You have just been placed in charge of running the DC Cinematic Universe, how do you save it?

You have just been placed in charge of running the DC Cinematic Universe, how do you save it?

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  1. 11 months ago

    Not possible, just let it die.

    • 11 months ago

      It is easily possible for a studio that owns Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman to recover

  2. 11 months ago

    Movies for Bizarro World, Ambush Bug, Lobo, and Yellow Lantern.

  3. 11 months ago
    James Gunn

    I hire all of my friends and family to play important characters, then molest a bunch of little boys.

    • 11 months ago

      They already tried that dozens of times.

  4. 11 months ago

    All Star Superman one season 12 part series and a Detective Batman movie. Cancel everything for all the other heroes.

    • 11 months ago

      Who would you cast as Superman?

      • 11 months ago

        Cavill or Cruise.

    • 11 months ago

      All Star would require a big budget to work and turning it into a series is a good way to lose money. TV shows aren’t profitable on their own, not like movies are.

  5. 11 months ago

    Who cares moron? This is a frickin tv and film board. Not a business strategy board. moronic esl

  6. 11 months ago

    Green Lantern series with Geoff Johns and Peter Tomasi on board (gets an animated series)
    Hellblazer trilogy set in the late 80s
    Nightwing trilogy with no Titans shit (also gets an animated series
    Sandman Mystery Theater trilogy
    Justice League International trilogy

    • 11 months ago

      Litteral satanic communist trash
      >Bruv the tories arent very proper
      *takes bite out of *bean toas*

      • 11 months ago

        >Litteral satanic communist trash
        You know, except for the part where John Constantine isn't a communist and his cast of baddies are demons and people who play with dark magic. Honestly just make it like Angel Heart.

      • 11 months ago

        Frick off you literal zoomer c**t.

      • 11 months ago

        Look amerinonce, just because your bread and beans are sugar-filled trash that doesn't mean everyone's is.

    • 11 months ago

      >Nightwing trilogy with no Titans shit
      No Starfire or Raven is cringe

      • 11 months ago

        The Titans are fricking dogshit dude. There's a reason why they always fall apart without Dick Grayson, they're C-lister characters.

        • 11 months ago

          The Nightwing name carries no weight to the GA. Teen Titans does.

          • 11 months ago

            Are you kidding? Nightwing carries more weight than the Titans thanks to the video games. Pair him with Batgirl and people will actually flock to see it.

            • 11 months ago

              >Posts an attractive redhead
              Anon, Batgirl is an over-the-wall latinx who identifies as a woman

              • 11 months ago

                >Anon, Batgirl is an over-the-wall latinx who identifies as a woman
                Thank frick they cancelled it. The script sounded terrible.

            • 11 months ago

              The videogames? What his cameo in Arkham city and his side quest on Arkham Knight?

              • 11 months ago

                That plus the Injustice video games. People know who the character is.

              • 11 months ago

                Most of that game features DAMIAN as Nightwing lmao. Dick gets like two lines in that whole campaign. If Gotham Knights had been any good then you would have an argument.

              • 11 months ago

                Point is that there is something to work with, people know who the character is. Other comics like GOTG had nothing and became something over night.

            • 11 months ago

              Gotham Knights flopped hard. Teen Titans has 2 successful cartoons, 4 animated movies and live action show. There are no solo nightwing projects outside the comics for a reason.

              • 11 months ago

                >There are no solo nightwing projects outside the comics for a reason.
                We already know the reason for it; DC doesn't take chances because they know they can slap Batman and it will make money back despite the fact that fans want variety.

        • 11 months ago

          Anon, they're obviously popular. The original animated series lasted 5 seasons. The follow-up Teen Titans Go has gotten an additional 8 seasons and a theatrical movie release. They wouldn't have lasted so long if they didn't have a big following. Even the edgedark live action show somehow managed to last 4 seasons.

          • 11 months ago

            You guys overstate the hell out of cartoons that came out twenty years ago.
            >The follow-up Teen Titans Go has gotten an additional 8 seasons and a theatrical movie release. They wouldn't have lasted so long if they didn't have a big following. Even the edgedark live action show somehow managed to last 4 seasons
            Yeah, and those were fricking terrible.

            • 11 months ago

              They're terrible but they're popular, and the characters themselves are a draw. Kids like them and adults have nostalgia for the original show.

              • 11 months ago

                >Kids like them and adults have nostalgia for the original show.
                Again, you're overstating the nostalgia factor. John Stewart was supposedly the most popular Green Lantern thanks to JLU but then they gave the character his own movie and it bombed worse than any other animated GL cartoon.

              • 11 months ago

                John Stewart (and other green lanterns besides Hal) can't carry a solo COMIC to save their lives. It's embarrassing how they keep bringing them back.

              • 11 months ago

                John Stewart is a good character but only works in an ensemble.
                It’s a typical token black character they insert into everything. Like the black guy on ER, Star Trek, etc.
                nobody tunes in for them specifically, but they’re not bad and they don’t drag down the show.

              • 11 months ago

                Hal Jordan was the GL for the movie, not Jon Stewart. You even had people getting confused as to why GL was a white guy in the movie.

              • 11 months ago

                I think he's talking about "Green Lantern: beware my Power" where the executive producers, the director and the writer decided John Stewart would be cool if his movie destroyed all interesting parts of the Green Lantern mythos.

              • 11 months ago

                Talking about the 2022 movie. If John was the star of GL 2011, it would have been a worse bomb than with Hal Jordan because John Stewart has the character of a brick.

      • 11 months ago
    • 11 months ago

      I'd adapt DC Constantine, not Vertigo Constantine.
      I'd make him a main character in my DCRU. I liked him in the animated flicks, Justice League Dark movies.
      I'd set him up as a nerfed Doctor Strange. He'd be teaming up with Doctor Fate, Zatanna, and her father.

      • 11 months ago

        >I'd adapt DC Constantine, not Vertigo Constantine.
        See you have to be clear about what you mean by DC Constantine. From 1985-1992 Hellblazer was a DC comic, from 1993 till mid 2010s Hellblazer was a Vertigo imprint and then went back to DC where he became a discount Doctor Strange quipfest who lobs fire balls.

        • 11 months ago

          The original one belongs to the Vertigo universe. He's not the "mainstream" version from Earth-1 and later "main dimension" universes.

          DC treats those stories like they're Golden Age or AU Batman stories. I wouldn't adapt those Vertigo stories unless the character got mainstream popular. Then you could make self contained movies based on the old, grittier, original version.

          >I'd make him a main character in my DCRU. I liked him in the animated flicks, Justice League Dark movies.
          >I'd set him up as a nerfed Doctor Strange. He'd be teaming up with Doctor Fate, Zatanna, and her father.
          Then you like the worst version of the character. John Constantine never worked as a low-tier superhero.

          The animated movies from WB made him cool as frick, though. By far the best portrayal of his character on film.

          Justice League Dark: Apocalypse War was cool as frick. He turned out the best character in the DC Animated Movie universe.


          • 11 months ago

            >The animated movies from WB made him cool as frick, though. By far the best portrayal of his character on film.
            Those movies were fricking horrible and sold so badly that the animation department had its budged cut. Before them DC animation used to have prestige.
            >Justice League Dark: Apocalypse War was cool as frick.
            Shit was horrible. Like a bad fanfic based on Zack Snyder's plans.

            • 11 months ago

              The cool thing about him is that he's a detective mage. not a "Superman" mage. Not like Strange or Fate.

              He's like the MC in Ghostwire Tokyo or Corvo Attano in Dishonored. He could amp to take on a galactic level threat but he's more grounded most of the time.

              Spectre is Whis tier
              Doctor Fate/Nabu is Goku tier
              Constantine is more Naruto tier.

      • 11 months ago

        >I'd make him a main character in my DCRU. I liked him in the animated flicks, Justice League Dark movies.
        >I'd set him up as a nerfed Doctor Strange. He'd be teaming up with Doctor Fate, Zatanna, and her father.
        Then you like the worst version of the character. John Constantine never worked as a low-tier superhero.

    • 11 months ago

      >Green Lantern series with Geoff Johns
      >Geoff Johns
      moron, Johns is one of the reasons DC can't organize a film universe. He's a half talented writer that can't manage a lemonade stand

      • 11 months ago

        Not to mention that his run, while profitable, in the long run completely ruined the IP. Now the IP is stuck being able to do nothing but repeat the same stories he used to do.

        • 11 months ago

          If that were true then GL would still be doing power rings stories. Instead they forgot about the various fractions, but back on the GL books, pushed John Stewart (and failed. Multiple times.) and depowered them.

          • 11 months ago

            Who cares what comics are doing, cook books regular outsell them
            Marvel and DC are dead, they're kept on life support because they're owned by rich conglomerates that want to turn their IPs into profitable films

            • 11 months ago

              Literally nothing to do what what I said but ok moron.

              • 11 months ago

                The sooner you stop ignoring that's comics are dead the better

              • 11 months ago

                Same as before.

      • 11 months ago

        Geoff Johns is the only reason why DC ever took a chance with GL, you mouth breather. If actually had any pull in the matter then the 2011 GL movie wouldn’t have been such a shitshow.

        • 11 months ago

          Lmao, what an uninformed moron.
          He's one of the reasons that film sucked so much
          He did GL, Josstice league, AM and WW84. He sucks and you're a gay for defending him

          • 11 months ago

            This, it was all Geoff’s fault that Justice League sucked ass and not my Snyder and WB.

            • 11 months ago

              >I specifically type "one of" the reasons
              >soem homosexual comes to seethe about Snyder
              God, I don't even like that manlet but what is it with you homosexuals and hating him? You know he's one of you, right? He's not some secretly based auteur, he's just a decent director who doesn't under his strengths are on visuals

        • 11 months ago

          >If actually had any pull in the matter then the 2011 GL movie wouldn’t have been such a shitshow.
          The movie sucked mostly because he had pull.

          • 11 months ago

            Who was the director? Who wrote the script? Who was producing? Do you think an artist like Geoff would be cool with cramming three stories into one when he already did the perfect origin story before?

            • 11 months ago

              >an artist like Geoff
              Frick off, Johns, no one likes you
              You're just a Tom King without brain damage

              • 11 months ago

                I forgot to add the comic part to the artist part. Part still stands.

              • 11 months ago

                >forgot to add the comic part to the artist part
                Which means your post is still moronic, because Johns is a scrip writer, "comic book artist" is a term used for illustrators

            • 11 months ago

              The director Martin Campbell, who wanted to do Lethal Weapon in space.
              Everything else was done "PRESIDENT OF DC ENTERTAINMENT" Geoff Johns, WB executive Jeff Robinov, and the screen writers Marc Guggenheim and Greg Berlanti (that eventually went on to make those terrible The CW DC shows).
              Geoff Johns was the one pushing shit like Parallax.

              • 11 months ago

                Did Geoff write the screenplay?

              • 11 months ago

                According to Guggnheim and Berlanti, yes. Geoff Johns eventually messed with the script during production and post-production because of the reshoots.

              • 11 months ago

                Don’t buy it because you need to have to set up the destruction of Coast City for Parallax. Jumping straight to the final boss is literally what they pulled in Justice League and ruined the movie.

              • 11 months ago

                That's what Johns pushed for.
                He wanted the movie to be adaptations of his Secret Origin arc and his Rebirth arc. More residuals for him, that way.

        • 11 months ago

          Frick off Geoff

    • 11 months ago

      Yeah, regardless of whatever impact he had on DC as a whole, everything in his GL run is kino. You could make a good series of movies from the origins and sinestro war up to blackest night.

      • 11 months ago

        Peter Tomasi's run on Green Lantern Corps were ten times better than the concurrent Geoff Johns' run on Green Lantern, and the fact that Tomasi's run would constantly be messed by Johns' shitty cross-over events was fricking ass. Not to mention that these cross-over events stopped being entertaining by the first one, which i think was the war with the Yellow Lanterns lead by Thaal Sinestro. Forgot the name of the cross-over event.
        From that point on everything started to suck heavily. The zombie shit was fricking awful.

        • 11 months ago

          Yeah of course that run is great too, but I'd rather be focused on Hal if a movie has to be made. Introducing enough characters for a corps movie would make it too cramped without GL already been set. Plus Hal is more connected to the creation of other corps.

        • 11 months ago

          The one after Sinestro Corps War was Blackest Night, the best DC event had in a long time.

          • 11 months ago

            Yes, thank you for the name. Sinestro War.
            Either way you're wrong. Blackest Night SUCKS.

    • 11 months ago

      >Geoff Johns
      That man should never be allowed with 100ft of another film production ever again.
      Absolute spastic moron

      • 11 months ago

        Geoff is the only person who actually knows the characters in WB.

        • 11 months ago

          Frick of Geoff. You ruined everything and are a fricking moron. Your legacy is shit and no one will ever remember you as anything other than the frickwit that tanked every attempt to fix dc

          • 11 months ago

            >r you as anything other than the frickwit that tanked every attempt to fix dc
            When did Geoff become all of WB?

        • 11 months ago

          Wonder Woman 1984 was mostly written by Geoff Johns.
          His idea was to copy the 70's show, badly, and insert Maxwell Lord into the movie as a bad allegory for Donald Trump, this because he wrote a terrible Wonder Woman story back in the early 2000s where Wonder Woman snap Lord's neck.

          Geoff Johns go to MO as a producer was to continuously push for his comic book runs and minis to be adapted as movie scripts.
          Green Lantern needed to be a terrible adaptation of his ;'Secret Origin" comic arc of Green Lantern and the Green Lantern: Rebirth mini-series, Justice League needed to be an adaptation of his "Origin" comic arc of Justice League, Aquaman needed to be an adaption of his "The Trench" comic arc of Aquaman, Ben Affleck's The Batman needed to be an adaptation of his Batman: Earth One graphic novel which is why Affleck quit, Shazam needed to be an adaptation of his Shazam comic arc of Justice League, The Flash needed to be an adaptation of Flashpoint mini-series, and so on.

          • 11 months ago

            >Wonder Woman 1984 was mostly written by Geoff Johns.
            Sauce, because I see two people on that.
            >Green Lantern needed to be a terrible adaptation of his ;'Secret Origin" comic arc of Green Lantern and the Green Lantern: Rebirth mini-series
            Sauce on this because that's like three stories into one and he's a producer, meaning everyone is free to ignore his input.

            • 11 months ago

              >Sauce, because I see two people on that.
              >Sauce on this because that's like three stories into one and he's a producer, meaning everyone is free to ignore his input.
              Geoff Johns back then some random comic book writer or producer, but had become DC Entertainment President. Basically the liaison between the publisher and the studio and the guy in charge of all creative choices. He was also seen at the time by the WB execs as their Kevin Smith slash Kevin Feige.

              • 11 months ago

                All I read is the lady writer is happy to work with Geoff, then a paragraph about this was a week after Cyborg's actor cried because he wouldn't say the word.
                >Geoff Johns back then some random comic book writer or producer
                Geoff was actually Richard Donner's assistant and then after that became popular for reviving Green Lantern.

              • 11 months ago

                >Geoff was actually Richard Donner's assistant and then after that became popular for reviving Green Lantern.
                Doesn't change the fact he was a fricking awful producer and a overhyped hack comic book writer.

              • 11 months ago

                He's a producer in WB, he was never going to do a good job.
                >overhyped hack comic book writer.
                His Green Lantern stuff is good tho.

              • 11 months ago

                Dude, we know what his decisions led to. For example Geoff Johns was the guy that brought Joss Whedon in.

              • 11 months ago

                >For example Geoff Johns was the guy that brought Joss Whedon in.
                Joss Whedon had more experiences with capeshit than Snyder so I can see it. Still better than the dude they brought in to begin with.

    • 11 months ago

      Why the obsession with trilogies? Just do the James Bond thing and just have endless episodic sequels. The story begins and ends in the same movie. Recast when necessary such as if the actor leaves or if they get too old. No reboots necessary. Start with Batman and go from there.

      • 11 months ago

        This is the right answer. Don’t count on the success or the current movie.
        Produce every single movie as its own standalone thing. Treat every movie as if will be the last. Keep them wanting more.
        Batman Begins ironically could have been an end point. The Dark Knight could have been an end point. Go watch the ending of it. Perfect ending. Even when they pretty much know it’s going to be a series, every piece of it has a sense of finality to it. That’s great cinema.

  7. 11 months ago

    Not hiring Zack Snyder

    • 11 months ago

      They fricked up by fricking his movies and not making the other directors follow his style.

  8. 11 months ago

    I wait 20 years and then release standalone films, one for Superman, one for Batman, and that's it. Superman's will be him having to try to stop a mystery villain but not knowing it's Lex Luthor and he's about 30 steps ahead. Batman's will just be Arkham Asylum, minus the stupid monster Joker ending.

  9. 11 months ago

    Go back to focusing only on batman

    • 11 months ago

      They're already doing that and the movies suck.

      • 11 months ago

        No I mean only batman and his lore.
        Joker was good, The Nolan Trilogy was good, TAS Mask of Phantasm was good. I didn't watch the Robert Pattinson one yet though. Batman makes them money. Even the shitty shumaker ones made bank. This flash movie would've sold better if it was a batman movie, marketed as a batman that has the flash as a character to only exist to set the important plot points in motion.
        Ezra Miller killed any hope this movie had

        • 11 months ago

          >Joker was good
          This is the only true part of this post.

          • 11 months ago

            Ok zoomer, mask of the phantasm is one of the best batman movies to be in theaters.

  10. 11 months ago

    I would just cast the hottest fricking actress there are currently for every single female character and make the main man Lobo frick them, every single other male gets cucked by him, Clark, Bruce, Dick, etc. I would call it the DCuck verse

  11. 11 months ago
    • 11 months ago

      I liked Uma

    • 11 months ago

      You'll get a super black negress with a shit wig and you'll like it

    • 11 months ago

      Lauren Phillips

  12. 11 months ago

    Start brand new.
    Phase 1: Get the core OG Justice League characters built up
    >Martian Manhunter
    >Wonder Woman
    >Hal Jordan
    Phase 2 and beyond: Branch out to the legacy characters, giving them their own junior teams before integrating them into the Justice League. It's not rocket science. Slowly increase the stakes and pick the right stories/villains. Darkseid this early is insanely moronic.
    Superman 1 is against Metallo, then Bizzaro/Lex Luthor, then General Zod. You don't destroy Metropolis in the first film or in any of them this soon, maybe there's some small damage to a few buildings but not end of the world sky beam shit.
    Batman should go through his rogue gallery slowly working his way up. Riddler, Anarchy, and pick something special for the third film like Scarecrow. You don't have the Bane story this early.
    Same idea for the JL films. You don't go all out endgame tier from the start. Slowly build up to greater story arcs with more devastating consequences and greater payoffs.
    For shows, do the characters that will never be worth putting on the big screen but have stories that would be GOAT tier HBO shows without any of the action. For financial reasons, studios will eventually realise small budget shows are the way to go, and that means minimal or no superpower shit. Give me a show about the League of Shadows, King Faraday, Amanda Waller, etc. Build the backstory of the characters first so they can be potentially introduced into the main films as minor characters.
    Plan the next 50 years of shows and films now. You can't give these writers too much freedom. There's a greater narrative here at play. It's a business. End it in a big way once the truly profitable core of the IP has been exhausted, I'm sorry but once we've used Bart Allen everything worth making content about has been done.
    Do some elseaworld films for about a decade or two and hard reset.

    • 11 months ago

      >King Faraday
      Literally who

      • 11 months ago

        Basically James Bond in the comics. You could even make standalone movies about him which have nothing to do with the superhero aspect of DC. They can ruin James Bond with race swapping and we can draw in the James Bond crowd.
        Long story short he plays a semi vital role in some character's lives. He's the one that recruited Ben Turner and Richard Dragon into the CBI to take down the League of Assassins. They fricked up real bad and Ben Turner ended up being MKULTRA'd, becoming Bronze Tiger. The whole arc of Ben regaining his identity could easily be an award winning performance.
        But like Amanda Waller, he's really old during the existence of the main DC superhero cast and stories. He plays more of the role of a bureaucrat/government liason. Guys like Tom Tresser would play a more active role during that period. His origin story with his brother being brainwashed and the whole rescuing Zoya Trigorin from Russia story can easily be turned into great spy thriller films or series.
        It's quiet sad you're so focused on the capeshit in DC that you're missing out on the SOVL.

  13. 11 months ago

    Ban Grant Morrison, Frank Miller, Snyder books and forbid them to use Nolan's movies as reference. That all.

    • 11 months ago

      So... Neil Adams?

      • 11 months ago

        Yes things are going to work out somehow.

  14. 11 months ago

    I really liked Snyder's aesthetics in Watchmen and his DC flicks. I liked how he tried to be epic and was epic.
    I'd try to emulate his style. I'd tell directors to take inspiration from Watchmen and Man of Steel.

    If Gunnverse failed or he quit in under 5 years, I'd do a Crisis Event. Snyderverse, Gunnverse, and other DC media actors show up. Everyone dies. One of the Barry Allens does the cosmic treadmill thing. Henry Cavill's Superman survives, Superboy Prime survives, and a version of Luther.

    Leads to the DCRU. First movie would be a Justice League movie with fresh cast. Darkseid knows a reboot happened. He's gonna try to hit Earth hard. Gets wienerblocked by the Spectre, as he recruits the young Justice League.
    Phase 1 is all solo and team up flicks.

    Phase 1 ends with Superboy Prime breaking into the DCRU.

    Phase 2 is all Superboy Prime causing trouble in the DCRU leading to the big galaxy unifying team up where he kills a bunch of lower tier heroes. Cavill Superman returns as an older Superman.

    Cavill Superman "dies" fighting Superboy Prime, defeating him.

    Phase 3 would be all the stuff leading to the War of Light/Lantern War..

    • 11 months ago

      Too much Kino, too faithful to the comics.

    • 11 months ago

      This sounds like a better plan than whatever the hell they're doing

  15. 11 months ago

    >Goyer and Geoff Johns are not allowed in the building
    >Stop with the schizo elseworlds shit, one iteration of a character at a time
    >everybody gets a solo film or two. People can make cameos but no rushing into a JL movie
    >Offer Michael Bay whatever he wants to direct a Superman movie
    >Niel Blomkamp cyborg movie. He can screech all he wants about racism the important thing is that he'll be able to make it look good for like $50 mil instead of 300 mil
    >Cast a titcow for Wonder Woman
    >Introduce Starfire and Raven. Both will be actually be attractive this time. We want the coomer audience

    • 11 months ago

      and Geoff Johns are not allowed in the building
      Geoff is the only person who actually understands the material and the only guy who can actually do Green Lantern justice.

      • 11 months ago

        >Geoff is the only person who actually understands the material
        Johns is a homosexual that can only write Green Lantern and that's it

        • 11 months ago

          >Never read his JSA
          >Never read his Flash
          >Never read his Superman
          >Never read his Aquaman
          I know you've just read shitty event comics where he's just doing Didio's editorial mandates but try and step outside of your comfort zone once in a while.

          • 11 months ago

            His JSA run was mostly good because of David S. Goyer, and i say this as someone who dislike Goyer as a script writer.
            His The Flash fricking sucked and unironically ruined the franchise. He retconned Barry Allen background to be some edgy nonsense about dead mother, he turned Allen into some depressed loner, and he did away with the superior Wally West character. Not to mention that he used his run on the comic as a backdoor to reboot the comics with the shitty Flashpoint cross-over event. Something that ended up ruining the comics, the animations, and the movies. Flashpoint has been like a slow-acting poison killing the DC brand.
            His Superman run was nothing but him changing shit that didn't needed to be changed just so he could copy the Richard Donner's movies (he started his career as Donner's assistant).
            His Aquaman run was nothing but he redoing his old runs.

            • 11 months ago

              I wasn't talking about (Didio-mandated) Flashpoint you dumb frick. I'm talking about his actual Flash run.

              >Noooooo! It's all Dan DiDio's fault
              Frick you Black person.
              Was Batman EarthOne Didio too?
              Stop dick riding mediocre talent

              >Reads a writer who openly hates Batman
              >Wtf this isn't very good
              You get what you deserve.

              • 11 months ago

                >You get what you deserve.
                Lmao, what a homosexual
                >He made it bad on purpose!

            • 11 months ago

              >Not to mention that he used his run on the comic as a backdoor to reboot the comics with the shitty Flashpoint cross-over event. Something that ended up ruining the comics, the animations, and the movies. Flashpoint has been like a slow-acting poison killing the DC brand. That was more Didio using it as the launchpad for Nu52. It would have made more sense to use In Brightness Day in place of Flashpoint honestly.

          • 11 months ago

            >Noooooo! It's all Dan DiDio's fault
            Frick you Black person.
            Was Batman EarthOne Didio too?
            Stop dick riding mediocre talent

    • 11 months ago

      Gunn will go with Mr Terrific and John Stewart.

  16. 11 months ago

    nude superman
    nude wonder woman

  17. 11 months ago

    Id do 2 movies a year over the course of 4 years
    >Batman Venom adaptation
    >Superman Peace on Earth adaptation
    >Green Lantern (Hal and Sinestro only)
    >Animal Man (screenplay by Grant Morrison)
    >Justice League of America (Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Captain Marvel and Plastic Man. Legion of Doom as villains with one villain from each JL members rogues gallery)
    >Green Lantern Sinestro War
    (Bring in Jon, Guy and Kyle)
    >Swamp Thing
    >Justice League Silver Age
    (Introduce The Flash and Green Lantern, Fourth World storyline)

  18. 11 months ago

    i dont

  19. 11 months ago

    Stop making movies for at least 3 years. Make an extenive plan. Hire talented people. Start over.

  20. 11 months ago

    >already have the perfect Green Lantern material for adaptation
    >ignore it and pump out more guano

  21. 11 months ago

    Kingdom Come, I don’t care about anything else. I just want it to be an epic two-parter.

    Throw in the extended ending from “Thy Kingdom Come”
    >Kurt Russell as Norman McKay
    >Grace Mommy as Wonder Woman
    >Jon Hamm as old Bruce
    >Cavill gets his shot
    >Get some roided Italian for Captain Marvel

    • 11 months ago

      Kingdom Come is awful though, it's just a boomer writer whining about how evil the death penalty is

    • 11 months ago

      Kingdom Come only makes sense as a conclusion to decades of continuity, though. Adapting it in a vacuum where most of the characters will be playing the roles for the first time and have no history together makes no sense.

      • 11 months ago

        Kingdom Come, I don’t care about anything else. I just want it to be an epic two-parter.

        Throw in the extended ending from “Thy Kingdom Come”
        >Kurt Russell as Norman McKay
        >Grace Mommy as Wonder Woman
        >Jon Hamm as old Bruce
        >Cavill gets his shot
        >Get some roided Italian for Captain Marvel

        Kingdom Come fricking blows so much as a story, and if you adapted it as close to the comic as possible audiences would come out of it hating the big three - Superman, Batman, and specially Wonder Woman.

        • 11 months ago

          It would be a one off movie.

  22. 11 months ago

    >how do you save it?

    I don't. I want capeshit to be gone forever.

  23. 11 months ago

    Nothing to fix. Tie Joker to The Batman and add the other hero to that. Kill every other cartoon or tv show, which was the real problem, anyway.

  24. 11 months ago

    Just make a Batman film. These other heroes look stupid.

    • 11 months ago

      Yeah the strength of batman is his noir and crime genre roots. I don't wanna see Batman fighting aliens

  25. 11 months ago

    Fire Gunn.

    Reinstate Snyder.

    Dump truck of money to Cavill and Afflecks door.

    Publically declare which films are canon instead of tiptoeing around it.

    Snyder Batman and Joker

    Snyder League 2

    Snyder League 3 (filmed back to back with Snyder League 2)

    Man of Steel 2 (sets up an organic reboot)

    Done. Then do your fricking reboot.

    • 11 months ago

      Snyder was even worse than Gunn

      • 11 months ago

        Based on how cringe TSS and Peacemaker were, I don't think that's true. He's already defaulting to making the characters jokes again

        • 11 months ago

          Those characters are meant to be jokes you frickwit. Besides, compared to most other DCU shit The Suicide Squad and Peacmaker were kino.

          • 11 months ago

            >Gunn has mandated 20 seconds of Aquaman so far
            >He's a joke who fricks fish

            Yeah nah Gunn sucks.

            • 11 months ago

              >Mamoa, Snyder and Wan spend 8 years turning around the "joke" character that Aquaman had had for 60 years
              >Whedon nearly did it in 2 weeks of reshoots
              >Gunn finished the job with 2 cameo scenes
              I wonder why Mamoa agreed to it. He was so passionate about turning round the reputation of the character.

              • 11 months ago

                >wonder why Mamoa agreed to it
                I'm guessing because it took so long for Aquaman 2 to start filming that the cast and director he was working with got fired and he's phoning it in for the money.

            • 11 months ago

              Start brand new.
              Phase 1: Get the core OG Justice League characters built up
              >Martian Manhunter
              >Wonder Woman
              >Hal Jordan
              Phase 2 and beyond: Branch out to the legacy characters, giving them their own junior teams before integrating them into the Justice League. It's not rocket science. Slowly increase the stakes and pick the right stories/villains. Darkseid this early is insanely moronic.
              Superman 1 is against Metallo, then Bizzaro/Lex Luthor, then General Zod. You don't destroy Metropolis in the first film or in any of them this soon, maybe there's some small damage to a few buildings but not end of the world sky beam shit.
              Batman should go through his rogue gallery slowly working his way up. Riddler, Anarchy, and pick something special for the third film like Scarecrow. You don't have the Bane story this early.
              Same idea for the JL films. You don't go all out endgame tier from the start. Slowly build up to greater story arcs with more devastating consequences and greater payoffs.
              For shows, do the characters that will never be worth putting on the big screen but have stories that would be GOAT tier HBO shows without any of the action. For financial reasons, studios will eventually realise small budget shows are the way to go, and that means minimal or no superpower shit. Give me a show about the League of Shadows, King Faraday, Amanda Waller, etc. Build the backstory of the characters first so they can be potentially introduced into the main films as minor characters.
              Plan the next 50 years of shows and films now. You can't give these writers too much freedom. There's a greater narrative here at play. It's a business. End it in a big way once the truly profitable core of the IP has been exhausted, I'm sorry but once we've used Bart Allen everything worth making content about has been done.
              Do some elseaworld films for about a decade or two and hard reset.

              Mamoa's Aquaman is cool because he's based on the 1990s Aquaman that DC editors hated for some reason.
              Captain Hook Viking Fabio was cool as frick. But some of his die hard fans cried about it.

              They preferred the white surfer boy dolphin trainer lifeguard Chad look.

              Mamoa's version is a mix of the 2. He's like a pirate, surfer, and lifeguard.

              • 11 months ago

                Gunnverse, he's probably be Australian white dude like a Hemsworth or a California surfer dude. That's what his original character is based on... a white dude into surfing.

              • 11 months ago

                Mamoa worked with normies because he was a big name and the idea of a Samoan water god type hero works. The only issue is that's not really Aquaman, someone like Sage Northcutt would work appearance wise.
                Tbh I always thought Jason Mamoa would've been perfect as Lobo another example of a miscast character is Ben Affleck who should've been the Flashpoint Thomas Wayne.

          • 11 months ago

            >The Suicide Squad and Peacmaker were kino.

            • 11 months ago

              >going with your boys to the woods and shooting guns in moronic ways and blowing shit up
              It was kino as frick. Have you never done dumb shit like this with a BB or paintball gun when you were a kid?

              • 11 months ago

                Yeah, but i was not in some suicide mission not am in a fricking movie. If i was, i wouldn't watch it because i'd be cringed by myself.

              • 11 months ago

                That’s the whole point ya clown. The show is about someone finding their identity and bouncing back after going down a shitty path. Fricking around in the woods or just spending time with your buddies is an aspect of that.
                It’s not supposed to be a literal story about how a group of vigilantes would stop an alien invasion.
                Do you think superman stories are supposed to be realistic hypotheticals about how alien contact would go if kryptonians were real?

              • 11 months ago

                The scene i posted is from The Suicide Squad. There's no grand change in the character from the movie to the series. It is still the same nuisance where every action scene is nothing but a set up for a dumb gag, where every slightly amusing banter or joke is run into the ground because it is repeated ad nauseum, where every twist or shocking moment become old because it is repeated several times.

              • 11 months ago

                I can’t tell if you’re actually autistic and didn’t get the themes of the show or if you’re just so bought into current narrative you can’t imagine anything outside it.
                The whole show is about how the guy was going down a shitty path he didn’t really want to be a part of because of his father and his past actions. He finds a group of friends who are also dealing with their own struggles and together they forge their own path and way of doing things.
                >his father wants him to be a killing machine for him but deep down he’s a soft guy
                >wallers daughter doesn’t want to be an establishment psycho like her mom
                >the monarch guy doesn’t want to mindcontrol and enslave the world with his alien buddies and wants to help the humans and live in peace
                At its core the show could have been about a scumbag politicians daughter, a criminal hillbilly, and a foreign spy all going to college together and becoming friends. The shit about alien invasions and suicide squads are plot points, but they aren’t the theme.

              • 11 months ago

                The show fricking sucked, just like the movie sucked. Shut up, homosexual.

              • 11 months ago

                >none of the criticisms make sense and you’re outed as being an autistic pleb who gets filtered by even capeshit
                >heh… we’ll uhhhh… it just sucks okay! It’s woke Hollywood modern woke… uhhh… it just sucks!
                If you didn’t like it that’s fine, but I’m actually laughing at how fricking dumb you are. Filtered by themes in capeshit… and these are the people discussing films… maybe just stick to the threads about box office numbers and whether something is a flop or a success, ok man?

              • 11 months ago

                >Filtered by themes in capeshit…
                I was going to ignore your words diarrhea, but this little spiel got me. The movie and show fricking sucked. The themes were easily the worst part of them. Peacemaker was nothing but James Gunn raging about 80s action movies for being too macho and patriotic, which according to him is gay and "jingoistic". That's why Peacemaker acts as some dumb himbo that just follow orders for the government despite believing himself to be some hero, because Gunn is just pissing on characters like Rambo and Braddock. It gets even worse in the series when Gunn tries to imply that characters like that come from some internalized racism with Peacemaker worldview and behavior being the result of an abusive upbringing in the hands of a neo-nazi.

                Frick off.

              • 11 months ago

                Your reading comprehension is somehow worse than your artistic comprehension. Jesus Christ. Movies to you are just brands to cheer on or jeer depending on whether they agree with your worldview. Fricking embarrassing

              • 11 months ago

                >there’s no grand change in the character from film to show
                >he’s a bad guy killing machine in the film who just follows the orders of who is in charge
                >in the show he decides he’s sick of being made to do things he doesn’t like and is going to take charge of his own life. The whole first episode is him thinking “no one is giving me orders… so wtf do I do now? Can I even leave this room?”
                He’s a side character in the film, of course he won’t have a grand character arc there, but what more do you want? Did you miss 99% of the show? They literally beat us over the head with the character concept for the guy.

          • 11 months ago

            No frick you. It's rated R Marvel schlock

    • 11 months ago

      Only if MoS is an adaptation of All Star Superman and Batman's death happens in Snyder League 3.
      >DCEU starts with Superman's journey
      >Ends with Superman's journey
      Kino full circle story telling

  26. 11 months ago

    No more race swapping (or if there's blind casting, it does both ways), and no matter how good they are, keep homosexuals like gunn, who openly talk about their political agendas out.

    For in universe shit, I'd probably do what Superman Legacy is doing, and have it that superheroes have have existed before, and even before them pulp heroes/character from action comics existed, like discussing some historic war, name drop characters like Sgt. Rock.

  27. 11 months ago

    I want to focus on fixing the Titans franchise. They have the most genre versatility out of any of the big DC Comics tentpoles.
    >Horror they have an IT/Cthulhu sci-fi lovechild in Mister Twister and the Antithesis. The Church of Blood is is a europoor blood-magic cult with ritual sacrifices, an "immortal" leader, giant monsters, etc. Everyone knows Trigon, whether they go with generic demon or the original totally-not-zoroastrianism Trigon is the physical manifestation of our evil thoughts origin.
    >Sci-fi they have Tamaran and the Vega System, the Omega Men, the Citadel War, etc.
    >Action/spy films they have H.I.V.E., The Judas Contract, Games, and Titans Hunt.
    >Capeshit they could do Titans Tomorrow or the Fearsome Five
    There are so many options, both for a team movie and allowing for a Nightwing spin-off that doesn't feel like Batman lite.

    • 11 months ago

      I'd unironically want a Titans movie where they battle Mad Mod lmao

  28. 11 months ago

    I refuse to do any kind of “cinematic universe” and instead hire directors with a unique vision for elseworld stories. Maybe I do a team up movie with the more successful characters down the road if there’s demand and a good idea for that, but I don’t force it. Crossovers can still happen if it serves the plot, but only then.
    Say some director has a great pitch for Gotham by Gaslight, Cavill Superman might show up in that but he’s not MoS Supes, he’s this multiverses Supes. People understand the multiverse at this point, so all bets are off and I can do whatever interesting thing the story requires

  29. 11 months ago

    Stop trying to shove live action into comics and hire Timm and Dini to make an animated cinematic universe based off New Frontier

  30. 11 months ago

    Straight up making justice league movie
    People already familiar with the characters

  31. 11 months ago

    I guess if I was tasked with ruining it I'd do obvious shit like make superman gay with an overt bdsm fetish. I guess it depends on how much I could get away with. Maybe make robin underage and have superman act ass drunk and chase after him like Pepe Lepew.
    If I had to keep it tame I'd give a couple of them severe autism or learning disabilities but they'd be 'idiot savants' in terms of saving people but completely dysfunctional in other aspects of life. This would cause them to have outbursts of rage and depression as they struggled to cope. Then I would have a Queer PoC woman help them work through those issues to the point where even as they save the world she would be held up as hero of the story.

  32. 11 months ago

    Geoff John is based for giving something that Superman or Batman will never have.

  33. 11 months ago

    >no cinematic universe, let every project stand on it's own
    >pick the best actors, directors, etc suited for each movie being made
    >DC always had a reputation for having better stories than Marvel, lean into that and adapt the most acclaimed/interesting work ( Kingdom Come, Gotham by Gaslight, etc)
    Just do what the animated division had been doing but with access to the Hollywood blockbuster machine

  34. 11 months ago

    cast cute and funny actresses

  35. 11 months ago

    >Geoff now writes Batman events on the side that shit all over the material
    >Batgays are none the wiser about it because they’re mindless consumers

  36. 11 months ago

    Cancel it for 5 years
    hope everyone forgets and try again
    Probably see if I can get Brad Bird to make a Superman movie

  37. 11 months ago

    Hire writers that don't hate the characters and the audience. Pick actors that have charisma and closely resemble the characters as they're conventionally depicted in the comics. Don't make it too dark and edgy but dont make an MCU quipfest either. The DCAU/Justice League animated series is a pretty solid model for the kind of tone it should have.
    It's also important for the cities to not just look like modern Chicago/ New York. Metropolis and Gotham should have art deco and gothic influences. Having a distinct visual style to the setting is a great way to make the movies stand out from the MCU.

  38. 11 months ago

    Didn’t Ben Affleck want Bruce Timm and Paul Dini as producers over Geoff for SvB?

  39. 11 months ago

    I have this cool idea where Sinestro (still a green lantern) and Hal Jordan are stranded on Ysmault after a surprise assault destroys the Green Lantern fleet they were on. Both have to survive through Red Lantern territory by taking Red Lantern Razer hostage, uncover and activate the rogue Manhunter factory beneath the planet, and through the chaos, make their way to Atrocitus. Have Sienstro kill him, and justifying it as the only choice (due to Reds being unable to survive without their rings), to which Hal Jordan agrees. The whole thing would have a Halo Combat Evolved feel to it.

    After that I would make the film series focus on Hal and Sinestro's relationship until it all ends in a Revenge of the Sith style confrontation. No other Earth lanterns would exist as they add nothing.

    • 11 months ago

      Red Lanterns can't show up before Sinestro with the yellow ring. Sinestro Corp happens first. Leads into the other colored ring clans.

      • 11 months ago

        I'd be taking liberties. I liked how they were the bad guys on the Green Lantern animated show. I get the whole prophecy but do we really need to deal with another one of those?

  40. 11 months ago

    Adaptation of New Frontier. Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman are already established heroes, with origins for Flash, Green Lantern, Martian Manhunter and Aquaman.

    • 11 months ago

      I'd be down for this. Directed by Brad Bird?

  41. 11 months ago

    cancel it and just let directors do their own thing and not have to worry about some gay assembly line of movies like Marvel. if individual directors decide they want their projects connected let them figure it out.

  42. 11 months ago

    I somehow make every dc property for public use so anyone can do whatever they want

  43. 11 months ago

    It depends how much money there is left. Assuming that there's $1b in cash to spend
    >beg Snyder to come back for one final film to finish his Justice League, $250m budget
    >fast-track The Batman 2, push Reeves to make the character more violent
    >cancel all other planned productions that hadn't finished filming
    >dump Blue Beetle on streaming
    >dump Batgirl on streaming
    >Beg Affleck to come back for The Raid but Batman
    >assuming Affleck doesn't come back for that, offer the same project to an up and coming decent director (there are several) with a new Batman to cement the new dcu for a 2026 release

    • 11 months ago

      This are just plans for another Batman franchise LMAO

      • 11 months ago


        • 11 months ago

          if you wanna make money off of batman go become a batgay comic writer, the consumers will buy anything

  44. 11 months ago

    Solo movies with little connection. Total reboot, no "different" versions of Waller, Blue Beetle, or Peacemaker. Sequels for the most successful films. Limited or no team ups. No Batman till Reeves is done. Maybe Trinity film, eventually, with minor roles for the others

  45. 11 months ago

    The fact that people think the Justice League cartoon show should be emulated for the movies haven't watched that show since it came out. Every issue you can think of now with the current DC movies and the normies takes on DC superheroes in general stem from it.

    • 11 months ago

      Care to share on of these issues? Genuinely curious

      • 11 months ago

        Of the top of my head:
        >Everyone plays second fiddle to Batman and Superman
        >Batman is better than every and all the chicks want to frick him
        >Superman is a jobber
        >Wonder Woman doesn't have anything going for her and is pushed as a potential love interest for Batman
        >Green Lantern is a boring frick who never does anything interesting with his ring

        • 11 months ago

          >Superman is a jobber
          This. I have no idea how he loses to henchmen so many times.
          >Green Lantern is a boring frick who never does anything interesting with his ring
          They doomed themselves when they picked John Stewart.

          The whole Batman being better than everyone was the fault of the 90's comics, shit like tower of babel. I hated the original interpretation of Wonder Woman in that show, glad she got less naive as time went on. Hawkgirl was a waste of space and could have easily been replaced by a more interesting superheroine.

          • 11 months ago

            >They doomed themselves when they picked John Stewart.
            You wanna know the reason why they picked John Stewart? Here's Bruce Timm's reason for it.
            >Excerpts from the Justice League Panel at the 2001 San Diego Comic Con:
            >Bruce Timm: He’s the most controversial character so far from what we’ve been gathering on the Internet. When the show’s lineup was first announced, there were a lot of people saying, “Why aren’t they using Hal Jordan? No, it’s got to be Guy Gardner. No, it’s got to be Kyle Rayner.” Obviously, we picked the wrong one, but the reason we did choose John Stewart are various—I think they’re all valid. Right off the bat, I’ll just say it: you know we did need ethnic diversity in the Justice League. We felt that the show is going to be seen worldwide and I think having a member of the Justice League who is not just “Mr. White Bread” is a good thing.

            • 11 months ago

              Kyle would have sucked too. Guy only stands out cause he's an butthole. Hal is the obvious choice if you care about the green lantern lore. Bruce Timm should've just said "I don't give two shits about the green space men and their smurf masters" and I would have respected him more for it.

              • 11 months ago

                >Kyle would have sucked too. Guy only stands out cause he's an butthole.
                I disagree, I think either would have worked because both have personalities unlike John who can't have one because the white writers fear screwing up and he's Dwayne McDuffie self insert. On top of that, they're more creative in that the latter is an artist and the former is a thug with a heart of gold.

                That being said Hal Jordan is the still the best option but Guy and Kyle still work.

              • 11 months ago

                >Bruce Timm should've just said "I don't give two shits about the green space men and their smurf masters" and I would have respected him more for it.
                He acted the same way about Superman.

              • 11 months ago

                This fricking guy. Had he been born now, he would've been stuck drawing porn in his mother's basement till the end of time.

              • 11 months ago

                >Mad at Bruce Kino

              • 11 months ago

                Paul Dini was the brains. Bruce Timm just got told what to do.

              • 11 months ago

                Nonsense, he's a director, animator, producer.
                Dini is a great writer, but there wouldn't be an animated show without Timm

              • 11 months ago

                >Nonsense, he's a director, animator, producer.
                Timm is all that but only good when he's working with other people who actually know what they're doing. Everything after the DCAU that wasn't Green Lantern TAS that he worked on was ass with the The Killing Joke being proof that he's not the same Timm from the 2000s. As for Dini, he sucks alone.

              • 11 months ago

                >Timm is all that but only good when he's working with other people who actually know what they're doing.
                So is Eric Clapton, still one of the greatest. So he needs someone to play off just have a good team
                >Everything after the DCAU that wasn't Green Lantern TAS that he worked on was ass with the The Killing Joke being proof that he's not the same Timm from the 2000s.
                Yeah but Green Lantern was good.
                >As for Dini, he sucks alone.
                Even more nonsense. He wrote the only well written Arkham game, Mad Love, that Hush trilogy. His entire run in Detective Comics was good

              • 11 months ago

                >He wrote the only well written Arkham game
                No such thing exists.
                >Mad Love
                Dude that was from the 90s.
                >that Hush trilogy
                Hush was a bad from the get go.

              • 11 months ago

                >No such thing exists.
                >Dude that was from the 90s.
                But it counts?
                >Hush was a bad from the get go
                You're thinking of Jeph Loeb Hush
                He also did Superman Peace on Earth, Gotham City Syrens, good stuff

              • 11 months ago

                Come on dude, Asylum was alright. It made sense as a boss rush but wasn't anything great.
                >But it counts?
                That was in the 90s when he was working with Timm and friends.

              • 11 months ago

                >Come on dude, Asylum was alright
                It was great. Bane and final boss aside it's like a long episode of BTAS with great use of the characters, excellent atmosphere and story (until the end)
                >That was in the 90s when he was working with Timm and friends.
                War on Crime, then? Any of the other examples I gave?

              • 11 months ago

                Arkham City was fantastic

              • 11 months ago

                As a game, sure
                As a Batman story? Or a story in general?

              • 11 months ago

                As a Batman story I felt Bruce had his greatest nemesis at his most reckless, due to his inability to stop the titan transformation Joker had in the last game. It made him sacrifice his integrity (by working with killers like Mr. Freeze and Ra's Al Ghul to stop Joker), and his personal life (Being unable to save Talia due to his need to stop Strange and save Gotham), it really all culminates to: Is it worth it to keep Joker alive after all the shit he's pulled? The joke being that Batman would've still saved him.

              • 11 months ago

                >Is it worth it to keep Joker alive after all the shit he's pulled?
                I never got why this was such a question for Batman.
                It's not up to him to kill the Joker, same way he doesn't build his own prisons. His entire jobs already skirts the law and breaks it sometimes, if Gotham wants to kill the Joker thay fricking much just start voting for senators that defend the death penalty
                Plus, the whole story was a mess. Hugo Strange's plan is completely nonsensical, as is the big twist (regardless of how well executed it is) and a lot of the story beats
                Not to mention how much Batman unnecessarily acts like an butthole, when he was normal in Asylum

              • 11 months ago

                that's a neat angle, I wish we had a comic storyline that explored gotham citizens just having enough and pushing for the death penalty on all their villains

              • 11 months ago

                As long as they don't make Batman some pro-life homosexual
                Batman isn't some supreme respecter of all sacred life, he's a traumatized man that understands the effect of crime
                The supreme form of crime for him is gun violence and murder, because that's his incipient incident

              • 11 months ago

                Batmans canonically a democrat, so is green arrow. But wonder woman and hal jordan are republicans so it balances out

              • 11 months ago

                I think Batman and Green Arrow are both independent
                Batman because he's more libertarian, Oliver because he's more commie

              • 11 months ago

                Silver Age green arrow was a based left wing extremist but modern green arrow is a neoliberal homosexual
                And batman is definitely a standard run of the mill liberal. Hes againt the death penalty, thinks prisons should be for rehabilitation and other low testosterone shit like that

              • 11 months ago

                Everything is just so mild and gay today

              • 11 months ago

                Modern Batman is just straight up homosexual for the Joker and wants that clown car all the way up in his bat cave.

              • 11 months ago

                Kyle was great but hardcore Hal Jordan fans wanted Jordan to be redeemed. So Geoff Johns masterfully retconned stuff from Emerald Twilight and brought back Jordan as the main GL. Then he gave him one of the greatest series of arcs of all time.

                The best GL storylines belong with Hal and Kyle. Stewart's best arc was in his Darkstar days. Same thing with Guy. His best stuff was as Warrior.

                Kyle's 90s run was great. All the war of light stuff was great. The White Lantern stuff was cool.

        • 11 months ago

          Not to mention Superman being a hair trigger guy who gets easily violent and constantly destroy shit during his fights. You even had Superman being brainwashed by Darkseid and invading Earth as a climax for his solo cartoon. Cadmus in Justice League was created sorely because of Superman fricking things up for being an easily brainwashed moron.

        • 11 months ago

          plays second fiddle to Batman and Superman
          Except in all those episodes where's they barely appear
          Obviously the two most popular super heroes that had their own shows are gonna be more prominent than Booster Gold or Stargirl
          >Batman is better than every and all the chicks want to frick him
          Batman is just smarter than everyone, you never seen do a Frank Miler and best up Superman
          >Superman is a jobber
          They fixed that after the first season
          >Wonder Woman doesn't have anything going for her
          She had some of the best arcs, the slavic war one with Hawke and Dove, the Hades episode, when she befriended that princess that was going to marry Vandal Savage
          >Green Lantern is a boring frick who never does anything interesting with his ring
          Well, that's just Green Lantern

  46. 11 months ago

    >Daddario as Batgirl
    >Samara Weaving as Harley Quinn
    >Sydney Sweeney as Supergirl
    >Betty Gilpin as Powergirl
    >Nathalie Emmanuel as Zatanna
    >Sadie Sink as Poison Ivy
    >Halle Bailey as Talia al Ghul

    • 11 months ago

      Ah, finally, a true connoisseur

    • 11 months ago

      >Nathalie Emmanuel
      >Samara Weaving
      Too old
      I rather have her as Power Girl and Angourie Rice or Mckenna Grace as Supergirl
      >Betty Gilpin
      >Sadie Sink as Poison Ivy
      I like this, she could play Batgirl too
      Batgirl > Sophia Lillis
      Harley Quinn > Thomasin McKenzie
      Zatanna > Mackenzie Foy
      Talia al Ghul > Sofia Boutella
      >Halle Bailey

      • 11 months ago

        >Samara Weaving
        >too old
        Harley is a loser in her late 20s/early 30s. Do you want a superhero flick or high school musical?

        • 11 months ago

          from these picks other than Talia al Ghul i want women in their early 20s, Supergirl could be a bit younger and Zatanna a bit older maybe

          • 11 months ago

            but why? You sound like a New 52 writer. Why do you want to make everyone look like they just entered college?

            • 11 months ago

              I suppose Gunn wants this to last at least 10-15 years, yes I know they'll soft reboot in 4 and reboot in 6-7 years, anyhow that's why he picked Moner as Hawkgirl.

              • 11 months ago

                >4'11" intergalactic warrior
                Dear God! What were they THINKING?

              • 11 months ago

                She cute

      • 11 months ago

        This was all I needed to read to see that you are not a purveyor of the fine arts and thus your opinion can be discarded.

  47. 11 months ago

    Batman '66 reboot.
    It would make at least a billion.

    • 11 months ago

      Do this but adapt it to fit current comics continuity.
      Batman is late 30s. There is an awkward triangle between him and Catwoman and Talia al Ghul.
      Robin is in High School. There is an awkward triangle between him and Batgirl and... Ravager, maybe.
      Introduce all the newer villains created over the last 50 years. At least one from each decade. Ra's and Killer Croc and Bane and Hush and the Court of Owls. Plus add Robin-specific villains like Deathstroke and Blockbuster and Professor Pyg and Raptor.

      • 11 months ago

        which Robin?
        Dick Grayson will never been Robin again unless they year 1 reboot every hero.

        He's Nightwing. And the chicks he's into are Barbara Gordan, Starfire, and a few others. He's banged a lot of chicks. Way more than Bruce. Bruce had 2 steadies he's willing to breed... Selena and Talia. And Talia is down for polygamy, as is Ras Al Ghul. As long as Talia is chief wife, Bruce can bang Selena as well. Trad Arabs.

        • 11 months ago

          Who else has Dick Grayson banged besides Batgirl and Starfire?

          Also Batgirl is no feat, everyone bangs her.

          • 11 months ago

            Donna Troy, Zatanna, and others. there are online lists.

            All the chicks who want to frick Batman but Batman won't take a look at will settle for Dick Grayson. Batman is more selective. Dick will frick any slag.

            • 11 months ago

              >Donna Troy
              Dick has never fricked Donna Troy, that's the female character closest to his being his sister.

              • 11 months ago

                probably confused Tim Drake and the other Wonder Girl. Dick has banged a lot of chicks,

                Maybe he banged her in an alternate universe. story.

            • 11 months ago

              That's just on the Young Justice cartoon
              In the comics she's thirsty for bat-dick
              >All the chicks who want to frick Batman but Batman won't take a look at will settle for Dick Grayson
              The burdens of autismo

        • 11 months ago

          This is all Dick Grayson. Dick Grayson is the only Robin that matters. By starting him as Robin you can show the transition into Nightwing in the TV show when it starts to get stale in the 4th or 5th season.

          • 11 months ago

            They gotta start with Batman meeting Robin in his second year as Batman. When Batman is in his 20s and Dick is 5-10 years younger. Batman graduates High School when he's 8 or 10. He has a college degree by 14-16. He travels the world for a few years when he turns 18 to learn martial arts. Comes back when he's 22. At 23, he's got one year in. Meets Dick when he's 14-16. Bruce is 23-25. He lets him be his roommate because he's a bro. Becomes his legal guardian while he gets emancipated.

            Bruce is like an older brother to Dick. Less of a father figure.

          • 11 months ago

            TV isn’t profitable on its own and is more of a glorified advertisement for the shit that actually can be sold. Just make movies instead.

  48. 11 months ago

    I feel like most of these would fit HBO Max more but:
    Animal Man miniseries
    Mister Miracle and Big Barda miniseries
    Justice League Dark
    Gotham Knights (Nightwing amd the rest of the Bat family, have Batman show up once or twice to bail them out of a mission)
    Green Arrow and Batman team up film where they have to escape a supermax prison a la Arkham City
    Also the Justice Lords or at least some evil alternate version of the Justice League HAS to show up in one of the movies, that shit is just too fun.

    • 11 months ago

      Nobody gives a shit about animal man, or the new gods gays (sorry jack kirby fans) aside from darkseid. Gotham knights already failed colossally on a video game level.

      The only one fit for a movie would be the justice lords idea. That would be cool, but even cooler if it were the crime syndicate instead, with owlman from the crisis on two earths animated movie

  49. 11 months ago

    cape shit is over now, haven't you see the box office?

  50. 11 months ago

    >total reboot, as in no returning actors or directors or anything. Cut all ties with the DCEU.
    >let the franchise sit dormant for five years to cool off capeshit fatigue
    >Green Lantern & Black Canary tv show on HBO. Heroes that can operate with a lower budget would be good to put in a tv show. HBO or Showtime would give it a 'big budget' feel like the other HBO shows compared to broadcast television shows like Agents of Shield.
    >the tv shows will have references to Batman and Superman, building up to the first DCU movies. It will also be responsible for world building and setting up the setting of the DCU.
    >Batman and Superman, both being the marque characters of DC Comics will be the first to get movies. In a ballsy move, both movies will be released at the exact same day. Maybe as a double feature, but that would be guaranteed to lose money. Or maybe do a social media campaign telling people to pick #TeamBatman or #TeamSuperman and encouraging people to watch the movies multiple times. In reality you're fully expecting people to watch both, but you're just marketing it to make it look like some sort of competition.
    >Green Arrow & Black Canary gets a second season. The series finale is Green Lantern making his debut.
    >Green Lantern movie with Green Arrow playing a supporting role. Flash also gets his movie later that year.
    >back to the tv shows. Maybe
    >Aquaman and Wonder Woman movies are released.
    >another season of Green Arrow. This is the final phase to bring everyone together and set up for the Justice League movie. Movies begin to bleed into the tv show. Oliver Queen meets Bruce Wayne. Clark Kent is shown on the news as a reporter. General rule will be the movie characters can show up in the show shows, but they rarely ever suit up, to make their movie appearances more special.
    >finally it wraps up with the Justice League movie. Green Arrow becomes the unofficial leader of the Justice League because his show is the lynchpin that holds the universe together.

    • 11 months ago

      and Superman, both being the marque characters of DC Comics will be the first to get movies. In a ballsy move, both movies will be released at the exact same day. Maybe as a double feature, but that would be guaranteed to lose money. Or maybe do a social media campaign telling people to pick #TeamBatman or #TeamSuperman and encouraging people to watch the movies multiple times. In reality you're fully expecting people to watch both, but you're just marketing it to make it look like some sort of competition.
      This might be the dumbest suggestion I've ever seen anyone throw out.
      And I thought Hamada/Johns/Gunn were idiots but frick you give them a real run for their money

  51. 11 months ago

    >how do you save it?



  52. 11 months ago

    >by drop it and actually adapt some KINO

    • 11 months ago

      Literally what The Boys wish it was.

    • 11 months ago

      Will never happen in todays world, will trigger tards way too hard, even tho its super relevant in todays climate, its too deep for the average moron to read it between the lines and realize the brutal mogg.

      Literally what The Boys wish it was.

      pretty much kinda but the boys is way too shallow

      • 11 months ago

        >pretty much kinda but the boys is way too shallow
        That's because Garth Ennis is an massive hack.

      • 11 months ago

        Is it good because it's gay or

  53. 11 months ago

    Total reboot. Origin films and sequels for every major JLA character, casting is the same except for the flash, wonder woman, lex luthor, and aquaman. Then a Justice League film. A teen titans film somwhere in the mix.

  54. 11 months ago

    One movie at a time, have security throw anyone into the street that even hints of a multi-year plan or film arc.

  55. 11 months ago

    I would take at least 6 years before coming out with another movie. Let it die in its current incarnation, let WB focus on some of the other great projects it has going on, and let Matt Reeves keep making his fun Batman movies. In those 6 years, start planning from the ground up, and make a commitment to absolutely not deviate from that plan if one of the movies lands in the profitable-but-disappointing zone (Man of Steel) or another studio makes a really successful movie we're tempted to emulate (Avengers). Then start releasing movies. They should have a unified setting and aesthetic: they are not set in the modern day, but in a time and place that never was. Draw on art deco, neo-Gothic, and art nouveau architecture & design, and the aesthetic of B:TAS. There are computers, but they fit the aesthetic. Imagine if Steve Jobs fell in love not with Scandinavian minimalism but with art deco. There are no cell phones, there are phone booths. Obviously you need phone booths. Then:

    1. Batman movie; this is your most beloved and solidly performing property and you'd be crazy not to start here. He's established, but not old. Alfred and Robin (Dick Grayson) are there, and Robin is a teenager. He's dealt with a lot of street level villains, and villains with technology, but he is a rational man of science, a creature of this world. Then he encounters Ra's al Ghul, Solomon Grundy, or Poison Ivy, someone with abilities that obviously are not natural, and radically realign his conception of the world. No love interest.

    • 11 months ago

      2. Superman movie: flash back 30 years to Superman's arrival on earth. Briefly show his childhood and origins but this is not an "origin story". Lex Luthor is the antagonist but escapes justice in the end. He has some knowledge of the supernatural shit that went on in Gotham, and in other similar occurrences around the world, but they don't play a role in this stand-alone film. The dramatic question of the story is not "can Superman beat up a bad guy," because the answer is obviously always yes. The crux of the story is in some challenge he cannot overcome through strength.

      3. Wonder Woman & Aquaman movie. Now we get some background on the bigger-picture supernatural shit that's been going on all along. They are each working on their own thing but it turns out they're tackling the same problem from opposite ends.

      4. Booster Gold movie. This one is a bona fide origin story, starting in a future in which the Justice League saved the world. He goes back in time and becomes a celebrity-super hero, and in the end is tempted by his fame but lets someone else take the glory, maybe the Blue Beetle. He's not a founding member of the JL in the comics but I think he's just the coolest idea for a super hero and an interesting change of pace.

      5. Green Lantern movie. Hal Jordan is the hero, Sinestro is the villain, and in the second half of the movie he starts working on behalf of a new master, whose identity is not revealed by the end.

      6. Justice League movie. Hal returns to earth warning of a coming threat. Green Lantern must get together with Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Booster Gold, and Blue Beetle because Sinestro and his ally/master, General Zod, are coming to conquer earth. There.

  56. 11 months ago

    Standalone original movies that develop the big league characters like Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, etc.

    Don’t shove multiple superhero/supervillain characters in a movie (like The Flash, BvS, James Gunn Superman). A Superman movie shouldn’t have Plastic Man or Black Canary. Develop your characters first before doing a crossover. You shouldn’t have more than one main villain at most.

    No multiverse or time travel plots.

    Don’t be afraid to get serious or dark. Joker and The Batman have shown it can work.

    Don’t panic just because Rotten Tomatoes or Twitter don’t like your movie and try to ”course correct” the universe.

    More animated movies that experiment with obscure characters/teams. Maybe a Metal Men animated movie.

  57. 11 months ago

    I honestly think the route James Gunn is going isn’t bad but I think he’s setting himself up for failure but talking about his whole plan so publicly. Expectations are growing exuberantly and he’ll be held to his promises if he doesn’t deliver. Revealed all his cards way too early.

  58. 11 months ago

    introduce Marvel characters and hope for the best. both franchises are dead on the vine, might as well cross-breed and see what happens.

  59. 11 months ago

    frick Superman and Wonder Woman, i want Justice league dark first an maybe batman with them, first introduce supervillains in standalone movies then superheroes ,then justice league movies

    • 11 months ago

      >Batman in a JLD movie
      At least put WW or Aquaman since they both deal with magic, Shazam even...

  60. 11 months ago

    Hal Jordan is a better hero than either Batman and Superman and has the better material to work with.

    • 11 months ago

      He really, REALLY doesn't.

      • 11 months ago

        Hal carries the corps lore on his back. Although his stories before Johns aren't anything worth reading in particular.

        • 11 months ago

          Just because he is "the first guy".

          • 11 months ago

            Not really. Alan Scott was "The first guy" and the biggest thing he's accomplished was get mistaken for his earth 2 counterpart and turned into a homosexual. I think something that really makes Hal Jordan stand out is that he's got a rogues gallery that's stood the test of time: His nemesis Sinestro, love-interest Star Sapphire, and the villain who "created" him Atrocitus. John, Kyle, Guy, the muslim and la puta have nothing worthwhile.

            • 11 months ago

              >John, Kyle, Guy, the muslim and la puta have nothing worthwhile.
              See that's not true. All of these characters have something except the muslim one.
              John has Xanshi and Mosaic, which was Vertigo comics before Vertigo comics existed.
              Guy Gardner was the main GL on the JLI, aka, the only good rendition of the Justice League.
              Kyle is the guy who brought back the GLC from the grave and is a healer.
              Jessica Cruz is the newbie Lantern with a crippling social issues who triumphs over fear and has a fat ass. Honestly Moner should have played her.

              • 11 months ago

                >John has Xanshi and Mosaic, which was Vertigo comics before Vertigo comics existed.
                Before John's "spectacular return" in 2023, Xanshi had been side lined since 2009. Mosaic will be forever remembered as the one 12 issue series written by a pedophile.
                >Guy Gardner was the main GL on the JLI, aka, the only good rendition of the Justice League.
                I give more credit to Guy, as he's personality is his greatest strength. On JLI he was just part of the ensemble. They did TRY something with his Red Lantern run. It's a shame he still can't stand on his own though.
                >Kyle is the guy who brought back the GLC from the grave and is a healer.
                This is the only thing Kyle ever did. The last thing I remembered was him getting sloppy seconds from Hal when he decided to date Star Sapphire.
                >Jessica Cruz is the newbie Lantern with a crippling social issues who triumphs over fear and has a fat ass
                Far more interesting as "Power Ring", and I believe she could have stood out if she remained Power Ring. Bonus of attracting the coomer audience.

              • 11 months ago

                >This is the only thing Kyle ever did. The last thing I remembered was him getting sloppy seconds from Hal when he decided to date Star Sapphire.
                Dating Star Sapphire was cringe but don't forget he was also the White Lantern and Ion, the avatar of willpower. So he had that going for him on top of Geoff/Hal's assurance that he will become the greatest lantern who ever lived.

                Kyle was great but hardcore Hal Jordan fans wanted Jordan to be redeemed. So Geoff Johns masterfully retconned stuff from Emerald Twilight and brought back Jordan as the main GL. Then he gave him one of the greatest series of arcs of all time.

                The best GL storylines belong with Hal and Kyle. Stewart's best arc was in his Darkstar days. Same thing with Guy. His best stuff was as Warrior.

                Kyle's 90s run was great. All the war of light stuff was great. The White Lantern stuff was cool.

                >Kyle was great but hardcore Hal Jordan fans wanted Jordan to be redeemed.
                Geoff tried to do that by making Hal the Spectre but its impossible to enjoy he as the Spectre when you have to take into account what got him there.

              • 11 months ago

                Took some time for Johns to get the greenlight to pull the greatest retcon of all time. The whole Parallax thing which lead to the war of lights, light spectrum, etc.
                Jordan's time as the Spectre was memorable and illustrations of him as the Spectre were badass.

                It all worked out and made Jordan more interesting than he originally was. He flipped the frick out because he was possessed and was a supervillain for a while, died, turned into dude possessed by an Angel, and then revived, then stuff got way, way, way more interesting.

                You could tell Johns let the ideas cook for a long time.

              • 11 months ago

                Parallax was the only story DC had in the 90s that actually had some repercussions unlike Death of Superman and Knightfall. And it was actually sad because Hal Jordan actually fricking died.

            • 11 months ago

              Rayner is half mexican and both Emerald Twilight and Zero Hour were kino and DC was gay for retconning it

              • 11 months ago

                >Rayner is half mexican
                even less interested after learning he's chicano

              • 11 months ago

                Half hispanics have been proven to work

      • 11 months ago

        All Superman has going for him is All Star and that ends with him dying.
        All Batman has going for him is Year One and The Dark Knight Returns.
        Green Lantern has Rebirth, Sinestro War, Emerald Twilight, Darkest Night and Lightest Day.

    • 11 months ago

      Jesus Christ, I'm starting to think this homosexual actually is Geoff Johns
      >Constantly defends Johns
      >Downplays his well documented failures
      >Is one of the 12 people on Earth that actually really like Hal Jordan
      >Types like a bald man

      • 11 months ago

        Hey Ray, can you say the phrase for us? Its for the fans.

        • 11 months ago

          I thought Fisher was pretty anal about it
          Like, Khary Payton never had any problem with it. It's not a racial thing

  61. 11 months ago

    serious question: would TDK have blown up as much if Ledger hadn't died?

    • 11 months ago


  62. 11 months ago

    Midnight movies of old EC Comics. Build an underground.
    Batman 1950. The Joker does something that time travels modern brooding Batman back into the 1950s, where people outright kill comic book villains, and Batman needs to act like his old campy ways as the city mascot.
    More Frankenstein in Superman. Fortress of Solitude. Trying to blend in when he has monstrous powers. Horrible space villains. Like an apologize by leaders to the people for the fallout.

  63. 11 months ago

    Publicly execute Zack Snyder

  64. 11 months ago

    I bring back hot sexualized female characters with coomer outfits

  65. 11 months ago

    Just let it die with Justice League 2 and then focus on individual stories like Joker and The Batman without studio interference or fanboy meeting quotas

  66. 11 months ago

    Just make stand-alone movies.

    Don't be the MCU. Do your own thing.

    • 11 months ago

      Problem is that they want the big JL movie, to me they should do Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman and the JL only, 4 movies every 2 years, and 3-4 tv shows with minor characters, the Bat Family, Justice League Dark, The Terrifics, Justice Society of America .....

      • 11 months ago

        My idea has always been that they should combine both.

        >standalone movies based on the most iconic story arcs or one shots like The Long Halloween
        >if a Batman story arc requires Superman to make an appearance but there hasn't been a Superman movies yet, frick it and just introduce Superman.
        Technically the movies are interconnected because the comics are interconnected. At the same time the movies themselves should be treated as a standalone in the same spirit of a one shot comic. It's a slightly different interconnectivity than the MCU, which does light adaptations of story arcs like Extremis in order to fit everything neatly into the MCU. This is more like an implicit connectivity, you know it's a Batman movie so of course Superman and the other heroes exist in it. But we're not going to bother doing an origin story or showing you the exact moment Batman and Superman first met each other just so we can include Superman in this Batman movies. You've read the comics and watched the cartoons, you can kinda already guess how it happened so use your imagination.

  67. 11 months ago

    You know I come to these threads because this is the only way I can get half decent DC threads because Cinemaphile is fricking gay

  68. 11 months ago

    Make a movie based off of the "Rape of Wonder Woman" story that got pitched to DC after they killed Superman & broke Batman's back

  69. 11 months ago

    I embezzle the money and start Winnie the Pooh cinematic universe instead. Comic books are for children.

    • 11 months ago

      Watchmen ,judge dredd and the punisher are for children? Jesus sandman and saga are not for young adult and twd and invincible too.You have too read more comic man.

  70. 11 months ago

    The DCU will be good and my man christ pratt will be booster gold, bradley cooper as Batman

  71. 11 months ago

    Gunn verse will be for kids and full of quips and shitty cameo.Now that we know the casting for supe is dogshit cancel everything,even animation like harley quinn and comic.Let it rest for like a year while you start brand new comic call superman 1 and then batman 1 and then wonder woman 1 and then the flash 1 to a year of comic monthly and make a justice league introducing al jordan in the comic.Make green lantern 1 and then ove on to make the movies a carbon copy of the series.Levi miller as supe,daniel dimagio as batman,lincon melcher as flash,nolan gross as green lantern,miles brown as cyborg,sydney sweeney as wonder woman.

    • 11 months ago

      Make it young adult oriented with no connection too any other dc related shit and no multiverse garbo and your good to go.

  72. 11 months ago

    place zack snyder in charge

  73. 11 months ago

    other than batman, DC heroes have no human element to them so it can't be saved. They're made purely for preaching life lessons to children

    • 11 months ago

      Read a comic

  74. 11 months ago

    I would just make Batman movies and not really anything else.

  75. 11 months ago

    DCU saved!

  76. 11 months ago

    even if it could be saved, there's no way to get the public interested at this point.

  77. 11 months ago

    I’d just keep making solo movies and abandon the idea of a connected universe. Doesn’t really provide any material benefit and breeds complacency.

  78. 11 months ago

    Nice try Gunn.

  79. 11 months ago

    just make movies out of the DCAU

    • 11 months ago

      The DCAU that wasn't BTAS, STAS and BB sucked ass.

      • 11 months ago

        Objectively wrong.
        Justice League was great and unlimited was better

        • 11 months ago

          >Justice League was great and unlimited was better

          Of the top of my head:
          >Everyone plays second fiddle to Batman and Superman
          >Batman is better than every and all the chicks want to frick him
          >Superman is a jobber
          >Wonder Woman doesn't have anything going for her and is pushed as a potential love interest for Batman
          >Green Lantern is a boring frick who never does anything interesting with his ring

          • 11 months ago

            plays second fiddle to Batman and Superman
            Except in all those episodes where's they barely appear
            Obviously the two most popular super heroes that had their own shows are gonna be more prominent than Booster Gold or Stargirl
            >Batman is better than every and all the chicks want to frick him
            Batman is just smarter than everyone, you never seen do a Frank Miler and best up Superman
            >Superman is a jobber
            They fixed that after the first season
            >Wonder Woman doesn't have anything going for her
            She had some of the best arcs, the slavic war one with Hawke and Dove, the Hades episode, when she befriended that princess that was going to marry Vandal Savage
            >Green Lantern is a boring frick who never does anything interesting with his ring
            Well, that's just Green Lantern

            • 11 months ago

              >They fixed that after the first season
              I wished this was true. Superman eats shit on the regular.
              >She had some of the best arcs, the slavic war one with Hawke and Dove, the Hades episode, when she befriended that princess that was going to marry Vandal Savage
              All of those sucked ass my dude. Even Timm admitted that he didn't know what to do with her.
              >Well, that's just Green Lantern
              That's just John Stewart. He's never main character material, just support.

              • 11 months ago

                Wonder Woman just sucks, period. The Azzarello run was good explicitly because it deviated so far from prior depictions.

              • 11 months ago

                >I wished this was true
                It is. The jobbing was actually addressed later on. As someone on the show said, they usually tried to follow the STAS formula where Superman is getting best up, then shapes up and beats the bad guy, but because it was an ensemble what happened was that someone else did the beating and Supes got left as a jobber, by the time of the redesign of jim back to the STAs look that was most gone. Look at that great fight with Captain Marvel for example.
                >All of those sucked ass my dude
                Lmao, you are wrong. It's some of the best content that she was ever in. Her part in the WWII episode with Steve Trevor was nice too
                >Even Timm admitted that he didn't know what to do with her
                No one does. That's why the second film flopped, she has hardly one iconic comic storyline and if you ask 10 people in the street about WW's personality you'll get 10 vague answers
                >He's never main character material, just support.
                That's every Green Lantern. That's why they had to pair him with Green Arrow and why Hal Jordan worked much better when in the Corps

              • 11 months ago

                Nah, Hal Jordan has always had good banter with Batman. He's the only one who doesn't take his shit.

              • 11 months ago

                >He's the only one who doesn't take his shit.
                That's what makes Green Lantern so much cooler than Batman. Hal has vanquished his own fears and fear itself multiple times. Bruce on the other hand is forever held down by it.

              • 11 months ago

                Nah, Gardner is a better character, Rayner has a better story

                >He's the only one who doesn't take his shit.
                That's what makes Green Lantern so much cooler than Batman. Hal has vanquished his own fears and fear itself multiple times. Bruce on the other hand is forever held down by it.

                I've told you to frick off, Johns
                No one gives a shit about your Jordan wanking

              • 11 months ago

                >I've told you to frick off, Johns
                >No one gives a shit about your Jordan wanking
                Sorry dude, GL is Hal's series. Get over it.

      • 11 months ago

        justice league and static shock were better than BB

        i dont get the love BB gets, its kinda bland

        • 11 months ago

          >justice league and static shock were better than BB
          Lmao not even

          • 11 months ago

            BB is boring
            atleast JL had sexy girls on it

            • 11 months ago

              I'd rather watch BB any day over a John Stewart and Hawkgirl episode

  80. 11 months ago
  81. 11 months ago

    I do JLI. I cast Alan Ritchson as Guy, Katherine McNamara as Ice, Sofía Vergara as Fire, and I'm honestly not sure who to grab for Booster and Beetle, but I'm fricking going with Ted Kord and not that latinx kid. I'd have Gal Gadot do a brief appearance berating Guy for being a chauvinist pig but the film plays it for laughs and doesn't really show Guy in the wrong. Booster and Beetle pander to the gay community by not denying how everyone assumes they're gay and Booster cashes in on it, but later in the film he gets in trouble when he's spotted somewhere with two gorgeous women on his arms, but he cashes in again by pandering even harder and saying he was forced to do it as part of gay conversion therapy forced on him by whoever's bankrolling the JLI, which creates controversy and gets the JLI shitcanned. Ultimately, though, a big CGI monstrosity shows up and the JLI get reinstated to defeat it, but Booster's days of being a gay icon are over and he laments that he feels like Bud Light after it's all over.

    I'd also get Ryan Reynolds in and have a scene where Guy insists he knows Ryan's character, who is never named, and just constantly denies knowing Guy. In the after credits scene, Guy has an epiphany and remembers where he knows Ryan from, and it's not an allusion to the previous Green Lantern film, but to his first appearance as Deadpool where he had no mouth, eye beams, and sword arms.

    • 11 months ago

      I feel like the gay Booster plot is too much

      • 11 months ago

        In the sense that it's convoluted or that it's in bad taste?

        • 11 months ago

          A bit of column A a bit of B
          I feel like it's too much time and plot over the whole thing and it might create a controversy that overshadows the rest of the film/show

  82. 11 months ago

    Release the Ayer Cut.
    Put the Snyder trilogy on Netflix 3 months after Rebel Moon airs.
    Start a deal with Netflix to continue Snyderverse shared on their platform.
    Meanwhile set up a cinematic universe based on Titans (without using Cyborg or Flash), starting the story with a Nightwing movie right after Dick gets buck broken by Deathstroke. This will only release after Joker and The Batman movies are done.

  83. 11 months ago

    Just play it straight with no bullshit. Nobody wants lois lane/martha kent drama; they want superman flying around shooting eye lasers and throwing skyscrapers and being a straight-laced moral hero. Use today's super duper special effects to portray his powers in cool ways. It's really not hard, but these israelites just can't help themselves.

    • 11 months ago

      >straight lace moral superhero
      >no connection with his mom or lover, just throws buildings for fun
      Tell me youre a snydergay without telling me youre a snydergay

  84. 11 months ago

    >You have just been placed in charge of running the DC Cinematic Universe, how do you save it?
    Reboot and start off with solo Superman and Batman films.

  85. 11 months ago

    superman is a fricking alien with superhuman powers so no one can relate to him

    • 11 months ago

      >so no one can relate to him
      If you watch Richard Donner Superman you'll change your mind. Any man can relate to that character and his struggle more than any hero in some garbage modern quippy capeshit.

  86. 11 months ago

    look at everything Marvel is doing and go the opposite direction. they're making everything the exact same tone and style and audiences are getting bored? get wildly different creative teams for each project, go all-in on specific styles for each one so the movies actually feel unique. Marvel keeps trying to keep its audience hyped with repeated teases of big crossover event movies that are years away from even entering production? don't even THINK about big crossover event movies, just do things. don't tease Crisis on Infinite Earths in every other movie for eight years, just make a Crisis on Infinite Earths movie. i think DC really has the chance to take back an audience that's getting sick of Marvel, and i really do hope they take it. i'd also make every single person who works at DC sign a contract that says if they even THINK about making Watchmen part of DC canon in any way, shape, or form, i'm legally allowed to shoot them in the back of the head.

  87. 11 months ago

    Scrap the cinematic universe angle and stick to Batman and Superman movies.
    >Have them under the “World’s Finest” banner.
    >Throw any potential Batman/Superman-related spin-offs featuring characters like Robin and Supergirl under that banner as well. That includes the Teen Titans.
    >Superman would be the family friendly PG films whilst Batman would be the darker PG-13 ones.
    >The movies would each be self-contained adventures similar to James Bond. No trilogies, no reboots. Just endless sequels.
    >The actors would be recast when necessary such as if they leave or they get too old.
    >For animation, films based on Super Sons and The Batman & Scooby Doo Mysteries will suffice.
    >Potential films for other DC heroes and characters unrelated to Batman/Superman would be placed under their own separate labels and will largely be disconnected from one another. For example, films relating to the supernatural side of things like Constantine and the Demon would be under the same label.

  88. 11 months ago

    Dark Multiverse

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