You know she might be kinda an idiot but Red's design is kinda cute.

You know she might be kinda an idiot but Red's design is kinda cute.

Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

UFOs Are A Psyop Shirt $21.68

Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

  1. 8 months ago

    Shes not an idiot she's autistic (see: Sociopath) and her design is just animu-shit that's worked and she could draw since she was 4 so she's had alot of practice.

    Still would though

    • 8 months ago

      Same. Doubt shes autistic though. Just really, really into myths and stories. Kind of too much really. Maybe she is Autistic. I wonder if shes single.

      • 8 months ago

        She's an asexual in a romantic relationship with Blue.

        Yeah I don't get kids either.

        • 8 months ago

          Isn't Blue married to Cyan? Blue and Red are just friends.

          • 8 months ago

            Oh I don't fricking know anymore. I was sure Cyan was Blue's sister until I started looking into it after I read this.

            • 8 months ago

              Is there fan art of them?

              • 8 months ago

                Oh yes, yes there is. Cant post it since its very lewd.

          • 8 months ago

            Cyan doesn't care because the odds of two asexuals pursuing physical intimacy is like frick all. You'd have to have two lottery moments happen at the same time for that urge.

            • 8 months ago

              cyan is also acesexual and apparently came out before blue

              • 8 months ago

                So, statistically, what are the odds that every single person on this youtube channel just all happen to all be asexual?

        • 8 months ago

          You can be asexual and have sex on occasion.
          You can also be asexual and not have sex, and just be in a romantic relationship.
          In Red's case... I've no idea. Maybe her idea of foreplay is him reading books to her in a vincent price voice.

          • 8 months ago

            >You can be asexual and have sex on occasion
            Yeah, just like how gay men occasionally have sex with women.

            • 8 months ago

              Being asexual is like not ever feeling hungry, but you can still eat

              Sure, you might need to eat, but it doesn't do anything for you

              • 8 months ago

                Whatever. Who cares, nobody's going to force you to have sex dude.

              • 8 months ago

                >The 40 year old priest teaching Catholic school children uses this as a mantra
                >One day there's a 12 year old,touched by god-himself.
                >Nobody's going to force you to have sex dude
                >After many rosaries nobody's name is clear
                >Jesus's going to force you to have sex dude
                >The 12 year old never had a chance

              • 8 months ago

                erm... yikes, pretty homophobic of you?

              • 8 months ago

                OOf. Yikes. Um. Sure. Wow, or Wooow. Erm is new, but goddamn do we... love...the...ellipsis...The most... pornographic? I mean not really,but yeah, form of punctuation!

                Also Hey. Like that non-sequitur. Pretty gay of you. Also when the frick did...oh 1729. Fricking Swifties.

              • 8 months ago

                You don't need to have sex, though.

              • 8 months ago

                This is just made up nonsense

              • 8 months ago

                >this is just made up nonsense
                So is asexuality

              • 8 months ago

                Are you a neutron star, cause that is some of the densest shit ever put in writing.

              • 8 months ago

                sorry homosexual, youre not asexual just because you can’t score, you just can’t score.

              • 8 months ago

                sorry homosexual, youre not asexual just because you can’t score, you just can’t score.

                You realize asexuality isn't actually tied purely to having actual sex, right?
                Do you think a horny teen that jacks off to pictures of Gumball's mom don't know if they're straight or not cause they've never had sex?

                Asexuals literally have no sex drive. They don't "get horny". That's a pretty clear sign without ever being in a relationship.

              • 8 months ago

                I’ll give credence to “asexuality” being a real thing and not simply a medical condition when complete losers stop posting it as a cope and plea for attention. its the same tier as women claiming to be “non-binary”.

            • 8 months ago

              As a pansexual man I am offended by this post.

              I don't have the core-strength to be gay.

            • 8 months ago

              Yeah but unironically.

              Being asexual is like not ever feeling hungry, but you can still eat

              Sure, you might need to eat, but it doesn't do anything for you

              This guy gets it.

            • 8 months ago

              >I’m a gay man
              >I have relationships with men and sex with women!

              • 8 months ago

                My cousin was married to a woman for years before he came out as a gay. Two kids. They divorced and he's married to someone new. To my knowledge, theyre on good terms.

              • 8 months ago

                It’s a dig at the Law and Order gag

              • 8 months ago

                Oh that's where it's from.

            • 8 months ago

              I feel that's much more common with lesbians.

          • 8 months ago

            >You can be asexual and have sex on occasion.
            no you can't. also, asexual romantic is a meme. all romantic relationships are inherently sexual, either in the actual practice of sexual intercourse, or by the expectation of such intercourse occurring in some point in the future. if it's not sexual, then it's not romantic, simple as.

          • 8 months ago

            >You can be asexual and have sex on occasion
            Yeah, just like how gay men occasionally have sex with women.

            Being asexual is like not ever feeling hungry, but you can still eat

            Sure, you might need to eat, but it doesn't do anything for you

            >You can be asexual and have sex on occasion.
            no you can't. also, asexual romantic is a meme. all romantic relationships are inherently sexual, either in the actual practice of sexual intercourse, or by the expectation of such intercourse occurring in some point in the future. if it's not sexual, then it's not romantic, simple as.

            Asexuals would probably prefer not to have sex and just be romantic with another asexual, but that usually isn't an option and will have sex with their non-asexual partners out of obligation/compromise if they're not completely disgusted by sex.

            Even the ones disgusted by sex might feel jealousy when their romantic partners have sex, like Todd from Bojack Horseman.

            • 8 months ago

              that's like saying saying a straight guy would be willing to have gay sex with his boyfriend. a straight guy wouldn't be in a relationship with another dude in the first place, let alone boink him. same with asexuals, if they're having sex with someone, then they aren't asexual at all.
              >Unless you're a moron like

              >You can be asexual and have sex on occasion.

              no you can't. also, asexual romantic is a meme. all romantic relationships are inherently sexual, either in the actual practice of sexual intercourse, or by the expectation of such intercourse occurring in some point in the future. if it's not sexual, then it's not romantic, simple as. (You) that thinks romance and sex are intrinsically tied in all relationships.
              >They certainly can be if that's how you express romance and have such expectations, but others have different ideas of romance that may not be tied to sex at all.
              sexual desire is a vital and intrinsic aspect of romance. any relationship that does not posses this aspect is not romantic at all. that's not to say sexual desire is all that is required for a relationship to be considered romantic, or that romantic love cannot be expressed in other ways, but ultimately it is a defining feature, and to remove it would be to remove romance altogether.

              • 8 months ago

                second part meant for

                Yeah, I don't get what's hard to understand here.
                Asexual is a preference, not a rule. An "asexual" chick in a relationship with a guy may be willing to let him stick his dick in even if she won't get off on it. Harder on the reverse side since an asexual guy would probably have trouble getting it up for long enough.

                Unless you're a moron like [...] that thinks romance and sex are intrinsically tied in all relationships.
                They certainly can be if that's how you express romance and have such expectations, but others have different ideas of romance that may not be tied to sex at all.

              • 8 months ago

                >a straight guy wouldn't be in a relationship with another dude in the first place, let alone boink him. same with asexuals, if they're having sex with someone, then they aren't asexual at all.
                Straight guys can be turned on by traps though. Presented enough of a "womanly" form, they can still get hard, even if they don't normally get hard to dudes.
                Likewise, an asexual person can still have sex, they just don't feel a desires for it and would usually not get into the act. It's performance at that point. The guy that likened it to hunger was on the right track. Asexuality is like if someone literally never had an appetite. But unlike food, sex isn't something required for survival so the asexual person can usually go about without it. But if a partner wants it they could still "oblige".

                Then again, all of this probably goes right over your head since as I said you're moronic for thinking
                >sexual desire is a vital and intrinsic aspect of romance. any relationship that does not posses this aspect is not romantic at all.
                That's the case for YOUR idea of romance. And it's the idea of it for a vast majority of people. I'm assuming you're specifically sperging over Sternberg's model for love, but that is a sociological model/theory, not fact.
                It's not a rule and there's plenty of people (even sexual ones) who don't equate the two at all. As you literally stated, there's other aspects of expressing romantic feelings and for others those aspects are all they require, no sex needed.

              • 8 months ago

                You're right on the money.
                Sex is a car, and not everyone has the same engine. Some have V8s, some have a hand crank. They're still going places, but not in the same way.

              • 8 months ago

                Hell, actually asexual and polyamorous people still fit just fine into Sternberg's model.
                The 3 points are intentionally broad and can cover different ideals within relationships.
                >Passion isn't only sexual and is more about any ideas of physical actions and nurturing towards each other, which an asexual person can certainly still desire and do
                Shit like just holding hands or chilling on the couch together is enough to count as passion in the model if the person puts value on those as passionate feelings.
                >Commitment is about being willing to put in effort to support the relationship in the long term
                That's including the added effort for those that'd want to have multiple with non-monogamous relationships. So a poly person can feel their love is full even if it's used on two people.

                Then Intimacy is about a shared care for each other's self regard, basically just a deep sense of respect and "liking" which comes out more as a general feeling/vibe towards the person so anyone can really feel it, even possibly someone "aromantic"

              • 8 months ago

                >Straight guys can be turned on by traps though. Presented enough of a "womanly" form, they can still get hard, even if they don't normally get hard to dudes.
                i don't really see as how that's relevant what i'm talking about. someone getting aroused by a man who managed to pass as a woman is one thing, to have sex with him with the knowledge that he's a male is something else. a drawing managing to trip the psychological switch which indicates whether something is female or not does not indicate a fetish for ink and paper; an obsession with the items themselves would.
                >Likewise, an asexual person can still have sex, they just don't feel a desires for it and would usually not get into the act. It's performance at that point.
                i'm not sure if you understand my point. if someone was truly asexual, why would they seek out relationships in which sex would inevitably be involved at some point? it's as absurd as suggesting a straight-man would seek out a gay relationship, or a gay man a straight one. The only possible reason in either case would be that either they were never straight or gay in the first place, or that they were motivated by some other reasoning and there was no romantic interest in the first place. It's the same with the asexual.
                >I'm assuming you're specifically sperging over Sternberg's model for love, but that is a sociological model/theory, not fact.
                quite frankly, this is the first i'm hearing of it. i've been speaking more from my own common sense than anything else.
                >As you literally stated, there's other aspects of expressing romantic feelings and for others those aspects are all they require, no sex needed.
                as i've said before, i don't consider sexuality to be the sole trait of romantic love, but it is one of it's defining traits. That is to say, all romantic relationships are sexual, but not all sexual relationships are romantic. (1/2)

              • 8 months ago

                My bad for thinking you actually tried to read something outside your worldview.
                What you seem to be lacking is an understanding of other perspectives.
                >why would they seek out relationships in which sex would inevitably be involved at some point
                They would seek it out because they recognize that their view is that of a minority. Sure, probably there's a lot of asexuals that are in relationships with other asexuals and things are fine. But the vast majority of options out there for them as a romantic partner are not asexual.
                The asexual person is willing to make due with some obligate sexual interactions depending on their level of asexuality. If they are full on disgusted by it and want no part in it at all, they would probably avoid such relationships even if they desired intimacy. But if they're someone that merely doesn't have any sex drive they may be more open to "going through the motions" of sex to please their partner. Whether the partner would accept that is a whole other side of the coin then.

                >all romantic relationships are sexual
                This is just an absolute from your worldview, not a fact of the matter. The idea of a "romantic relationship" is entirely subjective and has no absolutes like that. Different people value different aspects when they consider what a romantic relationship would be like. While many do place sexual actions as a high object on there, not all do. An asexual person puts 0 value in it and has a totally different perception of what a romantic relationship should include.

              • 8 months ago

                >Straight guys can be turned on by traps though. Presented enough of a "womanly" form, they can still get hard, even if they don't normally get hard to dudes.
                i don't really see as how that's relevant what i'm talking about. someone getting aroused by a man who managed to pass as a woman is one thing, to have sex with him with the knowledge that he's a male is something else. a drawing managing to trip the psychological switch which indicates whether something is female or not does not indicate a fetish for ink and paper; an obsession with the items themselves would.
                >Likewise, an asexual person can still have sex, they just don't feel a desires for it and would usually not get into the act. It's performance at that point.
                i'm not sure if you understand my point. if someone was truly asexual, why would they seek out relationships in which sex would inevitably be involved at some point? it's as absurd as suggesting a straight-man would seek out a gay relationship, or a gay man a straight one. The only possible reason in either case would be that either they were never straight or gay in the first place, or that they were motivated by some other reasoning and there was no romantic interest in the first place. It's the same with the asexual.
                >I'm assuming you're specifically sperging over Sternberg's model for love, but that is a sociological model/theory, not fact.
                quite frankly, this is the first i'm hearing of it. i've been speaking more from my own common sense than anything else.
                >As you literally stated, there's other aspects of expressing romantic feelings and for others those aspects are all they require, no sex needed.
                as i've said before, i don't consider sexuality to be the sole trait of romantic love, but it is one of it's defining traits. That is to say, all romantic relationships are sexual, but not all sexual relationships are romantic. (1/2)

                and when you really consider on what precisely distinguishes romantic love from other kinds, it's apparent that that's sets it apart. the ways to express romantic love as opposed to other kinds are focused on physical and sexually stimulating acts. the final evolvement of romantic relationships is typically seen as marriage, a compact concerned primarily with reproductive acts. to have sex with someone else while you are in a romantic relationship is seen as a great betrayal. to remove the sexual aspect of romantic love is to remove the heart of it and to confuse it with other form of love such as that between friends or family.

              • 8 months ago

                To your last point, as examples of how that idea falls apart you have basically every couple in cartoons that's not explicitly shown fricking or horny. Keeping things Cinemaphile, take PB and Marceline. They have a VERY complex relationship throughout the show and end up together and shown in many romantic and intimate situations, even making out, but it's never explicitly sexual. We don't even really know if they could frick normally with how weird both their anatomies are. Even without that kind of outright confirmation, you can't look at them and say they're not a romantic relationship. They are evidently beyond just the state of friendship and view each other as partners.
                Unless you're the type that thinks kissing is a sexual act, but that is another point on a subjective spectrum. Asexual people could certainly still enjoy or want kissing or hugging without considering it a sexual act. To them it is more a sense of intimacy and closeness that is separated from a sex drive/horniness.

                You can also take Jinx and Silco from Arcane as corollary. Those two had very "physical" interactions that made many ship them in a romantic or sexual sense, but their love in the show was 100% presented as that of familial love. People projected their equation of close physical touch and romantic feelings when the point was they just were very physically expressive characters that still loved in a familial way.

              • 8 months ago

                >take PB and Marceline
                Take it back. You know Cinemaphile hates Bubbline.

              • 8 months ago

                Honestly the hate for them is probably why they popped into my head first. Second was Lumity. Maybe I'm just too /u/ poisoned.
                But the same idea applies no matter the romantic Cinemaphile couple. These cartoons don't usually show any kind of explicit horniness, but the romantic ideas still come through. An asexual person can still relate to such portrayals as the asexual's whole thing is centered on just not having a desire to actually perform sexual acts, not necessarily to avoid all forms of physical contact (though there of course are some asexuals who could be that far out there).

              • 8 months ago

                At this point it sounds like you're a min-maxing tabletop player rules-lawyering an extremely pragmatic action as being totally in-character, even though nobody likes it and you making things frustrating and boring for everyone involved.

              • 8 months ago

                Nta but
                >"why are you arguing with logic instead of yelling at me and calling me a homosexual???? This is boring!"

              • 8 months ago

                I mean, it's just a spectrum, like regular sexuality.
                Some asexuals are repulsed by any kind of touch. Others are only repulsed by actual intercourse. Others are fine with all kinds of physical contact but they just don't desire it.

                I guess it'd be best to think of it as a 2 way grid. How much they equate touch and sex vs how neutral to disgusted they are by it.
                Everyone else would also fit on this grid, they'd just go past the "neutral" and be somewhere on the positive side based on how hard their sex drive goes.

              • 8 months ago

                I get that part. What I don't get is the part where you imply asexual people enjoy having promiscuous sex but still label themselves asexual.

              • 8 months ago

                NTA but an asexual could, in theory, have some occasional inclinations toward Sexuality.

              • 8 months ago

                Then they're not asexual. They're just normies.

              • 8 months ago

                Normies are obssessed with sex and having someone to waste their empty time with. Being Assexual would mean not caring about that.

              • 8 months ago

                >asexual people enjoy having promiscuous sex but still label themselves asexual.
                When have I said they'd enjoy it?
                The point is the difference between accepting it out of care for their partner (not their own drive) and those that outright are disgusted by the concept.

                >Unless you're the type that thinks kissing is a sexual act, but that is another point on a subjective spectrum.
                i don't think your reasoning is very strong on this. Of course, i do not deny that certain acts may be seen as sexual or asexual by certain groups, but that does not change the fact that what is seen as romantic is also what is sexual. take the kissing example you provided for instance. while there is, indeed, many cultures which do not consider such acts sexual, there are those that do, and others which determine it on the style and nature of the act. In the first, kissing is not regulated to lovers alone, but to friends and family likewise. In the second, it is an activity reserved to lovers and lovers alone. in the third, which our own can be categorized as, there are of course circumstances in which it is reserved to romantic relationships due to the sexual undercurrent inherent to a particular fashion of kissing. There is a world of difference between a peck on a cheek and a french-kiss. This is how your example of arcane can be explained. While the creators (frenchmen as i understand it) did not consider the intimacy displayed to be sexual, the viewers did, and not only saw it was sexual, but drew the implication for romance as well. so, while the particular method of displaying romantic love differs between cultures, the kinds that are seen as exclusive to that of romantic love are invariably those that are also considered sexual.

                I don't get how you keep hitting the point I'm making and then completely missing it.
                Yes, different cultures can view physical touch differently. Many europeans see kissing as not something romantic when in certain contexts. And some see romatnic couples kissing as a sexual thing while others don't.
                That's why someone asexual could actually be fine with kissing or even want it but still be asexual: they don't find the act sexual and see it more as a form of intimacy.
                Asexuality, at the base definition, is "experiencing no sexual feelings or desires; not feeling sexual attraction to anyone." That doesn't exclude them from doing the act of sex at all, they just don't want or desire it. Some will never do it but others will be fine with doing it based on their partners needs.

              • 8 months ago

                >That's why someone asexual could actually be fine with kissing or even want it but still be asexual: they don't find the act sexual and see it more as a form of intimacy.
                i feel as if i have already addressed this. My point is that if they do not desire something sexual, than it can't be considered romantic in the real sense of the word. allowing someone to have sex with you when you are not at al interested in them in a similar fashion, simply for the sake of company, is not what i consider to be a form of love, or at least not of the romantic kind. neither would i think you, or anyone else who have possession of their faculties, would consider someone having sex with someone else solely for money or protection or any reason aside from a genuine desire for the other person in their totality, sexually, emotionally, mentally. to have sex with someone just because they make for good conversation is something entirely separate from romantic love. Another way of phrasing it would be to say that physical, sexual desire is the distinctive manifestation of romantic love. While not all sexual desires or even sexual acts are necessarily the result of this kind of love, it will inevitably lead to sexual desire regardless. Lovers do not partake in the kind of intimacy i described above merely to appease one another; they do it because that is an important part of how they want for each other.

              • 8 months ago

                >it will inevitably lead to sexual desire regardless. Lovers do not partake in the kind of intimacy i described above merely to appease one another; they do it because that is an important part of how they want for each other.
                Again, buddy, that's your worldview. And it's a very narrow one.
                You have this strict definition of romantic that you think is THE definition. That this MUST be the way it is. But it's not. Different people have different needs and different views on what a romantic relationship is. For an asexual, that does not include the need for sex. But there may be times when certain asexuals will still engage with a sexual partner to appease their interpretation of romance.
                They do it not because of their own sex drive, but because of their love for their partner and empathy towards their sex drive. They do it to make their partner happy even though it is not something they personally desire.

              • 8 months ago

                >You have this strict definition of romantic that you think is THE definition. That this MUST be the way it is. But it's not.
                well quite frankly i haven't seen any other definition which works. You certainly haven't offered any real alternative to the conclusions i've come to. why, you don't seem very willing to define it at all, or at least not in a way that distinguishes from other types of love. Simply put, mine's the only definition presented so far in this discussion which makes sense, and until i see a better definition, i'm sticking to it.

              • 8 months ago

                Your insistence on a concrete definition of "romantic relationship" is starting to lean really hard into the stupid "define a woman" stuff.

                Perfect definitions are hard. Even yours has obvious holes. You seem to want to imply that sexual attraction is an absolute requirement for defining a romantic relationship.
                In that case, I guess Wall-e and Ev-a's relationship isn't "romantic" to you? They're robots, they aren't going to frick. But they clearly do have a deep love for each other throughout the film, with it outright being compared to old romance movies.
                Or how about Jack Skellington and Sally. We know nothing about how the monsters frick, or if they even do. Are they in a schrodinger's romantic relationship until we see them boning?
                And, of course, with your definition, Slade and Terra's relationship was very romantic, right? I mean they both liked each other and fricked. Manipulation or lacking consent don't matter to this definition.

                Now, you could add more caveats to cover issues like this all you want, but that's defeating the purpose here, isn't it? The more you zero in on a specific definition that fits your single worldview the more you're missing the forest for the trees. It's a subjective topic and anyone can have their own definition that's looser than yours that is just as valid.
                It's a "you know it when you see it" type deal. And to me, I can see things being romantic between individuals without thinking they have to be fricking eventually.

              • 8 months ago

                I agree to a degree, since y'know surely love must exist between people who've lost the ability to have sexual attraction but I feel like using literally nonhuman characters one of which who learned all his concepts of humanity through human media in a kid's movie isn't the best way to argue "romantic love exists regardless of sexual culmination"

              • 8 months ago

                >They're robots, they aren't going to frick
                >We know nothing about how the monsters frick
                don't they kiss in both of these instances? That's how you indicate that the love is romantic without it getting overly graphic or indecent. besides that, these two statements are a bit too absurd in of themselves. Of course robots don't have sex. they also don't emotions or the ability to fall in love. And of course monsters aren't even real in the first place. That doesn't mean we can't still project the experience of love, either in part or in whole, onto fictional characters and narratives, just as we can do the same with a million other experiences, such as sentience. Saying that fictional animals can speak is no defense for a redefinition of language, and saying fictional characters can' have sex is not a suitable grounds for redefining romantic love. That's not to say fictional people or circumstances can't be used to argue for it, but rather that it must be used in a more literary fashion rather than relying on technicalities.

              • 8 months ago

                imagining a romantic relationship without eros is just depressing.

              • 8 months ago

                >You have this strict definition of romantic that you think is THE definition. That this MUST be the way it is. But it's not.
                well quite frankly i haven't seen any other definition which works. You certainly haven't offered any real alternative to the conclusions i've come to. why, you don't seem very willing to define it at all, or at least not in a way that distinguishes from other types of love. Simply put, mine's the only definition presented so far in this discussion which makes sense, and until i see a better definition, i'm sticking to it.

                Your insistence on a concrete definition of "romantic relationship" is starting to lean really hard into the stupid "define a woman" stuff.

                Perfect definitions are hard. Even yours has obvious holes. You seem to want to imply that sexual attraction is an absolute requirement for defining a romantic relationship.
                In that case, I guess Wall-e and Ev-a's relationship isn't "romantic" to you? They're robots, they aren't going to frick. But they clearly do have a deep love for each other throughout the film, with it outright being compared to old romance movies.
                Or how about Jack Skellington and Sally. We know nothing about how the monsters frick, or if they even do. Are they in a schrodinger's romantic relationship until we see them boning?
                And, of course, with your definition, Slade and Terra's relationship was very romantic, right? I mean they both liked each other and fricked. Manipulation or lacking consent don't matter to this definition.

                Now, you could add more caveats to cover issues like this all you want, but that's defeating the purpose here, isn't it? The more you zero in on a specific definition that fits your single worldview the more you're missing the forest for the trees. It's a subjective topic and anyone can have their own definition that's looser than yours that is just as valid.
                It's a "you know it when you see it" type deal. And to me, I can see things being romantic between individuals without thinking they have to be fricking eventually.

                I agree to a degree, since y'know surely love must exist between people who've lost the ability to have sexual attraction but I feel like using literally nonhuman characters one of which who learned all his concepts of humanity through human media in a kid's movie isn't the best way to argue "romantic love exists regardless of sexual culmination"

                Just arrived on the thread, very cool discussion. Figured I'd add my own experience here since I'm comparable being a Aromantic/Bi. (I identify as a prostitute basically)
                All the definitions of love and sexual attraction are very arbitrary to me and a few others I've spoken to. I personally experience almost no "love" attraction to want to spend my life or create a life with someone. I still want companionship through friends and close relationships. I still have sex, kiss, and would still cuddle after, but that sense of companionship or "love" isn't something I really want outside of those sexual encounters. There is some overlap for sexual and romantic stuff from my POV, but I'm more doing it for my own sexual fulfillment rather than a romantic aspect.
                Hell, I even have a girlfriend at the moment, we started dating before I realized I was Aro, but I don't mind continuing our relationship. I still get my sexual fulfillment and I'm happy to make her happy for the time being. I've made it clear about how I really only see her as a close friend though, and she acknowledges it, knowing I won't spend the rest of my life with her and we'll separate probably in a year or two. She's cool with me never saying "I love you" or things like that since I don't want to lie to her and I'm okay with her saying it since I still enjoy spending time with her even she's the only one getting the feelings out of saying the phrase.

              • 8 months ago

                >I still want companionship through friends and close relationships. I still have sex, kiss, and would still cuddle after, but that sense of companionship or "love" isn't something I really want outside of those sexual encounters
                Look, I'm sorry to have to tell you this. But that is literally what the concept of "love" is. The desire to want and need companionship, the desire to want something more sexually. What you're describing is you not willing or wanting to commit to a relationship, or at the very least being open and explicit about it.

              • 8 months ago

                Then what you're saying it because of the overlap, you have to be completely aro/ace or not? What you're saying means that having friends means you do experience love and therefore cannot be aromantic?
                To me that's very asinine and limiting as a label. Yeah people all have different forms of love and sexual attraction and actions will have overlap, but you can do things just for one of those feelings and you can do those things while not feeling any of one of them.
                I still hang out with people because I'm not anti-social and I enjoy people. We're social creatures. But I am aromantic because I don't have the same love feelings as others. Wanting to get my rocks off and liking when I do it with others isn't the same as being romantically attracted to someone

              • 8 months ago

                Buddy. I am just calling it like I see, love is not inherently sexual and never has been. And what you do or don't do in bed is none of my concern. But conflating romance with something as simple as friendship doesn't mix, and you conflating sex into it all doesn't help

              • 8 months ago

                I'm just going off of what you were saying man. When I said companionship, that's what I was talking about, close friendships with others. I guess that's my bad since that's what I see companionship as, but others will think your lover or partner. That's why I brought up hanging out with others.
                If you're saying romance and friendship doesn't mix because it is separate feelings, sexual separate as well, then aren't we on the same page?

              • 8 months ago

                It's not my place to say anything about what you do or don't do with your the relationships in your life, I was just calling it how it I see it.

              • 8 months ago

                >Unless you're the type that thinks kissing is a sexual act, but that is another point on a subjective spectrum.
                i don't think your reasoning is very strong on this. Of course, i do not deny that certain acts may be seen as sexual or asexual by certain groups, but that does not change the fact that what is seen as romantic is also what is sexual. take the kissing example you provided for instance. while there is, indeed, many cultures which do not consider such acts sexual, there are those that do, and others which determine it on the style and nature of the act. In the first, kissing is not regulated to lovers alone, but to friends and family likewise. In the second, it is an activity reserved to lovers and lovers alone. in the third, which our own can be categorized as, there are of course circumstances in which it is reserved to romantic relationships due to the sexual undercurrent inherent to a particular fashion of kissing. There is a world of difference between a peck on a cheek and a french-kiss. This is how your example of arcane can be explained. While the creators (frenchmen as i understand it) did not consider the intimacy displayed to be sexual, the viewers did, and not only saw it was sexual, but drew the implication for romance as well. so, while the particular method of displaying romantic love differs between cultures, the kinds that are seen as exclusive to that of romantic love are invariably those that are also considered sexual.

              • 8 months ago

                >They have a VERY complex relationship throughout the show
                They really don't. They dated for a while, broke up, then years later reunite and go from chill friends to girlfriends again. It's really not complicated at all, they're on good terms after their first romantic episode and barely get in any fights. Obsidian didn't even make it that complex either.

              • 8 months ago

                >They have a VERY complex relationship throughout the show and end up together and shown in many romantic and intimate situations, even making out, but it's never explicitly sexual.

              • 8 months ago

                >Straight guys can be turned on by traps though
                No matter how well they think they pass, they never pass. Every “straight” man that faps to traps is just closeted bisexual at best.
                Not even going to bother reading the rest of whatever the frick you’re whining about, you’re dumb and coping, troony.

          • 8 months ago

            Being asexual is like not ever feeling hungry, but you can still eat

            Sure, you might need to eat, but it doesn't do anything for you

            Asexuals would probably prefer not to have sex and just be romantic with another asexual, but that usually isn't an option and will have sex with their non-asexual partners out of obligation/compromise if they're not completely disgusted by sex.

            Even the ones disgusted by sex might feel jealousy when their romantic partners have sex, like Todd from Bojack Horseman.

            Yeah, I don't get what's hard to understand here.
            Asexual is a preference, not a rule. An "asexual" chick in a relationship with a guy may be willing to let him stick his dick in even if she won't get off on it. Harder on the reverse side since an asexual guy would probably have trouble getting it up for long enough.

            Unless you're a moron like

            >You can be asexual and have sex on occasion.
            no you can't. also, asexual romantic is a meme. all romantic relationships are inherently sexual, either in the actual practice of sexual intercourse, or by the expectation of such intercourse occurring in some point in the future. if it's not sexual, then it's not romantic, simple as.

            that thinks romance and sex are intrinsically tied in all relationships.
            They certainly can be if that's how you express romance and have such expectations, but others have different ideas of romance that may not be tied to sex at all.

          • 8 months ago

            homie is u stupid?

    • 8 months ago

      >autistic (see: Sociopath)
      She’s literally me

    • 8 months ago

      >she's autistic (see: Sociopath)
      Those are two completely different things

    • 8 months ago

      So the reason her avatar's chest size is merely moderate is because she's basing it off how she looked when she was a kid?

      • 8 months ago

        More like downplaying it because it's a chibi artstyle.

  2. 8 months ago

    >"So yeah this violent woman-stealing ape monster is clearly meant to represent black people"
    Unintentionally based

    • 8 months ago

      Why is this take so controversial? Quentin Tarantino said this ages ago

      • 8 months ago

        it was dumb then and now, the whole ideology that spawned it is also bad.

      • 8 months ago

        Because it was just as moronic when he said it, same as his shit take on Superman from Kill Bill.
        But, that take was coming from the villain of the movie, so maybe it's supposed to be stupid.

    • 8 months ago

      Why is this take so controversial? Quentin Tarantino said this ages ago

      The original story Cooper thought of was an actual gorilla fighting a komodo dragon to the death and being let loose on a savage world

  3. 8 months ago
  4. 8 months ago

    Wait I thought Red and Blue were siblings

  5. 8 months ago

    >the one (1) creator on the fsce of Murica whose OC actually resembles her real-life self
    >rambles vaguely about tropes, only ever gives like one or two examples, probably has a pretty narrow view of what she's talking about
    It's like the Monkey's Paw

    • 8 months ago

      She's also pretty cute IRL apparently. During a stream of her's with her crew, she was showing off a shirt. That is the most viewed part of the video since it shows her big breasts.

      • 8 months ago

        That's disgusting. Link and timestamp?

        • 8 months ago

          Yup. Here we go.

          Give it a few seconds.

          • 8 months ago

            Jesus FRICKING christ, what is that? We need a sideshot because that almost looks like D cups.

            • 8 months ago

              I did some math and I imagine she's either Triple-D or EE. One of those two. She's big in the natural way, and I just. Mwah. Love it.

              • 8 months ago

                Good for her. No wonder people are seething about her - Brains, beauty and talent all in one.

              • 8 months ago

                People are seething? I think she's just got a big fanbase. Rumor has it Blue's swinging hard, but he's also asexual.

                If she's under 5'8" by my estimates she might only be D to DD, but I might be thrown off by the chair. Does she ever stand-up?

                I think later in the stream but there are some photos out there of her and she looks about 5'5"~5'6" or so.
                There's an /aco/ thread about youtubers right now. Go check it out. Lots going on.

              • 8 months ago

                >Rumor has it Blue's swinging hard

                Yeah no kidding, I'd be able to sit next to Red for like 6 seconds before going "y'know what I need to have sex right now"

                Haha no, she can simply regurgitate information with minimal reinterpretation outside of whatever sexual investment she might have.
                >Illiad and Odyssey were filled with gay chars because...THEY JUST WERE OKAY?!

                If that's your big take then she's clearly smarter than you. Also I don't know who you are and I don't care.

              • 8 months ago

                Haha no, she can simply regurgitate information with minimal reinterpretation outside of whatever sexual investment she might have.
                >Illiad and Odyssey were filled with gay chars because...THEY JUST WERE OKAY?!

              • 8 months ago

                I mean, its Greek. Of course its gay.

              • 8 months ago

                >taking "studies" made to suit an ulterior motive (gay rights) seriously

                >Rumor has it Blue's swinging hard

                Yeah no kidding, I'd be able to sit next to Red for like 6 seconds before going "y'know what I need to have sex right now"

                If that's your big take then she's clearly smarter than you. Also I don't know who you are and I don't care.

                How aggressively dismissive of you, seems I tweaked the orbiter's nerve.

              • 8 months ago

                >Of course it's g-ACK!

              • 8 months ago

                >It was illegal so it didn't happen

                You've paid for all your cartoons and comics, right?

              • 8 months ago

                I thought the narrative was that it was socially acceptable and widespread?

              • 8 months ago

                Are you certain you want to be starting a discussion about something you know nothing about?

              • 8 months ago

                Do you have anything to contradict Plato's statement or?

              • 8 months ago

                Sure. Bring me Plato so I can share it with someone capable of understanding it.

              • 8 months ago

                nta but seriously? if you have no argument then just dont answer

              • 8 months ago

                I already made my argument, which the other anon ignored and moved the goalposts and strawmanned me. All he convinced me of is that he's not worth my time.

              • 8 months ago

                No i just mean the Greeks are gays

              • 8 months ago

                Yeah I watched her video on grimdark stuff and she clearly doesnt understand the concept

              • 8 months ago

                >Graduated with a math degree from the University of Chicago


              • 8 months ago

                If she's under 5'8" by my estimates she might only be D to DD, but I might be thrown off by the chair. Does she ever stand-up?

              • 8 months ago

                If I had a chair like that I would never stand up from it either. Others would come to me.

            • 8 months ago

              >We need a sideshot
              Try in here

          • 8 months ago

            Imagine trying to preach about asexuality when you look like that.

          • 8 months ago

            So is red secretly a seven?

            • 8 months ago


              • 8 months ago

                He's saying that she's secretly hot.

              • 8 months ago

                Ah. Fair.
                Eh, what the heck. Give me an idea and Ill draw reds avatar. Probably. I kinda wanna draw the Naboo Starfighter too.

              • 8 months ago

                Red cosplaying as Black Canary.

              • 8 months ago

                Here you go. Sorry it took a moment.

              • 8 months ago

                Roses are Red
                Violets are Blue
                Both are based
                And so are (you)

              • 8 months ago


              • 8 months ago

                Red being mistaken as a shape shiften Mestra

          • 8 months ago

            Wow they look nothing like I thought they would

          • 8 months ago

            Holy shit.

          • 8 months ago

            Khazar milkers

            • 8 months ago

              But shes not israeli.

              • 8 months ago

                I'm pretty sure I remember her mentioning that half of her family celebrates Hanukkah.

              • 8 months ago

                Red, Blue, and Cyan are Ashkenazi israelites.

          • 8 months ago

            Sophia a QT

          • 8 months ago

            whats the specific time code?

      • 8 months ago

        Can't forget the like three or four pics of her showing off her pits

  6. 8 months ago

    You know, I used to just dislike her opinions on media (she loves sucking off she-ra, owl house and SU because she’s a Tumblr child), but now she’s saying things like King Kong is racist and I think she’s gone off the deep end.
    A shame because her JTTW videos are great and were used as reference for the kino show Monkie Kid.

    • 8 months ago

      She also likes Castlevania and doesn't watch One Piece because it's too long or something. I'd still listen to her autistically ramble on about how that show with CGI that looks like it came from the early 70's is the best thing ever all day.

      • 8 months ago

        >and doesn't watch One Piece because it's too long or something
        For the best. If she did she'd go on and on about how it's a deep criticism of the government, how its ACAB and follows "eat the rich" mentality instead of talking about the actual world and characters

        • 8 months ago

          Nobody actually gets self-righteous about One Piece and its moments where it can pass for societal criticism. People only care about whether Yamato is trans or not.

          • 8 months ago

            I think it can be pretty poignant at times. And it has heart, which pretty much no other current series has.

            • 8 months ago

              More like on the nose

            • 8 months ago

              Agreed. A lot of stuff in Fishman Island and the Law flashback is stuff that I wish Naruto, MHA and Black Clover would explore, but won't because that'd require effort.

              • 8 months ago

                And buildup. We know Oda was kicking himself that he hadn't thought of the fishman shit back when he wrote arlong park because it's front and center in the live action remake.

          • 8 months ago

            >Nobody actually gets self-righteous about One Piece and its moments where it can pass for societal criticism
            Oh yes they can, you just haven't seen the real nasty ones.

    • 8 months ago

      >but now she’s saying things like King Kong is racist
      What exactly was the rationale behind that one? And when did she say that

      • 8 months ago

        you look at this and tell me it's not racist

      • 8 months ago

        >Big monkey kidnaps pretty blonde white woman
        And I can forgive the smoothbrain take, it's a pretty common one, but it's the arrogant "I'm right, don't even try to argue otherwise" part after i that pisses me off.

        • 8 months ago

          You sure it isn't the loincloth-wearing spear-chucking tribesmen worshiping an ape and sacrificing our white women to it?

          • 8 months ago

            That's just it, she wasn't talking about the movie being racist for having African tribesmen, she was talking specifically about the monkey.

      • 8 months ago

        I’m sure someone pointed it out before but Inglorious Bastards made the idea mainstream making it out to be a slave narrative. Most people that have basic media literacy know it’s a play on beauty and the beast and how man despoils the natural beauty of the world.

      • 8 months ago

        She implies the mere concept of a movie from the 30s that is about an ape being chained and taken to America only to cause chaos is a racist allegory to black people. Something like "This is what happens when we take the blacks here, they only cause problems". Completely ignoring that the movie depicts Kong as a tragic figure, and also ignoring the actual racism in the film in the portrayal of indigenous people with blackface.
        Also she acts very smug about it and says you shouldn't bother trying to debate her over a movie in the 30s, as if the statement "King Kong is racist" is something normal and not a random thing to say.

        • 8 months ago

          I always find it odd when we, as folk from a hundred plus years in the future, try and judge something through our modern lens and become offended by it for being what it is.
          Is King Kong an allegory for Black People, maybe. But I dont see it like that. I see it as a metaphore for Man attempting once again to wrangle nature, with nature fighting back. The Damsel was able to look past the grit of The Kong and was able to see the beauty within, just like how nature truly is. Then he gets blasted by aeroplanes.

          Its times like this I say, the 2OO5 version is the best.

        • 8 months ago

          People at the time saw in apes, a part of humanity, even gods prototype. they where viewed as a reminder that we too are animalia, blessed with higher thinking and fire, but still alike to animals. Robert Howard of Conan fame wrote of humanity constantly reaching the peaks of civilisation, then degenerating back into savage apes who once again become humanity, atlantian to cimerian with conans ancestors, the ancestors of the Nordheimer and most of the rest of humanity at some point went through this process, aside from the Picts who where stuck in the phase between uncivilised barbarian and ape.
          kong represents our own primal nature, warrior tyrant sent tribute becomes civilized much like Enkidu when he grows to love the compassion of women and family will fight all the chaos of the world to keep his loved ones safe, only for modernity to constrain him and kill him once he fights back against it's constraining ways.

  7. 8 months ago

    Can't wait for this year's Halloween video. I just rewatched the Werewolf video and it's really fascinating while also being fun.

    If I was a teacher, I'd copy the frick out of her style.

  8. 8 months ago

    ITT: the kinds of people who would unironically donate to an OnlyFans

    • 8 months ago

      You should donate to my OnlyFans
      You looked didn't you?________

  9. 8 months ago

    I'd hug her and fluff her hair but not IRL since that's creepy

  10. 8 months ago

    I'm just going to say this: While Red has a purely academic response to basically all literature she does at least try to explain why the the response is the way it is. This unfortunately leads her to many dismissive controversial claims, but on the whole she is a boon to most people looking into mythology or entertaining notions of writing.

    • 8 months ago

      I mean, just because she dismisses them doesn't mean you have to. The fact that she even brings them up makes her a lot less malicious in her arugments than like 99.9% of people on the internet.

      • 8 months ago

        Actually yes, that was kinda the point I was making. I would say up into the collegiate level she's worth watching and even then just know her bias is a little more mainstream than hypothetical.

    • 8 months ago

      I may not like how she did one of my favorite authors, Lovecraft, but she did explain enough for me to find someone's review of his life and explain in full why Lovecraft was the way he was, and how he was changing near the end.
      I also enjoy her Trope Talks, and her stories branching out across other continents. I don't hear African Myths as often as I hear MesoAmerican ones, so that episode was nice.

      Her magic system tier list is like a fine painting. The more you look at it the more questions arise.

      To be fair, Harry Potter does belong on the bottom. Too many issues. but Lord of the Rings? Please.

      • 8 months ago

        I'm on the completely opposite end. I never liked Lovecraft, but her video about why he was the way he was kind of made me appreciate his work more.

        • 8 months ago

          Hang on, let me find the one I'm talking about.
          Here. Her video lead me to this

      • 8 months ago

        Harry Potter's system isn't that bad, it's not good but claiming it's fundamentally the worst possible option is disingenuous.

        • 8 months ago

          Which is the worst system? I can't think of anything worse outside of folkloric fairytales, but then again you might have read more crap than I have.

          • 8 months ago

            There are hundreds of fantasy books, especially ya ones, that are horrible or mediocre. Of course the catch is that either no one has read them or they have a cult status as bad works and usually have youtube videos dissecting them.

            • 8 months ago

              When writing a fantasy book that has magic, is it good to make it as grounded as possible or as completely batshit as possible?

              • 8 months ago

                One Piece somehow does both. There are strict rules and there are no fricking rules.

              • 8 months ago

                yet another reason to not watch or read one piece.

              • 8 months ago

                I can't really give you advice since I am not a writer myself. I would suggest looking into what other authors have written about the subject matter. Also the simple answer is that it depends on what kind of story you are writing and if you yourself find the magic system fun.

              • 8 months ago

                The way I have it set, Magic existed but Modernity caused it to go away, so the magical creatures are disappearing. But thats backdrop. Real thing is, Boy meets a Fairy in 1900s Texas and they have adventures together.

              • 8 months ago

                Sounds cool. Go for it. If you are having fun writing and you feel like you are writing something that you yourself would read, continue doing it.

            • 8 months ago

              I know, right? The most pissed off I've ever been was watching Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon in the theatre because character would just randomly be capable of flight and then fall to the ground in the next scene.

          • 8 months ago

            I’d argue that such a question is for all intents in purposes broken. A magic system is on its basic level made in service of the story of the plot. Certain systems work better for different stories and the relative hardness of how they function really depends on what kind of story they want to tell. On the most fundamental of levels there is nothing that makes a soft system that can be seen in Fairy Tales or Tolken shit better or worse than a harder system like Avatar or literal video games. It depends on what the story needs, you don't need a complicated system when your telling some kind of fantastical tale while more grounded stories should have some level of rules.
            Though if I had to pick something I’d probably say something that everyone universally agrees is shit, like to the point both the magic system poorly done while servicing a shitty story, so like I don’t know, Forspoken (?), yeah I’m gonna go with Forspoken.

        • 8 months ago

          I don't know man. Theres a lot they dont go over in that series that I wish they would, like how theyve managed to remain hidden despite satelites existing, whether or not modernity could be shielded against magic, and why some use wands and some dont and junk like that. None of that is explained properly in the books.

  11. 8 months ago

    Her magic system tier list is like a fine painting. The more you look at it the more questions arise.

    • 8 months ago

      What do you mean? This is just a magic system made by a nerd who wants everything explained.

    • 8 months ago

      >HARRY POTTER BAD!!!!!!!!!!!?
      Yes sis, I totally believe you would've placed it at the bottom before 2020 and totally would've been just as harsh on it, right?

      • 8 months ago

        I mean, I haven't really cared about Harry Potter since 2004. The only part of the magic system I like is that there are forbidden spells that land your ass instantly in Azkaban forever, except everyone starts using them all the time for some reason.

        • 8 months ago

          But do you think she and dozens of other people would've shat on it before 2020 as brazenly and openly as they did afterward?

          • 8 months ago

            I'm sure some people only hate it because of the author being a chud, but you're a fool if you think anyone over the age of 20 didn't hate it before that.

            • 8 months ago

              Yeah it was a very of the time thing. If someone was about 5years younger than me (born in early 90's) I'd get how annoyed with HP they'd be. Especially if they watched older relatives get fricking obsessed.

              Also we gotta call SF out on being "that place." You know the place I mean. The place that invented anal because they got bored with missionary. The place that invented the "hot-dog-without-a-bun" because of Atkins diet. The fricking place where in five years they're going to rename their team "The San Fransisco Tall Men" because the term "Giant" will become offensive.

              Red's juxtaposition with this infinitely defiant culture will insure a early hatred for popular icons.

              • 8 months ago

                She does seem a bit sad about it. I listened to her reading Dracula, which is a book I know she loves, and she had to reluctantly stop herself every 3 minutes to point out how offensive their portrayal of Hungarians were. Must be hard going through life feeling offended for everyone all the time.

            • 8 months ago

              You may think it's rudimentary but it doesn't mean you actively hate it

            • 8 months ago

              Twitter people hate Harry Potter because JK Rowling hates troons now. I hated Harry Potter because it was libtard trash for tumblrites who haven't read better novels. We are not the same.

              • 8 months ago

                Twitter people love Harry Potter for its escapism, magical disposition and characters. I loved Harry Potter because I got to read about the one school shitter than the one I was going to, where studens were constnaly forced into mortal peril. We are not the same.

              • 8 months ago

                Twitter people love Harry Potter for its escapism, magical disposition and characters. I loved Harry Potter because I got to read about the one school shitter than the one I was going to, where studens were constnaly forced into mortal peril. We are not the same.

                I disliked Harry Potter because of its shit worldbuilding

              • 8 months ago

                Twitter people love Harry Potter for its escapism, magical disposition and characters. I loved Harry Potter because I got to read about the one school shitter than the one I was going to, where studens were constnaly forced into mortal peril. We are not the same.

                I disliked Harry Potter because of its shit worldbuilding

                normalgay meme

          • 8 months ago

            It's not outside the realm of possibility. I liked Harry Potter growing up but that's because it was one of the first fantasy books I read. In hindsight it's a mediocre story even if you agree with the politics. Meanwhile people like Alan Moore and Ursula le Guin called Rowling a hack years before her troony obsession became public knowledge.

            • 8 months ago

              I always felt the books got pretty mean-spirited after the 4th one, like the author was actively trying to piss off the reader. One might say her true colors were always on display. After the 4th book.

            • 8 months ago

              Alan Moore's "criticisms" of Rowling were pretty schizo in his own right though, weren't they? Didn't he literally create an evil Harry Potter for his League of Extraordinary Gentlemen who was an evil satanic pedophile gay troony?

    • 8 months ago

      Frick, this is some normie shit. Plus it feels weird to me mixing movies, shows and books with video games together. Really different rules there.
      > She-Ra - B tier
      Too high, she's really sucking this show off too much. I'm not a hater, just everything in this show felt mostly mediocre and generally boring. Magic included.
      Same with owl house, for gods sake, it's just a lesbian Harry Potter fanfiction.
      > JoJo, One piece - D tier
      Why so low? They both felt quite solid. Some hiccups here and there, but it needs to be ecpected with long running series (JoJo had a starting problem tho).

      I may not like how she did one of my favorite authors, Lovecraft, but she did explain enough for me to find someone's review of his life and explain in full why Lovecraft was the way he was, and how he was changing near the end.
      I also enjoy her Trope Talks, and her stories branching out across other continents. I don't hear African Myths as often as I hear MesoAmerican ones, so that episode was nice.
      To be fair, Harry Potter does belong on the bottom. Too many issues. but Lord of the Rings? Please.

      >To be fair, Harry Potter does belong on the bottom. Too many issues.
      It does, but I don't think it's F tier level bad. The biggger problem is: worse than Yu-Gi-Oh? Wasn't that show pulling stuff out of it's ass like 80% of the time?

      • 8 months ago

        I just saw YGO there.
        How on Earth is that not on the same level?

      • 8 months ago

        The only redeeming quality of this image is that HxH is nowhere to be seen.

        Jojo literally threw away one of its magic systems for another, with the latter being "I dunno, do what you want LMAO".

        Jojo Stands aren't one system, each stand is a unique systems with some basic threw lines.

    • 8 months ago

      The only redeeming quality of this image is that HxH is nowhere to be seen.

      Frick, this is some normie shit. Plus it feels weird to me mixing movies, shows and books with video games together. Really different rules there.
      > She-Ra - B tier
      Too high, she's really sucking this show off too much. I'm not a hater, just everything in this show felt mostly mediocre and generally boring. Magic included.
      Same with owl house, for gods sake, it's just a lesbian Harry Potter fanfiction.
      > JoJo, One piece - D tier
      Why so low? They both felt quite solid. Some hiccups here and there, but it needs to be ecpected with long running series (JoJo had a starting problem tho).

      >To be fair, Harry Potter does belong on the bottom. Too many issues.
      It does, but I don't think it's F tier level bad. The biggger problem is: worse than Yu-Gi-Oh? Wasn't that show pulling stuff out of it's ass like 80% of the time?

      Jojo literally threw away one of its magic systems for another, with the latter being "I dunno, do what you want LMAO".

      • 8 months ago

        >with the latter being "I dunno, do what you want LMAO".
        Which fits, because it's fun. Jojo having the system it has is 90% of the times really fun and it makes for an enjoyable read. I think judging a power system outside the context of the story itself is really dumb.

      • 8 months ago

        Yet another reason to not watch or read Jojo.

        yet another reason to not watch or read one piece.

        Your loss, dude.

      • 8 months ago

        this might sound moronic but , I never considered hamon a magic system. but a psudoscience system , insaid , like hamon sounds like something a scam cult whould make to rob suvurbian housewives out of thier money, is just that in hamons case , the scam actually works.

        • 8 months ago

          Hamon was very clearly based on spiritual martial arts and your headcanon is irrelevant, ESL-kun.
          Its literally about harnessing the power of living vibrations or whatever dumbass fluff araki put in to make it sound cool. Calling it “pseudo-science” because you don’t want to acknowledge magic in a setting that features punch ghosts is just dumb.

          • 8 months ago

            yea but like aside from reading fate , hamon doesn't do anything spiritual. its basically just breading to produce a wiers sun substance , and the sun substance just has sci-fi effects.

    • 8 months ago

      >Fairy Tale's magic system is complicated
      It's not, like at all.
      Let me start from the begin:
      Once upon a time on a funky sunny island
      Only 50 years from when we saw the world explode
      There lived a young lad having fun and causing trouble
      Along came a dude who had a massive sword that glowed
      Once upon a time when the world was getting nasty
      Only 50 years from when we heard the Rave go boom
      There lived a young lad who found a girl with tonfa-blasters
      Together they must put an end to all of shadow doom
      He who wields the sword must next become the master
      Seeking out the stones with a carrot nosed dog?!
      Three heroes at once on a mission filled with danger
      Three, Two, One! Time for Raveolution

      • 8 months ago

        But seriously, Magic in fairy tale can be broken up into 3 categories: Casting, Items and Contracts
        Lucy is a celestial wizard so she makes contracts with celestial spirits, there are 12 main keys based on the hundreds and dozens of lesser keys
        Item users have a storage based system that allows them to switch at and store weapons for later use. Characters like Erza can do this with whole sets of armor.
        Dragon Slaying magic is a subset of casting magic that allows the user to eat their respective element and do extra damage to dragons. They're are multiple ways to become a dragon slayer denoted by generation. There's also devil slaying magic which does the same exact thing.

        Magic in Fairy Tail is even more dumbed down than that because none of the casting magic actually has an effect so it's just a preference of what color you want your RGB fist to be when you bury it in your opponents skull.

    • 8 months ago

      >Fairy Tale's magic system is complicated
      It's not, like at all.
      Let me start from the begin:
      Once upon a time on a funky sunny island
      Only 50 years from when we saw the world explode
      There lived a young lad having fun and causing trouble
      Along came a dude who had a massive sword that glowed
      Once upon a time when the world was getting nasty
      Only 50 years from when we heard the Rave go boom
      There lived a young lad who found a girl with tonfa-blasters
      Together they must put an end to all of shadow doom
      He who wields the sword must next become the master
      Seeking out the stones with a carrot nosed dog?!
      Three heroes at once on a mission filled with danger
      Three, Two, One! Time for Raveolution

      But seriously, Magic in fairy tale can be broken up into 3 categories: Casting, Items and Contracts
      Lucy is a celestial wizard so she makes contracts with celestial spirits, there are 12 main keys based on the hundreds and dozens of lesser keys
      Item users have a storage based system that allows them to switch at and store weapons for later use. Characters like Erza can do this with whole sets of armor.
      Dragon Slaying magic is a subset of casting magic that allows the user to eat their respective element and do extra damage to dragons. They're are multiple ways to become a dragon slayer denoted by generation. There's also devil slaying magic which does the same exact thing.

    • 8 months ago

      How can you lump all magical girls together like that? That's not a magic system, it's a genre. Each series has its own take on how magic works.

    • 8 months ago

      How is Jojo magic? I thought Stands where more a fighting spirit stuff, like all generic shoden. Is Dragon ball ki magic too?

      Also where is warhammer?

      • 8 months ago

        Somebody tell Red that "your sword is not a weapon, it is an extension of yourself" proverb.

      • 8 months ago

        She has a pretty weird take on warhammer 40k, see her video on Grimdarkness. I dont know if shes even heard of warhammer fantasy

      • 8 months ago

        >I thought Stands where more a fighting spirit stuff, like all generic shoden
        Oh please not even part 3 could keep that consistent and then look what we got after part 3
        >Baby with a stand
        >Sword that's a stand
        >Stand that's sentient and kills the user to seek new hosts
        >Stand that only activities after the user is dead
        >Medusa doesn't even have a stand, that's just how her hair is.

      • 8 months ago

        Why would a woman enjoy Warhammer? Are you moronic?

    • 8 months ago

      I think she just likes systems that at least give the appearance of having rules, even if in practice they clearly don't.

    • 8 months ago

      This is literally just her favorite media tier list, it's clearly biased as frick and I can't see anyone ever using this genuinely.
      Even if you genuinely love Owl House and She-Ra, you have to admit that they ain't A or B material when compared to tons of in-depth book franchises and longer shows. Fricking Owl House has the showrunner admit the first season (of two and a half mind you) was made up on the spot and inconsistent.

    • 8 months ago

      >mana systems
      There are a some interesting ones though.

    • 8 months ago

      She has explicitly expressed contempt for any discussion of the in-universe logic of fight scenes. Whoever the writer wants to win is who wins and that's it, and you are an butthole if you don't like it. I would value any random nerdy 12 year old's opinion of magic systems over hers.

      She is weird as hell honestly. Entertaining though, and usually insightful if the topic doesn't trip any of her numerous logic-derailing obsessions.

      • 8 months ago

        >Whoever the writer wants to win is who wins and that's it,
        I can't stand people who think like this. Sure, the author decides who wins, but unless the author is a complete hack, there's at least gonna be some in universe reason why the person who won, won. It's incredibly reductive, the way she thinks about this issue

        • 8 months ago

          No, she's got a point. The actual play by play of the battle is important to the audience's enjoyment, but the rules of a battle power system will never result in an outcome against the author's wishes. If it would, the author will just asspull a special powerup or an exception to the rules or something to fudge the dice. You should never be writing a fight PURELY with the intricacies of the power system as your motivating factor, the actual stakes and consequences and themes of the battle are much more important in the long term.

          If the fight is going to end with character A winning and character B dead, it really doesn't matter to the overall story how B loses the fight or how long the fight took. The fight scene SHOULD be cool and have interesting back and forth, but 10 seconds after the fight is over that sort of detail is irrelevant, the way it impacts character arcs and shit is what actually matters.

          You can have lackluster fights in a good story. but a bad story with only good fights as its selling point it is vapid. Pretty, but empty.

          • 8 months ago

            >If it would, the author will just asspull a special powerup or an exception to the rules or something to fudge the dice.

            That's fine, as long as they put in the work to make it feel like the world matters. Coincidences are fine in my book. Powerups are fine. Just make it feel plausible. Don't disrespect it.

            Throwing the world out for "anything goes lol, it's more convenient for me if this character wins" is insane to me. I genuinely do not understand how a person can give the slightest frick about fiction and think like that.

            >If the fight is going to end with character A winning and character B dead, it really doesn't matter to the overall story how B loses the fight or how long the fight took

            This is a shitty attitude. It can work if the story has other redeeming qualities but you are flat out wrong if you think an enormous chunk of your audience doesn't care what specifically happened in the fight.

            Here's an idea, any question of good vs bad writing can be resolved by looking at how Dungeon Meshi handled it. How did Dungeon Meshi handle fights? Oh would you look at that they were all heavily grounded in the fiction, especially the big important thematic fights. Arc climax fights are where the specific details of the world and the character's traits matter most.

            • 8 months ago

              >Throwing the world out for "anything goes lol, it's more convenient for me if this character wins" is insane to me. I genuinely do not understand how a person can give the slightest frick about fiction and think like that.
              Because you're the kind of person who prioritizes worldbuilding over storytelling, you care about having a thought-out world system that's just like real life fr fr first and maybe having a story with a point in it later. Most professional writers prioritize storytelling over worldbuilding, where they want to tell a certain story, and the specifics of the world are treated as justifications for events they want to happen, in service to the main plot. That is the better way to write a focused story obviously, but it can often lead to a world feeling empty and arbitrary because the author didn't really care about building it in detail.

              • 8 months ago

                I don't really buy that though, if someone is the type of author that completely disregards any kind of internal consistency or sense in favor of 'anything goes, as long as it's more convenient for me', I imagine that person is also quite bad at telling a story too. It isn't a simple matter of worldbuilding vs storytelling like you're making it out to be, someone who's playing this fast and loose with rules and such probably can't write a very compelling story.
                Hell, just look at Steven Universe, that show was insanely loose with it's rules and consistency on what characters could and couldn't do and were and weren't capable of for the sake of 'telling the story', and people shat on it all the time. Even people who like SU admit it wasn't really the best at storytelling.

    • 8 months ago

      Oh right, the original Konosuba/Zero no Tsukaima. Heard a bunch of good things about that show and its dub, and it's probably somewhere on the list of turn-of-the-millennium anime classics alongside the Bebop/Outlaw Star/Trigun trinity.

      Dammit, I'm already wrapped up in watching Ghost In The Shell.

    • 8 months ago

      >Cats the Musical
      this is a joke list right?

      • 8 months ago

        Magic is as good an explanation as any for whatever the frick is going on in Cats

    • 8 months ago

      The legend of zelda has a magic system? Didn't Nintendo reboot that series with the latest game?

    • 8 months ago

      LOTR and SW should be up at LEAST a tier or two.

      FMAB being nr. 1 is correct though.

    • 8 months ago

      >LOTR being that low
      This is how you know she doesn't really understand anything about folklore and mythology despite making a dozen videos about it, since if she did she'd be able to appreciate the thought and effort Tolkien put into implementing magic in those books.

    • 8 months ago

      I dont like this list because it CLEARLY is done by how much she likes the series

      I can tell because half of these frickin things don’t have an incredibly robust and fleshed out magic system to the point where I hesitate to call them magic systems at all (Zelda, Star Wars, LotR) and are mostly there for either flavor or to induce a sense of wonder. This is not the same as Fullmetal Alchemist or Avatar which need you to know how their magic works and spend shitloads of time telling you how it works; the plot does not work in FA if you don’t know how the damn magic works. In Star Wars, the magic just works. You can train at it, sure, but the force just kind of is.

      Also because The owl house is THAT high. You cannot look at Owl House’s magic and legitimately say, “DAMN. This is as good as Avatar.” Do not kid yourself, Red, on a bad day it’s on the same level as Fairy Tail and you know it

      • 8 months ago

        >You cannot look at Owl House’s magic and legitimately say, “DAMN. This is as good as Avatar.”
        What even impressed her about it? By Season 2 Luz's whole powerset is just pulling combos from her ass. Just say you like the show for the lesbians and troony character.

    • 8 months ago

      >it isn’t le weird science therefore it’s bad magic
      When will this meme die

    • 8 months ago

      >One Piece
      One Piece doesn't have a magic system, devil fruit and haki aren't magic, they're not intended to be magic in all but name like Star Wars or Jojo.

      • 8 months ago

        One Piece just introduced devil magic if worst comes to worst.

        • 8 months ago

          Kinda, but I assume she didn't know about that and it's kinda late in the game to matter at all in the greater context of the One Piece universe, fricking Star Trek has more of a magic based system around it than One Piece does

          • 8 months ago

            Yeah yeah, it's a power system not a magic system

            • 8 months ago

              Exactly, so it's stupid to include it in a list of fricking MAGIC systems.

              • 8 months ago

                Have you tried replying to OSP on Youtube or Twitter about it?

              • 8 months ago

                I don't really feel like wasting my time, no.

              • 8 months ago

                I hate how people will gossip behind the backs of e-celebs instead of offer their criticism to them on their social media platforms.

              • 8 months ago

                Here's an idea, how about YOU talk to her if you don't like it?

              • 8 months ago

                Because it's not my opinion. It's yours. I shouldn't be talking on someone else's behalf when I don't believe or know anything about what I'm saying.

              • 8 months ago

                I really don't give a shit chief. I was just pointing out one issue of many in that list, and there is LOT of things wrong with it that others have pointed out

    • 8 months ago

      Frick, this is some normie shit. Plus it feels weird to me mixing movies, shows and books with video games together. Really different rules there.
      > She-Ra - B tier
      Too high, she's really sucking this show off too much. I'm not a hater, just everything in this show felt mostly mediocre and generally boring. Magic included.
      Same with owl house, for gods sake, it's just a lesbian Harry Potter fanfiction.
      > JoJo, One piece - D tier
      Why so low? They both felt quite solid. Some hiccups here and there, but it needs to be ecpected with long running series (JoJo had a starting problem tho).

      >To be fair, Harry Potter does belong on the bottom. Too many issues.
      It does, but I don't think it's F tier level bad. The biggger problem is: worse than Yu-Gi-Oh? Wasn't that show pulling stuff out of it's ass like 80% of the time?

      I just saw YGO there.
      How on Earth is that not on the same level?

      Yu-Gi-Oh's magic isn't bad, it only gets kinda bad once you take into account card lore, which a rabbit hole in of itself, but in the actual series it's straight forward.

    • 8 months ago

      >In the same tier that ATLA

    • 8 months ago

      I'd assume her point is about having the system have clearly defined rules and balancing going by the way it's laid out here.
      FMA puts a lot of emphasis on the idea that everything derives from the same principles with the only "breaking" point of their system being the philosopher stones being able to create exceptions through burning the human life trapped inside.

      In that case, I can see where she's coming from on most of these.
      Like, Jojo is entirely lacking in consistency of the rules once they get to stands. There's exceptions all over and there's basically no concrete rules to them.
      One Piece DOES have pretty clear rules, but the problem is that haki comes in and breaks the whole system over it's knee by going "NOPE, I'M THE THING THAT MATTERS" invalidating everything else. Except for when it doesn't cause also haki.

      Harry Potter is the worst of both definition and balance. It has no actual explanation for how any of the magic actually works and the magic itself has basically no limits on what it can and can't do 90% of the time.

      Not saying I agree with grading all the systems on that scale, but I can at least understand the logic overall.

      • 8 months ago

        But then Manna systems should be s since they are fundamentally the most consistent.

        • 8 months ago

          Yeah, not sure where she's going with the "generalized" ones there.
          Mana Systems and Magical Girls have a WIDE range of how they can work from simple to complex.

  12. 8 months ago

    Red should unironically get a breast reduction surgery. Her back's going to be fricking dead by the time she hits 50 and she's not really looking to attract anyone anyway.

    • 8 months ago

      There are people in this world with no function but to destroy beautiful things.

      They cannot create, they cannot appreciate.

      They can only destroy.

      We have found one of them.

  13. 8 months ago

    I actually developed my first parasocial crush on her after being forced to listen to her podcast, watch most of her videos and read her webcomic to write some erotic commissions of anon fricking her out of her asexuality

    I feel conflicted about her content and watch it with a sickening feel in my stomach now

    • 8 months ago

      You are a disgusting person. Link to said erotica?

      • 8 months ago

        It was a private commission, I already lost the text
        The same guy commissioned me to write for that cancelled YTA dating sim Bannerguy was making, maybe you could contact him there, I'd rather not talk with him anymore after he bought me a redhair wig and sent it to my house

    • 8 months ago

      I mean this in the most sincere way I can, Anon.
      You will get over this.
      You will look on it and cringe a little, but you will move on, and you will be a better person. I used to draw Red a lot for those /aco/ threads, and just sort of stopped. Sort of out of guilt, and sort of out of burn out.

  14. 8 months ago

    >There are people who watch Trope Talks
    >There are people who watch Blue

    • 8 months ago

      Hey man, Domes and History are cool.

    • 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      >He doesn't appreciate the wonders of history and architecture

      • 8 months ago

        Lets get him and force him to stand in awe at monuments to Man's Achievement and Culture!

        • 8 months ago

          Or just lock him in a sewer for six hours.

          • 8 months ago

            Yes we can show him the Amontillado (also this is where I learned Blue’s name was Gregory)

            • 8 months ago

              No, that's a cellar.

      • 8 months ago

        Lets get him and force him to stand in awe at monuments to Man's Achievement and Culture!

        Hey man, Domes and History are cool.

        Blue is the biggest onions rome shill there has ever fricking been that isnt a /misc/ jack off or some sort of statue stoic wankfest of a person
        i fricking hate the word "onions" but with how detailed this mf gets about rome and literally no other history like holy shit

        if you know literally any history this guy talks about in his shitty vids you know he just skips massive fricking segments and/or oversimpflifies it to the point that if you were to talk about it with fricking anyone who does know about this shit youd get laughed at
        >ireland history vid
        >ethopia history vid
        >minoan history vid

        • 8 months ago

          he's like how Lefties cum buckets over Weimar Germany and still get stuff wrong.

          • 8 months ago

            Weimar, pah.
            The Empire was better.

          • 8 months ago

            >Lefties cum buckets over Weimar Germany
            I understand when they wank about the Paris Commune, but come on, the Weimar government was still a right-leaning military dictatorship that endorsed all the reactionary rhetoric they could.

            • 8 months ago

              no, i mean about how the Weimar fell.

              Lefties are fricking moronic when they act like the commies didn't play a vital role in supporting and facilitating the Nazi's rise to power.

              • 8 months ago

                I would question you, but I don't want this thread to go any more /misc/ than it already has.

        • 8 months ago

          I dont really understand could you elaborate more? Ive only seen like 2 of his videos and he struck me as pretty normal

          • 8 months ago

            honestly its hard to even explain, sincerely find a topic that you know about or have some connection too and watch this butthole talk about it and try not to hate him too much

            • 8 months ago

              Watched a few more vids and nothing really stood out to me except his bizarre "LE WAR IS SO HECKIN BAD GUYS" that he cant seem to stop himself from mentioning every few minutes. Also his videos look like wikipedia reeadings

  15. 8 months ago

    I cum…
    Ooooo ….. Sex red sex butt sex armpits ….


  16. 8 months ago

    Thanks to her I've officially branched out to watch Journey to the West just to find out what happens.

    • 8 months ago

      What... What on Earth is this, and where can I watch it?

      • 8 months ago

        China made a TV show about Journey to the West that is so fricking beloved that supposedly there has been at least one channel running reruns of it somewhere at every moment since it came out decades ago.

        I found a playlist on youtube, I'm like 3 episodes in and it is amazing.

        It was a private commission, I already lost the text
        The same guy commissioned me to write for that cancelled YTA dating sim Bannerguy was making, maybe you could contact him there, I'd rather not talk with him anymore after he bought me a redhair wig and sent it to my house

        >I already lost the text

        You bumbling fool! Fine, I'll create a Red AI.

        • 8 months ago

          This is the kind of schlock I've been wanting to binge for years.

        • 8 months ago

          This is the kind of schlock I've been wanting to binge for years.

          It's a 1986 series, and those episodes seem to be missing the OP and ED songs

  17. 8 months ago


  18. 8 months ago

    >The original story is much better than any adaptation

  19. 8 months ago

    Remember when Red gave examples of what she was talking about instead of making a TVTropes summary?

    • 8 months ago


      Yet another reason to not watch or read Jojo.

      Your loss, dude.

      Well that and its fanbase/1000+ episodes/being told it gets good halfway through just sort of puts me off.

      • 8 months ago

        It doesn't get good halfway through. You just need to wait 70 or so chapters for Arlong Park. That's when it gets good.

        • 8 months ago

          It gets good like 20 episodes in. And what's wrong with the fanbase? It's excellent.

          20-70 episodes in is a bit much for me.
          As for the fanbase, i had a very bad experience with a coworker who wouldn't shut up about it. Every day. Every hour. For eight months.

          • 8 months ago

            He's probably obsessed. One Piece does get better and better for like 500 episodes so by the time you get that far in, the first parts probably don't seem that remarkable anymore.

            • 8 months ago

              He was quite a card.


              Maybe try weaning into the show watching None Piece and seeing if you like what's there?

              Maybe. Maybe. I didn't really like Naruto so I'm not sure if I'll like its rival. Who knows. Think I'll watch it after I get a request for a Red drawing.

              • 8 months ago

                >I didn't really like Naruto

              • 8 months ago

                I don't know man, hes just sort of annoying. Him, Sakura, and Sasuke. I tried watching them when they came out, I tried watching them in the 2010s, I even tried five years ago. Squat. Nada.

                Red cosplaying as Black Canary.

                >Black Canary
                >Leotard and jacket
                Yeah I think I can do that. If I don't post it here(or if the thread gets pruned) check the /aco/ thread.

              • 8 months ago

                I only really got into it two years ago thanks to the Nagatoro threads on Cinemaphile. Now I'm stewing in bitterness over how nothing is giving me the same kind of satisfaction the best parts of Naruto gave me.

              • 8 months ago

                Maybe its just me. I'm not a fan of modern anime. Stuff that I barely remember, stuff I grew up with, from the mid 1990s up into the early 2000s, thats what I liked.

              • 8 months ago

                Nart was early 00s. Same with One Piece.
                Also, I'm pretty sure you read and watched Bleach, most of Cinemaphile was Bleach fans to the degree that it was the only Big 3 tolerated on Cinemaphile in the oughts to early 10s.

              • 8 months ago

                I actually didn't watch Bleach, that was my sister's thing. What I read to a great extent was Tenchi Muyo, Zoids, and Ghost in the Shell.
                Thank you, school library.

              • 8 months ago

                Was the zoid manga available in libraries? If I remember correctly viz published it 2002

              • 8 months ago

                I don't recall but I was a big fan of the show.

                Agreed. And I love tvtropes. Proiblem is, I could just be, you know, reading tvtropes on my own. Meanwhile I've tried reading the Illiad from an accurate translation, it fricking sucks.

                These are all bad but I've a soft spot for Tenchi Muyo.

                Tenchi Muyo. Lovely stuff. Ghost in the Shell. Good stuff.

              • 8 months ago

                >Thank you, school library.
                How I ended up reading the first 6 volumes of Naruto, FMA, and all of Scott Pilgrim.

              • 8 months ago

                Naruto's pretty entry tier and falls of a fricking cliff after like 3 arcs. Have you tried any other popular shonen?

              • 8 months ago

                Shippuden's not exactly off a cliff until halfway through Sasuke Shippuden and the end of Pain Invasion. Gaara Rescue has a couple moments, Immortals arc is alright, and Pain Invasion is great until it gets fricking undone. Still hate how its bad habits ended up poisoning MHA and causing it to fall off a cliff in synergy.

                I've read/watched Negima, One Piece, Bleach up to Soul Society, most of Bakuman, Yu Yu Hakusho, HunterxHunter up to the anime's stopping point, Jojo up to Part 6, Dr. Stone, Fire Punch, Chainsawman 1, Soul Eater manga and anime, FMA manga and both anime, the Cowboy Bebop/Outlaw Star/Trigun trio of classic Toonami anime, and some other shit I can't remember atm.

              • 8 months ago

                >Still hate how its bad habits ended up poisoning MHA and causing it to fall off a cliff in synergy.
                Last time I checked Bakugou is currently dead I'm the ditch and didn't take over the focus of the story and all the characters are getting their momentsto shine, there's no last minute asspulls to revive formerly dead characters to use in a zombie army, the cast are fighting the same villains introduced in the beginning so there's not a last minute final boss and the series is still about Deku and All Might not his gay rivalry.

              • 8 months ago

                Bakugo's being revived so he can get back in the fight once AFO and Shigaraki fuse. IMO he should've apologized to Deku after the Provisional Exams so his turn as universally loved in the Joint Training would be more tolerable.

                There's still a bunch of absolutions and redemptions for characters that really shouldn't get them (Endeavor, Toga, Shigaraki), plot turns that throw away so much of what I liked about the show until now (AFO becoming the main villain again, All Might re-entering the fight with a suit made of Class 1-A's powers, Shoto obtaining "fire but ice"), OFA draining the life force of pre-quirked users, and other stuff I can't remember at the moment.

              • 8 months ago

                >Bakugo's being revived so he can get back in the fight once AFO and Shigaraki fuse
                He's still dead. He hasn't done anything in a year. Them trying to save him isn't the same as him being revival

                >There's still a bunch of absolutions and redemptions for characters that really shouldn't get them (Endeavor, Toga, Shigaraki),
                Yeah frick off twitter troony. Endeavor is a fantastic character and his arc isn't about redemption neither is Toga and Shiggy

              • 8 months ago

                >There's still a bunch of absolutions and redemptions for characters that really shouldn't get them (Endeavor, Toga, Shigaraki)

                Have you not been looking at all the retcons they've done with Dabi? Plus it's stupid how his defeat isn't by Shoto being at peace with what he's been through, but instead because all the Todorokis hug him and say sorry over and over again.

              • 8 months ago

                I'm not a troony. I like Endeavor as a dad who fricked up beyond redemption but still keeps doing his job, but I don't want him forgiven like Gaara's dad and Nagisa's mom were. It shouldn't be him who gets to be the one to defeat Dabi, it should be Shoto.
                Also hated how he ends up the one to defeat Gigantomachia and undercut all of Momo and Kirishima's efforts.

              • 8 months ago

                >There's still a bunch of absolutions and redemptions for characters that really shouldn't get them (Endeavor, Toga, Shigaraki)

              • 8 months ago

                Not that anon but god I hate how edgy and up it's own ass that series got. The creator really doesn't get that his main demographic is teenage girls.

              • 8 months ago

                It was? All I know is watching the Plus Ultra scene got my ass back in the gym.

              • 8 months ago

                Not intentionally but yeah the reason why it was so popular like 5 years ago was because it was really big with teen girls, especially over here in the states.

              • 8 months ago

                >how edgy and up it's own ass that series got.

              • 8 months ago

                >The creator really doesn't get that his main demographic is teenage girls.
                That's Jujutsu Kaisen

              • 8 months ago

                I mean your not wrong but MHA is on a completely different level with that. Like with Juju there's due to it's over all tone being fairly consistent the fan base reflects what the series is trying to do much better while MHA's community or at least what remains of it is basically dominated by people just talking about school shit and teenage high jinks.

              • 8 months ago

                >Like with Juju there's due to it's over all tone being fairly consistent the fan base reflects what the series is trying to do
                Most of them don't give a shit about anything outside gayships and the majority are there because it's trendy.

                >basically dominated by people just talking about school shit and teenage high jinks.
                Because it's literally about that. It's called My Hero ACADEMIA for a reason

              • 8 months ago

                >Because it's literally about that. It's called My Hero ACADEMIA for a reason
                The last four years of manga has been a bunch of Ninja War bullshit.

              • 8 months ago

                >Because it's literally about that. It's called My Hero ACADEMIA for a reason
                Yeah and the last few years had basically nothing to do with the Academia. At this point the series is basically completely different than what the fan base actually wants in the show, that's why the series has basically fallen off. Juju has always been on a core level edgy so the fan base is retained much more easily.

              • 8 months ago

                >that's why the series has basically fallen off.
                Bullshit, nobody thought that Attack on Titan had a fall off when the series stopped being attacking titans

              • 8 months ago

                You mean the franchise whose fandom went into hibernation for multiple years and then only came back once the series was rapping up. Also the over all tone of AoT stayed much more consistent than MHA

                >At this point the series is basically completely different than what the fan base actually wants in the show
                Wasn't what the fanbase wanted for Deku to go completely quirkless and become Batman or Iron Man?

                That would have still been stupid, if anything Deku should have remained just a beat stick super strength user and can only use his full potential with the help of character like Ochako.

              • 8 months ago

                >At this point the series is basically completely different than what the fan base actually wants in the show
                Wasn't what the fanbase wanted for Deku to go completely quirkless and become Batman or Iron Man?

          • 8 months ago


            Maybe try weaning into the show watching None Piece and seeing if you like what's there?

      • 8 months ago

        It gets good like 20 episodes in. And what's wrong with the fanbase? It's excellent.

  20. 8 months ago
    • 8 months ago

      She later sat on your lap and ranted about how St. Nicholas was brown and our current depiction was made by Coke to appeal to WASPs for hours on end.

      • 8 months ago

        Red in blackface edit when?

      • 8 months ago

        Imagine nutting on a girl's ass as she grinds on your dick as she rants about the dumbest shit possible.

        • 8 months ago

          This is something I find really fricking hot but have no idea why.

          • 8 months ago

            Same. Maybe it's something about the juxtaposition.

          • 8 months ago

            Maybe it's something to do with the contrast of her acting both super loose while doing the exact opposite by having an autismo rant.

            • 8 months ago

              Also the idea of her rant about the etymological roots of the name Beowulf being cut off by the occasional moan is extremely fricking hot.

      • 8 months ago

        I always knew Greeks were PoC.

        • 8 months ago

          Pay denbts

        • 8 months ago

          Pretty sure St. Nick was a Turk

          • 8 months ago

            >Saint Nicholas of Myra (traditionally 15 March 270 – 6 December 343),[3][4][b] also known as Nicholas of Bari, was an early Christian bishop of Greek descent from the maritime city of Myra in Asia Minor (Greek: Μύρα; modern-day Demre, Turkey) during the time of the Roman Empire.[7][8]

          • 8 months ago

            Turks weren’t even there yet in the time of old st Nick

        • 8 months ago


      • 8 months ago

        I'm black I hear dumb rants like that from my own relatives. I'm acclimated now. She can try as she might but that nut is happening before, during, and after brown Santa rant.

  21. 8 months ago

    Red's the only other person in the world who remembers Storm Hawks exists. That show is probably the reason why I had high expectations for RWBY.

    • 8 months ago

      I miss the Storm Hawks. Also, Get Ed was pretty cool.

  22. 8 months ago

    What's your favorite and least favorite Red video?

  23. 8 months ago

    I don't even understand the point of talking about ecelebs here when you can do it in their comment sections.

    • 8 months ago

      Cause how else are people going to talk about how much they want to frick and be in a relationship with a eceleb?

  24. 8 months ago

    I like her mythology stuff, but the ones where she's literally just reading out a tvtropes page are garbage.

    • 8 months ago

      Agreed. And I love tvtropes. Proiblem is, I could just be, you know, reading tvtropes on my own. Meanwhile I've tried reading the Illiad from an accurate translation, it fricking sucks.

      I actually didn't watch Bleach, that was my sister's thing. What I read to a great extent was Tenchi Muyo, Zoids, and Ghost in the Shell.
      Thank you, school library.

      These are all bad but I've a soft spot for Tenchi Muyo.

      • 8 months ago

        >Proiblem is, I could just be, you know, reading tvtropes on my own
        Shame that TVTropes is butchering itself and deleting all its example sections bit by bit.

        • 8 months ago

          >No real life examples please!

          No fun allowed.

          I really just use the YMMV tab anyway.

          • 8 months ago

            YMMV is useful, but there's still lacking in a "I'm mentally checked out" trope that isn't the shitty "Darkness Induced Audience Apathy" thing that nobody actually understands or uses properly.
            Just like how they use "Deconstruction" to mean "I like this show but am scared to admit it without applying pseudo-intellectualism to it".

            • 8 months ago

              What about the eight deadly words? Did they remove that? Pretty sure I saw it mentioned the other day.

              • 8 months ago

                It still exists, and even says it can be used on YMMV pages, but I assume nobody uses it because it's both an inherently negative trope and the people who want to use it get quarantined to their one time rant on DMOS.

                God, I miss Wall Banger. The Naruto page was miles long and was a categorized list of every time an Uchiha did something bullshit.

              • 8 months ago

                >Broken Base is a fricking laundry list

              • 8 months ago

                A laundry list beset by the Equal Time Rule from the Fifties and Sixties.

  25. 8 months ago

    Is Fairy Tail even good? I heard it's like all the worst habits of shonen combined. I managed to make it through Black Clover, but I won't lie and say I didn't mentally check out halfway through the Elf Reincarnation arc.

    • 8 months ago

      Depends on how good you are at shutting your brain off and enjoying shonen bullshit. Also in may ways I'd say Black Clover is like the modern Fairy Tale, though with more boobs.

  26. 8 months ago

    I never really thought about this before, but isn't she, purely on a technical level, a vtuber?

    • 8 months ago

      With breasts like those she could be.

      No wonder she's hyper-obsessed with being ace, guys must be hitting on her all the fricking time.

    • 8 months ago

      Vtubers have 3d models. Though technically she is a pngtuber.

  27. 8 months ago

    This thread is making uncomfortable on a very personal level

    • 8 months ago

      It's just weird because generally when you use an avatar you're a hambeast or missing half your face or some shit. Nobody was expecting this, shit even the r34 artists have been underselling her.

    • 8 months ago


      • 8 months ago

        My girlfriend's latest whim is becoming s vtuber.
        Just look at the fricking state of this thread, a 6/10 with lukewarm takes and she's got an army of nutjobs keeping track of every little thing she's said, cataloguing every little personal detail she's ever let slip and drawing r34 of her.

        Shit's fricking creepy. Imagine that being you, or someone you care about.

        • 8 months ago

          Tell her to become a reaction vtuber. That's got to be the sweetest gig on the fricking planet.

          • 8 months ago

            Yeah she's looking into all of them, specially Gura and other "gremlins" because her voice is naturally high-pitched so she could fake the voice without much effort, plus the shark is the biggest vtuber in the world.

            I dont like her or her midwit takes but surely shes a 7 or 8/10?
            But yeah youre right its creepy as hell, getting even mildly famous online means you have to very carefully guard your personal life from ever leaking out

            Frick no, get your eyes checked. She's a 6 at most, you're just overrating her because she's famous. The halo effect of whatever. My girl is cuter than that.

            • 8 months ago

              How high-picthed? I don't watch vtubers but one joined a vinesauce stream once and her real voice was incredibly high-pitched and cute. Free success right there.

              • 8 months ago

                There's this new girl in hoe-girlve, can't remember her name but her lore is basically she's a crystal gem from SU. They make memes of her with the moai head emoji. Her voice is almost 1:1 that

                >girlfriend's latest whim is becoming s vtuber
                Oh man that's a terrible idea, talk her out of it

                I know, right? Look at this thread, it's a shitshow and even then it looks tame and civilized compared to /vt/
                She's have more opsec as an Only Fans model

              • 8 months ago

                >gf speaks like koseki bijou
                You're a saint, I'd strangle her after a week

              • 8 months ago

                >has a biboo girlfriend
                some frickers have all the luck

        • 8 months ago

          I dont like her or her midwit takes but surely shes a 7 or 8/10?
          But yeah youre right its creepy as hell, getting even mildly famous online means you have to very carefully guard your personal life from ever leaking out

          • 8 months ago

            She's a solid 7 if she tried to pretty herself up.
            Light makeup, some anti-frizz for her hair, and arm exercises to tighten up those underarms.

        • 8 months ago

          >girlfriend's latest whim is becoming s vtuber
          Oh man that's a terrible idea, talk her out of it

        • 8 months ago

          You are just insecure of her dipping out when she gets her own army of simps.

        • 8 months ago

          I do not care to draw the one behind the Avatar, just the Avatar itself. They are two distinct individuals. One is fake, and one is real, and never the two shall meet.

        • 8 months ago

          Yeah she's looking into all of them, specially Gura and other "gremlins" because her voice is naturally high-pitched so she could fake the voice without much effort, plus the shark is the biggest vtuber in the world.

          Frick no, get your eyes checked. She's a 6 at most, you're just overrating her because she's famous. The halo effect of whatever. My girl is cuter than that.

          There's this new girl in hoe-girlve, can't remember her name but her lore is basically she's a crystal gem from SU. They make memes of her with the moai head emoji. Her voice is almost 1:1 that

          I know, right? Look at this thread, it's a shitshow and even then it looks tame and civilized compared to /vt/
          She's have more opsec as an Only Fans model

          So this is your girlfriend's dream job, huh?

          • 8 months ago

            Very cute
            Interesting game too

  28. 8 months ago
    • 8 months ago


      • 8 months ago

        • 8 months ago

          Can you link to the specific tweet?

          • 8 months ago

            No idea but the full image is here

  29. 8 months ago
  30. 8 months ago

    Also why the hell can't you list moments where people drop a show/manga/whatever out of frustration with shitty plot turns or ruining romances? Most of the discussion about Adventure Time is about how they dropped the show midway through Season 5 or the beginning of 6, yet that's not listed anywhere.

    Also I have no idea when people started turning on Steven Universe.

    • 8 months ago

      Base-Breaking Character?

      >and doesn't watch One Piece because it's too long or something
      For the best. If she did she'd go on and on about how it's a deep criticism of the government, how its ACAB and follows "eat the rich" mentality instead of talking about the actual world and characters

      She likes Ranma, she knows what anime's about.

    • 8 months ago

      >I have no idea when people started turning on Steven Universe.
      When Ian JQ left. After that it was clear that he was the one holding the ship together as the writing got progressively worse, ending with the main character "redeeming" three space Hitlers and nobody mentioning how fricked up that is, rather started coping over how they weren't "forgiven" as if the show didn't turn them into funny goofballs, rather than the war criminals they were.

      • 8 months ago

        >When Ian JQ left.
        When did IanJ leave? I'm pretty sure he's in the credits for every episode just like Sucrose. It seems like one of those things you can never prove definitively, like when Adam Muto checked out from running AT.

        Also why is Beta cited as the moment when the Amedot/Lapidot ship war broke out?

        • 8 months ago

          >When did IanJ leave?
          Season 3, and you can tell. Adam Muto didn't check out from AT, he's been a part of the show from start to finish, and even handled the latest spinoff series. Ian left to do OK KO and only came back to pitch some ideas in Future.

    • 8 months ago

      >Also I have no idea when people started turning on Steven Universe.
      Immediately after S1

      • 8 months ago

        Huge hole in the Cinemaphile archives from June 10th to October 7th 2015. Pisses me off, since that's when so much frickery went down in SAO2, Kill la Kill, Akame ga Kill and One Piece on Toonami. And it's when Regular Show hit the point where everyone dropped it. Steven Universe-wise, it's when Pearl's biggest episodes happened (training Connie, Sardonyx consent issues) and where Peridot joined the Crystal Gems.

        • 8 months ago

          I just remember watching the S1 finale while laying in my bed, and the instant that thing started singing I was roaring to try and drown out the noise as I hefted myself towards my computer to vanily try and prevent the death of a show I had hopes for.

        • 8 months ago

          I just remember watching the S1 finale while laying in my bed, and the instant that thing started singing I was roaring to try and drown out the noise as I hefted myself towards my computer to vanily try and prevent the death of a show I had hopes for.

          The show could never escape the buildup and reception Jailbreak brought that every time it did anything else it felt inferior in comparison. The Bomb format killed the show faster than expected.

  31. 8 months ago

    At least she seems fun to hang out with and chat with unlike Jaiden. I would fricking blow my brains out if I knew Jaiden IRL.

    • 8 months ago

      I think I could have a decent time with Jaiden talking about Pokemon. I could not talk anything with Red without getting into an argument because a lot of what she likes I just find mid as frick. And she'd probably not think much of what I love either.

      • 8 months ago

        Just talk about math. Can't argue about math.

        • 8 months ago

          Id fricking kill myself rather then relearn calculus

  32. 8 months ago

    My first exposure ever to One Piece was when I watched the arabic dub of the anime as a kid on some shitty middle eastern channel. I thought it was just a normal saturday morning cartoon because the episode I watched had some dumbass plot about long nose homie being dumb and the artstyle kind of looked like cartoons. So its the weirdest feeling ever when I grow up and years later I find its this gigantic sprawling manga. Im never gonna watch it, partly because the artstyle turns me off and because "it gets good at episode 7 bajillion" is pure cope, but really because I dont wanna destroy the vague hazy memory I have of it, a silly ass childrens cartoon about pirate homies on some shitty arabic channel that I only saw once and never again.

    • 8 months ago

      My first exposure was a sample page in a dragon ball volume I bought back in 2001. I thought it was the ugliest, stupidest thing I'd ever seen and swore to never, ever buy anything related to One Piece. Then I ran out of anime in 2003 and watched it, but I thought it was mid. Then I continued watching it in 2006 and was hooked for life.

  33. 8 months ago

    I know the coomers here love her, but I watched a few videos of her shitty singing and it was so bad that I now cringe when I see her avatar. She sings exactly like you think a chick with fricked up self-esteem would. You can tell she wants compliments on it, but doesn't actually practice in at all and has no natural talent for it, but because she was better than the kids in her school, she's gone her whole life thinking she's good at it. Which is also exactly how I'd describe her visual art.

  34. 8 months ago

    Red got me into mythology. I thought it was all crap but it's actually really fun to see what stories people were making up back then. More of a "who wrote this" rather than the actual story.

    • 8 months ago

      Some of those stories can be pretty sweet, I've got to say. One of my favorites is Selene and her sleeping lover.

  35. 8 months ago

    Lemme know if you want something else drawn. Tablets working for once and Im in a good mood.

  36. 8 months ago

    Do you think a cartoon anthology series, where its the same voice actors but each season is a different set of myths from across the world, could work?

    • 8 months ago

      Yeah sure, Satan.

      Deku should've stuck to having superstrength, using support gear to amplify his power, and then shack up with Hatsume while Bakugo gets with O'Chunks.

      They should've kept a slower acclimation period for all powers rather than him getting a hang of it so soon to play up the whole "I've gotta fight smart because I can't go balls out" I also didn't like how they just made it so AFO just cultivated the force ghosts now. But that's because my whole gay headcanon that AllMight couldn't hear the spirits because his "I can do it alone" persona was blocking them out

      • 8 months ago

        Deku getting more powers isn't a good thing in any perspective. A lot of the appeal of MHA was in having a big supporting cast that could matter just as much as the MC. But then all of 1-A stopped mattering and it became the Deku, Endeavor and Hawks show with special guest Bakugo.

  37. 8 months ago

    Another Red.

  38. 8 months ago

    This thread has gotten very, very weird. I like it.

  39. 8 months ago

    Deku should've stuck to having superstrength, using support gear to amplify his power, and then shack up with Hatsume while Bakugo gets with O'Chunks.

  40. 8 months ago

    has there been a youtuber/personality who has actively encouraged their fanbase to draw lewds of them ?

  41. 8 months ago

    When is Red going to skip to the posting naked pictures online phase of e-celeb?

    • 8 months ago

      Probably never.

    • 8 months ago

      >when is the aesexual TvTrope 2D youtuber nerd gonna show us her big boobies already?
      Never breed, anon

  42. 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      Disappointed that there's no porn of her

      • 8 months ago

        Aren't we all

      • 8 months ago

        If I knew how to draw spiderwomem.

        • 8 months ago

          Try waifuing Jessica Drew.

        • 8 months ago

          >Draw sexy woman
          >draw spider(also sexy?) instead of ass and legs
          The second part takes some practice, but it's not hard to figure out.

    • 8 months ago

      She's got a nice ass.

  43. 8 months ago

    >every video about Lovecraft
    >btw he was a racist!!!
    Then stop making money on his name.

    • 8 months ago

      I once heard a guy in a poscast say he didn't want to call Homestuck "Lovecraft-inspired" because of Lovecraft's racism, so he used "Cosmic Horror" instead.

    • 8 months ago

      Don't you know every time you say Lovecraft's name, an Iberian dies?

    • 8 months ago

      It's such a stupid argument too
      >did you know this guy in the 20s acted with prejudice?
      Yeah, no shit.

    • 8 months ago

      They'll never do that, literally people shit on Lovecraft while making games, stories and media using his IP.

    • 8 months ago

      They never seem to point out that Lovecraft wouldn't have come up with his cosmic horror, if it wasn't for his disdain for other races. There's this one black sci-fi writer (I can't remember his name) that pointed it out himself. He felt that Lovecraft's ideas were cool, but understood that it was built on prejudice.

      • 8 months ago

        Charles Rutledge?

    • 8 months ago

      honestly i feel horrible for the man, since he did admit to regretting saying all that shit before passing away. but because we live in a world where people can’t just look past that, everyone just remembers him as being a xenophobic loner and shit

  44. 8 months ago

    How the frick did we go from
    >I like Red
    >Red is asexual
    >Red's hot in real life
    >How the frick is she asexual?!
    to suddenly talk about My Hero Academia, why people like it or hate it, or how the audience was originally just a bunch of teenage girls?

    • 8 months ago

      We started to talk about her anime tier list and it spiraled out from there. Send help.

    • 8 months ago

      I just want ideas to draw Red in.

      • 8 months ago

        Red and Joseph Campbell and Robert Graves shooting the shit

  45. 8 months ago

    This thread is barely Cinemaphile

    • 8 months ago

      Honestly, I feel like off-topic threads that get hundreds of posts are usually some of the highest quality threads on this website

  46. 8 months ago
  47. 8 months ago

    Shit, I forgot to mention Eri and her function as an undo button for consequences, and how we were screwed out of an arc about her and Overhaul finding the old Hassai-Kai boss.

  48. 8 months ago

    More Journey to the West when?

    • 8 months ago


  49. 8 months ago

    I'm out for the night. Hope this thread stays up when I wake up to head for work.

  50. 8 months ago

    If how a character won a fight didn't matter, no body would ever complain about deus ex machinas or any other forms of ass pulls. But since people do complain about those things, then there is clearly more to the situation than just 'whoever the author wants to win'

  51. 8 months ago

    We've known she was dumb since her HP Lovecraft vid was all typical talking points of "buh his cat, or he was le bad". She wasted like half the vid talking about how problematic lovecraft was. Surprised you guys simp for her so hard, I'd think Cinemaphile would hate her. But she's the main girl on ./aco/ storytime posts besides Jaiden.

    • 8 months ago

      She has big boobies so Cinemaphile immediately forgot why they hate her

      • 8 months ago

        mildly attractive chicks have the benifit of making men forget their evils. If for some reason she does see this thread, I hope she knows this is one of the reason greeks where harsh on women, along with general chaoskamph having chaos be feminine in nature

      • 8 months ago

        seems to not be her boobs, but even worse her pits. Literally look at any storytime thread I swear every pic is of her in a tank top with her arms up.
        >also her boobs don't seem that big average maybe

        mildly attractive chicks have the benifit of making men forget their evils. If for some reason she does see this thread, I hope she knows this is one of the reason greeks where harsh on women, along with general chaoskamph having chaos be feminine in nature

        Is that really why they were harsh on females? thought it was the whole gay thing, but you aren't wrong some guys especially in this gen have the inability to see through women bs and toxicity. A guy could do half of what a woman does to them and they'll want to kill him, and a girl could do some heinous shit and no one cares.

        Funny enough last week I saw it in real time all of these hs boys were taken to JAIL and the girls just got fines, they were causing property damage. I saw the girls do it, shit the guy who property it was had pics and the cops really let the girls go my old man was telling me see and that's how you create evil women.

        • 8 months ago

          mildly attractive chicks have the benifit of making men forget their evils. If for some reason she does see this thread, I hope she knows this is one of the reason greeks where harsh on women, along with general chaoskamph having chaos be feminine in nature

          Women are strange creatures. They can either liven up your soul or cause property damage. Red k could see causing some property damage to steal a rare book if she had just a few less morals.

          • 8 months ago

            yeah, i remember a lot of girls in my college acted like they were badasses or fighting capitalism by stealing art supplies from hobby lobby or Michaels.

            As you say you just have to find the right one they all aren't crazy, and it's partially us men's fault. We let them off too easy or some don't raise them right or at all. As T.I said, spending time with your daughter is thot prevention time.

        • 8 months ago

          for the most part the gayness of the greeks is overblown, there where gays there, they where seen by the majority as immoral. all the old men wanting to frick boys was just Mr Herbert jokes to them. Their sexual morality is a lot like the Muslim world, where guys can hold hands in public and stone gays to death while seeing no contradiction.
          >"After having a naked oil wrestling session with the boys we went to the marked where they sodamised one of those queers with a radish, good entertainment, being gay's impious as poorly treating a guest."
          is a thought they could have and see no problem with.
          Going into why the ancients thought what they did about women is something you'd have to sunderstand their occult beliefs, they viewd self controll and discipline as the highest virtues. but in short they where a lot closer to the Islamic world in that they descend from a pastoral culture, while seeing a large slave trade develop debasing women in horrible sex slavery and responded accordingly.

          • 8 months ago

            huh interesting and fricked up, learning something new on Cinemaphile.

  52. 8 months ago
    • 8 months ago

      Is this real?

      • 8 months ago
    • 8 months ago

      Whoa mama.

  53. 8 months ago

    what fricking design? she looks like your average female with long hair and poorly draw at that
    imagine having standards this low

  54. 8 months ago

    You can always retell myths to however you want it to be. Do it enough times, itll become new myth.

    • 8 months ago

      Don't feed /misc/.

      • 8 months ago

        Im just saying you could make new myths.
        Dont want Zeus being a shape-shifting rapist? Make him an adulterer that woos women. Want Hades to be in a better light? Persephone ran off with him out of love.

        • 8 months ago

          Frick off.

        • 8 months ago

          Persephone did run away with him, he "raped" her because in ancient Greece unmarried women were considered property of there fathers so marrying without their premission was rape.

        • 8 months ago

          To be fair, the nebelous nature of rape in antiquity makes the "Zeus wooed women" not necessarily untrue. There are definitely a few myths where Zeus just seduced some chick but rights back then were basically "Rape means you're not allowed to this person but you took them anyway" with their consent being pretty unimportant but their Warden's consent being the end of the line.

          So if I were to eat out an asexual chick would she enjoy it?

          I feel like it's like a blowjob when you're not really turned on. Like....I guess.

  55. 8 months ago

    So if I were to eat out an asexual chick would she enjoy it?

    • 8 months ago


  56. 8 months ago

    I know she's super into queer stuff but also hyper-autistic about media, so I wonder what she thinks of Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss.

  57. 8 months ago

    Oh shit I just realized this exact frame is from when she reviews H. P. Lovecraft and stops the review to point of that H. P is a racist.

  58. 8 months ago

    Well this seems as good a place to ask as any. What the frick is an 'aro-ace lesbian'? How can someone be an asexual homosexual that doesn't have sexual or romantic relationships but is sexually attracted to women? I have seen multiple people claim to be asexual lesbians, and it makes no fricking sense in my mind.

    • 8 months ago

      Asexual is 0 to negative libido.
      Aromatnic is 0 to negative understanding of connecting with another person in a deep sense.
      Aro-Ace is some full on autism stuff. Like they just don't get the idea of intimate relationships on either level.
      I suppose the ones that claim lesbian on top of that just feel like they prefer the female form? It's hard to really say once you're that deep into "there's something wrong with how your brain is wired" territory.

      • 8 months ago

        >I suppose the ones that claim lesbian on top of that just feel like they prefer the female form?
        But that's the thing, saying you're homosexual would mean a sexual/romantic attraction. It's like saying you're a heterosexual homosexual, but denying being bisexual. It makes no sense, these are literally contradicting statements. You cannot be simultaneously lacking sexual attraction but also be sexually attracted to a specific group, it's oxymoronic. Being an asexual lesbian is the same as being a straight gay man, or a gay straight man.

        • 8 months ago

          If we're just talking about one end of it, then no, it's not that far off.
          An aromantic lesbian would be a woman that doesn't feel romantic feelings for others but does get horny seeing some hot booba but not when seeing hot penis.
          An asexual lesbian would be a woman that doesn't get horny but does feel deep love towards other women that she never feels towards men.

          Aroace lesbian is the one that's really out there as if you're not talking about feelings of attraction or intimacy, the most I can think of is that they're saying they just prefer to be around women than men? It's a weird thing that I can't even imagine putting myself in their shoes to get.

          • 8 months ago

            >An asexual lesbian would be a woman that doesn't get horny but does feel deep love towards other women that she never feels towards men.
            But that's the thing, by being a lesbian, you aren't asexual. Being lesbian means being homosexual, meaning you aren't asexual. You can't be an asexual homosexual, those words mean two completely different things.

            • 8 months ago

              There's a reason to use the term "lesbian" here instead of "homosexual woman". Lesbian simply means a woman that loves women. That can be in the romantic or sexual sense.
              In this case, it's explicitly talking romance instead of sex. They're a person who does not want or desire sex, but that does want or desire close a close personal relationship with other women cause they don't feel such connections with men.

              Hell, it's probably a lot easier to be an asexual lesbian. Women tend to put less pressure on their partners for sexual acts even when they want them.

              • 8 months ago

                So what does it mean to be 'romantic'? What exactly is a romantic relationship?

              • 8 months ago

                That is a very philosophical question when you get down to the details of it.

                Looking up some quick definitions didn't really give solid answers. The webster definitions of "romance" or "romantic" only speak of deep love without differentiating between it and say, familial love.
                When you get into the deeper thinkers on the topic you run into many interpretations.
                Sternburg's triangle defines romantic love as the combination of intimacy and passion, though again the definition of passion here isn't simply sex but rather an excitedness to be with the person in general. It is "hot" love while commitment is "cold" love in that it is about making a choice to stay together that can be isolated from passion or intimacy.
                Others have theories wherein romantic love specifically exists only in a context where it can be observed through jealousy; love triangles. The idea being that romantic love comes from sort of the choice of one option over the other, creating conflict.
                Freud exists too. Fricking weirdo though with his family drama focused view.

                Ultimately it's not an easy thing to define, leading to a lot of subjective views on it. If your view requires sexual attraction then that's fine. But it's not some truth set in stone.
                To me, it's more of kinda a vibe between two people. A deep connection beyond simply friendship. There's no real prerequisites for where that line is crossed though besides a mutual agreement that the feeling has surpassed that point.

    • 8 months ago

      None of it means anything, when someone starts dumping word salad into their profiles it's just signaling that they're on board with the latest trendy internet subcultures.

    • 8 months ago

      It means she's a fricking liar.

      • 8 months ago

        What did she lie about?

    • 8 months ago

      Sounds like wanting someone above a regular gal-pal, but below a romantic partner.

      • 8 months ago

        That's just called having a best friend.

    • 8 months ago

      I remember Robobuddies

    • 8 months ago

      It's actually quite simple, they're b***hes who want attention.

    • 8 months ago

      Does anyone have an archive of that stream where she reads Mr Enter's books and flips out at the roller skates quote?

      • 8 months ago

        What quote?

        • 8 months ago

          The one where the main character threatens to make her mom eat her roller skates?

  59. 8 months ago

    >anita sarkeesian but slightly less of a c**t and slightly less ugly
    Jesus christ, this board's standards are appalling

    • 8 months ago

      You can still hate a woman while wanting to motorboat her breasts

      • 8 months ago

        That’s hatefricking, and it’s pretty hot.

  60. 8 months ago

    All the asexual stuff aside, I decided to look up the original clip from the OP since people keep just posting the snippet.
    Apparently it's a 3 year old video and this chick was talking about Godzilla and just took a moment to aside on King Kong when she mentioned Godzilla vs King Kong as a comparison of how the two approached their allegories.

    And yeah, King Kong is hella racist. They literally have the stereotypical african tribesmen try to sacrifice the pretty white woman to the ape. Then it's taken to the "civilized" world and immediately goes on a rampage before needing to be "put down".
    It's not saying that King Kong is literally a black man, it's pointing out the obvious subtext one would read into something like this, especially at time of release.
    The point is that King Kong's stories just kept getting remade with the same points which kept him stuck in his shitty allegorical role with the only option to just "make it consensual" by having the woman wanna frick the monkey, which is equally fricked in the context of that old subtext.
    Godzilla meanwhile was allowed to get sequels and develop out of the original nuclear power allegory into more of a protector figure.

    • 8 months ago

      But isn't the point of King Kong that Kong himself is just as much a victim as anyone else? He only went on a rampage because of the explorers taking him out of his natural habitat and turning him into some circus attraction in a big city. If he had simply been left alone in his own little world, no one would have been hurt, including Kong himself. If anything, the movie is anti-colonialist, all of this is avoided if people just stay out of Kong's territory and leave him and the tribesmen alone. The only reason anything happens the way it does is because of the white explorers.

    • 8 months ago

      I feel like the racist text betrays the racist subtext but I guess you could easily have the idea of "Blacks are Savagaes who don't belong here and but's our fault for bringing you over" but again it feels like trying to make Jurassic Park an allegory for Banana Republics in South America. The much clearer point is "Man sees a Natural Wonder and for petty fame and gain rips it from Nature"

      • 8 months ago

        Slavery and nature exploitation are essentially the same thing on the thematic level.

        • 8 months ago

          Slavery themes tend to respect the humanity of slaves and accept they have the right to live as free people while nature themes tend to be the opposite an unknowable/uncontrollableness we should respect. Jurassic Park doesn't respect the Dinosaur's right to exist and sees them as abominations that will destroy people stupid enough to have created and attempted to control them, West World respects Androids right to exist and sees man's futility and cruelty in denying them that humanity....though that's hardly a perfect slave allegory but close. Robots are bad for slave allegories when you push them too hard.

    • 8 months ago

      It's depicted as a spectacular tragedy for frick's sake. This majestic creature, a literal god of his realm, is stripped of his dignity and forced to perform as a circus act. Even in the case of him "stealin dey womyn," he's still protective of her, literally fending off all manner of island animals that could devour her in seconds. Only this new island has beasts he cannot hope to kill with a simple swat of his hand. Hell, the film literally ends with this:
      >It was beauty that killed the beast

      Also that "majestic" bit isn't me reading too far into things like you are, people who knew Cooper personally said he had a fondness for apes, gorillas especially. Even described their demeanor as noble and stoic, a far cry from the lazy, shiftless Black stereotypes of the day.
      He also took inspiration from the accounts of hunters and colonists who'd seen them or heard stories, which often emphasized their power at the expense of their intelligence, such as their absconding with local African women rather than the wives of white settlers. Picrel is literally titled "Gorille enlevant une négresse"

    • 8 months ago

      But isn't the point of King Kong that Kong himself is just as much a victim as anyone else? He only went on a rampage because of the explorers taking him out of his natural habitat and turning him into some circus attraction in a big city. If he had simply been left alone in his own little world, no one would have been hurt, including Kong himself. If anything, the movie is anti-colonialist, all of this is avoided if people just stay out of Kong's territory and leave him and the tribesmen alone. The only reason anything happens the way it does is because of the white explorers.

      Again, Kong was always meant to be a gorilla, that's not me not engaging with the material it's just what's fricking there. Here's the funny thing, the public didn't know shit about gorillas in the early 20th century, they genuinely thought they were savage human-like creatures that stole women in the jungles. It wasn't until decades later did we know better from research from primatologists and a few kids falling into gorilla pens at zoos and not dying on the spot.
      Yeah the 30s Kong is racist, but it's overt, it's the tribes people, which no shit. When one tries to apply that to Kong himself and claim it's the theme of the movie, I feel like that when you're the racist one here or at the very least a dumbass who doesn't know dick about film history, natrual history, or just history in general.

  61. 8 months ago

    I miss when we were talking about anime.

    Can anyone confirm if Slayers is good?

    • 8 months ago

      The first season starts kinda rough, but gets really good when all four party members are together, and for that reason, the next two seasons start in high gear. The movies are also top quality, but the more recent anime are trash.

      • 8 months ago

        What's the quality vs Konosuba and ZnT?

        • 8 months ago

          I have an active disdain for Tsunderes, so I never bothered with ZnT.
          But it's a pretty good comparison to say that Slayers is like the grandfather of Konosuba, high comedy fantasy adventure, but the details are different.
          In Konosuba, all four are some flavor of incompetent, but manage to offset each other.
          With Slayers they're all fairly competent. Lina is a magical genius outshined only by her older sister, but her terrible personality eclipses that. Gourry is a master swordsman with a legendary blade, but generally clueless. Zelgadis is a powerful shaman, but kind of a prick for personal reasons, and Amelia is a White Mage prodigy, but raised by a nut with a philosophy of pacifism.
          And instead of an isekai harem, it's standard fantasy with two complimentary couples.

  62. 8 months ago

    The main thing I hate about both blue and red is that they both rarely if ever list sources

  63. 8 months ago

    There are at least three types of "asexual":
    1. Sex-repulsed. The one most people probably think of. Disgusted by sex and has no interest in things related to it. This type is the most likely to change with time.
    2. Non-immersive. They either do not experience sexual arousal, or sexual arousal does not consistently change their mental state along with it. They can still have and enjoy sex, but it will be akin to playing a game or something, and not in its own "category" like for other people.
    3. Identity-type. Due being a part of some other sexuality(especially homosexual, demisexual, or aromantic), they experience a lot of the world as an asexual and may doubt their sexuality.

  64. 8 months ago

    Why is it threads about Red always start off with dozens of stuff, then teeters out, only to start back up again? I mean Jesus Christ, were almost to the bump limit and its been a day.

  65. 8 months ago

    It's not every day you see people arguing about a youtuber, racism undertones in King Kong, and the nature of human sexuality and attraction all in one thread. I guess Red just has that kind of effect on people here.

    • 8 months ago

      Also My Hero for some reason.

    • 8 months ago

      Quite so.

  66. 8 months ago

    Who's this dyke?

    • 8 months ago

      Has a youtube channel that she splits with a guy you would have sworn was her boyfriend until you learned they're all some flavor of the rainbow brigade.
      He talks about history and has a hard-on for Venice, she talks about storytelling tropes and mythology.
      The real appeal is in the art she does for the videos, cute little gags in a surprisingly appealing style with occasionally actually funny jokes.

    • 8 months ago

      My wife

  67. 8 months ago

    Fan art of Red making out with Jaiden when?

  68. 8 months ago

    So much autistic arguing in this thread.
    I just want to mating press Red repeatedly and make an army of little pedantic shitheads together.
    Y'all are weird

    • 8 months ago

      Sounds like a nice idea, I'll draw that too. Are you skinny or bulky? Or do you want the male character a gray anon? You know, for self-inserting purposes

      • 8 months ago

        I'm not quite strongfat, but I do lift heavy things all day for my job. My head is always cleanly shaved, and I have a thick beard I'm quite proud of.
        Basically, give Argie a beard and make him white.

  69. 8 months ago

    If Red wasn’t a woman people would not give a frick about her videos.

    • 8 months ago

      There's a bunch of cartoon Youtubers that nobody cares about even when they are women.

      • 8 months ago

        list them

    • 8 months ago

      It's the cute artstyle

  70. 8 months ago

    New video


    • 8 months ago

      >Turkish folklore translated into German
      And she's not gonna go on about Christianization?

    • 8 months ago

      >skirts over the greedy israelite

  71. 8 months ago

    Her lovecraft video was fire. Except for the parts where she was complaining about his REEECISM. Like ok yeah......we got it.

    • 8 months ago

      So half of it was fine?

      • 8 months ago

        Yeah. She went full autist for that for no reason other than to clout chase.
        Lovecraft was an alright dude. Not liking blacks doesn't make you any worse of a person than the people who don't like pitbulls. We've seen enough evidence over the course of past 70 years to safely assess a lot of blacks didn't like White People either. And a lot of them were often worse to White People than vice versa.

  72. 8 months ago


  73. 8 months ago

    Would you actually plow Red?

    • 8 months ago

      If she allowed me to, then yes. But that's never gonna happen so it's a useless question to ask anyone here

      • 8 months ago

        Implying you can't make fan art of you plowing her avatar.

        • 8 months ago

          >tfw you know someone that treats text ERP as real sex
          Yes, this individual has only had online relationships and has gone on record stating he had a mental breakdown during his first blowjob.
          Don’t be like that homosexual, anon.

          • 8 months ago

            How did he get a blowjob if it was all online? You mean through hookers?

            • 8 months ago

              He had a meetup with some other Cinemaphilener and they tried to do the sex, and he cried like a b***h when it came down to it. Every other part of his relationship experience is simple sexting that he says is “just like the real thing”.
              he’s one of those “I pay to have my writing published and printed so I call myself a professional artist” types.

  74. 8 months ago

    Isn't this this lady who thinks King Kong is a racist diatribe about black men?

    (Yes, the giant angry gorilla reminds her of a black man lmao)

    • 8 months ago

      King Kong x Red confirmed

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