you are in charge of writing the next Captain America movie with Sam Wilson at the head. How do you make it good?

you are in charge of writing the next Captain America movie with Sam Wilson at the head

How do you make it good?

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  1. 2 years ago

    have him fight a clone of Steve that becomes Captain Hydra

    • 2 years ago

      i actually think there should be as little steve in this movie as possible. don't tear him down to build sam up. let sam prove himself in his own way.

      • 2 years ago

        Give him a couple moments were at most he thinks about/flashbacks to Cap thinking "what would Cap do?" Keep Sam inspired by the original Cap, but learn to do things in his own way by the end.

  2. 2 years ago

    Nope, I make it about race instead.

  3. 2 years ago

    Unironically I'd have a bunch of white chuds with racist signs and screaming that he's not Captain America, and then he ends up saving them and they stop being racists.

    • 2 years ago

      Nice try, rabbi.

    • 2 years ago

      Wow. Powerful.

    • 2 years ago

      One of the racist chuds falls in love with him and Sam politely declines, which drives him to become evil and kill people, thus creating the new supervillain "Lethal homosexual"

      • 2 years ago

        He tries to go after Sam's friends like Spider-Man and Ant Man. He calls himself the Bug Chaser.

    • 2 years ago

      Not woke enough. They would die, either from stupidity or their evil actions.

    • 2 years ago

      I think it'd more realistically end with him saving them, and them just sort of walking off being bitter and him giving a sarcastic "You're welcome!"

  4. 2 years ago

    I make a normal superhero movie that happens to have a black protagonist, like they mostly were before the 2010s, and not a we wuz BLM fest with twitter-tier dialogue

    • 2 years ago

      Was Captain+Winter Soldier filled with a bunch of racebait?

      • 2 years ago

        A cop draws on Sam like he's a common Black person, and ends with Sam in full costume chimping out on some white senators.

        • 2 years ago

          The cop scene was so ridiculous that I was in disbelief.

      • 2 years ago

        the first 2 and last episode absolutely was.

      • 2 years ago

        It has one of the worst scenes ever.
        >"Sure I was literally enslaved by super nazis, had my arm ripped off, brainwashed into becoming an assassin that murdered countless innocent people over many years while remembering every single death and wanting to die myself.... but I have no idea what it's like being a middle-class black person in an era where you are practically worshiped by those in power so you should be the new Cap."

    • 2 years ago

      >I make a normal superhero movie that happens to have a black protagonist, like they mostly were before the 2010s, and not a we wuz BLM fest with twitter-tier dialogue

      Netflix Luke Cage took a street level black hero and turned him into some preachy, corny lame

  5. 2 years ago

    Make him frick Sharon Carter and Jane Foster

  6. 2 years ago

    have it lead into the introduction of mutants

  7. 2 years ago

    Sam, Bucky and John Walker team up to fight that one extremist superhuman american from the comics who I forgot the name of, and become best buddies while punching racists.

  8. 2 years ago

    >How do you make it good?
    Leave Sam out of it

    Make it about Steve fighting the Red Guardian in the 80's instead

  9. 2 years ago

    I’d try my hand at adapting the Mad Bomb story.
    Also have more scenes of him rescuing people than just going on “beat up the bad guy” missions.

    • 2 years ago

      Same. That plot was supposed to be Cap 3 before they made Civil War. Which should have been an Avengers movie.

  10. 2 years ago

    Open with fight vs kkk drug dealers. Then get in trouble with shield when no drugs found. His informant dies and he gets led into bigger conspiracy as tracks down what happens.

  11. 2 years ago

    I'm going to introduce Doom

    have him kill someone important too. like bucky or sharon. possibly both. really establish him as a threat. have him be to Sam what Wanda was to Strange in MoM, except it should go over easier because everyone loves Doom.

    • 2 years ago

      Checked and Doompilled. Honestly just have Doom kill everyone in the current MCU and bring in the fantastic 4/ X-Men. Also cast Nic Cage as Doom for instant KINOOOOOO

    • 2 years ago

      make it a Deathlok movie instead. Deathlok attracts attention (the 4 part miniseries story), Nick Fury goes a step further than the comic and not only notices Deathlok is one of the good guys, but sends Wilson to help him.

      only introduce Doom at the end, as a cliffhanger for the next movie so he can be the villain next

  12. 2 years ago

    sam dies in the first second of the movie. Bucky takes over the mantle

  13. 2 years ago

    Make the villain Chinese.

  14. 2 years ago

    He fights a terrorist modeled after LTG but Chinese. The members of the organization are paid off and required to make music for the leader because he’s a dick.

    • 2 years ago

      What if you just make LTG the villain

  15. 2 years ago

    >Sam begrudgingly accepted as Captain America but Army is annoyed he wasn't their choice
    >Cap reverts to being entirely ceremonial, can't afford a third public frick-up with the shield
    >He wants to investigate the Serpent Society but shot down repeatedly because it's the CIA's new project run by Sharon Carter to keep track of powers and weapons--which she's still making a profit from.
    >Sin becomes public leader of Serpent Society
    >the next generation of Cap and Red Skull battle as Zemo is approached to bring the type of justice, like lightning, he would see in the world

  16. 2 years ago

    Scrap it and make a Falcon movie instead
    Why aren't Anthony Mackie protesting? I thought he hated tokenism like this?

    • 2 years ago

      >Why aren't Anthony Mackie protesting? I thought he hated tokenism like this?

  17. 2 years ago

    He steps outside and gets gunned down by the police. The rest of the movie is a clinical procedural following the fallout from the event. The trials of the officers, the public outcry, political ramifications, etc. It ends with the new Captain America being hispanic and no one really noticing or caring as they just go buy Batman comics.

  18. 2 years ago

    What was the last decent Cap comic run? Remender?

  19. 2 years ago

    Frick the spy/political thriller angle, frick fighting terrorists and government splinter cells, let's just go full cosmic and have Galactus show up

    • 2 years ago

      now what the frick is falcap supposed to do against galactus

      • 2 years ago

        Tell him he needs to do better.

      • 2 years ago

        fly up into his anus and shout "HELLO BOYS, I'M BAAAACCCCKKKKK"

      • 2 years ago

        How do they normally get rid of him? (without having him job I mean)

  20. 2 years ago

    We re-release RRR as Captain America 4. There.

  21. 2 years ago

    Cap vs. The Thunderbolts and we learn what Val's big plan is

  22. 2 years ago

    More explicitly leftist politics that critique Americas right wing two-party system and its complacency in the deaths of thousands by starvation, shooting and disease while a rich upper class profits.

    • 2 years ago

      >right wing two party system.
      You'll just say anything to not admit the systems on your side, won't you.

      • 2 years ago

        If the system was on my side your filthy fly over state would’ve been flooded by now.

  23. 2 years ago

    He stumbles into a government conspiracy and must use his psychic bird powers to help uncover the truth and work to expose it, while being hunted by agents of the shadowy cabal behind everything.

  24. 2 years ago

    Unfortunately, they've done all of Caps major rogues except for maybe MODOK.

    I would continue the trend of making these movies pseudo-Tom Clancy political intrigue movies.

    Opening scene is set in the past, when Sam and his air-force team are asked with flying the experimental wings that they eventually retrieve in Captain America: Winter Soldier. They run a successful mission, but not without casualties. In the end, despite success, the project is deemed a failure, and Sam and crew are left wondering what their teammates died for.

    Flash forward to present: serum that was used in FATWS is all but destroyed.

    He and Bucky are on a mission away from home and find one of the Flag Smashers was captured and dissected.

    It's clear that the serum getting into the hands of a couple of anti-government radicals has only emboldened the world governments to double-down and come up with a variety of strange and innovative super soldier programs.

    And so the real villain isn't any one government or bad guy, but a growing threat of a 2nd generation of super soldiers, and the human suffering such programs cause on soldiers.

    He is, after all, a PTSD coach, and he knows what its like to deal with governments use and abuse.

    • 2 years ago

      At some point, they take down Nuke, who has become a pill chewing Soldier of Fortune. The dudes good and for a while he is able to get the better of Sam and Bucky, his achilles heel is that he soon becomes broken and unhinged. Sam tries to talk him out of it down. Bucky empathizes, but thinks Sam id being an idiot. Two broken soldiers, Bucky and Nuke are in a hair trigger situation, and left of the Winter Soldier in Bucky kills with the efficiency of muscle memory. In Nukes dead eyes, Bucky sees himself - just another dime a dozen plaything of a government. He doubts himself all over again, and this is the pain that he lives over and over again with no end, of confidence and relapse. he becomnes so ashamed he couldn't help Nuke.

      Bucky cares about the Steve's legacy, and is still semi-resentful that Sam has the shield, and it shows in the way that he micromanages and criticizes Sam. However, he's still a ball of fricked-up that comes and goes, and he's never ask for the shield because he still feels like a piece of garbage murderer. However, there is a turning point some time in the movie where they fight and this all comes out. They have a Mitchells vs the Machines moment where they learn to overcome it, trust each other and work together, with the result in the third act being that Bucky chooses to be Captain America. But its not that he steals the mantle from Sam - they both choose to begin to operate as a pair of Captain Americas, with Bucky in a varient of his black and chrome outfit. They fight with one shield, with their fighting style resembling playing frisbee/Pong with the one shield.

      • 2 years ago

        Their search to stopping one such super soldier program leads him down a rabbit hole to an operation in the Great White North. Use it as a vehicle to introduce everyone's favorite super canuck, Wolverine a man reborn intro a life of being another broken thing.

        Bad guy CGIU finale happens. Who gives a shit what it is. the important part is:

        It's only by seeing Wolverine and being reminded that he was exactly there at the end of CA2, and seeing where he is now, that Bucky can see the road that lead him there. Bucky feels humbled and hopeful again. The movie ends with the three of them walking off through snow on Alkali Lake, with the promise that they'll help Wolverine get back to something appearing to be a normal man and not just Walking Id.

        • 2 years ago


  25. 2 years ago

    No victim complex. No hotep shit. No terrorists were innocent bullshit. Just a regular spy movie but with superheroes.

  26. 2 years ago

    Pull a play taken from Spider-man: Homecoming. That movie was about Peter Parker as the lead, but Vulture's presence within the film was compelling and commanding, making the villain as memorable as the hero. Same thing happened with the first Batman movie of 1989.

    Sam Wilson gets involved with a gang / crime syndicate that spans numerous states, including his own. While his interest is initially one of pressure being put on the authorities from the press and the stories of the victims, an event happens that really grips his attention and turns it nearly personal. As the plot advances, he is being hit from several sides as to how he should go about assisting an investigation. He reflects on how Steve Rogers would do things, and cuts a middle course blending it with his own experiences and from those close to him.

    Meanwhile, the villain is introduced that has his own motives for being involved with the syndicate. It's Punisher. Frank Castle is given a short but solid lead-in with his past and motives. One or more additional mercenary Marvel villains can be included that the syndicate has hired on for protection, but ultimately the movie is about Sam Wilson as the lead, and Frank Castle being the memorable nemesis that leaves the audience wanting more of both.

    Let's face it - there are MANY folks who wouldn't give a rat's ass about Falcon / Cap movie who WOULD buy a ticket to see Punisher on the big screen. Cater to both.

    • 2 years ago

      luv me Punisher.

  27. 2 years ago

    >The power broker is the main villain
    >Sam sees a terrorist attack happen in some x city, it's done by someone with powers. These are not flagsmashers, they're really powerful beings
    >Sharon contacts him and tells him there's something the goverment has been hiding from him
    >Sam teams up with Bucky, Sharon tells them this are new superbeings with a different DNA, the cia captured one with a lesser power and did experiments on them
    >Sam remembers Carly and tells Bucky a plan to free this guy
    >New attacks happen so they have to split out, Bucky goes to save the guy, Sam goes to fight the terrorists
    >Sam cannot deal with them and get overpowered, they revelas their names, they're pyro, avalanche and blob
    >Sam contacts Sharon to see if she can give them information on them, she gives their real names and backstory.
    >Bucky rescues the other mutant, he explains what he is, Angel is his alias, he explains about his mutation. They hide him with Sam's sister
    >Sam and Bucky form a plan to take down the brotherhood of mutants.
    >They're struggling, but Angel watches that on TV and goes to their rescue.
    >The brotherhood is about to be defeated, the thunderbolts appear to help and steal the spotlight from Angel.
    >Media leaks information about the mutants (done by val) and people start being intolerant to them
    >Sam asks Angel to join him, but he refuses. Sam promises he will do anything to prevent the mutant discrimination.
    >Movie ends with an explotion where the brotherhood was, sam and bucky go and see Sharon carter helping them scape, she then turns around and changes form.
    >Post credit scene is Sharon giving weapons and more infor to mistique, telling her that competition has appear (val and the thunderbolts)
    >After credit scene (Modok appears in an old Hydra basement, and being his plan from 0 with all the info left) remember modok is in ant man quantumania

    • 2 years ago

      Ms Marvel was a mistake

  28. 2 years ago

    >How do you make it good?
    Vin Diesel

  29. 2 years ago

    have him fight Nuke whose being led by rogue army conspiracy group
    the twist is Nuke was once a member of his veteran support group

    • 2 years ago

      Jessica Jones used and killed off Nuke in a total waste.

      • 2 years ago

        Is that even technically canon anymore in the MCU? I know they had Daredevil in Spider-Man and Kingpin in Hawkeye, but I heard it was supposed to be alternative versions of Matt Murdock and Fisk, not the Netflix Matt Murdock. I think because they really want to bury Iron Fist, even though I though season two was actually pretty good.

        • 2 years ago

          All the Netflix stuff is on D+ now under the MCU category so I assume so. Even though Kingpin showing up in Hawkeye totally ruins the DD3 ending where Daredevil threatens his wife if he ever leaves prison. So I hope they make it non canon.

  30. 2 years ago

    >Film begins with Michael Morbius and his GF sucking the blood of random people out on the street
    >Steve Rogers is seen leaving a Mcdonalds with a Big Mac meal, he grabs a bunch of fries and shoves them into his mouth
    >He drops the bag when he sees Morbius and Mrs Morbius
    >Rogers makes a break for the nearest car, steals it, and drives off into the corpse-filled streets of New York City
    >Opening title: Captain America and Spiderman Vs. Morbius
    >Intro fades into Sam sleeping in his bed, dreaming about Mario Kart
    >He is awoken by a frantic Steve Rogers
    >Morbius and his goth vampire gf are out sucking the blood of people for no reason
    >Rogers tells Sam to grab Peter Parker and head down to NYC to stop them
    >Wilson jumps from his bed and grabs his Captain America suit
    >Peter is delivering pizzas as usual but is stopped by Sam
    >He nods, dropping the pizza on the customer's doorstep
    >Steve, Sam, and Peter, fully costumed, walk into the streets of NYC to fight Michael Morbius and his big titty goth blood sucking vampire gf
    >They fight, Morbius' gf attempts to suck up an entire building of peoples' blood to become stronger
    >She inflates like Brenda from Slither and is popped by both Steve and Sam's Captain America shields
    >Morbius loudly mourns the death of his vampire woman as he attempts to beat the frick out of Spiderman
    >Morbius is defeated by Spiderman's web string when is tied to the road
    >A bus hits Morbius
    >Morbius dies
    >Movie ends with all of the blood being pumped back into the dead people, they resume their lives
    >Steve, Sam, and Peter celebrate their victories by eating at Buffalo Wild Wings
    >Credits roll
    >Post-credit scene is Professor X hopping out of his floating chair and dancing to Ekse
    >The X-men all watch in fear

  31. 2 years ago

    Bring back Nuke. I don’t care if they killed him off in Jones S2, make him a cyborg. Have him be the muscle for a rogue branch of the army looking to overthrow the government whom they believe has grown compromised in the wake of The Blip. Maybe they’re preying on army vets, promising them new purpose instead new war. This would be a good way to harken back to Sam’s roots as someone who ran the VA support groups and such. You could even have Frank Castle show up to act as a counterpoint to Sam, and they wind up taking on Nuke together.

    • 2 years ago

      i don't know who nuke is but bringing punisher in sounds pretty good

  32. 2 years ago

    >Sam responds to a mass shooting.
    >Is on the backfoot almost immediately because of their advanced weapons.
    >He stops the shooting with some fancy shield work, but most of the terrorists get away.
    >The one that remains is just a kid of just 14. And Black.
    >His weapons: Vibranium. And on his phone, a video manifesto courtesy of Killmonger.
    >A cache of weapons had been smuggled out of Wakanda, and someone out there is trying to make Killmonger's race war a reality.
    >Sam contacts Bucky, who is already investigating after an uncomfortable chat with the dora milaje.
    >With Wakanda undergoing internal instability, they don't go as a group and instead send one lone agent to liaise with Bucky and Sam.
    >Meanwhile, US Agent is also on the case, with a shiny new shield. tracking down the terrorists. He seems to have arrived after they had already vacated the premises, but finds some clues to guide him.
    >While there, he is ambushed by another costumed figure in a full hood, who shoots up some steroids before he attacks, beats Walker up, and steals his shield.
    >Yadda yadda yadda: The Bad Guy is CIA Agent Everett Ross!
    >Except, not. He was just listening to their accusations so he could learn everything they knew, and piece together who the real culprit is. Sharon Carter Who stands to profit from a massive arms deal in addition to selling other secrets, both from the government, the Avengers, and even some corporate secrets from STARK (Armor Wars lead in).
    >Massive fight ensues between the Star Spangled heroes and Sharon's enforcers armed with Extremis and Nanotech repulsors.
    >Sharon herself gets a high powered sniper rifle. Loaded with vibranium bullets.
    >It puts a dent in Sam's shield, nearly takes off Bucky's arm, and when she tries a shot at Walker, her shot is blocked by Eli (Patriot), using Walker's stolen shield.
    >Only the vibranium bullet goes right through it, punching a hole through Eli's body.
    >Cue Super Soldier blood transfusion.

    • 2 years ago

      >Sharon gets away using her own Iron Man Armor.
      >Eli gets patched up, blood transfusion and everything.
      >The weapons are given to the Wakandan agent for transport back home. Meanwhile, she recieves a communication from Okoye.
      >Things have taken a turn for the worst in Wakanda. Turning to Everett Ross, she informs him of the trouble ongoing in her country, and takes him into her transport craft as he was proclaimed the new Regent of Wakanda.

  33. 2 years ago

    I take Captain America back to the Cap actually fighting villains instead of fighting other heroes or spending an entire series shoved into embarrassingly bad SUBTLE social commentary situations. I also never once bring up Sam as black, and go back to his characterization in Winter Soldier. The movie also emphasizes Sam fighting against enemies more powerful than him, which leads to the film showcasing his willpower, military training, and ingenuity.

    >Sam tracks down a group of thugs that have been transporting stolen compounds to unknown locations across the country.
    >Sam trails one cargo and Bucky trails another, who runs into a genetically modified hit man named Cobra hired to protect the cargo. Cobra is a contortionist who can casually alter his body to absorb blows, and has venom themed weapons.
    >Eventually Sam finds out that the shipments are for a scientist named Calvin Zabo, who is trying to create his own solution that would enhance his strength ten fold.
    >Eventually Zabo becomes Hyde and beats Sam to a pulp, mocking him for his lack of powers. However, Sam sees that Hyde can only stay in his super form for a limited time, and Zabo flees when Bucky shows up.
    >In the final showdown Bucky and Sam face off with Hyde, Cobra, and Zabo’s goons who are given enhancements (but due to Zabo’s obsession with strength, doesn’t give them as much formula as himself)
    >Sam, learning from the last fight, manages to outmaneuver Hyde and waits out the time of the serum, then takes Zaby down when he reverts before he can take another shot.
    >Bucky handles the goons and Cobra, who previously got the best of him.

  34. 2 years ago

    Are they gonna use Walker immediately or save hin for Thunderbolts?

  35. 2 years ago

    >Movie opens with Sam as Cap tracking down one of the Serpent Society guys, eventually beating him in his lair
    >White redhead woman has been appointed new head of Department of Damage Control in the aftermath of whatever they did in Ms. Marvel (I haven't watched it). She has her men seize the equipment from the Serpent Society guy and transfer it to her "R&D" division, which Sam finds suspicious, because he figured DODC was supposed to just serve as a glorified lock-up place.
    >He starts digging around.
    >Eventually comes across an old S.H.I.E.L.D. base in the bayous of Louisiana. Here, a back-up of Arnim Zola has been active, working with HYDRA holdouts, all underneath the nose of Sam Wilson.
    >Reveal the new DODC lady is Sin, the daughter of Red Skull, who manages to keep herself young and unaging using a serum synthesized from her father's blood and the blood of Winter Soldier test subjects, created by Zola.
    >Meanwhile, Eli Bradley is having some health issues or some shit, and Isaiah gives him a blood transfusion. We have Patriot now.
    >Finale battle is Sam!Cap, Patriot, and one other street-level MCU hero (could be Scott, could be Rhodey, could be Kate, could be Riri, could be Bucky, could be Moon Knight, just someone to bounce off Sam and Eli) versus Sin and her army of HYDRA loyalists, armed with all sorts of technology in the DODC arsenal, including Kree, Skrull, and Chitauri weaponry; Stark drones; maybe some pumpkin bombs Raimi Goblin left behind; just minor background Easter egg shit you never linger on long enough for it to be obnoxious fan-service, but stuff that can serve as fun moments on later re-watches.
    >Our heroes win, expose Sin, DODC is disbanded as an official, single, sole government branch, as they decide to spread the duties out to ensure no one person can have access to all of those weapons

    • 2 years ago

      >Mid-credit scene: Sharon Carter, appointed to help oversee the dissolution and distribution of DODC duties to other agencies in the public and private sector, meets with prospective buyers for portions of what were formerly DODC's operating zones. The camera cuts to a shot of the table, where we see Wilson Fisk, Justin Hammer, Sonny Burch, and Contessa Valentina Allegra de Fontaine.
      >Post-credit scene: Eli gets a knock on the door. He's expecting Sam, but he opens it to find Kate, Kamala, Riri, and Hulkling, because you just know that's probably gonna be the MCU "Young Avengers".

  36. 2 years ago

    Don't ask me how, at some point Hitler will get decked. I'm thinking in a chase scene while Schunder Song by Die Artze plays in the background.

  37. 2 years ago

    have him die of Black person aids in the first 5 minutes then have Bucky take up the shield and use it to remove bankers around the world for the other 85 minutes.

  38. 2 years ago

    Wilson gets hunted down and lynched by a mob. The real protagonist, a white aryan male, then steps in and arrests the mob for a "murder". Impressed, Bucky asks him to take up the shield and become the new Captain America. He humbly accepts.

    Meanwhile, Wilson's carcass still hangs fron the tree and you see it voiding its bowels and bladder.

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