You did this?

You did this Cinemaphile. This is your fault.

Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

Black Rifle Cuck Company, Conservative Humor Shirt $21.68

Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

  1. 8 months ago

    Oh no!

    • 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago


  2. 8 months ago

    Making Disney successful again would be the easiest thing to do, they just refuse to do it.

    • 8 months ago

      yep, what this klke is actually trying to do, is make people consume poorly made, extremely woke, anti-white goyslop.

      Even most non-whites prefer pro-white well made art over goyslop, especially because despite all the attempts by the hook-noses to paint white people as ugly, stupid and inferior to them, they still want to be better than themselves, and thats by imagining themselves being white.

      • 8 months ago

        >it was le israelites!
        Back to your containment board, /misc/cel

        • 8 months ago

          have a nice day israelite worshiper

        • 8 months ago

          it was them tho. it always is

        • 8 months ago

          dont look up bob iger early life anon

        • 8 months ago
          • 8 months ago

            So why did everything continue to get worse after 2018 then?

            • 8 months ago

              because its a very clever system of scams, like everything they make

            • 8 months ago

              >So why did everything continue to get worse after 2018 then?
              It's funny how your post implies that the only involvement israelites have with the US economy is being the head of the Federal Reserve.

              • 8 months ago

                >the head of the Federal Reserve
                I don't claim to know how it all works but doesn't this position basically manage the us economy? That has gotten worse since 2018.

              • 8 months ago

                surprised to see people on this site still unaware about the tyranny of ~~*central banking*~~.

                feel free to get started with this american-centric newbies guide to globalism.

              • 8 months ago

                buy an ad homosexual

        • 8 months ago

          It really always is israelites, literally every time

        • 8 months ago

          It is the israelites.

          • 8 months ago

            It's wild how official these charts look, really makes you wonder who is behind this stuff and why they'd want to make people hate israelites?

            • 8 months ago

              So what part of it do you disagree with?

              • 8 months ago

                It's not about opinion it's about how professionally done it looks and what it's reason is. It looks straight out of Newsweek or the Economist, it looks like it cites sources and most importantly they're sources that people have heard of.
                I don't think 40% of the Screen Actors Guild is israeli let alone 75% of Oscar winners for acting but I'm also too lazy to actually look that up, it just seems suspiciously high to me.

              • 8 months ago

                So your too lazy to check any of it, but believe it to be false. THEN decided to comment on it based on literally nothing but your feelings. Thanks for the input on your own ignorance and laziness anon

              • 8 months ago

                Enjoy crying all over your statistics statistic**t.

              • 8 months ago

                >it hurts my feefees so it's wrong!
                average disney supporter

        • 8 months ago

          Despite making up only 1% of the population, israelites make up 100% of Hollywood Chairmen and CEOs.

          Literal nepotistic ethnonarcissism.

          • 8 months ago

            >Despite making up only 1% of the population, israelites make up 100% of Hollywood Chairmen and CEOs.
            Yeah but it's always been like this. Something else has changed

        • 8 months ago

          Iger is literally israeli. So was Eisner. Easy to tell by the name, but good goys like you don't notice, or often israelites will change their name just in case. I'm unfamiliar with their other ceos but its a safe bet they also were israeli.

          • 8 months ago

            So what is the issue with them being israeli? What does there being a lot of israelites in Hollywood mean?

        • 8 months ago

          it's a shame you don't like psy-trance

        • 8 months ago

          but it unironically always is a israelite

        • 8 months ago

          all of Cinemaphile except for /lgbt/ is "/pol", frick off to r*ddit/your troony groomer discord you crawled out of, homosexual.

          • 8 months ago

            you're never going to go back to where you belong, reddit, are you

    • 8 months ago

      So what's the secret?

      • 8 months ago

        stop basing product on market research

        • 8 months ago

          This. I have no idea how both HR and market research people have jobs. They just make everything worse.

        • 8 months ago

          No, the exact opposite.
          Base your product on market research and not on a few morons screaming on twitter.
          Know your fricking audience.

          • 8 months ago

            watch any advertisement and tell me its not focus tested into the floor

      • 8 months ago

        Corporate/HR meddling is ruining everything. Rogue One could have been an awesome movie but the suits thought it was too dark and gritty and Frankensteined it into being more safe. Then you have Andor which Tony Gilroy admitted Lucasfilm practically forgot about and he was able to make what he wanted without any meddling and it ended up being a good show.

      • 8 months ago

        Kill all plans for live-action remakes of animated classics with race-swapped protags, gut HR, fire any and all DEI officers. Make the activists infesting the corporation feel like they're on thin ice at all times. Stop using Twitter for market research.

      • 8 months ago

        Don't design entertainment with ESG as priority 1 to force behaviour change on people

        It's instantly divisive

      • 8 months ago

        Hire good writers instead of hiring shitty nepo writers and forcing them to write whatever focus-testing says is hot right now in a generic formulaic script

        • 8 months ago

          You’re close to the issue. Test marketing and focus groups are the issue and only shitty writers would have no problem catering to them.

          • 8 months ago

            Focus testing isn't inherently necessarily a problem.
            For example, if audiences really started loving space again and companies used this knowledge to make a string of space films then that would satisfy general audience desire, make a healthy profit, and wouldn't restrict creativity.
            You have to look at it through the lens of realising they need to be profitable. So if audience demand isn't there, you can't expect studios to make a 3 hour epic blockbuster about Horatio Hornblower, for example.
            But the problem is that they use it badly (by asking dumb questions and drawing the wrong lessons from the answers) and give these concepts to terrible writers who can only regurgitate the same formulaic scripts we've seen a thousand times before. So the audience gets really bored because there's only so much of "the same but different" you can take before you realise it's "the same but worse".
            Take a dumb pixar film like Elemental. It's just Romeo & Juliet with some mess about elements existing and wasted potential and immigrant parents. Literally nothing new.
            Imagine if instead it was more like Avatar (the Last Airbender) where we got to see the actual differences between the cultures? Instead of just aping actual social issues and dumbing them down, what if they portrayed social issues with actual depth and didn't assume that their audience was too stupid to understand them?
            Essentially, what if they had actually made a world that felt consistent and like it made sense instead of just taking our world and slapping elements on random things? What if the end result was about the importance of all the elements working together in harmony? What if it questioned what an element even was and explained that to literally any degree? That's the problem with shitty writers, all they can do is regurgitate.

      • 8 months ago

        Copy what South Korea does. Make shows people want to watch. Write good scripts. Cast beautiful women who are feminine. And handsome men who are masculine.

        • 8 months ago

          Cool it with the antisemitic remarks

      • 8 months ago

        Make Princess movies with White Princesses. It ain’t that hard. Frozen made them the big bucks. You could even make Woke movies on the side while making White Princess movies.

        But Disney is too obsessed with sucking off Larry Fink to do the smart thing.

        • 8 months ago

          I think the problem is less that the princesses aren't white and more that the princess stories aren't great.
          Aladdin and Mulan were among the best because they were adopting great stories and they adopted them with fantastic animation and a mixture of cute humor and good story. Tangled was shit and that girl was white as frick cause it's an overdone story with cheap CGI art. The problem is that there's no beauty in just another CGI movie. There's nothing unique, there's nothing artistic. Are they adopting the Arabian Nights or are they redoing Rapunzel for the 2020s?
          Like why is Disney Animation doing a CGI movie when they are also Pixar? Walt's spinning head is powering Disneyland right now.

          • 8 months ago

            We get it, Chang. You hate White people and is jealous that White Princesses are more successful than your brown ones.

            Save your energy when you hatve to damage control Wish when it bombs.

            • 8 months ago

              Actually whiteness is more appealing to browns than whiteness is, in general.

              • 8 months ago

                and a ching chong nip nong to you

          • 8 months ago

            I am accurately stating the fact the white audience moved on from film, before film started trying to be “political.”

            Yeah, it is fun to read things and then pretend they were saying something completely different.

            What white audiences like or dislike in film isn’t a point in contention. The fact is whites moved on from film.

            hey just trip you moronic troony reddit schizo so people can ignore you

            • 8 months ago

              Anon I don’t know why this makes you so mad. The market changed, Disney tried to adapt, failed, got a soft bailout from blackrock, etc.

              • 8 months ago

                Disney literally burned the entire Lucasfilms brand to the ground. What part of that is trying to adapt?

              • 8 months ago

                Chasing hypothetical female audience
                >I don’t understand, they failed, therefor they weren’t trying

              • 8 months ago

                If they wanted to do that then they should've mode some twilight-type stuff.
                The new Star Wars doesn't try to appeal to women and neither does that shitty Willow tv show that got deleted from disney+.

              • 8 months ago

                >Chasing hypothetical female audience
                >>I don’t understand, they failed, therefor they weren’t trying
                That was really stupid. They have been making shit decisions for years now, it's starting to make a significant impact.

                >if they were trying to appeal to females they would’ve done what I think the should’ve


                Just to be perfectly and pedantically clear, no one is defending Disney or their decisions, only stating that Disney made decisions.

              • 8 months ago

                I think you might be a bit moronic, anon.
                I am saying the reason Disney is failing isn't because they're trying to appeal to women, it's because they're putting nothing but garbage out.

                This isn't them trying to adapt to a new market, it's them being incapable of even basic writing anymore.

              • 8 months ago

                Literally everything I say you hear backwards.

                They’re putting out garbage because women told them it would appeal to women.

              • 8 months ago

                They're putting out garbage because they cannot put out anything else.
                Watch the Willow TV show or even a summary. The writer in that show literally forgets what happened before in the same episode.
                That incompetence isn't an attempt at appealing to anyone.

              • 8 months ago

                Anon this literally just you going “I don’t understand, I did have breakfast” over and over.

                Disney executives are stupid people who listened to stupid people who then hired stupid people, in attempt to appeal to the female audience. Just because they failed utterly doesn’t mean they weren’t trying.

              • 8 months ago

                Your initial point is still fricking wrong. The market never changed from wanting good quality products. Disney changed all on their own by hiring morons.

              • 8 months ago

                The number of options for “good quality products” is what changed. Thus, the entertainment market changed. The amount of people who can tell quality from Shit didn’t change (it’s infinitesimal). So the vast majority, instead of only having one slop trough to choose from, have dozens.

                Listen, you, yourself, right now, are proving the entertainment market changed, as right now you’re not watching a movie, a television show, playing a video game, or even listening to music, you’re instead entertaining yourself by engaging in a losing argument about how nothing has changed over the last TWO DECADES.

              • 8 months ago

                Anyone can tell the quality dropped, brainlet. This isn't quantum physics.

                Also, what the hell is that cope? Disney is failing cause people post on Cinemaphile? kek

              • 8 months ago


                Says the guy who can’t handle discussion without an us vs them narrative

              • 8 months ago

                What facts? That people are apparently too stupid to realize that Disney products are a lot worse than they were decades ago?

                I have no us vs them narrative here. I think Disney has been infested by ideologues that don't care about quality nor are capable of any therefore they are suffering. I do not believe the market changed that significantly.

              • 8 months ago

                Disney's products aren't worse, I'm just an adult and the mystic and wonder of children's movies doesn't hit me the same in my 30s as it did when I was 5.

              • 8 months ago

                >Disney's products aren't worse, I'm just an adult and the mystic and wonder of children's movies doesn't hit me the same in my 30s as it did when I was 5.
                So Ahsoka is marketed to 5 year olds?

              • 8 months ago

                No, but it's also not marketed towards me. Sci-Fi has always upset sci-fi fans. But you really think Gene Roddenberry wasn't woke?

              • 8 months ago

                60s progressive
                >get over your differences, unite, explore space
                >your differences define you, isolate, explore your anus

              • 8 months ago

                >No, but it's also not marketed towards me. Sci-Fi has always upset sci-fi fans. But you really think Gene Roddenberry wasn't woke?
                It's not about being "woke" or "not woke". Hollywood has always been mostly "woke". The problem is that the content is all the same (bad), and writers are using "woke" instead of having good content. There is no diversity of thought, and writers want to push an agenda because their actual writing sucks.
                That's really the problem across all content. Lack of imagination and using woke as a shoehorn to just have any content.

              • 8 months ago

                But since the internet was invented internet nerds have hated new sci fi tv shows

              • 8 months ago

                The fact is Disney only ever became as large as it was due to having a captive market. It lost that in 2007. Everything since has been a scramble to prop up a failed/obsolete business model.

              • 8 months ago

                It became large by putting out good quality products. It's becoming smaller by putting out bad quality products.

              • 8 months ago

                Again, wrong. When Disney was at its peak, it was one of three other entertainment companies who had total control over all media.

              • 8 months ago

                Again, you're wrong. You don't take some of the most popular series on the planet and release flop after flop just because you have competition.
                Almost every older Disney animated movie is still a classic that's watched today. It's not just a matter of people not having options to see different things.

              • 8 months ago

                You, AGAIN, have it completely backwards. When Disney was one of three massive companies with control over all media, they were in competition with the other two. They stopped competing, thinking their captive market would be captive forever. They lost all market control in 2007.

              • 8 months ago

                And that wasn't because the market itself changed, hence you are still wrong.

              • 8 months ago

                and, again, to pretend the entertainment market hasn't changed, you need to pretend nothing has changed since 1945.

              • 8 months ago

                If any of the older Disney movies came out today they'd make bank still.
                You are in denial about the obvious drop in quality for some reason.

              • 8 months ago

                >You are in denial about the obvious drop in quality for some reason.

                Where did I indicate anything resembling that? Please link the post.

                I'm talking about the market as a whole and disney's dwindling place in it, you're crying about white representation.

              • 8 months ago

                I thought you were this homosexual:

                Disney's products aren't worse, I'm just an adult and the mystic and wonder of children's movies doesn't hit me the same in my 30s as it did when I was 5.

                I literally never said anything about "white representation" you coping dipshit. I am talking purely the quality here. I even gave a specific example with the Willow tv show that had nothing to do with race.

              • 8 months ago

                You are still in denial that Children's Programs may not appeal as much to you as an adult and have instead turned it into a convoluted conspiracy. Like b***h you're just getting older. If you show a 5 year old Elemental and Peter Pan they're probably gonna like Elemental more just like how I like the 90s and 80s cartoons more cause I saw them when I was a kid.

              • 8 months ago

                You live in a parallel reality where all Disney products are made for 5 year olds.
                I dunno what else to tell you other than that you're insane.

                Ahsoka isn't for 5 yo's. Willow isn't for 5 yo's. Indiana Jones isn't for 5 yo's.

              • 8 months ago

                Indiana Jones is for 5 year olds, that's why they had a 5 year old as Indy's sidekick in the sequel. That's why there's a ride themed on Indiana Jones for 5 year olds at a theme park for families. That's why I watched it when I was 5. Same with Star Wars, I hate to break it to you, but Star Wars as a franchise is literally just a way to sell toys to 5 year olds.
                IDK what Willow is.

              • 8 months ago

                You are a 50 IQ moron.
                It's literally PG-13.

              • 8 months ago

                PG-13 movies didn't exist in 1981

              • 8 months ago

                The rating sure, that doesn't mean their target demographic was kindergarteners.

              • 8 months ago

                Who do you think was the demographic for Indiana Jones, intellectuals?

              • 8 months ago

                Young adults.

              • 8 months ago

                It just doesn't feel like a date movie, are you Rep. Boebert

              • 8 months ago

                I don't really care what you feel it is.

              • 8 months ago

                everyone. it was before people thought in terms of "demographics."

              • 8 months ago

                they literally invented it for temple of doom moron

              • 8 months ago

                >The new Star Wars doesn't try to appeal to women
                This is that dumbshit Kathleen Kennedy. Has LOST more $ for Disney than any person on the planet. Killed a multi-billion brand in a few short years.

              • 8 months ago

                Trying to appeal to women wasn't a bad idea, but they fricked it up by alienating their core fans. It's like a steakhouse switching to an all vegan menu then wondering why they lost all their business and why no one wants to eat vegan food at a place with "steakhouse" in the name

              • 8 months ago

                >Trying to appeal to women wasn't a bad idea, but they fricked it up by alienating their core fans. It's like a steakhouse switching to an all vegan menu then wondering why they lost all their business and why no one wants to eat vegan food at a place with "steakhouse" in the name
                Well a steakhouse switching to a vegan menu is a bad idea.
                SW never appealed to women because of the genre, it was a bad idea.

              • 8 months ago

                >Chasing hypothetical female audience
                >>I don’t understand, they failed, therefor they weren’t trying
                That was really stupid. They have been making shit decisions for years now, it's starting to make a significant impact.

              • 8 months ago

                >The market changed, Disney tried to adapt, failed, got a soft bailout from blackrock, etc.
                Except the market didn't change, very clearly.

              • 8 months ago

                Okay, so to make that claim you need to pretend the following don’t exist
                >video games
                >affordable quality large panel displays
                >social media
                >the internet

              • 8 months ago

                >Okay, so to make that claim you need to pretend the following don’t exist

                quality large panel displays
                >>the internet
                Technology changed but the market didn't. The demographics didn't.

              • 8 months ago

                We’re talking about the entertainment market. Those five things are recent additions to the entertainment market that film can’t compete with.

              • 8 months ago

                >Those five things are recent additions to the entertainment market that film can’t compete with.
                Netflix has been making films.
                Video games have been around 50 years.
                The Internet has been around 30+ years.
                I can tell you what Disney has done wrong:
                1 Created content around limited IP. With SW, focusing on women even though it's an action/sci-fi genre that women in general don't like.
                2 This IP they have drove into the ground with very expensive scripts and content released TOO FREQUENTLY.
                3 This has caused burnout (with Marvel) and complete turnoff (SW). But since #1, they don't have other IP.
                4 Dumbshit political fights that do nothing but hurt
                5 Like every other studio, now they are stuck with "woke" writers writing the same content over and over with different characters. They have limited IP which is dead or dying, and each instance is very expensive and loses a lot of $.
                There are ways out of this:
                1 Market their extensive library and go back to a network for kids. Peter Pan, Snow White, Sword in the Stone...they have 100 years of great content. Sever any whiff of politics.
                2 Cool down on SW and Marvel content for some time, make it special again.
                3 Focus on writers' programs, find alternate stories and take risks with content that is outside the dumbshit "woke" bubble.
                It will take many years but this is what they need to do.

              • 8 months ago

                >he believed franchise fatigue was a real thing

                Post discarded

              • 8 months ago


                >Those five things are recent additions to the entertainment market that film can’t compete with.

                Netflix has been making films.
                Video games have been around 50 years.
                The Internet has been around 30+ years.
                I can tell you what Disney has done wrong:
                1 Created content around limited IP. With SW, focusing on women even though it's an action/sci-fi genre that women in general don't like.
                2 This IP they have drove into the ground with very expensive scripts and content released TOO FREQUENTLY.
                3 This has caused burnout (with Marvel) and complete turnoff (SW). But since #1, they don't have other IP.
                4 Dumbshit political fights that do nothing but hurt
                5 Like every other studio, now they are stuck with "woke" writers writing the same content over and over with different characters. They have limited IP which is dead or dying, and each instance is very expensive and loses a lot of $.
                There are ways out of this:
                1 Market their extensive library and go back to a network for kids. Peter Pan, Snow White, Sword in the Stone...they have 100 years of great content. Sever any whiff of politics.
                2 Cool down on SW and Marvel content for some time, make it special again.
                3 Focus on writers' programs, find alternate stories and take risks with content that is outside the dumbshit "woke" bubble.
                It will take many years but this is what they need to do. (You)
                >>he believed franchise fatigue was a real thing
                >Post discarded
                You don't think people can get tired of a franchise? That's dumb

              • 8 months ago

                No one ever gets tired of watching good movies

              • 8 months ago

                >No one ever gets tired of watching good movies
                Absolutely. But there is a certain excitement that gets lost if you launch frequent content. Content can appear better with a certain amount of anticipation. Frequent content mitigates that.
                Look at Marvel box office over time.
                Look at SW streaming numbers over time.
                People are tired of it.

              • 8 months ago

                Bruh, anon, my brother in Christ, “franchise fatigue” is a concept invented to shift blame from bad writers/filmmakers to the audience. It is complete bullshit that exists only to say “we aren’t Shit, we’re great! We’re so great the audience is tired of how great we are!”

              • 8 months ago

                >“franchise fatigue” is a concept invented to shift blame from bad writers/filmmakers to the audience.
                Well the reason they have franchise fatigue is that the stories suck. Compounding that with frequent shit makes it that much worse.

              • 8 months ago

                >the market changed
                no it didn't klke, the capitalist klkes had to bend the knee to the cultural marxist golems and were forced to go full propaganda-mode, fire all the competent klkes and goys in Yidwood, and bring in a legion of mutts, troons and various other subhumans like you to ruin everything.

                Thats why there are no new Yidney white princesses. Cope.

                Yeah, that’s nice and all, but, again, frozen made less than tangled, and accounting for inflation, tangled made less than the lion king, without even going into the money dreamworks was making at the time.

                im surprised you're capable of shifting the goalposts this much, they've been pushed off the field now kek.

                you're never going to go back to where you belong, reddit, are you

                projection 101 right there troon, feel free to have a nice day/go back to whatever internet sewer that birthed your kind anytime ;^) on Cinemaphile where free speech reigns, this place was always, always, going to be red pilled on races, ~~*genders*~~, and politics. Cope, seethe, dilate, and go jump ;^)

              • 8 months ago

                anon i've been here since 2003. you're the unwelcome invader. please leave.

              • 8 months ago

                madlads dickyposting is based
                blue haired morons giving kids gay porn because they're on a warped moral crusade is cringe (but also kind of funny in its absurdity)
                you should be able to figure that out, mr. gayold

              • 8 months ago

                >something awful troony or more likely just a liar

                have a nice day

          • 8 months ago

            Walt Disney was really into new technology and would have loved CGI.

      • 8 months ago

        I love when Cinemaphile tries to make films or cast or do anything remotely practical. They are fricking morons who think they know everything.

      • 8 months ago

        steal more european folk tales and adapt them into a new movie.

      • 8 months ago

        They have to clean house first and foremost

      • 8 months ago

        Tron 3

      • 8 months ago

        I don’t think Iger can save it at this point as he is now correctly being identified as the problem. Had he acted differently upon his return he could’ve blamed Chapek for his mistakes from his first CEO run. But this is what he could’ve done upon his return…

        1. Make peace with Florida/DeSantis and extend an olive branch to non progressive families while preserving as much autonomy over Disney World as still possible.
        2. Anything “woke” already in the pipeline do the best they can to market on its own merits rather than diversity talking points.
        3. Remove all unpopular theme park initiatives like paid fastpass and mandatory park reservations to win back the park fans and vacationing families.
        4. Fire Kathleen Kennedy or at least announce she will not be renewed right away to salvage the Star Wars fans still left.
        5. Have Kevin Feige report to Ike Perlmutter again as Kevin proved he’s incapable on his own. If he threatens to leave then send him packing.
        6. Immediately cancel anything in the pipeline for Disney+ as it’s proven to be a money pit. Just focus on bringing back more archived shows/movies at a much lower cost and focus on keeping costs down. Or just give up on it entirely and offer to sell their streaming rights to another service for a massive amount of money.
        7. Either merge Disney Animation with Pixar or have Disney focus on princibly hand drawn animation while Pixar focuses on computer generated animation. Either give them each a unique identity or save money on the overhead.

        I have more but there’s a good start

        • 8 months ago

          >they key to turning Disney around is to announce everything they’ve done for the last decade has been wrong

          Really think about this for a second. If it wasn’t publicly traded it could work.

        • 8 months ago

          hand drawn animation doesnt even exist anymore so it would take a lot to stand it back up

          • 8 months ago

            How successful do you guys think ai could be at this, eventually? I know it's more soulless but if the final product works and looks good, it will still sell.

            • 8 months ago

              a lot. there is no hope for real hand drawn animation. where would you even learn that? they only teach calarts cg slop now

              • 8 months ago

                Also there’s an addendum where Richard Williams did try to open an art school, started teaching real art, and then none of his students got hired anywhere, and are most likely doing calarts now.

              • 8 months ago

                Hey... this sounds alot like something happend to a certain.. australian..!

        • 8 months ago

          Ike was wrong about Black Panther and Captain Marvel, but during his creative committee Marvel Studios did make better movies.

      • 8 months ago

        Stop letting white women into the writers room.

      • 8 months ago

        Hang the DEI/HR department and throw their bodies into a volcano.

      • 8 months ago

        No woke shit, make bright colorful movies with manly men, beautiful women and happy endings.

      • 8 months ago

        no Black folk and brownies and stop with the racemix, gay, supremacy, white people bad and all other propaganda. like that new spaniah princess movie and its some american mutt with dreads. absolutely disgusting

        • 8 months ago

          >just abandon the ESG money bro
          >selling specifically to me will make up for it bro

          • 8 months ago

            imagine simping for cancer

            • 8 months ago

              Imagine thinking one ticket sale is worth more than ESG money.

              And don’t get it confused, pointing out that you are not worth as much as ESG points isn’t defending anyone or anything, it’s just calling you a moron.

              • 8 months ago

                you haven’t proven anything nor showcased why your opinion has any value

              • 8 months ago

                I haven’t stated any opinions, only fact. ESG money is the modern patron of the arts for the (failing) entertainment industry.

              • 8 months ago

                Muh ESG money. What is point in bankrupting a company and bailing them out with magic ESG money when nobody is watching their shit! That’s conspiracy point. To spread their propaganda. If nobody watching it, what are they paying for?

              • 8 months ago

                >What is point in bankrupting a company and bailing them out with magic ESG money when nobody is watching

                Because that’s the only way everyone keeps their jobs, the only way stock values stay high, the only way the company continues to exist.

                Reminder: no one is defending Disney. Just talking about what’s keeping them on life support.

              • 8 months ago

                They don’t care about people keeping jobs and studios going bankrupt. They want to spread propaganda. But over
                played their hand and now nobody watching their shit

              • 8 months ago

                They care about keeping their jobs, which means people beneath them need to keep their jobs, need to keep pushing out media, etc.

              • 8 months ago

                There are a million ways for institutions to become dysfunctional and lead to their own self-destruction. You can see this played out in a small scale literally everywhere you look. Like, you play a board game with someone, risk or whatever. You are the best at the game, so you're winning, so everyone gangs up on you to defeat you. It's rational for everyone to destroy you because you are the biggest threat to everyone. In effect, being good at the game is disincentivised, because it makes everyone want to take you out of it.
                It's the same everywhere. The people who are good at their jobs will get rid of the people who are bad at their jobs. So what do you do if you're bad at your job? You get together with as many other people who are bad at their jobs as you can, and you attack the people who are good at their jobs to get rid of them. These office politics play out for a while, until everyone remaining is not just incompetent, but they're also terrified of doing anything to upset the other members of the whisper network. Like if someone comes to you and offers you a great script for a movie that will make billion dollars profit, but it's not appropriate for the internal political climate, so if you suggest the movie be made then you lose your job and the project is cancelled anyway.

                And then the company shambles on based purely on its trademarks until it runs out of steam. How many people go see disney movies *because* they are disney movies, who wouldn't go see them if they weren't? Would anybody watch the fricking "live-action" lion king remake, if it wasn't The Lion King, by Disney? Would anybody watch these shitty SW shows if they weren't Star Wars? See this shit everywhere, like Blizzard releases Diablo 4 and everyone buys it then immediately agree that it was shit and stop playing. There are a dozen better ARPGs but they're not released by Blizzard so nobody cares about them. All they care about is the Blizzard name. Disney's the same.

              • 8 months ago

                Part of being good at a game is being able to use teamwork and play the middle winning at a game like Risk or Monopoly isn't about becoming the biggest the fastest it's about social skills.

      • 8 months ago

        Appeal to the majority of your consumers. You can throw a bone to the minority audience here and there if you want. Basically, the exact opposite of what they are doing.

        • 8 months ago

          Appealing to the majority of consumers means appealing to 90iq people. The median American in 2023 is a squat brown wetback with an IQ of 87.

      • 8 months ago

        Appeal to White, Christian Americans with traditional portrayals of masculine men and feminine women.

    • 8 months ago

      Not as easy as you think when you’ve filled your leadership positions, executives, directors, managers, and policies with the toxic activists/activism that’s destroyed your company. It’s a tumor that’s spread, it’s not as simply as just removing it now.

    • 8 months ago

      Disney locked itself into its current trajectory as a response to increasing division of the entertainment market (which it once held captive, decades ago) and the only way it could be successful again is to regain market control, which isn’t possible. Nothing in its future is anything other than “failure,” as the most viable option is to reduce itself to a fraction of its current size and start laser targeting specific demographics, ala anime. The problem with that is the billions it has tied up in parks and cruiselines that owe their success to the mainstream appeal of its media, and mainstream appeal doesn’t exist anymore.

      Of course by the time disney is restructured to be successful in the environment of today, we’ll be generating AI movies/shows.

      • 8 months ago

        they could literally just make white princess movies like everyone fricking wants but they just wont. frozen and tangled were huge successes and still sell like crazy. some friend of my wife just had a rapunzel party for their girl last week will full dress and wig and everything. the bonus is that she isnt even white

        • 8 months ago

          Tangled was their last “white princess” movie and they generally regard it as a failure. Because it pretty much was.

          • 8 months ago

            >In its first weekend of release, it earned $48.8 million (the highest opening for Walt Disney Animation Studios, surpassing The Lion King ($40.9 million)
            >Box office $592.4 million[6]

            tangled was basically their biggest success ever but people forget that since frozen came out not so long after. rapunzel still sells like crazy though and it seems like they only disney shit kids actually buy is either frozen or rapunzel related

            do you get your info and opinions from reddit posts?

            • 8 months ago

              >and it seems like they only disney shit kids actually buy is either frozen or rapunzel related
              Because they took Rapunzel's face and ever so slightly edited it to get Anna and Elsa. Rapunzel is the well they should keep going back to but then they started listening to women and Frozen happened. Flash in the pan success =/ the ability to continue to forsee the market and create successes based off of feminist agendas. Same thing happened with Wonder Woman. Flash in the pan based off of everything clicking into place at once for this one film does NOT mean you upset the formula.

              • 8 months ago

                yeah frozen 2 was such horrible shit my god. my wife and i are already making plans on how to avoid frozen 3 for our daughter for when they make elsa date some Black person troony or something

                Why do people get so upset when you point out tangled wasn’t as successful as Snow White or any of the 2D classics?

                the argument is people like you and the other anon trying to claim that tangled wasnt a success for some ~~*reason*~~ when it was a massive success both critically and financially. you literally just dont want to admit a traditional white female princess was well received as a way to argue against disney ever returning to that style of movie

              • 8 months ago

                >you literally just dont want to admit a traditional white female princess was well received as a way to argue against disney ever returning to that style of movie
                But wouldn't frozen already disprove that since it had not one but two white princesses and sold gangbusters?

              • 8 months ago

                they made her a lesbo and had an anti-disney plot about how true love is fake which is why you support that but not rapunzel who was 100% trad hyperborean aryan princess

              • 8 months ago

                >they made her a lesbo
                Not Anna though.

              • 8 months ago

                >it was a massive success
                It was a middling success from a company that used to have complete control over all culture. Just because you and your mother love it (weird to call her your wife) doesn’t mean it was something non-morons even think about anymore.

                You’re delusional and deranged. Disney is on the path it is because the white audience spends its money elsewhere.

              • 8 months ago

                Yeah their business plan of abandoning whites for poorer demographics sure is working out, thats why Bob Iger ISNT complaining about being "overwhelmed and exhausted" in OPs pic. You can pic up your dunce cap from the mickey mouse club by the entrance, now GTFO.

              • 8 months ago

                You have it backward. Whites abandoned them. Because they couldn’t compete with all the options for entertainment that opened up.

              • 8 months ago

                Whites abandoned them because they made bad product. Any other reasoning is cope. They started making anti-white revolution-chic films for demographics that dont exist or if they do, dont have money.

              • 8 months ago

                Whites abandoned them for the internet (and video games) because the internet was more than they could be.

                Your read of history is entirely backward and politically based, despite there being nothing political about entertainment.

              • 8 months ago

                youre delusional. little girls are still having tangled themed parties to this day. its without a doubt the most popular character and movie after frozen in real life with actual kids and not leftest single childless middle aged white hating Black person redditors

                like i said earlier my wifes mexican friends girl had a rapunzel party not some mutt enchanto or whatever party. everyone likes white princesses. make more of them and drop the feminist shit

              • 8 months ago

                You keep just spewing unhinged nonsense in response to a calm and factual accounting of the state of media today.

                There is no mainstream.

                They have no market control.

                They can’t pull the audiences that made them an industry.

              • 8 months ago

                youre trying to claim white princess cant make disney successes when all their successes are white princesses. frozen is monumental and youre here saying your talking calm facts by saying white princesses dont sell. youre just too entrenched in your troony politics to make even a half decent counter argument to try to subvert people

                youre objectively wrong about everything youve posted. thats all that needs to be said

              • 8 months ago

                I am accurately stating the fact the white audience moved on from film, before film started trying to be “political.”

            • 8 months ago

              Anon. Inflation.
              49m in June 1994 would be 33m.
              41m in November 2010 would be 61m.
              Not even accounting for the inflation of the cost of the tickets.

              • 8 months ago

                so how well is lion king merch selling you dumb white hating israelite homosexual?

              • 8 months ago

                >if you point out that tangled wasn’t very successful then YOU HATE WHITE PEOPLE!!!!!!

                Anon. I’m whiter than you. I’m speaking to the objective fact the white audience is divided between dozens of different mediums, is no longer captive, isn’t a well Disney can draw from, etc. we have more options and no matter what Disney does, they can’t be more attractive than all of them to everyone of us.

              • 8 months ago

                >if you point out that tangled wasn’t very successful then YOU HATE WHITE PEOPLE!!!!!!

                jesus just look at this guy lol.

                yeah frozen 2 was such horrible shit my god. my wife and i are already making plans on how to avoid frozen 3 for our daughter for when they make elsa date some Black person troony or something

                the argument is people like you and the other anon trying to claim that tangled wasnt a success for some ~~*reason*~~ when it was a massive success both critically and financially. you literally just dont want to admit a traditional white female princess was well received as a way to argue against disney ever returning to that style of movie

              • 8 months ago

                White America will still rally to whoever is white.
                Despite the mediocrity
                Barbie movie proves it too


              • 8 months ago

                But nonwhite girls like that shit too. Are you in a place where you're so segregated that you think Barbie dolls are for white girls?
                That's so cool you live in basedworld and I'm stuck where they make movies.

              • 8 months ago

                Proves the point futher
                whiteness just sells to everyone.

              • 8 months ago

                Yeah but so does blackness, ur gonna tell me rap and R&B are doing worse than Rock right now? What are you in Ohio or something?

              • 8 months ago

                >but this other shit is popular too

                That doesn't go against what he said you dumbfrick. Also people generally do not give a frick how singers look like. They just like the fricking songs.

              • 8 months ago

                >Taylor swift

                They keep pushing her because her videos get a lot of youtube views (read: third worlders). Most white people don’t care about her.

              • 8 months ago

                Her concert are literally only in america
                Where there still is a white majority

              • 8 months ago

                Yeah, and they’re so successful that they’re putting them in theaters. Lol.

              • 8 months ago


                LMAO the fricking delusion, she is the soundtrack of white american childless 30 something women and the best selling artist of the current era, her existence alone makes Iger look like a fricking moron.

              • 8 months ago

                >I listen to Taylor swift all the time therefor everyone does!!

                Why is it so hard for you to grasp (you) aren’t a significant market force?

              • 8 months ago

                I don't like Taylor Swift but to pretend she's not the biggest star in the world is pure delusion

              • 8 months ago

                The point is “biggest star in the world” doesn’t mean what it did for, say, Michael Jackson.

              • 8 months ago

                >record breaking 1 billion

                It’d be fun to go see how much Michael Jackson CONCERTS, individually, made, accounting for inflation.

              • 8 months ago

                literelly every little girl on this planet had some piece of Tangled related merch, it was insanely successful where it mattered
                how many "strange world" dolls have you seen in your lifetime?

              • 8 months ago

                I don’t believe you have any direct contact with a little girl.

            • 8 months ago

              Why do people get so upset when you point out tangled wasn’t as successful as Snow White or any of the 2D classics?

      • 8 months ago

        Not true
        The MCU completely dominated the film industry when they kept their focal point a small group of white, attractive, talented actors who espoused traditional American values
        Over time they kept adding bla-brown actors who were unattractive, lacking in charisma or talent, or stronk womyn's in stories that espoused corrosive woke ideology
        They owned cinema and were about to double down by adding Star Wars to the MCU and they blew the whole thing up trying to lecture people about how white people and males are evil
        They lost their core audience and went from cranking out billion dollar hits to barely breakeven schlock

        • 8 months ago

          What really happened is marvel made good movies and Disney didn’t. There is no other variable.

      • 8 months ago

        Mainstream appeal will always exist, the problem is they are ignoring it to pander to the very loud but also very small social media crowd

        • 8 months ago

          Mainstream appeal only ever existed when a few companies had control over what the mainstream was. They don’t anymore. They never will again. That’s the issue.

    • 8 months ago

      Its all a Jig a ruse.

      This is just typical israelitery
      He is purposefully tanking and devaluing Disney so Microsoft or Apple would buy it.
      So far Apple said Nope.

      This they know what to do and its the easiest thing in the world.
      Literally make another Tangled or Frozen
      Make another blonde hair blue eyed singing wholesome princess with magic powers and literally watch the world throw money at you.
      The Taylor Swift Formula.

      But they dont want to do it for israeliteis Cabal Corporate reasons.

      • 8 months ago

        After WB getting passed around and almost burning discovery network to the ground, one is going to buy another Hollywood studio. Disney and paramount have been leveraging everything they could for decades to defend against acquisition, and it’s not like they’re taking any effort to pay off their debts.

        They’re expecting a third party to swoop in and save them.

        • 8 months ago

          the best part is

          no one's going to do that

    • 8 months ago

      >it would be so easy!
      >just give me exactly what I want to consoooom!
      >anyone who doesn’t give me product I want is incompetent!!!

      • 8 months ago

        Yes that's what an entertainment company should try to do to make money moron

      • 8 months ago

        As opposed to producing entertainment for you, who never pays for anything?

      • 8 months ago

        >making things that people want instead of things they don't want is le bad

      • 8 months ago

        feel free to enter adulthood at any time of your choosing

    • 8 months ago

      >blonde princess is like exploring German forest and meets a handsome blonde prince and she also has a talking pet cat who’s silly like a stuck up butler and also she’s being chased by like a ugly hook nosed witch or something

      • 8 months ago

        We've seen this movie before though. Unless there's some variation why would this sell as good as than the stuff Disney made before when it's the exact same? Why would you personally go watch it when the original exists and is (likely) superior?

        >Mouse House

        But not house of mouse? Curious.

        >I listen to Taylor swift all the time therefor everyone does!!

        Why is it so hard for you to grasp (you) aren’t a significant market force?

        >everyone does
        Correct, Taylor is a superstar in an era when they have almost completely died out.

        I think the problem is less that the princesses aren't white and more that the princess stories aren't great.
        Aladdin and Mulan were among the best because they were adopting great stories and they adopted them with fantastic animation and a mixture of cute humor and good story. Tangled was shit and that girl was white as frick cause it's an overdone story with cheap CGI art. The problem is that there's no beauty in just another CGI movie. There's nothing unique, there's nothing artistic. Are they adopting the Arabian Nights or are they redoing Rapunzel for the 2020s?
        Like why is Disney Animation doing a CGI movie when they are also Pixar? Walt's spinning head is powering Disneyland right now.

        >Tangled was shit
        It did quite well and most people, myself included, enjoyed it.
        I agree they should do more traditional animation based projects or at least more unique visual styles, but if you think tangled had none of that then you no nothing about how it was made.

        • 8 months ago

          Taylor swift is a “superstar” in a time when all the stars are gone. She was basically just first-in on youtube and everything since has been the music industry compensating for sleeping on that.

          • 8 months ago

            >Taylor swift is a "superstar" in a time when all the stars are gone
            That's what I said.
            >She was basically just first-in on youtube
            I think there's a bit more to it than that to her success, but I agree that's part of it.

            • 8 months ago

              No, Taylor swift holding a few records for most viewed videos is why they keep pushing her.

              • 8 months ago

                I doubt that. Also she's not just "pushed", she has too big a fanbase for that.

              • 8 months ago

                Right, her fans are paying for her commercials and film appearances and shit. The label isn’t doing anything.

              • 8 months ago

                I don't doubt that her label has little involvement these days.

                Same reason the guy screaming about tangled and Taylor swift is the way he is. Insufficient IQ to see beyond his own circumstances.

                I'm not "screaming" if you're referring to me, just having a conversation. Also only

                We've seen this movie before though. Unless there's some variation why would this sell as good as than the stuff Disney made before when it's the exact same? Why would you personally go watch it when the original exists and is (likely) superior?
                But not house of mouse? Curious.
                >everyone does
                Correct, Taylor is a superstar in an era when they have almost completely died out.
                >Tangled was shit
                It did quite well and most people, myself included, enjoyed it.
                I agree they should do more traditional animation based projects or at least more unique visual styles, but if you think tangled had none of that then you no nothing about how it was made.


                >Taylor swift is a "superstar" in a time when all the stars are gone
                That's what I said.
                >She was basically just first-in on youtube
                I think there's a bit more to it than that to her success, but I agree that's part of it.


                I doubt that. Also she's not just "pushed", she has too big a fanbase for that.

                are me.

    • 8 months ago

      Every entertainment company on the planet is deep in the shitter because they followed Netflix off a cliff chasing streaming revenue, which it turns out is an unsustainable business model

      People say that Pixar movies are flopping because LE WOKE TRANNIES AND LESBIANS xDDD when really, the reason is that parents don't take their kids to Pixar movies anymore because they know it's going to be on D+ in 45 days. Why spend $100 taking a family of four to the movies when you can watch it as many times as you want for $9.99/month?

      • 8 months ago

        you dont have kids. i have kids. i dont have d+ because its full of troony shit and all the good movies ive already had for years on dvd or bluray. i would absolutely take my kids to a movie that i thought was actually going to be good. i took them to the new puss in boots one for example

        people dont take their kids to weird fetish troony leftist propaganda films because its creepy and a waste of time and money

        • 8 months ago

          D+ is fine gaylord. It has Bluey and the original animated Disney movies, Snow White, etc.

          • 8 months ago

            but i have snow white at home (literally)

            i did try d+ for a week since it was so cheap. its trash and when i cancelled my subscription i left a comment that all their new stuff is shit

        • 8 months ago

          Most people aren't delusional /misc/ schizos, DeSantis completely abandoned his campaign against Disney because it was failing so badly lmao

          • 8 months ago

            desantis shit is over because he won. legally he 100% achieved what he wanted and then after that disney threw a fit and then he took them back to court and they got hammered again. what delusional world do you live in?

            • 8 months ago

              >he won because I say so

              lmao he literally begged Disney to stop suing him because he knew he was fricked and his presidential campaign is completely in the shitter, and Matt Gaetz is going to primary him in 2026. He lost. Completely

              • 8 months ago

                desantis shit is over because he won. legally he 100% achieved what he wanted and then after that disney threw a fit and then he took them back to court and they got hammered again. what delusional world do you live in?

                I don’t believe either of you are giving accurate reads on what happened.

              • 8 months ago

                why would Gaetz want to be a governor.

            • 8 months ago

              Most people aren't delusional /misc/ schizos, DeSantis completely abandoned his campaign against Disney because it was failing so badly lmao

              I don’t believe either of you are giving accurate reads on what happened.

              >he won because I say so

              lmao he literally begged Disney to stop suing him because he knew he was fricked and his presidential campaign is completely in the shitter, and Matt Gaetz is going to primary him in 2026. He lost. Completely

              >he won because I say so

              >Florida governor Ron DeSantis ended Disney’s self-governance in the Reedy Creek Improvement District, renaming the area and placing it under state control.

              The Florida Senate on Friday (Feb. 24) voted 26-9 to end Walt Disney World’s control over its special tax district. DeSantis signed it into law yesterday (Feb. 27).


              youre literally believing actual literal fake reddit cope and youre totally clueless about it because you live in a bubble

              I don’t believe either of you are giving accurate reads on what happened.

              feel free to look into it yourself. disney lost its status but at a second to midnight tried to pass future regulations and then got taken to court again over that and got slapped down again. the issue to tally over. disney is the one who quietly dropped its resistance because they totally lost

              • 8 months ago

                You mean the dissolution of the district that they have been repeatedly delaying so it doesn't drive up property taxes like crazy, threatening DeSantis' political career? That made Disney sue the state of Florida that they are absolutely going to win because DeSantis was declaring openly on Fox News that the bill was a direct response to Disney criticizing the don't say gay bill? Corporations have free speech, remember, this is what you conservatives wanted: ^ )

              • 8 months ago

                moving the goalpost into future hypotheticals i see. even after bob niger himself has come out and said they are pulling back from moronic no win fights like that. just keep believing your reddit cope you 80iq brain dead Black person lol

              • 8 months ago

                Since this article was published DeSantis has become the biggest joke in America and is hated by everyone who has heard him open his whiney mouth.

              • 8 months ago

                kvetch harder

              • 8 months ago

                youre crying because youre wrong and i proved it and shoved it into your face. he stared a fight with trump and that caused him a lot of pain. his fight with disney lasted over a year and never hurt him and has been competently over before he took a "nosedive" which even you agree to. how in your troony mind are you connecting that to disney?

              • 8 months ago

                why was not allowing teachers to talk to 6 year olds about gay buttsex controversial again?

              • 8 months ago

                because esg and disney is paying people to say it is

              • 8 months ago

                Because age appropriate sex education shouldn't be controversial. You act like they're showing the hardcore gay porn you watch to first graders when they're literally saying some girls kiss other girls

              • 8 months ago

                >age appropriate sex education
                >kindergarten to third grade

              • 8 months ago

                a part of sex education is telling kids that people are in couples. Mommys and Daddys and stuff. You're really acting like it's literally all the penis enters the vegana and ejaculates

              • 8 months ago

                >schoolteachers (who totally have zero ulterior motives, haha xD) are needed to do an entire course for something the parents can tell them in 5 seconds and that needs no further elaboration until they're older
                Disingenuous swine.

              • 8 months ago

                Who the frick doesn't have ulterior motives? Have you ever thought that it may not be the politicians, the israelites or the teachers and may be a chemical reaction in your head that could be fixed if you saw a psychiatrist and got proper medication and saw a psychologist and talked about your thought process?

              • 8 months ago

                oof that's a yikes
                let's unpack that sweaty:
                so basically you're a crazy liar but you have trouble with accountability and self reflection so in an attempt to sublimate your own feelings of wretchedness and inferiority you've projected your own swindler ways onto everyone else to ease the burden of your guilt
                big yikes indeed

              • 8 months ago

                Using big words doesn't make anything you said smart. You're like an NFT collector in that you talk down to people who are above you

              • 8 months ago

                More projection. Anonymous troony: I diagnose you with the big gay. Please report to the shower room for penis inspection.

              • 8 months ago

                >Doesn't even deny his sick twisted ulterior motives

              • 8 months ago

                Why do you want to talk to children about sex anon?

              • 8 months ago

                The GOP is a party of cokeheads appealing to moralists and this is that behavior. Like frick you, my mom was an elementary school teacher, as was my grandma and her mom before her and her mom before her. You want to say nasty shit about my mom with no repercussion

              • 8 months ago
              • 8 months ago

                Why do you want to talk to children about sex anon?

              • 8 months ago

                Because I don't want you molesting them

              • 8 months ago

                Anon, why do you want to talk to children about sex?

              • 8 months ago

                So to prevent your shadowy boogeyman from molesting kids you feel the need to talk to them about dicks in butts and sucking dick? hmmmmmmmm

              • 8 months ago

                Do you really think that's what sex ed they're giving to 5-9 year olds? Look if what you're saying is true then the Democrats are beyond evil and should go to jail. But what you're saying is not true and part of sex ed is literally Mommys kiss Daddys and some Daddys kiss other Daddys.

              • 8 months ago

                You're horrifyingly out of the loop if you don't realize that we aren't talking about generic everyday Biden democrats: there's a weird strain of fanatical lunatics who want to groom kids into being trans and gay. Yes, this absolutely is happening and the bill is to prevent them; it's not about stopping some nice old boomer lady from giving a sanitized birds and bees.

              • 8 months ago

                i don't know what loop you're in but it's not based in reality.

              • 8 months ago

                Yes, it is. Stop burying your head in the sand.
                These are the Q tier schizo morons of the left. They exist. Stop ignoring that reality out of political and psychological convenience.

              • 8 months ago


                >A book detailing the sexual exploits of a young man is on the approved reading list for students as young as sixth grade in some Johnson County School districts.
                >“He reached his hand down and pulled out my dick. He quickly went to giving head,” page 266 of the book reads.

                you were saying?

              • 8 months ago

                Sixth Grade is very different from Third Grade.

              • 8 months ago

                those were just the first things I found, move goal posts all you want homosexual and please kys for wanting to teach kids homosexualry

              • 8 months ago

                >the gay erotica about molesting children was given to sixth graders, not third, so it's all good

              • 8 months ago

                tbf it was about teens molesting eachother, not nearly as exciting

              • 8 months ago

                GOP sexualizes the mere existence of LGBT people so they can erase LGBT people entirely

              • 8 months ago

                >muh gop
                Look at a map sometime you racist.

              • 8 months ago

                They just want to erase a bump of cocaine from the head of a gay man's penis

              • 8 months ago

                just a logical response to
                >what we do in our own bedrooms is no one's business
                >we want to do it in public and your kids will watch

              • 8 months ago

                >You want to say nasty shit about my mom with no repercussion
                I can and will call your whole familial line prostitutes you limp dick homosexual, what will you do about it?

              • 8 months ago

                >children don't want to talk to him about sex

                its hard to make them stop. such a delicate subject. need to be very gentle.

          • 8 months ago

            >Most people aren't delusional /misc/ schizos, DeSantis completely abandoned his campaign against Disney because it was failing so badly lmao
            It's 100% stupid for Disney to fight with DeSantis.
            It's 100% smart for DeSantis to fight with Disney.
            Disney can't survive if 1/2 the country won't buy their products. Do people not understand that? Iger does, but do you?

          • 8 months ago

            desantis is so scared about it he wrote a book about it

            >DeSantis called the defiance a “mild annoyance” and said it wasn’t the sole reason for his move, but he expanded on the standoff in his new book, The Courage to Be Free: Florida’s Blueprint for America’s Revival. DeSantis recalls he’d warned Disney against its resistance to the bill, which banned teachers from discussing sexual orientation and gender identity in classrooms from kindergarten through the third grade. The governor, who is considering a 2024 presidential run, writes former Disney CEO Bob Chapek “understood the risk that the company faced” and said he was facing unprecedented pressure from people including, his predecessor—and eventual successor—Bob Iger.

      • 8 months ago

        And people bought avatar tickets in droves because they knew it wouldn’t be as impressive on their TV

      • 8 months ago

        >Get kids strapped into car
        >Handle them at mall
        >Deal with the million distractions that are gonna snatch up their attention between the parking lot and the theater
        >And in the off chance that they don't like it you have to deal with their ADD raddled annoyance for 88 minutes.
        Yeah, it shouldn't be surprising kids movies haven't recovered as fast as movies for people in their 30s and 40s.

        • 8 months ago

          Also the malls are full of melanin blessed individuals and that can be an enlightening experience most families would rather avoid.

      • 8 months ago

        People still think paying a monthly subscription forever is cheaper than going to the movies once in a while or buying a blu ray.

    • 8 months ago

      He wants Disney value to drop so it becomes sellable - that way he can get a huge bonus.
      Problem is no one is buying anyway - Disney is really an empty shell of a company when you consider how supposedly "big" it is and yet how immensely it is struggling every time it tries to create influential works of art.

      • 8 months ago

        Everyone knows that no matter how low disney’s value goes, they’re in so much debt they’ll never be worth buying. Much less dealing with their parks and cruiselines.

      • 8 months ago

        Apple wants some of Disney, mainly Pixar and ESPN. No one wants to deal with their parks.

        • 8 months ago

          Apple wants nothing from a failing studio except some of its IP. It doesn’t need to buy a failing studio to get that.

  3. 8 months ago

    Yeah, Bob.
    The results are evident.

    • 8 months ago

      Is this a still from an actual movie?????

      • 8 months ago

        It’s from a cam-rip of Thor 4, it looked like that in the theater. They “fixed” it after.

    • 8 months ago

      is that a spook?

  4. 8 months ago

    >disney is this dedicated to making dogshit that nobody wants instead of good things that people would enjoy
    i can't help but respect the commitment to inadvertently taking the company down a few pegs by focusing on horrible shows and films instead of just spending money wisely on things that make people happy

    • 8 months ago

      Blackrock wants it. Blackrock’s patronage is worth more than any audience it could realistically draw right now.

      • 8 months ago

        Clearly not since disney and Blackrock keep losing money.

        • 8 months ago

          When you have 11 trillion dollars, you can’t lose it

          • 8 months ago


            • 8 months ago

              The bailout was 13 trillion and the government is still paying it

  5. 8 months ago

    Good, I hope he kills himself out of shame.

  6. 8 months ago

    God I hope so

  7. 8 months ago

    >Mouse House

  8. 8 months ago

    Loxist. He wants for your family what happened to millions in the holodomor. You are Amalek.

  9. 8 months ago

    >you mean I actually have to do work as the CEO?

  10. 8 months ago

    Must be like Mao trying to wrangle the red guard. They have infinite money anyway so whats the point of whining.

  11. 8 months ago

    He needs to sell ESPN to Apple

  12. 8 months ago

    Apologise to Geek&Gamers
    Apologise to Doomwiener
    Apologise to YellowFlash
    Apologise to ClownfishTV
    Apologise to Ethan Van Sciver
    Apologise to Eric July
    Apologise to ThatStarWarsGirl
    Apologise to The Quartering
    Apologise to Mauler
    Apologise to Archcast
    Apologise to FANDOM MENACE

  13. 8 months ago

    Here we fricking go again.

  14. 8 months ago

    >Create the problems on purpose
    >oy vey depressed and exhausted

  15. 8 months ago

    Go woke, get rekt.

  16. 8 months ago

    It has nothing to do with the Get Woke shit and everything to do with the fact that Disney spent fricktons on building up a catalogue of properties just to have all the beloved content and spent fricktons making really polished new franchises in those big budget properties, then spent fricktons adding those properties to their various theme parks 4/5 of which are located in 4 of the densest and expensive urban areas in the world.
    Then because of that they skyrocketed the prices of those theme parks and got rid of the handouts to locals (note how these theme parks are in cities like Paris, Los Angeles, Tokyo and Shanghai where there are a lot of locals)
    In a way all of this was to build up Disney+ at a time when everyone was trying to build the best streaming inventory because there was no particular "long term solution" just a "right now we have to get the Simpsons, Star Wars and Spiderman into Disney's library so that everyone will only buy Disney cause now they get Princess Movies and the Simpsons and Star Wars and Iron Man all in one place."
    They stopped worrying Touchstone Budget Movies that may explode, they let Pixar and their general creative team become too Mathematical and Silicon Valley. Even movies like Elemental are too categorical and just the story of a white guy dating an asian girl.

    • 8 months ago

      >white guy
      oh i see, your entire post is a joke

    • 8 months ago

      yeah, 70bn for Fox is still insane to me

      • 8 months ago

        Especially since so many local stations stayed owned by News Corp. KTTV and WNYW are still owned by News Corp and still just as Fox in their local newscasts.

  17. 8 months ago

    He is setting up a believable when he inevitably "resigns"

  18. 8 months ago

    Sounds like woke cope to me. If I was running Disney, none of that bullshit would be plaguing the company.

  19. 8 months ago

    >just make movies for white people

    The white audience is so divided that it’ll never be viable again. Even assuming they had any idea how to draw the white audience.

    • 8 months ago

      It’s not though. While there’s virtue signaling white people who will claim to love black Ariel and want to see all the Marvel characters be black instead they only do it out of political white guilt virtue signaling, so at best that amounts to going to see the movie once to tick the box and post on social media that they went. It does not equal toy sales and birthday parties and continued brand recognition because they didn’t actually like the movie or characters. No white family is having a black Ariel birthday for their daughter even if they claimed it was such a good direction, their daughter still wants a frozen party. No kid bought up a bunch of black panther action figures but they will buy a shit ton of iron man or captain America or Spider-Man stuff. White politics are inorganically divided but truth is if all Disney put out was white princesses and marvel movies with the characters looking like they have for the last 70years no one would complain at all. The only thing we are seeing is leftists white virtue signaling the shitty movies but they don’t actually commit to any long term love for these brands ultimately, so it’s fake hype and fake love which only gets a franchise so far in the end. No white person would be mad if live action Ariel was white, it’s just when they make her black half of them pretend it was a great idea and then after minimum obligation to prove they like it they drop it, but if it had just been white Ariel from the start no one would complain and there’s a chance at massive success.

      • 8 months ago

        >blah blahbblah blah blah blahblahblah blahblah blah

      • 8 months ago

        Yeah, that’s nice and all, but, again, frozen made less than tangled, and accounting for inflation, tangled made less than the lion king, without even going into the money dreamworks was making at the time.

  20. 8 months ago

    >create big mess and refuses to leave
    >finally leaves
    >big mess burns down house
    >call him back
    >man cleaning this mess is tiring. who did this?

  21. 8 months ago

    I dont think I told them to greenlight a ton of projects that anyone could see would flop.

  22. 8 months ago

    He's only there to wreck it so that Apple can buy it for pennies. He'll get his golden parachute as thanks.

  23. 8 months ago

    Thier biggest market is China
    And what China wants is white people movies.
    For real.

  24. 8 months ago

    >*keeps making the same brown latino homosexual calarts cartoons*
    >*hires more pajeets to make feminist power fantasies*
    >I tried everything I can think of and am too overwhelmed and exhausted to make this money printer company print money

    seriously, at this point if they just ceased production of any new garbage and just relied on the good white movie they had made, they'd be more profitable.
    just give up on new movies altogether, because you can't make them, and keep selling cindarella dolls forever at least you're not losing money on another garbage latino x Black person romance in the pile of garbage no one will care about except for people making it maybe

  25. 8 months ago

    how is it the consumers fault? That's like a restaurant serving rotten, rat feces covered food and b***hing about how it's the customers fault for not wanting to eat it

  26. 8 months ago

    Is this the "Go broke" part?

    • 8 months ago

      >Is this the "Go broke" part?
      They patched that.

  27. 8 months ago
  28. 8 months ago

    I'm sure Snow ~~*White*~~ has nothing to do with this.

  29. 8 months ago

    >buy everything
    >don't capitalize on it (if it was even possible)
    >run out of money
    >don't sell all the crap you just bought

    i thought israelites were supposed to be smart

  30. 8 months ago

    You guys, Taylor Swift is NOT popular, and audiences DON'T like white princesses, ok?

  31. 8 months ago

    Seeing this schizo babbling about how whites don't like white princesses or other white people in general is fascinating. It's like he fully immersed himself and fully believed the Cinemaphile meme about whites hating themselves.

    • 8 months ago

      Yeah, it is fun to read things and then pretend they were saying something completely different.

      What white audiences like or dislike in film isn’t a point in contention. The fact is whites moved on from film.

  32. 8 months ago

    He could have remained retired and let the last guy deal with it.

    It was his own ego that did it in.

  33. 8 months ago

    Peltz is kicking Igor out, this shit was pruned on Cinemaphile for some reason.
    >The man who PROVES going woke will make you broke! How billionaire Republican donor and 'activist' investor Nelson Peltz turns businesses around by telling them to cut the politics and put profits first... as he sets his sights on Disney
    >Nelson Peltz, the billionaire activist investor vying to overhaul Disney, has a history of taking on woke politicians and CEOs who he believes are harming America.
    >Yesterday, Peltz - the 80-year-old father of Brooklyn Beckham's actress wife Nicola Peltz - made a play for Disney with an SEC filing asking for a seat on the board, and with a multi-faceted social media and website campaign to 'restore' its lost 'magic'.
    >It marks a new chapter in Disney's checkered recent history; the once-revered American behemoth has gone down in the estimations of many families who say it's become too political.
    >Peltz's bid for Disney is not his first attempt to take control - or at least steer - a once-thriving company that he believes has lost its way with virtue signaling.
    >In September 2021, he did just that with Unilever, the company that owns a range of brands, including Ben & Jerry's. During a meeting in London, New York-born Peltz confronted Unilever's CEO, Alan Jope about the famously liberal Ben & Jerry's and its many political statements.

    • 8 months ago

      The troony Cinemaphile mods have been cucks trying to hide information for awhile.

      They pruned any thread mentioning that the Transexual Editor at DC Comics wanted to make Superboy (Conner Kent) into a transsexual

    • 8 months ago

      >inter miami

  34. 8 months ago

    well he hasn't died of shame yet so things can't really be all that bad, now can they?

  35. 8 months ago

    ROBERT Black person

  36. 8 months ago

    Encanto is a better movie than Frozen.

    • 8 months ago

      plot wise that wouldnt be hard but as far as entertaining, you could put up a still pic of elsa and it would be better than watching a bunch of Black folk dance around

  37. 8 months ago

    More like Robert NIger

  38. 8 months ago

    >overwhelmed and exhausted

    KK really has CP on half of Hollywood, right?

  39. 8 months ago

    Its his fault a lot of this happened in the first place. He did nothing when his company painted LGBT PROPAGANDA all over the place and encouraged libs and he did nothing when they FIRE CARONO for telling the TRUTH

  40. 8 months ago


  41. 8 months ago

    Disney isn't "trying" to make anti-white or "woke" content. It's just that the writers do, and they do because they are UNABLE to make any other kind of content. They literally can't think of anything to make. Creators WANT to make more interesting and innovative content, they are just unable to.
    Disney just wants to make money, because they are a business that faces bankruptcy if they consistently lose money.

    • 8 months ago

      Anon you know the bit about studios being held hostage by woke writers was strike propaganda from the studios, right? The studios go out of their way to avoid hiring anything but woke writers. Woke is a top-down phenomenon.

      • 8 months ago

        >Anon you know the bit about studios being held hostage by woke writers was strike propaganda from the studios, right? The studios go out of their way to avoid hiring anything but woke writers. Woke is a top-down phenomenon.
        Well that's the point, "hostage". Iger personally doesn't care or want "woke" content at all.
        The creators are driving this down, they think they are right and virtuous and don't care if it drives Disney et al. to bankruptcy.
        Iger and the rest of the studios need to refactor and expand the content so it appeals to more people.

        • 8 months ago

          And this problem with "woke" content is that it papers over a lack of good stories/characterization.
          Writers use "woke" as a crutch to attempt to hold up bad content.
          But that doesn't work, as we have seen.
          Not that people want to see "woke" or "non-woke" content; they just want to see GOOD content. But writers can't make good content, so they make woke content and pretend it's good.
          There needs to be a complete refactor of how content is conceived, which is beyond the scope of Iger or any one person.
          There is deeper rot here, but it's not THAT difficult to get back to more varied content. It will take work.

    • 8 months ago

      Colleges are pumping out stupid people with useless degrees. The average profession writer is at least 20 IQ points lower than a professional writer in 1980 and the course material in the average MFA writing program is abysmally stupid. Shakespeare is a dead white man, and he's been replaced with the likes of pic related. This is the "decolonization" of education.

  42. 8 months ago

    Frozen, Barbie, Taylor Swift… Disney need to bow down to the aryan woman or go bankrupt.

  43. 8 months ago

    >Disney Parks attendence dropping, too expensive and literall men in beards wearing dresses
    >Buys boys franchises, Star Wars/Marvel, feminises them - "The force is Female", M-She-U
    >Kills merchedising by filling content full of characters the customers hate - Holdo, Rey, Sabine Wren, Captain Marvel, Wakanda
    >Miscasts films for "progressive reasons" or has watches them loose a shit ton of money - Little Mermaid, MCU
    >Makes content for "progressives" ends up they're not interested in it and then loses audience - MCU, Star Wars, Little Mermaid, Indiana Jones
    >Spunks over $1bn dollars up the wall on a Star Wars hotel based on the Sequels- closes it

    I could go on and on, but this guy is an absolute fricking disaster, he's killed franchises, nuked merchendise sales, put people off Disney. He has to go.

  44. 8 months ago

    Everyone assumes Apple is going to buy Disney. What’s in it for Apple. They are a tech company theme parker business. They also don’t deal with collective bargaining. They outsource everything

    • 8 months ago

      Apple doesn't want Disney, people just go with Apple because of ties to Iger and Apple actually has enough cash to do it.

    • 8 months ago

      no one assumes apple is going to by disney but iger. thats the joke and what everyone shit talks about.

      apple has never shown any interest whatsoever and i think may have even said at one point that they arent interested

      • 8 months ago

        Its the battle for content. Apple uses content to sell its hardware, thats why its started up Apple TV, thats why it has the appstore, apple music. It learnt that from Sony, who learnt their lesson with the Betamax failure. If they get hold of Disney they'll have a library of content and a studio for future content to drive hardware sales and boost their streaming service.

        Right now there are only three big independant content creators, Disney, Warner and Paramount. Apple, Amazon, Netflix and Google(Youtube) would benefit by owning their content libraries.

        Disney is in play, as soon as that happens the other two will also be targets.

        • 8 months ago

          Anon if anyone wants to acquire Disney IP, they’ll wait for it to go to auction. There is no reason to buy Disney as a company. It will just be paying to inherent all the problems they’ve engineered for themselves.

          • 8 months ago

            They'll keep what they want and sell the rest, at a profit. The parks by themselves are probably worth more than the current market cap of the Disney. They'll sell off ABC and ESPN and it will have cost them less than purchase price after those three sales.

            • 8 months ago

              >dood they tots finna buy Disney and then sell off for mo moneh!!

              Anon you’re moronic.

              • 8 months ago

                They want the library and the studio's. They dont need the parks and they dont need the linear broadcasters. Try and keep up.

              • 8 months ago

                Apple has their own studios. They don’t need anything a failing film studio has. Apple has zero incentive to purchase a failing film studio. Much less a failing film studio that is also a failing cruiseline company and failing amusement park company.

              • 8 months ago

                The only thing I heard and believe Apple wants is ESPN so can compete with Amazon on sports front. Disney should offload it. Sure, it brings them their highest ratings. But also most expensive channel. Billions just goes Monday Night Footvball. More billions to his the college Bowl games. And NBA and MLB

    • 8 months ago

      >Everyone assumes Apple is going to buy Disney. What’s in it for Apple
      Exactly. If Disney can't manage their own content why would Apple want it.

    • 8 months ago

      Apple doesn't want Disney, people just go with Apple because of ties to Iger and Apple actually has enough cash to do it.

      The only people who think anyone is going to buy Disney are Disney executives praying to be saved from the failure they engineered for themselves

  45. 8 months ago
    • 8 months ago

      why are women like this?

      • 8 months ago

        Same reason the guy screaming about tangled and Taylor swift is the way he is. Insufficient IQ to see beyond his own circumstances.

      • 8 months ago

        women are the israelites of gender

  46. 8 months ago

    This is what they get for canceling Tron: Uprising, Motorcity and the 3rd season of EMH. It's not the woke bullshit, it's not the terrible writing or terrible, uncreative remakes. It is Karma for canceling those 3 cartoons.

  47. 8 months ago

    Millennial writers grew up reading exclusively Young Adult novels and writing fanfiction on Tumblr. The precipitous decline in quality of professional writing is apparent everywhere. People simple do not know how to write anymore. The average 18 year old civil war soldier had a better grasp on belles-lettres than the average professor today. Mass literacy = race to the bottom.

    • 8 months ago

      >college and masters degree barely over 100.
      Midwit confirmed

      • 8 months ago

        It turns out the education doesn't actually make people smarter. We've sent millions of people to college who really have no business being there.

    • 8 months ago

      chydworld incomin!

    • 8 months ago

      this is what ye git fer 'bandonin' that thurr meritocracizin' in favor of sum airy fairy fairness business

    • 8 months ago

      I can't believe how many people today cant even read at a highschool level. Even those who graduate highschool...

      • 8 months ago

        Education standards is racist

      • 8 months ago

        >54% of adults in the United States have English prose literacy below the 6th-grade level.
        People are graduating highschool and they can't read or write at a 6th grade level.

  48. 8 months ago

    I know, I led the charge. No need to thank me, I understand the importance of my role at the top of the cultural food chain.

  49. 8 months ago

    I want to see how far Disney will fall. The stock price is now at the average 2014 was for them.

  50. 8 months ago

    It's amazing that they don't see how their woke policies are killing their business and would do anything other than just going back to non-political agenda pushing stuff.

    • 8 months ago

      You have it backwards. They went woke because their business was dying, because the market divided too much, and blackrock gave them a soft bailout.

      • 8 months ago

        They went woke because they've hired people who have been trained their entire lives to be woke. You don't do something so stupid as what they did with Star Wars unless you're woke. They bought SW because it was a boy franchise that they could tap into to appeal to a greater audience. Then they immediately began turning it into a franchise for girls with Force is Female stuff, defeating the whole purpose of the investment. They didn't do this because "the market divided". They *bought* SW because the market was divided, and then they *destroyed it* because they are woke.

        • 8 months ago

          Woke was top down. Post discarded.

          • 8 months ago

            yeah it was top down from the government into every institution, try paying attention

        • 8 months ago

          They hired woke people because it's in the law that corporations have to hire blacks women, and other "underrepresented" aka lower IQ groups. The only way to end wokeness is to roll back The Civil Rights Act.

          • 8 months ago

            >They hired woke people because it's in the law that corporations have to hire blacks women, and other "underrepresented" aka lower IQ groups. The only way to end wokeness is to roll back The Civil Rights Act.
            It's a good article but they can hire people and then have other people shape content.

            • 8 months ago

              that's theory, reality is there's a bunch of angry Black folk with a federal mandate to accuse people of being racist, then profit from watching them bend over backwards to prove a negative.

    • 8 months ago

      You don't actually believe it's just ignorance, right?

  51. 8 months ago

    There's a dark cloud around every Disney release right now. Like a collective of people wanting their releases to bomb. The Marvels will probably be a disaster, same with the next Pixar and Disney cartoons.

  52. 8 months ago

    ESG money is bullshit. If you’re a advertiser. You are going going to pay a lot for something draws in most viewers. If marxist organization wants to spread marxist propaganda you’re going to pay for programs that have most viewers. Nobody watches Disney+ Star Wars is so dead it’s relegated to Disney+ Marvel fading out. Nobody bailing Disney out

  53. 8 months ago
  54. 8 months ago


    Still getting it. Now it has Jared Leto and some black woman.

  55. 8 months ago

    Not my problem

  56. 8 months ago

    Here’s the reality with Disney. They weren’t content to stay in the us lanes. Make movies for little kids. specifically little girls. So saw Transformers and Ninia Turtles becoming blockbusters because of men. So they tried to apple to me . They stopped princess movies, changed Rapunzel to Tangled and gave male character a lot of attention to get boys. They than made Tron, John Carter all to appeal to boys. Both under performed. So, they bought Star Wars and Disney with built in male audiences. And in less than a decade ruined both

  57. 8 months ago

    Iger wouldn’t be freaking out the way he is if he knew he’d be getting bailed out and have a golden parachute. He’s a man that doesn’t want to go down as destroying Disney

  58. 8 months ago

    well, so much for talking about the market as a whole and why disney is dead no matter what. lets instead talk about the artificial political landscape created after occupy and pretend disney movies are for 5 year olds.

  59. 8 months ago

    Karma is a b***h.

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