You know professor, maybe it wasnt good optics to call mutants Homo-Superior

You know professor, maybe it wasn’t good optics to call mutants Homo-Superior
For one, people might not take that too kindly
Two, they aren’t even superior a lot of the time. The mutations are often borderline useless or detrimental to the person with those powers.
Maybe Homo-Mutantur would have worked better, it even has mutant in the name.

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  1. 6 months ago

    >scott I'm a fricking cripple, feeling above others in any way is what makes me tingle

  2. 6 months ago

    >I'd have Jean make you gay, but it sounds like God beat me to it.

    • 6 months ago

      Bolivar Trask, they want you on the Mutant Decimation thread.

  3. 6 months ago

    >supposedly the superior species
    >first thing they do once they get their own sovereign soil is set up mega-orgies and pardon some of the most heinous villains imaginable
    Nimrod did nothing wrong.

    • 6 months ago

      What book has the orgies? Some guy storytimed all of Hickman's run and it didn't have them. The weekly storytimes also didn't have them for as long as I read them. It feels like you're just whining about one author who inserted his fetish into his book before editorial shut him down.

      • 6 months ago

        >What book has the orgies?
        you got prank'd. it's a meme buzzword by people who don't like the current status quo, who are minority, so they keep screeching "orgy island, ORGYYY ISLAAAAND" because they have no other arguments

        • 6 months ago

          >what is "Make more mutants"
          >conveniently ignoring how Nightcrawler was confronted with the harsh reality of babies being dumped by the dozen

          • 6 months ago

            Yeah, like everything that could have actually been fun about mutant sex island, they have the actual deeds done shit off-screen. Otherwise they would do shit like showing them hanging out in hot tubs making out, going to huge raves, opining who they wanted to bang, and generally acting like their horny selves at the X-mansion that calling it "mutant sex-island" was something even other capes adopted in-universe for how embarrassing that shit got.

            Not that Anon but Krakoa has been full of this homosexualry from every character callimg humans flatscans, Kitty buying into it with Marauders over the Morlocks alomg with trying to whitewash Daken of all people, and X-Corp doing the "We're Better than you Master Race" shit too. They're trying to sweep it under the rug with Fall of X but it's exactly why X-Men has gone to shit because you have Maggays writing every mutant like a crying chaim copy of him.

            Also this. X-Corp's logo was literally "We're Simply Superior" ffs, there's being catchy and then there's actual flamebait. And they practically made Magneto their spokesman with how often he started shittalking every human in the room and no one so much as even attempted to muzzle the geriatric frick.

          • 6 months ago

            >that one panel being using ad nauseam
            >strawman intensifies

            • 6 months ago

              Let's be fair, the reaction to Nightcrawler saying that shit wasn't "Dude, please go for a walk and come back when you're not high anymore", it was to make it a literal law in their society. That and they've thrown people in their psychic vampire island jail for the crime of trying to give sex ed to horny teens.

  4. 6 months ago

    >What's superior about Mutants?
    >The powers
    >Not all mutants have powerful powers
    >Some mutants are more homosexual superior than others.

    • 6 months ago

      theoretically every mutant power is useful, even the three-face kid from that shitty morrison run. it's about finding out your full potential and possibilites. combined with secondary mutations, yes, all mutants have powerful powers

      take razorback for example, he has a natural ability to drive any kind of vehicle, imagine you had such skill irl

      • 6 months ago

        >theoretically every mutant power is useful,
        Wither exists. Shut up. The only people who go on about all mutation being good in the right circumstances are the pretty or the powerful.

  5. 6 months ago

    That was Magneto you goddamned fake fan.

    • 6 months ago

      Fair enough, but here's the thing, none of the X-men ever argued it. Nobody, not Xavier, not Beast or Kitty or whomever went up and basically said, Nah man. Evolution is way more complicated than that and we're about as much a species and replacement to humanity as any other genetic curve ball. They didn't agree with his KILL ALL THE HUMANS platform, but they never disagreed with his actual core philosophy.

      • 6 months ago

        >Fair enough, but here's the thing, none of the X-men ever argued it.
        do you even argue not being a homosexual? just like I thought, you are guilty of the sins of all lgbt crowd

        • 6 months ago

          Not that Anon but Krakoa has been full of this homosexualry from every character callimg humans flatscans, Kitty buying into it with Marauders over the Morlocks alomg with trying to whitewash Daken of all people, and X-Corp doing the "We're Better than you Master Race" shit too. They're trying to sweep it under the rug with Fall of X but it's exactly why X-Men has gone to shit because you have Maggays writing every mutant like a crying chaim copy of him.

  6. 6 months ago

    And also I'm just gonna say it, It's basically just asking people to be immature. I mean seriously. Bobby back me up this.

  7. 6 months ago

    what color is his chair?

    • 6 months ago

      Stop being a moron on purpose because the only thing you understand is memes. Shut up.

      • 6 months ago

        You wouldn't understand, you had to be there

  8. 6 months ago

    You're telling me shitting ice cream is not a trait that belongs exclusively to the master race?

    • 6 months ago

      this is my fetish, god I wish mutants were real now. Imagine a petite girl shitting ice cream on your face... why even live?

      • 6 months ago

        >this is my fetish
        Let me guess, that Strawberry Shortcake image really influenced you, didn't it, anon?

      • 6 months ago

        We didn't need to know you redfish Bob

  9. 6 months ago

    >maybe if blacks weren't wewuzing kang...

  10. 6 months ago

    Krakoa was good for popularizing how power combinations could have exponential results. They should have had more 'goldballs' type mutants taking advantage of power circuits. Maybe also do some 'Cassandra Nova' stuff and have ways for low power mutants to get secondary mutations.

  11. 6 months ago

    you cant take his opinion seriusly
    look at him, hes cripple

  12. 6 months ago

    Yeah they really played themselves with the homosexual thing.

  13. 6 months ago

    With how varied mutant abilities are, I've always felt that there should be different mutant subspecies or something. For example, mutants like Wolverine, Beast, Sabretooth, Wildchild, Wolfsbane and Feral would be classified as "homosexual superior efferatus." Professor X, Jean Grey, Emma Frost, and Psylocke would be classified as "homosexual superior psukhikos." Sunfire, Firestar, and Pyro would be "homosexual superior ignis." And so on and so forth.

    • 6 months ago

      Honestly surprised there haven't been more storylines like that, like with a psychics-only mutant group convinced that they can directly puppeteer the rest of mutantdom to their liking, or a primitivist mutant gang with animalistic mutations deciding to "embrace" their inner wild nature or some shit like that.

    • 6 months ago

      There was a storyline like that in the Wolverine book.
      You'd probably change your mind after seeing that.

  14. 6 months ago

    It’s infuriating that this mutie island shit hasn’t ended with their arrogance and disregard for the human friends biting them in the ass, but instead with the obvious bad guys winning for a bit. Nothing will be learnt from this

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