Yet another "The Boys" spinoff in the works.

Yet another "The Boys" spinoff in the works.
"'THE BOYS: MEXICO’ is in the works with Blue Beetle writer Gareth Dunnet-Alcocer.

Diego Luna and Gael García Bernal are set to executive produce and are in talks for minor roles in the spin-off."

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  1. 6 months ago


    • 6 months ago

      They're shamelessly becoming mainstream despite having their entire premise being shitting on the mainstream just because its mainstream.

      • 6 months ago

        >They're shamelessly becoming mainstream despite having their entire premise being shitting on the mainstream just because its mainstream.

        Yeah, I'm afraid it'll end up like that. Season 1 was watchable at best. But c'mon, having another spin-off after putting out another is just a dog shit move.

  2. 6 months ago

    Can’t wait for the yellow filter and the drug cartels

    • 6 months ago

      They would be legends if they stopped with the yellow filter
      Its like every researcher they had looking into Mexico had jaundice

      Can't wait for The BoysCU

  3. 6 months ago

    Is season 3 worth watching? I thought season 1 was alright but thought season 2 was godawful and barely finished it.

    • 6 months ago

      If you thought s2 was bad then s3 will be even more unwatchable.
      >More of the same commentary on american politics
      >the status quo remains unchanged and everyone has plot armor because the show has to be milked for another dozen seasons
      >parodies and mocks capeshit yet turning into what it made fun of with zero self awareness
      If GenV is any indication, it's just getting worse with each new installment/spinoff

      • 6 months ago

        I'd say season three's status quo is very different from where season two left off, whenever people b***h about the status quo not changing, what they actually mean is Homelander hasn't died yet but no shit? He's the main draw and center of the show.

        • 6 months ago

          Yeah, s3 kinda felt like a filler season. Certain members of the seven got removed from the team and butcher supposedly only has months to live now. Homelander is the only saving grace of the show and everyone knows it but the way they pretend that he's ever in danger can get annoying on a meta level

          are they doing this on purpose? is it meant to be funny ironic shit because that's exactly what the boys was about? just constantly milking supes to make money, I'm honestly lost on wether this is the higher ups just doing it for money or to be Ironic and "funny"

          Hopefully with cinematic capeshit on the decline, their parodies can die with them. Amazon is desperate to turn the series into a franchise though

    • 6 months ago

      If you thought s2 was bad then s3 will be even more unwatchable.
      >More of the same commentary on american politics
      >the status quo remains unchanged and everyone has plot armor because the show has to be milked for another dozen seasons
      >parodies and mocks capeshit yet turning into what it made fun of with zero self awareness
      If GenV is any indication, it's just getting worse with each new installment/spinoff

      It's also fallen into the category of "try hard" edginess. The word "frick" was said 474 times in Season 3, just because they could. Let's not get started with the guy traveling into someone's pee hole and exploding inside of his prostate.
      Each season and Gen V just finds new ways to be shocking in a way a middle schooler would write it, instead of utilizing the lack of restrictions to tell better stories.
      It's all about being edgy to shock normies so they'll talk about it. Everyone here has seen far worse already, many at young ages.

      • 6 months ago

        Yeah, the first season did a good job filtering out a lot of the juvenile edginess of the comic but latest season and the spinoff has so much "ha ha penises and penis explode" in it that you feel like you're watching a script made by a 13yr old but when you realize this has seth Rogen's stink all over it, the penis obsession starts to make a little more sense

  4. 6 months ago

    are they doing this on purpose? is it meant to be funny ironic shit because that's exactly what the boys was about? just constantly milking supes to make money, I'm honestly lost on wether this is the higher ups just doing it for money or to be Ironic and "funny"

    • 6 months ago

      Don't underestimate corporate greed/stupidity/lack of self-awareness.

    • 6 months ago

      Once again proven correct.

    • 6 months ago

      They'll say it's ironic but it's just for money. Ironic is the ultimate safety word in 2023.
      It was designed from the start to be a facade of counter culture in disquize, even though this era is all about deconstruction of whats popular anyway. That's especially what Seth Rogen's all about. At least they were more subtle about it earlier, the second they could reap the benefits of being popular, they took it in a heartbeat, and that was the plan all along.

  5. 6 months ago

    It's genuinely embarrassing what's happened to this show.
    Season 1 was pretty good, then Amazon saw it was their only real big streaming success so they immediately started to draw out the storylines, pad out the plot, and comission a whole bunch of spinoffs. It's exactly the sort of thing that all the Vought and Seven stuff in the show is making fun of.

    • 6 months ago

      I'm convinced they did the "my wife's son" because they got some reddit gay who reads r/Cinemaphile to make the jokes an to "totally own the right wing evil Cinemaphileners"
      I genuinely don't know why they made it that she survived the birth.

      • 6 months ago

        Yeah, Season 1 is a pretty good adaptation right up until that final scene where it's revealed she's alive. Then the subsequent seasons just got immediately worse as an adaptation, and also got a lot dumber.
        >Becky is revealed to be alive at the end of S1
        >this means she went along with the whole superrape/superrapebaby thing more or less willingly
        >this also means that Butcher now has no motivation to hate supes other than "he just does"
        >now the story is also saddled with the rapebaby having lived too
        >and then Becky dies at the end of S2 anyways so what was the point of it all?

        • 6 months ago

          reminder that after that reveal garth ennis wrote dear becky for the actual comic fans because even he thought it was fricking moronic

          • 6 months ago

            That's because Ennis actually knows what the emotional/moral core of his own story is, and was able to write Dear Becky as a miniseries to reinforce that, no matter how superficially trashy his trademark gore and edge is. Amazon's show, meanwhile, clearly have no idea what the point of adapting The Boys was in the first place and have done their version so differently that there's no real chance they'd ever be able to adapt the parts and character work that made the comic at all worth adapting in the first place.

            • 6 months ago

              yeah I agree 100 percent. I'm curious how they are going to frick it up next.
              the only change I think worked was hughie being an American but other than that its "diabolically" bad

              • 6 months ago

                Honestly though, if you'd have asked me after Season 1 had just come out, I've had said that the show was a great adaptation. They knocked some of the worst parts of the comics right out, such as speeding through the awful "Hughie and Annie don't know who each other really are" subplot the comics did, making the Seven into actual characters, and jumping right to the Boys going up against the Seven. But then from S2 onwards, all my goodwill towards the show just evaporated as it began to drag itself out, add its own filler arcs, bring it's unsubtle politics front and centre, make bad changes to the story and characters for no real reason, and so on. So now it's just a shit yet unjustifiably popular adaptation of a comic that was already rather flawed to begin with (and I say that as someone who actually likes the comic, too)

              • 6 months ago

                Well ofc it's a bad adaption, they fricking ruined the whole Gmen school thing by making whatever that female riverdale melodrama was. didn't even have the FRICKING BOYS, THE MAIN CHARACTERS. I need to lie down I always forget how much I hate tv these days.

      • 6 months ago

        You give them too much credit, they most did it because their "edgy" corporate show can't handle rape or having Butch killing a fetus on his backstory

    • 6 months ago

      >netflix makes a reality show squid game show
      >amazon makes a show about shitty superhero franchises into their own shitty superhero franchise
      The lack of self awareness from tgese corporations is kinda funny.

  6. 6 months ago

    Just watched Disney kill the MCU and Star Wars via over saturating the market. And what's the first thought that goes through their head?

    • 6 months ago

      They are high on their own farts and likely know that capeshit is a sinking ship but it's still profitable at the moment. Sure, doing superhero media will make them hemorrhage money in the future but right now it can keep printing money before they start to see deficits

      • 6 months ago

        I get it, but still I'm just amazed at how bad these people are at managing any success they come across. It's so predictable and so easy to avoid, yet it happens constantly. Makes me wonder how in the frick they were ever promoted to the point where they can make these sorts of decisions in the first place.

        • 6 months ago

          >Makes me wonder how in the frick they were ever promoted
          It's called failing upwards

        • 6 months ago

          You have to remember that people in charge in Hollywood usually live in a bubble and surrounded by yes-men

    • 6 months ago

      Is it really oversaturation? The Boys puts out 8 episodes and then disappears for 2 years. Having another show to fill that gap is very different than Disney Plus' MCU show every single week approach.

      • 6 months ago

        The episodes are around 55 minutes, and a typical episode of most series is 22. Each episode technically 2 1/2 episodes and with a season of 8 that makes it the length of 20 episodes per season.
        If Gen V still goes on by the time this spinoff starts, that's 60 episodes per year and knowing this series there will be more to come.
        It's absolutely oversaturation.

  7. 6 months ago

    >The boys comic
    extremly edgy to the point of it just being stupid but at least it parody super heroes
    >the boys show
    pretends to be edgy and doesn't really poke fun of heroes more just celebrities
    the boys was a perfect show to make mocking the mcu and dceu and they decided to make it about american celebrities

  8. 6 months ago

    Garth Ennis..

  9. 6 months ago

    The only decent things that came out of The Boys are "I'm Your Pusher" and "One Plus One Equals Two" in The Boys Diabolical.

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