You are put in charge of creating a movie about Speedrunning (mostly centered around the 2011-2013 era).

You are put in charge of creating a movie about Speedrunning (mostly centered around the 2011-2013 era). You must come up with a title, director, lead actors and story. What do you do?

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  1. 6 months ago

    journey of self discovery where the entire cast learns they are trans together

    in a breakout role, hunter plays every character

  2. 6 months ago

    cast him

    • 6 months ago

      After analyzing this clip im convinced he actually was trying to grab the bottle cap that he dropped under her seat

      • 6 months ago

        Holy shit I actually believe this now. It is so obvious

      • 6 months ago

        Holy frick you are right. The 4chins lied to me...

      • 6 months ago

        Thanks for ruining the fun butthole

      • 6 months ago


      • 6 months ago

        >implying he didn't drop the cap on purpose
        This is not his first chair rodeo

      • 6 months ago

        The bottle cap never leaves the bottle... The full clip shows him pick the chair up and begin stacking tham as he is clearly the Janny

        • 6 months ago

          Forensic analysis indicates the cap is on the bottle the whole time

    • 6 months ago


    • 6 months ago

      Jonah Hill

    • 6 months ago

      >shame me all you want, but ive already won

    • 6 months ago

      I don't believe the sniffing thing

  3. 6 months ago

    Speedrunners: The Movie
    Directed by: Me
    Starring: Idris Elba, Chris Pratt, The Rock
    Story: Guys infiltrate a speedrunning convention to get gamer girl pussy

    • 6 months ago

      >Story: Guys infiltrate a speedrunning convention to get gamer girl pussy
      Plot twist: they're all unwashed trannies

  4. 6 months ago

    "Speedrun", written by Aaron Sorkin and directed by David Fincher, soundtrack by Toby Fox and Atticus Ross. Extremely tense and serious and building up until the big finale; a murder suicide enacted by one of the troons live on AGDQ.

    • 6 months ago

      There's no troons in the speedrunning community circa 2011-2013.

      • 6 months ago

        I'm a Hollywood film producer in this hypothetical so I don't care about the source material.

  5. 6 months ago

    Cast him

  6. 6 months ago

    Most interesting speedrunner?

    • 6 months ago


      • 6 months ago

        reddit humour

    • 6 months ago
  7. 6 months ago

    I would quickly hang myself because I am a troony who spends all day playing some shitty video game over and over again for no worthwhile reason

  8. 6 months ago

    Speed Runner

  9. 6 months ago

    Mine will have nothing but trannies, gays, and minorities because that's all speedrun or give a shit about speedrunning . Netflix will love it.

  10. 6 months ago

    The Split (2023)
    Produced and Directed by: Peter Tolan II
    Starring: Ryan Gosling, Hunter Schaefer, Michael Sigler, special appearance Cosmo Wright as Narcissa
    Synopsis: In 2023, retired speedrunner Yuri Gothsprund (Gosling) tries to recapture his former glory, but soon realizes that the hobby has been overrun by transgenders. He is faced with a choice: Speedrun by himself like a pure autist, or kiss the nails and become an AGDQ troony himself.
    (Runtime 221 min)

  11. 6 months ago

    >Speed Running
    >Directed by Steven Spielberg
    >Starring Judah Lewis and Idris Elba (as the games creator)
    >A young boy with a sick mother is determined to win the speedrunning competition for the newest VR game "Cybertrekking" to win the grand prize of $10,000,000. The only catch? So is everyone else.
    It's revealed at the start that the illness his mother has is incurable but he is in denial and devotes more time to the competition than his mother because he thinks all that money is somehow going to help him cure her. Throughout the movie he learns to accept that what's important is spending as much time with her as possible before she dies rather than the game. Our heroic main character then loses the competition on purpose in order to help out a (female love interest) friend who needs the money more than him for whatever reason.

  12. 6 months ago

    either you're going to make a movie about people sitting in chairs, or you're gonna throw a bunch of movie plot drama into it, at which point it stops being about speedrunning
    go to youtube and watch Summoning Salt (progression of strategies and routing by the community over time for a specific game), tomatoanus (detailed explanations of a specific speedrun), Karl Jobst (news and scandals about speedrunning), and actual speedruns.
    speedrun content is covered

  13. 6 months ago

    The Wizard 2. Same cast all grown up.

  14. 6 months ago

    i'd make it about sgdq 2023. mostly an ensemble cast with vignettes about the different happenings/runs, but the throughline character would be ysg. climax would be siglemic and mike uyama having ysg removed from the stream room during siglemic's sm64 run (which actually happened, you can hear ysg fighting back and saying he does want to go to bed, he wants to stay up and watch the run shortly before it starts)

    alternatively, still do the vignette style but have it be an amalgamation of all the memorable moments from over the years put in the same marathon, including
    >guy gets drunk and curses a lot, gets banned (some other guy got banned for talking about suicide a lot, maybe weave that in)
    >guy talks shit on airline for fricking his flight up and tells people to tweet at them, gets banned
    >mentally challenged audience member holds up ipad with emotes on them, get banned
    >chair sniffer
    >autistic attention prostitute sits in front of audience cam dancing, encourages group of fellow attention prostitutes to join in, he turns out to be a sex pest and gets banned
    >guy does his run and gets pissed that announcer is ESL and pronounces his name wrong over and over. another guy sits behind him on cam and eats 50 chicken nuggets, which runner spergs about. gets banned
    >crowd shouting out annoying shit, so guy steals mic and tells crowd to jump in front of a bus, gets banned
    >the entire stiv cucking saga
    >high profile runner has his highly anticipated run ruined by another guy talking over him the entire time

  15. 6 months ago

    Title: Bullshit No Sane Person Cares About
    Plot: A speedrunner falls into deep despair after failing a world record, starts doing drugs, kills someone, goes to jail, is redeemed, gets out, and goes for the record only to fail again but this time he takes it in stride.
    The gimmick: The movie is 2 hours long but sped up so you watch it in 3 seconds.

  16. 6 months ago

    2 Fast 2 troon.
    Its about 2 rival speedrunners that continue to grind to perfect their game and find shortcuts in the game but halfway through one of them loses his clothes in a freak acident and all he had around to cover himself was his mother's dress. When wearing it he realized it felt so natural and that he was always a woman. His rival sees him troon out and takes it as a challenge and tries to pass as a woman faster than troon1.
    I don't have an ending.

    • 6 months ago
  17. 6 months ago

    Speed-Run! directed by David Fincher, starring Timothee Chalamet and Isabelle Fuhrman
    in the 2010s, high school nerd Danny Trunak watches the track team athletes with envy. Why cant he be a athlete instead of a weirdo? “I wish i could run like them, maybe then id have a girlfriend” he sighs. “dont worry” says his nerd friend. “we dont peak in high school, we got the whole rest of our lives to be men! those athletes wont run so fast one day, but a real man is forever”. “yeah i guess youre right bro” Danny sighs. “those athletes are just speedrunning through life”. we get a montage of Danny in school looking confused as athletes keep stealing girls he likes. finally he graduates and does nothing but play video games with his nerd friends but even they start getting girlfriends while Danny just sits there playing games all day. after another montage, he is alone playing games and trying to meet girls online. finally he decides to start a channel online to stream his games and starts getting fans online but is all alone in real life. “you can speedrun games all you want Danny, but dont speedrun your life away” his wise dad says, but then his dad dies of a heart attack and Danny didnt save him since he was busy gaming. heartbroken, Danny stops gaming and does nothing but sit around all day. he lives all alone until one day a homeless woman shows up at his door, she says her name is Kayla and she was a fan of his streaming channel. “can you make me famous too?” Kayla asks, needing the money. she offers to be Dannys girlfriend if he helps her make a gaming channel, but she doesnt know anything about gaming, so Danny will play the game off screen while she will be the face of speedrunning. Danny refuses at first but finally agrees wanting a gf that badly. Kayla streams and acts cute while Danny plays and soon the channel becomes the most popular speedrunning channel in the world... (to be continued)

    • 6 months ago

      Kayla becomes super popular and starts a local gaming group for speedrunners but Danny gets jealous that everyone wants to see her and not him and suspects her of cheating on him with hot gamer bros, who dont seem to notice him. after the group meeting at his apartment, Danny threatens to quit unless she admits hes the only actual gamer. Danny gets mad and storms out and gets in his car, trying to prove his manliness by irl speedrunning and going past the speed limit, crashing his car and blacking out. he wakes up in his apartment and Kayla tells him he was in a coma and now it is much later, and his apartment is still being used for the gamers, who are now mostly women and not men. “what happened to the gaming club?” Danny demands. “they are the gaming club” Kayla says. “but they were men before! girls like you cant play games without me!” Danny shouts. “they are transgenders now” Kayla reveals with a huge grin. Danny screams to get those trannies out of his apartment, but she just laughs. Danny storms out and tries to find his old gaming club from high school, but he cant find their names online- only girl names come up. Danny sighs and sits down on a bench next to a river. suddenly a young nerdy boy in a hoodie sits next to him. “Im such a big fan!” he says. “i love your gaming channel!”. for the first time in ages, Danny is happy. “can i have your autograph?” the boy asks. “Sure, what should i sign it as”. “To Ash…” says the boy. “Love, Kayla”. “KAYLA???” Danny screams. “No, i cant stand that b***h!”. Ash laughs. “But you ARE Kayla, silly! You have been for years!” Danny screams and looks into the river. He is a troony! TO BE CONTINUED

      • 6 months ago

        Danny confronts Kayla. “you trooned me out!” he screams. “you made everyone think im you!”. “No hehehe” says Kayla. “im you. all this time in video games, you played a girl character. i am that character, your troony tulpa created through your mental illness. the you you want to be. i have control most times these days” she smiles. “dont you see, this is the only way to save nerds like us!” she smiles. Danny runs to the doctor to try and get some psych meds. “but youre already on estradiol and spironolactone!” the doctor reveals. Kaylas plan is to transition every single gamer nerd. Danny knows that the only way to feel love as a gamer is to be a troony but he wont let Kayla ruin other young mens lives. he decides to end his life to destroy Kayla, but when he tries to do it, he hears his dads voice telling him to go on. in order to escape, Kayla runs, taking control of Dannys body fully. She runs down the street, and finally crashing a womans sports event. speed running through the sports event, Kayla and Danny run into the star track team athlete from the beginning of the film… now a troony too! “hey Kayla! im a big fan of your channel” the athlete says. “remember me from high school?” “i guess they trooned you too” Danny sighs. “yep, alpha men or beta men, it didn’t matter in the end, gender dysphoria got us either way” says the athlete. “don’t do it! don’t throw your life away!!! you are a chad! you could have had any girl!” . the Chad sighs and decides to detroon after all. “i couldnt save all the gamer guys, my fans and trans from this” says Danny. “but at least i saved you… now, go… get a girlfriend like i know you can”. “theres only one girl i want” says the Chad. “her name is Kayla Trunak.”. Danny and the Chad kiss, and Danny finally gives in to Kayla. “im sorry dad” he sighs. "i couldnt make you proud". "i mean you were already a gamer" says his dads voice. THE END

    • 6 months ago

      oh yea and another thing his dad says before he dies is "with video games, you can play the same game over and over. but in real life, you only got one shot to make it right, son" and those are his last words before the heart attack

  18. 6 months ago


  19. 6 months ago

    Speedrun: Speedrunners: The Speediest: TikTok edit
    Director: George Lucas
    Starring: Jonathan Taylor Thomas, Jaden Smith, Harrison Ford
    The characters sit on a green screen couch speedrunning while they're superimposed into the corner of Attack of the Clones for its full runtime

  20. 6 months ago

    transitioning any%, all glitches

  21. 6 months ago

    >Speed Runner
    >A troon falls deeper into psychosis while playing the same game over and over and over until it kills itself
    Basically picture Run Lola Run but as a horror movie. Every time the day begins, it becomes more and more psychotically twisted until the end.

    • 6 months ago

      🙁 that sounds sad

  22. 6 months ago

    Nice try goose

    • 6 months ago

      ryan gosling would be pretty good as a speedrunner

  23. 6 months ago

    Vince Vaughn as RWhiteGoose

  24. 6 months ago

    cast them

    • 6 months ago


    • 6 months ago

      this is what I'd focus it on. A psychological thriller directed by Aronofsky focusing on Chibi's harrowing downward spiral after the iwrpiywbq incident. I don't actually know anything about young male actors to cast it but if it was ages ago I'd cast Michael Cera as chibi and Pattinson as caveman

  25. 6 months ago

    The Life and Journey of Narcissa Wright: The Speeding Train

  26. 6 months ago

    Fincher ala social network. Oneohtrix Point Never OST. title could be
    >Barrier Skip
    or something along those lines. Story should explore someone who gets WRs but it should more focus on finding exploits, learning about the technical side of the game and figuring out how to break it because this is a way more compelling side of speedrunning than just beating times. I am too much of a boomer to know who the lead actor should be.

  27. 6 months ago

    Seth Rogan
    Joysticks (the poster will have two joysticks that remind you of two wieners sword fighting)
    >Lead actor
    Seth Rogan (obviously), and Elizabeth Banks will be the 1337 qt who he meets and she knows more about games than him but he has an ego and they frick

  28. 6 months ago

    >Speed Bummers
    It's actually a film about gay guys having sex while high on methamphetamines.

  29. 6 months ago

    Will there be any dilation stations on the movie?

    • 6 months ago

      Funny but it's fake.

    • 6 months ago

      In order to become the fastest, you have to become a woman. Truly women are the superior gender.

  30. 6 months ago

    This entire thread is moronic. OP specified years for a reason. Speedrunning didn't used to be about troons and in fact even now this perception is exaggerated just because GDQ is run by troons. Look at ESA or anything similar and the amount of troons involved is startlingly lower. Regardless this is set prior to the lonely nerd to troon outbreak that has shattered nerd culture for the last decade.

    • 6 months ago

      >just because GDQ is run by troons.
      There was one (protomagicalgirl) that was in charge for two events five years ago and has long since been fired. Not only that, proto claims to have multiple personalities now, several of which are male. Similarly cosmo hasn't done any streaming in years and the few transtrenders in the community (claris, etc) are fading into obscurity everywhere but Cinemaphile. People here need to move on from the speedtrans panic. The reality is GDQ sucks now because the event sucks corporate wiener

      • 6 months ago

        Speedrunning in general sucks since it's become more about clout than just about runs. Twitch was a blessing and a curse.

  31. 6 months ago

    I would cast Elliot Page as a MTF autistic speedrunner
    I better win some award for the first FTMTF casting in cinema history

  32. 6 months ago

    You guys know nothing about speedrunning outside of
    >trannies xD
    Which wasn't even true in 2011-2013. This thread blows.

    • 6 months ago

      to be fair Cinemaphile makes every thread about trannies eventually

  33. 6 months ago

    take the money and blow it on degen crapto and options trading. money better spent.

  34. 6 months ago

    >Can you stop?

  35. 6 months ago

    >spend all the money on bitcoin
    >make a movie that just displays "le end"
    >speedrun movie goes viral

  36. 6 months ago

    cast him

    • 6 months ago

      Paul Dano, obviously

  37. 6 months ago

    Outside the 2011/13 era it 100% has to be Narcissa Wright and the descent into mental illness.

    Director: David Lynch
    Cast: Hunter Schafer as both Cosmo Wright and Narcissa Wright.
    Sydney Sweeney as Cosmos GF Adrian
    Andrew Garfield as John Numbers

    The film picks up right before the 2015 Nintendo World Championships final. Cosmo is in his room with Adrian. Hes anxious and struggling to calm down. Adrian leaves for the hotel bar and eventually starts flirting with a man at the bar. Cosmo starts meditating and eventually falls asleep. Adrian kisses the man at the bar and leaves. At the final Cosmo gets absolutely buttblasted by John Numbers. After Cosmo is sat crying in his room, Adrian tries to console him but they argue and Adrian leaves. In the room Cosmo tries on some of Adrians clothes and hallucinates John Numbers buttfricking him. Aroused and confused he changes and showers then goes for food. After a time skip it shows Cosmo dressing up in Adrians clothes more and consuming ever greater quantities of onions while speedrunning, eventually Cosmo comes out to Adrian. Adrian says she isnt gay and leaves, a car with a man arrives and collects her. Cosmo cries again and once again hallucinates John Numbers this time pouring out a large glass of onions and tells Cosmo its time to take his medicine. Cosmo downs the glass and spends the day dressing in Adrians clothes and talking to John about how it feels to be world champion. Fast forward again and Cosmo spends most of the day speedrunning and consuming onions. Outside of this time he watches porn and dresses up in womens clothes more and more. Finally Cosmo decides to become Narcissa. After an exceptionally long night of onions and speedrunning Narcissa falls asleep at the his desk and dreams himself as Link being chases by Ganon (John Numbers) before Ganon catches Link and proceeds to frick him. Narcissa wakes up confused. The film ends with Narcissa staring into the mirror looking ill.

  38. 6 months ago

    I miss Blue Glass

  39. 6 months ago
  40. 6 months ago

    All I know is what I want the plot to be.

    • 6 months ago


    • 6 months ago


      just KEK my shit up

  41. 6 months ago

    The Last Speedrunner
    directed by Rob Reiner
    Starring unknowns except for the speedrunner
    our film features a lonely guy, Martin, addicted to video games shows his speedrunning skills to his new girlfriend, Chloe who is a extremely bored cute tiktok influencer who matched with him for some reason. "ewwww no one does that anymore" Chloe says. "Yeah, it may seem boring now" says Martin. "but back in the day, speedrunning was awesome. and the greatest of them all was SpeedyBro92". the film transitions (get it haha? y'all know where this is going) into Martin's epic fantasy retelling of SpeedyBro92's video game adventures, but treating the games like real life and his competition with other speedrunners as he constantly switches games and genres but sometimes replays them to stay alive. SpeedyBro92 struggles to find his purpose, with his motto "I may be a loser in real life, but on the internet, im the winner and youre the losers!". hes played by like Brad Pitt or something in the retelling so it sounds better but the whole time Chloe is just bored as Martin narrates, anyway the story gets more and more dramatic but eventually Speedy defeats his enemies and becomes the last speedrunner in a star wars parody. "so what happened to him after that?" Chloe asks, really bored now. "he just vanished from the internet" Martin says sadly. "but his legacy survives in his streams, speedy as they were". "okay whatever, wanna have sex?" Chloe asks. "Yup, it's about time i lost the old virginity" Martin jokes. "now thats speedrunning i can get behind". they begin to have sex, but then Martin screams and tells Chloe to get out. "YOU'RE A troony!!!!" Martin shouts. "I may be a troony, but on the internet, im SpeedyGirl92" says Chloe. "i stopped streaming when i trooned out, but i matched with you because you were a big fan. i wanted to see just how big a fan you really were. but if you dont love me as a troony, you never loved me at all". "NOOOOO!" Martin screams. The End

    • 6 months ago

      also the tagline is "He Speedrunned games but he Sure as Hell didnt speedrun Virginity"

  42. 6 months ago

    The year is 2200, the AI has taken over the world and is about to kill all humans. But humans say that they will fight for their lives in a game of AI's choosing. AI agrees and picks a console game from the 90s, thinking humans of 2200 could not know. Humans send a group (including a girl love interest, a tough guy with a soft heart, a woman scientist/tech expert who at first hates the tough guy but ends up falling in love at the end, and comedy relief) on a quest to find someone who has heard of the game and console, let alone played it.

    They find a loner, anti-social guy calling himself The Wiz, an eccentric gamer, who proves to be tougher to convince not to let the human race die than they expected. After adventures and ups and downs group learns that humans aren't skin deep, The Wiz learns that multiplayer games are also ok and it's sometimes good to have a Player 2, and we all learn something about humanity.

    The Wiz then plays against the AI, and loses. "Frick." he says. The screen goes black and text appears: GAME OVER

    >The Wiz, coming summer 2024 to a theatre near you.

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