You know what's funny? The Big Two are basically dead; both fan bases have given up and largely ignore each other.

You know what's funny?
The Big Two are basically dead; both fan bases have given up and largely ignore each other. I seriously can't remember the last time we had a Marvel vs. DC thread.

Black Rifle Cuck Company, Conservative Humor Shirt $21.68

DMT Has Friends For Me Shirt $21.68

Black Rifle Cuck Company, Conservative Humor Shirt $21.68

  1. 9 months ago

    I don't get why people choose sides. It's not like they have more than 100 good comics between them from their entire histories.
    Same goes Euro comics and manga.
    You should learn to appreciate all of them if you want to have enough worthwhile reads to last you more than months, unless you don't mind garbage.

    • 9 months ago

      Op here
      I love good comics and stories I don't give a Frick for who's making them
      But I gotta admit seeing the shizo fans fighting each other was a good time for me because I love laughing at moronation and gayotry that's why I love this site because it gives me an infinite supply of that

    • 9 months ago

      I don't pick sides, I read from all publisher, I read euro and I read japanese. Marvel just has a very small number of good stories.

  2. 9 months ago

    Anything after 2007 became fanfic slop, earlier even.

    • 9 months ago

      Anything after 1984 is fanfic slop for DC.

      Prove me wrong.

      • 9 months ago

        Most of their worthwhile selection is post-1984.

        • 9 months ago

          >batwoman, 52, secret identity, WW, SSS, gaiman

          • 9 months ago

            What about them?

      • 9 months ago

        Name 10 pre-1984 DC stories on the level of Watchmen or The Sandman

    • 9 months ago

      Marvel agonized in the 90's and civil war kill it for good in2006

      DC, had a lot of quality before but the new 52 killed it for good.

    • 9 months ago

      actual fanfics are better written then anything in modern dc/marvel.
      i go to questionable questing,space velocity,space battles for fanfics.
      and the authors are actually doing indepth research for their shit.
      a fan could comment like 21+ pages in about a mistake the author did on chapter 2 and the author will literally do a full rewrite of his or her story just because of that.
      sometimes you have fanfic authors who have never even read the source material outside of fanon and they somehow manage to be more faithful to the material then the average dc/marvel writer.

      • 9 months ago

        >actual fanfics are better written then anything in modern dc/marvel.
        You guys keep saying that shit and dont list one

        • 9 months ago

          Are you actually gonna go and read a fanfic? Just how big of a loser are you?

        • 9 months ago

          JBukharin a good fanfic writer from qq with no life other then writing can literally pick any random setting and do a faithful adaptation without even trying has a signature style of self inserting himself into every story when he’s not interested in the fanfic and it’s commissioned work you can tell as it feels very dry.
          thats one guy there are plenty of others.
          the guy(i’m too lazy to look up his name) doing that definitely not “adam”dxd fanfic has managed to make one of the best english dxd fanfics up to date.(until like every other fanfic writer burnout occurs and the story falls apart or gets abandoned)
          there are plenty of talented fanfic writers who do it for fun and as a hobby.
          any one of them can make an infinitely more interesting story then whatever a modern dc/marvel writer could make.
          lemme see that guy that was doing the plasmid danmachi fic on spacebattles?
          his story was pretty good and far more interesting then the actual danmachi setting but the story got abandoned i believe sadly.
          remember reading a fic with a si who could randomly jump chain lots r trash but this one was fairly unique as the mc was an ordinary human with no system or special lineage or anything other then being able to open any random door and have it lead to another universe/setting.
          the power was kept refreshing since it was random and mc had no real control over it so he couldn’t spam it without worrying about stuff like say opening a doorway to cthulhu and the great ones by accident.
          was actually pretty interesting as author focused on each world and didn’t just rush us through.
          author clearly did some research for the most part.
          first world was touhou and mc was basically a hobo who somehow got into the scarlet mansion and securer a job as a butler got into an ambiguous relationship with patchouli left touhou shortly thereafter during an experiment with patchouli involving his powers.

          • 9 months ago

            continuing on the mc appeared in league of legends in a clusterfrick.
            in maokai’s forest whereever that is.
            as annies tibbers was chasing down lulu.
            mc pulls some aggro from maokai who was awoken from all this chaos onto tibbers and the tree smacks the bear six way’s sunday then mc curtails it out with lulu promises to be her friend then basically lulu becomes the waifu
            ima be honest i literally ONLY cared about the chapters involving lulu.
            idk how but this fanfic author was godlike with his fluff scenes.
            somehow manager to capture the characterization so faithfully its riduculous.
            basically after that arc the fanfic went downhill atleast for me as it was clear author was out of ideas when he started throwing random multiverse conflict and an uninteresting explanation for how the mc was isekaid and obtained his ability to traverse realities.
            honestly i think this is a key failing of many fanfics readers basically don’t want an explanation for why the character was isekaid or obtained his or her powers.
            because most fanfic writers are not talented enough to make the readers care.(that and readers DONT actually need to know at all nor care themselves)
            the best fanfics i’ve read don’t even bother to explain the why.
            anyways only thing i can remember from that fanfic was the lulu interactions.
            i honestly wish that author would just make some lulu romance fanfics and focused on league cuz its obvious his or her talent lied there.

          • 9 months ago

            continuing on the mc appeared in league of legends in a clusterfrick.
            in maokai’s forest whereever that is.
            as annies tibbers was chasing down lulu.
            mc pulls some aggro from maokai who was awoken from all this chaos onto tibbers and the tree smacks the bear six way’s sunday then mc curtails it out with lulu promises to be her friend then basically lulu becomes the waifu
            ima be honest i literally ONLY cared about the chapters involving lulu.
            idk how but this fanfic author was godlike with his fluff scenes.
            somehow manager to capture the characterization so faithfully its riduculous.
            basically after that arc the fanfic went downhill atleast for me as it was clear author was out of ideas when he started throwing random multiverse conflict and an uninteresting explanation for how the mc was isekaid and obtained his ability to traverse realities.
            honestly i think this is a key failing of many fanfics readers basically don’t want an explanation for why the character was isekaid or obtained his or her powers.
            because most fanfic writers are not talented enough to make the readers care.(that and readers DONT actually need to know at all nor care themselves)
            the best fanfics i’ve read don’t even bother to explain the why.
            anyways only thing i can remember from that fanfic was the lulu interactions.
            i honestly wish that author would just make some lulu romance fanfics and focused on league cuz its obvious his or her talent lied there.

            >all tranime gay shit
            See why?

  3. 9 months ago
    The Batman who Poops confirms

    the LACK of consumers is why comics are so shitty now. If no one is reading them then it allows the dumbass writers to do whatever they want no matter how moronic it is.

    • 9 months ago

      They lost consumers because being sustained by disney/Wagner allow to fart any shit they can.

  4. 9 months ago

    You cant scam me that people are buying current marvel

  5. 9 months ago

    Any fandom conflicts were due to a very small subset of fans and creators. Almost all of the readers and damn near all of the creatives read and work for both companies.

  6. 9 months ago

    >fan bases

    There aren't any anymore. There's just collectors. Everyone else left years ago.

  7. 9 months ago
    The Batman who Farts

    No one cares about DC and Marvel anymore. What you see on Cinemaphile is a small group of people who post nonstop day and night and no way reflect the general audience.
    The only morons left are Batcuck shitposters trying to defend their jobber, Spidergays seething over their shit comics, and Supergays non stop complaining about what happened to Jon.

  8. 9 months ago

    I do kind of remember console wars happening a lot, I think everyone is just dead inside watching the ship burn only going back just to outrage, I still feel like ther were at least decent things coming out 2000s and early 2010s, now it's just pretty much dead and buried for the time being

  9. 9 months ago

    I consume it all, comics from everywhere, manga, manwha, anime and cartoons, and I like (and hate) it all equally.

  10. 9 months ago

    I think most people who engaged in that realize those companies don't give a shit about them and they shouldn't care that much to begin with

  11. 9 months ago



  12. 9 months ago

    If Cinemaphile is the only place youre basing this on you are a genuine tard

  13. 9 months ago
    The Batman Who Farts

    I realized that Batman has a sad amount of wins in comics. Like really pathetic wins. No wonder Batgays are insecure and have to spam dark multiverse shit. Mother of pathetic fodder.

  14. 9 months ago

    time to image and idw be the new big two

    • 9 months ago

      Just as shit.

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