wise I could see the same traits of her, rather be alone than being constantly insulted, arguing, and having to sustain such a person like my father has

  9. 11 months ago

    thought it was bridgette b

  10. 11 months ago

    Joe Manganiello's penis has been all over her.

    • 11 months ago

      one of the luckiest penises in the world

  11. 11 months ago

    I'm a virgin and no amount of sex will ever convince me to live with a poisonous termagant woman b***hing at me every second of my life.
    When you grow up, you'll realize the truth and importance of the phrase "she's got a great personality" - a physically repulsive nice person is always better to be around than a vile demon wearing a beautiful skin.

  12. 11 months ago

    Been married 15 years now. Every day I think about getting a divorce. Every single day.

    • 11 months ago

      once you reach the point where you cant get it up for her anymore, you might as well get out.

      • 11 months ago

        We haven't had sex in about a year now. I have a high sex drive and she would give me the "I have a headache" tier excuse so much I just quit trying and jerk off in the shower.

        • 11 months ago

          A lot of people will tell you "stay together for the kids" but I think this is a bullshit ass cope.

          The only thing your kids will learn from seeing you stay together for them, is what it looks like when mom and dad cant stand eachother.

          • 11 months ago

            Literally me and my brother

    • 11 months ago

      That was the life you choose beta. Women must the molded into a proper wife. But you can’t make clay from shit.

  13. 11 months ago

    Jesus, what a bunch of homosexuals posting her, grow a spine and put them on their places you homosexuals, they only manipulate weak losers like you

    • 11 months ago

      You've obviously never encountered a bpd b***h. You can't put them "in their place". If you do manage to do it it's just for a day or two then back to crazy town. And if you try to hard you might get a ticket on the stab train.

      • 11 months ago

        i heard some very good advice before.

        During the initial phase of dating, every woman on earth will "shit test" a man, to see what he is made of. If you pass the shit test, she will respect you more as a man. If you fail the test, she will cheat on you or dump you.

        But something else happens with a BPD b***h.
        A BPD b***h will never, ever stop shit testing.
        Years and years down the road, you will still be shit tested like it's your first date.

        • 11 months ago

          >A BPD b***h will never, ever stop shit testing.
          Yes, this is true, but it's worse than this. A BPD girl's shittests escalate. See, they al have some episode of abandonment when they were little and they're trying to constantly recreate this trauma, so they're forcing you to leave them so they can go through it all over again. Maybe mommy ignored her in the crib, maybe daddy touched her, there's no telling. But she'll keep escalating until you tell her no on something and then goes through splitting and goes from seeing you as perfect and wonderful to the scum of the Earth lower than the most vile, evil demon. She'll frick you real quick, then want to move in right away, then want to get married right away, and on and on until you hit a wall at some point. "Where's my engagement ring?" "I want a baby." "We need a bigger house." "I want a vacation home." "Why can't I have a nicer car?"

          Dave Foley tells stories about his BPD wife and how at the height of his fame she was spending like 40k a month on alterations to the home and expensive trips. How she'd say she just "needed to go to the continents" and suddenly disappear with their kids to go on a fricking safari in Africa. And the second you try to put your foot down on anything you blink once and suddenly it's an angry tasmanian devil hissing in her clothes.

          • 11 months ago

            What's even worse to me is you can be terrorized by a woman like this for years and the moment you finally decide you've had enough abuse YOU will be made out to be the bad guy and 99% of society will side with her. I stayed in one abusive relationship because I knew she would destroy my life if I left and when I finally did I was proved right. Had to move 2000 miles away and start life over.

    • 11 months ago

      You cannot fix, train or control a girl with BPD. They're called borderline because they behave normal and seem like they can function in society but at any moment they're capable of snapping and behaving like a complete psychopath. They have the emotional development of a toddler with the intelligence of an adult. Once you cross them they will dedicate their life to destroying yours. Maybe she claims to everyone that you raped her, maybe she kills your pets, maybe she burns down your house, maybe she blows everyone in the neighborhood just so she can kiss you afterwards, maybe she kills herself in your home and leaves a note claiming you did it. You have no idea how fricking unstable they are. I JUST watched a video not two days ago about one who's boyfriend refused to give her fifty bucks to go to a bar and get drunk, so she murdered all three of their kids and texted him pictures.

      • 11 months ago

        >Maybe she claims to everyone that you raped her, maybe she kills your pets, maybe she burns down your house, maybe she blows everyone in the neighborhood just so she can kiss you afterwards, maybe she kills herself in your home and leaves a note claiming you did it.

  14. 11 months ago
    • 11 months ago

      Thise boobs no longer exist 🙁

      • 11 months ago

        didnt they say the cancer spread to her brain?
        shes dying bros 🙁

  15. 11 months ago

    zoomers are the dumbest people on the planet, woman used to do everything to avoid getting the crazy label that man wouldnt touch, now this morons hear "BPD" or anything else and think: wow, dude, crazy sex

  16. 11 months ago

    now days you couldn't afford a house on a shoe sales salary, Peggy would be out there working as well, and become the 'tired one' that doesn't want to shag.

  17. 11 months ago

    My wife has a high libido. She bugs me whenever our kids go to bed and I never get to work on any of my little side projects. It's not bliss, especially when they want you to do most of the work.

    • 11 months ago

      >It's not bliss, especially when they want you to do most of the work.
      also when they won't stop distracting you with irrelevant shit.
      >tries to have sex
      >gets it halfway up
      yeah you look fat too, but now you're just fishing for complements and you spoiled my focus.

  18. 11 months ago

    bunch of homosexuals transition already

    • 11 months ago

      >minor annoyance

      So you've never had sex, got it.

  19. 11 months ago

    I had sex with prostitutes who had BPD, yeah, I know, not the same, but sometimes I had just half an erection and damn, the girl got real MAD at me or just start crying how she was old, fat, bla, bla, bla, b***hes be REAL crazy and I think most women have it so its real grim

  20. 11 months ago

    I just want to touch a woman's breast.

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