X-Men and mutant public license.

I'm a PR agent hired by the X-Men. Me and my partner at the other end of the table I'm meeting with a number of different X-Men to discuss the public relations after the destruction of the most recent mutant country. We are going to give them advice as to how to make the X-Men and mutants have a better relationship with 1. International governments.2 International public.3. the hero community. let's begin

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  1. 5 months ago

    And no I did not have a better non-ai image for this topic.

    • 5 months ago

      Maybe that was a sign you didn't need to make the thread.

  2. 5 months ago

    I thought it was a cheeky take on Wolverine and his many clones and team ups.

    • 5 months ago





      • 5 months ago

        someone pls make a prompt with a room full of wolverine
        like "oops, it's all wolverine" type shit

    • 5 months ago

      I miss 8bit theater.

  3. 5 months ago

    damn, now I want an AI X-Men thread

  4. 5 months ago

    >Bruce Wayne
    >Storm Wolverine
    >Bruce Wayne
    >Beastcrawler Girlverine
    >Clea Strange
    >Peter Parker
    What a weird room

    • 5 months ago

      >Peter Parker

  5. 5 months ago

    First point of order: which Wolverine is the real Wolverine and which is a clone? Or is it Mystique? Or is it a robot with a bomb?

  6. 5 months ago

    I hate ESLs.

    • 5 months ago

      No, I don't want to have angry hate sex with you.

  7. 5 months ago

    You'd think the AI fricked up by putting two Wolverines in the picture, but it's not even that unlikely to actually happen.

    • 5 months ago

      Just call one of them Laura, and problem's solved

      • 5 months ago


  8. 5 months ago

    Item 1: Execute all psychics.
    Item 2: Devise way to accomplish Item 1 that they won't see coming

  9. 5 months ago

    I put the common part of thread Into an AI machine and got this//

    I'm a PR agent hired by the X-Men. Me and my partner at the other end of the table are meeting with a number of different X-Men to discuss the public relations after the destruction of the most recent mutant country. We are going to give them advice as to how to make the X-Men and mutants have a better relationship with 1. International governments. 2. International public. 3. The hero community. Let's begin.

    First of all, thank you for trusting us with this delicate and important task. We know that you have been through a lot and that you are facing a lot of challenges and hostility from various sources. We are here to help you navigate this complex and volatile situation and to present your side of the story in the best possible way.

    We have prepared a comprehensive PR strategy that covers three main areas: international governments, international public, and the hero community. We will go over each one in detail and explain our rationale and recommendations.

    International governments: This is perhaps the most difficult and sensitive area, as you have been accused of violating international law, sovereignty, and human rights by some countries. You have also been praised by others for defending your rights, your people, and your ideals. Our goal is to create a balanced and nuanced narrative that acknowledges your mistakes, but also highlights your achievements and contributions. We suggest that you:

    - Issue a formal statement of apology and regret for any collateral damage or harm caused by your actions, but also emphasize that you acted in self-defense and in response to a grave threat.

    • 5 months ago

      - Express your willingness to cooperate with any investigations or inquiries, but also demand fair and impartial treatment and respect for your autonomy and dignity.
      - Seek dialogue and diplomacy with any countries that are willing to listen and engage, but also stand firm against any attempts to intimidate or coerce you.
      - Emphasize your common values and interests with other countries, such as peace, justice, freedom, and human rights, but also assert your distinct identity and culture as mutants.
      - Showcase your positive impact and influence on global issues, such as climate change, poverty, disease, terrorism, etc., but also acknowledge your limitations and challenges as a minority group.

      International public: This is another crucial area, as you have been portrayed as either heroes or villains by different media outlets and public opinions. You have also been subject to misinformation, propaganda, and prejudice by some groups. Our goal is to create a more accurate and favorable image of you that showcases your diversity, humanity, and potential. We suggest that you:

      - Launch a global campaign of outreach and education that aims to inform and inspire people about who you are, what you do, and why you matter.
      - Use various platforms and channels, such as social media, podcasts, documentaries, books, etc., to share your stories, perspectives, experiences, and achievements.
      - Engage with different audiences and communities, such as youth, women, minorities, activists, etc., to build bridges of understanding and solidarity.
      - Highlight your commonalities and similarities with other people, such as emotions, aspirations, values, etc., but also celebrate your differences and uniqueness as mutants.
      - Address any myths, stereotypes, or fears about you in a respectful and rational way, but also challenge any lies, hatred, or violence against you.

      • 5 months ago

        The hero community: This is the last but not least important area, as you have been allies or enemies with different heroes or teams at different times. You have also been respected or rejected by some members of the hero community. Our goal is to create a more stable and harmonious relationship with you that fosters cooperation, trust, and respect. We suggest that you:

        - Reach out to any heroes or teams that you have worked with or fought against in the past and express your gratitude or apology for your interactions.
        - Invite any heroes or teams that you have not met or interacted with before to get to know you better and explore possible collaborations or partnerships.
        - Communicate with any heroes or teams that you have ongoing conflicts or disagreements with and seek resolution or compromise in a constructive way.
        - Support any heroes or teams that share your vision or mission for a better world, but also respect any heroes or teams that have different views or approaches.
        - Recognize your strengths and weaknesses as a team of mutants, but also acknowledge the strengths and weaknesses of other teams of heroes.

        We hope that this PR strategy will help you achieve your goals and improve your situation. We are ready to answer any questions or concerns that you may have. Thank you for your attention.

        I chose a professional tone.

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